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Julie Connor: Head of GMIST

Telephone No: 0161 234 3181


Greater Manchester Integrated Support

Manchester Town Hall
PO BOX 532
M60 2LA
29 April 2015

Dear Councillor,
Re: Greater Manchester Interim Mayor Councillor Engagement Sessions
The process to recruit the Interim Mayor for Greater Manchester Combined Authority
(GMCA) will include a series of engagement events comprising four councillor
engagement sessions and a stakeholder panel discussion. The feedback from these
events will contribute to the overall recruitment process and will assist the GMCA in
making a decision on this important appointment.
There will be four councillor scrutiny sessions to be held across Greater Manchester and I
am writing to invite you to attend one of the following sessions:Monday 11 May
Wednesday 13 May
Friday 15 May
Monday 18 May

Council Chamber, Manchester Town Hall

Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Salford
Council Chamber, Bury Town Hall
1864 Suite, Lancashire Cricket Club, Old

Any councillor from across the ten Greater Manchester local authorities may attend any of
the sessions and attendees are asked to confirm which session they will be attending in
writing. The sessions will not be open to the public however councillors are advised that it
is intended that the sessions will be live streamed (where possible) to enable councillors
who are not able to attend to hear the presentations and discussions and will also enable

the public at large the opportunity to hear the candidates.

The engagement sessions will be chaired by the GMCA member of the host authority and
there will be a short introduction by the Chair at the start of each session to provide an
overview of the process, ground rules for the discussion, questions and recording

Each candidate will be given an opportunity to make a ten minute presentation outlining
their reasons for seeking appointment, their overall approach and ambitions for the role.
There will then be opportunity for questions from councillors in the audience to each
candidate individually (see below). This part of the process will be done on a separate
basis for each candidate.
Following individual presentation by the candidate, if any
councillor wishes to ask additional questions, these should also be made in writing and will
be collated from tables at the session and submitted so that they can be ordered through
the Chair. The Chair will be responsible for the efficient management of the session.
GM Councillors are invited to submit questions in advance of the session which they are
attending, or on the day of the session, for each candidate. Questions can be the same to
both candidates or addressed to one candidate only. These questions should be made in
writing and submitted to myself at the address given below.
It is suggested that questions should relate to the role description and relevant topics, eg
the Greater Manchester Strategy, Devolution, Growth and Reform and links to relevant
documents are provided below.
Exact timings will be subject to attendance numbers on the day but with an equal amount
of time given for each shortlisted candidate.
It is expected that all councillors will adhere to the spirit of GMCAs Code of Conduct
during the sessions, which can be viewed via the link below, on page 108 of the
Feedback to the GMCA Appointment Panel
Members of the GMCA (or their GMCA substitutes where appropriate) will be asked to
ensure that any feedback from councillors arising from these engagement sessions and
from other discussions within their local authorities is collated and fed back to the Interview
Panel on 29th May.
If you would like to attend an engagement session or submit questions please
would you do so by email to the inbox address below, for the attention of Julie
Connor Head of GMIST, This will enable us to
manage attendee numbers and ensure facilities at each venue meet requirements.
Yours sincerely,

Julie Connor
Head of the Greater Manchester Integrated Support Team

Links to documents
Greater Manchester Strategy
GM Interim Mayor, Guidance Notes, Eligibility Criteria, Role Description & Person
GMCA Code of Conduct

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