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Bhuiyan 1

Afsan Bhuiyan
Mrs. Latham
English 2010
Toulmin Outline About Gauntanmo Bay Detainees Life
Enthymeme/Argument (Claim+Reason): The U.S government must reduce the severe
interrogation, increase access in Guantanamo Bay prison, give the detainees specific rights
(religious, sexual, medical), to treat detainees more humanely and show integrity towards the
world to prevent extremist groups to propagate the Guantanamo Bay situation.
Political Problems:
Lack of security will lead to the interrogators having more freedom of torturing the
detainees of however they want. The inhumane severe torture is not effective and may
lead a detainee to give false confessions.
Al Qaeda/Taliban/ISIS may use the torture on Guantanamo bay as a propaganda to recruit
people to join their group.
The interrogators maybe interrogating a detainee who has no charge of terrorism.
Sexual/Religious/Society/Cultural Problems:
Forced nudity is a sexual abuse that is unethical to the Muslim religion.
Severe physical and psychological illness caused by torture will disrupt the detainees
family and his society.
Cultural and religious abuse that detainees (Muslim detainees) go through will affect the
Muslim population negatively.

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Medical Problems:
Detainees being severely tortured can lead them to have increase in PTSD, have the
intention to suicide and be dehumanized. ("The Expected Psychiatric Impact)
The U.S does not follow the Geneva Conventions and makes there on rules on torture
like the Bush administration. The Bush administration said as long as the detainees dont get
organ failure or death then they are not being tortured. (CIA Torture - Guantanamo Bay)
Moazzam is an ex detainee in Guantanamo Bay who is interviewed by Russell Brand in a
youtube video. Moazzam says Dick Cheney wants the Guantanamo bay military to work on the
dark side with the detainee. (CIA Torture - Guantanamo Bay) Working on the dark side means
interrogating the detainees privately without being publicized. Moazzam is a detainee who has
been tortured without charge of any terrorism. Also, Moazzam talks about Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi
who gave a false confession in Guantanamo bay about how Al Qaeda is working with Saddam
Hussein who is planning on creating weapons of mass destruction which lead the American
military to go after Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
It provided grist for anti-American propaganda, notably by Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden. In 2010, he penned a column for Inspire magazine, in which he mentioned the crimes at
Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo which shook the conscience of humanity. (Jamie Tarabay Abu
Ghraib Closes). This article talks about how Osama Bin Ladin propagates an anti-American
propaganda by talking about the bad treatments the detainees receive at Guantanamo bay.


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Impaired ability to relate to family and friends, persistent anger toward governmental
entities, and impaired occupational functioning interfere with returning to normal life upon
release. ("The Expected Psychiatric Impact)

This time Shafiq says I had to run as fast as I could with my legs shackled and I was bent
over with a sack over my head. We were taken to another tent. There they cut off all my clothes
and forcefully shaved our beards and heads. I was taken outside. I was completely naked with a
sack on my head and I could 16 hear dogs barking nearby and soldiers shouting get em
boy.(Tipton Three) This article shows how the interrogators in Guantanamo bay religiously
abused the detainees by shaving their beards, and keeping a beard is mandatory in Islam
according to the majority of Muslims and Muslim scholars. Also, an adult showing his genitals
to anyone (other than the spouse) is prohibited in Islam. The interrogators abused Shafiq by
forcing him to take all of his clothes off in front of them.

I assume all detainees have physical and mental illnesses and arent treated well. I
assumed that the cultural and religious abuse the detainees received will affect most Muslims. I
am assuming if the interrogators torture privately then the interrogators have more freedom of
torturing the detainees. Also, lack of security means that interrogators could lie about what they
are actually doing to the detainees in private rather than telling the truth.

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As I was doing my research Ive not found any source where a detainee said he was
treated well in the Guantanamo Bay prison. Most likely the U.S military wouldnt prevent any
detainee from stating the good treatments he received in Guantanamo Bay, so if any detainee got
good treatment then he would state to the media. Also, Ive not found any sources of detainees
not having any sort of mental or physical illnesses. There are nine individuals who are detainees
with medical records that conveys the physical and psychological injuries that they received in
prison GTMO medical records documented injuries that were consistent or highly consistent
with detainee allegations of abuse: contusions (2), bone fractures (3), lacerations (2), peripheral
nerve damage (1), and sciatica (2). (Neglect of Medical Evidence).
There has been reports of guards abusing the detainees religion. For example, there was an
incidence where an interrogator thrown a prisoners Quran on the floor, stepped on it, and
kicked it across the room. ("Report: Torture and Cruel). Every Muslim believes and respects
the Quran. The Quran being kicked will anger many Muslims because the Quran is Gods
words. Also, Quran is the book that many Muslims follow to this day, so abusing the Quran
will affect negatively millions of Muslims around the world.
Unexpected deaths of Talal al-Zahrani of Yemen, and Salah Ahmed al-Salami and Mani
Shaman al-Utaybi, both of Saudi Arabia shows lack of integrity of the interrogators in
Guantanamo bay. The interrogators has said the three detainees killed themselves ,but evidence
was found they couldnt of killed themselves because the materials the detainees supposedly had
in their cell for suicide was not allowed to be owned by the detainees. The guards were on guard
almost 24/7 to keep an eye on the detainees. If the detainees were going to kill themselves then
the guards must have seen that happening and stopped them. Also, many of the materials like a

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towel that was stuck on the throat of a detainee cant be given to the detainee in his cell which
makes the situation more suspicious.
Grounds for Rebuttal:
Just because the detainees are being tortured privately does not mean the interrogators dont
follow the torture rules.
U.S soldiers go through PTSD and other physical and mental illnesses ,so detainees going
through torture is justifiable as long as they dont get killed.
If torture, humiliation, and abuse is needed to get information from the detainee to save several
lives then severe torture is necessary for the detainee.
The U.S military privately tortures the detainees, so Al Qaeda/Taliban/ISIS wouldnt use the
situation in Guantanamo Bay prison as a propaganda. The tortures will be kept secret and not
Showing sympathy for the detainees wouldnt help you get any information from them. Any
information from detainees is important, and torture will likely force the detainees to say the
truth. Making the detainee dependent upon the interrogator will make the detainee say the truth.
Torturing the detainees will show fear upon terrorists which can lead the terrorists to
destabilize ,and give up lying.
POWs shouldnt be treated the same as a U.S soldier. The detainees want to kill U.S soldiers
and are willing to die for war, so torturing them is fine as long as you dont kill them.
POWs should be tortured to obtain valuable information from them to save lives of other
people. As long as the POWs are not tortured to death then any torture to the detainee is

Bhuiyan 6
justifiable. I believe most detainees are not treated well, and they should be taken care within the
Geneva Conventions which is more humane.

Bhuiyan 7
Works Cited
"Report: Tipton Three Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay." Center for Constitution
RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.
Brenner, Grant H., GB. "The Expected Psychiatric Impact of Detention in Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, and Related Considerations." Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2010th ser.
11.4 (2010): 469-87. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
Brand, Russell. "CIA Torture - Guantanamo Bay." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Dec. 2014. Web. 22
Feb. 2015. <>.
Tarabay, Jamie, J.T. "Abu Ghraib Closes, Bitter Memories of Torture Remain | Al Jazeera
America." Abu Ghraib Closes. Al Jazeera, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
"Report: Tipton Three Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay." Center for Constitution
RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.

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