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Magic Eye
The Magic Eye is a versatile electronic eye that can
be used for a variety of applications like a burglar alarm,
smoke detector or an automatic guest indicator. All these
applications make use of a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR),
that is installed and implemented differently in each case.

Fig. 1: Block diagram of the Magic Eye


a photo-resistor) is a resistor whose

resistance decreases with increasing
intensity of incident light. It can also
be referred to as a photoconductor.
An LDR is made of a high resistance
semiconductor. If light falling on the
device is of high enough frequency,
Fig. 3: Representation
photons absorbed by the semiconducand Circuit Symbol of
tor gives it enough energy to conduct
an LDR
electricity, thereby lowering the resistance. This feature of the LDR is smartly combined in the
circuit to activate or de-active the alarm generated through
the NE555 timer IC.

Single Timer IC NE555:
The most basic role of resistors is current limiting i.e.
The NE555 is a precision timing circuit capable of proprecisely controlling the quantity of electrical current that
ducing accurate time delays or oscillations (pulses). The
is going to ow through a device or a conductor. Resistors
NE555 usually operates in two modes- mono-stable mode
can also be used as voltage divider, in other words they
(for producing a single pulse when triggered) and the astacan be used to generate any voltage from an initial bigger
ble mode (for generating pulses or oscillations, with the
voltage by dividing it. They are also used as pull-up resisdesired duty cycle). The threshold (Pin6) and trigger (Pin2)
tors in electronic logic circuits to ensure that inputs to logic
level for the NE555 are normally two-thirds and one-third,
systems settle at expected logic levels if external devices are
respectively, of VCC. However, connecting the trigger input
disconnected or high-impedance. They may also be used at
to the threshold input causes the NE555 to run as a multithe interface between two different types of logic devices,
vibrator. This is known as the astable mode of operation
possibly operating at different power supply voltages.
whereby pulses or oscillations are generated, the frequency
and duty cycle of which can be
controlled independently with
Capacitors store electric charge. They are used with retwo external resistors and a
sistors in timing circuits because it takes time for a capacitor
single external capacitor (this
to ll with charge. In the re alarm circuitry, the values of
purpose is served by R1, R2,
resistors R1, R2 and capacitor C3 decide the frequency of
Fig. 2: Pin-out of a NE555 Timer
astable oscillations being generated by the NE555 timer IC.
Eye circuit).
Note: Electrolytic capacitors are polarized and they must
The reset pin active low
be connected the correct way round, at least one of their
of the NE555 normally is held high in the Magic Eye circuit.
leads will be marked + or -. They are not damaged by heat
When this reset pin is held high in the astable mode, the
when soldering.
output (pin3) of the NE555 becomes high
and oscillations are generated at this pin Semiconductors:
which can be used to drive loudspeak- IC1
-- NE555
ers, motors, piezoelectric transducers, Timer
The Magic Eye circuit employs a simResistors
(all -watt,
-watt, 5%
etc. The output of this IC can sink and
ple mechanism to sound an alarm when
source up to 200mA. This is more than R2R1
a shadow falls on the LDR. In the circuit,
-- 100 kilo-ohm
100 kilo-ohm
most ICs and it is sufcient to supply Light
the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) varResistor(LDR)
Dependent Resistor
many output transducers directly, in- Capacitors:
ies its resistance corresponding to a variCapacitors:
- 22F, 12V Electrolyte
cluding loudspeakers (with a capacitor C1C1
ation in the intensity of light falling on it.
- 22F, 12V Electrolyte
- 0.02F, Ceramic Disk
- 0.02F, Ceramic Disk
in series to block the DC and allow the
Typically, when the light intensity is high
AC to pass).
they offer a high resistance. However,
when a shadow falls on the LDR (i.e. the
LS4 ohm, 1Watt Loudspeaker
LS- 4 ohm, 1Watt Loudspeaker
Circuit Board (PCB)
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR):
amount of incident light decreases), the
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
A light dependent resistor (LDR or
resistance of the LDR rapidly falls. |

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Consider two cases:
In the absence of guest or intruder, light is directly
incident on the LDR and its resistance is high. Since the
NE555 timer IC is connected to operate in the astable mode
of operation, this high resistance offered by the LDR generates an output at pin3, but not an inaudible one.
Conversely, when the shadow of a guest or an
intruder is cast upon the LDR its resistance decreases. This
change in the resistance of the LDR correspondingly alters
the duty cycle of the oscillations generated at the output pin
(pin3) of the NE555. The frequency of oscillations generated
is now in the audible range and this is fed to the loudspeaker through the capacitor C1. The loudspeaker is basically a
transducer that converts this oscillating electrical signal into
sound vibrations. Hence, an alarm sound is generated by
the loudspeaker to alert about the guest or intruder at the


C2, C3


Light Dependent
Resistor (LDR) Capacitor

IC Socket Printed Circuit Board (PCB)


Resistors (R1, R2)

Component identication


Preparing the soldering iron:

Place the soldering iron in its stand and plug in.

The iron will take a few minutes to reach its operating temperature of about 400C.

Dampen the sponge in the stand.

Wait a few minutes for the soldering iron to warm

up. You can check if it is ready by trying to melt a little solder on the tip.

Wipe the tip of the iron on the damp sponge. This

will clean the tip. Melt a little solder on the tip of the iron.
Soldering the components:

Use the component overlay on the PCB to insert

the components and solder them in the following order:
IC socket
Light Dependent Resistor
Connection to Supply

Hold the soldering iron like a pen, near the base

of the handle. Touch the soldering iron onto the joint to be
made. Make sure it touches both the component lead and
the track.

Hold the tip there for a few seconds and feed a

little solder onto the joint. It should ow smoothly onto the
lead and track to form a volcano shape. Apply the solder to
the joint, not the iron.

Remove the solder, then the iron, while keeping

the joint still.

Once all the components have been assembled onto

the PCB, check the soldering for breaks. Inspect your work
carefully under a bright light. The solder joints should have
a shiny look about them. Check that there are no solder
bridges between adjacent pads. Connectivity in circuit can |


Connections to
+6V DC Supply

Completed prototype after assembling the components and soldering

be tested with the help of a multi-meter.

Precautions to be taken:

It is preferable to use multi-thread wires for connection with the loudspeaker, rather than single thread
copper wires since they tend to break upon soldering.

The pins of the IC sockets may have to be adjusted

and bent in order to insert them into the drill-holes prior to
soldering. (The sockets and not the ICs are soldered on the
PCB, this is to make the mounting and dismounting of the
ICs easy while testing and trouble-shooting)

IC holders/sockets should be soldered with the

notch at the correct end.

Please note that the LDR does not have polarity

specic connections, just like any other resistor

Do not insert the NE555 IC into the socket yet. First,
check the 6V power supply that is to be applied and its polarity with a multi-meter. Next, connect this +6V DC supply
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and measure the voltage across pin 8
(+V cc) and pin 1 (GND) of the NE555.
It should read approximately 6V. If
this reading is ok then remove power
and insert the IC. Take care to not to
bend any of the IC pins while doing so.
Accidentally applying a voltage larger
than 16 volts to the circuit can burn the
IC or some other sensitive component
in the circuit.

age level of this pin should be low.

However when the LDR is covered
with a pen-cap or by hand, the voltage
at this pin should go from low to high
(approximately 1.12V). If this kind of
switching action is taking place then
your IC is working. If voltage changes
do not take place then there may be
problem in the IC.
Remove the IC from the IC
socket and check that no IC pins are
bent up under the body of the ICs. This
Fig. 4: Circuit Diagram of the Magic Eye
can sometimes happen when inserting
Now, apply the supply voltage.
ICs into sockets. Check for voltages at
There should be no alarm sound in the
characteristic socket-pins. Typical values can be checked
normal state. To perform a test on the working of the Magic
for by referring to the datasheets. If the IC appears to have
Eye, cover the LDR with your hand or with a pen-cap so as
heated then replace it.
to shadow it from the light incident on it. As the hand blocks

Next check the polarity of the electrolytic capacithe light falling on the LDR (i.e. the amount of incident light
tor and whether all the resistances being used are of the
decreases), the resistance of the LDR rapidly falls and the
required value. Verify that you have the right components
NE555 generates oscillations of audible frequency. Hence,
in the right place.
an alarm sound will be generated by the loudspeaker.
Once the circuit problem has been resolved your Magic
Eye is ready to be installed and used!
If the circuit is not working as desired then proceed as

It is preferable to begin trouble-shooting process

For full range of available kits, take a look at our website:
from output stage onwards and then proceed to the input
side. To begin, check for voltage change at pin3 (output
pin) of the NE555. When the LDR is not shadowed, the voltDocumented by Aditi Goswami


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Copyright KitsnSpares

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