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1. Abandon


: leave; quit; forsake; desert

E.g. The captain gave the order to abandon ship.

2. Abbreviate (verb)

: shorten; reduce; abridge

E.g. Daniel is sometimes abbreviated to Dan.

3. Abduct


: kidnap; carry off

E.g. A girl was abducted late last night.

4. Ability


: skill; cleverness; talent; aptitude

E.g. She has the ability to explain things clearly.

5. Able


: skilful; expert; qualified; fit; competent

E.g. Im sorry that I wasnt able to phone you yesterday.

Write the sentences with words in parentheses.

1. (Abandon) ________________________________________
2. (Abbreviate) ______________________________________
3. (Abduct) _________________________________________
4. (Ability) __________________________________________
5. (Able) ____________________________________________

1. Abnormal (adjective)

: irregular; unusual; unnatural; strange

E.g. My parents thought that it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in


2. Abolish

: cancel; rescind; annul; revoke


E.g. I think bullfighting should be abolished.

3. Abrupt

: sudden; unexpected; blunt; rude; hasty


E.g. The bus came to an abrupt halt.

4. Absolutely


: completely; unconditionally; definitely; entirely

E.g. The food is absolutely delicious.

5. Absurd


: unreasonable; foolish; ridiculous; senseless; stupid

E.g. Do I look absurd in this hat?

Write sentences with words in parentheses.

1. (Abnormal) _________________________________________________
2. (Abolish) __________________________________________________
3. (Abrupt) __________________________________________________
4. (Absolutely) _______________________________________________
5. (Absurd) __________________________________________________

1. Adage

(noun): a proverb; wise saying; maxim

E.g. He remembered the old adage Look before you leap.

2. Bonanza (noun): a sudden profit or gain; windfall

E.g. The rise in house prices meant that those who were selling enjoyed a

3. Churlish (adj) : rude; surly; ill-tempered; unfriendly; unpleasant

E.g. They invited me to dinner and I thought it would be churlish to refuse.

4. Discordant (adj): conflicting; different; divergent; disagreeable

E.g. The DSD club members found it impossible to decide what to draw because
their views were so discordant.

5. Evolve (verb) : to unfold; develop; emerge

E.g. Did humans evolve from apes?

6. Jostle (verb) : to shove; push; bump

E.g. The photographers jostled to get a better view of the royal couple.

Write sentences with words in the parentheses.

1. (Adage) ___________________________________________________
2. (Bonanza) __________________________________________________
3. (Churlish) __________________________________________________
4. Discordant ________________________________________________

5. (Evolve) ___________________________________________________
6. (Jostle) ___________________________________________________

1. Hover (verb) : to float; to linger; to waver
E.g. A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey.

2. Laggard (noun; adjective): sluggish; slow; a slowpoke; a person who moves

slowly or falls behind
E.g. She is quick to answer the phone but always laggard in replying emails.

3. Preclude (verb)

: prevent; shut out; hinder; stop

E.g. Lack of time precludes any further development.

4. Revert (verb)

: to return; go back

E.g. Try not to revert to your old eating habits.

5. Plaudits ( noun)

:applause; cheers; acclaim

E.g. Shes received plaudits for her work with homeless people.

Write sentences with words in parentheses.

1. (Hover) ___________________________________________________
2. (Laggard) _________________________________________________
3. (Plaudits) _________________________________________________
4. (Preclude) _________________________________________________
5. (Revert) __________________________________________________

1. Accelerate (verb): hasten; hurry; quicken; speed up
E.g. The driver accelerated to overtake the bus.

2. Accomplish (verb): complete; achieve; finish

E.g. If you are fit, the climb can be accomplished in less than three hours.

3. Accuse (verb):

charge; blame; reprove; reproach

E.g. Are you accusing me of lying?

4. Acknowledge (verb):

recognize; confess; admit; allow; accept

E.g. Historians generally acknowledge her as a genius in her field.

5. Acquire (verb):

gain; obtain; get; win; procure; gather

E.g. I was wearing a newly acquired jacket.

Write sentences with words in brackets.

1. (Accelerate)

2. (Accomplish)

3. (Accuse)

4. (Acknowledge)

5. (Acquire)

1. Adequate (adj):

sufficient; enough; suitable; satisfactory

E.g. Have we got adequate food for twenty guests?

2. Adhere (verb):

stick; hold

E.g. A smooth, dry surface helps the tiles adhere to the wall.

3. Adjacent (adj):

neighbouring; near; close

E.g. They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.

4. Adjourn (verb):

postpone; delay; defer; suspend

E.g. The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday.

5. Admit (verb):

confess; receive; allow

E.g. She admitted that she had made a mistake.

Write sentences using words in brackets.

1. (Adequate)

2. (Adhere)

3. (Adjacent)

4. (Adjourn)

5. (Admit)

1. Adore (verb):

worship; honours; love; revere; prize

E.g. She has one son and she adores him.

2. Advance (verb):

forward; promote; push; progress; further

E.g. We have advanced greatly in our knowledge of the universe.

3. Affair (noun):

business; function; event; incident

E.g. She deals with her financial affairs very efficiently.

4. Affect (verb);

influence; concern; change

E.g. Its a disease which affects mainly older people.

5. Affection (noun):

love; feeling; fondness; liking

E.g. The mother has a deep affection for her baby.

Write sentences using words in the brackets.

1. (Adore)

2. (Advance)

3. (Affair)

4. (Affect)

5. (Affection)

1. Affirm (verb):

declare; say; assent; concur

E.g. She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.

2. Aggravate (verb): heighten; increase; worsen; provoke; enrage; annoy

E.g. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated
the problem of traffic jam.

3. Aggression (noun): attack; invasion; injury; offence; assault

E.g. Dose your dog show aggression towards any strangers or just towards men?

4. Agile (adj):

lively; nimble; active; quick; alert

E.g. Monkeys are very agile climbers.

5. Agitate (verb):

excite; disturb; confuse; rouse; trouble

E.g. I didnt want to agitate her by telling her.

Write sentences using words in the brackets.

1. (Affirm)

2. (Aggravate)

3. (Aggression)

4. (Agile)

5. (Agitate)

1. Agony (noun);

anguish; torture; distress; pain; suffering; torment

E.g. Weve both suffered agonies of guilt over what happened.

2. Ahead (adv):

onward; forward

E.g. You go on ahead of me, and Ill meet you at caf.

3. Aid (verb/noun):

assist; help support

E.g. A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and came to his aid.
Doctors hoped that moving to a warmer climate would aid his recovery.

4. Ailment (noun):

disease; illness; sickness; disorder

E.g. Treat minor ailments yourself.

5. Aisle (noun):

passage; path

E.g. Youll find the shampoo and the soap in the fourth aisle along from the
Write sentences using words in the brackets.
1. (Agony)

2. (Ahead)

3. (Aid)

4. (Ailment)

5. (Aisle)

1. Alley (noun):

walk; passage; lane


2. Allot (verb):

distribute; divide; give

E.g. They allotted everyone a separate desk.

3. Allow (verb):

permit; let; grant

E.g. Youre not allowed to talk during the exam.

4. Ally (noun/ verb): friend; co-operator; assistant; helper; partner; unite

E.g. During World War One, Turkey was an ally of Germany.
He allied himself with the left of the party.

5. Alms (noun):

charity; gift

E.g. In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the
Write sentence using words in brackets.
1. (Alley)

2. (Allot)

3. (Allow)

4. (Ally)

5. (Alms)


1. Amiable (adjective):

attractive; charming; lovable; sweet; kind

2. Ample (adjective):

abundant; great; large; plentiful; bountiful

3. Amuse (verb):

charm; cheer; entertain; please

4. Anecdote (noun):

story; tale; narrative

5. Annihilate (verb):

destroy; kill; raze; ruin

Write sentences with words in the brackets.

1. (Amiable)

2. (Ample)

3. (Amuse)

4. (Anecdote)

5. (Annihilate)


1. Announce (verb):

advertise; declare; proclaim; notify

2. Annual (adverb):


3. Anonymous (adjective): nameless; unidentified

4. Anticipate (verb):

expect; forecast; foresee

5. Antidote (noun):

cure; remedy

Write the sentences with words in the brackets.

1. (Announce)

2. (Annual)

3. (Anonymous)

4. (Anticipate)

5. (Antidote)

1. Antique (adjective):

ancient; old; ar

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