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I'm curious regarding people's thoughts on locating soul's from other star systems in the EA paradigm.

One of the main reasons I

ask is that I remember JWG talking about daemon souls, which come from Sirius (the Dog Star), which are strongly emphasized
in the Jupiter/Sag archetype.
However, I don't recall any mention of any other star systems and it seems that the daemon soul is the only one widely
recognized or used within the EA paradigm. I remember a talk somewhere about Pluto 11th/Uranus/Aquarius and South Node
11th/Uranus/Aquarius in relation to souls from other star systems in general, so I know there is some recognition, but wondering
why daemon souls are much more emphasized.
Speaking of which, I had done some work with a woman some years ago that read the akashic records back to before the soul
came to earth. Sirius was one of many star systems and one thing I have noted also in relation to the Sirian correlation is the
connection of Egypt, (building of the pyramids), and Atlantis (the high technology and following destruction). I know a Sirian soul
and the dynamic of high intelligence and absolute chronic fear and anxiety of using that high creative intelligence for the service of
society is a core source of stagnation in his soul (pluto/uranus conj in virgo/2nd).
Lastly, I was curious about the evolutionary state of such souls. If I remember correctly, JWG mentioned that souls from other
star systems will be in the spiritual state. However, noticing some of the work done in other modalities, it appears that a great
deal of these souls are in the individuated state also. In fact it seems at times that towards the end of individuated upwards, ALL
souls are not initially earth souls but came here to learn (since it's supposed to be very hard here), and also help/heal the planet.
So, this is not about right or wrong etc.. I'm just curious as this has been on my mind for some time.First the totality of the
Daemon archetype is Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces. In other words ONE of the archetypes within those signs: these signs also
of course correlate to many other archetypes that are specific to these signs.
From you:
"This brings me to the deeper question: If a soul is from a particular star system, are the previous lives associated only with
special 'missions' to earth...and does the daemon soul have fewer lifetimes on earth, and do they accumulate karma differently? "
No, it is not associated with only special 'missions' to Earth. The Daemon Soul can has as many lifetimes on this planet as any
other the purposes and reasons of which are of course unique to the nature of such Souls. And, no, the karma they accumulate is
rooted in the natural law of cause and affect like all other Souls on this planet.
Hi All,
The final section of the old JWG message board that Adina Mather extracted and put together for us is about all kinds of various
subjects and topics that many will find very interesting. Please feel free to ask any questions you many have. God Bless, Rad
Miscellaneous Q&A on Spirituality, the Soul, Spirit,Ego and More
(Q): In one of our classes you told us that the particular souls called daemon souls came originally from Sirius. I have also learned
that the Dogon people of Africa (Mali) have a cosmological system that centers around Sirius as their home. They say that is
where they came from originally, and when one of the tribe dies, they have rituals that prepare them to go back to Sirius. They
also have an astrological system of some kind. Supposedly, the earliest evidence of man is from Africa, so I wonder if there is a
link between human kind and Sirius that the Dogon might be a key for?
(A): Yes, and these are the very same people who long ago painted pictures in their caves of space people coming to them that
were from Sirius. The same for the Egyptians. So, yes, a certain percentage of humans on earth is directly linked to this dog star,
as the Native American Indians would call it.
Sirius and the Origins of Man
(Q1): I was not quite clear with my questions about Sirius. Did earliest man seed or originate from another home or star system?
I know you said certain groups of men originated from Sirius. Did earliest man originate from there or another star system? How
did man first come about on this planet? How did souls incarnate here in the beginning? Also, how did the souls from Sirius plant
themselves here, and what distinctive intelligence did/do they have? I know they are nature souls, and when I look at Sirius, I feel

a wild, natural intelligence--very highly evolved, like fresh running water and with an intuitive process the speed and accuracy of a
laser beam or light.
(A): In my view, the origin of life on earth emanates from Mars. Long ago when its own destruction began relative to progressive
violations to natural law certain microbes landed on this planet from Mars, thus seeding the planet. The Sirius folks came here via
spacecraft that are documented in many ways via much earlier times on this planet, such as paintings in caves, etc. Egypt is
another example.
(Q2): I am fascinated by your theory that living beings arrived on earth ages ago from Sirius. Isn't Sirius a hot, fiery star like our
Sun, which cannot support life? Would you please explain this?
(A): What the astronomers call Sirius, and what we can see from our skies at night, is not specifically the same Sirius that I refer
to, nor is it the one of the ancient Egyptians, whose entire cosmological understanding of and orientation to anything spiritual
revolved around it. Like our Sun has planetary bodies moving around it, so too does Sirius; maybe you can take it from there.
Chakra Sounds
(Q): In one of your lectures, you mentioned that there are different sounds that emanate from each chakra. What are the sounds?
(A): The root chakra is the sound of a bumble bee or crickets; the sacral is a flute; the navel is a harp; the heart is like a big
church bell; the throat is like gale force winds or a conch shell; and the medulla/Ajna is ohm.
Specific Chakra Sound
(Q): Lately when Ive been doing Laya Yoga, the predominant sound I hear is a constant rumbling, like a somewhat nearby
avalanche. Do you know what this sound is? I also hear it at other times, like in my ear when Im talking on the phone.
I have been re-reading Autobiography of a Yogi, and in it Yogananda states that when his guru appeared before him in the flesh
and then dematerialized, there was a rumbling, earthquake sound, which he said was the sound of atoms breaking up. You also
said that during intense meditation one can hear an earthquake. What I am hearing is not at all that loud, but its a distinct
vibrational sound that I am experiencing. Do you know what it is? Or is it just some quirk in my electrical system?
(A): This is the sound of the root chakra; and by the way, one does not hear the earthquake; one has an inner experience of the
external world shaking like an earthquake. It is not, of course. This perception actually reflects the changing of the density of the
molecular mass of the body.
(Q2): So, in Laya Yoga, is the sound of rumbling drums or hundreds of beating wings another way of describing the bumble bee
sound? If not, what is that sound? And regarding the conch shell sound, is it the sound you hear when holding a shell to your ear
or the sound of blowing a conch shell?
(A): Yes, the sound of the rumbling drums or beating wings is a variation of the bumble bee sound; and the conch sound is the
one you hear when holding it to your ear.
Third Chakra Planets
(Q): What planet(s) correlates to the third chakra?
(A): The third, or navel, chakra correlates to Pluto and Mars: the will, others will, ones own will, and God's will.
Chakras & Fear
(Q): You have taught that Mars rules the naval chakra along with Pluto. Somewhere I learned that fear (as in the fight or flight
survival instinct) is held in the root chakra. Mars symbolizes fear, doesnt it? Pluto is also assigned to the root chakra in your
teachings. In which chakra would you say fear is stored; or which chakra is blocked because of fear?
What I need cleared up is if someone comes into this life needing to work out specific fears--such as that they died last time with
and during intense fear--and is working on the issue this life, which chakra would be blocked, and how does one release it?
Is it the circumstances that determine which chakra is blocked, or is it typically one specific chakra? And can we assign one or

another of the planets such as Mars or Pluto, to bringing in fears to be worked out, if accentuated in the person's birth chart?
(A): Both Mars and Pluto correlate to the dynamic of fears. In the question youre asking about the intense fear of death, this
would correlate to the root chakra; thus, there would be a relative blocking from the root chakra thru the navel chakra. And, yes,
these planets would be emphasized within the natal chart.
All fears manifest from the Soul, thus the root chakra is the first cause in terms of the impact of these fears within the other
chakras, consciousness. For example, one could have Pluto square Venus. The fear would emanate from the root chakra yet
specifically manifest within the heart chakra, with this fear being a fear of loss, betrayal or abandonment, and the trust issues
therein that affect the emotional body and how the person not only relates inwardly to itself, but to others. If Pluto were opposed
to Mercury in a gibbous phase this would typically correlate to a soul who had deep fears emanating from the root chakra but
manifesting in the throat chakra as a fear of persecution relative to its own ideas and the communication of those ideas, etc., etc.
The way to release these things--fears of any kind--is first to determine why the individual needed to create the life circumstances
that are responsible for such fears and then to confront the fears by doing what the fear is about.
Male Souls/Female Souls
(Q): In Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Vol. II there is a reference to the soul being non-sex based and evolving by
being both male and female in different lifetimes. I believe this would differ from the Jewish mystical perspective. The idea is that
God's first thought is Adam Kadmon, the primordial man. Each of us represents a spark of this idea. Each of us is unique in our
place on the body. Each place is unique with either a masculine tone or feminine tone to its function. At the end of times God will
make a new world in which the resurrection of the dead will occur, and each of our souls will have its true body. Each of us will
either be male or female in our true form. Hence our identity--body and soul--is male or female.
(A): It is stated in the book that our souls are equally male and female, as is that which is called God. God is the origin of all
things, obviously, thus the origin of male and female. Thus each of our souls is simultaneously male and female. That which you
site is simply another version of patriarchal thinking--man first.
Meditation & Astrology
(Q): Is meditation in any way related to astrology? I am trying to regularly make quiet time and try and clear my thoughts: to
attempt to stop thoughts with the idea that the self will eventually emerge and produce a metamorphosis. Since I know you have
a background in meditation I'll ask if you have anything to add or suggest. Previously I meditated by prayer, which produced good
results but does not seem appropriate for me at this stage of the game.
(A): Prayer is utterly relevant for all of us in any life situation, no matter what. Of course astrology and meditation can go
together and work wonders. All the astrology that I have learned has come thru either meditation states or through dreams.
Seven Paths to God
(Q): In a few of your lectures you have mentioned that there are seven different spiritual paths, or ways to know God. Would a
chart indicate the most natural path of an aspirant?
(A:) Yes. The most natural way for any person to naturally spiritualize their life can be seen through the natal placement of
Neptune, its aspects, the location of the sign Pisces, the sign on the twelfth house cusp, the location of its planetary ruler, and the
aspects made to that ruler.
Seven Occult Laws
(Q): In one of your lectures you mentioned the seven occult laws/principles that underlie the structure of the universe. Could you
explain what they are?
(A): I was talking about the seven universes, and the seven chakras, or the seven churches or candles that Christ talks of, and
those seven things are natural laws.
Venus, A Renegade Planet?
(Q): Speaking Wind, an American Indian elder who died very recently, was a guest on the Art Bell show (Dec. 9, 1998), a
nighttime radio show, and he was speaking of the earth changes we are undergoing and will continue to undergo between now

and 2012. He spoke lovingly and eloquently as a compassionate elder. One thing he related was the long ago event of when what
is now Venus came crashing into our system. He said it tore out the atmosphere of Mars (it rotates opposite) out of which some
inhabitants escaped to earth (our ancestors). Any thoughts? The Indian legend says they called Venus the planet that stole our
love, and that this event has caused us on a radical scale to try and reenact some type of event (catastrophic) to regain lost
(A): Venus came from Jupiter relative to a major impact upon it. This was realized by Immanuel Valikovsky.
Matriarchal Myth
(Q): Isn't the Native American myth of the White Buffalo Calf Woman a representation of a matriarchal spirituality that
encompasses a spiritual being who had a sexual nature also? Do you know if this is a relatively recent myth? And are there any
astrological correlations that would speak of the White Buffalo Calf Woman?
(A): Yes to your first question. No, there are no astrological myths for this vision/prophesy. Native Americans never employed the
use of astrology, not in any personal sense. The myth/prophesy originally manifested thru the Hopi nation sometime within the
18th century.
Natural Celibate State vs. Repressed Sexuality
(Q): You said in one of your lectures that two percent of the people who are celibate were in a natural celibate state and the rest
are repressed. Is there a way to determine who is who? Will someone in a natural celibate state become sexually active in a future
lifetime? Is it ever a soul-imposed condition so that other issues can be worked on more intensively? Does it represent the
balancing of the male and female within? Is there a certain evolutionary condition it corresponds to? Are there any specific chart
indicators for this state?
(A): The one who is naturally celibate will reflect a soul who is in absolute alignment with God/Goddess in such a way that their
inner reality is reflected perfectly in their outer reality. The one who is repressed creates a dynamic of emotional/sexual distortion
on an inner reality basis, which is then reflected in their outer reality in such a way that the inner and outer are not in alignment.
A classic example of this point is the Christian priest who is busted for sexually violating a young boy. One who has evolved to a
state of natural celibacy will not go backwards in that way; no such a condition is ever imposed for whatever reasons. Yes, at this
level of evolution the inner male and female are perfectly balanced. The evolutionary level is at the top rung of the spiritual state
of evolution. No there are no chart indicators; one has to do the traditional astrology thing of observation and correlation.
continuing ...

Follow-up on Natural Celibacy

(Q): I have a question about a chart of a person who has lived a celibate life and
has felt no urge to do otherwise. It seemed like the natural thing to do, although
very strange to others. There are some aspects that would seem to support that
this celibacy is a natural state, although others that would indicate there was also
a lot of emotional baggage to overcome this lifetime. If the natural celibate state is
at the top rung of the spiritual state, could all of the baggage exist as well, and
might it then distort the sexual function so that what seems so natural is not
natural at all?
I am going to list some aspects and placements along with quotes from your book
that may seem to support a natural celibate state and am asking if you see these
as supportive of this possibility. Mars retrograde in the fifth house in Libra (
reflects a soul that desires to unite the inner male and female.) Pluto: The Souls
Evolution Through Relationships, Vol. II. Mars retrograde ("The inverted energy of
Mars heats up the energy field of the individual. For those in the consensus up
through the second stage spiritual, this will manifest as frequent desire.") This
desire is not present. Fifth house is the integration principle; creative selfactualization.
Mars is also conjunct the south node in Libra in the fifth, and Neptune retrograde
in Libra in the sixth. Mars is in a disseminating trine to Venus in Aquarius in the
tenth, and Uranus retrograde is in Cancer in the second, trine the Sun in Pisces in
the tenth. Pluto retrograde is in Leo in the fourth (Pluto in the fourth "can
achieve total and equal integration of the masculine and feminine components.")
Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Vol. I. Also in Pluto I, "This creative
purpose is no longer a matter of discovery; it is inherent and complete. On the
other hand, there are many emotional and psychological issues throughout the life

through the second stage spiritual, this will manifest as frequent desire.") This
desire is not present. Fifth house is the integration principle; creative selfactualization.
Mars is also conjunct the south node in Libra in the fifth, and Neptune retrograde
in Libra in the sixth. Mars is in a disseminating trine to Venus in Aquarius in the
tenth, and Uranus retrograde is in Cancer in the second, trine the Sun in Pisces in
the tenth. Pluto retrograde is in Leo in the fourth (Pluto in the fourth "can
achieve total and equal integration of the masculine and feminine components.")
Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Vol. I. Also in Pluto I, "This creative
purpose is no longer a matter of discovery; it is inherent and complete. On the
other hand, there are many emotional and psychological issues throughout the life
with the following aspects: The moon squares Pluto, Mercury, and Venus, as well
as the Ascendant and Descendant, and Uranus squares the north and south nodes,
reflecting skipped steps. Can a state of natural celibacy exist within all of this?
(A): A person in a state of natural celibacy does not have unresolved emotional
baggage to deal with; thus, what seems so natural is not natural at all. It is a
pretense and compensation for the emotional/ sexual traumas in other lifetimes.
This is the signature of Uranus squaring the nodes. It is because of the unresolved
trauma around emotional/ sexual issues that are deeply repressed because of the
nature of the kind of events that occurred to induce the trauma--this repression
manifesting thru Uranus squaring the nodes; Mars, Pluto squaring the moon; the
Venus in Aquarius, etc. The trine between Venus and Mars generates the
appearance of celibacy being easy to do, but that itself is a compensation for the
unresolved/ repressed trauma.
The Uranus in the second house retrograde function causes a dehydration of the
sexual energy, which itself is caused by the splitting or fracturing of the soul,
detached thru trauma because of the nature of the events. The detachment is a
survival instinct (second house) that causes a disconnect relative to the physical,
emotional, and spiritual bodies. The meaning of the skipped steps is to recover
that fragmentation so that the emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies can
become reunited and integrated, but all of this would demand that the person be
willing to look into the causes of the original trauma--what actually occurred and
why. Without such a desire the Mars/ Venus trine makes it easy to avoid the
lesson, other than if the soul creates in this life circumstances that will still have
the effect of various kinds of emotional/ psychological traumas because the intent
of the soul is in fact to deal with this unresolved baggage. That is why it is created
in the first place. (Clue: past lifetimes in ancient Rome and Greece/ Dionysus
cults, group orgies, with the original trauma leading to some other lives of sexual
enslavement and another in which enforced gangbang type sex occurred).
(Q): Could you recommend a good book on Tantra? Is there a book that might be
useful in starting a healing and spiritual partnership that outlines some of the
techniques you've described in avoiding sex in the beginning and engaging in
periods of sustained eye contact? I could use an instruction manual if there is such
a thing.
(A): Im reluctant to recommend any existing book on Tantra because they are all
manifested from a patriarchal point of view, which then, of course, totally distorts
what can be called natural Tantra, which is fundamentally different than what is
peddled in those books. The only one that may be of some use is written by John
Mumford and is called Ecstasy Through Tantra, which is something about Tantra
and ecstasy, complete with rituals and other related information.
Daemon Soul
(Q1): In a reading I had last year I was told me that I am a daemon soul and that
my healing will come from remembering to talk with the animals and nature. I've
been pretty high on this most of the time since, but also I am discouraged by the
conditions on this planet. I want to know why the daemon souls came here in the
first place from Sirius/Hoova, and I would like to know if we are going to be able
to heal this place.
(A): Daemon souls are on this Earth to help--each in his/her own way--the planet
restore itself relative to living in harmony with the totality of natural law, and
specifically the world of animals and plants. The origin of such souls is from Sirius
or the dog star. One can only do so much. In time it will occur.

(Q1): In a reading I had last year I was told me that I am a daemon soul and that
my healing will come from remembering to talk with the animals and nature. I've
been pretty high on this most of the time since, but also I am discouraged by the
conditions on this planet. I want to know why the daemon souls came here in the
first place from Sirius/Hoova, and I would like to know if we are going to be able
to heal this place.
(A): Daemon souls are on this Earth to help--each in his/her own way--the planet
restore itself relative to living in harmony with the totality of natural law, and
specifically the world of animals and plants. The origin of such souls is from Sirius
or the dog star. One can only do so much. In time it will occur.
(Q2): What would be some of the markers for identifying the possibility of a
daemon Soul? Would Sirius in aspect to the Sun or a personal planet be an
indicator? Would Pluto in the ninth house, or the south node of Pluto in the ninth,
or Jupiter or the south node of Jupiter in the eighth, or an emphasis in Sagittarius
(and/or perhaps Virgo or Pisces) give an indication? And would it then also be
linked to one's evolutionary condition?
(A): Daemon Souls are typically highly alienated from normal human life as
defined by the consensus of a society, alienated from any belief or religion that is
not rooted in natural law, alienated from most other people other than natural
ones, and more specifically, other daemon souls, and feel totally at home in
nature; in fact, it is their home. And they have a funny kind of alienation or
unfamiliarity with modern things like TVs, washing machines, and the like. This
does not mean they cannot learn to appreciate them.
They feel an alienation from city life and cities in general and have a total inner
identification with nature in general and the world of plants and animals
specifically and find it easier to be in relationship with the world of nature--animals
and plants--than with humans. Daemon souls typically never feel at home on this
planet other than those times in which they totally connect to nature in the great
outdoors. One of the more amazing things about daemon souls is that when they
are around animals the natural defense mechanism within the animal is disarmed.
They have the intrinsic capacity to commune with animals of all types in a natural
kind of psychic language. Daemon souls are typically highly balanced between
their natural male and female and are typically naturally introverted types--shy
and unassuming.
Yes, to the various signatures you asked about. It is not a function of evolutionary
condition; it is a function of the nature of the soul itself, from its origins.
(Q3): What planets, signs and aspects in the natal chart indicate the possibility
that the native is a daemon Soul? Do the nodes of Uranus enter the equation?
(A): The whole archetype of the daemon soul is symbolized by the signs Virgo,
Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini and the sixth, twelfth, ninth, and third houses,
respectively. But let's remember that astrology is a natural science rooted in
observation and correlation. Thus, even though those archetypes may be
emphasized in a chart, it does not automatically correlate to a daemon soul; one
must observe the individuals life. The characteristics of a daemon soul are listed
above. Look at those characteristics. If a client has those characteristics and the
above archetypes are implicated, then dollars to donuts you have a daemon soul
on your hands.
(Q4): Why are daemon souls here than at the first place? Just to help?
(A): It depends on the Age/Sub-Age/cultures thru time. In general, such souls
have the knowledge of Nature thru inner knowing/communion, manifesting
externally in terms of how they conduct themselves within nature/animals/plants
and communicate that knowing to others, to sustain the balance.
(Q4): Was it a free will choice? And if it was, can it be changed?
(A): No, it is just the soul type or signature from its inception/creation.
(Q4): What was fundamentally different on Sirius?
(A): An extremely evolved consciousness relative to the general consciousness
manifested as human.

have the knowledge of Nature thru inner knowing/communion, manifesting

externally in terms of how they conduct themselves within nature/animals/plants
and communicate that knowing to others, to sustain the balance.
(Q4): Was it a free will choice? And if it was, can it be changed?
(A): No, it is just the soul type or signature from its inception/creation.
(Q4): What was fundamentally different on Sirius?
(A): An extremely evolved consciousness relative to the general consciousness
manifested as human.
(Q5): When the moons nodes move into Sagittarius and Gemini, does this support
the daemon soul remembering its home and purpose or further its ability to
communicate and connect this in a healing way socially?
(A): Yes.
(Q5): When the daemon soul finds balance and alignment, does this mean
bringing consciousness of nature in a healing way to others, and does this mean
the healing of the patriarchal damage to the Virgo/ Pisces polarity and archetypes?
(A): Yes.
(Q5): Do the masochism/sadism in those archetypes connect with the experience
of the daemon soul of coming to harm under manmade religions and patriarchy?
That is, would we find a lot of the daemon souls among those murdered and
tortured by those who wanted to override the matriarchal religions of the earth?
(A): Yes.
(Q5): And if so, does this mean daemon souls tried hard to fit in and then lost
their true identity, or at least some of them? Did they lose their self-respect via
church tortures?
(A): Yes, some did. When the survival instinct is ignited it can result in behaviors
that one would never suspect they could do.

More on Daemon Souls

(Q1): Does the term daemon soul refer to a state of soul evolution through which
everyone passes, or is it a specific kind of soul identity inherent from the time of
initial separation from the source?
(A): It is a special kind of soul; its own identity. Not all souls are daemon. All souls
at some point, though, do enter the stage of deconditioning from all that is not
natural, in accordance with natural laws.
(Q1): I was wondering about the name, or word, daemon (Soul). Do you know its
correlation to the word demon? Most people and books seem to interpret them as
the same. They are seemingly completely different energies. Could you clear this
(A): The word demon is a perversion of the word daemon, with the perversion of
the word coming from Christianity. Daemon is a Latin word which means what I
explained above. Because it contains the linkage to the world of animals, thus
flesh, the Christians used the depiction of animals in the most negative ways
linked with evil or Satan, thus the word demon.
(Q2): Is the daemon soul archetype linked to the original archetype of the sacred
prostitute as expressed in natural law? One aspect of the Sagittarian archetype
you had said was that of a natural sexual healer. Is it possible that many of these
daemon souls had their origins on this planet as natural sacred prostitutes/sexual
healers in the last matriarchal/Aquarian age? If one has a predominant Sagittarian
archetype in their chart, does the placement of the south node (e.g., in Aquarius/
eleventh house or in Sagittarius/ninth house) indicate when they arrived on earth?
Is one of the primary ways the daemon soul got seeded on earth through the
sacred prostitute? You had also said that daemon souls were here to teach. Does
that teaching include sexual/natural law healing? How does the daemon soul in the
role of sexual healer apply to our times and the emerging Aquarian age? How can

(Q2): Is the daemon soul archetype linked to the original archetype of the sacred
prostitute as expressed in natural law? One aspect of the Sagittarian archetype
you had said was that of a natural sexual healer. Is it possible that many of these
daemon souls had their origins on this planet as natural sacred prostitutes/sexual
healers in the last matriarchal/Aquarian age? If one has a predominant Sagittarian
archetype in their chart, does the placement of the south node (e.g., in Aquarius/
eleventh house or in Sagittarius/ninth house) indicate when they arrived on earth?
Is one of the primary ways the daemon soul got seeded on earth through the
sacred prostitute? You had also said that daemon souls were here to teach. Does
that teaching include sexual/natural law healing? How does the daemon soul in the
role of sexual healer apply to our times and the emerging Aquarian age? How can
this archetype be applied in a practical, hands on sense?
(A): No, the daemon soul has nothing to do with sacred prostitution. Sacred
prostitution was not created by women; it was created by men beginning around
5500 BCE. This role was created because of the progressive suppression by the
patriarchal paradigm--itself beginning around 6500 BCE--of the natural law
wherein the older women of a community would sexually initiate the puberty age
boys. As this natural law got progressively suppressed (again, anything that is
natural that gets suppressed for whatever reasons becomes the basis of distortion
and rage), men began to miss something that they could not logically identify. As
a result, this gave rise to the sacred prostitute idea that came from men. The
original purpose of the sacred prostitute, as conceived by men, was for her to
serve the function of somehow being able to dissolve or absolve the sins or
negative karma of the men. But this simply reflects the men's missing of the
natural law of initiation of the puberty age boys by the older women of the
About Demons
(Q): What exactly are demons? What is their purpose, if any? Where do they come
from? Are they the same as daemons? Can we access the demons in our chart
through the Lucifer asteroid? Or am I way off?
(A): Demons are energy spirits manifesting from evil and are not daemons. The
definition of a daemon soul, coming from the original Latin dictionary reads
something like, 'a human soul that has fused itself with the totality of nature,
especially the world of animals and plants,(because the nervous and emotional
systems of plants and animals are identical to the human ), and when this fusion
takes place such a soul becomes a messenger of God/Goddess. And, yes, one's
personal demons can be seen thru the location of natal Lucifer.
to be continued ..........

Daemon Soul
(Q5): When the daemon soul finds balance and alignment, does this mean bringing consciousness of nature in a healing way to
others, and does this mean the healing of the patriarchal damage to the Virgo/ Pisces polarity and archetypes?
(A): Yes.
(Q5): Do the masochism/sadism in those archetypes connect with the experience of the daemon soul of coming to harm under
manmade religions and patriarchy? That is, would we find a lot of the daemon souls among those murdered and tortured by
those who wanted to override the matriarchal religions of the earth?
(A): Yes.
(Q5): And if so, does this mean daemon souls tried hard to fit in and then lost their true identity, or at least some of them? Did
they lose their self-respect via church tortures?
(A): Yes, some did. When the survival instinct is ignited it can result in behaviors that one would never suspect they could do.

Does this have to do with souls that have pathological amounts of guilt-masochism, who are also daemon souls?[/b]

Agni ritual
(Q): I have a question about the ancient Indian Agni ritual as discussed in the
Evolutionary Astrology Correspondence Course. Would it be safe to assume that a
Soul's ultimate return to its Source would be expedited if one performs the ritual in
the present life so as to sever an impending future-life sexual relationship with
another who is known in this life to be highly promiscuous and indiscriminate in
terms of the sexual partners selected? Also, if one is performing the Agni ritual,
how often should the practice be performed? Or does one simply focus and
complete the process in one sitting?
(A): You continue to project the images and the thought until there is nothing left
to project. At that point you have then severed the karmic umbilical cord that has
kept you connected to the person. Also, don't be surprised if the imagery from this
life of that partner changes at some point to imagery that may appear demonic. If
so, just keep projecting those images, too. Additionally, it is very important to get
rid of all objects or possessions that you have received from that person. Get rid of
them by burning them, burying them in the earth, or tossing them in the water,
the ocean or a river.
Oppressing/Lost Soul
(Q): I have a question about oppression or overshadowing by a lost soul. This
particular lost soul says that the one it is overshadowing had ruined its life. Of
course this was in a prior lifetime, so it as attached to the persons auric field and
quite stubbornly refuses to leave as it states it has a right to be there to pay back
this persons unpaid Karmic debt! It really torments the person in question, though
she bears it like a true saint. She has asked it to leave and has really paid
whatever karmic debt this soul thinks it is owed. So what can be done? What
dynamics are really going on here? The oppressing soul has got to go. Isn't this
God's decision on Karmic debt and how it is worked out? How many times can
someone or something apologize? Some good advice from you is always
appreciated. I know you understand exactly what I'm talking about.
(A): The oppressor soul reflects the typical crap of modern times in that to justify
to itself why it is doing what it is doing it must feel victimized first and then the
rationale that follows. This is crap, of course, but the effects to your friend speak
for themselves. The thing to do is the Agni Ritual, which I wrote about in the post
above, so you can read there what to do. This will be the way for your friend to get
free of the vampire.
Alice Bailey/Rays
(Q): On your website you stated (in reference to your daughter) that it is possible
to see the seven rays ala Alice Bailey. In class last year you said in general that
rays and all that was crap. So my questions are:
What are the seven rays ala Alice Bailey, and what purpose do they serve? 2. Are
there masters associated with these rays, or is this a bunch of hooey? . If one has
the ability to see the rays, how and under what circumstances do they manifest?
This would clear up some confusion relative to class and my experience.
(A): The essence of the system is a patriarchal system of hierarchies and all that
stuff, with each ray correlating to specific archetypal qualities or dynamics, with
the inner/outer reflected in the interface between the vibrational nature of creation
from the Source and the chakra system of each person (inner/outer). To me, there
is no use for such an astrology. None. I mean, what if you are having real
problems in your relationship and you go see one of these types of astrologers,
and you find out you are on a yellow ray and your partner is on a red ray. Okay,
whoopee. Now what?
Death & Dying

This would clear up some confusion relative to class and my experience.

(A): The essence of the system is a patriarchal system of hierarchies and all that
stuff, with each ray correlating to specific archetypal qualities or dynamics, with
the inner/outer reflected in the interface between the vibrational nature of creation
from the Source and the chakra system of each person (inner/outer). To me, there
is no use for such an astrology. None. I mean, what if you are having real
problems in your relationship and you go see one of these types of astrologers,
and you find out you are on a yellow ray and your partner is on a red ray. Okay,
whoopee. Now what?
Death & Dying
(Q): I have read Autobiography of a Yogi many times. I really want to die the way
Master Yogananda did. What steps could I take to ensure that when its time for
me to pass on I can leave my body consciously like he did? It was so magnificent.
I have worked with the dying for a long time, and most people fight so hard to
hang on to this meager existence, and even when theyre clinically dead, their
body hangs on for awhile. Its gruesome and horrible. To be able to consciously
leave your body at death is the greatest thing I could ever imagine to walk out of
this suffering realm of tears and pain! Well, it is my greatest ambition. What can I
do to achieve this state?
(A): The real secret in having a conscious transition, for any of us, is to simply
desire to know God throughout our life, and at the moment of passing to hold
mental thoughts with intention to return back to God/Goddess. It is that simple. In
terms of passing like Yogananda, well that is a bit different in that he had inner
notice before the actual passing. For some at the higher levels of evolution this
can also occur. By the sheer fact that you are doing the work that you are doing,
one of the most worthy on our planet, God will ensure that you have the type of
passing that you desire.
(Q): On numerous occasions you have come into my dreams, sometimes with
important information for me (thank you), but mostly I seem to be in a class with
you where we meet with other students in very informal settings. A couple of
weeks ago you came into one of my dreams. I'll skip the details. Basically, you
told me that you would be at the meeting with me on Tuesday evening, May 30th.
Upon awakening I could not fathom what meeting I might be attending on
Tuesday evening. Well, that particular evening several of my family members met
in the ICU ward of our local hospital to be with my grandmother as she died.
Although she was elderly, her death was unexpected.
What exactly is happening when you come into my or others dreams? Is it truly
you, and are we meeting on the astral plane? Or is it some intuitive side of
ourselves that creates you? I suspect the former. Out of all the hundreds of people
you work with, it is always quite unexpected and very humbling to awaken in the
morning with guidance and insight from you. Again, please except my heartfelt
(A): Well, the fact is that God/Goddess has me working with people in their dream
states all the time. Typically, four or five people every night have these dreams
with me in them. This has gone on ever since I can remember; even in other
lifetimes. And, yes, it is really me that lands in the dreams. God/Goddess simply
uses the astral form of me to do so. And, yes, in most cases these meetings take
place within the astral realm. Each of the folks who has these dreams has been
linked to me in different ways over many centuries. This is also why I, myself,
rarely dream, but rather have absolute--what is called zero--sleep instead of
dreaming. This is also why I am so chronically tired all the time.
Re-Awakening From Death
(Q): In the case of a person who had died but reawakened under odd and
supernatural circumstances, would you use the persons original natal chart or
construct a chart starting from the date and time the person reawakened--or came
back to life? Its a strange story, but I have evidence to make me believe it really
happened. Also, how would this persons karma be affected from having died but
then not being allowed to remain dead? The person who experienced this is afraid
for his soul after this experience. He thinks that his soul is gone, and he is just a
body awake, but he doesnt know for what reason. Could this possibly have

dreaming. This is also why I am so chronically tired all the time.

Re-Awakening From Death
(Q): In the case of a person who had died but reawakened under odd and
supernatural circumstances, would you use the persons original natal chart or
construct a chart starting from the date and time the person reawakened--or came
back to life? Its a strange story, but I have evidence to make me believe it really
happened. Also, how would this persons karma be affected from having died but
then not being allowed to remain dead? The person who experienced this is afraid
for his soul after this experience. He thinks that his soul is gone, and he is just a
body awake, but he doesnt know for what reason. Could this possibly have
something to do with a contract with evil? He has a Virgo Sun in the eleventh
house and Pluto in Leo in the tenth house, if thats helpful.
(A): No, it has nothing to do with contracts with evil. Was this guy pronounced
clinically dead? Did he have the near death experience, i.e., the famous moving
thru the tube, light on the other end? Or was he just blank until he woke up?
These are critical details. His soul is still very much within him. Hes not just a
body hanging out. The real thing here would be to understand why he created this
experience for himself.
(Q): He was clinically dead. He can recall his heart stopping and than an explosion
of wind flew out of his heart, chest and mouth. Before that, someone called his
name, and thats when he flew out. He floated over his body with this other man
or spirit. The spirit seemed very solid and real. Then he seemed to evaporate.
Many hours later he just woke up in his body. But he had lost a ton of weight and
his body was very stiff. For several years after this he had vivid dreams of flying
and visiting places all over the world. His emotions were always raw, and he was
generally always on the verge of losing control and having fits of rage, which is
totally out of character for this man. He is generally a quiet and very gentle
person. Why is experiencing blankness or having gone thru a tunnel critical? He is
relieved to know that he hasn't made a contract with evil. Why did he create this
for himself? Would we look to his past lives for the answer to this? He surely can't
imagine what brought all this on.
(A): Well, I would need to know his whole chart to make a specific answer, but this
is not the place for that. In general, from what you have shared, this means to me
that God/Goddess wishes for this man to expand his horizons via awareness and
consciousness, to totally open up to the universal. This would be the reason for the
appearance of the spirit body, and also why he is spontaneously experiencing
leaving his body thru astral travel. The stiff body is typical to this because when
the soul flies out like that the breathing essentially stops for that duration. This in
turn creates the effect of rigor mortis that you mentioned. Perhaps a key for this
man is to understand this intent, and once he accepts it, to find some very quiet
place in nature and ask for God to give him a vision for what Goddess wishes to do
thru him. That would appear to be the next step.
(Q): Ive struggled with understanding the soul of Jesus for a long time. Your
statement in Pluto I that he was totally deluded and intoxicated by his own ego
and considered himself God totally blew me away (for a long time). Could you
elaborate on the nature of his delusion? He fought evil in the desert; what
happened after that? What subsequent lives would have resulted from one such as
his? What relationship does he bear with all the karma accumulated by Christians
over the past 2000 years? As he is/was clearly in the third level of the spiritual
state, how did he serve God/Goddess?
(A): Well, that certainly is news to me. I don't remember writing those words
about Jesus. He did many things in the dessert, including battling with evil so as to
know it, but this is the time in which he mainly was infused with the vision for the
life of Jesus--his role, what was meant to be played out through God's will. The
soul of Jesus has not and will not reincarnate in human form ever again relative to
that soul being called Jesus in the time of that life.
Jesus created no personal karma relative to what Christians have done with his
teachings. People created their own individual karma over the centuries through
free choice or free will in how they understood and responded to his teachings.
When Jesus taught, for example, that one's duty was to turn away and walk on
when another(s) did not wish to listen or hear what one has to say or teach, how
can he create karma when that very teaching is violated thru the free will choice of

(A): Well, that certainly is news to me. I don't remember writing those words
about Jesus. He did many things in the dessert, including battling with evil so as to
know it, but this is the time in which he mainly was infused with the vision for the
life of Jesus--his role, what was meant to be played out through God's will. The
soul of Jesus has not and will not reincarnate in human form ever again relative to
that soul being called Jesus in the time of that life.
Jesus created no personal karma relative to what Christians have done with his
teachings. People created their own individual karma over the centuries through
free choice or free will in how they understood and responded to his teachings.
When Jesus taught, for example, that one's duty was to turn away and walk on
when another(s) did not wish to listen or hear what one has to say or teach, how
can he create karma when that very teaching is violated thru the free will choice of
others, like all the various sects within Christianity, including the fundamentalists
who try to convince and convert others to their teachings? Or when a certain pope
of the 12th century had a working brothel within the Vatican? Is Jesus to be held
responsible for that? And all the rest of the ugly history of the Roman Catholic
Church, and also the protestant movement created by Martin Luther and all the
violence that led to? And so on. Jesus serves the Goddess thru the agency of the
divine or angel Mary, his mother.

The Return of Christ

(Q): Are there any upcoming planetary configurations that might indicate the
predicted return of Christ to earth?
(A): No. The return of Christ is and will be an internal phenomenon for those who
desire to know him.
The Astral Realm
(Q): Lately I've been aware of the presence of different energies around me, and
some of them have not been so benevolent. My question is why would all of a
sudden they be here? And is it possible that alien intelligences are able to operate
on the astral realm and thus remain undetected? I know my questions may seem
way out there, but this is relatively knew awareness for me, and I am trying to
figure out what it is that I am actually experiencing; some of it seems so real and
yet not. I am trying to sort out if it is really a separate entity or just a part of my
own consciousness. This was happening around four or five months ago when I
was spending a lot of time in meditation and going way out there. Since that time
I stopped meditating.
(A): No, it is not possible for alien intelligences to exist in the astral plane. It
would seem to me that your effort to meditate activated your pineal gland, thus
stimulating the secretion of melatonin into your consciousness, which then began
to dissolve the natural Saturnian boundary that separates the conscious and
unconscious. This creates a hypersensitive state that then can be very receptive to
the astral plane. Remember that astral plane is full of every kind of soul you can
imagine--no different than on earth. So it would appear that you are picking up
on, or tuning into, various conversations that are existing there. This is very
similar to what happens when folks play with the Ouija board.
to be continued ........
Hi Rad, it was mentioned above a recommendation from JWG in regards to sustained eye contact for a period of time in
relationship b4 sexual intimacy.
...techniques you've described in avoiding sex in the beginning and engaging in periods of sustained eye contact?
And you have also spoken of this in regards to a chart I recently posted in the thread on aspects and phases.
Is this because sexual desire itself emanates from an entirely unconscious place (separating desires) and thus acting upon those
desires naturally creates karma between the two souls involved relative to the nature of the unconscious separating desire being
acted upon?

If so, I imagine this is not just about sex itself but any kind of physical connecting that emanates from sexual desire (ie not
exclusive to penetration)?
Also, is the point of this practice to support the establishment of a strong trust and soul connection first, and then to allow time to
tell if a spiritual commitment through sexuality is appropriate for that couple?
Thank you,
ami Rad, it was mentioned above a recommendation from JWG in regards to sustained eye contact for a period of time in
relationship b4 sexual intimacy.
...techniques you've described in avoiding sex in the beginning and engaging in periods of sustained eye contact?
And you have also spoken of this in regards to a chart I recently posted in the thread on aspects and phases.
Is this because sexual desire itself emanates from an entirely unconscious place (separating desires) and thus acting upon those
desires naturally creates karma between the two souls involved relative to the nature of the unconscious separating desire being
acted upon?
Sex desire is not specifically a function of separating desires because the sexual instinct within all humans is
necessary in order for the species to be sustained. The Soul's orientation to that natural sexual instinct is what
needs to be examined in your question. Whatever that orientation is may or may not be unconscious depending on
the evolutionary condition or station of any given Soul, and the capacity of any given Soul to be self reflective so as
to consciously know the what their orientation is, the reasons why, for any given sexual desire. Once any two Souls
act upon their sexual desires for one another then, yes, a karma is established for them.
If so, I imagine this is not just about sex itself but any kind of physical connecting that emanates from sexual desire (ie not
exclusive to penetration)?
Once any two Souls made a choice to be in a relationship of some kind a karmic and evolutionary trail begins.
Also, is the point of this practice to support the establishment of a strong trust and soul connection first, and then to allow time to
tell if a spiritual commitment through sexuality is appropriate for that couple?
The point in that practice is for the Soul's of one another to 'see' into the Soul of one another first in order to
eliminate any misunderstandings between one another, and thus to establish Soul knowing/ trust first. The act of
sexual intimacy is then one of Soul intimacy as much as it is body intimacy because the bottom line is the desire for
Soul intimacy where the body is simply a vehicle for that in a sexual way. This would be true for any two Souls
independent of their evolutionary station. A 'spiritual' commitment can be made by any two Souls to one another at
any level of evolution. Incarnation: Soul & Body
(Q1): At what point does the soul enter the body? Is it possible for it to take some time?
(A): The soul incarnates at the moment of conception. Some souls then fly in and out until birth, others stay firmly within, and
others come back at the moment of birth.
(Q2): I noticed that on your web site you have a picture of a woman holding an infant in her lap, and there is a silvery shadow
over the babys head. You say that it is the spirit entering the baby through the crown chakra. So if our spirit enters our body
after we are born, would it be highly possible and very likely that a highly evolved soul could hang around and wait for the
particular birth of a child in order to enter the world back in a body? It only seems reasonable to me. But then cant our souls
make our new bodies so that we would not need to return here as a baby again but could enter as a fully mature adult? It seems

that we would only return here in the form of a baby if we have lessons to learn or karma to work out. I think that if the essence
of the soul is love for the good of self and mankind, then there is nothing wrong with this. Is this right or not?
(A): No, the soul enters at conception. From there, the soul typically comes in and out of the body, even doing so at times after
the actual birth. Even the greatest of the great are born in a normal way.
(Q3): At what point does the soul enter the body to begin another human incarnation? I imagine it differs for each individual. Is
there a particular time in the human life, applicable to all humans, at which the soul must house itself with the body for the
human life to continue?
(A): All souls come into the body at the moment of conception itself; then, depending on the nature of the soul, it can either
remain in the body or move in and out of it at varying intervals until the birth moment, at which time the soul is within the body.
Even after the birth some souls still fly in and out for awhilemostly during the first year--and not very often after that.
(Q): In the photo of your son where the spirit is entering his body, is that his spirit or soul? Also, when I had my reading with you,
you said regarding spirits and such, "If you could see all the things in this room, you would be shocked." Are the spirits that you
see floating around typically white like in the photo of your son? Are different spirits different colors? Are bad spirits dark? Also,
what other things are typically floating around the room?
(A): Yes, it is his spirit in combination with the energy of God. The level of evolution determines how one sees various spirit
energies and the colors of them--everything from vibrant colors to various shades of grey, white, black. Evil energy or spirits are
always very dark.
Gospel of Barnabas
(Q): I recently found a book called The Gospel of Barnabas. I had never seen this book before, nor had I seen it referenced
anywhere. The introduction of the book discusses about how this gospel was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of
Alexandria until 325 A.D, and it also refers to the Council of Nicaea, among other things. Then it discusses how the Pope secured a
copy for his private library and how another copy was found on Barnabas' remains in 478 A.D. and from then until now it has been
housed in the Hofbibliothek (The Austrian National Library) in Vienna. It is mostly Jesus' teachings and communications with his
disciples, but these teachings are not candy coated at all, and some are very intense. It begins with The Annunciation of Mary and
continues through about 200 pages of Jesus and his disciples, and ends with a weird twist of the persecution of Jesus in which
Jesus is said to have changed the appearance of Judas into the likeness of himself, and that Judas suffered some of Jesus'
persecution because everyone sees Jesus, and they hear this person denying that he is Jesus, but he says instead that he is
Judas, which apparently he is. I know you've read a great deal of mystical literature. Have you ever come across this one? It
seems to me that these might be actual teachings just from the feelings I got from reading it.
(A): Well, first I have not read a lot of spiritual books, or for that matter many books at all--not even astrology--maybe ten at
most, and none from cover to cover. So no, I have never heard of this book. It is also difficult for me to accept that there ever
was such a gospel. Beyond that I do know that Judas was not changed into the appearance of Jesus; this did not happen. Judas
did carry a heavy karma for many, many centuries after the specific life of Judas. Even as of the last century he incarnated as a
monk in India, and he was still struggling with the issue of material gain--possessions and money.
Between Lives
(Q): In some of his readings Edgar Cayce talked about how after death the soul makes sojourns to other planets to spend time
learning and/or incorporating the energies of the particular planet into the experience of the soul in a way that evolves the soul in
relation to that particular planet and its specific energies. Is it your sense that this is true? And if so, does that mean that a soul
can work on its evolution between lives and not just from life to life? And if the answer is yes, then can some karma actually be
totally resolved after or between lives on earth?
(A): No, souls do not go to different planets in this solar system. It is possible to eliminate some karma in between lives; it
depends on what it is.
Body/Earth Tremors
(Q): I was reading some recent posts about folks experiences with earth/body tremor synchronicity and was wondering if there

was any relationship between that and kundalini?

(A): Yes.
(Q): I was wondering if the flushing out of negative karma from the earth is accomplished by similar bursts of cleansing/
harmonizing energy like kundalini?
(A): Yes.
(Q): Also, does that force within the earth creates waves whose pulsations/frequency resonate with one's own sensitized inner
environment, either from birth imprinting or transits, and thus those folks feel these pulses being generated by the earth?
(A): Yes.
(Q): And if such things are true, might those folks who experience these traumas discover some remedial insights by deeply
exploring their own emotional/sexual/soul state (water archetypes) as it impacts their physical bodies (earth archetypes) as these
traumas occur? Does some synchronistic resonance exist within the earth phenoma that reflects a similar human condition
attempting harmonization? It would be interesting to do synastry between one's natal chart and the event chart itself to see if any
correlations of karmic/evolutionary synchronicity can be observed.
(A): Yes, that should be done.
Alternate Realities
(Q): After reading the above message about strange body phenomena, I thought of something Philip Sedgwick mentioned in his
latest issue of the Galactic Times which might also have some bearing on her experiences as well as sensitivity to others. It reads
as follows: "Astrophysicists announced last week that they have been able to ascertain the previously illusive perimeter of black
holes. The Event Horizon, as it has been dubbed, is the place where space and time cease. Beyond the black hole lives an
alternate reality parallel dimension and who knows what else. Simple science confirmed through the observation of matter and
energy in space that the portal to alternate levels of reality exist. This is an astounding discovery so early in this new millennium."
Given that scientists have finally observed this phenomenon physically it would seem to correlate to the ability to discern a
different vibrational frequency rate by human consciousness. Would that correlate with transiting Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius,
with Saturn in Gemini serving as a tuning fork for discerning this phenomenon, etc.?
In accordance with the synchronicity of the holographic universe, I can't help but suspect folks will actually begin to experience, or
already are experiencing, physical initiation into whatever specific band of alternate realities this phenomenon correlates to, and
symptoms of this could manifest perhaps as subtle vibrational shifts within consciousness that jolt one, even if just for a
nanosecond. I wonder if manifestations such as explained in the previous post result from this increased vibrational sensitivity in
combination with a synergistic confluence of specific planetary energies--in her case Pluto with Neptune-- Neptune being the
higher octave of Venus, which correlates to the psychology of hearing, and then Neptune, which correlates to vibration beyond
human sound levels.
Lately I have been experiencing subtle shifts (like a switch flipping) that add another layer or dimension momentarily to my
consciousness. Its hard to explain other than that. It makes me think of the stuff new age folks have written about: that we are
approaching a time of expanded consciousness - from 3-D to 4-D. I can understand that because the shift appears to add another
element seemingly born from a more integrated emotional body like that cosmic seed birthed at the balsamic conjunction or at
passage from the twelfth to the first house cusps that transfigure rebirth. I am just curious if any other folks are experiencing
similar things. Also, for those doing counseling, if this stuff is true, some clients out there might really get jolted if they've got
some key planetary vibrational confluences occurring on top of this as well, like in the case above. Does any of what Im saying/
asking have a basis in reality?
(A): The black holes do correlate to portals into other universes. There are seven of these portals, like the seven chakras or the
seven candles or churches that Jesus spoke about. Three of these universes are time/space based, three are non-time/space
based, and one is transitional between the two. I would not use the term alternate realities though; I would use the term other
Yes, given that we are now at a critical point in planetary evolution, the five hundred year point before the next Age, there is a
progressive culmination of the existing nature of collective consciousness--how it has evolved to date and why--and within that

culmination and expansion of the collective consciousness, the individual consciousness is occurring. Generally, with Pluto in
Sagittarius and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius, it means that there is a progressive shift into the right brain (which is non-linear,
conceptual or abstract based) from the left brain (which is utterly linear); and the Neptune/ Uranus transits in Aquarius simply
correlate to the evolution of dendrites within the brain that correlate to that shift. The evolution of the brain is relative to the fact
that humans have evolved to the point of using only about ten percent of its total capacity.
All this must be understood and referenced to actual reality--the existing nature of human evolution on this planetthus, the four
natural evolutionary states. This kind of evolution is occurring within those natural states, yet it is experienced by each person
according to his/her current level of evolution. For example, as these transits are taking place, most of the folks on the planet
today who are in the consensus state only experience a strange sort of absentmindedness in which they think their short-term
memory (left brain) is suddenly failing them. That is the subtle effect of the shift for these people, but it is the shift to the right
brain that is causing this.
For those in the individuated state, the symptoms of this expansion of consciousness are experienced more as an inner feeling of
accelerating forward, like going suddenly from thirty miles an hour to eighty--the sudden acceleration creating a blur effect in
terms of one's immediate reality, and thus a detaching from that reality. It is in the detachment that the consciousness is
expanding, yet it is primarily on a subconscious level. For these folks a psychological feeling of existential angst or a free floating
displaced anxiety or panic can occur. These symptoms can occur because the expansion of consciousness that is taking place
primarily on a subconscious level threatens the existing nature of one's current reality and demands a sudden or radical change of
that current reality.
Those in the spiritual state of evolution are much more consciously aware of the new thought forms/ perceptions/ images that are
manifesting within themselves--apparently of their own volition. The nature of these thought forms/ perceptions/ images correlate
to the larger truth--the natural truths and laws of the entire nature of the Creation.
So in terms of this fourth dimension stuff (presumably the holographic consciousness), which literally means perceiving time and
space as existing simultaneously (like living in all the centuries consciously at the same time), it will occur to a very limited
number of folks depending on their degree of evolution.
Karma with Countries
(Q): How do past lives spent in various countries/cultures play a role in current lives? Can you have actual Karma with certain
places on the physical earth?
(A): Yes, one can have a personal karma with a country or area, for example, Hitler. If you knew how he incarnated after being
Hitler and where that incarnation took place you would know for sure the answer is yes to this question. (Clue: He incarnated
quickly after the life of being Hitler right next to the main concentration camp in Poland, and how he was born--the physical
condition of his body--is the proof of this truth.
(Q): Relocation charts and astro-cartography would help pinpoint these areas, but is there another way?
(A): Yes, there is another way, but it is not yet published. This is based on a project that I have been working on for over twenty
years called "Journey's Thru Time". In essence it combines Cosmo biology, the 90 degree dial, the Astrological Ages and Subages,
and the use of geodetic equivalents developed by Johndro. I have been trying to perfect this system, which is why I have not
published anything on it yet.
(Q): I understand why you would be born into one culture, country, etc. If you are drawn to different countries, is this a reflection
of the possible futures you have there, or the past you've had there, or both?
(A): It can be both.
Q): .......Does some synchronistic resonance exist within the earth phenomena that reflects a similar human condition attempting
harmonization? It would be interesting to do synastry between one's natal chart and the event chart itself to see if any
correlations of karmic/evolutionary synchronicity can be observed.
(A): Yes, that should be done.

Hi Rad,

In contrast to the "earth" phenomena quoted above, I drew up an event chart for the massive Solar Flare that took place on 16th
April 2012 (see chart attached).
How do we interpret the Solar Flare phenomena in terms of Earth and the individuals upon the Earth?
Thanks for this interesting and helpful thread.
Hi Linda,
"How do we interpret the Solar Flare phenomena in terms of Earth and the individuals upon the Earth? "
The effects of such things is of course a collective event for all humans on the Earth, as well as all other forms of life.
To 'interpret' such phenomena means to understand the causes of the phenomena itself. Such phenomenal events
must been seen and understood within the whole of all of other phenomenal events taking place at any given time.
For example, right now, the Sun is getting brighter, there is a warming taking place on all the planets, not just earth.
Within the Earth the very core of it undergoing a radical shift that is causing the protective magnetic sphere for our
Earth to break down in various places that thus allows increased radiation to enter into it. Some scientists are
projecting that this protective magnetic sphere could be completely gone within a very short amount of time: years.
The Earth has been manifesting very strange sounds since around 2011 all over the Earth. All planets, including the
Earth, are being tilted on their axis's in various degrees. The rotation of the Earth is beginning to slow. And so on. So
to interpret such phenomena is to understand the causes. To understand the causes is thus to know to effects for
everything on our Earth.
God Bless, RadGod/Universe as perfection or evolving force

(Q1): Im grappling with a kind of duality concerning God/Goddess (or the

universe) and hope you can offer some insight. While the concept of God as an
ever-evolving (and thus imperfect) being makes a lot of sense, I have considered
that God and the universe itself--God's creation--to be a wise and compassionate
entity: as in the phrase "God is good". Yet if an absolute (perfect) cannot be
applied to God, can any absolute (such as wise) be applied to the universe itself, if
it is created by God? Is the universe itself not evolving toward a state of wisdom,
as God itself evolves toward perfection?
(A): Just because God/Goddess is not perfect does not mean that God is not wise
or compassionate. And yes, all is evolving towards perfection, whatever that may
be. To me, when all is perfect there is no need for the Creation in the first place,
but that could be my own imperfect understanding.
(Q2): Since the Universe/Source is an ever evolving force and, therefore, never
perfect, are we helping this force evolve by working with our karmic/evolutionary
(A): Yes, the extent that we consciously embrace our evolutionary lessons and
understand and fulfill our karma--whatever it may be--does in fact help the Source
evolve, only because we come from that Source.
(Q2): And why did Goddess/Source ever need to project itself into manifested
(A): There is a natural limitation to all forms within the Creation, including the
limitation of human consciousness. This means it can only know so much relative
to the outer reaches of that limitation. For example, anyone reading this message
can experience just what I mean by asking the question: Who created God/
Goddess? That's when the limitation of human consciousness is reached. As a
result, the question you are asking here is not answerable from the point of view
of this natural human limitation.
(Q3): Im just re-listening to your tape, Virgo and the Archetype of SelfImprovement, in which you state, God itself is evolving, and therefore, it has its
own methodologies (Virgo) linked with self-improvement. Could we then relate
one of these methodologies, i.e., one way that God itself is effecting its own self-

(A): There is a natural limitation to all forms within the Creation, including the
limitation of human consciousness. This means it can only know so much relative
to the outer reaches of that limitation. For example, anyone reading this message
can experience just what I mean by asking the question: Who created God/
Goddess? That's when the limitation of human consciousness is reached. As a
result, the question you are asking here is not answerable from the point of view
of this natural human limitation.
(Q3): Im just re-listening to your tape, Virgo and the Archetype of SelfImprovement, in which you state, God itself is evolving, and therefore, it has its
own methodologies (Virgo) linked with self-improvement. Could we then relate
one of these methodologies, i.e., one way that God itself is effecting its own selfimprovement, to what you said recently about the terrorism on Sept. 11 (2001):
To me this latest insanity is but an extension of what has already been occurring
for a very long time. To me it is the Natural Gods way of progressively creating
ever increasing, shocking, and cataclysmic events whose intention is to wake us
up, to find our way back to the Natural God?
(A): If we remember that God is the origin of free choice, which is the causative
factor in choosing, in the end, God or Evil, then the answer is yes, because of the
choices people make that lead in the very opposite direction of God/Goddess.
Ascended Master
(Q): What is an ascended master?
(A): This is a patriarchal term which means a soul who has fully realized god and
whose consciousness is a reflection of that full realization as expressed thru the
ego of the ascended master.
Karma in Current Life
(Q): Is the karma that one is working through within the current life a direct result
of the most recent previous life, or could it be something from, say, 10 lifetimes
ago? Is the good and bad karma immediate, or does it spread itself out?
(A): The karma being lived out in a specific life can be as immediate as the most
recent prior life or as distant as thousands of centuries ago, with all combinations
in between. This is called prarabdha karma from a Hindu/Sanskrit point of view,
which means in any given life we are not drawing upon all previous lives, only the
ones that directly correlate to the current life evolutionary and karmic purpose.
Sexual Karma
(Q1): I am still trying to grasp the ramifications of eighth house issues, and
specifically, what it really means that one takes on another's karma through the
exchange of sexual fluids. When one takes on another's karma, and the other has
experienced severe trauma, does one automatically experience something like
post-traumatic stress too?
(A): To some degree, yes.
(Q1): In the case of rape, does the victim take on the rapist's issues?
(A): Yes, the underlying psychology of the rapist is osmosed, thus affecting the
overall psychology of the one who is raped.
(Q1): In the case of one-night stands, does one take on the karma of the other
person even though they dont see each other again?
(A): Yes, and not just the karma but the entire history of that person, their
underlying soul issues.
(Q2): This may sound obtuse, but why is this so?
(A): Because every person carries their entire karmic and evolutionary history in
their sexual fluids.

(Q1): Does one take on more karma the more partners he/she is involved with?
Do they get more confused, too? How do we sort through all of this karma? The

(A): Yes, and not just the karma but the entire history of that person, their
underlying soul issues.
(Q2): This may sound obtuse, but why is this so?
(A): Because every person carries their entire karmic and evolutionary history in
their sexual fluids.

(Q1): Does one take on more karma the more partners he/she is involved with?
Do they get more confused, too? How do we sort through all of this karma? The
responsibility is overwhelming.
(A): Yes, the more partners one has the more karma one absorbs, and this can
create real confusion and conflicting emotional states. Is this me, or is this
something I have taken in? The problem is that most folks would not have the
capacity to discern the difference.
(Q1): Finally, can one also take on another's karma just by being in their presence
(the company we keep) if there is an intensity of feeling but no sexual union?
(A): No.
Karma Exchange
(Q1): In the correspondence course, when you are discussing the Scorpio
archetype, you give an excellent example of the process of sexual exchange of
karma (the woman who osmosed the karma of a former male prostitute and then
got violated by his friend). But then what happened? How did she integrate that
new karma? I understand the lesson of having this experience is one of
discrimination, but was it a one time occurrence, or was this the beginning of
opening the door to a whole series of emotional and physical shocks for her? What
happened to her? How did she resolve this experience and integrate that karma?
(A): She resolved it first by understanding her inner dynamics that created these
experiences in the first place and then resolved to change those dynamics. And, of
course, she used the Agni ritual. Until she had done all that, though, the intake
lead to progressively more difficult scenarios with many men.
(Q1): So even if we take on the karma of others, the root is still those core inner
dynamics that have attracted the karma of others in the first place, and our first
step is to resolve to change those dynamics, then actually discover our own
personal process to succeed in changing those dynamics. Does all that have a
domino effect on all that has been osmosed from others?
(A): The karma osmossed from each partner must be cut individually via the Agni
(Q2): Would condoms do anything to prevent the exchange of Karma and personal

If it is the actual exchange of fluids that transmits karma, couldn't

condoms block this exchange, assuming no other physical/oral exchanges take

place? Or does the karma transmit regardless?
(A): Condoms cannot block the intake of sexual fluids. Subtle amounts get
exchanged anyway, and beyond that all fluids in the body contain this issue of
memory--one's entire karmic and evolutionary background. So when we are
sexual with someone we are exchanging fluids even through things like sweat and
kissing, and so on.
(Q3): In relation to the exchange of karma through kissing, but without sexual
intercourse, how much karma is exchanged?
(A): It is total.
(Q3): If the couple in question had a composite Mars-Venus balsamic conjunction
in the twelfth house, with Mars at 29 degrees Capricorn, and one partner's Sun
and Venus is conjunct the composite Ascendant in the 12th house, and that
person's Uranus falls in the composite eighth house, can this be the final time
these two souls would meet? The partner with the planets in the composite eighth
and twelfth houses ended the relationship before intercourse could occur.
(A): Yes, but they will meet again either as friends and/or mentors for one

(Q3): In relation to the exchange of karma through kissing, but without sexual
intercourse, how much karma is exchanged?
(A): It is total.
(Q3): If the couple in question had a composite Mars-Venus balsamic conjunction
in the twelfth house, with Mars at 29 degrees Capricorn, and one partner's Sun
and Venus is conjunct the composite Ascendant in the 12th house, and that
person's Uranus falls in the composite eighth house, can this be the final time
these two souls would meet? The partner with the planets in the composite eighth
and twelfth houses ended the relationship before intercourse could occur.
(A): Yes, but they will meet again either as friends and/or mentors for one
Karma From The Holocaust
(Q): I'm currently reading a book on IBM's role in the Holocaust, which brings me
to ask about the collective karma of those involved. What is the general karmic
fate of the men and women who carried out Hitler's orders or went along with the
Third Reich?
(A): There is no general karma. The only karma would be to those who actually
knew of Hitler's intent. The karma for those who did know in some way correlates
to 'the end justifies the means', gross, sadistic, evil, misuse of power, the karma
of deception and manipulation, the karma created thru a consciousness that feels
it is superior to others, and so on.
(Q): Is there a general karmic fate for those who worked for corporations (like
IBM) who helped to carry out Hitler's regime?
(A): Again, only for those who actually knew of Hitler's intent. To my knowledge
only a few within the corporate super structure did know.
(Q): What was the evolutionary purpose of the millions of Jews who were killed?
Were they as martyrs to warn the world of what Evil can accomplish if left
(A): Yes.
(Q): I am one-quarter German by heritage. My paternal grandfather and his
parents, partially of Jewish decent, fled to America before Hitler could target them
specifically. How would such lineage figure into my karmic/cosmic mission, if at
all? (Note: I am a reformed masochist, with your help!).
(A): That, in fact, is the intent--to purge the masochism.
Aura pictures
(Q): In the aura pictures one can have taken, or if one reads auras, why would a
deep purple aura manifest around a person who, thru observation, is heavily
influenced by evil? (The person is also in an individuated stage of evolution). Is it
possible that this could be evil itself tricking the person into thinking they're
something that they're not? And thru extension, if the person shows the picture to
others, it's meant to trick others into thinking that the person is very spiritual, with
the intent being to gain power over others?
(A): If there has not been an actual contract made with evil, then I would say that
this correlates to the struggle between God and evil for this person's soul because
the purple correlates to the sacral chakra, thus sexuality. It is thru the emotional/
sexual body that evil's influence primarily occurs; thus the struggle for the soul
also occurs through that chakra first, then the navel.
Galactic Center
(Q): In class you touched upon the galactic center, which is located in Sagittarius.
Do you use it in all your readings? And where can I find good information on it?
(A): First, the center of the galaxy correlates to the center of gravity for the
galaxy, like a root of a plant that contains the blueprint for the plant itself. The
actual center is at twenty six degrees of Sagittarius. Thus, in essence, one simply
needs to know the total archetype, relative to the natural laws of the Creator, that

sexual body that evil's influence primarily occurs; thus the struggle for the soul
also occurs through that chakra first, then the navel.
Galactic Center
(Q): In class you touched upon the galactic center, which is located in Sagittarius.
Do you use it in all your readings? And where can I find good information on it?
(A): First, the center of the galaxy correlates to the center of gravity for the
galaxy, like a root of a plant that contains the blueprint for the plant itself. The
actual center is at twenty six degrees of Sagittarius. Thus, in essence, one simply
needs to know the total archetype, relative to the natural laws of the Creator, that
the archetype of Sagittarius correlates to in order to understand the root or
blueprint of this galaxy in terms of its original design.
It is because of this original design that the human being has a natural awareness
that the Earth is connected to something much larger than just the Earth itself-that something being the Source or Creator Itself. It is this natural awareness, and
the need to know what that Source or Creator is, that is the causative factor within
consciousness that sets in motion the evolution of consciousness itself in its effort
to know the totality of the Creation.
Within this awareness, focused now upon its immediate environment, Earth, is the
need to know the natural laws that correlate to the time and space reality we call
Earth or Gaia and how the Creation manifests itself via the natural laws that
correlate to Earth. As a result, all peoples have lived by and through these natural
laws. In so doing the human was in a state of balance with the total Creation upon
Earth, living in harmony with its environment.
Of course as time proceeded relative to the ongoing evolution upon this Earth a
progressive violation to these natural laws began, with 6500 BCE being the
beginning point of this progressive violation--the beginning of what we call the
patriarchal times. Within this was the rise of various religions that served as
vehicles of how we interpret what appears to be the phenomenal nature of the
Creation. How any of us interprets the apparent phenomenal nature of the
Creation correlates to the archetype of Sagittarius. Until 6500 BCE the
interpretation of the phenomenal nature of the Creation was simply through the
natural laws set in motion by the Creator in the first place. To know these laws and
to consciously unite with them led to actual knowledge through actual experience,
not through mere belief.
As the patriarchal transition began there was a progressive shift away from the
direct knowing born of experience to beliefs that progressively became
sophisticated abstract and conceptual systems born of the mind that projected
such conceptions/abstractions upon the phenomenal nature of the Creation.
Among those projections/ beliefs was the delusive thought that the human being
was superior to Nature and that Nature was in place to serve the human being, to
be dominated for the human's purposes.
The result of that thought projection and belief speaks for itself in today's world.
Complicating this thought/ delusion/ belief was also the great shift in natural
consciousness, which is defined by the natural principles of giving, sharing, and
inclusion, to man made principles of self-interest and exclusion. This shift
correlated to the 6500 BCE point. In combination this led to the raping of the Earth
for human purposes, which most any person that is capable of breathing and
blinking is now aware of.
This collective awareness of the destruction of our Earth was set in motion in 1988
with the last great conjunction of Saturn with Uranus at exactly twenty eight
degrees of Sagittarius. These conjunctions set the tone socially for the next 48
years--the reality to be experienced by all of us. So now, of course, the news is full
on an almost daily basis of various Earth events or phenomena that correlate to
the fact that the human being is sadly at severe odds with the very environment
that it is dependent upon for its own survival. For example, over one hundred
species of life become extinct on a daily basis now thru human activities.
The bottom line is that the choices that are made during this current cycle of
Saturn and Uranus will determine the long range fate of the human species as it
correlates to Nature's rebellion (Uranus) against the human organism. From the
point of view of Uranus, (detached) we could pretend that we are out in space
observing earth, our eyes acting like a microscope that perceives the human

degrees of Sagittarius. These conjunctions set the tone socially for the next 48
years--the reality to be experienced by all of us. So now, of course, the news is full
on an almost daily basis of various Earth events or phenomena that correlate to
the fact that the human being is sadly at severe odds with the very environment
that it is dependent upon for its own survival. For example, over one hundred
species of life become extinct on a daily basis now thru human activities.
The bottom line is that the choices that are made during this current cycle of
Saturn and Uranus will determine the long range fate of the human species as it
correlates to Nature's rebellion (Uranus) against the human organism. From the
point of view of Uranus, (detached) we could pretend that we are out in space
observing earth, our eyes acting like a microscope that perceives the human
organism relative to Earth as cancer cells upon and within it. Just as the human
being has an immune system, so too does Gaia or Earth. Thus, Gaia or Earth, like
the immune system in the human being, is attempting to isolate the human in its
efforts to sustain the integrity of the rest of the natural Creation upon this Earth.
This isolation occurs thru Earth events, which include the progressive contagion
(Uranus) of disease that can affect all humans everywhere. From the point of view
of Gaia, or Earth, this is a necessary culling in order for the whole organism of
Earth to survive.
Paradoxically (Uranus), it is now thru the distorted structure of current
consciousness that is defined thru the idea of exclusion and self-interest that is
now serving as the motivation to make new choices that honor the totality of the
Earth: Nature. And the need to survive is the root of this motivation. Thus,
through circumstantial necessity the human being is being forced to change, and
this change requires the human being to re-honor the Earth itself: the totality of
Natural Laws.
In terms of individual chart work, simply locate where that 26 degrees of
Sagittarius occurs by house. It is exactly there, that center of gravity, that any of
us can understand-- truly understand--the nature of natural laws. By focusing
there, the house in which the 26 degree symbol occurs, one can understand the
natural laws of the archetype. Then, like a line of dominos, by focusing there, one
can understand all the other natural laws that correlate to the totality of nature on
(Q): Thanks so much...that was really, really helpful! One more question on this
point: Is it too general to state that people with planets on this point (or in aspect
to it) natally are forces, or souls, incarnated to revive the ways of natural law? I
believe you said at one time that this indicates souls from the Dog Star (daemon
(A): When there is a planet, lunar node or planetary node in direct contact with
that point (not in aspect to it, in direct contact with it), then such a soul will be or
is a soul whose inner structure is defined by the daemon archetype, the Dog Star.
But remember the evolutionary condition is imperative in understanding who is
who because of the centuries of patriarchal conditioning. For example, even
though a soul may, in fact, be defined inwardly by the daemon archetype, if that
soul is in, say, the second or third stage consensus state, it would be possible for
the person to have bought into western religions (Sagittarius), and thus reflect the
stupid religious doctrine that nature is here to serve the human. For such a soul,
of course, there will be a progressive deconditioning over the future evolutionary
cycles in order to uncover its original root. For those who have already evolved
beyond the consensus, then this original root will progressively define the
structural nature of the person's consciousness.

to be continued ....

Entity Attachments
(Q): When someone incarnates on Earth with entities attached to them, can this in
anyway show in a natal chart? Maybe through the eighth house, Pluto, and/or
(A): Yes, this is typically a Scorpio or Pisces phenomenon--Pluto, eighth house,
Neptune, twelfth house, respectively.
Soul versus Ego

Entity Attachments
(Q): When someone incarnates on Earth with entities attached to them, can this in
anyway show in a natal chart? Maybe through the eighth house, Pluto, and/or
(A): Yes, this is typically a Scorpio or Pisces phenomenon--Pluto, eighth house,
Neptune, twelfth house, respectively.
Soul versus Ego
(Q): I have been confused for a long time over the difference between the Soul
and the ego. I am trying to experience my Soul as separate from my ego so I can
discern the difference between them. I thought of the Soul as divine positive
energy and the ego as the part of me that experienced fear and resistance. In the
Pluto School tapes you speak of the soul being afraid and having resistance to
evolution. How do you define and experience the difference between the two?
(Answer from another student, M.) I read your posting with interest. If I can help
I'd like to point out something else that Jeffrey said. If you remember, Pluto
referred to the dualistic nature of the soul: the need to merge with the source vs.
the desire to separate from that same source. The moon represents the conscious
ego (or lens of the projector as Jeffrey put it), through which the soul projects its
desire nature. If you look at it this way, you can see how much of what passes for
astrological thought (i.e., the moon representing the feelings and such), doesn't
explain the whole process of the ego. Usually Saturn is given the distinction of
ego. However, if we consider what Jeffrey teaches about Saturn, then Saturn
represents the structure of the ego, or the aperture that contains the lens/ego, but
not the lens itself. Having said this, I believe we must begin to unravel what has
been patriarchal conditioning about the make-up of the soul/ego. The conditioning
would have us believe that the soul is the higher manifestation of human
existence, and in part that may be true. Here, once again, is the patriarchal
teaching of separation viz., the soul as separate from the ego, mind, emotions,
etc. How can this be? If we begin to understand the soul as just part of the
manifestation of incarnation/creation, the driving force behind our actions,
feelings, thoughts, our very reason for existence, then we begin to act responsibly,
with forethought and reasoned response (the antithesis to the Lucifer point). Do
not separate yourself into all these parts, elevating some at the expense of others.
You are one, your soul is already doing what it wants and desires. Consider these
desires and reason as to why this and not that Love yourself and the reason you
incarnated and live.
(A): M. has expressed it very, very well. The ego reflects what is happening within
the soul in total; there is no separation. If you wish to consciously experience your
soul--being conscious within it--versus being centered in your ego only, then you
must change the gravity point (Saturn) within your own consciousness. This
assumes an active desire to know and embrace that which creates us: God. The
progressive union with God occurs thru such a desire. This progressive union is
that which changes the gravity point within your consciousness.
(Q2): In a Reiki class last night, the teacher said that a certain symbol can help
you transcend your karmic patterns and learn your lessons without pain and that it
helps you to put your soul and spirit before your mind and emotions, which is
important since the mind and emotions are of the ego. The soul and spirit in the
lead will make the learning come with grace. He suggested a specific 12 to 20
minute daily meditation for this.
Another evolutionary student emailed me today saying that this was backwards as
it is the soul that is damaged, and putting it first would be wrong. That the mind is
how the healing will take place. Could you please comment? I would have been
inclined to think that the ego is more problematic, and the soul directs the lessons
of evolution to create the opportunity for the healing of the ego.
My Reiki teacher also said that the fourth dimension is being eaten away, and
there will be a merging of the third and fifth dimension, which is like the throat
and solar plexus chakras meeting in the heart. The fourth dimension holds the
illusions, mysticism and the dreams of history, which is a structured time we have
functioned under for
,000 to 17,000 years. Before that, he said, time was fluid and after that, it will be
like the wind. We have four years before this occurs, and this is why the push is on
to clear the karma.

how the healing will take place. Could you please comment? I would have been
inclined to think that the ego is more problematic, and the soul directs the lessons
of evolution to create the opportunity for the healing of the ego.
My Reiki teacher also said that the fourth dimension is being eaten away, and
there will be a merging of the third and fifth dimension, which is like the throat
and solar plexus chakras meeting in the heart. The fourth dimension holds the
illusions, mysticism and the dreams of history, which is a structured time we have
functioned under for
,000 to 17,000 years. Before that, he said, time was fluid and after that, it will be
like the wind. We have four years before this occurs, and this is why the push is on
to clear the karma.
To me, the impressive line up of Pluto, Chiron, and Mars in Sagittarius would seem
to be saying the soul, dynamic action, and the teacher/healer are all pushing for
these perceptual shifts to bring us back to truth and even beyond what we
conceive of as Natural Law (not beyond that law, but our concept of it).
(A): Pardon me for saying this, but what your Reiki teacher is expressing is simply
not true. Once again, as M. pointed out, you see the patriarchal separation in all
these words about soul, mind, spirit, and so on. There is no separation of these
things; they are all part of our soul, all part of what has created us: God. To be
free of our karmic patterns is a very simple thing: to desire to know God, to unify
with God, and to give to others unconditionally, yet with proper discrimination.
Like the woman whom Jesus healed of all her karmic problems--the woman who
was very sick--and Jesus simply looked into her and, based on what he saw within
her, said "Woman, your faith has healed you," and instantly she was healed.
Hopi Prophesy
(Q): I read somewhere of a Hopi prophesy that talks about a great age of
purification. I was wondering if we are in that age now, and if so, for how long?
What astrological transits would one look for that indicate a great age of
(A): Yes, we are in that age now. The underlying correlation is that we are at the
end time of the Pisces Age relative to the Virgo subage, with Pluto transiting thru
Sagittarius and currently conjunct the collective south node of Uranus, and
approaching the galactic center at 26 Sagittarius. Uranus and Neptune are in
Aquarius, with Neptune being on its own south node now, and both of them will
move into Pisces in the next few years.
Spirit -Soul
(Q1): What is a good definition for spirit? There is a great deal of metaphysical/
esoteric literature, and I feel that some of them spread some dont correctly
represent the concepts of spirit and soul, and the astral plane, and frequently
seem to mix up one concept with the other. I already have a correct definition for
the soul from your book, and a definition for the astral plane from Yogananda. I
also have my understanding of spirit, but I would like to know if its correct.
(A): Spirit is a manifestation of the Soul; it is not separate from it. For example, if
I inwardly experience the manifestation of Yogananda, that is his spirit coming into
me relative to his soul, which projects his spirit.
(Q2): Many astrologers state that Moon is soul and Sun is the spirit, but if I
remember correctly, in class you stated that Pluto represented the soul, and the
Moon is spirit, right?
(A): Yes, in the sense that when the soul (Pluto) projects itself--relative to its own
ego or identity--then that is the moon.
Great Galactic Cycle
(Q): I have a few questions relating to the expansion and contraction of the Great
Galactic cycle. Would The Holy Science by Sri Yuktsewar be a good resource to
provide more insight?
(A): Yes.
(Q): You stated that Atlantis was at its developmental height around 23,000 BCE

(A): Yes, in the sense that when the soul (Pluto) projects itself--relative to its own
ego or identity--then that is the moon.
Great Galactic Cycle
(Q): I have a few questions relating to the expansion and contraction of the Great
Galactic cycle. Would The Holy Science by Sri Yuktsewar be a good resource to
provide more insight?
(A): Yes.
(Q): You stated that Atlantis was at its developmental height around 23,000 BCE
during the last Aquarian Age. How would this correspond to the contractive peak of
the Great Galactic cycle, which was around 25,000 BCE? How can a civilization be
at its height close to the dark peak of this cycle?
(A): No, I stated that Atlantis peaked around 12,500 BCE, which was at the height
of the great expansion cycle of collective consciousness on Earth.
(Q): Do the peaks of this cycle always correspond to a Pisces/Virgo age, with the
contractive peak in a Pisces Age and the expansive peak in a Virgo Age? Does the
Great Galactic cycle correspond to the precession of the Equinoxes, is it related to
the wobbling of the Earth's axis?
(A): The procession of the equinoxes and over great lengths of time the various
signs that correspond to the great contraction and expansion themselves change.
They are not fixed.
(Q): I gather that the decline into the most recent contraction correlates with the
manifestation of the patriarchy. How may these expansions and contractions have
looked and manifested before the couple of hundred millennia of human history
preceding the recent past?
(A): Simply read history itself and the evolution of the human species therein.
(Q): Was there a theme to each of these cycles, such as the patriarchy and the
suppression/ severance of Natural Laws? How were humans influenced by evil
then? I am looking for some way to visualize these previous cycles, especially
because I am falling prey to the notion that before the patriarchy things were
much better rather than viewing what has occurred as evolutionary necessity.
(A): These questions require that you read history.
Soul Age
(Q): When you refer to the age of a Soul, does this mean that not all Souls were
created at the same time?
(A): Yes, that is right.
(Q): Did not all Souls come into existence simultaneously when the Source
projected itself into the manifested Creation?
(A): No, the Creation is an ongoing thing.
(Q): Do some Souls all of a sudden incarnate on Earth for the first time, but had
many life times on other planets or manifest in other places?
(A): Yes.
(Q): Would those be considered new or young Souls?
(A): It depends on the nature of their own evolution.
Second Stage Spiritual
(Q1): In the correspondence school tapes you use a number of well known fallen
spiritual leaders as examples of the second stage spiritual.
Surely, there must be a more positive and less dramatic way for a person to
remove spiritual glamour from their life without negatively impacting so many
other people in the process. (I realize there are no victims, and that those hurt in

(Q): Would those be considered new or young Souls?

(A): It depends on the nature of their own evolution.
Second Stage Spiritual
(Q1): In the correspondence school tapes you use a number of well known fallen
spiritual leaders as examples of the second stage spiritual.
Surely, there must be a more positive and less dramatic way for a person to
remove spiritual glamour from their life without negatively impacting so many
other people in the process. (I realize there are no victims, and that those hurt in
that process are all volunteers. Still, it's a cataclysmic event). First, do you agree
with that? If you do, could you give a description and maybe some examples of
what a more positive way of dealing with this stage looks like?
(A): The main thing in the second stage spiritual is the ego over identifying with
the degree of God/Goddess realization that it has. As a result there are many
forms of manifestation that this can take, not all being people like Rajneesh or
Claire Prophet, for example. Another example of this stage of evolution could be
the raging mystic who moves from town to town, from street to street, venting his
God realization upon all, whether anybody wants to listen or not. It can be the
exorcist priest who, in the context of his duty, does not recognize his own limits
and, as a result, gets killed by an evil spirit in the process of doing an exorcism,
and so on. In all cases the relative downfall is to purge this misidentification within
the ego.
Merging of Ego with the Soul
(Q): Would you elaborate on the meaning of merging the ego with the soul as
described when Pluto aspects Mars? Does it have to do with opening to the inner
voice, the large "S" Soul (Pluto), vs. repeating previous compulsive desires, or
does it mean that choices made are more karmic, that they have a more direct link
to the generation of karma, both positive and negative? Are those with this aspect
slower to learn, sort of living a karma of complacency, or just impatient, wanting
to do a lot of work on themselves.
(A): This begins to occur as the Soul evolves ever more toward its ultimate goal of
union with God/Goddess. Thus, evolution itself is the cause and it means
progressively to change the very center of gravity within consciousness from the
ego as a separate entity independent of the soul--i.e. the person inwardly
identifying itself as separate from everything else in the environment--to centering
itself, the ego, within the soul itself. This is simultaneous to the soul becoming
ever more consciously aware of its own source: God/Goddess. When the soul and
the ego are merged, the inner experience is dual in nature. It is like standing on
the beach at sundown with the sun half above and half below the horizon. In the
very same way, such a person has a dual experience of him or her self. On the one
hand, they do know and participate in their current individuality, i.e. the life they
are currently living. On the other hand, they are consciously aware of their
timeless self or soul, so it is like living in time--past, present, future--yet at the
same time living in their own timelessness, or time as simultaneous, with the veils
of past life removed. The individual can also be aware of future times, for the
collective, and/or the individual, both on a personal level as well as for others. In
the spiritual stages of evolution when you see the Mars/Pluto aspect, this signals
such an evolutionary intention in such a soul.
(Q): In the correspondence school videos you discuss kundalini as a force that
evolves consciousness. You also mentioned that the awakening of kundalini causes
any manner of physical symptoms. Are there any more common that you can
(A): No, the ones I have given are complete.
(Q): How is the best way to harness this energy?
(A): To mentally focus all of your energy within the third eye. This will help draw it
up the middle of the spine (sushumna) into the brain, or consciousness.
(Q): What is it for specifically?

evolves consciousness. You also mentioned that the awakening of kundalini causes
any manner of physical symptoms. Are there any more common that you can
(A): No, the ones I have given are complete.
(Q): How is the best way to harness this energy?
(A): To mentally focus all of your energy within the third eye. This will help draw it
up the middle of the spine (sushumna) into the brain, or consciousness.
(Q): What is it for specifically?
(A): It is an actual physiological substance or chemical that is secreted from the
kundalini gland located at the base of the spine.
to be continued ..
Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening
(Q): If a person has a spontaneous kundalini awakening, can they never have another one, or are they going to always be having
them? And what happens to the persons soul after such an experience?
(A): When kundalini is initially ignited it stays ignited. There is no turning it on and off; however, it can be metered out at
different rates at different times. The soul progressively remembers and becomes consciously unified with its sourceGod/
Goddesswhen kundalini is fully awakened. A good reference about kundalini is Gopi Krishnas book, Kundalini: The Evolutionary
Energy in Man, as well as another of his books, The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius.
Melatonin and Consciousness
(Q): I woke up from a nap today in a space where I knew what you mean when you say that melatonin dissolves the boundary
between the egocentric consciousness and God. It raised a few questions. I've noticed I often tend to fall asleep with a light
turned on. Even though my eyes are closed while I'm sleeping, does having a light on in the room affect the amount of melatonin
(A): Yes.
(Q): I often either stay up most of the night or else get up in the middle of the night to write or to reflect. This is not insomnia. I
find it much easier to access my true nature and feelings in the middle of the night. Is this related to melatonin production, even
though I'm awake?
(A): Yes, because the melatonin was secreted while you were sleeping. Upon waking-- especially when it is still dark out--there is
a carry over affect of this melatonin.
(Q): If it is related to melatonin, does being awake at night cause less melatonin to be produced than if I were asleep?
(A): Relatively, yes, but also remember that this hormone and protein is also relatively secreted even while awake, which is
especially so for all souls who are inherently creative by nature, inventive by nature, who are deeply inspired by nature, and so
on. This is the actual physiology of those things.
(Q): Is there a long term detrimental effect if this is a regular pattern?
(A): No, because souls who are inherently creative by nature don't sleep the socially conditioned way, which says we must have
eight hours of sleep per night. In reality the brain only needs four to five hours of sleep per night (at most) to totally renew. In
fact, a recent study suggests that folks who sleep less than eight hourssay, four to six hours--actually live longer than those
who sleep more than this. What this reflects is that the strength of the underlying life force within such folks is very, very strong,
and this tends to correlate to the creative, artistic, and inspired types among us. I also only sleep, at most, four to five hours a
(Q): Also, is melatonin production affected by sunlight? In other words, if I nap during the day, is melatonin produced, since my
eyes are closed, or does the fact that its not night time limit melatonin production even though I'm sleeping in a dark room?
(A): It is still secreted but not in the amounts produced while sleeping or dozing at night. For example, during the daytime when
we find ourselves spaced out, this is an example of melatonin being produced even during the day.

Melatonin and spiritualizing process

(Q): I'm a little confused about the function of the hormone melatonin in the body. You mentioned in one of your lectures that
light therapy suppresses the secretion of melatonin and, consequently, can be used to treat depression. Does an increased level of
melatonin cause depression?
(A): Yes, it can, and it can also be the causative factor in what is called manic depression.
(Q): You also mentioned that melatonin acts to dissolve the boundaries separating the subjective egocentric consciousness from
soul consciousness. In essence, melatonin acts as a spiritualizing process. How does melatonin connect with depression and act as
a spiritualizing agent at the same time?
(A): When one consciously begins the journey to truly spiritualize melatonin increases within the brain/consciousness in order to
dissolve the apparent boundary between the current ego and the soul. As this occurs the soul becomes increasingly aware,
conscious of, the Source of All Things, experiencing an actual inner cosmic consciousness in varying degrees of realization of the
ultimate, the absolute. As a result of this, when the consciousness snaps back to so-called normal reality--life on earth with all
that that means and implies--the contrast that one's consciousness experiences causes (for many) a transiting state of
depression, where the depression is caused by the inner knowledge that one must complete whatever the current life is about, the
gravity of time and space, mortality, the baggage of the body, the baggage of the totality of what the life is about.
(Q): Also, is it correct to say that if you are not tuned into this spiritualizing process the melatonin can in some people become
misdirected and become a causal factor in psychic disturbances?
(A): Yes, it can be a causative factor in all kinds of neuroses and psychoses.
(Q): As one moves into the spiritual state, would it be of great importance (because of this snap back you mentioned) to not only
be very aware of this effect of melatonin on the conscious being, but also be able to manage the melatonin so as to not get
(A): Melatonin is naturally regulated by the entire brain. When one is supplementing with melatonin then, yes, one must be
(Q1): Do you know why people who manifest the stigmata do so, (at least in the accounts I've read about), in the palms of the
hands, rather than the wrists, which is where the Romans drove the nails for crucifixion? And was Jesus crucified on a Tau cross
rather than a Latin cross? And, if so, then is the Catholic Church behind the reason why the symbol now used is the Latin cross?
(A): This is because people, over the centuries, began to believe that Jesus had nails put through his palms instead of the wrists.
Remember the incredible power that belief has over people, like these so-called martyrs of God who go into the discos in Israel
and blow themselves up because of their belief that they are indeed martyrs, and as such, they will enter heaven receive the
reward of being a martyr, i.e. 72 young virgins for their own pleasure. It is this belief that drives them to do what they do. Jesus
was, in fact, not crucified on any kind of cross; he was crucified on a pole.
(Q2): You seem to know a lot about Jesus and a lot about what really happened to him. Can you suggest where one can find the
same esoteric information you have received?
(A): It comes from within. Ever since I was a child I have had the capacity to remember prior lives for myself and others. One of
those lives was at the time of Jesus, thus the memories in which I had proximity to him. Let's put it that way.
(Q3): Is the stigmata real, or is it an aberration of the subconscious manifesting as the entire belief system of the particular
person who experiences this sort of thing? For example, the persons love for Christ is so great that he/she wants to experience
the same pain that Christ must have experienced. Or is it a manifestation of extreme egotism to presume that you can be like
Christ in all aspects, even experiencing the crucifixion?
(A): In the documented cases throughout history they are real.
Crossing Over
(Q1): Have you seen the TV show Crossing Over with John Edwards? He goes into the audience and starts to do readings for

audience members about people close to them who have passed on. Is he actually reading the people that have passed on, or his
he reading the memories of the audience members?
(A): What he does is to unify with the consciousness of those in the audience, and by unifying his consciousness with theirs he
then is able to access the astral plane through them, and then he reports what he sees.
(Q2): Sylvia Browne does the same thing. She and her Spirit Guides see the other side. She has written about some folk she calls
Dark Spirits who turn away from God, and in her view these spirits can be helped by prayer and encouragement that unconditional
love is available. The operative concept is choice.
I have seen John Edwards but cannot stay present because the pace is too overwhelming for me. He seems to be doing the same
thing Sylvia Browne does--reading higher vibratory rates than most of us can see. Browne's work is very God-centered and loving.
She details a list of life themes and patterns and says we all have a pattern and there are evolutionary themes to that. Her idea is
that we are doing what we are doing as a way for God-Essence-Om to experience. And also she sees the Mother Goddess, who
she calls Azna, as the representative of God on Earth. According to her, God/Om/Essence has a hard time staying manifest, which
makes sense to me, but what do you think?
(A): All such people essentially operate in the same way, whoever they are. In the case of Browne, she does this but does not
have the level of capacity of Edwards, thus she makes errors at times, or says something just to say it without actual contact.
(Q3): In relation to this, I would like know what your opinion on mediumship is. There are people who take classes (sometimes for
years) in order to learn mediumship and connect to spirits of the dead. Should this be something people seek to do, or is it natural
in that spirit would seek you, rather than you deliberately opening up to this sort of thing?
Do spirits of the dead seek to communicate with us here on the earth plane in order to pass messages on to loved ones etc? Or
can this be the work of darker forces? If so, how can you tell the difference?
(A): The simple, yet profound, answer is this: to seek God first, and God only. Once this inner relationship and conscious contact
is made then, as Jesus said, all that you need and are to become will be given to you. To seek out such things as mediumship
training without making that contact first is a fundamental error. The consciousness and emotional body must be inwardly
prepared first to be able to positively and correctly integrate the higher vibration that occurs thru astral contact, which is like
trying to put five thousand watts into a five watt bulb. Without that preparation the consciousness of the medium is no different
that the Ouija board. For example one day I saw a group of teenagers messing with a Ouija board, and they got this message and
that message and so on, and they were all thrilled by this. I stopped and asked one of the people this: Ask it if it is lying to you,
and the answer came back, Yes, we are. The same thing happens for those who have not made the inner preparation first with
(Q3): Do spirits of the dead seek to communicate with us here on the earth plane in order to pass messages on to loved ones
(A): Yes, but it can also be that someone on earth wishes to communicate with the dead.
(Q3): Or can this be the work of darker forces? If so, how can you tell the difference?
(A): See above. Without the preparation, one cannot.

to be continued ..........Garden of Eden Myth

(Q): I understand that through the churchs manipulation of the Garden of Eden
Myth women are presented as a spiritual temptation rooted in sensuality, and this
interpretation results in the archetype of sadomasochism and the and the
associated guilt and anger that results from that.
On the other hand, in Yoganandas translation and interpretation of the Bhagavad
Gita, he presents the myth in a spiritual light where everything takes on symbolic
meaning. For example, in relation to the apple of sex on the tree of nerves
situated "in the middle of the garden" of the body, God said: "Do not try to have
physical sex experience, lest you die (lose your present consciousness of
immortality)." He also says the bodies of these first humans were, therefore, the
result of both evolution (generally evolved from the patterns of animals) and a
special creation of God at the beginning of the human race, and that the original
prototypes of man and woman had no sexual members until they aroused sex
nerves instead of uplifting themselves toward God.
The way I understand what you meant when you said the sexual instinct is natural

On the other hand, in Yoganandas translation and interpretation of the Bhagavad

Gita, he presents the myth in a spiritual light where everything takes on symbolic
meaning. For example, in relation to the apple of sex on the tree of nerves
situated "in the middle of the garden" of the body, God said: "Do not try to have
physical sex experience, lest you die (lose your present consciousness of
immortality)." He also says the bodies of these first humans were, therefore, the
result of both evolution (generally evolved from the patterns of animals) and a
special creation of God at the beginning of the human race, and that the original
prototypes of man and woman had no sexual members until they aroused sex
nerves instead of uplifting themselves toward God.
The way I understand what you meant when you said the sexual instinct is natural
in humans is that in the beginning, before the fall when there was no illusion of
gross materialism, and that tantric, soul to soul connection was made, and the
energy was used to reach God instead of satisfying desire like animals. So, could
Yogananda's commentary be viewed as perspective gained when finally reaching
the level of natural celibacy? Please let me know how all of this ties in together.
(A): The apparent riddle is simple: The natural law in all souls is dual desire--the
separating one, and the one to unite with our source, or God. Thus, thru sexuality
this duality exists. What this means is to use the natural sexual instinct, or desire,
to unite with God,

to experience the God/Goddess within ourselves and our

partner, and to unite that inner connection with each other in such a way that the
act of sex is used to merge with God. It is only in the separating desire that we
forget God in general, and especially thru the passion of sex that is just sex
without a connection to God. There was never a time in which the human did not
have sexual organs, and there never was a real downfall. This was a function of
use of the Garden of Eden Myth--to cause guilt in men and women and thus
control them thru the religion itself.
White Light Experiences
(Q): Stephen Forrest refers to white light experiences in Awakening the Night,
Vol. II as if they are somewhat common. I have found that those who have had
them experience them as quite profound and long-lasting. In other words, gushes
of bliss can be prevalent, but actual white light experiences are few and far
between. Do you know what astrological signatures and/or transits might correlate
to such experiences? Are they as common as Stephen says, and perhaps I have
just been hanging out with the proverbial wrong crowd?
(A): First, your question infers how one inwardly defines the Source of All Things.
For example, Buddhists do not have a personal conception for God/Goddess, so
when the inner cosmos is accessed/experienced it is done so thru the perception of
light, or white light. This is a Uranian experience.
Soul and Spirit
(Q1):.In EA we correlate Pluto with the soul. How would you define spirit as
distinct from soul, and what astrological symbol would you correlate with it?
(A): Spirit is the conscious element of the soul that is the same as the ego within
our subjective consciousness that allows us to be aware of ourselves as
individuals; thus the ego of the soul is the spirit of the soul. Astrologically speaking
this would correlate to Neptune. Remember the natural triad of Cancer, Scorpio,
and Pisces. Cancer/moon correlates to the ego within our subjective
consciousness, and through this triad Neptune/Pisces correlates to the ego of the
soul (Pluto/Scorpio), or its spirit, with the soul being aware of its own individuality
at a soul level.
(Q2): Im having trouble understanding what you said above, i.e., you said that
the ego is the subjective consciousness (moon/Cancer) and that that was the
same as the spirit of the soul or ego of the soul (Neptune/Pisces). But wouldnt
that mean Pisces and Cancer are the same thing? That can't be what you meant,
but that is the way I read your answer. Could you please clear this up for me?
(A): Sure. The Soul must create an ego for its life in time/space realities like Earth
so that it can have a distinct self image (Cancer), and the function of the ego is
like the lens in a movie projector. Without the lens in the projector all we would
have on the screen is diffuse light; the lens allows for the inherent images within
the film to be focused. So too, the soul has a timeless (Neptune) identity or ego
that transcends time and space (Neptune/Pisces), which is eternal. This is what

(Q2): Im having trouble understanding what you said above, i.e., you said that
the ego is the subjective consciousness (moon/Cancer) and that that was the
same as the spirit of the soul or ego of the soul (Neptune/Pisces). But wouldnt
that mean Pisces and Cancer are the same thing? That can't be what you meant,
but that is the way I read your answer. Could you please clear this up for me?
(A): Sure. The Soul must create an ego for its life in time/space realities like Earth
so that it can have a distinct self image (Cancer), and the function of the ego is
like the lens in a movie projector. Without the lens in the projector all we would
have on the screen is diffuse light; the lens allows for the inherent images within
the film to be focused. So too, the soul has a timeless (Neptune) identity or ego
that transcends time and space (Neptune/Pisces), which is eternal. This is what
the symbolism of the triad between Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces means in
evolutionary terms; i.e., there is a progressive evolution and metamorphoses
through which the center of gravity (Saturn, the structural nature of
consciousness) shifts from subjective identification of oneself (that being the only
conscious identification for the vast majority of folks on the planet at this time) to
one's eternal identity linked with The Source of All Things. In other words, the
center of gravity of consciousness shifts from the subjective ego created by the
soul in time/space realities to the soul itself.
When that shift occurs one's inner experience of oneself is utterly different than
when it is just identified with the subjective ego (moon). It is comparable to
standing on a beach at sundown when the sun is half above and half below the
observable horizon. In that state of consciousness one's inner experience of the
self is a dual experience: One experiences the distinct individuality of the life being
lived as defined by the subjective ego of the moon, and at the same time
experiences one's eternal self or identity, the soul's individual identity as reflected
in the ego of the soul, or Neptune. In this way Cancer (ego) through Scorpio (soul)
has confronted and evolved beyond the limitation (Scorpio) of the subjective ego
as a distinct, individual consciousness that had previously identified with only
itself, its own individuality--the real sense of being separate from anything that it
not the subjective self--to a universal awareness in which all that is separate, or
appears to be separate, is not. One understands that everything manifests from
the same source and is utterly and fully conscious of this fact and yet still
experiences the individuality of its own timeless soul.
(Q2): So then, for an example, if you have a moon (subjective ego) in Pisces
(eternal) and it squares Neptune, then you generally know that the individual, for
one reason or another, has chosen to work on (or already has worked on)
dissolving the subjective ego?
(A): No, one has to know the evolutionary condition or state of any given person
to make that determination. For example, any soul that is in the consensus would
not be changing the center of gravity in their consciousness from the subjective
ego created by the soul to the soul itself, to be inwardly identified with the eternal
ego of the soul (Neptune). As an example, a person in the consensus state could
be trying to escape his inner being in a variety of ways that could include working
to an excessive degree, liquor, drugs, and so on.
In the spiritual state, then, the answer would be yes but not in the sense of
dissolving the subjective ego; that is not possible. The issue is the transference of
the center of gravity in consciousness from the subjective ego to the soul, thus the
eternal ego of the soul (Neptune). This creates a permanent inner state of duality
in which the person simultaneously experiences the specific subjective ego/
identity of the current life and at the same time, the eternal identity--ego of the
soulNeptune. So it's not an issue of dissolving the ego, it is an issue of where the
center of gravity (Saturn) is within the consciousness.
(Q2): Also, is Scorpio the part of the eternal source (soul) which allows us to
evolve through experience, i.e., limitation?
(A): Yes, that is the causative dynamic that ultimately leads to the Sanskrit words,
neti, neti, not this, not that. So what is it? It can only be God/Goddess.
(Q2): So, obviously Pluto is vital to understand within a chart and that's the main
focus of EA, but what about Neptune? As it represents the Eternal Soul, then it
must have a higher meaning in the chart than we (I) realize. Is it simply an area
where we are merging within our consciousness with the Eternal Soul?
(A): If you mean by eternal soul that it equals God/Goddess, then the answer is
yes, but remember that Neptune is also one's eternal soul until it is dissolved and

(Q2): Also, is Scorpio the part of the eternal source (soul) which allows us to
evolve through experience, i.e., limitation?
(A): Yes, that is the causative dynamic that ultimately leads to the Sanskrit words,
neti, neti, not this, not that. So what is it? It can only be God/Goddess.
(Q2): So, obviously Pluto is vital to understand within a chart and that's the main
focus of EA, but what about Neptune? As it represents the Eternal Soul, then it
must have a higher meaning in the chart than we (I) realize. Is it simply an area
where we are merging within our consciousness with the Eternal Soul?
(A): If you mean by eternal soul that it equals God/Goddess, then the answer is
yes, but remember that Neptune is also one's eternal soul until it is dissolved and
merged back to the Source Of All Things: God/Goddess
(Q2): So whatever house Neptune is in is where we are sort of giving it up for
God/Goddess so to speak?
(A): The natal house of one's Neptune, the sign that it is in, the aspects that it is
making, where the sign Pisces is, and the sign on the twelfth house, along with the
location of its planetary ruler by house and sign, and the aspects to it, and any
planets in the twelfth and aspects to them and the houses that they are in all
correlate (relative to your question) of how one is naturally meant to spiritualize
their own life, how they in their own way can access and know God/Goddess, and,
ultimately, the work one can do on behalf of God/Goddess. Work is the dynamic of
karma yoga, which allows one to actually experience the Godhead within and
through the agency of the work itself.
(Q2): For example, Neptune in the first house (in the spiritual state), through the
Aries function of self-realization, self-identification etc., is solely dedicated to
merging with the Eternal Soul or God/Goddess?
(A): Yes, this would be true in the spiritual state.
(Q2): Also, would a chart with virtually no emphasis on Eternal Soul (Neptune/
Pisces/ twelfth house) indicate an individual who is concentrating on evolving their
inner and outer reality in different ways before merging back to source (depending
on the spiritual state)? Or could it be someone who is ignoring or resisting this
inevitable path? Of course this is a generalization, and there would obviously be
many reasons why a soul would choose to experience this.
(A): All depends on the specific evolutionary condition of any given person. I am
not sure what you are asking in this question.
(Q): It seems that if you understand the water triad this way it becomes a very
important part of the chart--maybe the most vital symbols within our existence.
You could get a lot of information just from this triad. So, are the other planets/
signs generally functioning as side bars to enhance and help evolve this triad in
different ways?
(A): The sidebars all correlate to desires manifesting from the soul, desires that for
whatever reasons the soul has determined it must act upon. In the end it is,
again, a matter of eliminating (Scorpio/Pluto/eighth house) all separating desires
to the exclusion of only one desire that remains: to know and merge back to the
Source of All Things.
(Q): If the Neptune function is, indeed, the Eternal Soul, then it would seem that
planets have some sort of hierarchy no?
(A): All things in the manifested creation operate co-equally thru their
interrelatedness with each other. If by hierarchy you mean superior/inferior, the
answer is no. If you use the word hierarchy in the context of natural law, then yes,
there is, and it manifests in the following way. God/consciousness/ the Source of
all Things--the ultimate cause of the manifested creation--creates individual souls
(Pluto/Scorpio/eighth house) that reflect that Source as it manifests in time/space
realities through the duality of desire. This generates specific identities in a time
space reality like earth through the creation of a subjective ego (moon/south node
of moon/north node of moon), which is given purpose and the power to creatively
actualize that purpose (Sun), which that current ego (moon) gives individual form
This leads to the types of thoughts (Mercury) the individual must have in order to

interrelatedness with each other. If by hierarchy you mean superior/inferior, the

answer is no. If you use the word hierarchy in the context of natural law, then yes,
there is, and it manifests in the following way. God/consciousness/ the Source of
all Things--the ultimate cause of the manifested creation--creates individual souls
(Pluto/Scorpio/eighth house) that reflect that Source as it manifests in time/space
realities through the duality of desire. This generates specific identities in a time
space reality like earth through the creation of a subjective ego (moon/south node
of moon/north node of moon), which is given purpose and the power to creatively
actualize that purpose (Sun), which that current ego (moon) gives individual form
This leads to the types of thoughts (Mercury) the individual must have in order to
understand that purpose on an ideational level, these thoughts creating/reflecting
the nature of our inner relationship to ourselves, how we relate to others, what
constitutes the sense of meaning in our lives in relation to the underlying purpose
for the souls life and the value (Venus) associations within that. Mars then acts
upon the desires that manifest from the soulvalues that reflect the current
evolutionary intention--and gives subjective form to those desires. Following that,
Jupiter provides philosophical justification for those desires and actions through
the nature of what we believe and, thus, how we interpret (Jupiter) our life
experience, which then determines the structural nature of our reality and
consciousness (Saturn) that next generates the desire to go beyond (Uranus) that
structure. This ultimately leads to Neptune and the Hindu concept expressed in
Sanskritneti, neti (not this, not that)which leads to the ultimate meaning that I
am seeking (Neptune being the higher octave of Venus).
(Q): What I was trying to ask was; if a natal chart reflects virtually no emphasis
on twelfth house/Pisces or Neptune, i.e., no planets in Pisces, nothing in the
twelfth house and no major aspects to Neptune, could this be because a soul who
may be neglecting the path to return to the source? Or perhaps the soul that
needs to concentrate on sidebar issues before returning to Source etc?
(A): There can be no one answer to this. As you know each case, each person, is
different. It all depends on context. For example, that same signature in a third
state spiritual would mean no further focus is needed. So the bottom line is that
we must understand the individual context of any given person and especially the
evolutionary condition or state. And, yes, it could mean what you have presented.
(Q): Also, many times we talk about the houses and the correlating signs and
planets to symbolize virtually the same things. It seems to me that they would
have to have some differences, such as the houses reflecting a physical
manifestation for soul purpose, the planets reflecting an inner urging for soul
purpose, and the signs reflecting an outward expression of the soul urgings. Is this
(A): No, the natural zodiac correlates to the totality of consciousness. The planets
within the houses correlate to the psychology of that consciousness. In
combination this correlates to any individuals orientation to phenomenal reality.
(Q): So, instead of saying Scorpio/eighth house/Pluto is soul evolution, could you
say that Pluto is the inward pull to evolve, the eighth house is the physical
manifestation onto the environment of the souls urging, and Scorpio is the
outward expression of the souls urge to evolve?
(A): All things in this life, in human form, manifest from within. All the dynamics
that occur within correlate to the outer conditions or circumstances of the persons
Rumi and Shams Same Soul
(Q): Could the experience that Rumi and Shams had be an example of the same
soul relationship such as you describe in Pluto II?
(A): No, this is typically a relationship between a guru and a disciple-unconditional love.
(Q): Are you saying that Shams was the guru and Rumi the disciple? That we
might find our guru playing cards in the tavern? Did Rumi's friends kill Shams, and
if so, was that a reaction to the vibration of unconditional love similar to events in
Jesus' lifetime?

(Q): Could the experience that Rumi and Shams had be an example of the same
soul relationship such as you describe in Pluto II?
(A): No, this is typically a relationship between a guru and a disciple-unconditional love.
(Q): Are you saying that Shams was the guru and Rumi the disciple? That we
might find our guru playing cards in the tavern? Did Rumi's friends kill Shams, and
if so, was that a reaction to the vibration of unconditional love similar to events in
Jesus' lifetime?
(A): Yes to all of the above.
(Q): Is the unconditional love that flows from the guru to the disciple what raises
the disciple into the vibration that allows realization?
(A): Yes.
(Q): Does the disciple, in this way, learn to love unconditionally?
(A): Yes.
(Q): And does the love for the guru begin to feel like unconditional love before the
disciple actually knows what it is?
(A): Yes.
i Rad,
Mozart had Mercury in the 5th House Aquarius conjunct the Sun. Mercury rules the North Node in Virgo in the 12th House, and
exactly opposes Neptune, ruler on the South Node, which is Rx in the 11th House, in Leo. Mercury is also conjunct the south node
of Neptune, and Neptune is conjunct its own North Node. These symbols indicate that Mozarts creativity is directly connected to
the Source of Creativity, and the joy in his music originates in the Source of Joy, or the Joy of the Source. Uranus in Pisces in the
7th House is conjunct his South Node, plus Neptune Rx in the 11th House opposing Mercury. These symbols suggest that Mozarts
music was directly dictated to him by an angel, do you think this to be possible?
His music seems also directly connected to the world of fairies (Pluto/Moon Sagittarius in the 4th House).
The child-like quality and the humorous nature of most of his music suggest that his Soul reached a place of acceptance and
surrender of the conflict between ego and divine inspiration, where the same conflict and the liberation of the conflict, is made a
material of the music itself. The conflict being dissolved between hard-headedness and surrender to divine will is accepted as part
of the way back home. This would mean that Mozart was making fun in his music of his own fears, insecurity and stubbornness North Node 12th House, the Pluto/Moon conjunct in the 4th House Sagittarius applying to the North Node, relative to the 5th
House symbols. Ie. that he came to accept himself as a child of God.
More precisely, the humorous quality of his music is not only child-like. Rather, it is not adult in the sense that it doesnt seem
human, but instead, directly connected to the animal nature, showing stubbornness as a manifestation of natural ignorance, ie.
the fear of interfacing with something much brighter, but which finds a way to liberate from this fear and embrace the Unknown.
It would seem like the joy in his music also originates in that surrender to divine will or inspiration has been the means to
translate the divine music into language, ie. to not only hear the tune, but being able to play it, and to play with it. His music
sounds to me essentially a an inner dialogue without words, an inner flow of emotional states in which his Soul longs for going
back home, but also enjoys when running away from home, makes a tune of the way out, and the way back. The connection to
home is not lost, it is always the reference point of the emotional states. This to me is specific to the Sagittarius archetype, and
the daemon Soul, because why would a Daemon Soul feel despair to go back home, if it is essentially at home within Nature, and
is able to commune with Spirit within Nature?
Interesting to note that his natal Lucifer was at 16 Sagittarius, exactly conjunct Pluto/Moon, the south node of lucifer at 25 Leo in
his 12th House, ruled by the 5th House Aquarius Sun, and Lucifer north node at 16 Aquarius, in his 6th House, ruled by the 7th
House Uranus in Pisces. Thus, being guided by Spirit to analyze the nature of his own emotional states and fears, in order to
integrate these states, and then to give emotional healing and release to others, helping others find their natural way back home
through their own emotions.
Heres a link to Mozarts clarinet quintet, which to me is one of his most beautiful works, and specially reflects the natural nature
of his music: Hi everyone,

Linda asked me to host the Sagittarius thread, Steve will moderate it. Since I started writing I got a lot of insights in a true
Jupiterian way. Interestingly, transiting Jupiter is in my 9th house, exactly trine Mercury.
I touched on some core dynamics as taught in EA and added the insight that came to me in the process. I hope there is something
here that is of use to you, and that you add something of yours.
In the words of a great example of the Sagittarian Archetype
"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own."
Bruce lee
Bruce lee was a Martial artist, Philosopher and Actor. He had a Sagittarius Sun, this next sentence really sums it up!
"Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality
human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential."
Bruce lee

Sagittarius Archetype
Ruler: Jupiter
House: Ninth
Keywords: Expansion, Travel, Exploration, Truth, Voyager, Assimilation, Reaching out, Philosophy, Hunter, Wisdom, Teacher/
Student, Movement, Adaptability, Optimism, Humor, Exaggeration, Concentration, Visionary, Beliefs, Dogma, Freedom, Intuition,
Double life, Holistic, Faith, Excitement, Blind Faith, Opportunity, Understanding, Insight, Sportsmanship, Growth, Discovery,
Sagittarius is yang, fire, mutable energy moving outward. After the deep Soul searching in Scorpio, where we confronted our
darkest and deepest unconscious drives, we emerge in the light of Sagittarius. Sag being a Yang sign, its energy moves outward
and, just like its opposite sign Gemini, is in a state of perpetual expansion. Yang, mutable, fire energy, coming after the deeply
emotional, fixed and sometimes heavy intensity of Scorpio, can be quite refreshing, light and joyful. Sag now has the larger view
of what the Scorpio process was all about and can look back and laugh at itself.
Sagittarius is represented by an arrow, in my interpretation the arrow symbolizes concentration, the quest for truth and
knowledge not available in the immediacy of ones environment, and knowledge that requires synthesis, deep pondering or deep
studies, such as knowledge about the Universe and how it works. Scorpio deals with mysteries of the Soul, while Sagittarius is the
emergence from this deep process, with awareness of its connection to higher principles and metaphysical laws.
Sagittarius is where we just "know" intuitively, without even knowing on a logical level. Opposite to Gemini, Sag is the archetype
in consciousness that correlates with "the big picture". Collecting pieces of information and categorizing them correlates with
Mercury, Gemini and Virgo, while the understanding of the big picture occurs thru Sagittarius, as intuition and holistic
Sagittarius is where we say to ourselves that there must be more, where the need for movement and discovery is highly present
as a driving force towards a continual expansion of consciousness. Since this is the archetype connected with far out searches for
truth and knowledge, it is also connected to higher education and travel. Thru travel Sagittarius satisfies its inherent desire for
perpetual growth, expansion and movement. Being a mutable sign, one of its assets is the ability to adapt, either on the physical
plane by adapting to new places and circumstances or on the mental level, by the ability to adapt to new concepts and ideas as
they are discovered.
Sag correlates with the assimilation and understanding of knowledge, either gathered, learned, or simply understood thru direct
The inherent difficulty in Sag is the over identification with ones own subjective beliefs while exaggerating their importance, and
the temptation to project these views/beliefs on other people as absolute truths. Sag can go as far as to identify with dogmatic
beliefs and wish to convert others to their personal views, sometimes even without awareness of the views of others. This is
where it meets its polarity, Gemini. Thru Gemini, Sagittarius can learn the relativity of truth as it shares its knowledge and wisdom

with others and allows others to share theirs. Sagittarius needs to learn that many times there is no, one absolute answer or size
that fits everyone, therefore thru conversations and the exchange of ideas, concepts, philosophies etc, Sag embraces its Gemini
polarity and moves further along in its search for wisdom and truth.
Sagittarius correlates with what is naturally observable in nature and, on a larger scale what is natural in the universe, therefore is
connected with nature and natural law. Sag wants to understand everything it sets its mind on and, in its quest for truth, shoots
its arrow far into the unknown, hunting for the understanding of how cycles of nature work and, how mankind is inherently
connected with the universe.
In this way Sag also correlates to freedom, as to be free (within ones own limitations) is the natural state of any living being.
Sag requires fundamental freedom in order to satisfy its love of exploration.
It correlates with that which naturally and in (perceived) truth is, or exists.
Sagittarius is connected to honesty, as it perceives phenomena as it is, without rational or logical analysis. Generally Sag is honest
since it continually searches for truth, but can also forget that truth itself is not grasped in its totality most of the time. Truth can
reveal itself in layers, therefore Sag could do well to remember this, as it can be quite dishonest at times, although mostly
unintentionally, due to an understanding of only part of the truth and, the impulse to spread it out to others, with the intent of
sharing its wider perspective.
In a distorted, patriarchal society, such as the one most of us live in today, we can observe the separation of mankind due to
beliefs of all types, including religious beliefs, due to a collective over identification with personal views (Sag/Piscies) an
exaggeration of their importance, and all the delusions associated (Piscies), which many times are passed on by others (Gemini)
and, assimilated or accepted as fact (Sag/Gem), without being truly experienced and scrutinized (Virgo). Age of Piscies, Mutable
Cross Maybe an antidote for the delusion of this age would be for all of us individually, to take responsibility for our personal
beliefs, which make up our collective beliefs when combined. Our beliefs condition our actions and our interaction with the
surrounding environment in a very deep and powerful way. If we look around, its easy to see how distorted beliefs can create a
distorted world, specially when these beliefs are on a massive collective level.
Thru Sagittarius and the mutable cross, we can learn to see beliefs simply for what they are. beliefs, but not the total truth. Sag
inspires us to enlarge our scope of vision in order to achieve greater levels of awareness and understanding on an ongoing basis.
How can we accomplish that and get closer to the truth if we think know it all? What would the archer do if he/she had no more
arrows to shoot, or no direction to shoot in? In this sense, we can see how vital the Sagittarius archetype is in consciousness and,
how important its adaptable, expansive nature is to keep it going in a healthy way.

Any insights/questions on Sagittarius as an archetype, what it correlates to, past life correlations, how it manifests in a Distorted/
Natural expression, what are the potential traumas associated etc, are all appreciated and encouraged!
No matter how simple or complex your insights are, they are a valuable part of the whole. There is so much to explore and if you
let your intuition flow, you will experience that Sag inspiration!

Hi Skywalker,
Thanks for your great introduction - and also for hosting this thread. Here are a few insights into Sagittarius:
The Sagittarius archetype references the Matriarchy when people lived in tribes, cultures and societies that were in harmony with
Natural Laws. All life-forms within Nature were understood to be co-equal and interdependent, and considered to be God. Nature
itself, which included plants and animals, was the teacher.
The matriarchal way of life correlates to the archetype of Sagittarius in that the Souls consciousness is aware of being connected,
beyond the Earth, to a much larger universe.
Sagittarius describes an unrestricted search for meaning and purpose which determines the Souls philosophy of life. The Souls
personal truths, connected to the greater Universe, form the core value and meaning for the life.
Relationships are chosen where there is intellectual and philosophical stimulation, and a mutual commitment to personal growth.

Sagittarius is firmly right-brain in orientation, intuitive and optimistic. The intuitive, right brain orientation does not always sit
well with others, and this could be one reason that Sagittarius will feel a sense of alienation from its family, society or country.
Personal growth comes through intellectual and philosophical expansion, the search for truth and meaning in conjunction with the
Ultimate Truth, and the exploration of the diversity of life.Skywalker, thanks for this great beginning. Linda, thanks for your
continued dedication to the message board and these threads. And sending out a larger thanks to all of us here - it is a blessing
to have this. Heres a little piece I was inspired to write and add to this thread.
Whats just over that ridge?
Existing in/close to/with nature and natural cycles, it is a natural experience to
survey. Taking in the bigger picture is Sagittarius. In the days of old, ones
community kept a larger sense of what time it is by the natural changes in the
annual cycles and seasons.

There is a natural intuition, dormant in most of

humanity today, in which people sense where to go/travel/wander to discover

something pertinent to life itself.
Taking in the broader scope of the land, surveying and naturally traveling in this
way, naturally led to the discovery(gemini polarity) of other things that naturally
exist that can be then put to functional use(sag into cap). An example of this is,
long ago, a longer journey would have often led to the discovery(sag/gemini)
of...lets say a concentration of a certain stone that was helpful as a tool. Or, a
groves of trees which increased the annual harvest. In this example, surveying of
the land thru traveling the area around us, expansion beyond the mundane routine
routes traveled, lead to the increase of opportunities and potentialities. Based on
the travel/journey at hand, there is also a matter of how much risk is involved.
How much of the motive is based on speculation and hope and faith(sag) vs.
actual information(gemini). We could take this story a step further: Lets say
each year, in the fall, a third of the village travels to collect nuts. Half way thru
the journey a situation arises where one person has a strong inclination to head
two days travel further - they say they have a sense that the harvest will be great
beyond the next ridge. They believe and work to convince their cohorts that it is
worth the risk. On the one hand, they may double their harvest for the year. Yet,
on the flip side, if there are no groves of this tree over yonder, they also loose the
time and days of traveling that they would have had staying where they are and
harvesting. If the party splits(gemini polarity) there is a whole other situation that
has to be dealt with. In this example there is reliance on the group for survival:
what do you do? What if the one who keeps pushing for journeying further says
they had a dream with this vision of the trees over beyond that ridge. You get the
idea. The story is a metaphor of the Sag archetype.
For the true sag at heart, when does whats over the next ridge? stop? Is
there not always another ridge, plain, valley, river to cross? In this sense, we see
the natural crisis between sag and its natural inconjuncts to taurus and cancer - at
which point the journey further leads to a crisis relative to staying rooted/surviving
off of traditional ways/known lifestyle and the security of home being left behind.
The grass is greener mentality is reflective of this need to continue to expand.
The crisis is amplified by a lack of allowing information to shape the course of the
journey. The question becomes then Where is this desire truly coming from? I
had a friend recently go to climb a mountain. There were very clear warnings information he received which identified the level of risk/gamble he was taking this
particular day. He still went off to climb. In this case it was his life which he lost.
When I think of the fixity and unbending determination linked into Sag gambles,
it seems to point to Sag/9th in combination with other fixed sign/house dynamics
at play within the personality. However, on the flip side, I do see how a pluto 9th/
Sag or sn Sag/9th etc. can also manifest as the limits of ones vision of how life
exists. That is to say, when we know that ones perspective and truth is what
constitutes great security on a deep level. In this case, holding onto the vision
and knowledge is a defensive, fear based mode - the crisis of seeing the flaws in
the inherent limitations of ones own version of truth can really hit a core
insecurity. The result is the defensive holding onto ones known perspective, faith,
beliefs, etc. This crisis is tied, again, to the squares to pisces and virgo. The crisis

particular day. He still went off to climb. In this case it was his life which he lost.
When I think of the fixity and unbending determination linked into Sag gambles,
it seems to point to Sag/9th in combination with other fixed sign/house dynamics
at play within the personality. However, on the flip side, I do see how a pluto 9th/
Sag or sn Sag/9th etc. can also manifest as the limits of ones vision of how life
exists. That is to say, when we know that ones perspective and truth is what
constitutes great security on a deep level. In this case, holding onto the vision
and knowledge is a defensive, fear based mode - the crisis of seeing the flaws in
the inherent limitations of ones own version of truth can really hit a core
insecurity. The result is the defensive holding onto ones known perspective, faith,
beliefs, etc. This crisis is tied, again, to the squares to pisces and virgo. The crisis
and resulting humbling effect of seeing life from a perspective that is true for
others - virgo square and gemini opposition. The crisis of the disillusionment of
ones own version of truth - pisces square. To have the foundation of how one
sees the world be in question does create a crisis in what to believe. How does
one reorient their whole perspective? Naturally, this could take much more than a
What leads into the crisis? From an internal starting point, this starts when
there is a natural lacking of the current ways of life. Into the psyche enters the
notion: Perhaps there is something more to all this. On the other hand, when
there is strong resistance within the soul, there is the evolutionary necessity which
would start with external confrontation of conversations/arguments where others
voice their beliefs, truths, and perspective.
I began with some examples of surveying the land relative to ancient natural
ways of living in harmony with nature. More recently(relatively), for those who
risked their lives for the promise of a better life by sailing across a huge ocean, the
optimism/hope alone was not what carried them - for the life they left behind was
inadequate for their overall well being - often due to drastic clashes of perspective
- religion/beliefs/different ways of living. With a sn of Uranus in Sag and often sn
Mars Sag, is it no wonder folks have been setting sail on unknown voyages and
journeys for centuries? The natural trine to Aries and Leo, we see how easy it is
for the journey to be connected with ones sense of destiny and purpose in life.
For Sag, the solution need not be so grand. During the Gold Rush, was the
49ers travel for the hope of gold to change their lives based in rooted thinking? Of
course, it represents a gambling all one had for the hope of striking it rich. Here,
again, is the square to Pisces/Virgo, where the apparent lack and imperfection of
their current conditions coupled with the illusion of gold and wealth. Again, the
gemini lesson: How much research and questions and thinking went into this
venture? How many of these people, after the gold rush, looked back and thought
to their self, Gee, I was totally delusional. Back to solutions that need not be so
grand: perhaps minor changes and adjustments in planning based on new
information would have totally altered the course of events in their lives.
Relative to the Pisces square, we have the crisis that things are not as they
appear. When, in a moment, ones perspective leaps to a conclusion, we see sag
jumping ahead with out the gemini polarity of inquiry/investigation. Sag will throw
out the 5 Ws and the H with the baby and the bath-water.(at times) Sag, in
response to an inner inadequacy or lack, square to Virgo, may go galloping out the
gates like a horse with blinders on( Pisces square of illusion and hope) has this
tendency to, in true fire sign fashion, giddy- up into who knows what. Blind
When there is a survival dynamic, Sag will take greater risks and gambles. As
stated, the Gemini polarity is giving new perspective. As expansive as Sag can be,
when we are looking at survival of life, when one believes things are a certain way,
then so be it, this is what i must do - and a conclusion is reached. This type of
conclusion would need to stay mutable for evolutionary/growth reasons(gemini) openness to discovering new perspective, learning a new piece of the picture that
could have great impact on altering the course ahead. The course of travel can
always be altered.

Resistance to staying course, coming from an insecurity,

conscious or unconscious, sets up the risk of sailing the ship into an iceberg.

then so be it, this is what i must do - and a conclusion is reached. This type of
conclusion would need to stay mutable for evolutionary/growth reasons(gemini) openness to discovering new perspective, learning a new piece of the picture that
could have great impact on altering the course ahead. The course of travel can
always be altered.

Resistance to staying course, coming from an insecurity,

conscious or unconscious, sets up the risk of sailing the ship into an iceberg.

Thanks for your contributions!

Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Bradley.
Linda your post reminds us of Sags inherent simplicity and Bradley of the
inconjuncts to Taurus and Cancer.
Its really interesting to see how the natural Zodiac plays out via the aspects.
The inconjunct to Taurus can also be linked to the cost of education or travel and
the need to open up to diversity and novelty. Something Taurus as an archetype
would need adjusting to.
And the inconjunct to Cancer can be seen so easily... many leave their homes to
pursue higher education in other countries or far away lands and this can create
crisis/inadequacy in adjusting to new places/cultures and habits, leaving our loved
ones/family behind etc. Thankfully Sag is mutable!
The inconjuncts on a deeper level point to how new knowledge/philosophies/
quests/travel can create insecurity/crisis and might challenge our survival needs or
need for self consistency. Using the sailors as an example, they went thru extreme
hardship and developed health problems due to mal-nutrition while at sea. So a
good lesson for Sag would be to be well prepared, to study its route and never
forget its roots!
This is a good topic (natural inconjuncts)to expand upon, something else I find
interesting and could be helpful would be to discern how Sag as an archetype
would express itself thru the various evolutionary states.

Sagittarius archetype:
Sagittarius desires to understand the big picture, cosmic order. He is driven to expand his view to accommodate the connection
made in scorpio to something bigger than himself. He wants to see and understand all that was felt in scorpio and how all that
"greater than" is structured. He finds that only by being free in the vast wilderness of things as they naturally are, does the truth
emerge in the form of direct experience. Only then does he feel at home. Nature is his playground, whereby everything he knows
from scorpio is given a context and an order; he sees a bear eating a moose alive and he isn't repulsed or mystified by this, he
knows that the laws of nature holds us all in a truly loving way, and that the cycles of life and death are a part of cosmic balance
on earth. He craves reality that is based on what he knows is true. He can have a sense of humor that is deeply funny, because
it is based profoundly on what is, just naturally, across the board funny (what my husband, who is aborginal, calls Indian humor).
(I just saw a clip of George Bush doing an African dance, as I laughed until I cried , that struck me a Sag humor)
When the specifics of how the world may actually be, as opposed to how he views it from a distance, shows up, he can blythely
dismiss what appears to him as hinderance to his search. He resists stopping to attend to the details that his big picture views are
constructed from, and likes to make sweeping generalizations based on his outlook.

He can find himself lost in the fire of his own

intuitive sight without a relationship to what is actually, in real time, occurring. Once he is able to sythnesize and integrate new
information into his cosmology, though, he is able to truly grasp how, even what he has resisted, fits into the natural order of

Well that's all I have for now.

A soulful thank you to you all for your posts on this thread.
I deeply desire to understand archetypes, and this group is powerful and kind support!

nteresting to note the nodes of Mercury are both in Sag. So it seems evolutionarily
speaking, that collectively we all need to get in touch with our inner truths. To look
at things as they are NATURALLY and to start thinking in terms of natural law.
Possibly also a shift from left brain logic to right brain intuition.
Maybe Im projecting my own interpretation of reality here but it does make sense
that we need to start looking beyond what we think we know collectively and, start
thinking of aligning ourselves with a more natural, harmonious way of interacting
with our environment.
Hi Linda,
THanks for this. I noticed the nn of uranus in gemini in opposition in the fifth. There is momentum towards specific means for
actualizing what has perhaps been limited to philosophies/ideas of liberation and natural truths. Remembered, shared, deep
metaphysical truths being actualized in specific ways...
Actually how does this work? The planets are reflecting the totality of our consciousness individually and collectively, so depending
on our evolutionary state, our thought patterns and information gathering (mercury) will be remembering(sn) and drawing
towards(nn) the landscape of what is naturally true (sag). If this is so, what a wonderful opportunity for shifting the mental
overlay static of distorted patriarchal thinking. Godess' gift in this time of strife.
I'd like to see the current placements of the planets overlayed in this, can you do this? I haven't got solar fire I just use
astrodienst and they don't have all the nodes. Perhaps the true-node site will. I am drawn to the real-timeness of this.
Thanks for the inspiration, Heather
What I find really interesting is that BOTH Planetary Nodes of Mercury, that is, the SN and the NN, are both in Sagittarius and will
be for a long time. That no matter where our left-brain linear logical mind takes us in the present moment, that it is constantly
interfacing with its SN in Sag (natural truth and natural law) and its NN in Sag (what is necessary for evolution to continue).
And of course we are looking at the "diversity" of paths...some of these paths will connect directly to the SN of Mercury in SAG
pre-patriarchy when humans lived in harmony with nature...interfacing with the present universal evolutionary forces impressing
upon us the need to revisit Natural Law once discard man-made law and guilt...and to align with truths in conjunction
with the Ultimate Truth...and together with the NN of Mercury in SAG, as it aims and shoots its arrow forward, urging us on to
explore ever-expanding horizons!
Incredibly exciting time!!!Hi All,
For the true sag at heart, when does whats over the next ridge? stop? Is there not always another ridge, plain, valley, river to
cross? In this sense, we see the natural crisis between sag and its natural inconjuncts to taurus and cancer - at which point the
journey further leads to a crisis relative to staying rooted/surviving off of traditional ways/known lifestyle and the security of home
being left behind. The grass is greener mentality is reflective of this need to continue to expand. The crisis is amplified by a lack
of allowing information to shape the course of the journey.
I really appreciate that analysis. Sagittarius can really "bite off more than it can chew". In the largess of a vision, a soul can easily
move onward beyond the point of sound reason and logic (Gemini polarity as a the trigger point for that natural yod). This can
become so extreme to the point of lacking healthy boundaries/not knowing when to stop.
The core issue here is lack of integrity. Envisioning, based on a natural intuition of what in fact is possible, to the point of not
being honest about oneself here and now.
I have a friend with Jupiter in Pisces squaring the nodes in Sag and Gemini. He has gone from "grand vision/plan" to the next for
as long as I've known him. However he has not ever stuck with something long enough to truly reach a substantial level of
accomplishment. As Neptune is approaching his natal Jupiter, this awareness is really encroaching upon him. He recently admitted
to me that he realized (Sag key word) that he "has no integrity."
Sagittarius, post exuberance, can become overwhelmed by the realization that it doesn't actually know what it's doing. If that
realization is embraced consciously, it can lead to a deep commitment to live according to a higher level of integrity and honesty
with oneself.

The expansiveness and ever unfolding vista found in Sag is truly occurring within the soul itself. This is what the yod teaches, that
it is necessary for sag to become internalized and connected to the emotional body- wherever it happens to be, even while on a
journey. This way, it can check it's exuberance and always find that the true journey is within its own consciousness.
Well look at that! The song "A winter portrait" by Tim Janis, from his album "December Morning" just came up on my i-tunes
shuffle. I didn't even know I had this music! Honestly, this has been the funnest Sag time of year I can remember!
With Love,
Ari Moshe
Added 5 minutes later: The next song that came up was one of my own, entitled: "I have faith, oh yeah". Very Sag!Hi, wow what
a great thread! I wanted to add that Sagittarius is also connected to the mutual grand cross (Gemini polarity point, square to both
Pisces and Virgo). An important issue within this grand cross is how we interpret (sag) external information (Gemini) and also how
we inwardly process and analyze information (Virgo). If we interpret information from the subjective filter of our own preexisting
belief system then the actual truth of the information becomes distorted/deceptive because it is based on illusions/delusions
(Pisces). Remember that Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and correlates to the need to expand and grow through embracing more
and more of the total truth (Pisces). In other words, if our belief system is not in alignment with natural laws, and as Ari very
clearly expressed if we are not being inwardly honest with ourselves, then we cannot interpret or communicate information clearly
because, again, it is based in illusion and delusion (self deception). A distortion of this archetype is to make generalizations (claim
that your personal truth should be the truth for all others too!)
The Sagittarius archetype can manifest as embellishments and exaggerations, and in its worst extreme total dishonesty. The
point within this is that this core issue is then reflected within the other archetypes of the grand mutual cross of Virgo, Pisces and
Gemini in the context of how we interpret and process external information, and how we then present this information to others.
The square to Virgo can also manifest as an experience of crisis in order to align the person with natural laws and truths, and also
to discern the nature of their own personal truth and beliefs. Those with emphazied saggittairus signature in their chart can also
manifest natural teaching abilities that spark intutive understanding in other just based on way it is being communicated and

Hi Deva, Ari, Heather, Skywalker, Bradley and everyone:

I do appreciate what you shared in your posts Deva and Ari - your messages have
been personally enlightening for me, especially looking at the mutable grand cross.
Since there is such an ENORMOUS amount of information coming through many
sources (internet, videos, books, visions, psychics, teachers, healers, you name
it....) - the "search" can be quite pleasurable, exhilarating and adventurous - but
what would be the correct stance to take in view of the mutable grand cross?
Of course many of us would not wish to stop our search; we would wish to
continue to SIFT through the material. Also, we would wish to "fasten on" to
truth, concepts, teachings...yet they seem to slip away. It's interesting how the
Pisces archetype correlates to the Ultimate Truth, but ALSO to illusion, deception
and disillusionment...that Virgo is needed for discrimination.
On my blog we share multitudes of info - and I'm pretty sure my group (now)
understands Natural Law - how it has been suppressed and distorted - and this has
been quite revolutionary for some of them. For me, Natural Law is the foundation
of truth on earth - as it connects to the bigger picture.
The Sag search is a function of the right-brain: imagination, visions, feeling,
mysticism, spirituality, natural law/truth? Now that we are entering the Age of
Aquarius, and the right-brain Feminine is re-emerging - the Sag archetype would
seem to be of paramount importance as we evolve in that direction.
So why does the Sag archetype continue searching? And what is it exactly that it
is searching for? Who/what is the ultimate judge? What "truth" can we truly trust
to be real and true?
This is a great discussion. Thanks!
This point is so key, I felt to post in again in bold!

Thank you for this ever important articulationPosted by Deva

"...An important issue within this grand cross is how we interpret (sag) external information (Gemini) and also how
we inwardly process and analyze information (Virgo). If we interpret information from the subjective filter of our
own preexisting belief system then the actual truth of the information becomes distorted/deceptive because it is
based on illusions/delusions (Pisces). Remember that Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and correlates to the need to
expand and grow through embracing more and more of the total truth (Pisces). In other words, if our belief system
is not in alignment with natural laws, and as Ari very clearly expressed if we are not being inwardly honest with
ourselves, then we cannot interpret or communicate information clearly because, again, it is based in illusion and
delusion (self deception)..."
So vital to understand,
Thanks so much Deva,If we interpret information from the subjective filter of our own preexisting belief system then the actual
truth of the information becomes distorted/deceptive because it is based on illusions/delusions (Pisces).
.........The square to Virgo can also manifest as an experience of crisis in order to align the person with natural laws and truths,
and also to discern the nature of their own personal truth and beliefs. Those with emphasized Sagittarius signature in their chart
can also manifest natural teaching abilities that spark intuitive understanding in other just based on way it is being communicated
and taught.

Hi Deva and Steve,

The way you have expressed this information is making me see it in a completely new light. Just so I can fully grasp the meaning,
could you please give an example of information coming through a person's subjective filter, and then the person experiencing a
crisis in order to align with natural law? Is there a chart we could view showing an example of this?
Could a person's pre-existing beliefs in natural law themselves be subject to the person receiving crisis in order to refine their
understanding of natural law?
I've read and listened to a lot of information coming from people/teachers who feel they are aligned with the natural ways, yet
some of the things they say sound like wild exaggerations. How can one discern the accuracy of the inner world of intuition? I
remember reading from JWG that some visions come true and others not.
Thank you for this learning.have a friend with Jupiter in Pisces squaring the nodes in Sag and Gemini. He has gone from "grand
vision/plan" to the next for as long as I've known him. However he has not ever stuck with something long enough to truly reach
a substantial level of accomplishment. As Neptune is approaching his natal Jupiter, this awareness is really encroaching upon him.
He recently admitted to me that he realized (Sag key word) that he "has no integrity."
Sagittarius, post exuberance, can become overwhelmed by the realization that it doesn't actually know what it's doing. If that
realization is embraced consciously, it can lead to a deep commitment to live according to a higher level of integrity and honesty
with oneself.
Excellent, excellent, excellent Ari. Setting the dear ego aside, I can personally vouch for the accuracy of this analysis as a
potential within these symbolsJust so I can fully grasp the meaning, could you please give an example of information coming
through a person's subjective filter, and then the person experiencing a crisis in order to align with natural law?
An example of this could be as follows: A handful of sociological leaders issue a proposal to reform the existing health care
system in one's country. The proposal would implement a transition from exclusive control over that system by profit-motivated
corporations, to a more universally accessible model of health coverage that would benefit all citizens and not just those who are
wealthy, healthy and strong. The proposed transition would be made possible by allowing government to play some kind of
regulatory role in the health care system, which would include alternative low-cost options from which people could choose, as
well as existing options through big corporate insurers. One could interpret such a proposal through a subjective filter that
creates an understanding of that proposal as "socialism"...or a secret plan to kill off the elderly by government-rationed medical
care. This interpretation forms the basis of one's belief about the general nature of that proposal, and the moral meaning within
it...i.e., one arrives at a generalized belief that the proposal is sinister in it's nature, and really a dishonest cover for a totally
different agenda that should be feared. What we believe determines how we will behave. Following this example, that behavior
might manifest as embracing it as one's 'mission' to defeat the proposal of reform by convincing and converting others to the

belief that one has, that it is in fact socialism etc. The crises is set in motion when one succeeds in one's mission of having
convinced x amount of others to embrace the embellished beliefs that one has, converting them to take up the 'mission' of killing
the proposal. The result of this, naturally, would be the decisive rejection of the proposal. The result of that proposal's rejection
becoming the basis of crises for those who get sick and do not have access to the coverage they need in order to receive the
medical care that is their god-given birthright. This resulting in a likely condition where the health issue accelerates and becomes
more severe. That severity potentially causing one's death, and likely before that death, expensive trips to the emergency room
that the tax-payers then have to pay for. This resulting in a growing, out-of-control economic crises for the total country, and the
countless ramifications that spiral from there. Each of the potential 'results' described in this example, and the combined totality
of them, are a self-evident product of the natural law of cause and effect..the 'cause' of those results being behavior..that
behavior informed by one's personal belief..those beliefs arising from interpreting the information within the proposal through a
subjective filter. The awareness promoting realignment to natural law occurs when we experience the circumstantial crises arising
from the choices we've made on the basis of distorted belief vs. natural, self-evident laws. In this way we discover what is
naturally 'true' through the experience of living realities that are defined by its absence. This realization promotes the inner
acceptance of natural law and the desire to live in alignment with it.

Is that example helpful to you for assimilating the concept, Linda? If you would like another or different example, just say the
Stacie I really appreciate that example, I got a lot out of that.
The awareness promoting realignment to natural law occurs when we experience the circumstantial crises arising from the choices
we've made on the basis of distorted belief vs. natural, self-evident laws. In this way we discover what is naturally 'true' through
the experience of living realities that are defined by its absence. This realization promotes the inner acceptance of natural law and
the desire to live in alignment with it.
Hi Linda,
How could the crisis play out on an individual level though? Could we use the example of a spiritual teacher, and half-truths? And
what would this spiritual teacher's chart look like?
I'd be interested in exploring the "crisis of guilt" based on ideology.
I'm trying to think of well known spiritual teachers that we can use an example.
I can definitely talk about myself in this regard. I grew up as an orthodox Jew, very active in the community and very passionate
about Judaism as a system of spiritual truth. There was a time period, (while transiting Pluto was transiting over my natal Jupiter)
where I began to develop an honest devotion to find out the truth- all the while becoming aware of the ideological distortion I had
been living and acting upon- and experiencing immense guilt based on that. It's kind of an on going process for me to tell you the
truth, but there has definitely been some concrete periods.
If it's appropriate, I'd be happy to post my chart with an example of what happened during that Pluto transit.
Ari MosheGalactic Center - 28 deg Sagittarius

Here's a quote by JWG that I have personally found to be true:

In terms of individual chart work simply locate where that 28 degrees of
Sagittarius occurs: by house. It is exactly there, that 'center of gravity'
that any of us can understand truly understand the nature of 'natural'
laws. By focusing there, the natural laws of the archetype, the house in
which the 28 degree symbol occurs, can be understood. Then, like a line
of dominoes, by focusing there all the other natural laws that correlate to
the totality of nature on Earth can be understood.

In terms of individual chart work simply locate where that 28 degrees of

Sagittarius occurs: by house. It is exactly there, that 'center of gravity' that any
of us can understand truly understand the nature of 'natural' laws. By focusing
there, the natural laws of the archetype, the house in which the 28 degree symbol
occurs, can be understood. Then, like a line of dominoes, by focusing there all the
other natural laws that correlate to the totality of nature on Earth can be
Of course you post this as the Moon is transiting at 28 degrees Sag. I've found this
to be true too in my own meditations. I still don't understand why he calls gc 28,
while it's actually 26._ degrees. I've asked about that b4- so far I don't think
anyone has provided any explanation about that.

i Skywalker,
Here's some information about Daemon Souls that correlates to 28 deg Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Centre:
Quote from Rad:
Daemon is actually a Latin word that the Christians, removing themselves from what Christ actually taught,
perverted into the word Demon. According to old Latin dictionaries the word Daemon means 'Souls that are utterly
unified with Nature and all of it's natural laws, especially the world of animal and plants, and because of this total
union with Nature the become 'messengers of God'. This is why the Christians who became so far removed from the
teachings of the original Jesus created cosmologies of Hell that were symbolized by all kinds of weird animals.
All natural Daemon Souls feel a fundamental alienation from most other humans. They are 'home' in nature and
naturally aligned with all the 'devas' of nature that many call angles , fairies, and the like. Devas are Souls/
consciousness that are within nature, but veiled from the eyes of most. They also inhabit the life force within various
plants. The nervous systems of plants and animals are almost identical to humans. Daemon Souls are naturally
alone, and enjoy being alone in Nature. Another word that can relate to Daemon is Shaman.
I wanted to add some thoughts on the topic of daemon souls. Sorry if this is all over the place.
The issue of feeling alienated from most other humans and the nature of the world itself is based on the fact that the inner reality/
memory of these souls is literally defined by knowing and relating to themselves as equal to everything in nature. JWG has often
said that daemon souls typically find it easier to relate to animals and/or plants than other human beings. JWG has also taught
that animals specifically, are PURE emotion.

This is not an account of animal nature that we hear in patriarchal reality.

Patriarchal thought tends to want to characterize an animal's nature as carnal and purely instinctual. The actual self-evident
reality is that animals are indeed instinctual, but what is the nature of that instinct? It is EMOTIONAL instinct. Because prevailing
patriarchal thought does not acknowledge the validity of animals as primarily emotional beings, it has served to justify the
tendency of human beings to deny the direct, subjective, conscious experience that occurs within each and every animal's
consciousness, relative to the life reality and circumstances they are experiencing and living. Thus humans tend not to concern
themselves with the same level of concern regarding an animal's subjective experience as they do for other humans. Daemon
souls have an intrinsic inner connection to the subjective realities of the animals they encounter, and this tends to include an
awareness of the nuanced details that most human beings don't feel they have the time or sociological support to listen to,
consider, let alone respond to. This can be very problematic in today's world, because a daemon soul who is aware of these inner
nuances and is recognizing what an animal is needing, who wants and is trying to provide it, will often meet with hostile,
judgmental, or persecutory reactions from other humans who do NOT share this awareness but in an egocentric way, feel
themselves to be level-headed experts on what constitutes an animal's wellbeing...and in that egocentric 'knowledge' can try to
stop or undermine the daemon soul from doing or giving to the animal according to their inner perception. This can be a
traumatic experience for a daemon soul, and only reinforces the sense of alienation from the human population. Beyond the
sense of alienation, it can induce real feelings of futility in the context of this world, because the very thing they are inwardly
defined by and motivated to of their most essential reasons for being restricted and/or outright prevented for
no other reason than human ignorance, delusion, and orientation defined by self-importance/exclusion. The prevailing human
belief, even today, is that human beings are superior to Nature. Daemon souls know that they are equal...EQUAL! Nature.
And the perception that most human beings tend to have when they observe a daemon soul who is *demonstrating* this inner
knowing of equality, is to perceive that daemon soul as 'inferior' as the natural world they are interacting with as an equal. All too
often this becomes the basis of how the daemon soul will then be treated by the typical human observer.

The real problem within

this is that most human beings are not even AWARE that their judgments are being based on an utterly false and distorted reality.
It is like a distorted human version of 'survial of the fittest'. Weakness is often perceived in the daemon soul upon demonstrating
its equal relationship to the whole of Nature and all sentient beings within it.....that perception of weakness triggers a kind of

instinctual drive for social predation (i use the term social predation metaphorically...though its not always metaphor is it). One
blessing that's intrinsic to daemon consciousness however...a true the natural daemon capacity for adaption. A
daemon's inner knowledge of natural law can induce an awareness of how to specifically adapt to difficult or threatening
circumstances, in order to neutralize, minimize, and/or redirect force, danger, etc. (and to be clear, this awareness also applies in
a positive context).. The nature of this adaption can be so unassuming and so natural, that the optics of it from an external point
of view, can appear to be nothing more than the hand of coiincidence, or life simply proceeding without a climax that may have
seemed eminent prior to the adaption.

I do realize I'm speaking in extremely general terms right here, but just reflect on this

point and consider all the ways this simple capacity for adaption can direct, redirect, or otherwise interact with a natural course of
Daemon consciousness is hypersensitive in its nature. This reflects the inherent fusion of the human consciousness with the
totality of nature. That fusion produces an inner experience, an inner awareness, which manifests THROUGH and BECAUSE OF a
daemon's hypersensitivity. Emotional and psychic hypersensitivity are key instruments in perceiving a natural flow or 'current' of
phenomenal reality as it is building or manifesting at preliminary level of emotional reality. From emotional reality there is a
natural progression to psychic/psychological level of reality...both of which precede concrete time/space manifestation that we
experience as definitive "reality" in the world.

The point is that daemon hypersensitivity is a capacity...a capacity that does not

always feel pleasant and takes effort sometimes to identify it for what it is, distinct from one's personal content. This capacity is
intended to aid one in tuning in to natural dynamics as they are building/organizing/unfolding at primary stages of reality, on
through to full time/space manifestation. This is the nature of reality within the consciousness of Gaia, and among many other
things, allows phenomena to adapt to itself. And thus, daemon consciousness reflects this.
Stacie I wanted to add some thoughts on the topic of daemon souls. Sorry if this is all over the place.
The issue of feeling alienated from most other humans and the nature of the world itself is based on the fact that the inner reality/
memory of these souls is literally defined by knowing and relating to themselves as equal to everything in nature. JWG has often
said that daemon souls typically find it easier to relate to animals and/or plants than other human beings. JWG has also taught
that animals specifically, are PURE emotion.

This is not an account of animal nature that we hear in patriarchal reality.

Patriarchal thought tends to want to characterize an animal's nature as carnal and purely instinctual. The actual self-evident
reality is that animals are indeed instinctual, but what is the nature of that instinct? It is EMOTIONAL instinct. Because prevailing
patriarchal thought does not acknowledge the validity of animals as primarily emotional beings, it has served to justify the
tendency of human beings to deny the direct, subjective, conscious experience that occurs within each and every animal's
consciousness, relative to the life reality and circumstances they are experiencing and living. Thus humans tend not to concern
themselves with the same level of concern regarding an animal's subjective experience as they do for other humans. Daemon
souls have an intrinsic inner connection to the subjective realities of the animals they encounter, and this tends to include an
awareness of the nuanced details that most human beings don't feel they have the time or sociological support to listen to,
consider, let alone respond to. This can be very problematic in today's world, because a daemon soul who is aware of these inner
nuances and is recognizing what an animal is needing, who wants and is trying to provide it, will often meet with hostile,
judgmental, or persecutory reactions from other humans who do NOT share this awareness but in an egocentric way, feel
themselves to be level-headed experts on what constitutes an animal's wellbeing...and in that egocentric 'knowledge' can try to
stop or undermine the daemon soul from doing or giving to the animal according to their inner perception. This can be a
traumatic experience for a daemon soul, and only reinforces the sense of alienation from the human population. Beyond the
sense of alienation, it can induce real feelings of futility in the context of this world, because the very thing they are inwardly
defined by and motivated to of their most essential reasons for being restricted and/or outright prevented for
no other reason than human ignorance, delusion, and orientation defined by self-importance/exclusion. The prevailing human
belief, even today, is that human beings are superior to Nature. Daemon souls know that they are equal...EQUAL! Nature.
And the perception that most human beings tend to have when they observe a daemon soul who is *demonstrating* this inner
knowing of equality, is to perceive that daemon soul as 'inferior' as the natural world they are interacting with as an equal. All too
often this becomes the basis of how the daemon soul will then be treated by the typical human observer.

The real problem within

this is that most human beings are not even AWARE that their judgments are being based on an utterly false and distorted reality.
It is like a distorted human version of 'survial of the fittest'. Weakness is often perceived in the daemon soul upon demonstrating
its equal relationship to the whole of Nature and all sentient beings within it.....that perception of weakness triggers a kind of
instinctual drive for social predation (i use the term social predation metaphorically...though its not always metaphor is it). One
blessing that's intrinsic to daemon consciousness however...a true the natural daemon capacity for adaption. A
daemon's inner knowledge of natural law can induce an awareness of how to specifically adapt to difficult or threatening
circumstances, in order to neutralize, minimize, and/or redirect force, danger, etc. (and to be clear, this awareness also applies in
a positive context).. The nature of this adaption can be so unassuming and so natural, that the optics of it from an external point
of view, can appear to be nothing more than the hand of coiincidence, or life simply proceeding without a climax that may have
seemed eminent prior to the adaption.

I do realize I'm speaking in extremely general terms right here, but just reflect on this

point and consider all the ways this simple capacity for adaption can direct, redirect, or otherwise interact with a natural course of

Daemon consciousness is hypersensitive in its nature. This reflects the inherent fusion of the human consciousness with the
totality of nature. That fusion produces an inner experience, an inner awareness, which manifests THROUGH and BECAUSE OF a
daemon's hypersensitivity. Emotional and psychic hypersensitivity are key instruments in perceiving a natural flow or 'current' of
phenomenal reality as it is building or manifesting at preliminary level of emotional reality. From emotional reality there is a
natural progression to psychic/psychological level of reality...both of which precede concrete time/space manifestation that we
experience as definitive "reality" in the world.

The point is that daemon hypersensitivity is a capacity...a capacity that does not

always feel pleasant and takes effort sometimes to identify it for what it is, distinct from one's personal content. This capacity is
intended to aid one in tuning in to natural dynamics as they are building/organizing/unfolding at primary stages of reality, on
through to full time/space manifestation. This is the nature of reality within the consciousness of Gaia, and among many other
things, allows phenomena to adapt to itself. And thus, daemon consciousness reflects this.

Ok, just processing here, is the daemon soul, then a very specific form of the sag archetype? If so are there other soul types with
concentrations of archtypal energies within this and the other archetypes?
Stacie are you saying that this type of soul is working at the most subtle levels of creation? How much of that would depend on
their evolutionary state?
Thanks for so much to contemplate!
HeatherMy apologies if this has already been mentioned but I've been thinking about the words inner teacher ,sag in the spiritual
stages, asking and answering ones own questions, but then how does this interface with Pisces and the inner godhead the inner
My god, everything in this thread has been so timely for me. Like a personal message (I suppose everything will feel that way
when you have more than half of your planets in sag).
I remember years ago I used to journal and ask questions to myself. Without knowing ahead of time, whatever I would write in
response to my questions would be my answer. This was all coming from within me. Looking back at some of the stuff I've
written- I see that there was some great depth that came through, and yet I feel that at this point in my life I do see "more" of
the truth.
The inner answers that Sag gets will reveal the truth, but not all of it. This is why as sag evolves it develops more humility as it
realizes it's smallness in the face of what actually is real. Gradually the security linked with "understanding" gives way to the
desire to simply align with natural law, and in the silence of just being, as the angst to find something new gives way to the
present moment, Sag will directly experience more of the truth.
This is where spiritual state Sag can find the answer to its own questions, because it is relatively aware of its oneness with source
(Pisces) and thus the capacity to hear god from within. However this process is completely natural. No mediums are necessary, no
techniques. As sag discovers who it is, it can simply refer to itself as the source for all its questions.
I think Jeff Green is a good example of this- he's somewhere between latter second stage and early third stage spiritual in my
estimate. He always said that he learned by teaching.
However if the self awareness of one's limitations is minimal (Virgo) then there will not be the necessary awe to recognize that
one doesn't know it all; that the truth is found in one's essential nature (Pisces). This nature must be experienced from within.
This may be a helpful way to look at the Sag/Pisces interface: It's also commonly understood that Sag can take leaps of faith can
"go for it" based on an intuitive feeling. What's going on there? Well we all know that these leaps of faith can prove to be quite
delusional! They may be self convincing. Or, on the other hand, they may be a result of an inner knowing that cannot be
explained. True faith is not naive, it is knowing and trusting one's innate connection to God, and acting upon that when called to
do so.ri, yes quite timely as the Sun is moving thru Sag! It was a good idea to do the Archetypes as the Sun moves thru them.

Linda thank you for your work and dedication, many will benefit from all this info!
Stacie, I tend to identify with what you describe as Daemon Soul or consciousness
but have no planets at 28 Sag. I do have Venus conjunct Neptune in Sag thou.
Venus is at 22 degrees Sag. I also have the S.node of Venus in Sag.
I would think that most who have a strong Sag emphasis in their natal chart would
tend to feel a special connection to nature, whether Daemon or not. How can we
know for sure if one is a Daemon Soul?
Personally I find it sad that there is so much distortion in our way of life that
separates us from nature and, when I try and voice my opinion to others on this
topic mostly I get remarks like "do you want to go back to living in caves?"
Is it too much to ask that we use technology in a positive way that PROTECTS
nature? Is it too much to ask that we acknowledge that all of life is an evolving
consciousness in its own right? I find it amazingly ignorant that people think they
are superior to nature, when we humans are the only ones that destroy that which
sustains us!

Hi Heather,
Well your second question is actually the answer to the first. That kind of work
ultimately would correlate to the causal plane of existence, which is an extremely
advanced level of evolution. Souls working at the causal level have achieved all of
the evolutionary requirements/needs and desires therein, of both time/space and
astral realities. The causal plane is the final context of 'reality' that a soul evolves
through before dissolving/remerging its fully self-realized 'individuality' back into
the Divine Source. To provide some context for the sake of contrast (for those
who may not be familiar with the causal plane), souls existing at this level have
evolved beyond the need for any physical body (obviously) OR an astral body...the
soul manifests in what's called a 'causal body', which I won't even pretend to have
a comprehensive understanding of...i'll just say the causal body is an encasing of
subtle energies/thought. The nature of soul work in the causal plane deals with
'causing' reality within Creation itself through the agency of pure will/thought.
JWG often used a statement that goes something like this: 'causal souls can
literally create and destroy entire universes at will through thought'. Really, Rad is
probably the one who's better suited to comment on this particular topic.
So, with that point, we can also embrace the factor of relativity and say that
relative to this time/space/physical reality, there are subtle levels/forces that
human consciousness can perceive and work within. And yet the determinant for
that--based on my non-advanced knowledge--would be a soul's evolutionary
condition, which results in the capacity for consciously perceiving, directing,
working, etc. with subtle forces/laws/dynamics. Yogananda shares many accounts
of this in Autobiography of a Yogi.
What I was speaking to in my earlier post, was more about applying
hypersensitivity as an instrument in perceiving and sustaining a present focus
upon natural dynamics that manifest in one's environment, throughout that
dynamic's entire cycle, from start to finish...a hypersensitive consciousness
creates an emotional awareness within oneself of content that does not necessarily
originate in one's own soul or emotional body, but has been osmosed from the
environment one is in. And by the way, hypersensitivity is not a quality that's
exclusive to daemon souls. The phenomena of hypersensitivity connects to the
pisces/12th house/neptune archetype.

Hypersensitivity is, however, a key

element within daemon consciousness. If we remember that all soul types reflect
and correlate to one of the 7 primary chakras, and that the daemon soul type
correlates to and reflects the nature of the sacral chakra, and that the sacral
chakra is naturally ruled by the planets jupiter of neptune, we can then see how
this phenomena of hypersensitivity has something to do with inwardly assimilating
a conscious, ever-present awareness of living natural awareness of
natural laws as they manifest in our immediate perceive those
environmental dynamics as they emerge, develop, ebb/flow, progress, materialize

creates an emotional awareness within oneself of content that does not necessarily
originate in one's own soul or emotional body, but has been osmosed from the
environment one is in. And by the way, hypersensitivity is not a quality that's
exclusive to daemon souls. The phenomena of hypersensitivity connects to the
pisces/12th house/neptune archetype.

Hypersensitivity is, however, a key

element within daemon consciousness. If we remember that all soul types reflect
and correlate to one of the 7 primary chakras, and that the daemon soul type
correlates to and reflects the nature of the sacral chakra, and that the sacral
chakra is naturally ruled by the planets jupiter of neptune, we can then see how
this phenomena of hypersensitivity has something to do with inwardly assimilating
a conscious, ever-present awareness of living natural awareness of
natural laws as they manifest in our immediate perceive those
environmental dynamics as they emerge, develop, ebb/flow, progress, materialize
in time/space, transform, and finally culminate, giving rise to something new.
This, in other words, is the nature of shamanic awareness. Shamanic cosmology/
awareness/understandings/culture is a Sagittarian/9th house correlation, and
natural shamanic perceptions..key word natural..are an intrinsic part of a daemon
soul's consciousness.

So......this is what I was using my own words to describe

in my previous post. Does this help clarify your question Heather? I am very glad
you asked these questions so I could have the opportunity to be more clear.
One other thing..picking up on what I just wrote about shamanic percpetion/
consciousness, etc...I want to make it clear that this does not suggest that ALL
daemon souls everywhere are sitting around having lucid shamanic perceptions.
Daemon souls too are subject to evolution! ;-) Daemons go through all the same
evolutionary states that every other soul type does. And a daemon's evolutionary
path is going to entail the progressive remembrance of the capacities and
understandings that are intrinsic to their original, unconditioned nature.....and just
as importantly, how to focus, direct, and apply these things according to the
specific individuality that God'dess created within the soul, which reflects the
intentions God'dess and one's own soul has for actualizing that individuality along
the unfolding evolutionary journey.

There are x amount of daemon souls on the

planet now in a consensus state. X amount of these souls have, or are attempting
to embrace the distorted patriarchal orientation that prevails in human society

This is setting up the specific inner conflicts that each soul will find

themselves confronting as they evolve to the end of 3rd stage consensus and
approach that cusp of 1st individuated.

We can see how this will naturally

progress as a specific overlay in the future theme of 'living lie' as these souls
evolve through the 1st individuated state. The inner dynamics that will promote
ongoing confrontation of the distorted conditioning that each soul embraces, to
their individual relative extent, will be the absolute inescapable and undeniable
conflicts/discrepancies/internal inconsistencies that each soul will experience as
they interface with the external world as the internal impluse simultaneously and
progressively evolves a greater and greater need to operate in complete harmony
with what their own consciousness was created to be.
Let me know if you have other questions about this, or if this didn't clarify what
you were asking in the first place..
God Bless,
I just have quick moment for this will respond to you later Stacie(thanks)
Found this on the "synthesis" thread, thought it was also relevant.
Sagittarius, Jupiter, and the 9th House correlate to our awareness that the Earth that we live upon is connected to a much larger
whole that we call the universe. This awareness 'induces' realizations of a non-linear or abstract nature about the nature of the
universe that the Earth is part of. So, yes, this then includes what appears to be 'outside' of ourselves. This awareness thus
induces of how the whole of the universe, including Earth, is interconnected or related to one another. This then becomes the
basis of understanding and knowing through intuition of what we call the Natural Laws of the Creation that explains this
interconnectedness: to understand the 'whole' truth. When this natural component of our consciousness is then linked with Pisces,
Neptune, and the 12th House it then attempts to induce realizations as the the nature of the manifested Creation in the first
place: that which is responsible for the Creation of the whole that we call the universe. Thus the 'transcendent' truths of Creation
itself. This awareness is then that which is responsible for desiring to KNOW those transcendent truths. In turn this desire to know
these transcendent truths induces, through intuition, the natural truths or ways of doing so. To do so is then the basis or cause of
intuitively knowing that such transcendent truths can only be know from WITHIN oneself: Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th House.

This then becomes the basis and origin of natural methods or techniques that will allow for an 'induction' of that transcendent
knowing. When those natural methods or techniques are employed by our consciousness this then leads to a 'transcendent state'
within our consciousness in which the perception, knowing through direct perception, of the transcendent or comic laws of
Creation occurs. And that knowing is 'induced' within our consciousness because of consciousness being in a cosmic or
transcendent state. And this induction is based on what is perceived from WITHIN our consciousness that can then be applied to
what we perceive by way of the Creation in it's externalized forms: Earth, the universe itself.Thank you Stacie for your kinds
words in return!

And to take you up on your offer of my own 'version' of Heather's question: I think we all touched on soul

types last summer (2009) in a thread about chakras and their corresponding types. I had several thoughts/ideas that were then
lost to my consciousness & I didn't write them down. One question I had then & do now (and understood that this is what
Heather was asking - though I may be mistaken) is the corresponding gifts, unique capacities that are associated with other
chakras & their soul types. For instance, the Daemon becomes a messenger for God via it's unique, inherent capabilities which
have been discussed.

I assume that each soul type has it's unique way it too becomes a messenger of
God. So, I was hoping to explore that - which is what I was working on the other
summer. I'm wondering what your thoughts are - ?
Also - sorry Heather, 'mountainheather' - I called you mountainhealer! I'm sure
that's an apt name too! I think I've done that before - ? Completely have been
reading your name wrong for months! Sorry.

My god, everything in this thread has been so timely for me. Like a personal message (I suppose everything will feel that way
when you have more than half of your planets in sag).
I remember years ago I used to journal and ask questions to myself. Without knowing ahead of time, whatever I would write in
response to my questions would be my answer. This was all coming from within me. Looking back at some of the stuff I've
written- I see that there was some great depth that came through, and yet I feel that at this point in my life I do see "more" of
the truth.
The inner answers that Sag gets will reveal the truth, but not all of it. This is why as sag evolves it develops more humility as it
realizes it's smallness in the face of what actually is real. Gradually the security linked with "understanding" gives way to the
desire to simply align with natural law, and in the silence of just being, as the angst to find something new gives way to the
present moment, Sag will directly experience more of the truth.
This is where spiritual state Sag can find the answer to its own questions, because it is relatively aware of its oneness with source
(Pisces) and thus the capacity to hear god from within. However this process is completely natural. No mediums are necessary, no
techniques. As sag discovers who it is, it can simply refer to itself as the source for all its questions.
I think Jeff Green is a good example of this- he's somewhere between latter second stage and early third stage spiritual in my
estimate. He always said that he learned by teaching.
However if the self awareness of one's limitations is minimal (Virgo) then there will not be the necessary awe to recognize that
one doesn't know it all; that the truth is found in one's essential nature (Pisces). This nature must be experienced from within.
This may be a helpful way to look at the Sag/Pisces interface: It's also commonly understood that Sag can take leaps of faith can
"go for it" based on an intuitive feeling. What's going on there? Well we all know that these leaps of faith can prove to be quite
delusional! They may be self convincing. Or, on the other hand, they may be a result of an inner knowing that cannot be
explained.True faith is not naive, it is knowing and trusting one's innate connection to God, and acting upon that when called to do
Thank you for this reply. I hadn't thought of Pisces as essential nature before. I am wondering if this mutable cross can be the
movable truth at times with sag overestimating, pisces with illusion/delusion, virgo 's denial of the truth, and gemini's too much
information clouding the truth.
I really appreciate this:
True faith is not naive, it is knowing and trusting one's innate connection to God, and acting upon that when called to do

Thank you

I didn't mind the name variations at all, although Heather is probably the simplest!
You've actually answered my first question. We haven't talked too much about other soul types except daemon and I was curious
if the other types corresponded to the other signs, and now thanks to you, I remember the soul types/chakra thread and will take
a look at it again. We'd probably have to start another thread to explore it unless we included the specific soul type for each
archetype as we go?
Thanks Lucius
Hi Stacie,
Your response held my interest deeply. And you more than answered my question. I will need to review it again and perhaps ask
more as I integrate. Thank you
Warmth and Light, Heather I revisted the 'seven soul type' thread - so, my understanding/thoughts are that any particular soul
type is correlated with a chakra - it is not an equation or even a definition per se - it is the structural reality of the soul that
relates to the 'universe' that the chakra is in reality. Just as Daemon is equated with Sag. in the zodiac, thus the chakras - a
Daemon soul still has Venus, a moon and a first house (etc.) - we all experience these other 'universes' called/experienced as the
chakras. And just as a Daemon is a Daemon any particular soul may find itself with any specific natal chart aspect to further it's
evolution it is so with the expression/need of the activation of chakras. Hope this is making sense!
I would think examples might help in understanding soul types - ? For instance, Obama being the 'navel/warrior' type - ? And
then Adina - Bhakti. Which lead to a question - the 'avatar' soul type - I was under the understanding that an avatar had not
incarnated in the usual manner in such realities as these - ? That these souls manifest in a life (without any or not very many at
all) prior lives and is a direct conduit to a mission from Source - ? Is this correct or is the avatar soul type a soul that evolves
along the 'normal' routes?
So since the discussion on dishonesty, I've been reflecting a lot on my own past. I decided to take a look at my journal entries
from high school which was 10 years ago during the time that Pluto was moving over my Sag south node. Of course during this
time I had no notion of Pluto or astrology (other than that it was a sin to study, and that I was certain that being a Sag meant
What I'm about to share is just beautiful to me. It weaves the distant past, which truly feels like another lifetime, to my ever
unfolding journey as I experience it now.
There was a girl in my life with whom I shared many secret sexual conversations with over the phone internet. I saved some of
these conversations and put it in my journal. During the exact week of my Pluto transit she introduced to my awareness this boy
from Vienna that she was into.
To maintain the boy's anonymity, she called him "Pluto"
When I read that I was shocked!
Furthermore, while transiting Pluto was on my sn, it was forming a semi- square to my natal Pluto which is naturally semi-square
my south node. So the entire process that I went through during that time in my life is a very direct key into understanding the
evolutionary dynamics of my own Pluto-nodes relationship. I feel blessed that I kept such a detailed journal of that time period.
This is helping me self reflect, unveiling more layers of my own resistance to evolution.
Ari Moshe
Sagittarius - 9th house - Jupiter


Long Journeys













Half truth


Ideals / Ideas



















Zealous faith


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