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ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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Funny Jokes
Do not be racist; be like Mario.
He's an Italian plumber, who was
made by the Japanese, speaks
English, looks like a Mexican,
jumps like a black man, and grabs
coins like a Jew!

I decided to make my password
"incorrect" because if I type it in
wrong, my computer will remind
me, "Your password is incorrect."

A judge tells the defendant,
Youre charged with attacking
your boss with a hammer.
You jerk! yells a voice from
the back of the courtroom.
Youre also charged with
attacking a bartender with a
hammer, says the judge.
Jerrrrkkkk! bellows the same
Sir, says the judge, one more
outburst, and Ill charge you with
Im sorry, Your Honor, says
the man. But Ive been this jerks
neighbor for ten years, and every
time I asked to borrow a hammer,
he said he didnt have one.




Student: I dont understand

why my grade was so low. How did
I do on my research paper?
Teacher: Actually, you didnt turn in
a research paper. You turned in a
random assemblage of
sentences. In fact, the ?sentences
you apparently ?kidnapped in the
dead of night ?and forced into this
violent and arbitrary plan of yours
clearly seemed to be placed on
the pages against their will.
Reading your paper was like
watching unfamiliar,
uncomfortable people interacting
at a cocktail party that no one
wanted to attend in the first place.
You didnt submit a research
paper. You submitted a hostage

D ur i ng a v i s i t w i t h m y
grandmother, my husband noticed
a birthday card from a local funeral
That was nice of them, he
She was unimpressed. They
only want me for my body, she

Every year on my birthday, I
looked forward to my aunts gifta
scarf, hat, or sweater knitted by
hand. One year, she must have
had better things to do because I
received a ball of yarn, knitting
needles, and a how-to-knit book.
Her card read "Scarf, some
assembly required."

A client called my help desk
saying she couldnt send an email. When I was done
troubleshooting the problem, she
interrupted me to ask, Wait a
minute, do I type @ in lower- or


Texting acronyms can stump even

the best parents:
Mom: Your great-aunt just passed
away. LOL.
Son: Why is that funny?
Mom: Its not funny, David! What
do you mean?
Son: Mom, LOL means Laughing
Out Loud.
Mom: I thought it meant Lots ?of
Love. I have to call everyone back.

ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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I was showing my kids an old

rotary phone when my nine-yearold asked, How did you text on



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mukallibeena tuAAallimoonahunna
mimma AAallamakumu Allahu
fakuloo mimma amsakna
AAalaykum wa(o)thkuroo isma
Allahi AAalayhi wa(i)ttaqoo Allaha
inna Allaha sareeAAu alhisab(i)
They ask you, what is allowed to
them. Say you-SW : allowed to you
are all clean foods, and as to the
animals of prey which you have
trained as Allah-SWT has taught
you, eat of what they have caught for
you, and mention the name of
Allaah-SWT over it, and fear AllahSWT; verily Allah-SWT is Swift in
Alyawma ohilla lakumu
a(l)ttayyibatu wataAAamu
allatheena ootoo alkitaba hillun
lakum wataAAamukum hillun lahum
wa(a)lmuhsanatu mina almuminati
wa(a)lmuhsanatu mina allatheena
ootoo alkitaba min qablikum itha
ataytumoohunna ojoorahunna
muhsineena ghayra musafiheena
wala muttakhithee akhdanin waman
yakfur bi(a)leemani faqad habita
AAamaluhu wahuwa fee alakhirati
mina alkhasireen(a)
This day allowed to you are all
clean foods and the meat of those
given the Book is allowable for you
and your meat is allowable for them,
as also allowed to you are the
wedded believing women and the
wedded women of those given the
Book before you when you have
given them their Mehr, taking them in
wedlock, neither fornicating nor
taking as mistresses. And whoever
rejects the faith, his work will surely
come to nothing, and in the
Hereafter he will be of the losers.
Fulfillment of Promise
Faith demands that when a

promise is made it must be fulfilled.

Aqd means a contract, which is
agreed upon between two parties,
two groups or two countries. In
contrast to a promise which can be
one sided too. Here the scholars
have defined the term 'Aqd in many
ways, but all the definitions are
similar in term of their implications
and thus all contracts fall under'Aqd.
This includes the contracts made
before or after the advent of Islam.
Nikah has also been termed as Aqd
because it is a contract between
husband and wife in the Name of
Allaah-SWT . Therefore, be it Nikah,
a business contract or a peace treaty
between opponents, it must be
honoured. Yet those contracts,
which were drawn before Islam, and
fall into the category of the forbidden,
stand automatically cancelled. Or, if
after the emergence of Islam, a
Muslim makes a contract of which
the execution is not allowed by
Shari'ah it will be as if it has not been
drawn at all. The remaining contracts
have been classified into three
Forms of Contracts
The first form of a contract is
between man and his Creator. This
comprises a firm faith in Allah-SWT
and the promise to submit to HisSWT Will and Purpose. The second
form is the one, which a person
makes to himself; whereby he plans
for his future with honesty and
prudence. The third is made
between human beings,
ranging from



In short, dealings must be preceded

by careful deliberations, and once a
contract is drawn, it must be

ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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honoured being in the Name of

Allaah-SWT . It is in His-SWT Name
that His-SWT creation, like camels,
goats, cows, antelopes etc. are
declared permissible which people
slaughter and relish. All these are
lawful, except those specifically
forbidden. If one is in a state of
Ihram, whether for Hajj or 'Umrah. it
is not permissible for him or her to
hunt. Here it is worth noticing that
'ful fillment of promises' is
complemented with faith and is
immediately followed by the
discussion of Halal (the permissible)
and Haram (the forbidden). Thus it
highlights the fact that a promise,
whether made between two persons
or at a higher level between two
states, political or commercial, can
be honoured only if there is faith. As
long as there is no breach of Trust by
the non-believers, a believer is
bound to honour it. The strength of
faith, in turn, depends on the intake
of the permissible food without which
one cannot acquire the strength
required to honour one's promises.
The authority to declare what is
permissible and what is forbidden
rests with Allah-SWT . He-SWT has
made animals permissible unto you,
domesticated or wild, as mentioned
formerly, while some beasts and
other animals like donkeys and
hor se s hav e be en dec l are d
forbidden. More animals will be
mentioned in the forthcoming Ayat.
This too is a pact between man and
Allah-SWT as He-SWT is the
Creator and can do whatever
pleases Him-S WT . Animals
declared permissible by Allah-SWT
may be slaughtered or hunted and


Asrar At-Tanzil

The English Tafseer of Quran

By: Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan

Translation and Tafseer Surah Name: Al-Ma'idah Meaning:The Table Spread

Continued from Last issue

Revealed at Madinah
Completion and Perfection of
Islam as Deen (way of life)
declared in this Surah.

ith reference to its

revelation, it is amongst
those Surahs, which
were revealed at the end. Part of it
was also revealed on the eve of the
last Hajj of the Holy Prophet-SW,
after which he-SW lived for only
about eighty days. Certain Sections
were revealed at the time of the
Conquest of Makkah, while some on
journey to Hudaibiyah. Whereas
Surah An-Nisa' discusses mutual
relations, dealings and the rights and
duties, this Surah lays further
emphasis on practising them. The
believers are being specifically
instructed:"Fulfill your
Total Number of Ruku / Sections 16
Total Number of Ayat / Parts 120
Surah / Chapter number 5
Ruku / Section 1 contains Ayat /
Parts 5
Siparah/ Volume 6 & 7
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo
awfoo bi(a)lAAuqoodi ohillat lakum
baheematu alanAAami illa ma yutla
A A a l ay k u m gh ay r a mu hi l l ee
a(l)ssaydi waantum hurumun inna
Allaha yahkumu ma yureed(u)
O you who believe! Fulfill your
obligations. Allowed to you are all
cattle quadrupeds except those
announced to you, not allowing the

game while you are in a state of

sanctity: verily Allaah-SWT ordains
what He-SWT will.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la
tuhilloo shaAAaira Allahi wala
a(l)shshahra alharama wala alhadya
wala alqalaida wala ammeena
albayta alharama yabtaghoona
fadlan min rabbihim waridwanan
w a i t h a h a l al t u m f a ( i ) s t a d o o
walayajrimannakum shanaanu
qawmin an saddookum AAani
almasjidi alharami an taAAtadoo
wataAA awanoo A Aal a al bir ri
wa(al)ttaqwa wala taAAawanoo
AA al aali thmi wa( a)l AA udwani
wa(i)ttaqoo Allaha inna Allaha
shadeedu alAAiqab(i)

wa( a)l munk hani qat u

w a ( a ) l m a w q o o t h a t u
wa(al)nnateehatu wama akala
a(l)ssabuAAu illa ma thakkaytum
wama thubiha AAalaa(l)nusubi
waan tastaqsimoo bi(a)lazlami
thalikum fisqun alyawma yaisa
allatheena kafaroo min deenikum
fala takhshawhum wa(i)khshawni
alyawma akmaltu lakum deenakum
waatmamtu AAalaykum niAAmatee
waradeetu lakumu alislama deenan
famani idturra fee makhmasatin
ghayra mutajanifin liithmin fainna
Allaha ghafoorun raheem(un)


Forbidden to you are dead-meat,

blood, swine-flesh, any animal
dedicated to other than Allah-SWT ,
the strangled, the felled, the
tumbled, the gored, the mangled by
beasts of prey unless you make it
clean by giving it death-stroke
yourselves and what has been
sacrificed on the altars. Also
forbidden to you is partition by
divining arrow. All that is an
abomination. Those who disbelieve
have this day despaired of your
religion. So fear them not; fear MeSWT . This day I have perfected your
religion for you and have completed
My-SWT favour upon you, and have
chosen for you Islam as Din. He who
is driven to extreme hunger, not
inclining to sin, verily then AllaahSWT is Forgiving, Merciful.

Hurrimat AAalaykumu almaytatu

wa(al)ddamu walahmu alkhinzeeri
wama ohilla lighayri Allahi bihi

Yasaloonaka matha ohilla lahum

qul ohilla lakumu a(l)ttayyibatu
wama AAallamtum mina aljawarihi

O you who believe! Do not

profane the landmarks of Allah-SWT
nor any sacred month, nor the
offering nor the victims with the
garlands, nor those repairing to the
Sacred House seeking the Grace
and Goodwill of their Rabb-SWT .
And when you have put off the state
of sanctity, you may chase. And let
not the detestation for a people,
because they kept you from the
Sacred Masjid, incite you to
trespass. Cooperate with each other
in virtue and piety, and do not
cooperate in sin and transgression.
Fear Allah-SWT , verily Allaah-SWT
is Severe in chastising.

ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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First: (F1 ) Unmarried Sons and
Daughters of U.S. Citizens: 23,400 plus
any numbers not required for fourth
Second: Spouses and Children, and
Unmarried Sons and Daughters of

second preference limitation, of which

75% are exempt from the per-country
B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters
(21 years of age or older) of Permanent
Residents: 23% of the overall second
preference limitation.
Fourth: (F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult
U.S. Citizens: 65,000, plus any numbers

unavailable, i.e., no numbers are

available. (NOTE: Numbers are available
only for applicants whose priority date is
earlier than the cut-off date listed below.)
Third: (F3) Married Sons and Daughters
of U.S. Citizens:
23,400, plus any
not required by first and second

Areas Except
Those Listed

15 AUG 07

15 AUG 07

15 AUG 07

08 NOV 94

01 FEB 05


01 SEP 13

01 SEP 13

01 SEP 13

08 AUG 12

01 SEP 13


15 SEP 08

15 SEP 08

15 SEP 08

01 APR 95

22 APR 04


22 FEB 04

22 FEB 04

22 FEB 04

15 APR 94

15 AUG 93


01 AUG 02

01 AUG 02

01 AUG 02

15 JUL 97

22 OCT 91

Permanent Residents: 114,200, plus the

number (if any) by which the worldwide
family preference level exceeds 226,000,
plus any unused first preference numbers
A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of
Permanent Residents: 77% of the overall

not required by first three preferences.

On the chart below, the listing of a date
for any class indicates that the class is
oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C"
means current, i.e., numbers are available
for all qualified applicants; and "U" means


Attorneys at Law
Practice limited to Immigration & Nationality Matters

ESL Teacher Steals Thousands

From Student Visa Holders
NEW YORK - U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services Fraud Detection
and National Security Directorate in the
New York Office played a key role in the
indictment of Jenetta Ferguson, 58, an
English as a second language (ESL)
Ferguson was indicted for
stealing tens of thousands of dollars from
student visa holders from Europe and Asia
by misleading victims and falsely
promising to provide them with Green
Cards in exchange for cash payments.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R.
Vance, Jr., announced the indictment on
April 6, 2015n



TEL. 518-785-0175 FAX 518-786-1541

Roshni News Magazine

Please contact;
or call Afaq Khan

Eric K. Copland
Barbara C. Brenner

ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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Ramiz Raja

t is extremely painful to see

Pakistan cricket seemingly hellbent on altering its DNA. A team
that boasted a cricket culture weaned
on aggressive play and risk-taking is
being forced to live a humdrum
The ODI series loss to
Bangladesh is a reminder of Pakistan
cricket's muddled mindset of late.
From selecting a captain who wasn't a
part of the World Cup squad, to
picking recycled players, Pakistan
have displayed a unique ability to
approach cricket in a manner different
to that of the rest of the world.
Given that Bangladesh were not
going to be easy pickings at home,
Pakistan should have had a plan for
the series, but there doesn't seem to
have been one. A sequence of bizarre
injuries before the series and the
reintroduction of an untested,
remodelled Saeed Ajmal didn't help
matters. The bowlers appeared to be
confused about their roles: should
they adopt an attacking approach or
stick to line and length? The batting
top order lacked technique and
direction, and the preservation of
wickets at the cost of run rate became
an all too familiar storyline.
The recent World Cup was also an
example of a reserved approach
undermining talent. The irony is that
this restrained style of cricket has
been promoted by coaching staff who
have played for Pakistan in strike
roles, and in an era where boundless
aggression prevailed over all
Pakistan's bowling in the World
Cup had the potential to be
devastating: bowlers with sharp pace,
and a talented legspinner in Yasir
Shah. But a medium-pace mentality
was forced on the quick bowlers; and
the potential impact of a legspinner
whom Shane Warne called the real
deal was muffled.

From selecting a
captain who wasn't a
part of the World Cup
squad, to picking
recycled players,
Pakistan have displayed
a unique ability to
approach cricket in a
manner different to that
of the rest of the world
Pakistan and Australia are the only
sides that, over past decades, have had
complete bowling attacks, with fast
bowlers and legspinners. While
Australia have prevailed as a bowling
force by using their attacking weaponry,
Pakistan have been stuck in a hesitant,
negative mindset.
It's a well accepted fact that
Pakistan are at their best when in
desperate situations. It is also well
accepted that often sheer aggression
and passion bail the side out at such
times. We did get glimpses of this
quality in the World Cup matches
against Zimbabwe, South Africa and
Australia, granting credence to the
theory that Pakistan's best chance to
pull off wins is when their backs are
against the wall. By asking the players
to put a lid on this aggression, you take
away the only approach to winning they
have known.
Wahab Riaz's electric spell, which
was triggered more by personal needle
with the Australians rather than any
planned strategy, encapsulated the
spirit of Pakistan cricket well. That
emblematic aggression should have
jolted the system into wakefulness.
Instead, after the World Cup there was a
step back when those in power came
together to decide on Pakistan's future.
Under them, there is little hope for
Wahab to rebrand himself as a
fearsome fast bowler, like Mitchell
Johnson did during the Ashes. The
terrifying, fear-inducing avatar of
Johnson was a credit to the Australian
think tank, who helped make him the
force he is today.
The failure to launch Sarfraz Ahmed

ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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at the top of the order from the start at

the World Cup was another sign of
Pakistan's timid, risk-free, boxed-in
mentality. The reluctance to introduce
an aggressor demonstrated a lack of
vision and confidence in backing a
player believed to be a risky asset. As a
result, Pakistan lost out on potential
starts like those Brendon McCullum
provided New Zealand with. Big hitters
who could have lit up the World Cup
were choked by defensive batting The
failure to launch Sarfraz Ahmed at the
top of the order from the start at the
World Cup was another sign of
Pakistan's timid, risk-free, boxed-in
mentality. The reluctance to introduce
an aggressor demonstrated a lack of
vision and confidence in backing a
player believed to be a risky asset. As a
result, Pakistan lost out on potential
starts like those Brendon McCullum
provided New Zealand with. Big hitters
who could have lit up the World Cup
were choked by defensive batting
tactics, having to display unnatural
restraint under the pretext of rebuilding
the innings, going against their natural
grain of attacking batting. This is again
an example of Pakistan not aligning
themselves to modern cricket, where a
healthy mix of aggression and cautious
play is the mantra for rebuilding innings.
Not just the World Cup, this
approach has been in place for quite
some time now in Pakistan cricket. A
nation that has been fed on watching
magical fast-bowling spells is now
being treated to an overdose of spin on
dusty, dead pitches. This policy might
have yielded results but it has come at
the cost of aggressive tactics.
Barring legspin, the truth is that spin
marks a defensive, safe, guarded
mindset, as opposed to the aggressive,
wi cket- taki ng , al l - out -at tac k i ng
approach of fast bowling. By dumping
fast bowling as its preferred choice of
attack, Pakistan have also let go of the
aggression that comes naturally with it.
It's as if that quality is slowly being
erased from the nation's cricketing

psyche. No wonder Wahab's spell

was viewed as a showstopper; a few
decades back the likes of it were
Pakistan cricket today is at a
crossroads. The choice is theirs to
make which way they go. The stakes
have never been higher and they
needn't be told what route to take to
get them out of this situationn

ARACHI-The world's first

matrimonial website, has
been launched globally including
Pakistan. An Initiative of Floridabased Noble Education Foundation,
United States,
tends to be the leading online
matrimonial platform offering its users
the fastest and secure way to find a
perfect match and complete half of
their Dee'n. Having launched here in
Pakistan, the site has come up with
loads of new salient features that
make it quite easier and effortless to
search your potential life partner with
all confidentiality, privacy and
information security offered. is an online
Muslim matrimonial website providing
single Muslims around the world with
a platform where they can look for
their better halves, and being a
Shariah compliant service, the site
provides all users with the latest
functionalities to make the whole
process simple, easy and secure
through its modern user interface.
"No doubt, matches are made in
heaven, but her e at we intend to
provide Muslims around the world a
platform to find that match, a platform
which is more reliable, instant and
secure, unlike other conventional
matchmaking websites" said by Mr.
Mohammad Zeeshan Zafar, Business
Development Manager, Available through
an exclusive Mobile App, this
matrimonial portal can be accessed

via iPhones, iPads and Android

devices as well. Among its top
features, the site provides users with
free messaging services, cheapest
subscription rates, strict filtering,
spam-free & verified traffic, browsing
invisibly, and real display images, as
well as a point-based system, allotting
additional points to users registered
with maximum personal information. is a 100%
Shariah-compliant initiative of its kind,
as this matrimonial site happens to be
the combination of both modern and
traditional methods employed while
looking for your better half. Not only
the wannabe brides and grooms, but
here parents too can create an
account to find appropriate marriage
proposals for their children. Along
with the added parental control, offers loads

of security and privacy features, e.g.

'Advance Search' features, which
help users, look for their potential
matches based on many different
variables. "Exclusively launching in
Pakistan with lots of new features, has the perfect
mechanism to match the profiles
accurately helping users find their
match faster" Mr. Zafar concluded. is an IT venture
initiated by a group of modern, techsavvy young Muslims based in the
United States and working under the
parent company named 'Nobel
Education Foundation.' Besides
running, they
are already running online sites,
www.H ad it h Exp lo rer. co m,
w ww. S a l a h Ex p l o r e r. c o m, a n d

Charles D. Mayron, MD, FACS

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Latham, NY 12110

Cell Phone: (518) 677-8233


ROSHNI Issue No.80


May 2015

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Tel: (518) 785-1100

Fax: (518) 785-1109


illary Clinton announced that

she is running for president,
officially entering the race
after a long buildup and instantly
becoming the favorite to win the
Democratic Party nomination. Heres
a look at the candidate.
Whos running?
Hillary Clinton
Whats her background?
Born Oct. 26, 1947, Mrs. Clinton
grew up in Park Ridge, Ill., outside
Chicago. She got her undergraduate
degree at Wellesley College and then
her law degree from Yale. She
married Bill Clinton in 1975, later
serving as first lady of Arkansas while
he was governor of the state. When
Mr. Clinton was elected president,
Mrs. Clinton was a central player in
the administrations failed push for
universal health care. Her toughest
moment came when it was disclosed

Saqib Choudry
607 Broadway
Watervliet, NY 12189


that her husband had had a sexual

relationship with White House intern
Monica Lewinsky. Post-White House,
Mrs. Clinton was elected to a Senate
seat from New York state, and after
being re-elected for a second term,
mounted a run for the Democratic
presidential nomination. She faced a
hard challenge from then-Sen.
Barack Obama, and narrowly lost the
nomination, hurt by her vote in favor of
the Iraq War. In a surprise, Mr. Obama
named Mrs. Clinton as his secretary
of state, where she served four years
and was one of the administrations
key figures during the Arab Spring.
Whats she doing now?
Since leaving government the
most recent time, Mrs. Clinton has
remained active at the Bill, Hillary and
Chelsea Clinton Foundation, a major
global philanthropy that focuses on
health care and climate change,
among other issues. She helps raise
money for the foundation, and gives
speeches for which she receives fees
as high as $300,000.
Th e fou ndat ion s f oreign
donations have come under scrutiny
in recent months.
She has also authored a memoir,
Hard Choices, and prepared for a
second presidential run.
What positions is she best known
Mrs. Clinton has been a longtime
proponent for childrens issues,
health care, and for equal rights and
equal opportunities for women. She
has pointed to her own candidacy as a
chance to shatter one of the most

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May 2015

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important glass ceilings of all. Mrs.

Clinton is also well-versed in foreign
policy, and has backed President
Obamas efforts to reach a deal with
Iran over its nuclear program. Her role
as secretary of state during the
Benghazi, Libya, attacks that left four
Americans dead remains the subject
of Republican-led investigations. The
d i sc l o su r e o f M rs . Cl i n t o n s
controversial private email system
came as a result of the Benghazi
Whats her path to victory?
Mrs. Clinton has staked out a
dominant, politically centrist position
in the Democratic Party, with little
opposition to date. One possible
challenger on her left, Sen. Elizabeth
Warren of Massachusetts, has said
she isnt running. Others, such as
former Maryland Gov. Martin
OMalley, havent made much of a
dent in early polls, and Mrs. Clintons
fundraising prowess gives her a big
advantage in fending off the
competition but she knows she
needs to avoid the missteps and
perceived overconfidence that hurt
her last campaign. In the general
election, her fore ign-policy
experience will be in focus, as will her
ability to maintain Mr. Obamas
winning coalitionn

By Mohiuddin Aazim

fter President Xi's visit to

Islamabad in the third week of
April, Pakistan and China
have entered a new phase of strategic
In this phase, China is supporting
us in $50bn economic development
plans. And, in return, it hopes that we
will do whatever it takes to ensure
Chinese supremacy in our own
strategic affairs and, by extension, in
the affairs of neighbouring
Afghanistan. But that's the most
immediate objective China is
pursuing. In the mid-term, China
would also solicit our support in
dealing with "Islamist trouble-makers"
on Chinese soil. And, in the long-term,
the Chinese authorities will look
towards us a vehicle of promoting
Chi nese valu es of econ omic
progress, political affair management
and 21st century style of governance,
officials in Pakistani government say.
For Pakistan, the first dividend of
the new phase of Sino-Pak Strategic
partnership will be higher and more
qualitative economic growth through
"the economic corridor". The second
dividend will come in the form of
greater strength in the state
apparatus to make Pakistan a more
forward-looking, progressive country.
And the third and final dividend will
show through a stronger Pakistan
capable of dealing with India more
soberly and interacting with the US
and the West less apologetically.
The grains of truth in the foregoing
analysis will soon start showing
evidence, that is if we are willing to
believe what crisp talk is taking
rounds in GHQ in Rawalpindi and in
diplomatic enclave, in Islamabad.
Diplomatic sources say after having

been relieved, at least partially, of

America's "do more" demands,
Pakistan is going to see the same
demand coming from China in the
coming years. "The difference will be
in the tone and the purpose of the "do
mores", according to a Western
diplomat. "Chinese are not blunt and
arrogant, as Americans, but they are
consistent and firm."
Officials in Pakistan's ministry of
foreign affairs who have experience
dealing with the Chinese also say that
when it comes to getting things done,
Chinese persistence is unmatched.
"Besides, unlike Americans who often
go public even on sensitive issues,
Chinese believe in "whispering",
according to one of these officials who
spoke to this writer on the condition of
How Pakistan will manage to
continue to give due weight to "these
whispering" when they start coming,
will be interesting to watch. "Knowing
the limitations that Pakistan has from
the Chinese perspective, China is
very wisely helping us in building our
capacity to deliver in bilateral
relationship," says head of a Karachibased multinational company close to
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Pakistan Army has decided to spare
human and technical resources of a
full army division for creating a
dedicated force for managing security
of the economic corridor. This
indicates the effectiveness of the
Chinese way whispering their
demands into the right ears. Taking a
cue from this, some analysts say that
going further, during the process of
implementation of Pak-China bilateral
projects in security-sensitive areas of
infrastructural development and

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May 2015

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energy, China would rely as much on

Pakistan army, if not more, as it relies
on political leadership.
That itself
would lay a greater base of military
cooperation between the two
countries. And, that is exactly why
India is so much disturbed with the
soaring of Pak-China strategic
China already has set foot in
Pakistan's banking and during the
recent visit of President Xi to
Islamabad, agreements have been
signed for enhanced Chinese
investment in Pakistan's financial
sector. On the one hand, this would
facilitate China's growing trade with
and investment in Pakistan. But, on
the other hand, it would also help
Ch in a ca pt u re a n ot h er mo st
important area of cooperation that is
considered most influential.
Similarly, the announcement
during President Xi's visit that China
and Pakistan would also join hands in
establishing a Chinese language
regional television network and FM
radio also throws light on the enormity
of the scope of the strategic
part nership bet ween the two
countries. So far, everything seems
moving in the right direction and both
countries seem to have been charged
with the spirit of cooperation. But,
going forward heavy Chinese
investment into so many areas of
economic and social spheres of
Pakistan would create some new
challenges for Pakistan. One of them
would be how to respond to the
Chinese "whispering" at times when
they become louder enough to attract
attention of other countries in the
The writer is a Karachi-based freelance journalist. He
can be reached at

opportunity to work closely with Dr.

Overing who he considers his
research mentor. His 3 years of


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research culminated at the

International Experimental Biology
Conference of 2015 Boston Expo. At
this conference, which is attended by
14,000 scientists from around the
world, Tabrez was recognized as a
Junior Scientist. Given Tabrezs
dream of attending MIT this was a
very high achievement for him
After speaking closely with
Tabrezs father, he offered several

pieces of advice to parents. In

essence, kids need proper guidance
which starts at home. Tabrezs
parents made sure to be incredibly
involved in his childhood and
education and looked to other
organizations for extra help as he
grew up. Tabrez was a Khans Tutorial
students for his Citywides, SHSAT
Guidance from KT Bronx teachers
and then later on for the SAT program
which helped him earn a near perfect
score of 2310. Additionally, he was
closely mentored by Dr. Mansur Khan
and Bronx Branch Directors Sajed
Chowdhury and Fahim Rofique.
Were so proud of the hard work
tabrez and his family have put into his
amazing accomplishments. We really
hope that other KT Specialized high
school students can follow in his
footsteps and put the extra work in to
earn similar achievements one day.
Dr. Ivan Khan
For the past 20 years, Khans
Tutorials mission has been to bring
quality education at affordable costs.
With 10 locations in the outer
boroughs of New York City, including
Brooklyn, Castle Hill, Parkchester,
Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Sutphin,
Richmond Hill, Astoria, Ozone Park,
and Floral Park, Khans Tutorial
primarily serves in assisting families
in low-income neighborhoodsn

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May 2015

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ew York, NY April 18, 2015

Tabrez Alam a KT student
since 2009 recently received
word that he would be graduating as
Valedictorian of Bronx Science with a
GPA of 97.88. Tabrez, a student
personally mentored by Dr. Mansur
Khan since childhood and well into
high school, attended Khans for his
Citywide Exams, for SHSAT classes
to help gain acceptance to Bronx
Science, and later SAT classes. Last
year he received our SAT Top Scorer
Award and an iPad Mini at our
Achievement Awards Ceremony for
scoring a near perfect 2310. Today, he
returns to Khans to mentor KT
Bronxs current high school students.
In the fall, Tabrez will be attending his
dream school and number 1 choice,
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. Beyond MIT,
Ta b r e z a l s o g a i n e d
acceptance to the following
Ivy League schools:

competitive if not more competitive

s Columbia Univiersity
s Brown Universtiy
s Cornell University
Tabrez also gained
accept an ce t o SUNY
Downstates BAMD
Prog ram at Broo klyn
College and Union
Colleges BAMD Medical
Program. Both of these
programs are incredibly
hard to get into and
acceptance is just as

ROSHNI Issue No.80

May 2015

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than some Ivy Leagues.

We are definitely happy about
Tabrezs huge achievement. In
addition to his hard work, we share
a lot of the credit with the team
members at Khans Tutorial where
Tabrez has been a student since
the 6th grade for his Citywide
Exams, for the SHSAT, and later for
the SAT, said Md Makidul Alam,
IT Reginal Director, NYC HHC
and father of Tabrez Alam. In
addition to his academic
accomplishments, Tabrez was also
involved in 3 years of research at
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
where he primarily focused on
structural anatomy. At Albert
E i n s t e i n , Ta b r e z h a d t h e

OS ANGELES, CA - According
to the organization Colour Blind
Awareness, approximately 8%
of men and 1 in 200 women are color
blind, unable to fully see red, green or
blue light.
A researcher in California may
have accidentally created glasses to
correct the problem:
The glasses were designed as
protective eyewear for doctors during
surgery. But one day he wore them

LBANY, NY Rex Smith,

Editor of the Times Union
stated, we need to have news
literacy training in school. We need to
teach young people why they need to
go get information, so we wouldnt
have this sort of situation that we now

with a curious friend who happened to

be color blind.
The friend noted he saw colors he
couldn't normally see and voila!
For Drucker, the glasses have
opened up a world where trees are
green, flowers come in limitless
colors, and a sunset can take your
breath away. I get how amazing they
are now, and Id never really was able
to tell that difference before, he said.

have which is that people are not as

interested in news as they should be.
He was speaking at the Sunday
seminar in ICCD. The topic for this
seminar was Journalism in
challenging times.
Mr. Smith further stated, thats a

ROSHNI Issue No.80

May 2015

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Here's how they work:

The glasses work by selectively
removing certain wavelengths
between the red and green cones that
allow them to be in essence pushed
apart again, said Don McPherson,
EnChromas VP of products.
So, keep an eye out. These
EnChroma glasses could be coming
to a store near you in the very near
collective fault of this society; of
creating a society in which people are
less intellectually curious than they
should be. There are just too many
journalists out there trying to get
access to the truth for your point to be
correct that theyre squelched by their
After his speech in the Q&A session,
in response to a question he said, I
cannot answer for all media, Ill try but
Id rather not have the sins of Fox
News visited upon me. There has
been an attempt by thoughtful
journalist to avoid that stereotype
over the recent yearsn

House Benghazi
panel calls
Clinton to testify

chairman of a House
committee investigating
the 2012 attacks on Americans in
Benghazi, Libya, called former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to
testify at a public hearing next month,
setting up a high-profile showdown
over Clinton's use of a private email
account and server while she was
secretary of state.

LBANY, NY - Albany County

Executive Daniel P. McCoy
hosted theannual County
Executives Volunteer Awards and
presen ted h onors to seven
individuals who were cited for
exemplary community service. The
awards were presented to a diverse
array of county residents who have
donated their time and energy to help
Winners of the County Executives
Volunteer Awards for 2015:
Johanna Baniak of Watervlie, Connie
Chicaway of Green Island, Amy
C l i n t o n o f A l b a n y, A l b e r t o
Delossantos of Albany, Patricka
Elliott of Albany, Rev. Stephen Lalor
of Albany and David Paige of

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said he

wants Clinton to testify the week of
May 18 and again before June 18.
The first hearing would focus on
Clinton's use of private emails, and
the second on the September 2012
attacks that killed four Americans,
including the U.S. ambassador to


ROSHNI Issue No.80

May 2015

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LBANY, NY - A federal judge

blessed Albany County's new
political map, effectively
ending a nearly four-year voting
rights lawsuit triggered by a plan that
shortchanged minority voters.
Senior U.S. Judge Lawrence
Kahn approved the map over the
objections of the leadership of the
Bethlehem Democratic Committee,
which hoped to file a motion arguing
that the county used the courtordered do-over to gerrymander at
least one Democratic challenger out
of an incumbent's district.
The new map was ordered by
Kahn's March 24 ruling that the
county's 2011 redistricting plan
violated the federal Voting Rights Act
by diluting African-American voting
power the third time in three
decades the county has been forced
to redraw its lines in the face of a
Voting Rights Act challenge.
Kahn's ruling froze all election
activity for this year's 39 legislative
races until the county fixed the lines.
The new map does just that by
carving an additional district out of
Albany's east side in which black
voters are a majority.
In drawing the fifth majorityminority district inside Albany, the
county's new redistricting
commission also changed lines in the
suburbs, a move some Bethlehem
D e m o c ra t s c a l l e d p o l i t i ca l l y

Daniel Coffey, second vice

c h a i r m a n o f t h e Be t h l e h e m
Democratic Committee, said in an
email that in remedying an injustice to
the minority community "legislators
should not have done an injustice to
the voters of Bethlehem, who had
nothing to do with the Voter Rights
Act violation."
Legislature Chairman Shawn
Morse dismissed the idea that Kuhn,
currently a Bethlehem Town Board
m e m b e r, f a c t o r e d i n t o t h e
commission's work at all or that he
has standing to complain.
"Nobody should have a right to
chime in just because they have
political aspirations," Morse said.
"We were given one task, and that
was to draw five minority districts. We
drew them, and the plaintiffs thought
they were really good. And that's all
that mattered."
Morse, who led t he 2011
redistricting, said he still stands by his
original work, which he said was
meant to create four districts with
large enough minority populations to
ensure black voters could elect their
preferred candidates.
Morse said the full County
Legislature may need to ratify the
map, but acknowledged any such
vote would be a "formality" because
Kahn has already ordered the county
to adopt the new lines for this year's

ASHINGTON - After a long

mark-up period, the Senate
Finance Committee took its
final vote on the trade promotion
authority, or "fast track," bill that Ron
Wyden (D-OR) and Orrin Hatch (RUT) had negotiated.
The Senate Finance Committee
vote was 20 to 6. 7 Democrats and 13
Republicans voted for it.
Who were the 7 Democrats?
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Tom Carper (D-DE)
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Mark Warner (D-VA)
5 Democrats and 1 Republican
voted against it.
That lone Republican was Richard
Burr (R-NC).
The 5 Democrats were the
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Bob Casey (D-PA)n

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May 2015

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A Monthly News Magazine from the Capital Region to the South Asian Community

Publisher :

Waleed Ahmed Khan

Editor :

Afaq Ahmed Khan

Tel. (518) 596-6911

Layout Editor : Khalid Mirza

Telephone :

7-13 Oxford Drive

Latham, NY 12110
(518) 596-6911

Bureau Chief Los Angeles:

Mukhtar Ahmed Pirzada

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Karachi Office:
2nd Floor, Eveready Chambers,
Muhammad Bin Qasim Road,
Telephone: 0301236-0244

Dr. Tauceef Ahmed Khan
Mohiuddin Aazim
Muhammad Anwer

Federal judge Oks
Albany County's new political map
County Executive Daniel P. McCoy Honors
Albany County Volunteers for Community Service
California researcher
accidentally discovered solution for color blindness
Khans Tutorial Student Earns Valedictorian Honors
at The Bronx HS Science, Now Headed to MIT
Pak-China strategic partnership
By Mohiuddin Aazim
Meet the Candidate: Hillary Clinton
By Tim Hanrahan
World's First Shariah-Compliant Matrimonial
Website Launched in Pakistan
Where has Pakistan's aggression gone?
Ramiz Raja
Visa Bulletin For May 2015
Asrar At-Tanzil : The English Tafseer of Quran
By: Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan
Funny Jokes



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