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Requirements For Design Of Fire Water Pumps


Pumps shall conform to NFPA 20 in all respects.


Proposed models of pumps / drivers /controllers & all related accessories of the pump set shall be listed in
the latest edition of UL & FM
FWP shall be installed with flooded suction conditions. The minimum water level for FWP shall be fixed
above the level of pump casing if Horizontal Pumps are installed. If Vertical Turbine Pumps are installed, the
minimum submergence level recommended by Pump Manufacturer shall be complied. The Tank depth shall
be finalized based on this data. Level Indicator & Level switch shall be installed to monitor the water levels
and transmit alarm to BMS for taking corrective actions.






Pump with Suction Lift shall not be permitted as per NFPA 20.
The Fire pump unit, consisting of pump, driver, controller, reliable normal power supply/an alternative power
supply where required and water supply arrangement & accessories, shall be initially selected in accordance
with (1) & (2) above by the concerned Consultant / Client and later by EHSFire & Rescue Dept, if all the
requirements are satisfied / strictly met. , for the project and field conditions encountered as per NFPA 20.
Power feeder cable networks shall be dedicated from the source for permanent and emergency powers of
the electric fire pump set motors.
ATS arrangement shall be individual and dedicated for each fire pump motor if electric driven. Both normal
and emergency power sources shall be independent and dedicated for the fire pump motors. In case of
electric driven fire pump sets, both / all the motors shall be fed by normal and emergency powers through
dedicated AT Switches. Final electrical layout drawings shall be submitted for fire departments approvals
prior to installations.
The pump manufacturer shall send test report for pump, drive and
controller certified by Pump
Manufacturer as a single assembled unit tested for performance as per NFPA 20.
The Engine Exhaust pipe shall be provided with a Residential Grade Muffler if installed inside Buildings, to
restrict the noise to acceptable dB levels (approx. 85 to 90 dB). Asbestos lagging is not permitted.
Industrial Type Mufflers (noise level approx. 110 to 140) may be acceptable subject to its application and
The engine exhaust pipe size if exceeds 5M, pipe size shall be increased as per Pump/ Engine Manufacturers
recommendations to achieve desired engine performance at site conditions.
Engine Manufacturer shall furnish the maximum permissible Back Pressure for engine. The Contractor shall
submit design calculations based on as erected piping system to satisfy Manufactures requirements.
Tests Requirements
All Acceptance Tests and Performance shall be as per guidelines given in NFPA 20.
Tests shall be carried out by manufacturers factory authorized representatives.
Field Acceptance Tests will be witnessed by Fire Department.
Equivalencies to any established prescriptive criteria of NFPA and its companion codes, standards and
publications may be approved by the EHS-Fire Dept / AHJ, if the alternative fire protection engineering design
provides an equivalent level of fire protection and life safety. Written requests for approval shall include
justification demonstrating equivalencies on the basis of pertinent data. Approved equivalencies and
alternatives shall only apply to the specific building, facility or structure involved in extraordinary case where
no technical alternatives exist; and shall not constitute blanket approval for similar cases.

Rev. 01

December 2012

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Excerpt from Trakhees / Ports. Customs & Free Zone Corporation - Fire Protection, Fire Prevention & Fire/Emergency Control Regulations (2012 Edition)

(a) 1 to 8 as above (i) provide only an outline of the specific requirement(s) of EHS-Fire Dept for the
guidance of qualified & approved consultants/users & (ii) serves as ready reckoner for maintaining
consistency in approach. However, the consultants/users are cautioned and advised that they meet
all requirements/recommendations as specified / cited in drawing review report(s) issued by EHSFire Department.
(b) Consultant shall submit design drawings meeting the above requirements and obtain approval of
EHS Fire Department, before procurement of materials.
(c) Refer to Fire Department and relevant codes & standards for additional information/details.

Rev. 01

December 2012

Page 2of 2

Excerpt from Trakhees / Ports. Customs & Free Zone Corporation - Fire Protection, Fire Prevention & Fire/Emergency Control Regulations (2012 Edition)

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