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1. Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple or present continuous.
TONY: So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the rainforest?
LEILA: There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants which could be useful in medicine
_____________ (grow) in the rainforest. We _____________ (not/know) all the plants, but there
are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers _____________ (try) to discover their secrets
before they are destroyed.
TONY: I see, what other reasons are?
LEILA: Well, have you heard that the word _____________ (get) warmer? The rainforests have
always had an important influence on our weather but now they _____________ (disappear) at a
terrifying rate and people _____________ (not / do) enough to save them.
TONY: But I _____________ (enjoy) warm sunshine, is global warming really such a problem?
LEILA: You know that polar regions _____________ (consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they
_____________ (melt) the level of the see will rise and cause terrible floods. Many sicentist
_____________ (believe) that temperatures _____________ (rise) as we talk. We must do
everything we can to prevent global warming, and that includes preserving the rainforest!
TONY: Thank you Leila, and good luck in your campaign.
LEILA: Thank you.
2. Tick the correct sentences. In some pairs, one is correct, in other pairs both can be
a) What do you think of my hair?
a) You look great today.
a) Do you enjoy your meal?
a) Where do you live?
a) I don't believe his story.
a) Students seem tired today.
a) How often do you play tennis?

b) What are you thinking of my hair.

b) You're looking great today.
b) Are you enjoying your meal?
b) Where are you living?
b) I'm not believing his story.
b) Students are seeming tired today.
b) How often are you playing tennis?

3. Choose the correct alternative.

Thomas Edison started/was starting work on the railway when he was twelve, selling newspaper
and snacks. There were long periods with nothing for him to do, so he built/was building himself
a little laboratory in the luggage van. He could carry out experiments there when he didn't
sell/wasn't selling things to passengers. He also joined/was joining a library and read/was
reading every single books in it.
One day, when he waited/was waiting at the station, he noticed/was noticing a small boy. The
boy played/was playing by the track, unaware that a train approached/was approaching. Edison
ran/was running out and grabbed/was grabbing the child just in time. The child's father was so
grateful that he offered/was offering to teach Edison to be a telegraph operator. After a year, he
was good enough to get a job in the telegraph office. He continued to read and experiment
whenever he had/was having time. At twenty-one he left/was leaving the telegraph office to
devote all his time to being an inventor. He went on/was going on to invent the electric light
bulb, the phonograph and the movie camera.

4. Use the words given to make sentences. Do not change the order of the words. Use only
the past simple and past continuous.
a) when Dan / arrive / we / have / coffee
b) while he / walk / in the mountains, Henry / see / a bear
c) the students / play / a game when the teacher / arrive
d) I / walk / home when it / start / to snow
e) Andy / go / out of the restaurant when he / see / Jenny
5. Write complete sentences. Use present continuous, will or going to.
JIM: everybody / come / to the meeting on Friday afternoon?
PAM: Most people.
JIM: it / be/ a long meeting?
PAM: I'm not sure. It / probably / be / about three hours. Why?
JIM: I / go / to the dentist at 5.30. I made an appointment two weeks ago.
TOM: Great! That's the end of school for a few weeks!
LUCY: When / the next term / begin?
TOM: On the 3rd of September.
LUCY: What / you / do / during the holidays?
TOM: I don't know yet, but I / think / go / to the beach. What about you?
LUCY: I already have a plan. My school / not / finish / until next week, after I / go / to Venice,
but I don't exactly know when.
6. Correct the following sentences.
a) I think the new road shall be open soon.
b) The exam is going to start at 9 tomorrow.
c) Come in, Joe. You look cold. Sit down. Will I make you a cup of tea?
d) Do you think it is snowing later?
e) Anne isn't here. Don't worry I'm going to call her back later.
g) I'll have dinner with mum on Friday evening.

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