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1 Legal Aspect and Requirements

1 Application and requirements





1.1 Ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002 shall be fitted with

navigational systems and equipment which will fulfill the
.1 subject to the provisions of paragraphs 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, unless
they comply fully with this regulation, continue to be fitted with
equipment which fulfils the requirements prescribed in regulations
V/11, V/12 and V/20 of the International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea, 1974 in force prior to 1 July 2002;
.2 be fitted with the equipment or systems required in paragraph
2.1.6 not later than the first survey after 1 July 2002 at which time
the radio direction-finding apparatus referred to in V/12(p) of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 in force
prior to 1 July 2002 shall no longer be required; and
.3 be fitted with the system required in paragraph 2.4 not later than
the dates specified in paragraphs 2.4.2 and 2.4.3.





.3 means of correcting heading and bearings to true at all times;

.4 nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display the
ship's route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor
positions throughout the voyage; an electronic chart display and
information system (ECDIS) may be accepted as meeting the chart
.5 back-up arrangements to meet the functional requirements of
subparagraph .4, if this function is partly or fully fulfilled by
electronic means ;
.6 receiver for a global navigation satellite system or a terrestrial
radio navigation system, or other means, suitable for use at all times
throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's
.7 if less than 150 gross tonnage and if practicable, a radar
reflector, or other means, to enable detection by ships navigating by
.8 when the ship's bridge is totally enclosed and unless the
Administration determines otherwise, a sound reception system, or
other means, to enable the officer in charge of the navigational
watch to hear sound signals and determine their direction;
.9 a telephone, or other means, to communicate heading
information to the emergency steering position, if provided.


.1 a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass, or other means,
independent of any power supply to determine the ship's heading
and display the reading at the main steering position;
.2 a pelorus or compass bearing device, or other means,
independent of any power supply to take bearings over an arc of the

2.2 All ships of 150 gross tonnage and upwards and passenger ships
irrespective of size shall, in addition to the requirements of
.1 a spare magnetic compass interchangeable with the
magnetic compass, as referred to in paragraph 2.1.1, or other
means to perform the function referred to in paragraph 2.1.1 by
.2 a daylight signaling lamp, or other means to communicate

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by light during day and night using an energy source of

electrical power not solely dependent upon the ship's power
2.3 All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards and passenger ships
irrespective of size shall, in addition to meeting the
requirements of paragraph 2.2, be fitted with:
.1 an echo sounding device, or other electronic means, to
measure and display the available depth of water;
.2 a 9 GHz radar, or other means to determine and display
the range and bearing of radar transponders and of other
surface craft, obstructions, buoys, shorelines and
navigational marks to assist in navigation and in collision
.3 an electronic plotting aid, or other means, to plot
electronically the range and bearing of targets to determine
.4 speed and distance measuring device, or other means, to
indicate speed and distance through the water;
.5 a properly adjusted transmitting heading device, or other
means to transmit heading information for input to the
equipment referred to in paragraphs 2.3.2. 2.3.3 and 2.4.
2.4 All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on
international voyages and cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and
upwards not engaged on international voyages and passenger ships
irrespective of size shall be fitted with an automatic identification
system (AIS), as follows:

July 2002;
.2 ships engaged on international voyages constructed before 1

.1 in the case of passenger ships, not later than 1 July 2003;

.2 in the case of tankers, not later than the first survey for safety
.3 in the case of ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of
50,000 gross tonnage and upwards, not later than 1 July 2004;
.4 in the case of ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of
10,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross
.5 in the case of ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of
3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 10,000 gross
tonnage, not later than 1 July 2006;
.6 in the case of ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 300
gross tonnage and upwards but less than 3,000 gross tonnage, not
.3 ships not engaged on international voyages constructed before 1
.4 the Administration may exempt ships from the application of
the requirements of this paragraph when such ships will be taken
permanently out of service within two years after the
implementation date specified in subparagraphs .2 and .3;

.1 provide automatically to appropriately equipped shore
stations, other ships and aircraft information, including the ship's
identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and other
.2 receive automatically such information from similarly fitted
.6 the requirements of paragraph 2.4.5 shall not be applied to cases
where international agreements, rules or standards provide for the

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.7 AIS shall be operated taking into account the guidelines adopted
by the Organization
2.5 All ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition to
meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.3 with the exception of
paragraphs 2.3.3 and 2.3.5, and the requirements of paragraph 2.4,
.1 a gyro compass, or other means, to determine and display their
heading by shipborne non-magnetic means and to transmit heading
information for input to the equipment referred in paragraphs 2.3.2,
.2 a gyro compass heading repeater, or other means, to supply
heading information visually at the emergency steering position if
.3 a gyro compass bearing repeater, or other means, to take bearings,
over an arc of the horizon of 360, using the gyro compass or other
means referred to in subparagraph. 1. However ships less than 1,600
gross tonnage shall be fitted with such means as far as possible;
.4 rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indicators,
or other means to determine and display rudder angle, propeller
revolutions, the force and direction of thrust and, if applicable, the
force and direction of lateral thrust and the pitch and operational
mode, all to be readable from the conning position; and
.5 an automatic tracking aid, or other means, to plot automatically
the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk.
2.6 On all ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, failure of one
piece of equipment should not reduce the ship's ability to meet the
requirements of paragraphs 2.1.1. 2.1.2 and 2.1.4.

2.7 All ships of 3000 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition to
meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.5, have:
.1 a 3 GHz radar or where considered appropriate by the
Administration a second 9 GHz radar, or other means to
determine and display the range and bearing of other surface
craft, obstructions, buoys, shorelines and navigational marks
to assist in navigation and in collision avoidance, which are
functionally independent of those referred to in paragraph
2.3.2; and
.2 a second automatic tracking aid, or other means to plot
automatically the range and bearing of other targets to
determine collision risk which are functionally independent
of those referred to in paragraph 2.5.5.
2.8 All ships of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition
to meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.7 with the exception of
paragraph 2.7.2, have:
.1 an automatic radar plotting aid, or other, means, to plot
automatically the range and bearing of at least 20 other
targets, connected to a device to indicate speed and distance
through the water, to determine collision risks and simulate a
.2 a heading or track control system, or other means, to
automatically control and keep to a heading and/or straight
2.9 All ships of 50,000 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition
to meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.8, have:
.1 a rate of turn indicator, or other means, to determine and

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.2 a speed and distance measuring device, or other means,
to indicate speed and distance over the ground in the forward
and athwartships direction.
3 When other means are permitted under this regulation, such means
must be approved by Administration in accordance with regulation
4 The navigational equipment and systems referred to in this
regulation shall be so installed, tested and maintained as to minimize





The primary function of the ECDIS is to contribute to

safe navigation.
ECDIS, with adequate back-arrangements, may be
accepted as complying with the up-to-date chart required
by regulation V/20 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
In addition to the general requirements for shipborne
radio equipment forming part of the global maritime
distress and safety systems (GMDSS) and the
requirements for electronic navigational aids contained in
IMO resolution A.694 (17),* ECDIS should meet the
requirements of this performance standard.
ECDIS should be capable of displaying all chart
information necessary for safe and efficient navigation
originated by, and distributed on the authority of,
government-authorized hydrographic officers.
ECDIS should facilitate simple and reliable updating of
the electronic navigational charts.
Use of ECIDS should reduce the navigational workload
as compared to use of a paper chart. It should enable the
mariner to execute in a convenient and timely manner all
route planning, route monitoring and positioning
currently performed on paper charts. It should be capable
of continuously plotting the ships position.
ECDIS should have at least the same reliability and
availability of presentation as the paper chart published
by government-authorized hydrographic offices.



5 Navigational equipment and systems offering alternative modes of

indicate the
mode of use.
6 Integrated bridge systems shall be so arranged that failure of one
sub-system is brought to immediate attention of the officer in charge
of the navigational watch by audible and visual alarms, and does not
cause failure to any other sub-system. In case of failure in one part
of an integrated navigational system, it shall be possible to operate
each other individual item of equipment or part of the system

Resolution A.817 (19)

The Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems states that:
ECDIS, with adequate back-up arrangements, may be
accepted as complying with the up-to-date charts required by
regulations V/20 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.




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ECDIS should provide appropriate alarms or indications

with respect to the information displayed or malfunction
of the equipment (see appendix 5)

Principal types of electronic chart

Chart Data Base

At the heart of any integrated bridge system lays an electronic chart.
An electronic chart system meeting International Maritime
Organization (IMO) specifications for complying with chart
carrying requirements is an Electronic Chart Display and
Information System (ECDIS). All other electronic charts are known
as Electronic Chart System (ECS).

since a data point must be entered for every picture element (pixel)
on the chart.
Vector Chart data is organized into many separate files. It
contains graphics program to produce certain symbols, lines, area
colors, and other chart elements. The programmer can change
individual elements in the file and tag elements with additional data.
- Vector files are smaller and more versatile than raster files of the
same area. The navigator can selectively display vector data,
adjusting the display according to his needs.

ECDIS Defined by the IMO as the integrated bridge system that

complies with the up-to-date chart carrying requirements of
international law.
ENC is the ships electronic chart database used in an ECDIs
- a subset of the Electronic Chart Database (ECDB), the digital chart
database maintained by the national hydrographic authority.
The Vector and the Raster Chart
Raster Chart data is a digitized picture of a chart. All data is in
one layer and one format. The video display simply reproduces the
picture from its digitized data file.
- It is difficult to change individual elements of the chart since they
are not separated in the data file. This data files tend to be large,


System electronic navigational chart (SENC)

means a database resulting from the transformation of the ENC by
ECDIS for appropriate use, updates to the ENC by appropriate
means, and other data added by the mariner.
- It is this database that is actually accessed by ECDIS for the
display generation and navigational functions, and is the equivalent
to an up-to date paper chart. The SENC may also contain
information from other sources.

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ECDIS should be capable of displaying all SENC


SENC information available for display during route

planning and route monitoring should be subdivided into
three categories, display base, standard display, and all other
information (see appendix 2).

ECDIS should present the standard displayed at any time by

a single operator action.

When a chart is first displayed on ECDIS, it should provide

the standard display at the largest scale available in the
SENC for the displayed area.

It should be easy to add or remove information from the

ECDIS display. It should not be possible to remove
information contained in the display base.

It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety contour form

the depth contours provided by the SENC. ENDIS should give the
safety contour more emphasis than the other contours on the
displayed base.
It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety depth
contours provided by SENC. ECIDS should give the safety
contour more emphasis than other contours on the display.
The ENC and all updates to I should be displayed without any
degradation of their information content.

ECDIS should provide a means of ensuring that the ENC and all
updates to it have been correctly loaded into the SENC.
The ENC data and updates to it should be clearly distinguishable
from other displayed information, such as, for example that listed
in appendix 3.
The enterprise production environment
The Nautical Information System (NIS) is an enterprise environment
that consists of centralized data. Using the NIS workflow, all data is
stored and maintained in a Central Data Repository (CDR), and
individual ENC products are maintained in isolated databases.
Geodatabase replication is the mechanism that ensures that the data
in these two databases is synchronized. The supporting information
that is used to generate the individual product databases, such as
geographic area of interest and scale band definition, is stored in
another database called the product library, which may or may not
be a physically different database than the CDR. Each product
database is built on the ArcSDE geodatabase and managed through
the product library. The NIS workflow is the suggested workflow
when creating and managing a large number of products. Here are
just a few of the advantages of using the NIS workflow:

S-57 based, product neutral Central Data Repository.

The NIS leverages ArcSDE technology.
Takes full advantage of the Product Library data
management capabilities.

The desktop production environments

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The desktop workflows are client driven where the data for a given
product is isolated, meaning it is not replicated to another database.
When setting up the desktop workflow, the product library is used to
load the schema via Implement Instance.

Steps for working with new or existing data

There are two desktop production environments that you can use,
depending on your data compilation needs. If you need to create S57 data from scratch, run the Populate process using the Nautical
Desktop Populator method. This method can be set at the product
class level within the product class properties. If you need to modify
existing S-57 data, you can just implement your product instance
and import the cell directly into the product geodatabase.
Both desktop workflows are designed to have one product (that is,
an ENC cell) per geodatabase. The desktop workflows are
recommended when creating and managing a small number of
products. Although the desktop workflows lack many advantages of
the NIS workflow, they do have some advantages, such as:
Your databases are managed through the product library.
Scaled down enterprise editing through Desktop/Workgroup
All edits are performed on the same database.



The chart information to be used in ECDIS should be the

latest edition of that originated by a government authorized
hydrographic office, and conform to IHO standards.

The contents of the SENC should be adequate and up-to-date

for the intended voyage to comply with regulation V/20 of
the 1974 SOLAS Convention.

It should not be possible to alter the contents of the ENC.

Updates should be stored separately from the ENC.

About producing an ENC

The Nautical Solution ENC production environment is performed in
the ArcSDE versioning environment, whether using the enterprise
(NIS) or desktop workflow. There are two approaches for working
with data your products data.
1. You can create a product and create new data for it.
2. You can create a product and load existing data into it.

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ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates to the

ENC data provided in conformity with IHO standards. These
updates should be automatically applied to the SENC. By
whatever means updates are received, the implementation
procedure should not interfere with the display in use.
ECDIS should also be capable of accepting updates to the
ENC data entered manually with simple means for
verification prior to the final acceptance of the data. They
would be distinguishable on the display from ENC
information and its official updates and not affect display
ECDIS should keep a record of updates including time of
application to the SENC.
ECDIS should allow the mariner to display updates in order
to review their contents and to ascertain that they have been
included in the SENC.


When there is an urgent need for an ENC of the applicable

area, and
Time does not allow for an immediate conversion of the
English units to their metric equivalents.
Height: Meters (preferred) or feet.
Distance: Nautical miles and decimal miles, or meters.
Speed: Knots and decimal knots.

Presentation of ECDIS data

The major rules for presentation contained in the presentation

library for ECDIS

The following units of measure will appear on the EC-DIS chart


The IHO Presentation library is annex A to the IHO Colour and

Symbol Specifications (C&SS), which is in turn appendix 2 to IHO
S-52 Specifications for chart Content and Display Aspects of

Position: Latitude and Longitude will be shown in degrees, minutes,

and decimal minutes, normally based on WGS-84 datum.

The presentation library implements the display specification in the

S-52 App.2 by decoding and symbolizing the SENC. It contains:

Depth: Depth will be indicated in meters and decimeters. Fathoms

and feet may be used as an interim measure only:

1. The ECDIs symbol library, excluding the Navigation Symbols to

be found in IEC 61174 and IEC 62288 (10).

When existing chart data is held in those units only,

2. The ECDIS colour for day, dusk and night viewing;

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3. look-up tables, with symbology instructions linking SENC

objects to the appropriate colour and symbol and giving their
IMO category, draw priority, priority over radar, and suggested
viewing group.
4. conditional symbology procedure for:

cases where symbolizing depends on circumstances, such as

the mariners choice of safety contour.

cases where symbolizing is too complex to be define in a

Location for the ECDIS display

Experience in sea test has shown that it is important to select an
appropriate location for ECDIS. For example:
- the navigator should be able to see the display clearly, and to
reach the controls, from his normal conning position,
- it is an advantage to locate radar and ECDIS side by side
- the face of the display should be shaded from direct sunlight,
and the display should not be located where the viewer may
find the sun directly behind it.

direct look-up table

Displaying Text

5. description of symbology instructions

6. mariners navigational objects, specified in the same format as
chart objects for convenience in processing in ECDIS,
7. supplementary features such as the ECDIS Chart 1, colour
differentiation test diagram, colour calibration software.

The power of ECDIS lies in conveying operational information

quickly, clearly and comprehensively through a picture, a birds eye
view of the ship and her surroundings. text should be avoided on this
graphical operational display unless it is absolutely necessary,
because it conveys limited and, since it has to be written large to be
readable, causes confusing clutter.


Colours and symbols should be used to represent SENC

The colours and symbols other than those mentioned above
should be that use to describe the navigational elements and
parameters listed in appendix 3 and published by IEC.
SENC information, when displayed at the scale specified in the
ENC, should use the specific size of symbols, figures and letters.
ECDIs should allow the mariner to select whether own ship is
displayed in true scale or as a symbol.

However, some text may be unavoidable, both on the operational

display (e.g. buoy numbers if there are required for VTS reporting)
or on a separate text display (e.g. course to steer, heading; alarms;
tidal information; user interaction to control the ECDIS, etc.)

Display base, permanently retained on the ECDIS display,

consisting of:

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coastline (high water)

own ships safety contour, to be selected by the mariner;
indication of isolated underwater dangers at depths of less
than the safety contour which lie within the safe waters
defined by the safety contour;
indication of isolated dangers which lie within the safe water
defined by the safety contour such as bridges, overhead
wires, etc., including bouys and beacons, whether or not
these are being used aids to navigation;
traffic routing systems;
scale, range, orientation, and display mode;
units of depth and height

Standard displayed when the chart is first displayed by


.2 submarine cables and pipelines


ferry routes
datails of all isolated dangers
details of aids to navigation
contents of cautinary notes
ENC edition date
geodetic datum
magnetic variation
place names

Picture 1: Standard Display, day

ECDIS, consisting of:

.1 display base
.2 drying base
.3 indication of fixed and floating aids to navigation
.4 boundaries of fairways, channels, etc.
.5 visual and radar conspicuous features
.6 prohibited and restricted areas
.7 chart scale boundaries
.8 indication of cautionary notes
3 All other information, displayed individually on demand, for
.1 spot soundings

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manual acquisition and cancellation: ARPA with automatic acquisition

should have a facility to suppress acquisition in certain areas. On any
range scale where acquisition is suppressed over a certain area, the area
of acquisition should be defined and indicated on the display.
Automatic or manual acquisition should have a performance not
inferior to that which could be obtained by the user of the radar

Picture 2: Standard Display, nigh

It should always be possible to display the SENC in a north-up


orientation. Other orientation is permitted.

ECDIS should provide for true-motion mode. Other modes are
When true motion is in use, reset and generation of the
neighboring area should take place automatically at a distance
from the border of the display determined by the mariner



Where a separate facility is provided for detection of targets, other
than by the radar observer, it should have a performance not inferior
to that which could be obtained by the use of the radar display.
Target acquisition may be manual or automatic for relative speeds up to
100 knots. However, there should always be a facility to provide for

The ARPA should be able automatically to track, process,

simultaneously display and continuously update the information on
at least 20 targets, whether automatically or manually acquired.
If automatic acquisition is provided, description of the criteria of
selection of targets for tracking should be provided to the user. If the
ARPA does not track all targets visible on the display, targets which
are being tracked should be clearly indicated with the relevant
symbol* on the display. The reliability of tracking should not be less
than those obtainable using manual recordings of successive target
positions obtained from the radar display.
The ARPA should continue to track an acquired target which is
clearly distinguishable on the display for 5 out of 10 consecutive
scans, provided the target is not subject to target swop.
The possibility of tracking errors, including target swop, should be
minimized by ARPA design. A qualitative description of the effects
of error sources on the automatic tracking and corresponding errors
should be provided to the user, including the effects of low signalto-noise and low signal-to-clutter ratios caused by sea returns, rain,
snow, low clouds and non-synchronous emissions.

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The display may be a separate or integral part of the ship's radar.
However, the ARPA display should include all the data required to
be provided by a radar display in accordance with the performance
standards for navigational radar equipment.
The design should be such that any malfunction of ARPA parts
producing data additional to information to be produced by the radar
as required by the performance standards for navigational equipment
should not affect the integrity of the basic radar presentation.
The ARPA facilities should be available on at least 3, 6 and 12
nautical mile range scales, and there should be a positive indication
of the range scale in use.
ARPA facilities may also be provided on other range scales
permitted by resolution A.477 (XII) and, if provided, should comply
with these standards.
The ARPA should be capable of operating with a relative motion
display with "north-up" and "course-up" azimuth stabilization. In
addition, the ARPA may also provide for a true motion display. If
true motion is provided, the operator should be able to select for the
display either true or relative motion. There should be a positive
indication of the display mode and orientation in use.
The course and speed information generated by the ARPA for
acquired targets should be displayed in a vector or graphic form
which clearly indicates the target's predicted motion with relevant
symbols*. In this regard:

.1 an ARPA presenting predicted information in vector form only

should have the option of both true and relative vectors. There
should be an indication of the vector mode selected and, if true
vector mode is selected, the display should show whether it is
sea or ground stabilized;
.2 an ARPA which is capable of presenting target course and speed
information in graphic form should also, on request, provide the
target's true and/or relative vector;
.3 vectors displayed should be time-adjustable;
.4 a positive indication of the time-scale of the vector in use should
be given; and
.5 if stationary targets are being used for ground referencing, this
fact should be indicated by the relevant symbol*. In this mode,
relative vectors including those of the targets used for ground
referencing should be displayed when requested.
The ARPA information
should not obscure the
targets. The display of
ARPA data should be
under the control of the
radar observer. It should
be possible to cancel the
display of unwanted
ARPA data within 3s.
brilliance of the ARPA data and radar data, including complete
extinction of the ARPA data.

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The method of presentation should ensure that the ARPA data are
clearly visible in general to more than one observer in the conditions
of light normally experienced on the bridge of a ship by day and by
night. Screening may be provided to shade the display from sunlight
but not to the extent that it will impair the observer's ability to
maintain a proper look-out. Facilities to adjust the brightness should
be provided.
Provisions should be made to obtain quickly the range and bearing
of any object which appears on the ARPA display.
The ARPA should provide accuracies not less than those given in
3.8.2 and 3.8.3 for the four
scenarios defined in appendix 2. With the sensor errors specified in
appendix 3, the values given relate to the best possible manual
plotting performance under environmental conditions of 10
degrees of roll.

When a tracked target, or own ship, has completed a maneuver, the

system should present in a period of not more than 1 min an
indication of the target's motion trend, and display within 3 min the
target's predicted motion, in accordance with 3.4.6, 3.6, 3.8.2 and
3.8.3. In this context, a "maneuver of own ship" should be deemed
to consist of an alteration of course of + 45? in 1 min.

An ARPA should present within one minute of steady state tracking

the relative motion trend of target with the following accuracy
values (95% probability values).

The ARPA should be designed in such a manner that under the most
favorable conditions of own ship's motion the error contribution
from the ARPA should remain insignificant compared to the errors
associated with the input sensors, for the scenarios of appendix 2.

Note 1: In steady state tracking both own and target ship follow straight
line course at constant speed.
Note 2: Probability values are the same as confidence levels.

An ARPA should present within three minutes of steady state

tracking the motion of a target with the following accuracy values
(95% probability values).

The accuracy figures quoted in 3.8 of these standards are based upon
the following sensor errors, and are appropriate to equipment

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complying with the performance

navigational equipment.



Bearing - rectangular distribution + 0.1? maximum.
Range - rectangular distribution + 0.01 nautical miles maximum.

Note: s means "standard deviation".

Target glint (scintillation) (for 200 m length target)
Along length of target s = 30 m (normal distribution)
Across beam of target s = 1 m (normal distribution)
Roll-pitch bearing: The bearing error will peak in each of the four
quadrants around own ship for targets on relative bearings of 045?
135?, 225?and 315?, and will be zero at relative bearings of 0?, 90?,
180? and 270?.
This error has a sinusoidal variation at twice the roll frequency.
For a 10? roll the mean error is 0.22? with a 0.22? peak sine wave
Beam shape - assumed normal distribution giving bearing error
s = 0.05?
Pulse shape - assumed normal distribution giving range error with
s = 20 m
Antenna backlash - assumed rectangular distribution giving
bearing error
+ 0.05? maximum

Bearing encoder assumed to be running from a remote synchro

giving bearing errors with a normal distribution
s = 0.03?.
Calibration error 0.5?.
Normal distribution about this with s = 0.12?.
Calibration error 0.5 knots.
Normal distribution about this, 3s = 0.2 knots.
Range performance
The operational requirement under normal propagation conditions,
when the radar antenna is mounted at a height of 15 metres above
sea level, is that the equipment should in the absence of clutter give
a clear indication of:
.1 Coastlines
At 20 Nautical miles when the ground rises to 60 metres.

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At 7 nautical miles when the ground rises to 6 metres.

The equipment should provide one of the two following sets of

range scales of display:

.2 Surface Objects
At 7 nautical miles when the ground rises to 60 metres.
At 3 nautical miles a small vessel of 10 metres in length.
At 2 nautical miles an object such as a navigational buoy having
an effective echoing area of approximately 10 square metres.

.1 1.5, 3, 6 , 12 and 24 nautical miles and one range scale of not

less than 0.5 and not greater than 0.8 nautical miles; or
.2 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 nautical miles.
Additional range scales may be provided.

Minimum Range
The surface objects specified in 3.1.2 should be clearly displayed
from a minimum range of 50 metres up to a range of one nautical
mile, without changing the setting of controls other than the range

The range scale displayed and the distance between range rings
should be clearly indicated at all times.
Range measurement
Fixed electronic range rings should be provided for range
measurements as follows:

The equipment should without external magnification provide a
relative plan display in the head-up unstabilised mode with an
effective diameter of not less than:
.1 180 millimetres on ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and more but
less than 1,600 tons gross tonnage;
.2 250 miliimetres on ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and more
but less than 10,000 tons gross tonnage;
.3 340 millimetres in the case of one display and 250 millimetres in
the case of the other on ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and

.1 when range scales are provided in accordance with,

on the range scale of between 0.5 and 0.8nautical miles at least
two range rings should be provided and on each of the other
range scales six range rings should be provided, or
.2 Where range scales are provided in accordance with,
four range rings should be provided on each of the range scales.
A variable electronic range marker should be provided with a
numeric readout of range.
The fixed range rings and the variable range marker should
enable the range of an object to be measured with an error not
exceeding 1.5 percent of the maximum range of the scale in use,
or 70 meters, whichever is the greater.

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It should be possible to vary the brilliance of the fixed range

rings and the variable range marker and to remove them
completely from the display.
The heading of the ship should be indicated by a line on the
display with a maximum error not greater than plus or minus 1
degree. The thickness of the displayed heading line should not
be greater than 0.5 degrees.
Provisions should be made to switch off heading indicator by a
device which cannot be left in the heading marker off position.

points. Bearings are generally given in one of two formats, an

azimuth bearing or a quadrant bearing.
An azimuth bearing uses all 360 of a compass to indicate
direction. The compass is numbered clockwise with north as 0,
east 90, south 180, and west 270. So a bearing of 42 would
be northeast and a bearing of 200 would be southwest, and so
For quadrant bearings the compass is divided into four sections,
each containing 90. The two quadrants in the northern half of
the compass are numbered from 0 to 90 away from north
(clockwise in the east, counterclockwise in the west). In the
southern half of the compass, the two quadrants are numbered
away from south (counterclockwise in the east, clockwise in the

Provision should be made to obtain quickly the bearing of any
object whose echo appears on the display.
The means provided for obtaining bearings should be enable the
bearing of a target whose echo appears at the edge of the display
to be measured with an accuracy of plus or minus 1 degree or

Quadrant bearings are given in the format of N 40E (northeast), S

26W (southwest), etc. Whenever you measure a quadrant bearing,
it should always be recorded with north or south listed first,
followed by the number of degrees away from north or south, and
the direction (east or west) away from north or south. In other
words, you would never give a quadrant bearing as E 40N or W
Your compass may be an azimuth compass or it may be divided into
quadrants. If you have an azimuth compass and are given a quadrant
bearing, youll have to divide it into quadrants in your head, and the
same goes for quadrant compasses if you are given an azimuth

A bearing is a


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The easiest way, is to carry a protractor with you when youre in the
field. If you have a protractor with you, place it on the map so it is
oriented parallel to a north-south gridline, with the center of the
protractor on point A (or on a line drawn between points A and B).
Once you have done this, you can simply read the bearing you need
to go off of the protractor.
If you dont happen to have a protractor with you, you can
determine the bearing you need using your compass. To do this,
place your compass on the map so that the edge of your compass is
oriented parallel to a north-south gridline and the center of your
compass is on the line between points A and B.

Measuring a bearing
So, youre in the field
with your map at point
A and want to get to
point Bhow do you
accomplish this? The
first thing you need to
do is determine the
bearing from point A
to point B. There are
two ways to go about

Now rotate the map and compass together until the north arrow
on the compass points to
0 on the graduated
circle. You can then
approximate the bearing
you need by estimating
where the line between A
and B crosses the
graduated circle.
It is probably at about this
point that, if you are
using a Brunton compass
(and some others as well),
you are probably noticing
that the east label is on
the wrong side of the
compass (west of north).

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Going From Point "A" to "B"

Once youve figured out what direction you want to go, you need to
figure out how to use your compass to get you there. In the example
on the previous page, you determined that the bearing between A
and B is 21 (N 21E). All you have to do now is walk a straight
line from point A to point B at 21 and, after a little sweat, youll be
at your destination.

To orient yourself along this path, orient your compass so that the
north arrow is pointing at the bearing you want, but in the adjacent
quadrant. For example, we want to head out at a bearing of 20 (N
20E). To do so, align the north end of the needle with 340 (N
When you do this, the front edge of your compass is pointing 20 in
the direction you want to go.
Now perhaps it is clearer why on some compasses the east and west
labels appear to be on the wrong side of the compass. If the bearing
you want is N 20E and the labels are swapped, then when you line
up with N 20E as labeled on the compass, the compass is truly
pointing toward N 20W.

Most compasses have some sort of sighting system built into them
to allow greater accuracy in determining where you want to go. If
your compass has a sight (check your owners manual to see if it has
one and, if so, learn how to use it), you will orient it the same way as
described above, but you can look through the sight at the same time
and find an object to walk toward.
By finding an object (such as a tree or large rock) that lies along
your path you will have more freedom to go around obstacles (such
as large gullies, streams, hills, etc.) without losing track of the
direction your are travelling. Once you reach the object you were
headed for, sight in on another object along your path, repeating this
process until you arrives at point B.

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The equipment should be capable of displaying as separate

indications on a range scale of 2 nautical miles or less, two small
similar targets at a range of between 50 percent and 100 percent
of the range scale in use, and on the same azimuth, separated by
not more than 50 metres in range.

transmission should be within 0.5 degrees with a compass

rotation rate of 2 revolutions per minute.
The equipment should operate satisfactorily in the unsterilized
mode when the compass control is inoperative.

The equipment should be capable of displaying as separate

indications two small similar targets both situated at the same
range between 50 percent and 100 percent of the 1.5 or 2 mile
range scales, and separated by not more than 2.5 degrees in

Means should be available, while the equipment is used

operationally, to determine readily a significant drop in
performance relative to a calibration standard established at the
time of installation, and to check the equipment is correctly
tuned in the absence of targets.

the performance of the equipment should be such that when the
ship is rolling or pitching up to plus or minus 10 degrees
performance requirements of 3.1 and 3.2 continue to be met.
the scan should be clockwise, continuous and automatic through
360 degrees of azimuth. The scan should not be less than 12
revolutions per minute. The equipment should operate
satisfactorily in relative wind speed of up to 100 knots.

Suitable means should be provided for the suppression of unwanted

echoes from the sea clutter, rain and other forms of precipitation,
clouds and sandstorms. It should be possible to adjust manually and
continuously the anti-clutter controls. The anti-clutter controls
should be inoperative in fully anti-clockwise positions. In addition,
automatic anti-clutter controls may be provided; however, they must
be capable of being switched off.


The equipment should be capable of being switch on and

operated from the display position.

Means should be provided to enable the display to be stabilized

in azimuth by a transmitting compass. The equipment should be
provided with a compass input to enable it to be stabilized in
azimuth. The accuracy of alignment with the compass

Operational controls should be accessible and easy to identify

and use. Where symbols are used they should comply with the

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recommendations of the Organizations on symbols for controls

on marine navigational radar equipment.
After switching on from cold the equipment should become fully
operational within 4 minutes.
A standby condition should be provided from which the
equipment can be brought to an operational condition within 15

The antenna system should be installed in such a manner that the

design efficiency of the radar system is not substantially
All radars operating in the 3 centimeter band should be capable
of operating in a horizontally polarized mode.
It should be possible to switch off those signal processing
facilities which might prevent a radar beacon from being shown
on the radar display.

After installation and adjustment on board, the bearing accuracy as
prescribed in this Recommendation should be maintained without
further adjustments irrespective of the movement of the ship in the
earths magnetic field.




Where sea or ground stabilization is provided the accuracy and
discrimination of the display should be at least equivalent to that
required by this Recommendation.
The motion of the trace origin should not, except under manual
override conditions, continue to a point beyond 75 percent of the
radius of the display. Automatic resetting may be provided.

Speed information may be presented in digital form. Where a

digital display is used, its incremental steps should not exceed
0.1 knots. Analogue displays should be graduated at least every
0.5 knots and be marked with figures at least every 5 knots. If
the display can present the speed of the ship in other than the
forward direction, the direction of movement should be indicated
Distance run information should be presented in digital form.
The display should cover the range from 0 to not less than
9999.9 nautical miles and the incremental steps should not

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exceed 0.1 nautical miles. Where practicable, means should be

provided for resetting readout to zero.
The display should be easily readable by day and by night.
Means should be provided for feeding distance run information
to other equipment fitted on board, in this regard:

when contact closure used, forward speed only should be

indicated. The information should be in the form of one
contact (or the equivalent) for 0.005 nautical miles run; and
.2 when serial digital interface is provided, the information on
all speed and distance parameters, including direction,
should be provided in the form of a serial stream of digital
information conforming to the international protocol for a
digital interface for marine equipment use.
If equipment is capable of being operated in either the speed
through the water or speed over the ground mode, mode
selection and mode indication should be provided.

Errors in the indicated distance run, when the ship is operating

free from shallow water effect and from the effect of wind,
current and tide, should not exceed 2% of the distance run by the
ship in 1 h 0.2 nautical miles in each hour, whichever is greater.
If the accuracy of devices to indicate speed and distance run can
be affected by certain conditions e.g.:
o sea state and its effect
o water temperature
o salinity,
o sound velocity in water
o depth of water under keel
o heel
o trim of ship


If the equipment has provision for indicating speeds other than

on a single fore and axis, then the forward and athwart speed
through the water must be provided, and the forward and athwart
speed over the ground may be provided as a switchable option.
All such information should clearly indicate the direction, mode
and validity status of the displayed information.

The performance of the equipment should be such that it will

meet the requirements of these standards when the ship rolling
up to + 10 and pitching up to + 5.



Errors in the indicted speed, when the ship is operating free from
shallow water effect and from the effects of wind, current and
tide, should not exceed 2% of the speed of the ship, or 0.2 knots,
whichever is greater.

The compass card should be graduated in equal intervals of one

degree or a fraction thereof, A numerical indication should be
provided at least at every ten degrees, starting from 000
clockwise through 360



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Fully adequate illumination should be provided to enable
reading of scales at all times. facilities for dimming should be

The repeatability of the settle point error of the master compass

shall be within + 1 x secant latitude under the general
conditions mentioned in paragraph 6.1 and 8 and including
variations in magnetic field likely to be experience in the ship in
which it is installed.
In latitudes of up to 60

.1 the residual steady state error, after correction for speed and
course influences at a speed of twenty knots, shall exceed
+0.25 x secant latitude.

When switched on in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions the compass should settle within six hours in
latitudes of up to 60.
The settle point error as defined in paragraph 2.5 at any heading
at any latitude up to 60 should not exceed 0.75 x secant
latitude where heading indications of the compass should be
taken as the mean of 10 readings at 20 minute intervals, and the
root mean square value of the differences between individual
heading indications and the mean should be less than 0.25 x
secant latitude. The repeatability of settle point error from one
run-up to another shall be within 0.25 x secant latitude.


the error due to a rapid alteration of speed of twenty knots

should not exceed + 2.

.3 the error due to rapid alteration of course of 180 at a speed

of twenty knots should not exceed + 3.

the transient and steady state errors due to the ship rolling,
pitching and yawning with simple harmonic motion of any
period between six and fifteen seconds, maximum angle of
20, 10 and 5 respectively and maximum horizontal
acceleration not exceeding 1m/s2, should not exceed 1
secant latitude.


When switched on in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions, the compass should settle within six hours in
latitudes of up to 60 when rolling and pitching with simple
harmonic motion of any period between six and fifteen seconds,
a maximum angle of 5, and a maximum horizontal acceleration
of 0.22m/s2

The maximum divergence in reading between the master

compass and repeaters under all operational conditions should
not exceed +0.5
Note: When compass is used for purposes other than steering and
bearing, a higher accuracy might be necessary.
To ensure that the maximum error referred to in subparagraph is not exceed in practice, it will be

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necessary to pay particular attention to the sitting of the

master compass.



The equipment should be capable of operating continuously in
accordance with the requirements of these recommendations in
the presence of such variations of the power supply as are
normally expected in a ship.
If a provision is made for operating the equipment from more than
Means should be incorporated for the protection of the
equipment from excessive currents and voltages, transients and
accidental reversal of power supply polarity.
one source of electrical energy, arrangements for rapidly
changing from one source of supply to the other should be
All steps should be taken to eliminate as far as practicable the
causes of, and to suppress, electromagnetic interference between
the gyro-compass and other equipment on board.
Mechanical noise from all units should be so limited as not to
prejudice the hearing of sounds on which the safety of the ship
might depend.
Each unit of the equipment should be marked with the minimum
safe distances at which it may be mounted from a standard or a
steering magnetic compass.

The words GPS receiver equipment as use in these

performance standards includes all the components and units
necessary for the system properly to perform its intended
functions. The equipment should include the following
minimum facilities.
.1 antennas capable of receiving GPS signals
.2 GPS receiver and processor
.3 means of accessing the computed latitude/longitude position;
.4 data control and interface;
.5 position display and , if required, other forms of output
The antenna design should be suitable for fitting a position on
the ship which ensures a clear view of the satellite constellation.
The GPS receiver equipment should:
.1 be capable of receiving and processing the Standard Positioning
Service (SPS) signals modified by Selective Availability (SA)
and provide position information in latitude and longitude
World geodetic System (WGS) 84 co-ordinates in degrees,
minutes and thousandths of minutes and time of solution
reference to UTC. Means may be provided for transforming
the computed position based upon WGS 84 into data

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compatible with the datum of the navigational chart in use.

Where this facility exists, the display should indicate that coordinate conversion is being performed, and should identify
the co-ordinate system in which the position is expressed;
operate on the L1 signal and C/A code;
be provided with at least one output from which position
information can be supplied to other equipment. The output of
position information based upon WGS 84 should be in
accordance with IEC Publication 1162.
have statistic accuracy such that the position of the antenna is
determine to within 100m (95%) with horizontal dilution of
precision (HDOP) 4 (or PDO 6).


.10 be capable of re-acquiring position to the required accuracy within

5 min when the GPS signals are interrupted for a period of at least
24 h but there is no loss of power.

have dynamic accuracy such that position of the ship

determined to within 100m (95%) with horizontal dilution of
precision (HDOP) 4 (or PDO 6) under the conditions of sea
states and ships motion likely to be experienced in ships;

be capable of selecting automatically the appropriate satellitetransmitted signals for determining the ships position with the
required accuracy and update rate;
.7 be capable of acquiring satellite signals with input signals having
carrier levels in the range of 130 dBm to 120 dBm. Once the
satellite signals have been acquired, the equipment should continue
to operate satisfactorily with satellite signals having carrier levels
down to 133 dBm.

be capable of re-acquiring position to the required accuracy within

2 min when subjected to a power interruption of 60s.

.12 generate and output a new position solution at least every 2 s ;

.13 the minimum resolution of position, i.e. latitude and longitude,
should be 0.001 minutes; and


be capable of acquiring position to the required accuracy within 5

min when there is valid almanac data;

have the facilities to process differential GPS (DGPS) data fed to

it in accordance with the standards of Recommendations ITU-R M.
823 and the appropriate RTCM standard. When a GPS receiver is
equipped with a differential receiver, performance standards for
static and dynamic accuracies (3.4 and 3.5 above) should be 10m


.8 be capable of acquiring position to the required accuracy within 30

minutes when there is no valid almanac data;

Precautions should be taken to ensure that no permanent damage
can result from an accidental short circuit or grounding of the
antenna or any of its input or output connections or any of the
GPS receiver equipment inputs or outputs for duration of 5 min.
Range of depths

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Under normal propagation conditions the equipment should be

capable of measuring any clearance under the transducer
between two meters and 400 meters.

Fully adequate illumination should be provided to enable

identification of controls and facilitate reading of record and
scales at all times. Facilities for dimming should be provided.

Range scales
The rate should be not slower than 12 pulses per minute.
The equipment should provide a minimum of two range scales
one of which, the deep range, should cover the whole range of
depth, and the other, the shallow range, one tenth thereof.
the scale of display should not be smaller than 2.5mm per meter
depth on the shallow range scale and 0.25 mm per meter depth
on the depth range scale.

Based on a sound speed in water of 1500 metres per second , the
allowable tolerance on the indicated depth should be:

The primary presentation should be a graphical display which
provides the immediate depth and a visible record of soundings.
Other forms of display may be added but these should not affect
the normal operation of the main display.

+ 1 meter on the shallow range scale
+ 5 meters on the deep range scale

The record should, on the deep range scale, show at least 15

minutes of the soundings.

+ 5 percent of the indicated depth, whichever is the greater

Either by marks on the recording paper, or by other means, there

should be a clear indication when the paper remaining is
approximately 10 percent of the length of the roll.



The performance of the equipment should be such that it will meet

the requirements of this Recommendation when the ship is rolling +
100 and/or pitching + 50.

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The equipment should be capable of operating in accordance
with the requirements of this recommendation in the presence of
such variations of the power as are normally expected in a
Means should be incorporated for the protection of the
equipment from excessive currents and voltages, transients and
accidental reversal of power supply polarity.
if provisions is made for operating the equipment from more
than one source of electrical energy, arrangements for rapidly
changing from one source of supply to the other should be
all reasonable and practicable steps should be taken to eliminate
the causes of, and to suppress, radio interference to other
equipment on board.
Mechanical noise from all units should be so limited as not to
prejudice the hearing of sounds on which the safety of the ship
might depend.
Each unit of the equipment should be marked with the minimum
safe distances of which it may be mounted from a standard or a
steering magnetic compass.

Basic Navigational functions and settings




Own ship
.1 Past track with time marks for primary track
.2 Past track with time marks for secondary track


Vector for course and speed made good

Variable range marker and/or electronic bearing line
.1 Dead reckoning position and time (DR)
.2 Estimated position and time (EP)


fix and time

Position line and time
Transferred position line and time
.1 Predicted tidal streams or current vector with effective
time and strength (in box)
.2 Actual tidal stream or current vector with effective time
and strength (in box)


Danger highlight
Clearing line
Planned course and speed to make good. Speed is shown in
7 Waypoint
8 Distance to run
9 Planned position with data and time
10 Visual limits of light arc to show rising/dipping range
11 Position and time of wheel-over

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Specific Functions for route planning

Route Planning
It should be possible to carry out route planning including both
straight and curved segments.

An alarm should be given by ECDIS if the ship, within a

specified time or distance set by the mariner, is going to reach a
critical point on the planned route.
The positioning system and the SENC should be on the same
geodetic datum. ECDIS should give an alarm if this is not the

Specific function for route monitoring

ECDIS should give an alarm if the ship, within a specified time

set by the mariner, is going to cross the safety contour.
ECDIS should give an alarm or indication, as selected by the
mariner, if the ship, with a specified time set by the mariner, is
going to cross the boundary of a prohibited area or of a
geographical area for which special conditions exist.
An alarm should be given when the specified limit for deviation
from the planned route is exceeded.
The ships position should be derived from a continues
positioning system of an accuracy consistent with the
requirements of safe navigation. Whenever possible, a second
independent positioning method of a different type should be
provided; ECDIS should be capable of identifying discrepancies
between the two systems.
ECDIS should provide an indication when the input from the
position-fixing system is lost. ECDIS should also repeat, but
only as an indication, any alarm or indication passed to it from a
position-fixing system.


Displaying ECDIS updates

Automatic and semi-automatic updates: these should be
displayed in the same manner as ENC information, using
standard colours and symbols.
Manual Updates: should be displayed in standard colours and
symbols and distinguished as describe in the presentation
Library, Part I, section 8.7.
The mariner should be able to display updates for review as follows:
For automatic updates: the manufacturer should provide a means
of distinguishing these. One method suggested is to identify
automatic updates temporarily in the manner as manual updates.

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The temporarily switch on/switch off of the identifiers would

distinguish automatic from manual updates.
For manual updates: display all SENC information. The manual
updates should be distinguishable as described in the
presentation Library, Part 1, section 8.7.

If a malfunction occurs when track-keeping, the system should

alarm and revert immediately to course-keeping mode.
If the malfunction occurs while the autopilot is on a track, the
autopilot should continue to steer the pre-set course of that track.
If the autopilot is performing a turn when the malfunction
occurs, the autopilot should complete the turn at the pre-set turn
value and take up the course of the next track.
An autopilot performing automatic track-keeping functions and
its alarm outputs should always be closely monitored.


Display and function of other navigational


The ability of the autopilot closely to follow a planned track will

depend upon the accuracy of the XTE information sent to the
autopilot from the navigation system.

Automatic track-keeping (if fitted)


Track-keeping control allows the ship to maintain its planned

track; whereas course-keeping only ensures that the ship is
pointing in the right direction. Wind and currents can, for
example, move the ship sideways and off its track while the
ship's heading remains unchanged.

Hydrographic data inaccuracy

For a ship to operate an automatic track-keeping system, the

autopilot should be adaptive and able to perform turns
automatically between track legs, using either pre-set turn radius
or rate of turn values.
Turns are commenced at a wheel over position, only after the
OOW has acknowledged the wheel over position alarm and is
satisfied that it is safe to execute the turn.

Errors of Displayed Data

The displayed hydrographic data are not more reliable than

survey data on which they are based.
The displayed sensor data are not more reliable than
respective sensor systems they originate from.
Errors and inaccuracies in one subsystem may influence
performance of other subsystems and potentially render
ECDIS useless.
Use of Electronic Position-Fixing Systems

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Care should be taken when using electronic position-fixing

Watchkeepers need to understand the capabilities and limitations

Knowledge of the limitations of the equipment and detection of

misrepresentation of information is essential for the safe use of
ECDIS. The following factors should be emphasized:

of the systems they are using and continually monitor and

performance standards of the equipment;

radar data representation on an electronic chart, elimination
of discrepancy between the radar image and the electronic
possible projection discrepancies between an electronic and
paper charts;
possible scale discrepancies (overscaling and underscaling)
in displaying an electronic
chart and its original scale;
effects of using different reference systems for positioning;
effects of using different horizontal and vertical datums;
effects of the motion of the ship in a seaway;
ECDIS limitations in raster chart display mode;
potential errors in the display of:
the own ship's position;
radar data and ARPA information;
different geodetic co-ordinate systems; and

validate the information given.

Use of Electronic Position-Fixing Systems in Integrated Bridges
When position-fixing systems transmit data to other navigation
systems, the integrity and quality of the data transmitted need to
be safeguarded;
Techniques used should include:

Using pre-set quality limits to monitor the fix quality of each

position-fixing system connected to the integrated bridge.

Comparing all positions to identify and reject any rogue

positions or positions that are clearly incorrect.

Comparing electronic positions with the ships estimated

position (EP) calculated using direct inputs from the log and

Checking the status of the data transmitted and ensuring that

only valid data messages are used.

misrepresentation of information



verification of the results of manual or automatic data correction:

comparison of chart data and radar picture; and
Checking the own ship's position by using the other
independent position fixing systems.


Status indications, indicators and alarms

The different kinds of alarms and indicators of ECDIS can be

divided into three groups:

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nautical alarms which may appear during route planning

(e.g. the planned route is crossing a safety contour) or
during route monitoring (e.g. the ship will cross a safety
sensor alarms and indicators in the case of a failure or
breakdown of a sensor (e.g. position fixing receiver
failure during passage monitoring);
data and chart alarms resulting from a change geodetic
datum or overscale setting.

An indication is required if the mariner plans a route across the

boundary of a prohibited area or of a geographical area for
which special conditions exist.
ECDIS should give an alarm or indication, as selected by the
mariner, if the ship, within a specified time set by the mariner,
is going to cross the boundary of a prohibited area or of a
geographical area for which special conditions exist.
ECDIS should provide an indication of whether:


ECDIS should store and be able to reproduce certain minimum

elements required to construct the navigation and verify the
official database used during the previous 12 hours. The
following data should be recorded at one-minute intervals:
.1 to ensure a record of own ships past track: time, position,
heading and speed; and
.2 to ensure a record of official data used: ENC source,
edition, date, cell and update history.
In addition, ECDIS should record the complete track for the
entire voyage, with time marks at intervals not exceeding 4
It should not be possible to manipulate or change the recorded
ECDIS should have the capability to preserve the record of the
previous 12 hours and of the voyage track.


Integrity Monitoring

To monitor for correct working, the system may incorporate:

.1 the information is displayed at a larger scale than that

contained in the ENC; or

.2 own ships position is covered by an ENC at a larger scale

than that provided by the display.


The essentials of automatic voyage recording


self-diagnostic test routines to monitor for correct

operation of hardware, operating system and ECDIS
kernel during booting and normal operation;
diagnostic routine which may be executed at the request
of the operators, e.g. manual test of hardware, MMI and
sensor data as well as visual test of chart data.


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Adequate back-up arrangements should be provided to ensure

safe navigation in case of an ECDIS failure.
.1 facilities enabling a safe take-over of the ECDIS functions
should be provided in order to ensure that an ECDIS failure
does not result in a critical situation.
.2 A back-up arrangement should be provided facilitating means
for safe navigation of the remaining part of the voyage in case
of an ECDIS failure.


Risk of over-reliance on ECDIS


A potential risk of improper functioning of the system and of

data inaccuracy is inherent in the system.

That the displayed hydrographic data are not more reliable

than the survey data on which they are based that the
respective sensor systems they originate from.

That ECDIS is only a tool that supports the mariner in the

performing of the navigational tasks.

That errors/inaccuracies in one subsystems may influence the

performance of other subsystems and potentially render the
ECDIS useless perform a navigational watch which is not
based on only one system assess.

Hydrographic data inaccuracy

The displayed hydrographic data are not more reliable than

the survey data on which they are based.

The displayed sensor data are not more reliable than the
respective sensor systems they originate from.

Philippine Seafarers Training Center

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Errors and inaccuracies in one subsystem may influence the

performance of other subsystems and potentially render the
ECDIS useless.

Potential risk of human errors

There is the need to keep a proper look-out and to perform

periodical checking, especially of the ships position, by ECDISindependent methods.

With or without the use of ECDIS, all navigational activities

have to comply with the basic principles and operational
guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch.

Philippine Seafarers Training Center

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