DROPS Design Shrug

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DROPS Design

DROPS 101-10

by DROPS Design

" - Youthful and romantic. Makes your old jeans look

super !"
DROPS shrug knitted in lace pattern with Vivaldi
and Cotton Viscose.
Size: S - M/L - XL/XXL
See measure chart below - all measurements in chart
measured from side to side in cm.
Materials: DROPS Vivaldi from Garnstudio
100 g (2 skeins) for all sizes, color no. 24, light violet
and use: DROPS C otton Viscose from Garnstudio
50 g (1 skein) for all sizes, color no. 21 lavender
DROPS circular needle size 6 mm / US 10 or size needed
to obtain the correct knitting gauge.
DROPS crochet hook size 3 mm / C
Max prices as of 08.10.2012:
DROPS VIVALDI - 8.00 USD per 50 g
DROPS C OTTON VISC OSE - 4.35 USD per 50 g
DROPS 101-10

Average yarn cost: 20.35 USD

Atte ntion! In patte rns that use m ore than two yarns, the
calculation is inaccurate .
All yarns are DR O PS yarns. C olor charts and update d
re taile r lists at www.garnstudio.com

DROPS 140-143, DROPS Interior 144 & KidsDROPS 23 is

now out in the stores!
DROPS collection Fall / Winter 2012/2013 presents in 6 catalogs with many
trendy news in this season's color palette! The four women catalogs, an Interior
C atalog and a KidsDROPS are now out in our retail stores. The catalogs are
printed in a limited edition and can of course be purchased without yarn if you
wish.Visit your yarn shop, make sure to get your copies and get inspiration for
the following year's projects! Enjoy! See all new DROPS catalogs here!

Do you ne e d he lp? Tak e a look at our vide o tutorials e n www.garnstudio.com /lang/us/vide o.php

Decrease - SKP
Decrease K2tog (knit 2 together)
Increase with yo (yarn over)
Knitting gauge: 15 sts x 21 rows on needles size 6 mm / US 10 with Vivaldi in stockinette sts = 10 x
10 cm / 4'' x 4''.
Knitting tips: Make sure when binding off or increasing that the number of yo equals the number of
sts knitted tog.
Pattern: See diagrams M.1 and M.2. The diagrams are seen from the RS.
he work is knitted back and forth in 2 separate parts, i.e. from the bottom of the sleeve to the
middle of the back. The 2 parts are sewn tog.



DROPS Design

Right side: C ast on 56-56-68 sts (incl. of 1 edge st each side) on circular needles size 6 mm / US 10
with Vivaldi.
Work following chart M.1 with 1 edge st each side.
Work the next row as follows from the RS: 1 edge st, K3, M.2A(=6 sts), M.2B over the following 3636-48 sts, M2C (=7 sts), K2 and then 1 edge st.
C ontinue the pattern like this. At the same time when the piece measures 14 cm / 5'' inc. 1 st each
side on every 8-4-3.5 cm a total of 3-6-6 times = 62-68-80 sts work new sts in stockinette sts.
When the piece measures 35-35-34 cm insert 1 marker each side.
C ontinue in pattern but at the same time bind off and inc new sts on every row knitted from the RS
as follows - see knitting tips above:
At the beginning of row bind off 8 sts 1 time and then 1 st 23 times at the same time inc. 1 st at
the end of row 7-12-12 times incorporate the new sts plus the 3-6-6-sts inc earlier in pattern as
you go along.
After all increases and the bind offs are complete = 38-49-61 sts on row.
C ontinue until the piece measures 59-61-63 cm. Put the sts on a stitch holder.
Left side: C ast on and knit as right side but read the diagrams from left towards the right so the
work becomes mirrored.
Assembly: Sew the sleeve seams inside the edge st up to the MT. Sew the work tog mid back with
small grafting sts.
Lace border:
Pick up 176-192-208 sts along the opening of the shrug (i.e. up along the right side, at the nape of
the neck, down along the left side and along the bottom back) on circular needle size 6 mm / US 10
with Vivaldi.
P 1 round and K 1 round.
Then work Rib with lace pattern as follows:
1st round: *yo, K2 tog, yo, P2*, repeat from *-*.
2nd to 5th round: *K3, P2*, repeat from *-*.
Repeat round 1 to 5 a total of 2 times.
C ontinue with 1 round as follows:
*K3, yo, P2 tog, yo*, repeat from *-*.
Bind off loosely make sure the edge doesnt become too tight when binding off.
C rochet edge:
C rochet with hook size 3 mm / C with C otton Viscose around the sleeves and around the lace edge
as follows: 1 sc in the first st, *ch 3, 1 sc in the next st*, repeat from *-* and finish with a sl st in the
sc from beginning of round.

DROPS Max Prices - Your guarantee of a great purchase!

We know that you invest a lot of time and effort in your knitting projects. When you
choose to use our patterns, it is therefore a pleasure for us to provide you with
affordable quality yarn that ensures a great result. As Northern Europe's largest brand
of hand knitting yarns and designs, we have unique opportunities to work with the very
best raw materials and make savings that benefit you. That's why you can buy DROPS yarn 20-30%
cheaper than similar products!
Nordic Mart

Explanation to pattern diagram

= K from the R S and P from the W S
= P from the R S and K from the W S
= m ak e yo




DROPS Design
= K2 tog.
= Slip 1 st as if to k nit, K1, psso
= Slip 1 st as if to k nit, K2 tog, psso

Diagram for DROPS 101-10

W e tak e pride in providing k nitting and croche t patte rns that are corre ct and e asy to unde rstand. All
patte rns are translate d from Norwe gian and you can always che ck the original patte rn for
m e asure m e nts and calculations. All patte rns are care fully re vie we d, but we m ak e re se rvation for
possible m istak e s. In the case of discre pancie s ple ase post your re m ark in "k nitting he lp" or contact
your local Garnstudio re taile r.

C opyright 2011 DR O PS DESIGN. W e re se rve all rights.

This docum e nt, including all its sub-se ctions, has copyrights.
R e ad m ore about this by click ing on the "C opyright" link on the foote r of our we bsite .



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