Stasis Outline

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Afsan Bhuiyan

English 2010
Mrs. Latham
Stasis Outline Assignment
United States government in August 2002 redefined acts such as waterboarding
(simulated drowning), forced nudity, sleep deprivation, temperature extremes, stress
positions, and prolonged isolation to be safe, legal, ethical, and effective enhanced
interrogation techniques (EITs) after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US. Before
then, each of these techniques, alone, was considered to constitute torture by the UN
Committee Against Torture and/or the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture [3]. (Neglect
of Medical Evidence)
We believe that, until such time as such an investigation is undertaken, and those
responsible for torture are held accountable, the ethical integrity of medical and other
healing professions remains compromised. (Neglect of Medical Evidence)
The findings are also limited by their reliance on medical records and case files that
were sometimes heavily edited and on psychological assessments based on questionnaires
rather than on direct examination. (Neglect of Medical Evidence)
In each of the nine cases, GTMO detainees alleged abusive interrogation methods that
are consistent with torture as defined by the UN Convention Against Torture as well as
the more restrictive US definition of torture that was operational at the time. The medical
affidavits in each of the nine cases indicate that the specific allegations of torture and ill
treatment are highly consistent with physical and psychological evidence documented in
the medical records and evaluations by non-governmental medical experts. (Neglect of
Medical Evidence)
The literature reviewed and data presented here speaks for itselfGuantanamo
detainees are human beings who, when subjected to distress and trauma that overwhelm
and disrupt resilience, are likely to develop pathological outcomes that will reverberate
beyond themselves to their families and society. (Brenner, Grant H., GB. "The Expected
Psychiatric Impact)
Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal and Rhuhel Ahmed tortured in Guantanamo bay without any
evidence of terrorism. (Report: Tipton Three Detention)
POV: Prisoner of war. (Neglect of Medical Evidence)
Torture considered to be safe: waterboarding (simulated drowning), forced nudity, sleep
deprivation, temperature extremes, stress positions, and prolonged isolation (Neglect of
Medical Evidence)
Is this an ethical act?: The CIA want's increase the torture methods and doesn't want anyone who
is against torture even if a doctor just wants to check the medical situation of the detainee. (Nye,
James, JN. "U.S. Military Doctors)

Is dehuminzing a POV an act of terrorism?: waterboarding (simulated drowning), forced

nudity, sleep deprivation, temperature extremes, stress positions, and prolonged isolation
(Neglect of Medical Evidence)
What rights should POVs have?: the rule was that hunger strikers couldnt be
interrogated.( CONNELLY, SHERRYL, SC. "Guantanamo Bay Sergeant) ,but POVs were
force-fed (Ferguson, Ben, B.F. Yasiin Bey Was Force-Fed.")
How much restrictions should be in Guantanamo bay for access for the public to see what is
happening inside there: The intense level of secrecy enforced at the camp prohibited Hickman
from raising questions (CONNELLY, SHERRYL, SC. "Guantanamo Bay Sergeant)
There should be interviews from the CIA and the U.S departments of defense of why are the
detainees suffering from severe mental and physical illnesses.
Who are the detainees and what charges were made against them. How many detainees are
actually terrorists with legit evidence.
What is the Presidents response to the evidence of severe torture of physical and mental
How is the torture methods effective?
Action Plan:
The U.S government should reduce the use of torture methods used on the detainees because
severe torture leads to severe physical and physiological illnesses. There should be full access of
on camera of how torture is used without audio, so you can have observational evidence without
knowing the information the detainees give. If there is access of observational evidence 24/7 of
how the guards treat the detainees then you can charge the guards if they violate any laws. There
should be no private area where the guards of the Guantanamo bay have the freedom to do
whatever they want with the detainees. Giving freedom to the guards to do whatever they want
with the detainees may lead the guards to violate with the detainees. Using severe torture method
may not help to get information out of a detainee because the detainee may lie just to get out of
torture. The media should talk about how inhumane Guantanamo bay treats the POVs, so the
population learns about Guantanamo bay and changes the horrible situation there. The doctors
should the right medical treatment to the detainees. The detainees should be fed well, taken care
of, and not treated like animals. Any detainee who have no charge with terrorism should be
released immediately without any torture used against them.

Works Cited
Brenner, Grant H., GB. "The Expected Psychiatric Impact of Detention in Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, and Related Considerations." Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2010th ser.
11.4 (2010): 469-87. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
Burghardt, Tom, TB. "Torture and Madness at Guantnamo Bay." Global Research. N.p., 30 Apr.
2008. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
"Neglect of Medical Evidence of Torture in Guantnamo Bay: A Case Series." PLoS Medicine
8.4 (2011): E1001-1006. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
"Report: Tipton Three Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay." Center for Constitution
RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.
CONNELLY, SHERRYL, SC. "Guantanamo Bay Sergeant Claims CIA Tortured 3 Men to
Death." NY Daily News. NY Daily News, 17 Jan. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
CONNELLY, SHERRYL, SC. "Guantanamo Bay Sergeant Claims CIA Tortured 3 Men to
Death." NY Daily News. NY Daily News, 17 Jan. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
Nye, James, JN. "U.S. Military Doctors Broke Oath to Design New Torture Techniques to Be
Used at Guantanamo Bay." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 04 Nov. 2013. Web.
10 Feb. 2015. <>.
Ferguson, Ben, B.F. "When Yasiin Bey Was Force-Fed." Guantanamo Bay. Theguardian, 9 July
2013. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <


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