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TimesheetNextGen installation.

Updating from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1? Version 1.5.1 includes updates to the default ite
ms within the configuration
database, but no database schema changes. That means a manual update should be v
ery easy to accomplish:
1. do a "diff -r --brief" between the new downloaded directory, and the
existing 1.5.0 installation
copy the files that are different from the new directory to the insta
lled version
2. copy the .manual_update_151.php to the installed version directory
3. cd to the installed directory and run it like: "php .manual_update_15
4. edit the file, and change the version to 1.5
5. delete the .manual_update_151.php file
Or, you can do the update via the web browser or command line too.
NEW Installations or Upgrades from versions before 1.5.0
There are two different easy methods available to install or upgrade the
TimesheetNextGen system:
1. Using a web browser
2. From the command line
I suggest using the web browser because there are more safety checks and a
couple extra options that aren't available via the command line.
The hard method: manually, instructions are below.
Web Installation
1. Copy the distribution files to an active web location, such as
htdocs/www, or an new active virtual website (my favorite option).
2. If you are performing an upgrade, then copy the files
"" and "" from your previous
installation to this new instance.
3. Point a browser to this address and follow the instructions there.
To install, run the script:

To upgrade from an earlier version, run the script:
Manual Installation
1. Extract the distribution files locally, so that you can edit some of them bef
ore uploading to your web server
2a. Create a database on the mysql server.
This can be done manually if you know how,
or by running the script that comes with the distribution.
First open the "" file and replace the following
__DBUSER__ replace with the database username (one with privileges to cr
eate databases)
__DBNAME__ the name of the database you want to create (e.g. "timesheet"
__DBHOST__ the hostname which mysql is runnning on
__DBPASS__ the password for the username which will access it
ding on your version of mysql. (See footnote)
Now rename it to "timesheet_create.sql"
and run it. This script is just a list of SQL commands.
If you don't use this script, be sure to set the privileges on the new d
2b. (Alternatively) Use an existing database, edit the upgrade sql scripts to re
place the table prefixes, and apply them one at a time.
Edit the file to list all the appropriate table names.
Skip to step 6.
3. Create the tables
Open the "" and replace all instances of __TABLE_PREFIX_
with a prefix you would like all tables to start with. This is done so t
tables like "user" don't conflict with other tables you have in the same
If you have no other tables you can just delete occurances of __TABLE_PR
from the file.
Now rename it to "timesheet.sql". It is just a set of SQL commands to be
run from mysql

or whatever interface you have to it. Make sure you run it on the right
4. Enter your database details into the "" file from
the distribution.
The values you need to set are:
$DATABASE_HOST - (The hostname of the database - usually 'localhost')
$DATABASE_USER - (The username which you will connect to the database wi
$DATABASE_PASS - (The password which you will connect to the database wi
$DATABASE_DB - (The name of the database you created - usually 'timeshee
depending on your version of mysql. [See footnote])
These values are not required, but may help an upgrade process in the fu
$TIMESHEET_VERSION - (The current version of the Timesheet system)
$TIMESHEET_INSTALLED - (If the Timesheet system is installed, should be
the numeral one).
Now rename this file to ""
5. Set the admin password for TimesheetNextGen, by running the following SQL com
INSERT INTO user (username,level,password,first_name,last_name) VALUES (
'admin', 10, PASSWORD('<password>'), 'Timesheet', 'Admin');
Also run these:
INSERT INTO assignments VALUES(1,'admin');
INSERT INTO task_assignments VALUES(1,'admin', '1');
6. Upload the files to your web server.
7. Test the installation by logging in to 'login.php' with the username 'admin',
and the <password> entered above.
-------Due to changes to MySQL in version 4.1, the way that passwords are stored and
accessed has changed. There are 3 different functions and you must choose the
correct one according to your version of MySQL.
You can determine your local version of mysql by typing
mysql --version
You will need to choose one of the folling password functions:

SHA1 (Use this for version 4.1 and later)

PASSWORD (Use this for versions below 4.1)
OLD_PASSWORD (For versions above 4.1 when SHA1 fails)

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