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Jaskaran Singh


Jaskaran Singh


Gagandeep Singh


Sukhpreet Singh


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Dwarka, New Delhi
Year 2015


Create an environment that will help stimulate purposeful communication between

teacher and students.

To improve access to advanced educational experiences by allowing students and teacher

to participate in remote learning using personal computers.

To provide the remote desktop access between teacher and students for better

This software package can be readily used by non-programming personal avoiding human
handled chance of error. This project is used by two types of users


Provided with multicast video conferencing.

Can remotely access users system.

Can shift from presentation to conferencing and vice versa.

Can monitor student activity.

Can clear students doubts raised in chat window.


Can raise doubts in chat window.

Can give permission to teacher for remote access.

Can chat with other students.


Hardware Requirements

80GB of hard disk

1GB RAM or above.

Pentium 4 processor 2GHz or above.

Software Requirements
Java SE Development Kit 8
Operating System
Windows XP or above.
Oracle 11g Express edition


Java is a computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and
specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to
let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that code that runs on
one platform does not need to be recompiled to run on another.
Java is a high-level, third-generation programming language like C, FORTRAN, Perl and many
others. It is a platform for distributed computing a development and run-time environment that
contains built-in support for the World Wide Web.
History of Java
Java development began at Sun Microsystems in 1991, the same year the World Wide Web was
conceived. Javas creator, James Gosling did not design java for the Internet. His Objective was
to create a common development environment for consumer electronic devices which was easily
portable from one device to another. This effort evolved into a language, code named Oak and
later renamed Java that retains much of the syntax and power of c++, but is simpler and more
Java Features

Some of the important features of Java are as follows:

Platform Independence
High Performance
Dynamic linking.
Garbage Collection.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

The client application or operating system must have a java byte-code interpreter to execute
byte-code instructions. The interpreter is a part of a larger program called the JVM. The JVM
interprets the byte code into native code and is available on platforms that support Java.
When the user runs a Java program, it is up to the JVM to load, possibly verify, and then execute
it. The JVM can perform this function from within a browser or any other container program or
directly on top of the operating system.

When a browser invokes the JVM to run a Java program, the JVM does a number of things:

It validates the requested byte-code, verifying that they pass various formatting and
security checks.
It allocates memory for the incoming java class files and guarantees that the security of
JVM is not violated. This is known as the class loader module.
It interprets the byte code instructions found in the class files to execute the program.

Features of java:

Java is Platform Independent and Portable

Java programs can be moved from one computer to another without any change in
coding or change in operating systems or processors or system resources. This is
very much one of the reasons for the popularity of Java. The byte code
instructions are machine independent and platform independent and hence they're
portable. The sizes of different primitive data types are also machine independent.

Java is a purely Object Oriented language

Java is a truly Object-Oriented language. All the code and data in a program
reside within objects and classes.

Java is Robust and Secure

It has a lot of secure safeguards to ensure reliable code since it has strict compile
time procedures and consistent checking for datatypes. It incorporates the concept
of exception handling, which captures series errors and prevents any risk of
crashing the system.
Java not only verifies all memory access but also ensures that no viruses exist
when it communicates with an Applet - because of the absence of pointers, Java

ensures that programs cannot gain access to memory locations without proper

Java is a Distributed Language

Java is a distributed language that can be used for creating applications for
networks. Java applications can open and access remote objects (objects that
reside in different computers in a network) of interest as easily as they can do in
case of a local system.

Java is a Multithreaded and Interactive language

Java can be used to support handling of multiple tasks simultaneously .for e.g.,
listening to an audio clip while scrolling a page and at the same time download a
file from the net. This is achieved by a concept called multi-threading. Multithreading means different execution paths on a program on the same processor, on
a time sharing basis. Java also supports multi-process synchronization to construct
smooth interactive programs.

Java offers High Performance

Java reduces overhead during routine multi-threading, which is one of the reasons
for its high performance.

Dynamic and Extensible

Java is capable of dynamically linking class libraries. Java programs support
functions written in other languages such as C and C++. These functions are
known as native methods. Native methods are linked dynamically at run time.
But, because of threats towards secure programming, excessive use of native
methods should be avoided since it crosses the safe-line border.

To investigate and analyze the existing procedures and to establish the key system requirements
of the system feasibility study are made before starting the project. We have proposed several
alternative solutions to meet our requirements.
Operational feasibility:
This mode of operational feasibility analysis includes the operational analysis of overall system.
The system is tested under several circumstances with varying inputs in unit approach of testing
to integrated approach of testing. The project can operate under available environment.
Technical feasibility:
Using various approaches to test the technical implementation of project using available
hardware, software, and technology it is noticed that the project can be implemented using
existing technology. Also our system can adopt the technological upgrades as it is developed
under the considerations of software engineering principles. Moreover it uses object oriented
approach of programming which can enhance the upgrading with new classes and modules as per
Economic Feasibility:

Since, our system uses simple hardware components which are easily available in market. Thus,
the overall system is economically feasible to be implemented by users.
Schedule Feasibility:
The objective and principles involved in the development of the system are well known and can
be easily completed in the allocated time. Tight schedules always help us to learn more in short
period of time. So respecting the tight schedule and considering the fixed objectives of project it
is expected to be a feasible system regarding the schedule concerned.


Flexibility and Convenience

Virtual learning is very flexible and convenient. Classes can take place on any
computer, anywhere in the world that has access to the Internet and can accommodate
a headset and microphone.

Cost Saving
Perhaps the number one benefit repeatedly cited is the cost savings presented by not
having to pay for travel, hotels and other costs associated with bringing a team to a
single location for a course.

Interaction and retention

Well-designed virtual courses embrace the virtual environment using it to create more
interaction than in many traditional classroom settings. Instructors engage participants

through polling questions, surveys, quizzes and games that spark discussions and
reinforce key learning.

Well-designed virtual classroom experiences rely heavily on teamwork. Participants
are divided into virtual breakout rooms to collaboratively work through case studies,
complete exercises, share ideas and practice new skills.


This project is concerned about the transmission of video/audio through the network interface.
Distant learners would be benefited by this project. If virtual classroom would be implemented in
educational areas like schools, colleges, universities, institutes etc. then students/learners wont
be deprived of the subject matters that have been taught in their absence. They will be updated

with subject matters time to time. Through this project we will be able to explore the new levels
of networking. Thus, this project would promote interactivity, synchrony, usefulness and ease of
use among participants via audio/video technology.


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