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A Project Report on


Submitted in partial fulfillment of

Wen Yen


Dishant Shah


Sanket Solanki


Abhilay Peddi


Rakesh badraji


Ashok bellam


Phani Achuri


Under the Guidance of

Department of Civil Engineering

Finding a parking space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours, is difficult
for drivers. The difficulty arises from not knowing where the available spaces may be at that
time; even if known, many vehicles may pursue very limited parking spaces to cause serious
traffic congestion. In this paper, we design and implement a prototype of Reservation-based
Smart Parking System (RSPS) that allows drivers to effectively find and reserve the vacant
parking spaces. By periodically learning the parking status from the sensor networks deployed in
parking lots, the reservation service is affected by the change of physical parking status. The
drivers are allowed to access this cyber-physical system with their personal communication
devices. Furthermore, we study state-of-the-art parking policies in smart parking systems and
compare their performance. The experiment results show that the proposed reservation-based
parking policy has the potential to simplify the operations of parking systems, as well as alleviate
traffic congestion caused by parking searching.


A parking deck is a symbol of efficient use of limited space to provide the most parking spots in a given
area. As you add more and more spots, however, it becomes increasingly difficult for a driver to find the
closest spot. This heightened difficulty necessitates driving in circles around the parking deck and looking
for a spot all while decreasing our focus on safely driving in order to race in hopes of beating someone
else. In todays world, the word smart is used to describe everything from cellphones to homes which
all feature more communication and interactivity between the user and the product. If a home can be
smart why cant a parking garage? This is the question our group has posed and it is a question we feel
we have solved with a system we call Smart Park.


In Smart Parking System an Infrared sensor will sense the position of car and entry gate will open
and infrared through operational amplifier will send an amplified signal to controller and
controller will send empty locations on LCD and RTC will start to record the time interval of
parking where reed switch will sense the position if its occupied or not forming a magnetic switch
( Reed Switch ).

LED will show the status of Parking Slots.

Whenever a car want to take exit then it will go to exit gate again the Infrared sensor will sense
the position of car and send an amplified signal to controller and gate will open and again LCD
will display the fare of parking duration.


A Smart Parking System to implement systematic par
1.A RTC to record the time and fare of the vehicles.
2.Reed Switches used for position sensing of the vehicles.
3.LCD for location and Fare display.


Real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that
keeps track of the current time.

RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time.

In many cases the oscillator's frequency is 32.768 kHz. This is the same frequency used in quartz
clocks and watches, and for the same reasons, namely that the frequency is exactly 215 cycles per
second, which is a convenient rate to use with simple binary counter circuits.

Applications :

Mobile telephones

Portable instruments

Electronic metering

Battery powered products


Provides year, month, day, weekday, hours, minutes and seconds based on 32.768 kHz quartz

Century ag

Clock operating voltage: 1.8 V to 5.5 V

Low backup current; typical 0.25 A at VDD = 3.0 V and Temp = 25 C

400 kHz two-wire I2C-bus interface (at VDD = 1.8 V to 5.5 V)

Programmable clock output for peripheral devices (32.768 kHz, 1024 Hz, 32 Hz and 1 Hz)

Alarm and timer functions

Integrated oscillator capacitor

Internal power-on reset

I2C-bus slave address: read A3h and write A2h

Open-drain interrupt pin

Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) protection exceeds 2000 V Human Body Model (HBM) per
JESD22-A114, 200 V Machine Model (MM) per JESD22-A115 and 2000 V

Charged Device Model (CDM) per JESD22-C101

Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC standard JESD78 which exceeds 100mA.


The reed switch is an electrical switch operated by an applied magnetic field.

The contacts may be normally open, closing when a magnetic field is present, or normally closed
and opening when a magnetic field is applied.

A magnetic field (from an electromagnet or a permanent magnet) will cause the reeds to come
together, thus completing an electrical circuit. The stiffness of the reeds causes them to separate,
and open the circuit, when the magnetic field ceases.


An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its
surroundings by either emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation.

It is also capable of measuring heat of an object and detecting motion. Infrared waves are not
visible to the human eye

Key benefits of infrared sensors include low power requirements, simple circuitry, and their
portable feature

In the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared radiation is the region having wavelengths longer than
visible light wavelengths, but shorter than microwaves.

Infrared technology is found in many of our everyday products. For example, TV has an IR
detector for interpreting the signal from the remote control

The wavelength region from 0.75 to 3m is termed as near infrared, the region from 3 to 6m is
termed mid-infrared, and the region higher than 6m is termed as far infrared.


Parking landscape is characterized by a variety of parking models and technologies. This
diversity can be attributed to two fundamental drivers:
1. Consumers looking for ways to make payment faster and more convenient so they can move on
to their destination quickly.
2. parking operators trying to leverage technology to drive growth in their top-line and extract
further efficiencies to improve their bottom line.
Each successive generation of parking technology has attempted to improve the parking
experience for these two groups. License plates uniquely identify a vehicle and the next mainstay
in the evolution of parking
operations. This insight is central to one particular advance in
parking: License Plate-Enabled Parking (LEP). It is an ecosystem of technologies using the
license plate as a key identifier to
access an enhanced parking experience. It offers
advanced features not available with other
parking models and it benefits both parking
operators and consumers.

Easy for consumers to us

Pay by phone integration
Autoamatic detection of scofflaws
Higher revenue
Faster and more efficient enforcement
No space marking cost
citation payment at meter

Parking management via license plate

Pay by phone system
license plate recognize system
Multi space pay stations using pay by license plate


1.SENSOR: Detect a weather parking space available or not.

2.Transit Data to a central server.

3.Smartphone app Request a parking space and guides driver through free space.
4.Parking fee is directly paid by app.
5.Administration of local ID's, permit for taxis, coaches, deliveries.
6. Legitimating - Access control to restricted traffic areas such as loading zones
,residential parking.


Park assit in automobiles. This can be quoted the next level in parking technology. This comforts
the driver with ease and accuracy. This is the pre-installed program found in the high-end models
in expensive cars.
A car passing by the parking lot searches the suitable space for the parking when park assist
program is turned on. It usually searches for the spaces that are any 20% longer than the
vehicle. The system donot detect the small objects and children. It is a semi-manual program that
needs the driver's attention in some areas of driving. All one needs to do is to limit the car's speed
less than 11mph and turn on the park assist button on the left surround of the screen by just
pressing it. Once the featue is activated, the LED indicator in the bottom illuminates.

The system consist of three options parallel parking, perpendicular parking and parking exit
respectively. Press repeatedly until the desired option is selected.


The system with parallel parking mode usually searches for space on the passenger's side. If a
space is on the driver's side, signal a turn in that direction. When a proper space is found a
confirmation graphic is seen on the screen accompanied by a voice command. Drive past the
space with the speed less than 11mph until instructed to stop. Park assist now asks you to reverse
the gear and release the wheel. Allow the park assist to take control of the steering to drive it to
the space. Be conscious of the spaces around you and apply the brake if necessary. A message
appears on the screen letting you know when to stop and forward the gear. You may need to drive
forward and reverse several times depending on the size of the space and also the postion of the
vehicle. When the system takes that the vehicle is satisfactorily parked a message is appeared to
stop the vehicle. It is then appeared as the park assist is successfully finished.


The system selected with perpendicular park assist works same as the parallel park assist. When
a parking space 90 degree angle to the vehicle is found, drive towards it. The system searches for
space on the passenger's side. If the space is on the driver's side, signal a turn in that direction.
Make sure to drive less than 11mph and when the space is found, a message accompanied by
voice command is heard. After the proper perpendicular space is found for the vehicle, the work
you have to do is same as you did in the parallel park assist mode. Just one need to be conscious.


Park assist feature not only helps you park your vehicle, it also gives you a start. When you want
to drive away from the parallel parking lot, select the parking exit option. The system asks you to
release the wheel while searches for the appropriate space needed to drive through. A message
the displays to reverse the gear. You may have to wait for the next command and when it
appears, let the system control the steering. Observe the surroundings and apply brake if
necessary. You may have to drive forward and reverse depending on the size of the vehicle, space
required to drive through and the flow of traffic in the exit zone. When the task is done,
A message is appeared to stop. It is then appeared as park assist is finished. You, then take the
wheel and drive your destination.


In world, there are one billion cars. When South Korea alone is considered, on an average there
is a car for every 2.5 people. This made South korea one of the highest gasoline consuming
countries in the world today. As the cars are increasing the situation is getting even worse.
Gasoline price is increasing parallelly with its usage. With the increase in cars, space for parking
is getting scarce. Parking lots are always full anywhere a car drives in. So a car driver wanders
for about 500 meters a day to find enough space for his car. This is 15kms per month per car.
This 15kms of wandering to get a space for parking consumes a litre gasoline. So this increase in
usage of cars not only consuming gasoline and hiking its prices but also turning out as a problem
for parking as well. They cannot fix the problem of gasoline consumption either by controlling
the automobile usage or by increasing the petroleum deposits. They thought they can atleast fix
the problems challenging them on parking issues.
S-HERE is one such thought from one of the four gasoline companies in South Korea. Its
mission is to Save Oil to the maximum extent. Their main objective is to keep the car drivers
from wandering in the parking lots. All they used for this are gas balloons with "HERE" written
on it. They fixed a gas balloon in each of the parking space through out the lot. These goes top in
the air upto 5meters, which makes it visible even from a mile.

So when a driver sees a balloon at a distance, he can directly drive there and park his car. As the
car is parked in the space, the weight of the car on its tail brings the balloon to the floor. This is a
sign that the space is occupied. So a place where an Yellow balloon is in the air is an indication
that there is a parking space. So a balloon in the air with S-Oil HERE concludes the idea SAVE


The main aims are to present an intelligent system for parking space detection based on image
processing technique. The proposed system captures and processes the rounded image drawn at
parking lot and produces the information of the empty car parking spaces. In this work, a camera
is used as a sensor to take photos to show the occupancy of car parks. The reason why a camera
is used is because with an image it can detect the presence of many cars at once. Also, the
camera can be easily moved to detect different car parking lots. By having this image, the
particular car parks vacant can be known and then the processed information was used to guide a
driver to an available car park rather than wasting time to find one.


Another detection technology uses sensors to detect vacant spaces in a parking lot. With the
availability of various types of sensors, selecting a suitable detection system is an important part
of implementing a smart parking system. Different factors play a role in choosing the proper
sensor, including size, reliability, adaptation to environmental changes, robustness and cost .
Sensors technologies are categorized as either intrusive or non-intrusive. Intrusive sensors need
to be installed directly on the pavement surface, so digging and tunneling under the road surface
are required. Magnetometers, pneumatic tubes, inductive loops, weight-in-motion sensors and
piezoelectric cables are considered intrusive sensors. Non-intrusive sensors only require fixing
on the ceiling or on the ground. Ultrasonic sensors are categorized as nonintrusive sensors,
meaning that they require simpler installation compared to intrusive sensors.
Ultrasonic sensors transmit sound waves between 25 kHz and 50 kHz. They use the reflected energy to
analyze and detect the status of a parking space. Ultrasonic waves are emitted from the head of an
ultrasonic vehicle detection sensor every 60 milliseconds, and the presence or absence of vehicles is
determined by time differences between the emitted and received signals. Ultrasonic sensors can be used
for counting vehicles and assessing the occupancy status of each parking space [10]. Despite the low cost
and easy installation of ultrasonic sensors, they do have some disadvantages, particularly sensitivity to
temperature changes and extreme air turbulence.
Our proposed SPS detection system is based on ultrasonic sensors. For each individual car park, this
would require one sensor fixed on the ceiling above each parking space. Ultrasonic sensors work based on
echo-location. The sensor transmits a sound, which hits a solid object (car or ground) and is reflected
back to the sensor. The time between the sent pulse and the returned echo is used to calculate distance. In
a vacant space, the time between transmitted sound and reflection is longer than in an occupied space,
hence the sensor can detect when a space is occupied. Figure 4 illustrates how it works.

SPS Technical Overview

Our proposed SPS detection system is based on ultrasonic sensors. For each individual car park, this
would require one sensor fixed on the ceiling above each parking space. Ultrasonic sensors work based on
echo-location. The sensor transmits a sound, which hits a solid object (car or ground) and is reflected
back to the sensor. The time between the sent pulse and the returned echo is used to calculate distance. In
a vacant space, the time between transmitted sound and reflection is longer than in an occupied space,
hence the sensor can detect when a space is occupied.
LED lights can be attached to the detector sensor or mounted separately. SPS uses a separate LED
indicator to be more flexible and make it possible to fix both pieces at the best position. The LED and the
sensor connect to each other through a phone cable. When the indicator displays green, it means the
parking space is available; when the indicator displays red, it means the space is occupied. In case of a
handicapped parking space, a blue LED indicates vacancy and red indicates occupancy. Reserved spaces
are identified by a yellow LED.



In 1920 automated car parking in U.S cities like Los angles, new York , Chicago..

This system is found all over Japan in 1923

The Nash Company created first glass enclosed version in 1933.

In 1983 Kent automated parking garage was built in new York, developed in 20 th century.


Stepper motor is a digital device

It follows the instruction as the computer does do

It is used for the movement of lift


The anode of IRED is connected to the power supply via the.

The resistor adjusts the irradiance by limiting the forward current of the IRED.

If an object is moving between the gap the light will be blocked and the transistor base will on,
hence give an high output.


An indicator with a green and red LED is kept in all the floors.

Indicate whether the lift is busy or is it ready to take the car up or down.

seven segment display indicates that a car has entered in the parking lot.

This display is basically for the people, which are driving the car.

serial interfacing display is for the person in control room.


Lift Box Type

Park Type

Z Park


Elegant Park

Round Type.


Over 5,000 parking systems in use worldwide.

Less Pollution

Security from Theft and Car Damages

Save you space, time & money

Simple structure, simple operation

Speedy system, moves smoothly, not noisy.

It can be constructed and implemented in residential areas.


Parking lots also tend to be subject to contamination.

concentrated spots of pollutants such as motor oil.

preferred shaded parking spaces in the summer.

planting trees because of the extra cost of cleaning the parking lot .

Types of parking system

1. Vertical lifting mechanical parking system
2. Vertical circulating mechanical parking system
3. Plane Shifting Mechanical Parking System
4. Lift - sliding mechanical parking system
5. Horizontal circulating mechanical parking system
6. Aisle - stacking mechanical parking system
7. Mini Lifting Mechanical Parking System

1. Vertical lifting mechanical parking system

Definition: Vertical lifting mechanical parking system can also be called
Three-dimensional tower parking facilities. It is a parking equipment to
access the vehicles mechanical through lifting of the hoister and sliding
mechanism mounted on the unit to make the vehicle or car plate move

2. Vertical circulating mechanical parking system

Definition: It is a parking equipment to make a circular motion in Vertical
direction to access the vehicles mechanically.

3. Plane Shifting Mechanical Parking System

Using carrier truck or crane to move the vehicles in the plane on the same layer,
or to make upload car plate move transversely to access parking vehicles. Carrier
truck and elevator can also be used to achieve multi- plane movement of vehicles
parked mechanical parking equipment.

4. Lift - sliding mechanical parking system

A mechanical parking equipment to access vehicles through upload car plate
lifting or sliding.

5. Horizontal circulating mechanical parking system

It is a mechanical parking system
which make a horizontal circular motion to
access vehicles.

6. Aisle - stacking mechanical parking system

It is a mechanical parking system to access vehicles with access mechanism by
using laneway stacker or bridge crane to move the vehicles which have been onto
carrier to parking spaces horizontally and vertically.

All the types of intelligent parking systems use the same parking principle which is
to move vehicles to parking spaces vertically. The only difference among all the
systems is the methods to move cars.
BW smart parking management system provides indoor and outdoor parking solutions for
parking garages and parking lots in shopping malls, at streets and at tourists attractions.
- Installation of BW smart brick is at least 10 times faster.
- Easy to install
- Every sensor has been tested as water proof and crush proof so very high reliability.
- The internal battery can work as long as 3 years.
- Dramatically reduces the maintenance cost.

Innovative vehicular detector used in the system so called- 'BW Smart brick' detects the
occupation of the parking slot by change of the geo-magnetic field around the detector . The
compact BW smart brick is easy to be installed and its internal battery can work as long as 3
years. Every BW smart brick has been tested as water proof, crush proof. For each parking slot
one brick is installed. Data server which manages 65535 parking slots maximum, collects the
occupation information, meanwhile receives the orders of 'reservation pavement' from the
customers and controls guide indicators. We believe BW smart parking management system can
promote development and improvement of a smart transportation system.

RFID based parking management system

Car parking has always been a hassle you are stuck behind a queue of cars trying to enter
parking area, and then you have to wait to show authentication and/or pay manually. This is all
before you have to circle around to find a parking space and go through the same experience
while exiting the parking lot. Not anymore. With Rasilants ParkID, an RFID based automated
parking management system, you can drive through the parking lot unimpeded and without the
need of any human interaction.
Park ID is a comprehensive automation solution for parking management needs of corporate
parks, commercial complexes, malls, pay and park facilities, and residential complexes. Park ID
includes pay and park systems as well as advanced Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID based
parking systems integrated with advanced security measures.
RFID technology not only adds a security layer to parking management, but also enhances the
whole parking experience, with drive through technology and faster authentication systems. With

the prevalent use of High Frequency (HF) RFID technology for access control at buildings and
HF based parking system becomes just an extension of the existing system with minimal
additional hardware requirements. An RFID system also makes capturing data faster and easier
for better audits and parking management.

Tag Park
UHF based parking automation solution, used widely in corporate parks around the world,
couple with dynamic messaging system makes for a pleasant and hassle free parking experience
for the patrons. Faster authentication, automated parking guidance system, and centralized data
management system makes for a great asset for security managers around the globe.
Rasilant has partnered with the leading manufacturers of pay and park system components and
integrated its advanced parking management software to provide parking solutions for shopping
malls and pay and park facilities. A new addition to our product suite, pay and park system has
helped complete our product offerings to cater to all parking automation needs.

In 2014, the world RFID market is worth $8.89 billion, up from $7.77 billion in 2013 and $6.96
billion in 2012. This includes tags, readers and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs and
all other form factors. The market value is expected to rise to $27.31 billion by 2024.
RFID parking management system are designed to efficiently control the entrance and exit gates
of the parking facilities within the wide range of read distances and access speeds.
As the vehicles enters or leaves, Ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID readers can identify a
windshield tag from about 8 feet to 30 feet away at speeds of up to 100 mph.

Singapores Hamilton Scotts apartment, biometrically controlled

A home of distinction that celebrates the most fervent passions of the discerning individuals;
Singapores luxury high-rise apartment building, the Hamilton Scott boasts apartments that
welcome its owners with their own car porch in the sky. Featuring unique En Suite Sky
Garages that impressively uses a biometrically-controlled elevator to deliver and park cars right

beside homeowners lavish living spaces, this high-tech 30-storey building in the upscale Orchad
Road area certainly offers an innovative solution the problem of big-city car parking, while
allowing the owners to keep a close eye on their beloved and expensive cars. However, the very
idea of parking the supercars right into the home space isnt new as we have earlier seen that
Ferrari fan parked his Ferrari F355 Spider inside the living room, Brazils richest man Eike
Batista literally decorated the lounge of his Jardim Botanico mansion with his

The 56-unit building features a glass elevator shaft that lifts cars into condo units and parks then,
behind a glass wall, right next to living room.

Notably, the units run from around $9 million to about $24 million.

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