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TEACHER: ___________________________________________________________AC.__________CAL.________
NAME: ______________________________________GRADE:________ GROUP: _______ ROLL NUMBER:
1. Why is important to learn English?
2. In the sentences: I ate an apple, why was used AN instead of A?
3. What is the personal pronoun for your mother?

How you have to start a conversation? Give some examples.

5. For you what are the 5 most important professions?

6. Do you like fairytales? Write your 5 favorite stories.
7. Think about The Little Red Riding Hood. In 5 Sentences summarize the story. Remember
that for fairytales we used past tense.
8. What part of a story you think is the most important and why?
9. What verbs you think are the most used inside a fairy tale (remember that they have to
be in past tense)?
10.How you start a fairytale?

11. If you want to know the meaning of a word you have to look for a:
12. If you are looking for the meaning of zoo, core, guide and apple, what word you thing is
going to be located first, second, third and fourth?
13.What kind of words can you find in a bilingual dictionary (remember the parts of speech)?
14.One of your classmates want to know the meaning of struggle, what does he have to do
(write at least 5 steps)?
15.What kind of radio shows you think are the ones with more audience (name 3 at least)?
16.For you what is the most enjoyable part of a radio show?
17.Think in some reason to listen the radio and write them (3 as minimum):
18. There is man who is saying: The first who call and say the correct answer is going to win
a trip to Las Vegas. What part of the radio show you thing is going on?

19. Imagine that you sell something, what part of the radio show is the time to promote your
20.You are going to go on holidays and you chose a beautiful destination, The Toluca Volcano,
but you want to know if there is going to be snow, what kind of radio show you should to
21. Sasha is going to be at home around 10 oclock. Do you think Sasha is sure about their
schedule? Why?

22. I will be millionaire. Is this a secure future for me? Why?

23.Imagine that you are a wizard/ witch and you can guess the future, write 5 good
predictions of your best friend (remember that you are not really sure about them).
24.What are you going to do on the weekend?
25.If you win the lottery, what you will do (write 5 sentences using will)?
26.What you think are the most important body systems (write at least 3)?
27.I broke mi leg, what system you think result damaged?
28.If you need to know what is the flavor of your birthday cake, what body system you are
going to use?
29.How the circulatory system works?
30.The radius is part of the nervous system? Why?
31. What do you do in your free time?
32.What you really enjoy to do with your family?
33.Tell my some likes and dislikes of your best friend (6 sentences)
34.What you hate to do on vacations?
35.The sentence I LOVE EAT is correct or incorrect? Why?
36.The sentence I HATE CATS is correct or incorrect? Why?
37. What are the 3 things you thing that your English teacher loves to do?
38.What is your favorite food?
39.Do you like doing housework?
40. Does your mother like playing videogames?
41. Develop the topic Stars.

42.Develop the topic Pangaea.

43.Develop the topic Honeybees.
44.Develop the topic Water cycle.
45.Develop the topic Louis Pasteur.
46.Where you can find warnings?
47.What kind of warnings you can find in a highway?
48.What kind of warnings you can find in a hotel?
49.If you are near of a farm what kind of warnings you will see?
50.In an earthquake what is the first thing you have to do?

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