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CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST NAME _ Date Exam Given: Place Exam Giver: PLEASE MARK YOUR ANSWER ON THE LINE WITH THE CORESPONDING QUESTION. 1. Oxidation end reduction reactions occur simultaneously and at the some rat ” A TRUE B. FALSE 2 UNS numbers RO7001 - RO7999 relate to rhenium and its alloys 2) A. TRUE B. FALSE 3. Prior to performing a cathodic protection field survey, 3) ‘one should attempt to determine A. Location of structure B. Ifthe structure is coated C. Location of test points D. Allof the above 4 ASTM.G48 concems the preparation of test specimens for 4) evaluating stress corrasion cracking A TRUE B. FALSE. A. TRUE, B. FALSE SF 5 Hydrazina is an oxygen scavenging corosion inhibitor >» £ 6 Acommon galvanic anode material is 6) A. Silver B. Nickel ©. Zine D. None of the above. 7 Reteplable connection metnods for copper wre 7 bonded to ste! pipe include A. Soft soldering B. Power welding ©. Phos-capper brazing D. Alaf the above. ‘April, 1999 1 tof 16 8 9 10 1" 12 13 14 18 ‘CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST NAME Date Exam Given. Piece Exam Given Corrosion rates, expressed as "W" (weight loss) are determined using the following relationship WeaiT/ nF A TRUE BL FALSE, ‘The E log i criterion assumes Tafel behavior » _ A. TRUE B FALSE ‘Aluminum anodes are used more than zine anades is sea water 10) _ @ application because of the greater ampere-hour per pound capacity of aluminum A. TRUE * B. FALSE What current would arise if the IR drop in 2 6 4 ohm resistor is 2.24 mV ” © A 038 ma, B. 14,36 amps ©. 2.857 mA Locaiized corrosion would nat be expected if copper is boited 12) _@ to carbon steel sheet A TRUE B. FALSE ‘Tne graphite associated with graphite anodes is 2 crystalline material 13) _ A. TRUE 8. FALSE The effects of corrosion include a) Cost Safely ‘Appearance All ofthe above poe> Corrosion may be controlled by 15) @ ‘A. Cathodic protection B. Protective coatings . Materials selection D, Allof the above 1999 fe aot 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: Corrosion of stee! may be affected by A, The electrolyte B, Cathodefanode area ratio C. Both of the above 1D. None of the above ‘Which of the foliowing metais would be most likely to be used as a sacrificial anor A. Aluminum B. Copper ' C. Lead D. Siver Chemical salts may contabute to the corrosion process by A. Acting as anodes B. Acting as cathodes C. Accelerating the flow of elections in the metalic pathway ©. Combining with water to form an electrolyte ‘The following is an anodic reaction: Fe + 2H20 (FeO? + 3H + 26. A TRUE 8. FALSE Ci-based paints have excellent resistance to oxidation A TRUE B. FALSE ‘The green patina that forms on copper exposed to industrial atmospheres is a protective cotrosion product A TRUE ® FALSE Using a copper-copper sulfate electrode as # reference. adequate cathodic protection will usually be attained if he structure to electrolyte potential is at least A. 0.65 volts B. 0.75 volts ©. -0.85 vols D. -0.95 volts HK steels are heat-resistant cast alloys April, 1999 ' NAME: Place Exam Given, _ 18) 1) p 20) 2 _ 22)_@p 2) _ @ 3of 16 25 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: A. TRUE B. FALSE Complete the following: "A __?___retards corrosion when added to an environment in small concentrations ‘A, Corrosion probe B. Corrosion inhibitor ©. Cortosion monitor The 17-4PH alloy is a precipitation hardening stainless steel A TRUE B, FALSE Aotil, 1999 1 NAME Place Exam Given’ 2 _ @ 25) _ Ae 40h 16 26 a 28 29 30 3 22 33 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Cate Exam Given: Abholiday in the coating may result from ‘A. Penetration by growing roots B. Bacteria ©. Excessive mechanical stress D. Allof the above Gold and platinum are not nobie metals A TRUE ey B. FALSE ‘Which of the following materials may be used as impressed current anodes. A Graphite B. Scrap stee! . Iron oxide D. Allof ine above NACE International 1M0172 concerns abrasive cleaning of steels A TRUE B. FALSE 5 microns is how many Angstroms. © A 500 B. 5000 cc. 80000 Ina cathodic process ‘A. Oxygen reduction occurs B. Metal ion reduction occurs , Netal deposition occurs, D. Allof the above In ofder to reduce IR drop error in pipe-to-soil potential measurements, the reference electrode should be located remote from the structure A. TRUE B. FALSE The following is @ cathodic reaction. Cur+ +28. = Cu A TRUE B. FALSE April, 1999 NAME, Place Exam Given: 20) 30) 2) _ 2) % 2) _@ Sof te 34 ES 36 2 39 40 a 42 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: Knife fine attach is a term used to descnbe localzed corrosion along the cutting edge of cutlery stec! A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘A duplex stainless steel displays @ balanced composition - Veet of ferrite and cementite nest plz A, TRUE 8. FALSE ‘Sweet and "sour" are terms used to describe CO2 ‘and 12S oilfield conditions A, TRUE B. FALSE ‘Copper contusion products are often aren in color A. TRUE B. FALSE 38) E-i diagrams are attributed to Marcel Poubax A TRUE, 8. FALSE Bare spots in hot dip galvanized items can be caused by excess aluminum in the hot dip bath A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘Some foam formulations may contain potentially hazardous products such 38 notresamines, isocyanates, formaldehyde A. TRUE y B. FALSE A pressurized alrtess spray uri should never be tett unattended a, TRUE B. FALSE ‘The fluid hose of an aitless spray unit should always be grounded Apil, 4999 i NAME: Place Exam Given: 34) 3) 26) _ a) @ 2 _ @ 3)__ @ 40) ay _ 42)_ @ 6 of 16 43 44 45 46 at 48 49 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: A. TRUE B. FALSE Type 1 magnetic thickness gages are used to measure the thickness of coatings applied to non-metallic substrates A. TRUE B. FALSE Overspray is much more pronounced with electrostatic spray equipment than with conventional airspray equipment A. TRUE B. FALSE A unfavorable galvanic couple can result if titanium is used to plug Type 304 stainless steel sheet A. TRUE B. FALSE Rate of corrosion may depend on A. Galvanic effects B. Polarization C. Concentration call effects D. Allof the above Tin melts at about 330° C (625° F) A. TRUE B. FALSE The rate of corrosion in underground environments can be affected by A. Aeration a) B. Electrical resistivity C. Bacteria D. Alllof the above Material standards prefixed by "DIN" refer to codes from Denmark A. TRUE B. FALSE Chromates and nitrites are specific types of anodic inhibitors April, 1999 1 NAME: Place Exam Given: 7) _ a) @& a) _ € 50) & Toft 16 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST NAME: Date Exam Given: = Place Exam Given: A. TRUE 8. FALSE April, 1999) 1 8of 16 RR E at 82 53 54 55 58 (CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: siderite is iron carbonate (FeCO3) A TRUE 8 FALSE Graphite is selectively corroded from gray cast iron during graphitization A TRUE B. FALSE ASTM G 48 describes how to evaluate pitting corrosion A. TRUE B. FALSE Urethane has good to excellent resistance to chemicals, weather, abrasion and oxidation A TRUE B. FALSE Select the current if 2 potential difference of 28.45 mV is applied to 186 ofyns A. 0.183 mA B. 183 mA ©. 153mv D186 ‘A common problem with the operation of impressed current cathodic protection systems is power outages A TRUE B. FALSE Corrosion inhibitors ean be used in conjunction with cathodic protection A. TRUE B. FALSE Apt, 1999 NAME: Place Exam Given: 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 901 15 58 60 60 61 62 6 64 65 66 “CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: MAME Place Exam Given: Pearite is a mixture of ferrite and cementite 58) A. TRUE 8. FALSE Magnetite is Fe804 59) A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘What is missing from the following free energy equation °G = -n 60) R, Reynoids number F, Faradays constant S, Shenwoods number T, Tafle constant pomp Stee! structures polarize more ready in aerated soils 6) than soils containing small amounts of oxygen A TRUE B. FALSE ‘The halt-cell potential forms part of the Nernst Equation 62) A. TRUE B. FALSE Impingement damage by sea water might be expected in 63) copper tube ifthe flaw rate is 10 fVsec (3 m/sec) A. TRUE B. FALSE Filiform corrosion may occur 64) A. Beneath coatings B. Above coatings . Within coatings without the use of inhititors D. Allof the above UNS C4500 is commonly known as red brass 65) A. TRUE 8. FALSE ‘The principal types of epoxy resins used for corrosion 66) April, 1999 10016 or 69 70 mn 2 73 7% - CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: resistant coating are based on the condensation of bisphenol A and epichloronystin A TRUE B. FALSE Loss of molybdenum is possible when nickel-moiybdenuin alloys are exposed to high temperature oxidation in oxygen or air A, TRUE 8. FALSE nthe context of stress-related cracking, "HIC" refers to "High Iron Content” A. TRUE 8. FALSE ‘Ametal loss stated in gim2/nr is proportional to corrosion current density A TRUE B FALSE ‘A weak acid has a large ionization constant A TRUE B FALSE ‘The Cu-CusO4 reference electrode is relatively insensitive to ambient temperature changes in soil A. TRUE B. FALSE Nitrate and carbonate solutions do not generally result in stress corrosion cracking of carbon steels that are under tensile stress A, TRUE 8. FALSE Type 304L Stainless stee! is coded as UNS $30403 A, TRUE B. FALSE Would coat tar epoxy be a good recommendation to use April, 1999 1 NAME Place Exam Given: 67) 68) 69) 70) 7) 72) 73) 74) 11 0f 16 75 -CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given: ‘over an existing coating of chlorinated rubber A. TRUE 8. FALSE ‘The galvanic series for many engineering materials is ‘commonly tabulated using sulfuric acid A. TRUE B. FALSE April, 1999 ' NAME: Place Exam Given: 75) 120f 16 76 7 78 79 at + CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given ‘The anode of a corrosion cell is the more postive half cell A. TRUE B. FALSE Titanium is used to stabilize austenitic stainless steels A. TRUE B FALSE In most corrosion situations, _2__in temperature is ‘accompanied by an increase in corrosion rate A Adecrease B. Anincrease . Neither, corrosion rate remains constant regardiess of tem D. None of the above Sacrificial coatings use a metal (usually _?_ jwhich 1s___2_ to the surface to be protected ‘A. Copper, cathodic B. Zinc, anodic ©. Zinc, cathodic D. Non@ af the above ‘A 1020 carbon steel contains about 0,30-0.60 manganese AC TRUE 8. FALSE Correct surface preparation _?_ adhesion of a coating to the substrate ‘A. Increases BReduces ©. Does net affect D. None of the above April, 1999 ’ NAME: __ Place Exam Given: 7) 80) 81) 13.0116 82 83 84 86 87 88 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST NAME: Date Exam Given’ Place Exam Given’ Laminar pigments have shaped particles 82) ‘A Needle B. Nodular . Plate D. None of the above Volatile content may be expressed a5 83) ‘A. Weight percent B. Volume percent ©. Both of the above D. None of the above H2S "poisons" the reaction of hydrogen atoms to form molecular hydrogen 84) A TRUE B. FALSE Pourbaix diagrams provide an approximate value of corrosion rate 85) A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘Magnesium may be prone to liquid metal embrittlement by molten Zinc 86) A TRUE B. FALSE Coatings and electrical shields may reduce stray current effects 87) A TRUE B FALSE corr the corrosion current, cannct be measured directly 88) A TRUE 8. FALSE Rapid scaling can be expected when carbon steel is 89) heated above 6002C (10502) in air A. TRUE 8. FALSE NAGE Standard MRO175 relates to cancidate materials 90) April, 1908) 14016 1 92 93 34 95 96 a7 98 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST NAME: Date Exam Given, Place Exam Given: suitable for use in sour (hydrogen sulfide} oi field conditions, A TRUE B FALSE Ecort the corrosion potential, can be measured directly 91) using voltammeter and a reference electrode A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘The current density around a cylindrical anode mcreases £2) with increasing distance from the anode A. TRUE B. FALSE AA salt bridge of KCI Jelly is used in reference electrodes 93) to minimize ionic contamination A TRUE B. FALSE ‘The following is a cathodic reaction: 02 + 2H20 + de. 24) A. TRUE B. FALSE ‘The transpassive region is a portion of the anodic 95) polarization curve for stainless steel A. TRUE, B. FALSE Austenitic stainless stee's are normally non-magnetic 96) A TRUE 8. FALSE Cold working can result in a residual stress that can 97) contribute to stress corrosion cracking in cettain specifie environments A TRUE B FALSE tis not important to place rectifiers where they can be easily 98) reached for service April, 1999 i 180116 100 CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST Date Exam Given’ A. TRUE 8. FALSE Zinc and magnesium are located at the “active” end of the galvanic series A TRUE B. FALSE ‘The maximum solubilty of carbon in austenite is approximately ‘ice that in ferite A TRUE B. FALSE Apail, 1999 1 NAME Place Exam Given: 89) 100) 16of 16

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