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Preparing to serve in

Kalimantan, Indonesia with

News Brief

The past two months

have been packed with
travel and encouraging
meetings with churches,
friends and family.

Connor (2 yr.) and Joel (7

mo.) have been handling
our new, nomadic
lifestyle quite well.

We invite you to join our

prayer support team.
Send us an email at to tell
us youd like to receive
our brief prayer updates.

Our ministry support is at

75%, and our outgoing
fund is at 33%. If 100% is
committed by August,
well be on track to leave
for Indonesia in January.

I thank my God every time I

remember you. In all my prayers for
all of you, I always pray with joy
because of your partnership in the
gospel... - Philippians 1:3-5a
Partnership. That one word basically
sums up the last two months since we
were accepted as missionaries with
Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Without partnership, it would
be impossible for us to serve
in our assigned role as a pilot/
mechanic family in Kalimantan
(Borneo), Indonesia. Weve had the
privilege both at home and on the road
to share the vision of MAF and invite
both prayer and financial partnership
in the ministry of utilizing aviation to
reach isolated people with the love of
Jesus Christ. Its been so exciting to
see God move in the hearts of those
whom He has called to partner with us.

Partnership not only makes it possible

for us to serve with MAF, it also enables
MAF to partner with the local church in
Indonesia, reaching out to isolated
communities throughout inland
Borneo. Together, we can be the hands
and feet of Jesus to those who
have never experienced His love
and compassion. Together, we
can bring pastors to villages
without churches, deliver food to
communities in need, or provide
medevac service to those who would
otherwise be without hope. We still
need partners who will faithfully pray
for us and financially support our
ministry. If you desire to partner with
us now or at some point this year, let us
know. We cant do this alone!
In His service,
The Toews Family

Kalimantan, Indonesia


Currently, monthly financial support

commitments have reached 75% of the
amount we need before we can leave.

Washington, USA

Our one-time, outgoing

fund is at about 33%.
This fund covers things like our
final training, language school, and
the expenses incurred during the
moving process.


Whats next?
In the coming months, well be continuing the
process of ministry partnership, inviting individuals
and churches to partner with us in prayer and
financial support. Well be in Spokane, WA through
the beginning of May, then well be traveling through
eastern Colorado for a couple of weeks in mid-May.
If youre in one of those areas and would like to meet
with us, give us a call or send us an email. Wed love
to see you!
This spring, MAF is sending us to a week of training
specifically on how to build relationships and minister
effectively in an Islamic society. Because Indonesia is
the largest Muslim country in the world, this will
equip us to minister more effectively there.
This fall, if were at 100% financial support, well
attend standardization training and orientation at
MAF headquarters in Nampa, ID. MAF adheres to a
very high professional standard for their pilots and
mechanics. Standardization training lays the
foundation for MAFs excellent reputation for safe
operations despite the fact that we serve in some of
the most technically challenging regions of the world.
We plan to move to Indonesia in mid-January,
2016. Our first year in-country will be spent in
language school on the island of Java, learning the
national language, Bahasa Indonesia. Once we
complete language training, well move to
Kalimantan (Borneo) and begin serving in our longterm roles. Were so thankful for your prayers and
support. This is going to be an exciting year!

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray
earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
Luke 10:2 (ESV)

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