Valley Sportsman

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626 Thain Road, Lewiston, ID • 208-746-0483 •

elcome to Valley Sportsman – a local magazine specifically tailored to hunters, anglers and
outdoor enthusiasts in North Central Idaho.
This issue showcases a variety of stories from our part of the Gem State. From tips on
purchasing a used rifle, cashing in on antlers and cougar sightings to a bear excursion that
ended in the bottom of Hells Canyon. Without a doubt, this issues is sure to entertain.
Deb Jones, Publisher

4 Key Hunting &
Fishing Dates

6 Matters
Why It

8 Pregnant
Tags Bull Elk
Hunter 4 6 8
10 JetBoating
12 Cougar

16 Texas
to Hells

18 BillConservation
for Wildlife
10 12 16 18
20 Rifle
Purchasing a Used

22 Surprising

24 Antlers

26 Brag
Board 20 22 24 26

Deb Jones - Moneysaver Layout Designer
Sarah Klement - Idaho County Free Press Travis Movius
Advertising Reps Publication of Eagle Media Northwest
Lisa Horner Graphic Designers
Wendy Wolf Travis Movius 626 Thain Road • Lewiston, ID 83501
Kristin Michael Afton Bond 208-746-0483 Lewiston
Lisa Atkinson VALLEY 208-983-1200 Grangeville


Dates are for the Clearwater Region only and may 15 April: Spring black bear hunting season opens
be different elsewhere in the state. Dates also may
vary due to weapon and/or tag types, controlled Spring wild turkey hunting season opens
hunts, emergency closures, etc. Please consult the 1 May-5 June: First controlled hunt application
current IDFG hunting/fishing regulations—avail- period for deer, elk, and black bear
able at license vendors, IDFG offices, and online at–for specific season dates and 31 May: First Super Hunt application deadline
1-10 June: Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain
1 April-30 April: Controlled hunt application period goat controlled hunt winners will be notified
for moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat
1 July: 2019 Trapping licenses go on sale
8 April: Spring wild turkey youth hunting season
opens (ages 10-17 only)
10 July: First controlled hunt drawing results avail- 1 November: Beaver, marten, mink, muskrat, and
able for deer, elk, and black bear otter trapping seasons open
Resident deer and elk tags go on sale 1 December: 2019 hunting and fishing licenses go
on sale
25 July: Idaho bighorn sheep raffle drawing (tickets
must be purchased prior to this date) 14 December: Bobcat hunting and trapping seasons
1 August: Wolf hunting season opens
Dates provided by Idaho Department of Fish & Game and are tentative and
Deadline for controlled hunt winners to purchase could be subject to change. Check or call 208-799-5010 for more
details. Pick up a copy of your hunting regulations for complete details.
their controlled hunt tags
Leftover nonresident general season deer and elk
tags go on sale as second tag
5-15 August: Second application period for un-
claimed deer, elk, and bear controlled hunt tags
10 August: Second Super Hunt application deadline
25 August: Second controlled hunt drawing results
27 August: Leftover controlled hunt tags from sec-
ond drawing go on sale
30 August: Deer and elk archery hunting seasons
Black bear and mountain lion hunting seasons open
Forest grouse hunting season opens
Cottontail and snowshoe hare hunting season opens
Wild turkey hunting season opens
Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat hunting
seasons open for controlled hunt winners
1 September: Mourning dove hunting season
opens (tentative)
15 September: California quail, chukar, and gray
partridge hunting seasons open
1-2 October: Youth waterfowl hunting weekend
6 October: Youth pheasant hunting season opens
(ages 17 and under only)
10 October: Deer and elk any weapon hunting sea-
sons open
13 October: Pheasant hunting season opens
Duck and goose hunting seasons open (tentative)


By: Barry Cummings, District Conservation Officer opportunity taken away from another angler.”
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
“I have never thought about it in that way”, he replied.
As I was standing at the dam on the North Fork of the
Clearwater River, a man walked up and asked me if I Fishing, hunting and trapping regulations generally
could answer a question for him. Being a Conservation address three types of objectives: biological, safety
Officer for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, I and fair chase/fair to all. Every year I teach the ethics
was checking licenses and creel of several anglers that portion of several hunter education classes and in every
were focusing their efforts on the congregating fish in class I teach, I ask the same question. Does it matter
the North Fork. if someone sitting in this very class, whom you do not
know and may never meet again, is an ethical hunter?
“Does the hatchery have all of the fish they need for Do you care if that same person is a lawful hunter?
brood stock”, he asked. The answer is easy. The few that choose not to follow
“I believe they do”, I replied. the hunting and fishing regulations choose to take an
opportunity away from someone else. Those choosing
“Then tell me why you care how many fish people to make poor ethical decisions also effect all of us by
keep? Aren’t all of these fish going to die anyway?” eroding the public’s perception and trust of hunters.
I asked him to look around and tell me how many Every fall officers receive multiple complaints from
anglers he could see. I estimated 20 or so just from our concerned citizens and landowners who witness people
location. hunting from a motor vehicle or shooting from a public
roadway. Both activities are unlawful in Idaho and are
I told him “all of these folks came out here today with highly visible. I live in rural Idaho and have experienced
the hope of catching a steelhead. They all have the this myself.
same opportunity and if they reach their limit, they will
quit for the day. If not, every fish taken over limit is an Just a few years ago, I was home when I heard a loud

gunshot. I was standing next to a window and remember leaning down away from the window as it sounded like
the shot came from right outside. As I stood up and looked out, I saw a vehicle traveling slowing down the roadway.
I drove down to where I believe the shot came from and noticed that my horses were spooked since they were
crowded into a corner of the fence.
I caught up with the vehicle within a mile and when I made contact with the two occupants, one of them said, “I
shot at a group of five or six deer that were standing in a pasture up the roadway”. I asked him to describe where
he was when he fired the shot and his description confirmed my suspicions that he was near my home. He stated
that he was unsure if he hit anything, so we returned and walked into the field. I found his bullet track in the
pasture and asked him to look behind us. His response was “wow, there is a house there, I didn’t see it when I
shot”. The driver further stated that he did not know any of the landowners in the area, had not asked anyone for
permission to hunt and admitted that he was driving around in his vehicle looking for a deer to shoot.
As I cited him for hunting from a motor vehicle and shooting from the roadway, I explained that this is the type
of activity that has lasting impressions on landowners.
For me and my family, it was the sixth time that shots
came from the road by our home in rural Latah County.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
Rules and regulations are in place for a reason – to
conserve wildlife and protect the public. So, the next
time you have the opportunity to talk hunting ethics and
laws with someone, let them know why it matters.
Barry Cummings is a District Conservation Officer for Idaho Fish and Game
in the Clearwater Region. He started his career with the agency in 2001 as a
Conservation Officer in Idaho Falls. Barry moved to the Deary patrol area in
2002 and served as the local officer until 2010. In his spare time, Barry enjoys
woodworking, hunting and fishing.

By Elizabeth Eastman stomach. Only moments passed when his eyes caught
In early 2017 the chatter began of what hunting adventures the unmistakable buckskin color of an older bull elk and
my husband Josh and I would embark on. Elk, whitetail, excitement was immediately upon us. The largest bull we
mule deer and moose were all options. My first instinct was had seen all year was contently browsing while another
to put in for an elk draw unit because after multiple years chewed his cud in the shadows of a fir tree. As the crisp
of unnotched tags and seasons without spotting an elk, I breeze brushed across our skin chatter began and plans
wanted to try something different. Josh knew the perfect were made for how to make a successful morning hunt.
unit for me and I submitted my application. The weeks and As the sun was setting the elk became uneasy, we were
months went by with anticipation building - who would confused about their sudden change in behavior when
draw what tags. Days before draw results were posted we Josh noticed a UTV and two people walking on the
received some of the best news, our first baby would be ridge directly above them. Shortly after, the disturbed elk
arriving February 2018! As exciting as this was, I wondered disappeared into the timber two shots rang out, my heart
if and to what extent I would be able to hunt come fall. plummeted, the excitement from moments before turned
to outrage and anger. Josh and I looked at each other
The day came and draw results were posted. Josh was in disbelief of what happened, questioning if they were
unsuccessful in his draw for an archery elk hunt. I on shooting elk out of season. Then the realization came to
the other hand had success and received all tags I put us that bear season was open and that was likely what the
in for. Josh was more excited than me. Scouting began hunters were pursuing. Irritated the elk were pressured
immediately. Google Earth, maps scattered over the living before season, we hiked back to camp picking up the
room floor and a plan for physical conditioning was going pieces of what had just happened.
to make this a successful hunt. Hot summer days often
ended with loading a pack frame with dumbbells and Opening day came and went, our time was spent hiking a
starting out on a cross country adventure through hay and small portion of the immense landscape. The chirp of the
wheat fields. While I knew this was nothing compared to birds and soft mewing of elk were quickly replaced by the
the rugged river breaks, it was what I had nearby. Multiple buzz of ATV’s and distant echo of rifle shots. The weather
scouting trips revealed bull elk, and while none were turned cold as a winter storm rolled in, and visibility
trophy class, I was ecstatic and willing to hunt any of them. became limited. On our second day Josh decided it was
time for a timber sneak. As we crept through the woods
As opening day neared I felt prepared and ready for a our senses heightened, every step we took was important.
7-day hunting adventure. Being 22 weeks pregnant A crunch of the brush or snap of a twig was sure to alert
many people questioned my ability, but I was fine. I had an elk to danger. The only fresh sign we found was the
prepared for this day and my doctor gave me the go carcass which remained from a successful hunt the day
ahead. The night before opening day was spent behind before. The muscles in my legs were fatigued as we began
glass scanning the terrain, hoping the open brush fields our hike back up the heavily timbered ridge, my feet were
would reveal the location of an elk. Josh was diligently soaked and hands numbed by the brisk winter air. I began
scanning the ridge in front of us while I was digging to wonder why I enjoyed the adventure I was embarking
through my pack for a snack to curb the growling of my
on. The evening calmed as the storm passed. Exhausted
from the day I snuggled down into my sleeping bag and
quickly fell asleep. As I dozed off, my guide, husband and
best friend spent time scanning maps for the perfect place
to find an elk on day three. In the early morning hours, we
were awakened by water dripping on our face, our tent
was leaking, our gear was soaked. We were miserable.
With few hours of sleep, we pulled our things together and
headed out for yet another hunt. Fresh snow dampened
the sound of boots moving across the landscape and
it was peaceful as the sun began to rise. The first few
minutes revealed fresh elk tracks cutting across the trail
followed by a whitetail doe resting peacefully in the duff
under a pine tree. It was going to be a good day. We
scanned the open brush fields, hoping to catch an elk
feeding across the slopes before bedding down. Nearing
the end of our morning hunt Josh spotted spike antlers. I
began the season with a goal of shooting a branch antler
bull, but my mindset had changed. I was humbled by the
previous days and just wanted to successfully harvest an
elk. My heart was racing as I reached to pull the cover off
my scope, the moment I had been waiting for was finally
here. The spike walked behind brush revealing only a small
portion of his front shoulder. I was not comfortable with
the shot. Minutes passed which seemed like hours before
he turned and walked out of sight. I was sure he was
gone but Josh knew otherwise. He helped me move and
get set up in a better location so all I had to do was wait.
The elk quickly passed through one small opening, yet I
missed my chance to squeeze the trigger before he was
hidden behind the brush again. Seconds later my attention
was drawn to an opening on the hillside, another bull had
revealed himself. I quickly placed my crosshairs behind his
shoulder, took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger.
The elk wheeled around and took off into the brush. Josh
looked at me with a big grin on his face. I was still in
disbelief but Josh knew I successfully harvested my first
bull elk! The next several hours were spent dressing out
my freshly harvested animal while smiling, laughing and
reminiscing about current and past events which led us to
where we are standing today.
With one shot, my tag was notched and my elk hunt was
over. My bull was not a branch antler bull however, it was
my first and I am content. Hunting public lands allowed
me to experience first-hand how the impact human activity
can change animal behavior. This season not only gave me
the opportunity to harvest my first elk, it humbled me as a

Elizabeth graduated from University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science degree

in Fishery Resources. She is employed at Nez Perce Tribe Watershed Division as
a Restoration Specialist. In her free time, she enjoys hunting, camping, riding Elizabeth with her husband Josh and daughter Ellis
horses and spending time with her husband and daughter.

By Brice Barnes Jet boats can be used twelve months out of the year,
Riverview Marina whereas fiberglass and other boats are typically only used
Jet boating has been around for many years and is in the spring and summer months. Since fiberglass boats
considered “exploring with a boat”. have a shorter window for good weather, they must be
winterized so they won’t freeze and break.
A jetboat is a boat propelled by a jet of water ejected from
the back of the craft. Unlike a fiberglass motorboat that The advantages of a jet boats are unlimited.
uses an external propeller below or behind the boat, a First, there is no winterization needed. The motor has its
jetboat draws water from under the boat. The water then own cooling system inside called closed loop cooling and
goes through an intake and into a pump-jet inside the boat the motor uses antifreeze that runs through the motor to
and is expelled through a nozzle at the stern. Jetboats cool it off. Fiberglass and prop boats use river water to cool
were originally designed to overcome the problem of the motor. All inboard prop boats need to be winterized
propellers striking rocks in the water. because river water is in motor.
Second, heaters and defrosters are a huge benefit.
Because jet boats can run year-round, the heater/defroster

S TIdahoires Hours
is great for keeping warm while boating and steelhead
Monday- Friday
8am-5pm. fishing in the colder months.
Saturday by
appointment only.
Third, jet boats have shallow water and big capabilities.
111 S Front Road • 208-935-7805 There is a hole in the bottom of the boat called a grate
intake, which sucks the water up into the jet pump to
propel the boat. Since there is no external prop motor
the consumer can be more confident knowing there is
a minimal chance of hitting rocks because jetboats can
literally run in inches of water. If a rock is hit, more than
likely little damage will be done.
We also do brake changes, shocks, oil changes and have batteries for sale.
We have competitive pricing.

Lastly, since jet boats are made of aluminum, the bottom Jetboating in the Lewis Clark Valley is not just hobby – for
can be dented and still run without difficulty. With other many it’s a way of life.
boats, a rock can crack, break and possibly even sink the
boat. Brice Barnes is the manager of Riverview Marina. Jetboating has been a 45-year
The downside to operating a jetboat is small. The most family tradition that he learned from his dad and is passing on to his daughter,
Brooke. He considers the river a special place and has a passion for building
common limitation is that the operator simply doesn’t know custom dream boats for his clients.
the correct channel when boating in shallow water and


845 E. Main 208-983-0491 Grangeville, ID

Captured from video by Skip Brandt”

By Andrew Ottoson future, now-retired Idaho Fish and Game Clearwater Region
Idaho County Free Press supervisor Dave Cadwallader.
Published July 25, 2018 “You don’t need our permission when it’s a public safety
“We had a visitor Friday night,” Idaho County Commissioner issue,” Cadwallader reportedly said. “They are not going to
Skip Brandt wrote in an e-mail Sunday morning, July 22. be breaking any Fish and Game laws if this thing shows up
He included two surveillance videos of a cougar creeping on their porch and they shoot in self-defense.”
around on his property, one of which ended with a swish The Free Press sought clarity as to City of Kooskia policy on
of the big cat’s tail — after which it leaped at something off- discharging firearms within city limits in the circumstance
screen. of a threatening animal appearing on private property, but
“Folks should know that it is out there,” he said. “It was not did not hear back from the city attorney before the press
that big of a cougar. I suspect it was just a little bigger than deadline.
our 80-pound Lab.” As for IDFG’s approach to the matter, not much has
Brandt told the Free Press he didn’t shoot it. changed.
“Our Lab was all excited to get out there and tear into it,” “Lion sightings have been pretty common in the Kamiah,
he explained. “So as I reached for the door knob with gun Kooskia, Stites and Grangeville area,” district conservation
in hand, I had this image of her taking me out at the knees officer George Fischer told the Free Press. “It’s nothing
as soon as I cracked the door, and then as I landed on my new. If you have deer you will have lions eventually. Folks
back shooting a hole in the ceiling. Would not have been should just be aware there are lions and bears here. Don’t
good,” he exclaimed. feed them or let them lose fear of you. A ‘tame’ one has the
potential to be very dangerous.”
Cougars have been seen in Kooskia city limits before,
notably in 1999, when the Lewiston Tribune quoted then- Fischer said IDFG had heard of a recent incident in Caribel
involving a bear that walked into an outside kitchen and

“got himself shot a couple months ago.”
When it comes to mountain lions — and how people
handle moments of self-defense — long-time locals rarely
ask permission to protect themselves.
“We just hope they, one, truly felt they, their family and/
or their property was threatened. Two, they have a safe
shot and are very sure of their target — and what may be
in front of or behind it. There have been scary and sad
stories as a result of lion hysteria and collateral damage.
And, three, call it in ASAP after the shot, so there are no

Commonsense actions can prevent problems

• Don’t feed wildlife, including deer, raccoons or other
small animals. All are lion prey species and may attract
mountain lions.
• Feed pets indoors if possible. Pet food left outdoors may
attract mountain lions or lion prey, such as raccoons.
Find more tips in an IDFG pamphlet available online at


Idaho Fish and Game under a “creative

commons” license in 2015

By Brad Chance
Mike and John Lynch, brothers from San
Antonio, Texas and seasoned hunters
have always had a black bear hunt on
their bucket list. But being from Texas it
was obvious they would have to hunt in
another state. When they met Bob Chance,
a seasoned bear hunter from Idaho on an
Aoudad hunt, the talk of a bear hunt in Idaho
escalated and eventually became a reality.
In May 2018, Mike and John woke up to
alarm clocks in San Antonio and by 5am had
checked their gear and boarded a plane
bound for Idaho. With a plane change in
Salt Lake City, Utah the two hunters would
be arriving in Lewiston at 11:30am. Bob
picked them up at the airport and took them
to get their hunting licenses and tags. After
a quick stop for groceries, they began the
short trip into the Hells Canyon Area.
The plan was to drop Mike off at Bob’s
brother, Brad Chance’s camp. Brad was
enjoying a few days of morel mushroom
hunting while spotting and stalking bears.
Bob and John would team up to hunt
another area about ten miles away while
Mike would hunt with Brad. This would give
the brothers better odds that they could
each harvest a bear.
When Bob, Mike and John arrived at Brad’s
camp it was already 4pm. There was a
heavy fog coming out of the canyon and
due to the thickness, it was challenging to
site in Mike’s gun even at 100 yards. Once
the gun was sited, Brad and Mike decided to
take a drive to glass. Bob and John did the
same heading in the other direction.
Mike, a flatlander from Texas, knew that
the country would be rugged but had no
idea how rugged until the fog lifted, and he
was able to see deep into the Snake River
Canyon. His exact words were “Wow, this
looks like New Zealand.” There was no
doubt he was in awestruck by the beauty.
We continued to drive to the turn-around
point where the road was gated off. It was there
that we finally got below the fog line. We began to
glass the mountain side looking into the lush green
canyon. It was then that we saw a dark figure
moving and realized it was a bear.
We got out of the truck and immediately set up
the spotting scope. After looking at the sun, our
watches and the bear below it was decision time.
I told Mike to get his gear and we ran down the
mountain to a spot that we could set up for a 300
yard-shot. Once there and out of breath with our
legs burning, we noticed the bear had moved into
the next drainage.
We quickly decided we were committed to hunting
this bear so deeper into the canyon we went. Since
I was familiar with the landscape I knew the bear
wouldn’t be able to escape without being seen
and it wasn’t long before movement came from the
only tree in the drainage. Mike quickly set up on
a rock to have a solid rest and fired. He dropped
the first bear he had ever seen – a female black
bear weighing in at approximately 200 pounds. It
was 7pm and we were about 1.5 miles into Hells
The bear was an old female, blind in the right eye
and was missing several teeth. Mike thought the
bear was destined to be his because they shared
the same color of hair.
“I was determined to earn this bear and pack it out
myself,” said Mike Lynch.
Mike did pack the bear out on his own, which
took about two hours. The bear’s hide will be
tanned and rugged, which will take about a year to
complete. The skull was bleached and shipped to
Back at camp that night, the story was told.
Unfortunately, Mike’s brother John’s bear hunt
came up short. That said, the brothers plan to
return to Idaho for another hunt.
For Mike it was a remarkable hunt and a day to
remember. A day that started in Texas and ended
at the bottom of Hells Canyon in Idaho.
Brad was born and raised in Lewiston and is employed by Clearwater Paper. When Mike Lynch & Brad Chance
not working he loves to spend time in the woods scouting, looking for sheds, hunt-
ing and picking mushrooms. His philosophy – any reason is a good time to be in the
woods. VALLEY

By Roger Phillips, Public Information Specialist

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - IDFG
Idaho Sen. Jim Risch introduced the bill on July 17, House
version introduced in December
Senators James Risch (R-Idaho) and Joe Manchin (D-West
Virginia) introduced Recovering America’s Wildlife Act into
the Senate on July 17, which could provide additional federal
money to states for fish and wildlife species with the highest
needs. The House version of the bill was introduced in
If the act becomes law, Idaho Fish and Game intends to use
its share of the funds to implement Idaho’s State Wildlife
Action Plan. The plan provides strategic direction to use
non-regulatory, action-based solutions to conserve fish
and wildlife with an emphasis on more than 200 species of
greatest conservation need, which include greater sage-
grouse, wolverine and wild steelhead.
“The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would allow the
Idaho Fish and Game Commission to devote additional
resources to species of concern without detracting from
others. That in turn would benefit the management of all fish
and wildlife in Idaho and the citizens who enjoy it through
better conservation and also enhancing the rich tradition of
hunting and fishing,” Fish and Game Commission Chairman
Derick Attebury said. 
The act would redirect $1.3 billion annually in existing
royalties from the development of energy and minerals on
federal lands and waters to be dedicated to the Wildlife
Conservation Restoration Program, which is an account
under the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program. 
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act could be the most
important conservation legislation in a generation. For
more than 75 years, wildlife conservation in the U.S. has
primarily been funded through fishing, hunting and trapping
license fees, as well as excise taxes on hunting and fishing
“This funding will be a game changer for the conservation THE ALL NEW 2019
RAM 1500
and management of Idaho’s fish and wildlife,” said Rex
Sallabanks, Fish and Game’s Wildlife Diversity Manager.
“Species identified as being in the greatest need of
conservation in Idaho’s State Wildlife Action Plan need our
attention in order to prevent them from becoming listed as
Threatened or Endangered under the Endangered Species
“Passage of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would
enable the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to
implement necessary and important actions to benefit
these species — including both game and nongame —
thus maintaining our state-led management authority
as stewards of the full array of Idaho’s fish and wildlife,”
Sallabanks said.



By Mike Thomas Having narrowed the field, it is now time to determine the
Lolo Sporting Goods condition of the rifle. A rifle that looks well used and worn
This is a great time to purchase a used rifle. The may have been fired very little. The opposite is also true.
proliferation of new accurate entry level rifles at very A rifle that has been fired extensively may look new.
reasonable prices has lowered the demand for used rifles. Here are a few quicks tips that within a few minutes should
With careful shopping one should be able to purchase allow you to determine whether a particular rifle is in good
a used mid-level rifle for approximately half the cost of a working order. Finish wear will lower the value, but seldom
similar new rifle. will it impair functionality. I will describe the things to look
The future use of the rifle and a budget should be for on a bolt action rifle, and most of this information will
determined. This will quickly narrow the field. If shopping transfer to other designs.
for a deer rifle in a particular price range, all rifles above that First look for cracks in the stock. If the barreled action is
range can be eliminated fairly quickly. The same can be able to move in the stock upon firing, the stock may crack.
said for all rifles either not suitable for deer or not legal for These cracks may be hairline fractures that could lead to
deer hunting in the area you intend to hunt. By the same future trouble. Look to the rear of the bolts that hold the
token, if shopping for a varmint gun all rifles not well suited barreled action in the stock. Turn the stock so that light
to that sport may be eliminated. hits these locations a various angles. If you notice a thin
A quick perusal of the used rifle rack in a sporting goods dark line, examine the area further as the line may be
store may reveal a few candidates that are suitable and the result of oil, moisture or dirt migrating into an almost
within the desired price range. These candidates can be imperceptible crack.
further sorted by fit. A tall person most likely will not want a If the stock looks good, remove the bolt. You will want a
compact rifle, and a shorter person might find that to be the good light to peer through the barrel from both ends. If
best option. there is dust in the barrel, ask a store employee to wipe

it out. The dust is also an indication that the firearm must Any faults other than a frosty throat, a corroded barrel, or
be disassembled and cleaned. If it has sat long enough to a badly broken stock can be easily fixed by a competent
gather dust in the barrel, it is highly likely oil has congealed gunsmith. However, the cost of this work should be
in the fire control area possibly leading to an unsafe considered before making an offer.
condition. There are other things to take into consideration before
Looking from the chamber end of the barrel, there should making an offer, for example the cost and availability of
be no rust or corrosion. If there is, it may lead to extraction ammunition, but if you follow the few steps outlined above
problems. The area where the bullet enters the rifling you will tilt the odds of finding a good used rifle in your
is called the throat. The ends of the lands should look favor.
square and sharp. If they look frosty, significant erosion has
Mike Thomas has been the manager of Lolo Sporting Goods since 2010. Rarely does a
taken place. This is most common in rifles that have seen day pass that he doesn’t learn something from a customer. It may be a technical point,
extensive firing. If the throat is frosty, it is time to reconsider or a lesson in integrity but he’s constantly learning. His motto: If it goes bang, it is
the purchase.
Now look at the other end of the barrel. The very end is
called the crown, and it should be damage free. The finish
may be worn off, and this is okay, but there should be no
scratches, dents or corrosion. The crown may be cut in any
of several styles, but it should be symmetrical. A crown that
is damaged or nonsymmetrical will impair accuracy.
The bore itself should be bright and shiny. If it is not, it is
time to reconsider the purchase. The reason for this is that
a fouled bore may have corrosion beneath the fouling. The
only way to determine the condition of a fouled bore is to
clean the fouling out. This can require a good bit of work,
and time.


By Kacey Jackson-Sanders number of houses built along the river banks. It was
Snake River Adventures explained that everything from Heller Bar on up the river
It was April and we were taking a class of fourth graders must be taken by boat, including the truck and excavator
up into Hells Canyon for a yearly school field trip. The that they could see.
day was sunny and beautiful. The air was filled with Further up the river, we came to Wild Goose, which was
excited sounds from the children chattering as everyone the first sizable rapid on the journey. The kids loved
loaded up on the jet boat. what looked like “boiling white water”. It was explained
Captain Nate Luther and Deckhand Eric Purdue made that Wild Goose got its name from the way that the river
sure everyone was comfortable and safely seated on swirled. And that back in the day if a boater didn’t catch
the boat before idling out onto the river. As the jets the current just right, the water would grab the bow of
powered up, Nate talked about the rock formations the boat and whip it around in a “wild goose chase”.
along the river and told stories about the history of The first stop we made was at Garden Creek Ranch,
Canyon Natives. which is a nature reserve spot that is leased from the
An hour into the trip, the students began to see wildlife state. While stopped, the kids had the opportunity to
and the entrance of Hells Canyon. A bald eagle was pick fresh fruit from the orchard and look for the deer
spotted soaring, and a flock of geese was coming back and turkey that live in the area.
from the south. After loading back into the boat, we continued up the
As we continued up the canyon, the road alongside river and spotted more wildlife. The children saw mule
the river came to an end. The kids were amazed at the deer and big horn sheep on the bank. Then the most

exciting thing happened – Captain Nate
spotted an animal swimming in the water
and slowed the boat to get a better look.
As he approached the animal turned and
looked straight at the boat. The animal
in the water was a cougar! The children
were told that it’s rare to spot a cougar let
alone watch one swim across the river.
On this class field trip, the students got to
see something that they will never forget
– a rare cougar sighting. It just goes to
show, you never know what you will see
when exploring Hells Canyon but it’s sure
to be beautiful and filled with surprises!

Kacey is the Tourism and Sales Director for Snake River Adventures.
She was born in the valley and has worked with several local
businesses on the river including the Snake River Task Force
Committee. She currently serves on the Local Tourism Committee.
In her free time she enjoys spending time outdoors horn hunting
and hunting and fishing with her husband and four kids.

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By Gary Schroeder Collectors should ensure that they have permission

Moscow Hide and Fur to search private lands, including those owned by
timber companies. Potlatch Corporation, for example,
Idaho residents can find and sell shed antlers
sells an access fee for $50. National Forest, BLM,
including antlers from animals that have died from
and Idaho public lands are open to everyone unless
natural causes. In addition, hunters may sell the
posted as closed. Many roads are closed in the
antlers from animals they have legally shot.
spring because the road beds are soft and vehicle
While most antlers are “found” in the spring after traffic will result in ruts and other damage. Obey
deer, moose, and especially elk shed them, snow is these signs so that we can all continue to enjoy
also a consideration. Lots of deer and moose antlers access to our public lands.
get covered with snow because they are typically
Antlers will vary in quality. Newly shed antlers will
shed in the winter. Typically, deer start shedding in
be nice and brown and hard. Others that have been
December, moose in January and elk in late March.
shed for a year or two could have cracks. Older
Collectors must wait for the snow to melt in some
antlers that have been overlooked for several years
areas so that they can find the antlers and access
will have the outer surface flaking off and will often
previously “snowed in” country. Once we have “leaf
have algae or leaf stains unless they are laying in the
burst” and the bushes and trees get their leaves, it is
sun; if laying in the sun they will be bleached white.
more difficult to see antlers. And don’t be surprised
These will be grades as “chalky.”
to see a deer or moose running around in late spring
with their antlers! Nice fresh antlers can have some tines missing
because the animals were fighting during the rut
The best place to find shed antlers is where the
and broke them off. In the 1970’s I found two 5-point
animals are at the time of year when they shed them.
white-tail bucks in a canyon south of Genesee that
This can vary from year to year as snow levels will
were fighting and got some barbed wire wrapped
often be the determining factor in ungulate altitudinal
around their antlers. Of course, both bucks perished.
migrations. So, don’t count on elk being in the same
place each spring. Snow will keep animals at lower Often, antlers will have varying degrees of “chews” on
elevations and an early “green up” pushes them into them because everything from mice to porcupines to
the higher country. bears and coyotes will chew on them. Even though
antlers are shed, there is still blood in the center of

them and this is attractive to all animals. They serve put more money in your pocketbook faster than deer
as a source of calcium as well. Sometimes, half of antlers or older type antlers. But, hey, you might as
the antler has been chewed away. well pack everything out of that canyon because that
Trophy quality antlers are probably worth keeping. Or is all you might find today.
maybe they are just nice mementos of a cherished Antlers are used for a variety of purposes. Lamps,
time spent afield. chandeliers and furniture can all be made from
So, what are antlers worth? Nicely balanced sets that antlers. The antler arch at the Cowboy Hall of Fame
have no chews and are fresh, will be purchased for in Oklahoma has lots of Idaho antlers in it. Lots
“set” premium prices by many dealers. Everything of antlers are now used for “dog chews” and can
from spikes to larger sets can often be sold this way. be found in pet stores. In addition, elk antlers are
Other dealers will just buy everything by the pound shipped to the Far East for medicinal use. Pens, knife
and will cut sets from the skull plate before buying handles, buttons, furniture handles, and arrowheads
them. To serious antler dealers, everything is worth are a few of the other uses for antlers. Older antlers
something, even the “chalky” sides that have been are often used for decorations in xeroscaping. Some
afield for a number of years, and those Grandpa are just sold for squirrels to eat!
stored in the attic or barn for fifty years. It is wise to Get some exercise, ask permission, stay legal and
wash them off before taking them to a dealer so that enjoy Idaho’s outdoors through shed hunting. If you
they be properly evaluated. are lucky you can put a few bucks in your pocket. And
Prices can vary from $10-$12/pound on the best who knows, you might find the trophy of a life-time
antlers to less than a buck a pound on the lower just lying there waiting for you!
grades. Some special sides can bring a premium of
$2-$3/pound. These are usually the especially large Gary Schroeder is the Sole Proprietor of Moscow Hide & Fur, a business he started
in 1973. He earned a MS degree in Zoology from the University of Idaho and served
sides or those that have some unusual configuration. 18 years in the Idaho Senate. He enjoys spending his free time in Idaho›s streams,
Obviously, the heavier antlers like elk and moose can forests, and mountains.


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Filleting & Skinning A Fish
Large fish such as Salmon, Steelhead and big 4. Remove rib cage after the fillet is cut. panfish,
trout or fish with large plentiful scales, such as are easier to cook if they have been filleted and
bass and skinned first.
5. To skin the fish place it skin side
down on a flat surface, insert
1. Lay the fish on its side on a the knife blade about a 1/2 inch from
flat surface. Cut the fish behind the tail. Grip the tail firmly and run the
its gills and pectoral fin down to, knife blade at an angle between the
but not through, the backbone. skin and the meat.

2. Without removing the knife,

turn the blade and cut
through the ribs
toward the tail. Use
the fish’s backbone
to guide you.
Turn fish around and finish cutting fillet
away from the backbone.

3. Turn the fish over and

repeat on the other side.

Provided by Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife


Releasing a Fish
Always wet your hands and handle the fish gently as you
fish loses consciousness, try to revive it by gently moving
it back and forth in the water so water moves through its
remove the Email gills. When the fish revives and begins to struggle, let it
hook. Grasp boardtophotos
fish carefully avoid anyto go. Fish do not always survive being caught.
spines on the back. If the fish is hooked deeply, you may
not be able to remove the hook. Cut the line and release For more information about catch and release go to
the fish. The hook will rust, dissolve or work its way this link:
for ourhooks
loose. (Use barbless 2019-2020
if you plan onedition
the Parts • Repair • Service

fish you catch – they can be muchSportsman
easier to remove.) If a Ph. 208-962-5920

Parts & Service
412 S. 1st
Cottonwood, ID
& AG, Inc.
IDAHO’S TRESPASS LAW changes July 1, 2018.

Know before you go!

All persons must have written permission or other A first conviction of trespass on private property
lawful form of permission to enter or remain on carries a mandatory one-year revocation of
private land to shoot any weapon or hunt, fish, hunting/fishing/trapping licenses in addition to
trap or retrieve game. misdemeanor fine and seizure of animals taken on
A person should know land is private and they are private property.
not allowed without permission because: Federal law prohibits unauthorized trespass on
Indian-owned reservation lands for hunting, fishing,
• The property is associated with a residence or or trapping purposes.
Refer to Idaho Code 36-1603 and I.C. 18-7008.
• OR cultivated; Please visit:
• OR fenced or enclosed in a way that
delineates the private property;

• OR unfenced and uncultivated, but is posted

with conspicuous “no trespassing’ signs or
bright orange/fluorescent paint at all property
corners and boundaries where the property
Permission Form
intersects navigable streams, roads, gates and
rights-of-way entering the land and posted in Permission given to:
a way that people can see the postings.
Note – if private property adjoins or is contained
within public lands, the fence line adjacent to Dates permission is valid:
public land should be posted with “no trespassing from: _________________
signs” or bright orange/fluorescent paint at the
to: ___________________
corners of the fence adjoining public land and at
all navigable streams, roads, gates and rights-of- General Description of Property:
way entering the private land from public land and __________________________________
posted in a way that people can see the postings.
It is illegal for anyone to post public land that is not
held under an exclusive control lease.
Private posting at navigable streams shall not
Landowner Name (print):
prohibit access to navigable streams below the __________________________________
high-water mark as allowed by Idaho law. Owner or Agent Signature:
A property owner may revoke permission at any __________________________________
time. Any person must leave private property when
asked to do so by the owner or agent. A property owner may
revoke permission at any time.
Idaho Migratory Game Bird 2018 – 2019 Seasons & Rules 35


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