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Everyone is aware about the present devastating and Heart tearing situation In
Nepal . Among all the affected district, Sindhupalchowk is the most hitted place
with death toll reaching 1250 plus alone in the district followed by 1050 of
Kathmandu so far. Earthquake Disaster Management in Sindhupalchowk is an
immediate project launched by Beam of Hope .
This project was brought up with a vision to provide the immediate health service,
food and groceries, Tents and rehabilitation to the victimized population. There are
millions of people who have been affected by this Earthquake and many are dying
due to lack of health facilities, shelter and food. They are at major risk of Epidemic
of communicable disease like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhoid, Swine flu and many
more. The government rescue team is not able to reach there and many are yet to
be rescued. So our target is to reach to the targeted population of THANGPAL,
DHHAP and BHOTANG VDC's of Sindhupalchowk and serves them with
medicines, food, tents and other materials.

Obtain a baseline data on total disaster of the place and provide enough materials
to them.

To provide free and emergency health services with medicines to the targeted
To provide food and groceries to prevent them from starvation .
To provide them with tents, blankets and mosquito nets.
To provide them with awareness knowledge on hygiene and possible
communicable disease.


To provide free general health check up of the targeted population and

provide free medicine after diagnosis of the disease.
To obtain primary data on deformity, damage and disease among the
victimized population.
To distribute food, groceries and piyush to the starving population.
To distribute Tents, Blankets and Mosquito nets along with collection of data.
Encourage people about maintaining personal hygiene by conducting
awareness program.
To identify their basic needs and make preparations for further support.


Fund collection through different fund raising activities and donations.

Contact with the wholesale distributors of materials to be distributed.
Talk to the doctors and make a team of doctors.
Training to the volunteers and work division.
Collect Medicines according to the disease prevalence of the place.


Arrange the transportation and hygienic food and accommodation of the

working team.
Buy as much materials as we can from our budget.

Proposed Activities:
First of all, we have identified the most affected VDC's of Sindhupalchowk by
Earthquake. THANGPAL, DHHAP and BHOTANG are the VDC's with maximum
disaster and damage. We will find out the total victimized population and buy
materials accordingly.
The Red Cross team, local youth clubs and social workers etc will be identified. They
will be contacted and informed about the project. Information about Feasibility,
necessity and estimated number of health seekers of the place are calculated.
Secondary data collection of Sindhupalchowk from Nepal Police force and various
News channels in Kathmandu valley covering the news of Sindhupalchowk will then
be obtained.
The program will be conducted for 2 days for in first phase and we will revisit in
second phase. Most of the doctors will be MBBS doctors and few of them could be
Resident doctors as per the need in the region. Others will be volunteers to provide
Real victims will be identified in support of Red Cross and distribution campaign will
be started.
The main purpose of the project will be to help each and every affected population
and provide them with maximum support we can contribute.
A meeting is held with participating local youth clubs, volunteers and social activists
of the places for feedback and further needs.

Detailed Plan of Action:

Phase I: Project Initial phase

Target project site: 3

Average number of victims: 10,000

Total number of expected volunteers (2 medical students, 4 doctors, 4 non

medical volunteers) for the project: 10
Here is the estimated budget for the materials we will distribute.

Since Beam of Hope will provide us with basic medicines for the initiation also we
have been collecting medicines from different pharmaceuticals, we have not listed
the cost of medicines, but we may have to buy it in continuation phase.
Here is the estimated budget of the cost the volunteering team needs for travel
food and accommodation.

Hence the total estimated budget for the project comes out to be $ 7050 for the
initiation phase which will be followed by Continuation phase.
Phase II: Project Continuation phase
The continuation phase will be launched for the unreached victims in the initial
phase. We will do a basic survey on their urgent need and will call for another team
of volunteers with the materials immediately.
The costing of the continuation phase will depend upon the demand of the victims
and analysis by our team.
Phase III: Project evaluation

There will be an evaluation of the project at the end of the project. Report of the
project will be made. It will be kept as a record of the project and will be submitted
to the donor organization on demand.

Contact details:
Phone no: +9779849180989

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