ToR - CRM Sample

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Request for Proposal for Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness

Terms of References (ToR) for ICT vendors to submit proposal

A. General:
This Request for Proposal (RFP) refers to the Terms of Reference (TOR) for submitting proposal for
Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness placed in the Annex. The TOR outlines in detail Background,
Objective, Scope, Deliverables of the work to be done under the guidelines for building the total CRM
system for all SBUs under Agribusiness including ACI Seed, Fertilizer, Crop Care, Farm Mechanization,
Infrastructure Development Services, Animal Care, Animal Biologics, and Cropex; and is the base for
applicants to respond to this RFP and submit their proposal.

B. Objective of ToR:
The objective of this ToR is to invite interested applicants to submit their proposal to develop and
implement CRM for ACI Agribusiness.

C. Eligible Applicants:
Eligible are individual consultants, consulting firms, ICT organizations, licensed vendors and software
companies with an appropriate setup (fully equipped with physical facilities and competent team
members) to conduct this task. The applicant must have a sound track record of developing and
implementing CRM projects.

D. Background:
Customer focus has become the barometer of organizational performance. In this dynamic business
environment better customer relation is considered the first priority for any organizations; companies
spend a lot to improve customer relation and quality of support services.
And for this very purpose CRM systems have gradually yet steadily made a niche for themselves. In a world
of ruthless competition, survival is the keyword - which involves not only multifarious and dynamic
business attitude but also ensuring a flawless customer relationship management. And that's where the
inevitability of a CRM system stands.
As competition increased in agriculture sector with more and more private sector investment, bargaining
power of the farmers and retailers are getting stronger. The industry is slowly moving from transaction
based marketing to relationship based marketing. Customer loyalty is now a critical consideration for
agriculture businesses.
With time while ACI Agribusiness is creating a strong agriculture input brand in the market, it is also
becoming imperative that farmers and retailers are more connected with the company.
The proposed Agribusiness CRM is a system for managing relationships with ACIs current and future
customers which includes mostly farmers, entrepreneurs, retailers, and dealers.

E. Overall Objective:
The objective of this project is to implement a customized integrated CRM solution which will give ACI
Agribusiness tools to achieve excellence in customer service, improve operational efficiency, and identify
customer insight, increase in customer equity, and increase in productivity. More specifically the CRM
System is expected to achieve following:

Office of Strategic Innovation, ACI Agribusiness

ToR for Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness

Seamless information availability for the agents and ensure quick resolution/ fulfilment of
customer query
Improve the customer intimacy by helping the organization to understand its customers most
important agricultural needs better
Help identify factors that influence customer equity most strongly to enable ACI Agribusiness to
design more effective promotion for the target market, provide analytics to enable identification
of hidden patterns and customer responses to particular stimuli like branding, promotion, sales
contact etc.
Standardizing service delivery and feedback on query and complaint management.
Standardizing service delivery through cross selling / up selling and effective retention activity.
Enhanced tracking and reporting facilities to ensure better management of customer life cycle

F. Impact in Business:
This initiative is proposed in alignment of ACI Agribusinesss strategy of improving the quality of
interactions with customer, knowing more about customers and their inherent behavior so that it can
provide differentiated customer service and product offerings. This is expected to done by providing
integration of the Customer Contact Centers; a single integrated Help Desk function so that Customer
Complaints can be dealt with in a more streamlined way, and increased customer self-service functionality
(including on-line access to the Help Desk). As part of the CRM support, we also expect to get analytics
on customer equity modelling, customer segmentation and loyalty/retention strategy evaluations to
enable us to better maintain our current customer base and faster identification of opportunities for
increased product/service offerings, while improving revenue through targeted campaigns.
The proposed CRM System is expected to have a direct impact on:
Revenue Generation Enables ACI Agribusiness to enhance the service effectiveness, generate
more business from existing customers while acquiring new customers and keep on improving
the service & business aspects enabled by the analysis of data available in the system.
Customer Acquisition Effective analysis & segmentation enabling ACI Agribusiness to increase
its customer base and revenue at an optimal cost. Analysis of various market segments.
Customer Satisfaction Increased customer satisfaction through integrated data and
comprehensive customer profiles, furnishing sales force to personalize customer relationships,
and swift responds to queries about advanced agronomic practices.
Employee Satisfaction Index Increase in employee satisfaction through better streamline and
automate business processes and improve system integration;
Reduced Financial Risk from customer defaults, through the use of CRM analytics ACI
Agribusiness should be able to better predict customers most likely to default by observing the
patters in the defaulting customers, and predicting propensity to default. This would enable faster
reaction to be taken in cases identified by highlighting these cases.

G. Expected Benefits from CRM:

The primary benefits expected to accrue from the CRM implementation are:
Ability to acquire new customers through better differentiation, segmentation, and innovation of
products and services.
Ability to target largest market share with aggressive branding & win high value customers
Retain high value customers by loyalty programs

Office of Strategic Innovation, ACI Agribusiness


ToR for Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness

Ability to increase customer profitability by bundling, cross-selling, up-selling, and maximizing

high-value/low-cost customers
Ability to analyze various market segments, backed by strong market intelligence and analytics
Ability to review the campaign effectiveness and efficiency
Drive revenue generation through visibility of leads generated by field force and follow-up with
the end customers
Eliminate productivity barriers, enforce consistency across all selling channels, and increase
overall performance within our sales team
Empower sales team with comprehensive support for sales planning and forecasting, territory
management, account and contact management, lead and opportunity management, contract
management, incentive and commission management, time and travel management, credit
management and sales analytics.
Improve and automate business processes that support product, sales, channel management, and
customer lifecycle management.

H. Scope of Work:
The ToR will only cover ACI Agribusiness along with its 6 SBUs (ACI Seed, Fertilizer, Crop Care & Public
Health, Motors, Animal Health, and Cropex). The custom CRM system may include but will not be limited
Sales planning and forecasting
Territory management
Account and contact management
Lead and opportunity management
Contract management
Incentive and commission management
Time and travel management
Customer loyalty management
Customer support management
Campaign management
Order management
Credit management
Analytics etc.
The scope of work will also include development of essential infrastructure for CRM including:
Call center setup including IVR based solutions
Content management system (CMS) as required
Integration with telecom operators for Voice and SMS services
Customer and other necessary database development and administration
Should be easily integrate able for future apps and web services based on this database
CRM solution should be web based
Should be compatible with popular Operating Systems - Windows 7+ and latest version of Mac
Should be compatible with popular web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE10+
Mobile app and mobile version of the CRM website

Office of Strategic Innovation, ACI Agribusiness


ToR for Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness

I. Guideline for Submission and Evaluation of the Proposal:

The following guideline shall ensure uniformity of proposals submitted by all applicants and transparency
of the evaluation process:

1. Content of the Proposal:

The language of the proposal is English. The proposal must be submitted in PowerPoint presentation. The
main part of the proposal shall cover and be structured as follows:
# Content
1 Background / Introduction
2 Understanding of work & suggestions to proposed TOR
3 Ideation of a Compelling Farmer/End User Centric CRM System for ACI Agribusiness
4 Detailed conceptual presentation of proposed CRM System
5 Examples of CRM Features optimized for ACI Agribusiness
6 Set up of the team, its members qualification and relevant track record
7 Organizational track record of earlier similar work (title, description & client)
Total score for proposal
8 Presentation at ACI
Total score for the proposal plus the presentation

2. Evaluation Process:

Quality based evaluation will be applied by ACI Agribusiness CRM Committee

Applicants with the highest scores will be selected for presentations
The applicants achieving the highest score resulting from proposal plus presentation will be called
for user requirement analysis, scope of work finalization, and submission of budget.
Final vendor will be selected upon Management evaluation and will be awarded work order.
ACI Agribusiness has no obligation to award the contract to any applicant if the proposals
submitted do not match the quality and / or the budget requirements of ACI Agribusiness.

3. Timeline for Submission of Proposal


Call for Proposal
Pre bid meeting
Submission of proposal
Primary selection for presentation & inform applicants
Presentation of proposals
Evaluation of the proposals & Call for User Requirement Analysis
Finalization of Scope of Work & Submission of Budget
Finalization of Vendor & issue work order

Due date 2015


4. Deliverables:

Sample Screenshot

The above should be submitted in one printed copy and soft copy. The deliverables must be sent in soft
copy (CD) as well as in hard copy to undersigned contact person.

Office of Strategic Innovation, ACI Agribusiness


ToR for Implementing CRM in ACI Agribusiness

5. Presentation & Discussion:

Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for the presentation and discussion. The objective of the
presentation & discussion is to facilitate personal acquaintance among the applicants and the ACI
Agribusiness evaluation team, and to verify and further clarify the proposal.
a) Presentation:
The presentation shall be prepared in MS Power Point (or using similar presentation tool)
The presentation shall be prepared for a maximum of 45 minutes.
b) Discussion:
The discussion will cover the project proposal as a whole and depending on the clarification needs, will
last up to 15 minutes. The presentation and discussion will take place at ACI Center, 245 Tejgaon Industrial
Area, Dhaka - 1208.

6. Rights & Confidentiality:

ACI Agribusiness reserves the right to reject or cancel any proposal without showing any reason. During
the course of this assignment, all materials produced shall remain the property of ACI agribusiness and
cannot be used by the service provider for a purpose other than agreed upon by both the parties. The
developed materials cannot be sold or used in any case without the prior permission of ACI agribusiness.

7. Role of the Agency

The role of the agency is to roll out a successful CRM System using creative and innovative approaches to
reach and build relationship with the target audiences. The agency will carry out the specific tasks defined
below, but will not be limited to these tasks only.
Conceptualize & Development of CRM System based on ACI Agribusinesss current operation
Setup Infrastructure to place CRM in Operation in collaboration with ACI Agribusiness
Initiate CRM Operation & train relevant persons to carryout CRM Operation in ACI Agribusiness
Keep continuous contact with ACI Agribusiness during the pilot phase
Perform any other relevant task if it comes up during CRM implementation period
Organise monthly CRM review meetings with ACI Agribusiness

8. Key Contact:
For required communication please contactShamim Murad
Manager, Business Intelligence & Market Research
Mobile: 01766668864
ACI Center, 245 Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka 1208

Visit to know more about ACI Agribusiness.

Office of Strategic Innovation, ACI Agribusiness


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