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Livelihood edition, April 2015

WWF/T. Ngwene

SAWA UPDATES Gleaning Updates for WWF-Coastal Forests Programme, Cameroon

Civil Society Organization Empower Conservation Cooperatives in the Bakossi Landscape

CAD Coordinator congratulates WEBALEPCO president after signing of MoU and grant agreement

The WWF Cameroon partner CSO for the livelihood

component the Community Action for Development (CAD)
has commenced implementation of the second phase of the
GHoA Civil Society Support Project. After a thorough review of
six Cooperatives business plans that were developed with the
support of WWF in 2013, CAD and WWF further laid down
stringent guidelines to examine the current situation of these
conservation cooperatives and set criteria for grant attribution.
With financial support from WWF Cameroon, CAD applied the
laid down criteria to allocate the sum of 18 million FCFA
(29,787 USD) to support the cooperatives business plans, and
to develop the institutional capacity and technical proposals
for the Cooperatives.

Prior to the grant award, CAD hired the services of a consultant

who facilitated the development of technical and financial
proposals for all the cooperatives, putting them in a more
comfortable position to embark on and expand their green
Income Generating Activities.
A key event prior to the grant disbursement was the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding and grant agreements with two
of six cooperatives. This memorable event took place on the 17
and 18 April 2015 in Mekom and Tombel respectively.
The sum of 4.950.000FCFA (8,191 USD) was awarded to the
Western Bakossi Livestock and Environmental Preservative
Cooperative (WEBALEPCO) and 2.350.000FCFA (3,888 USD)
to the Tombel Conservation and Development Cooperative

CAD Coordinator exchange signed documents with TOCODEC president

It was also an opportunity for both cooperatives to lay the

foundation stone of a pig farm demonstration centre in Mekom
and a central apiary in Tombel respectively. In Mekom like in
Tombel, the Coordinator of CAD Martin Etone, and the WWF
Thematic Leader of the project Theophilus Ngwene, took time to
present grant conditions and the roles of Cooperatives and the
Common Initiative Groups (CIGs) that make up the cooperatives.
These presentations raised key points of discussions and
clarification for a common understanding by all present. Both
events were attended by representatives of partner Ministries, CIG
members and traditional authorities, proof of the incessant
support traditional authorities always give to boost the protection
of natural resources in Protected Areas adjacent to their
As CAD looks forward to organizing a similar exercise for the other
four Cooperatives subsequently, the two beneficiary cooperatives
were extremely excited to commence implementation of their
green Income Generating Activities.
They express much enthusiasm to meetup with competing
markets, attract national and international funding and move their
businesses to the next level. We are happy to receive this huge
support from CAD, the big challenge now is for us to re-strategize
for bigger results the president of TOCODEC asserts.
While CAD is making extra efforts to get more funding from WWF
and other donor agencies to support the cooperatives, the
cooperatives as well as the CIGs, are also encouraged to sort for
additional funding sources to complement these efforts.

Chief Enongene III of Mekom Village

lays Foundation stone for
WEBALEPCO pig farm
demonstration site

Theophilus Ngwene, WWF

Thematic Leader lays
foundation stone for the
TOCODEC central apiary

Dr Forboseh Philip

Janet Molisa Mukoko

Contribution to this
Theophilus Ngwene
Martin Etone (CAD)

For details please

contact :
The Communication &
Knowledge Management

SAWA UPDATES - Livelihood , April 2015

WWF Coastal Forests

WWF-Sweden/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
(SIDA)/Swedish International


1986 Panda symbol WWF World Wide Fund For Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund)
WWF is a WWF Registered Trademark

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