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40 Strategy and management Ethical Corporation • February 2010

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42 ISO2600: a history

ISO 26000

Responsibility’s new guiding light

By Rajesh Chhabara
How will the ISO 26000 guidance standard on social responsibility stand out from the clutter
of other standards and guidelines?

fter a nine-year process that has included five p42 for more analysis from Paul Hohnen on ISO “ISO should be
A years of worldwide consultations and negotia-
tions, the ISO 26000 guidance standard on social
Unlike other initiatives that are mainly directed
very clear about
responsibility is due to be launched this year. The at business organisations, ISO 26000 is intended to what ISO 26000
final arrival has renewed the debate about the be applicable to all types of organisations in the is. Otherwise it
intent, content and character of ISO 26000, and private, public and non-profit sectors irrespective of
potential implications for companies and even non- their size or location. is going to create
profit organisations. more confusion”
The draft ISO 26000 guidance standard has been Wide consultation
developed by the International Organisation for Thomas Thomas, executive director of Singapore
Sean Ansett,
Standardisation in consultation with stakeholders Compact for CSR and a member of the chairman’s At Stake Advisors
and experts from over 90 countries and 42 interna- advisory group for ISO 26000, says the guidance
tional organisations. It now needs to be approved standard is the result of extensive consultations with
by the members in a five-month balloting exercise stakeholders. This makes ISO 26000 the most widely
that ends in February. The draft requires agreement accepted draft standard on social responsibility – a
from at least 75% of the votes cast in order to be good reason for organisations to adopt it when
published and launched. launched.
But why is another social responsibility standard Many organisations, including small and medium
needed? Hundreds of standards have proliferated enterprises, currently do not use international social
while ISO 26000 was being negotiated over the past responsibility standards or produce CSR reports as
decade. So how is ISO 26000 different from they don’t understand what an ethical framework is.
numerous other standards? ISO 26000 has the potential to make a substantial
Paul Hohnen, an Amsterdam-based sustain- difference to these organisations as it provides high
ability consultant and an expert participant in quality guidance on social responsibility.
the ISO working group on social responsibility ISO 26000 will also be the first standard to try to
since 2004, says even though there are many define the relationship between organisational
standards and guidelines, there is no adequately responsibility and societal interest. “ISO 26000 basi-
detailed international standard on social cally says that society has interests that organisations
responsibility. “If approved, ISO 26000 will be the should respect,” says Dwight Justice, policy adviser
broadest and deepest articulation of a shared view at the Brussels headquartered International Trade
of the meaning of social responsibility ever devel- Union Confederation, who has participated in the
oped,” he says. The draft guidance standard runs ISO 26000 consultations from the early days.
to 99 pages, making it the bulkiest and most Justice says this approach distinguishes between
descriptive standard on social responsibility. (See the societal interests and the responsibility of an
Ethical Corporation • February 2010 Strategy and management 41

organisation to take them into account. “The kind of process. “On the other hand, industry and
guidance standard says an organisation should pay service providers, who are used to participating in
Draft ISO 26000
attention to what society is saying what its needs the ISO process, were able to afford to participate
are, not what the organisation thinks is convenient and were well represented.” He says these are
and consistent with its own goals to be responsible.” serious procedural concerns.
at a glance
The guidance standard does not assume that a Labour groups are also concerned about ISO
Principles of social
business or an organisation can define by itself what taking up the task of setting labour standards,
the interests of society are, he says. which they believe is the domain of the Interna-
• accountability;
An important aspect of ISO 26000 is that, unlike tional Labour Organisation. Justice says his union
• transparency;
most ISO standards, it is a voluntary guidance organisation is satisfied with the draft guidance
• ethical behaviour;
standard and not a management system standard. standard, but adds: “We are still not happy with the
• respect for stakeholder
This means that ISO 26000 is not a certifiable ISO getting into the area of public policy. We don’t
standard even though the certification industry and think ISO is built for that kind of standard setting.”
• respect for the rule
consultants who were hoping to make money from He explains that there are already international
of law;
selling the certification like other ISO standards had organisations established to deal with broad area of
• respect for international
wanted it to be certifiable. social issues. “One of the things we tried to do was
norms of behaviour; and
to make sure that the ISO’s social standards did not
• respect for human rights.
Challenges ahead usurp or replace the standards set by the ILO.”
Even though ISO 26000 is not a certification ISO 26000 also faces potential opposition from a
Core subjects covered:
standard, national standards organisations and group of countries, led mainly by China, that are not
• human rights;
governments could potentially use the guidance comfortable with the use of language lifted from
• labour practices;
document to introduce national standards and international agreements on human rights, labour
• environment;
legislation that then become certifiable or require and environment. They fear such language will
• fair operating practices;
compliance. In the past, governments have passed make ISO 26000 a benchmark for minimum stan-
• consumer issues; and
laws inspired by various ISO standards. dards of organisational responsibility.
• community involvement
Justice cautions: “Some national standards Since some of their own national laws do not
and development.
bodies may come up with a quick checklist saying it measure up to international conventions and decla-
is based on ISO 26000 and enabling people to self- rations, a stricter ISO 26000 can potentially create Source: ISO Draft
certify. That will be somewhat misleading.” pressure for conformity with higher standards and International Standard
Experts say there is also a risk of unscrupulous wider accountability. 26000. For full draft,
organisations adopting creative ways to give an China, which unsuccessfully tried to block the visit
impression in their corporate responsibility reports text from going to the draft international standard
that their actions conform with ISO 26000 guidance stage last year, is said to be using diplomatic efforts
standards. to gather support to reject the draft in the balloting
“ISO should be very clear about what ISO 26000 process. “If ISO 26000 does not become a standard, it
is and what it is not. Otherwise it is going to create will be a very large set-back to CSR,” Justice warns.
more confusion in the marketplace,” says Sean
Ansett, managing partner at Madrid-based corpo- Political opposition
rate responsibility consulting At Stake Advisors. One sustainability analyst, preferring to remain
He says that, for example, suppliers to multina- anonymous, says: “Political opposition to a very demo- A stricter
tional brands, which are already complaining of cratic and conventional process within the ISO term
standards clutter and audit fatigue, may view ISO can backfire. It can damage the opposing country’s
ISO 26000 can
26000 as a silver bullet, which it is not. Brands are national profile and actually amplify the importance of create pressure
still going to continue to audit and monitor their the standard that they just wished would go away.” for conformity
suppliers using their codes of conduct even if the Politics apart, stakeholders will closely watch
supplier claims it follows ISO 26000. how ISO 26000 makes an impact in the market clut- with higher
ISO’s challenges are, however, not limited to tered with a wide variety of standards. The draft standards
how the guidance standard is launched and guidance standard says: “The beginner may find it
explained to avoid its misuse. ISO is also faced with useful to read and apply this international standard and wider
a growing scrutiny of the way it developed the from start to finish as a primer on social responsi- accountability
standard and its role in setting social standards. bility, while the experienced user may wish to use it
ISO had structured several groups of stake- to improve existing practices and to further inte-
holders for the purpose of consultations including grate social responsibility into the organisation.”
consumers, government, industry, labour and Another ISO communication states that ISO
NGOs. Justice points out that not all stakeholders 26000 will help organisations to move from good
were adequately or evenly represented in the intentions to good actions.
consultations process, saying: “Consumers and Sean Ansett says that, for companies, “it is not the
labour were the smallest groups even though as only tool in their toolbox”. In other words, they
constituents in society they are very important.” He should use ISO 26000 as a powerful additional tool to
says they did not have resources to participate in this improve their social responsibility programmes. ■

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