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for young singers age 7-17 to receive wonderful voice training. They just celebrated
Earth Day with a special concert that I thoroughly enjoyed. This Parish of March Youth
Choir is open to all in the community. It is led by Laura Hawley, an experienced,
professional choir leader who has exceptional talent in working with youth. For details
contact her at
CYCLING ACCIDENT DRIVE AND CYCLE SAFELY - Last week a young cyclist in
Kanata North was hit by a vehicle when returning home from school. Although his
injuries were described as minor, all children need to be protected from any injury.
Drivers need to slow down, particularly when children are going to or from school, stop
and wait when a school bus has its lights flashing and to watch out for all pedestrians
and cyclists. If your child rides a bike make certain the rules of the road are followed
stop at stop signs and where paths cross a road. Make certain the way is clear, wear a
helmet and ensure that the bike has a bell and lights (both are mandatory). Hopefully
schools will provide training on safe cycling practises for their students so that accidents
dont happen.
Join me on Saturday May 2, at 9 am at the end of Walden Drive for a walk around the
wetland and discussion on how nature can be sustained even when urban development
occurs. Wear comfortable shoes as the trail is rough in spots. It is not wheelchair
accessible. For information on Jane Walks go to
BEAVERBROOK CELEBRATES 50 YEARS with a series of events that remember its
origins. Past and present residents are first invited to a community pot luck dinner on
May 9 at 6 pm at the Mlacak Centre. Bring a dish for about 8 as your contribution. Then
on May 18, Mayfair will be back from 10 am to 2 pm, starting with a parade of decorated
bikes and tricycles to the Sandwell Green Park where old fashioned activities will be
held for all.
Cleaning the Capital is now underway with many groups picking up litter and removing
graffiti. Register at to get your supplies and be eligible for prizes and
do your part in making Kanata North clean again after the winter months.
I am an Ambassador for the ACE Campaign for the Queensway Carleton Hospitals
floor for acutely ill elderly. Let me know if you can join me at the Kickoff to the
Campaign Breakfast on May 4.
Try our Citys recreation facilities and pools for free this week (April 27-until May 3). If
youre unsure what fitness classes or program you might enjoy, this is a great
opportunity to test them out.

Grassroot Grannies has their great plant sale on May 9 from 9am 1pm at 54
Rutherford Way.
Young at Art showcases teenage artists from local schools and their work is terrific.
View their work at the Kanata Civic Art Gallery in the Mlacak Centre. Awards will be
presented at a City-wide event at City Hall on May 13 at 7 pm.
Hike for Hospice happens at their new centre on McCurdy on May 3. Ill be there
around noon to take part and support construction for this necessary centre.
Kanata Race Day is June 14th. Go to and register for your timed
race of 10k, 5k or 1k.
That the Kanata North Business Park is the largest technology park in Canada? Stories
about how it grew from a small group of businesses in the beginning, to having more
than 500 companies is part of Kanatas history. Do you have a story about a business
that you could pass on to me?

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