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Calculate the drip rate for 100 mls of IV Fluids to be given over a half hour via a
giving set which delivers 10 drops/ml.

100 mls X 10 drops/ml

---------------------------30 min

1000 drops
-----------------30 min

33 drops / min

time = half hour = 30 minutes

2. One litre of Normal Saline is charted over 9 hours. The drop factor is 15. Calculate
the number of drops per minute.

1000 mls X 15 drops/ml

---------------------------540 min

15000 drops
-----------------540 min

28 drops / min

[time = 9 hours = 9 x 60 = 540 minutes] [1 litre = 1000 mls]

3. One and a half litres of Normal Saline is required to be given over 4 hours. Using a
giving set which delivers 10 drops/ml how many drops per minute will need to be given?

1500 mls X 10 drops/ml

---------------------------240 min

15000 drops
-----------------240 min

63 drops / min

[time = 4 hours = 4 x 60 = 240 minutes] [1.5 litres = 1500 mls]

4. Three litres of Hartmans (Lactated Ringer's) is charted over 12

hours. The drop factor is 15. The IV has been running for 9 hours.
800 mls remain. How many drops per minute are needed so that
the IV finishes in the required time?

800 mls X 15 drops/ml

12000 drops

67 drops / min

---------------------------180 min

-----------------180 min

[time remaining = 3 hours = 3 x 60 = 180 minutes] [volume remaining = 800 mls]

5. One litre of Dextrose 5% in water is charted over 3 hours. The

drop factor is 10. The IV has been running for 1 hour and 15
minutes. 500 mls remain. How many drops per minute are needed
so that the IV finishes in the required time?

500 mls X 10 drops/ml

---------------------------105 min

5000 drops
-----------------105 min

48 drops / min

[time remaining = 1 hour 45 min = 105 minutes] [volume remaining = 500 ml

6. A client is ordered 0.5 milligrams of Digoxin. 250 microgram

tablets are available. How many tablets will you give?

500 mcg (=0.5mg)

--------------------------------- = 2
250 mcg

7. A client is ordered 1 milligram of Diazepam. 2 milligram tablets

are available. How many tablets will you give?

1 milligram
--------------------------------- = 0.5
2 milligram

8. A client is ordered 2.5 grams of Neomycin sulphate. 500

milligram tablets are available. How many tablets will you give?

2.5 grams
--------------------------------- = 5
500 mg = 0.5g

9. A client is ordered 50 milligrams of Aminophylline

intravenously. 250 milligrams in 10 millilitres of liquid for IV
Injection is available. How many millilitres will you administer?




2 ml

10. A client is ordered 200 milligrams of Augmentin 600

intravenously. 600 milligrams in 6 millilitres of liquid for IV
Injection is available. How many millilitres will you administer?




2 ml

11. A client is ordered 13 milligrams of Morphine sulphate by

intramuscular injection. 5 milligrams in 1 millilitre of liquid for IM
Injection is available. How many millilitres will you administer?




2.6 ml

12. A client is ordered 75 micrograms of Fenatyl citrate

intravenously. 0.1 milligrams in 1 millilitre of liquid for IV Injection
is available. How many millilitres will you administer?




0.75 ml

13. Infuse 1000 units/hr of heparin from a solution of 1000ml of

Normal Saline with 25000 units of heparin. Calculate the rate in
Ratio and proportion:
25000units: 1000ml = 1000 units/ml

= 1000 x 1000 = 1000,000 = 1000



Ans = 40 ml/hr


method =D = 1000 units


x 1000ml

25000 units


= 40 ml

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