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Advantages: Government Jobs Vs Private Sector Jobs

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10 Advantages Of Government Jobs Over Private Sector

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in employment, India, Indians, Trends

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June 22, 2014 38 Comments

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[Last Update June 2014]

For most middle class Indians, there has been one perpetual dilemma whether to go for a priv ate
sector job or the gov ernment sector job. In last couple of decades priv ate sector jobs came in v ogue,
before which Gov ernment job was the ultimate prize for a job seek er.
Look s lik e we are back to the times where Gov ernment jobs are starting to get attractiv e again. This
article here discusses the adv antages of the gov ernment jobs ov er priv ate sector jobs.
A lthough the gov ernment jobs hav e often been seen as the one with relativ ely lesser monetary benefits
but with the adv ent of 6th pay commission, the scenario has changed for good.
Earlier, Indians were more inclined towards the priv ate sector jobs, but now, the belief in public sectors
jobs ev en by the y oung generation is increasing.

Advantages of Government Sector Jobs over Private

1.) Job Security
The biggest adv antage of Gov ernment job is Job Security.
Priv ate sectors are prone to lay offs and we hav e v ery well witnessed such lay offs in the past during the
time of recession. W hereas, in gov ernment sectors the situation of the employ ees more or less remained
same and the job positions remained intact.

2.) Pay Structure

Now the next significant factor would that be of the pay structure, as it is a v ery important factor for
any job-searching indiv idual. A fter the introduction of the 6th pay commission, the pay , which a
gov ernment employ ee gets, is in par with the corporate sector and I dont think that y ou would hav e
any thing to complain about here!!

3.) Working Hours

Personally I think the next factor an employ ee would scratch his head ov er is of the number of
work ing hours he / she has to input and that is a big plus ov er priv ate sector. In gov ernment sector
jobs, there are standard work ing hours, unlik e priv ate sector ones, where an indiv idual has to do
ov ertime against ones wishes (many time without any benefits as well). A nd if at all situation demands a
gov ernment employ ee to do ov ertime, then he / she is entitled to attractiv e ov ertime benefits.

4.) Promotions
A n important factor, which any job seek er would tak e in account, is the promotional benefits. In
gov ernment jobs, promotion is alway s based on the serv ice period hence, the longer y ou work , and
higher are the promotional opportunities. O bv iously , this can be called as adv antage as well as
disadv antage because for someone who is abov e av erage may not be able to grow faster than his
av erage counterparts

5.) Benefits & Perks

Next comes the benefit & perk s a Gov ernment employ ee gets. For gov ernment jobs, many benefits

31-03-2015 15:33

Advantages: Government Jobs Vs Private Sector Jobs

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such as retirement benefits, pension plans and funds exist moreov er benefits such as medical, housing,
loans, childcare etc. are also av ailable. W hile some large priv ate sector companies do offer such benefits,
majority of them dont offer except for mandatory ones.
Retirement becomes a factor and in the later part of our career and the retirement age of 60 y ears and
in some cases of 58 y ears ensures longev ity of an indiv iduals career.

6.) Work Stress

Gov ernment sector jobs are not at all stressful when compared to the jobs in priv ate sector. The work
load in gov ernments jobs ev en if high would hav e more than enough time frame to complete it in the
best manner possible unlik e that of priv ate sector jobs.
A nd here are some additional ones as well.
7.) More facilities Gov ernment jobs prov ide more facilities lik e internet, telephone subscription,
LTC . W hile the quality of the serv ices is debateable, it is nonetheless and adv anatge
8.) Inevitable salary increment In gov ernment jobs your salary will increase which will have
no correlation with your performance. W hile it is great if y ou are hard-work ing, increments happen
whether are not y ou perform. So, for ov er-achiev ers, it may be actually a dis-adv antage, but if y ou are
an av erage performer, this is great.
9.) More holidays There are more Gov ernment holiday s in Gov ernment jobs compared to priv ate
sector. In addition y ou also hav e a 5 day work week . To add to all this, y ou also hav e certain amount
of paid holiday s in a y ear.
10.) Respect - If y ou are a gov ernment employ ee then y ou will get respect from a subset of
gov ernment employ ees and people because of y our position and power.
To conclude, the main benefits of work ing with gov ernment organizations is the reputation associated
with it on a whole as well as the numerous opportunities coming up in recent times due to stellar growth
of Indian Economy .
A lso, I would lik e to highlight that Priv ate Sector jobs do hav e their own adv antages as well, and in
many cases a Gov ernment job may not be right for an indiv idual.
Would love to hear your comments on this!
[This is a guest post has been contributed by Vaibhav Deshpande ]



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31-03-2015 15:33

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