Computer Network Applications, Practical Implementations and

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MIPRO 2014, 26-30 May 2014, Opatija, Croatia

Computer network applications, practical implementations and

structural control system representations
Nderim Zeqiri*
* Faculty of Applied Sciences-Mechatronics State University of Tetova, 1200 Tetovo, R.
Macedonia, office, Mechatronics

Abstract The computer network play an important position

for practical implementations of the differently system. To
implement a system into network above all is needed to know
all the configurations, which is responsible to be a part of the
system, and to give adequate information and solution in realtime. So if want to implement this system for example in the
school or relevant institutions, the first step is to analyze the
types of model which is needed to be configured and another
important step is to organize the works in the context of
devices, as a part of the general system. Often before
configuration, as important point is descriptions and
documentations from all the works into the respective process,
and then to organize in the aspect of problem-solving. The
computer network as critic infrastructure is very specific so
the paper present the effectiveness solutions in the structured
aspect viewed from one side, and another side is, than the
paper reflect the positive aspect in the context of modeling and
block schema presentations as an better alternative to solve the
specific problem because of continually distortions of the
system from the line of devices, programs and signals or
packed collisions, which are in movement from one computer
node to another nodes.

(the real

Formulate a

Keywords: Computer network, implementations, modeling,

structural representations.

Often the first step in attempting to design a new part of
software is needed to create firstly an algorithm which can
be used to implement any practical solution. The main
purpose of the paper is to bring information to the reader in
general networks [5]. In this paper I have tried to restrain
some formal rules and structural work in order to have a
better content and be much more manageable and
understandable to the reader. At the beginning of this paper,
we present a brief introduction to some features of computer
networks. The main part of the paper is to specifically
include the purpose of the use and problems [2]. Also here
is to clarify the reasons for the use of nets in relevant
institutions, businesses (companies), while continuing to use
them at home, then, we present the development and
advancement of computer networks while being part of
control systems [6]. A very special part is their use in social
terms and their use by mobile users. Another objective of
this work is to make the analyses and formulate
mathematical model responsible and to develop algorithm
for latter use or latter upgrade system [10]. So, this phase is
an important step for extracting and gathering the
requirements, such is, Figure.1 [12].




Develop and




Figure 1. The process of problem-solving and respective elements



if ((dt1a <= dt1b && dt2a >= dt1b) || (dt1a >= dt1b
&& dt1a <= dt2b))
return true;
return false;

In the next step is given program code in C#, to set up

start time and end time for computer solving problem,
and to return any value as true or false [10].
private bool TimesOverlap(System.DateTime dt1a,
System.DateTime dt2a,
System.DateTime dt1b, System.DateTime dt2b)
// technically the end time and start time of any backto-back
// programs will fall within the same second
dt2a = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Minute, 1, dt2a);

The method takes the input values of timeset1 start time,

timeset1 end time, timeset2 start time, and timeset2 end
time. It will return true if there is an overlap [12].
In the next step is given general form, how to control any
system, man-machine [8], LAN network, internet access,
and all of them to be connected with Control system (to
access an output object) such as robots in general context
based on respective algorithm [13], Figure.2.

dt2b = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Minute, -1,





Administrative room

Pcx .


Computer control




Control algorithm


Figure.2.The control system (to access an output object) such as robots in general context, man-machine, LAN network,
internet access, and their interconnections- based on respective algorithm

Very important part for above algorithm is the control

algorithm, where can be installed in differently system,
and also managed by human machine-interface [7],
Figure 3.
In the next step, Figure 4, is given the part of the control
system [2], where can be incorporated differently secured
system, above all the system can be secured by smart card
(with microcontroller) where can be stored the
cryptographic algorithm to increase the security of the
system [8].


Smart card

Administrative room

Figure 3. Man-machine, user, smard card as part of

administrative room.


and especially data available to the entire network

without having to connect the physical location, source or
user. A clear example is the widespread and when some
office workers share a common printer [1]. Small or large
companies are vitally dependent on information. Most
companies have customer data, product information,
inventories, etc. financial statements [3] etc.


Smart card

Administrative room


Computer control



Feedback connection

Control algorithm

Figure 4.Control system as part of computer network, and

administrative rooms, with smart card security.


Before we start to examine in detail the technical issues,
it should be noted that although people are interested in
computer networks and why use them. Ultimately, if no
one were interested in using them, this means that fewer
of them will be built. We will start with the company
uses, and then we move to the use of home networks and
develop capital last about mobile users and will conclude
with social issues [4].
The basic elements of computer networks: for every
computer network are required:
x At least two computers
x Every computer should have:
o Network card
o Cable, as intermediaries in
o Passive and active device network
o Operating Systems: Microsoft
windows, Novell Netware etc.
Networks were developed as a result of business
development. Business needed a solution on how to
communicate effectively, how to avoid duplication of
equipment and resources, and selection was carried out
by networks of computers that increased productivity and
saved money. Any manufacturing company creates
hardware and software based on standards. As a result
many companies were incompatible networks [4][5].
Network devices need to implement new technologies.
One solution was the creation of standards for LANs,
Figure 5. As a result compatible devices made by
companies. New technologies definitely needed to
distribute information between businesses, as far and as
fast. Requirements of companies have a number of
computers [4]. For example, a company might have a
computer for every employee to view the products you
design, to print brochures, and to do list for the payment
of workers. The goal is to make all programs, equipment

Figure 5.Company network (for example use a same

printer-shared into the network)
Using nets and social issues: Social networks, message
boards, information sharing sites allow people to share
their views, beliefs, attitudes and above all their goals.
Analytical-researchers of this practice argue that peer-topeer networks and other content should be treated in the
same way because they are all just "stream of bits" of
network packets.
Foremost is the most used network is the Internet, which
has enormous number up to the latest development of
wireless networks. They use wherever you go people,
resulting in a patchwork of coverage in cafes, in hotels
airports, educational institutions, trains, planes. Anyone
with a laptop and wireless modem can be connected to
the Internet [7]. This approach increases the risk quickly
to different situations created in the context of detection,
the password and the performing harmful actions.
Therefore, in Figure 2, is given the possibility of using
the control system [8], where you can put a smart card for
increased level of security through the use of different
cryptographic algorithms [13]. However safety is always
the threat from various factors, therefore the algorithm
shown in Figure 2 enables flexibility to make updates,
and generating respective insurance values.
For example, when is needed to compare the performance
and to compare some characteristics of the computer
Control system -to control robots movement and the role
into the computer network system, firstly is needed to
consider, which of the works are affirmative to be
analyzed and to be in systematizations for dedicated
procedures. If we suppose four tasks, so, if we have to


analyses the procedures of processing with differently

structured systems, based in our (own) block structured
system, here we may to give interesting results, with our
(own) systems priority [11][12].





Our (own)
network -Tx
Network 2-Ty
Network 3-Tz








Application Software:
x General business productivity applications: software
program that perform a specific function directly for
the end user, examples include: office applications.
x Cross-industry application software: software that is
designed to perform and/or manage a specific
business function or process that is not unique to a
particular industry; examples include professional
accounting software, human resources management
x Utilities software: a small program that performs a
very specific task. Examples include: compression
programs, antivirus, search engines, font, file
viewers, voice recognition software, etc [10].

Table1. Performance verifications, for three differently

system, and where is viewed the priority of own network
control computer system


Tx-total time for (own) network Control system -to

control robots),  = 12.5;   = 14.5;  =
So the better performance has our constructed system
because,   <   <  . So the better
performance has the system that can be ready to solve
any problem with short time of executions.

In this paper is presented computer network system and is

given algorithm, to create a good space and meet the
optimal requirements for the realization of the relevance
of the use of computer systems. It is also made to find an
adequate solution in the context of the domain, is
simplified way of approaching the problem by improving
access control and time, when using the respective
operations. By determining the function of the carrier
complex systems (systems with complex structure) used
so far laid down rules which apply to the combination of
dynamic elements. Also is given the Control system -to
control robots, man-machine, LAN network, internet
access, and their interconnections- based on respective
algorithm [2]. Looking forward the rules are the basic
rules of the control theory; also here can implement all the
rules and methods of simplification, for dynamic systems
and all complex structures can be transformed into basic
and simple structure [13]. If our viewpoint is extended so
we can create, a system, which can be interacted with
others to increase the level of the observations. This level
is very important to be stable system in the context of the
practice because this may be a case to create the bridges
for differently interfaces such as man-machine, field
elements, remote control etc. Foremost is the most used
network is the Internet, which has enormous number up to
the latest development of wireless networks. They use
wherever you go people, resulting in a patchwork of
coverage in cafes, in hotels airports, educational
institutions, trains, planes. Anyone with a laptop and
wireless modem can be connected to the Internet. This
approach increases the risk quickly to different situations
created in the context of detection, the password and the
performing harmful actions. Therefore, in Figure 2, is
given the possibility of using the control system, where
you can put a smart card for increased level of security
through the use of different cryptographic algorithms.
However safety is always the threat from various factors,
therefore the algorithm shown in Figure 2 enables
flexibility to make updates, and generating respective
insurance values.

Our (own)
network -Tx


Network 2-Ty

Network 3-Tz

Figure.6. Graphical performance presentations, where can be

seen, the own Control system -to control robots with duration
time Tx-has a short time of executions, and so this system is
with better performance.




The most important task in creating a software product is

extracting the requirements. Customers typically know
what they want, but not what software should do, while
incomplete, ambiguous or contradictory requirements are
recognized by skilled and experienced software engineers
[5]. Frequently demonstrating live code may help reduce
the risk that the requirements are incorrect [7].
Specification: Specification is the task of precisely
describing the software to be written, possibly in a
rigorous way. In practice, most successful specifications
are written to understand and fine-tune applications that
were already well-developed.







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