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dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

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Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported)

I bought a computer with Windows 8 Pre-Installed, but I didn't like Windows 8, so I decided to install Ubuntu as a second operating system.
I'm absolutely new to Linux. I have been using Windows for all my life, but I have read about Ubuntu (and Linux in general) and I think I'll like it,
so I wanted to know how to install Ubuntu on my PC with a Pre-Installed Windows 8 on it.
Can I do it with Wubi or through the Live USB/DVD?
What steps do I need to take to correctly install Ubuntu?


edited 2 days ago



community wiki
25 revs, 15 users 19%

25 Warning: As of today Canonical advices to not use WUBI in relation with Windows 8. More on this: Rinzwind Apr 11 '13 at 12:00

@minerz029, Hi friend, I have edited your question to make it more general in regards to dual booting with
Windows 8. Luis 2 days ago

8 Answers
Before explaining the steps to do it I want to be clear that I have tried many ways of installing
Ubuntu (Or any other distro for that matter) from within Windows 8. No luck. Microsoft Windows
really created a big mess for all Linux distributions. If you have a pre-installed Windows 8 system,
you will probably never be able to install Ubuntu or any other OS in the normal (LiveCD/LiveUSB) or
Wubi way. This is because Windows 8 introduced several new features, of which 2 are:
UEFI which substitutes what we have known as the BIOS (an alternative to)
Secure Boot which prevents anything but the installed operating system, in this case Windows
8 from booting. This is no longer the case for Ubuntu since 12.04.2
On a further note I want to mention something about Secure Boot taken from the UEFI Wiki
Sec ureBoot
"Secure Boot" is a new UEFI feature that appeared in 2012, with Windows 8 preinstalled computers.
Ubuntu supports this feature starting with 12.10 64 bit ( see this article) and 12.04.2 64 bit, but as
PCs implementing support for it have only become widespread at the end of 2012 it is not yet
widely tested, so it's possible that you may encounter problems booting Ubuntu under Secure Boot.
IMP ORTANT: If you do find a bug, please file a bug report against the shim package in Ubuntu,
preferably using the command:
ubuntu-bug shim

once you've installed with Secure Boot disabled. As mentioned by slangasek :

It is not required to disable SecureBoot in the firmware to install Ubuntu on a Windows 8
machine. Ubuntu 12.04.2 and 12.10 are SecureBoot-compatible. Any machine that ships with the
recommended Microsoft Third-Party Marketplace keys in firmware will be able to boot Ubuntu
under SecureBoot. If there is any problem file a launchpad bug for the shi m package.
So with all of this said, installing Ubuntu via WUBI is not doable (not recommended at least from
me), things like trying to boot for example with the Windows 8 bootloader are not possible right
now unless something changes in the future (There are also some bugs related to this in launchpad,
like the one mentioned by bcbc ). Apart from this, WUBI does not work from within Windows 8 if you



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

have UEFI with a GPT Partition (Not MS-DOS type partition). Pleas read Does UEFI support mean
Wubi will now work on laptops shipped with Windows 8? for more information.
Not only that, but trying to install 32 bit Ubuntu is impossible. You need the 64 bit version for
everything to work correctly. Read more about Wubi in Can I install Ubuntu inside Windows?
The following is a small guide to install Ubuntu with a Pre-Installed Windows 8 system. The steps
HAVE TO BE done in the precise order I mention them here to get everything started. If a step is
skipped or done before another, you will most likely end up with some of the problems mentioned
at the bottom of this guide.
For the time, you need to do it via a LiveCD, LiveDVD or LiveUSB, assuming (actually requiring) you
have the following points:
You are using a 64-bit version of at least Ubuntu 12.04.2. 32-bit versions will not work.
Your system came with Windows 8 pre-installed (And you do not want to delete it)
You are not installing Ubuntu inside of Windows 8 but rather alongside of it. Inside of it is
impossible because it needs Wubi which is unsupported.
Your system has UEFI activated (And can not be disabled) with Secure Boot.
You have already created a free space for Ubuntu from within Windows 8 with at least 8 GB (I
recommend to leave at least 20 GB or so, so you can test the hell out of it).
You made sure that you actually have free space left on the drive to create the needed
partitions and you also made sure that you did not have all primary partitions used (In case of
using an MS-DOS Scheme) because this will create a problem with the Ubuntu installer
showing you only the "Replace Windows" option instead of the "Alongside Windows" option.
You know how to burn a LiveCD, LiveDVD or LiveUSB from within Windows 8. If not, look for
Windows apps that can do that for you. I do mine in another PC with Ubuntu ^^.
Windows 8 was not shutdown in either Hibernation mode or any other mode ('fast start-up'
which is by default on Windows 8) that leaves it on a saved state. Shutdown Windows 8 in the
normal way, with the shutdown option. This will prevent other problems related to this from
appearing. Read the bottom ( TROU BLESHOOT ) of this answer for more information
regarding this point.
You are installing on an MS-DOS type disk scheme (You can only have 4 primary partitions as
opposed to GPT Scheme) which has at least 1 Free Primary Partition. Remember that if you are
already using 4 Primary Partitions no partitions will appear on the Ubuntu installer since there
are no more Primary partitions left to use (MS-DOS type partitions are limited to 4 Primary
ones, GPT are limited to 128). This happens a lot on many laptops that come with 4 pre-created
primary partitions. If you are installing on a GPT type partition and want it to boot, you need to
leave UEFI enabled.
Before we start we need to do the following:
Run c ompmgmt .msc on Windows 8. From there on, create a partition with enough size. Note that I
mention creating this F ROM Windows 8 because I have had cases where doing the partition from
the LiveUSB rendered Windows 8 unbootable, even after doing a boot repair. So to remove that
problem or have a greater chance of removing it (Or simply skipping the problem altogether) and
making sure both systems work, partition your hard drive from within Windows 8 first.
Now follow this steps to have a working Windows 8 + Ubuntu installed on your system:

Windows 8 + Ubuntu
We first need to know with what type of motherboard options we are dealing with. Open a terminal
(By going to the start menu and typing powershell for example) and run the terminal as an
Administrator (Right Click the app that will show in the start menu and select Run as
Administrator). Now type Confirm-SecureBootUEFI. This can give you 3 results:
True - Means your system has Secure boot and is Enabled
F alse - Means your system has Secure boot and is Disabled
C mdlet not support ed on t hi s plat form - Means your system does not support Secure boot and
most likely you do not need this guide. You can install Ubuntu by simply inserting the LiveCD or
LiveUSB and doing the installation procedure without any problems.
If you have it Enabled and have the necessary partitioning done then we can proceed with this
guide. After booting into Windows 8 we go to the power off options and while holding the SHIFT
key, click on Rest art .



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

(This is a really old trick on most Windows, even since Windows 3.1 where you hold a key to do
something special when rebooting)
Windows 8 will show you a totally different restart window:

When you get the menu above, select Troubleshoot

You will then get the following options:

Select U EF I F i rmware Set t i ngs

NOTE - In the Spanish version of Windows 8, the option for U EF I F i rmware Set t i ngs is not
available in several laptops, tested Lenovo, HP and Acer. They do have an option to boot the
computer and another custom menu will appear which lets you do a couple of things. In the case of
Lenovo you will not have an option to install Ubuntu with Windows 8, the only option is to remove



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

Windows 8 completely.
The system will reboot and you will be allowed to go to the BIOS (If not press the appropriate key,
some common are DEL , F2 or F10 ).
In this part I can't help much since each BIOS is different for each Motherboard model. There are 2
options you can take here, both of which are optional since Ubuntu might install without any
problems at all. You can either look for an option to di sable Sec ure Boot or an option to di sable
U EF I . In some cases you will be able to find both, it will show in the BIOS as an option called Sec ure
Boot or Enable U EF I .
If you find this options, then depending if you can not install Ubuntu with Secure Boot enable then
disable Secure Boot (Remember to report this as a bug using ubuntu-bug shim), to be able to still
stay in UEFI mode and also be able to Boot with Ubuntu. In some motherboards, this will be the only
option you actually need to change and also will be the only option you see related to UEFI because
they will not offer the possibility to disable UEFI.
I would also like to mention an important note here. If you happen to install Ubuntu in Legacy Mode
(No SecureBoot) you might have problems booting both, Windows and Ubuntu at the same time
since they will both not appear on a Dual-Boot Menu. If you have Windows on UEFI for example and
you install Ubuntu on Legacy Mode, you will only be able to boot to Ubuntu on a Legacy Mode and
Windows on an UEFI Mode.
So before proceeding, make sure that you are installing Ubuntu with the same boot options as
Windows. This way you will be able to choose which one to boot from in the same boot menu and
not worry if one will work or not. From the Ubuntu UEFI Guide you can see that there is a section
that teaches you how to know if you actually installed Ubuntu in the same Boot setup as Windows
(UEFI Mode):
An Ubuntu installed in EFI mode can be detected the following way:
its /etc/fstab file contains an EFI partition (mount point: /boot/efi)
it uses the grub-efi bootloader (not grub-pc)
from the installed Ubuntu, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) then type the following
[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in EFI mode" || echo "Installed in
Legacy mode"

So if you have ANY dual boot problems, this could be the problem. Please read the Ubuntu UEFI
Guide since it covers various ways on solving Dual boot problems and converting Ubuntu to Legacy
or EFI mode. I have already tested this with various Ask Ubuntu members that helped me apart from
2 Laptops I was provided with for the testing. This should then solve any Dual Boot problems related
to Windows 8 + Ubuntu, but I again encourage anyone with problems (same or new) to file a bug
report as mentioned above. The Ubuntu Developers are working very hard in providing an easy to
install solution for all cases and this is one of the top priorities.
Continuing with the guide, in other motherboards that do offer the possibility to disable UEFI which
would completely eliminate UEFI and Secure Boot on it and boot in the normal BIOS like way, if you
find this is the way you want (To have a UEFI free computer and not face any of the problems
related to this) then by all means do it. I for one have tested the Intel DZ68DB and did both case
studies. Remember that doing so will make the Dual Boot process not work in almost all cases you
will be left with a system that either Boot Windows in UEFI or Boots Ubuntu in Legacy.
With that in mind, remember to also select the Boot Order to make sure that it boots either your
CDROM, DVDROM or USB Drive so you can boot from your Live Ubuntu image after rebooting.
Some poi nt s we should c onsi der before c ont i nui ng:
1. If Windows 8 was installed with UEFI enabled, it is highly recommended to stay in UEFI,
although if you still want to disable it for specific reasons you can, GRUB will create the
bootable part for Windows 8. But if you do disable UEFI and want to access Windows 8
afterwards (before installing Ubuntu), it will not work since the boot part for Windows 8 needs
UEFI (Again the Dual Boot problem).
2. If you only disable Secure Boot, there is no problem in some cases. You are only disabling the
part that creates the most problem between Windows and Linux, which is the one that
prevents Ubuntu from booting correctly. In either case, I encourage you to first try to install
Ubuntu with UEFI/Secureboot, since in most cases it will work. if you disable any of them and
install Ubuntu, you might not be able to boot to Windows 8 afterwards through the GRUB Boot
Now before saving, some motherboards offer a Boot Mode option. Verify that this option is not
pointing to U EF I Boot but instead to C SM Boot (Compatibility Support Module) which provides



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

support for Legacy BIOS like systems.

Other systems offer a U EF I Boot option you can enable or disable. Depending on the options I
mentioned above you can set this to the one you want.
And lastly others offer a U EF I/Legac y Boot F i rst option where you select which one you wish to
use first. Obviously the option is self explanatory.
Now save the changes and reboot.
When the Ubuntu Live image starts, it will show rather different than the normal one we are all used
to. Do not worry, this is because Ubuntu has an alternative boot option when a system has EFI
installed. Just select everything like you are used to. I highly recommend reading the following
article in the Ubuntu site regarding Ubuntu installations when using UEFI. If there is a problem,
then try to create a small partition (About 250 MB of size) for the EFI part of the system. This is
done in the installation part where it asks you if you want to install on a desired partition or used
the Advanc ed Opt i ons . Select the advanced options if you come up with a problem. In there,
create a 250 MB partition for EFI and the rest for GRUB and other stuff you are accustomed to.
I think up to here you should be fine and have avoided several problems typically found when trying
Ubuntu with Windows 8 which are:
Not booting a LiveCD/LiveDVD/LiveUSB/Wubi
Not installing Ubuntu because of security issues (Yeah right, more correctly monopoly issues)
Not booting either Windows 8 or Ubuntu (not showing either one of them)
Not letting Ubuntu create a partition
Not recognizing the EFI part of the system
Ubuntu not recognizing Windows 8 Partition
Windows 8 not booting or readable because or partition changes done from Ubuntu

This is a common problem and i f you do not get a GRU B menu , re-i nst alli ng or repai ri ng
grub wi ll NOT HELP
Every BIOS is different, it my look like one of the following pictures:



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

Notice the "UEFI Boot Option Priority" or "Boot Option Menu" . Usually Windows is the default and
Ubuntu (or as in the second picture elementary OS) will be an option.
Once you select Ubuntu on the UEFI boot menu you will then get a grub menu. You should be able
to boot either Ubuntu or Windows from the grub menu.
Wi ndows 8.1 Not Rec ogni z ed / U bunt u not showi ng opt i on t o Inst all Alongsi de
If you have followed all the steps above including making a partition ahead of time through
Windows 8.x, proceed with the normal Ubuntu installation. When you arrive at the option to how
you would like to install it, if you do not see the option to install Alongside of it, select "Something
Else" instead of wiping the hard drive. Configure the new partition layout on the empty space
you've set aside that isn't Windows 8.
You need to create at least 1 partition for the root system (Which shows as the symbol "/") and set it
to Ext4, another for SWAP (Virtual Memory). The SWAP space can be as small as 128MB if you have a
lot of ram or as high as 4GB. With this 2 partitions created based on the empty space you provided
you should be ready to proceed. And one last one for the EFI part which should be around 100MB.
When the installer asks where to put the bootloader, tell it to put it on the partition with the type
"efi". This will install GRUB which will load once your system starts in the future which will give you
the choice of going with Ubuntu (or whatever flavor is installed) or going to the Windows Boot
Manager which will take you to Windows 8.
I would also recommend reading the following links to get additional information of some issues
and causes in this particular part:
"Install alongside" option missing. How do I install Ubuntu beside Windows using "Something
How do I install Ubuntu alongside UEFI enabled Windows 8?
How to use manual partitioning during installation?
After finishing the installation, if you happen to have Windows 8 disabled from booting and it only
boots to Ubuntu, do not worry. In Ubuntu after it boots, open a Terminal and type the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install boot-repair

If you're using Trusty (14.04), the above may fail. In that case you can follow the instructions on how
to install Boot-Repair in Ubuntu, namely: run sudo sed 's/trusty/saucy/g' -i
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/yannubuntu-boot-repair-trusty.list after you have added the PPA
Now run boot-repair.



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

Boot Repair will mention that we have some GRUB error, that we have an EFI system and that
Ubuntu rocks. Since Ubuntu rocks (It does not work if Ubuntu does not rock! ^^), just click on Apply
so boot repair fixes everything. Now reboot and you should see Windows 8 and Ubuntu side by side.
For cases with rare booting problems, partitioning or using old hard drives on newer motherboard,
your solution might be checking out FixParts which solves misaligned partitions and other
partitioned type problems.
If you are experiencing one of the following issues:
Loosing Data when copying from Ubuntu to Windows 8 after shutting down Windows 8
Can not access your Windows partitions from Ubuntu getting a Di sk c ont ai ns an unc lean
fi le syst em
This is most likely the cause of an option in Windows 8 called F ast St art up which behaves
similar to hibernation and keeps a snapshot of the system so when you boot up, it will load
faster. Since it keeps a snapshot, anything you copy or change in Windows 8 from Ubuntu after
doing the fake shutdown will be lost (Apart from other issues found HERE).
The solution in Windows 8 is to go to:
Control Panel --> Power Options --> Choose what the power button does
In here click on "Change settings that are currently unavailable" where you should see
something like this:

U nc hec k the option that says "Turn on fast startup". You also need to di sable hi bernat i on .
You can to this with this command (you need to be in a console with admin rights):
powercfg.exe -h off

This should remove the hibernation file and enable partition to be mounted in Ubuntu.
A demonstration video is now available on this issue. We can install Ubuntu 12.04.2 (64 bit versions)
onwards with SecureBoot enabled. But we need to disable the SecureBoot after the Boot Repair
edited Jul 18 at 20:56

answered Dec 11 '12 at 21:35

6 7 .7 k






dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

Thanks for this great answer. Boot-repair saved the day :) hayd Sep 26 '13 at 22:48

Where do I press the pay button? Man, you saved my life. After spending 3 days trying installing ubuntu, I
followed your tutorial step by step, and now I have Windows and Ubuntu in my pc. Thank you very much
androider May 8 at 23:09
I have managed to install Ubuntu 14.04 with Windows 8.1 on my Lenovo T540p. All this with Secure Boot and
UEFI enabled. However, the process has been really difficult and based on a lot of trials, and also some luck. I
have used BootRepair after a first install that had failed (I could switch between Ubuntu and Windows by
modifying the UEFI/Legacy option in the BIOS). And even after the usage of BootRepair, it wasn't working. Then
a complete reinstall has accomplished the miracle. Unfortunately, I can't describe the steps. Now I have a black
screen with "Ubuntu" or "Windows Bootloader" menus. jplandrain May 14 at 14:36
@jplandrain Where is this black screen? When do you see it? Luis May 14 at 14:42

@LuisAlvarado I understand what misleads you in my previous comments: I say "then a complete reinstall has
accomplished the miracle". Actually, it's a complete reinstall of Ubuntu only, not of the whole machine. Yep,
thanks to M$ for this crap ! Unfortunately, I had to keep a "small" Windows partition on that computer (when
Windows 8 is installed it's not really small anymore...) jplandrain May 14 at 16:17

Wubi doesn't work on newer computers with UEFI (see bug report If you
bought a computer with Windows 8 preinstalled it is almost certainly using UEFI (since this is
required for Secure boot and all OEM Windows 8 computers are supposed to be secure boot).
Wubi uses Grub4dos to locate the Grub2 wubildr file. There is no support for GPT disks built into
Grub4dos (and UEFI uses GPT disks unless it's booting in hybrid mode). In addition, with Secure Boot,
it's not possible just to add new boot entries as before.
So, what you need to do is a normal dual boot. If you have secure boot (likely) then you need the 64
bit Ubuntu.
edited Nov 26 '12 at 0:41

answered Nov 26 '12 at 0:23

4 ,6 3 9



I have downloaded ISO of Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. Then I used Nero to burn it on the CD. After that I rebooted
computer (CD was in) and it asked me for which OS would I like to use. I chose Ubuntu and the same error as
before appeared... What did I wrong? Micha Tabor Nov 26 '12 at 18:43

You have to tell the computer to boot from CD. It ignored it and booted from the hard drive. That Ubuntu entry
is leftover from the Wubi install (which you should remove from Control Panel, Add or Remove progams, then
double-click on Ubuntu). PS have a look at this link: bcbc Nov 26 '12 at
Ubuntu did not support SecureBoot when 12.04 was released. That came with Ubuntu 12.04.2LTS and Ubuntu
12.10. Jo-Erlend Schinstad Aug 28 '13 at 17:02
@Jo-ErlendSchinstad you're right. My answer was specifically concerning Wubi (at the time I knew little more
about UEFI), hence my link to the community docs. I wasn't attempting to describe how to install with UEFI which
is still not exactly straightforward based on the adventures described here:
t=1769482 (and case in point, an unofficial, unsupported, boot-repair app is required in many cases to get it to
work; despite requests this app has not been either accepted into the official repos, or made redundant by
improving the install process). bcbc Aug 28 '13 at 18:12

If your computer comes preinstalled with 64-bit Windows 8 then you need to boot ubuntu using the
secure boot option. In other words, when you are at the boot menu, choose to boot the drive as a
secure device. Then you can install ubuntu. Most likely, after you install, you'll have to reboot after



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

install using the disk and then do a boot repair.

The other option is you can boot the drive normally, do a normal install, and then still reboot after
install and do a boot repair. This was the option I ended up doing.
Ubuntu 12.10 does a great job of resizing the windows partition and installing itself alongside Win8.
For some reason, Grub is the problem. Once I installed, I could boot into Ubuntu with no problems
but couldn't get into Win8. Running the repair got Grub fixed and then everything worked smoothly
after that.
Here's a great link that will probably help because it did help me:
edited Sep 23 '13 at 14:41

answered Feb 15 '13 at 16:06

Jason Shultz

so you didnt create a partition before you installed? the installer took care of that for you? Richlewis Mar 8 '13
at 11:14

Correct. It was all part of the process. Jason Shultz Apr 4 '13 at 21:54

You can do the same as you could in Windows 7, although I'm not sure I'd recommend it using the
graphical boot menu (reason in the end).
Some t hi ngs fi rst :
The usual setup for people who have dual boot configurations with Linux being one of the OSs that
the machine has installed is to have a Linux bootloader by default, and there add an entry for the
Windows OS. What that does is to load the Linux bootloader and if you want to load Windows it
chainloads into the Windows bootloader which then boots Windows.
Since usually there's only one Windows installed the menu selector of the Windows bootloader
never appears giving the impression that the entry you added in the Linux bootloader actually loads
The opposite is possible too, although not common among Linux users. For instance, my main
bootloader is the one from Windows which then chainloads into a Linux one to boot Linux; I have
configured the Linux one to be mostly invisible and load right away though.
How t o add a Li nux ent ry i n t he Wi ndows boot loader:
It really depends on what you install first and what later, I'm sure there are some guides around the
internet to explain a detailed procedure on how to setup a dual+ boot environment. So I'll just go
through 2 different setups:
When you i nst all Wi ndows fi rst : In this case when you're installing your Linux distribution, if it
allows you to install the bootloader in a partition directly instead of in the MBR of the hard drive do
so. After restart you'll find that you're booting Windows just like Linux was not installed at all, after
that follow the scenario in which Linux was installed first described below.
If you can only install the bootloader in the MBR of the hard drive after the reboot you'll see a Linux
bootloader (Syslinux, GRUB, you name it), choose the Windows entry there and boot into Windows.
Now, I like to use EasyBCD (free for personal usage) to deal with the Windows bootloader, but
anything that I do with it can be accomplished without with the proper bcdboot, bcdedit, etc.
1. Open EasyBCD and go to the "Add New Entry" section and the "Linux/BSD" tab.
2. Select the bootloader you have for your Linux distribution. In case of GRUB2 there's an
autoselect mode which will select the appropriate partition for you, for Syslinux for example
you have to compulsory select the partition where it is installed.
3. Name the entry, the name you put there is the one that will appear in the Windows bootloader.
4. Select the partition where your bootloader resides or autoselect if that option is possible. In
the end you should end up with something like this:



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

5. Click in "Add entry" and you'll receive the result in the bottom left part of the program:

6. Now you have to restore the Windows bootloader as the default one, for that go to the "BCD
Deployment" section, there select to write the Vista/7 bootloader in the MBR (which by the
way is the same as for Windows 8):

7. After that you're all set, you'll receive a similar confirmation as before. When booting up you'll
see the boot menu prompting you to select one of them:



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

When you i nst all Li nux fi rst : In this case you don't have to restore the MBR (Master Boot
Record, tells what to execute next grosso modo) as Windows installation will overwrite any
previous value there.
NOTE: with UEFI and GPT disks this may be different though, but I have no way of trying it out.
Why I'm not sure I'd recommend doing this using the new graphical boot menu in Windows 8:
Essentially because the way it works is different than with the textual menu (default for Windows
7). In Windows 7 (or Vista) you're first presented with the boot menu and then it starts to load
whatever you choose to, in the new graphical menu it first loads some stuff (= takes time) and then
presents you with the boot menu. If you don't select to load Windows 8, it reboots the machine and
starts to load whatever you selected which in this case is the Linux bootloader.
I find waiting to load some stuff just to discard it and reboot unnecessary if I just want to boot
another OS; but it's my personal opinion on the matter, there's no problem whatsoever by loading
Linux, or any other OS in this manner.
Anyway, there are different ways to use the textual boot menu instead in Windows 8, if you're
interested check this answer out.
Source from : Xandy
answered Mar 3 '13 at 21:34

community wiki



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

1. Create a LiveDVD or LiveUSB of Ubuntu (>=12.04.2) 64bit ONLY.

2. In your BIOS, disable QuickBoot/FastBoot and Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT) . If you
have Windows8, also disable FastStartup.
3. Boot your PC using the LiveDVD or LiveUSB and choose "Try Ubuntu". If you get a Secure boot
or signature error, you may wish to disable SecureBoot, then retry to boot the disk.
4. Install Ubuntu from the Live CD/DVD or Live USB in the usual manner, then reboot the PC.
5. If the PC does not load Ubuntu (but instead loads Windows, for example, as in Bug #1050940),
or if the Windows entry in the GRUB 2 menu does not boot Windows (see Bug #1024383), boot
your PC using the Live CD/DVD or Live USB and choose "Try Ubuntu" once again. When the live
session has loaded, run Boot-Repair (see link for details). When Boot-Repair loads, click on the
"Recommended repair" button, and write on a paper the URL (
that will appear. Then reboot the pc.
6. This should fix most boot problems. If this does not fix your boot problems, please create a new
thread in this forum, describing your problem and indicating the URL you wrote in the previous
Source: Lifted word-for-word from this wiki .
edited Oct 13 '13 at 13:10

community wiki
2 revs

this did not work for me. please see psychok7 Apr 20 at 23:54

When I installed Ubuntu it didn't recognize Windows 8 install. I've selected "Something else" from
install and then installed on disc free space. After the PC reboots GRUB did recognize it. No
problems. Maybe it will be helpful to someone having this issue.
answered Mar 4 at 18:14

community wiki

I had some trouble documented here.

The solution which I chose for now was to install Ubuntu in BIOS mode and leave Windows 8 in UEFI.
I'm not sure if this represents a problem, since in the Ubuntu community it is said that both systems
need to be in the same format, but I could get both systems working.
The only problem (more an annoyance) is that every time I want to change system I need to go to
the BIOS setup and enable or disable UEFI.
I could convert the Ubuntu BIOS to Ubuntu UEFI using this, but during the installation of Ubuntu I
needed to create a Bootable BIOS... don't know what would be of that, so I preferred not to play
with it.
Hope this can get someone going and if you have any suggestion for me, let me know. Thanks!
answered Mar 5 at 2:12

community wiki

So, it is possible to install Ubuntu in what they call 'Legacy Mode' in Windows partition (or in same hard disk as
Windows)? If this is possible, we can create a workaround for new-bies to install and use Ubuntu OS. I'm using 2
hard disk for the mean time. user220402 May 14 at 3:51
Indeed I managed to install in Legacy Mode along with my Windows, but I read it is not the recommended way. I
had problems with system time when switching the OSes and also it was a pain in the neck needing to go to setup
every time I wanted to change OSes. Would recommend that you figure out how to install it properly or



dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported) - Ask Ubuntu

depending on how you plan to use Ubuntu, try VirtualBox or Vagrant. infostacker May 15 at 1:13

I'm not sure if this works, but for my case, my laptop has 2 hard disk slot. It came with 1 hard disk
with Windows 8 pre-installed. Another hard disk is from my busted old laptop, and I just plug it in.
Surprisingly, I can boot to Windows 8 and Ubuntu 12.04LTS non-UEFI (of course I need to enable
UEFI if I want to use Windows and disable if I want to use Ubuntu).
Now my question is this: Is it possible to installed non-UEFI Ubuntu in the same partition as
Windows 8, and boot it by disable the UEFI boot option? If that is possible, maybe we can temporary
use this method until our grub are more stable to handle UEFI boot. By the way, currently my
configuration on dual boot is like this.
Another way though, is to buy one external hard disk and install Ubuntu in that external hard disk. I
attempt install Ubuntu on the external hard disk and I can say quite success. I can boot Windows 8
with UEFI boot option, and I can boot external hard disk by changing the settings of the BIOS. Of
course this is done using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (non-UEFI).
Anyway, in conclusion, for the mean time, avoid install Ubuntu alongside with Windows 8, as it is not
very stable. I suggest using external hard disk (or if your giant laptop has 2 hard disk slot,use
secondary hard disk) for Ubuntu. This will somehow avoid potential OS damage caused by M$ UEFI
boot option.
answered May 14 at 3:45

community wiki

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