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Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


10. Environmental Chemistry

Terms related to environmental studies:
1) Atmosphere:
The gaseous layer present around the earth is called atmosphere
a) Troposphere:
It is distributed upto 11 Km height from earth.
It contains N2 (78%), O2(21%), CO2 (0.034%), Water and noble gases.
These gases maintains heat balance.
b) Stratosphere:
It is distributed from 11 Km to 50 Km height.
It contains Ozone layer.
c) Mesosphere:
It is distributed from 50 Km to 85 Km height.
It mainly contains gases in ionic state.
, NO



d) Ionosphere (or) Thermo sphere:

It is distributed from 85 Km to 500 Km height.
It is high temperature region.
The gases are present in the ionic form only.
The Water component of environment is called Hydrosphere.
97 %
sea Water
Polar Ice
Domestic and agricultural.
The soil and rocky component of environment is called lithosphere.
All living organisms is called Biosphere. I.e., Plants, animals, human beings.
The substance which released by the human activity (or) Natural activity into

environment and effect on the environment is called Pollutant. (or)

A substance which cause Pollution is called Pollutant.
Eg: CO, SO2, CO2, NOx
6) Pollution:
The presence of unwanted material in the environment which has bad effect on organisms
directly or indirectly is called Pollution.
7) Contaminant:
A substance which is not present in the environment but released into environment due to
human activity (or) Natural activity is called Contaminant.
Eg: Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) liberated in 1984 in Bhopal from Union Carbide Factory
is an example of Contaminant.
Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy
Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


8) Receptor:
The medium which is effected by the pollutant is called Receptor.
Eg: Eyes are Receptor of CO
9) Sink:
The medium which is reacts with pollutant is called sink.
Ocean Water acts as sink for CO2
Bacteria acts as sink for waste.
10) Particulates:
Small solid particles and liquid droplets distributed in the Air are called Particulates
Eg: Dust, Smoke, Ash.
11) Dissolved Oxygen (DO):
The amount of Oxygen present in soluble form in Water is called Dissolved Oxygen.
The normal quality of Dissolved Oxygen is 4 6 ppm.
12) Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
The amount of Oxygen used by the microorganisms at 200 c for 5 days is called
Biological Oxygen Demand.
13) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):
The amount of Oxygen requied for the oxidation of organic substances is called Chemical
Oxygen Demand.
The COD value is determined by using Acidified K2Cr2O7 solution.
Threshold Limit Value (TLV):
The amount of pollutant which doesnt effect the organisms whenever exposed for 7 (or) 8 hours
is called Threshold Limit Value.
Air Pollution:
The presence of unwanted material in the Air, which effects the organisms directly or indirectly
is called Air Pollution.
Classification of Air Pollutants:
a) Based on the origin, the Air pollutants are classified into 2 types.
They are

1) Primary Pollutants.
2) Secondary Pollutants.
1) Primary pollutants:
The pollutants which are liberated directly into the Air from an identifiable source
are called Primary Pollutants.
Eg: CO2, SO2, CO, CH4, CFCs
2) Secondary Pollutants:
The Pollutants which are formed by the chemical reaction of Primary Pollutants are
called Secondary Pollutants.
Eg: Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN), Peroxy Benzoyl Nitrate (PBN)
b) Based on the physical state, the Air pollutants are classified into two types.
Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy
Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


They are:

1) Gaseous Pollutants
2) Aerosols
1) Gaseous Pollutants:
Eg: CO, CO2, SO2, SO3, NOx, CFCs, CH4
2) Aerosols:
The solid or liquid particles of microscopic size dispersed in the Air are called Aerosols.
Eg: Dust, smoke.
Causes of AirPollution:
The following reasons causes for AirPollution
1) Transportation
5) Radio Active Materials
2) Industries
6) Wars
3) Deforestation
7) Accidents in industries
4) Agricultural Activities
8) Natural Reasons
1) Transportation:
We are using cars, buses, planes, trucks, scooter, trains etc for transportation purpose.
Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene used as fuels.
During the combustion of these fuels large amount of Poisonous gases like CO, CO2,
SO2, NOx are released into the atmosphere.
Hence the Air polluted 75% of AirPollution is due to vehicles only.
2) Industries:
The pollutant gases like CO2, CO, SO2, H2S, Cl2, NO2, CFCs are released from various
In addition to these pollutants, the smoke coming out from these industries.
So the Air is polluted.
3) Deforestation:
Cutting of plants or trees is called Deforestation.
Green plants use CO2 and liberate O2 in photosynthesis.
Deforestation causes for increasing of CO2 in the atmosphere which causes global
4) Agricultural activities:
The pesticides, Insecticides used in agriculture.
Some of these poisonous chemicals spread into the atmosphere causing AirPollution.
5) Radio Activity materials:
Radioactive rays coming out from atomic reactors, hospitals.
The nuclear explosions pollute the atmosphere
6) Wars:
Many Synthetic chemcials used during the war released into the atmosphere cause the
Eg: Mustard Gas.
7) Accidents in industries:

Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


Sometimes poisonous gases released into the atmosphere due to human defective
methods from the industries.
Eg: Methyl Iso Cynate.
8) Natural reasons.
a) volcanic eruptions
b) Forest fires etc.
Uses of Forests:
1) Wood and timber are major products of forests.
2) Food items like fruits, nuts, honey, etc. available
3) Provide many drugs, oils, gums, etc.
4) Leaves and grass are used as food for animals
5) Balance between O2 and CO2
6) Protect Soil erosion
7) Protect Wild animals
8) Protect people from floods
9) Increase ground Water level
10) Good tourist places.
Over Exploitation of forests:
Over Exploitation of forests due to increasing of population.
Urbanization, industrialization, increasing cultivation, mining etc.
The over exploitation of forests causes the following changes
1) The forest resources are reduced.
2) Rainfall may be reduced.
3) The plantation is reduced. This causes for global warming
4) Wild animals and small creatures may be disappeared.
5) Tribal lose their livelihood.
The cutting of forests is called Deforestation.
Causes of Deforestation:
1) Increase of population.

4) Increase cultivation

2) Urbanization

5) Construction of dams, industries

3) High demand for wood and timber

6) Forest fires

Effects of Deforestation:
Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy
Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


1) Reduces the resources of forests Eg: wood, timber

2) Soil erosion increases.
3) Causes for global warming.
4) Reduces the rainfall.
5) Wild life may be disappeared.
6) Climate changed.
7) Tribal livelihood effect.
Effects of AirPollution on human beings:

SO2 causes for Asthma, bronchitis,

NOx causes for respiratory illness in childrens
CO is a very toxic gas and it combines with hemoglobin of blood and reduces the oxygen


carrying capacity.
Peroxy acetyl nitrate causes for cancer.
Coal miners normally suffer with black - Lund disease.
Pb causes for children brain undevelpment
Hg causes for minameta disease.
As causes for Arsionis (or) skin cancer.

Effects of AirPollution on animals and plants:


F2 causes loss in weight and diarrhea.

Pb causes loss of appetite.
As dust causes loss of appetite and death.
SO2 causes bleaching of leaves.
Acid rain destroys crops and forests.
NO2 causes leaves bleaching and reduced fruit production.

General Effects of AirPollution:


Green House effect (or) Global warming:

The increasing of temperature of atmosphere is called as global warming (or) Green
house effect.
The pollutants responsible for global warming are CO2, CH4, CFCs, O3, NOx, Water
Among these pollutants CO2 has much effect.
The gases absorb more light from the sunlight and reflect towards earth. Hence the
temperature increases.
If the global temperature increases by 10c , the following effects are predicted.
1 The ice caps of Polar Regions melt, thereby increasing Water level. Hence low - lying

areas are submerged in the sea Water.

The agricultural production decreases due to the fast evaporation of surface Water.

Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


The global warming can be prevented by plantation.


Ozone layer depletion:

The ozone layer present in the stratosphere acts like protection layer for U.V light.
The depletion of ozone layer is due to the chloro fluoro carbons (CFCs), Nitric oxide and
Chloro fluro carbons are called as Freons.
CFCs are liberated from Air conditioners and industries, NO are liberated from
supersonic jet planes and Cl2 is liberated due to the eruption of lava.
These are stable in troposphere but more reactive in stratosphere due to high temperature.
These react with Ozone layer and causes holes in the Ozone layer.
Hence high energy U.V. light enters into troposphere and causes for the following effects.
a Skin diseases.
b Eye diseases.
c Life of aquatic animals is affected.
d Temperature increases.
e Photosynthesis decreases in the plants.
The depletion of ozone layer should be controlled by the reduction in using of chloro
fluro carbons.

Acid rain:
The rain Water contains more amount of Acids is called Acid rain.
It is due to oxides of nitrogen and sulfur.
The Nitrogen and Sulfur oxides dissolve in the rain Water and form Nitrous Acid, Nitric
Acid, Sulfurous Acid and Sulfuric Acid.
N2O3 + H2O
N2O5 + H2O
SO2 + H2O
SO3 + H2O
The following effects are observed due to the Acid rain. They are
a The life of buildings is other constructions will be reduced.
b The life of aquatic animals is affected.
c The fertility of the soil decreases.
d The Acidity of drinking Water increases which causes Acidity in human beings.

Methods of Control of AirPollution:

The following methods are used to control (or) reduce the AirPollution

Pollution control at the source:

a Change raw materials
b Modification of process.
c Developing new equipment
d Using catalytic converters.
Reduction of smoke from vehicles:
Smoke can be eliminated from the vehicles by the following steps.
a Correct method of firing

Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


b Feeding the fuel continuously

c Using modern fuels.
By using tall stacks (or) chimneys, the concentration of Air pollutants is reduced at the

ground level.
Plants like CO2 in the photosynthesis and released O2. So they help to reduced CO2 in the

Zoning industries:
In the planning of a city (or) town the area is divided into residential zones and industrial

Using modern fuels:
The modern and non - conventional fuels like wind energy, solar energy, etc should be

used to control the AirPollution.

Reducing smoke from industries:
Smoke may be eliminated by Cottrell electrostatic precipitator.

The electrostatic precipitator contains an electrode with point electrodes.

Smoke is a colloidal solution of negatively charged carbon particles.
It is maintained at +30,000 volts.
When smoke is passed through the electrostatic precipitator before passing through the chimney,
the smoke particles are attracted because of high +ve voltage and settle down gradually.
The dust free gases go out through the chimney.

Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


Alteration is physical, chemical and biological properties of Water as well as contamination with
any foreign substances.
Causes of WaterPollution:
The following reasons are important in the Pollution of Water.
1) Domestic sewage:
This contains pollutants like salts, soaps, detergents, organic compounds etc.
The disposal of sewage into rivers and lakes causes WaterPollution.
2) Industrial effluents:
Water gas polluted by the industrial effluents like Acids, bases, dyes, detergents, nitrates,
sulfates cyanides etc.
3) Un hygienic practices:
In villages people and washer men wash cloths and animals allowed to bath in drinking
Water lakes, open ponds and rivers. Hence the Water gets polluted.
4) Agricultural wastes:
Fertilizers, pesticides etc cause heavy Pollution to Water sources.
5) Radio Active pollutants:
These pollutants enter into Water streams from nuclear power plants, reactors, hospitals
6) Oil Transportation:
Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy
Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


Petroleum, products are transported from one country to another country by oceans (or)
seas oil spill occurs during the transportation, which results in Pollution of Water.
7) Food chains:
The pollutants present in the Water consumed by fish and other aquatic animals.
These are consumed by other animals or human beings.
The concentration of these pollutants goes on increasing by the time they reach human
The increasing of concentration of pollutants from lower animals to higher animals is
called Bio amplification and carriers of these substances are called food chains.
Effects of WaterPollution on living organisms:

Polluted Water causes for typhoid, jaundice, cholera, diarrohea.

Fluoride containing Water causes flour Acids.
Radioactive pollutants causes genetic disorder.
Hg causes for minamita disease.
Organic pollutants reduce dissolved oxygen in Water.
Pesticides and insecticides effect on nervous system
Oil pollutants kill birds and fishes.

Effect of Water Pollution on non living organism:


Polluted Water reduces soil fertility

Polluted Water corrodes ships, pipes, machinery parts etc.
Polluted Water reduces the strength of concrete structure.
Phosphates, Nitrates and organic compounds are passed into a pond (or) lake, the water
becomes over nutrients for alge.
Then growing and decaying of alge takes place.
It results drying of the lake quickly.
This property is called Eutrophication.

Controlling Methods of Water Pollution:

1) Treatment of drainage Water:
The drainage system should be in a proper way and the drainage water should be treated
to remove pollutants.
2) Treatment of Industrial effluents:
The industrial effluents contain various toxic chemicals.
The industrial effluents are treated by physical, chemical and biological methods to
remove the pollutants.
3) Control over hygienic practices:
Municipal authorities should see that people should not use rivers and open ponds for
washing clothes, swimming etc.
Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy
Lecturer in Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


4) Stabilization of Ecosystem:
This would involves reduction in waste input, harvesting, fish management
Eg: Chloronella alge are excellent biological oxidants.
5) Using Modern methods:
Technics like absorption, ion exchange electrolysis can be used for the removal of
chemical and radioactive water pollutants.
6) Deflouridation:
Removal of Fluoride from the water is called Deflouridation.
The fluoridation methods are
a) Activated charcoal method
b) Nalgaonda method
c) Using resins
Energy Sources:
There are two types of energy sources.
1) Conventional (or) Non renewable energy sources
2) Non - Conventional (or) Renewable energy sources
1) Conventional sources:
The sources are exhausted, cant be reproduced
Eg: Coal, Wood, Petrol, and Kerosene.
2) Non Conventional sources:
The sources are non exhausted
Eg: Solar, Wind, Tidal Energies etc.
A system derived from the integration of living and non living factors of the environments is
called ecosystem.
Producers, Consumers and decomposers:
The biotic components (or) living organisms, can be divided into 3 types
They are

a) Producers
b) Consumers
c) Decomposes.

1) Producers:
The living organisms which can synthesize their own food are called Producers.
Eg: Plants can produce their food in photosynthesis.

6 CO2 + 6H2O


Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry

C6H12O6 + 6O2

Environmental Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies


2) Consumers:
The organisms which can eat planet (or) animals (or) both are called consumers.
The consumers are divided into 3 types based on their feeding habits.
The plant eaters are called herbivores.
Eg: Rabbit, Deer

The animal eaters are called carnivores
Eg: Cat, Lion
The organism which can eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores.
Eg: Human beings, Bear, Lizard.
3) Decomposers:
The organisms which can decompose larger organic compounds into simpler compounds
are called decomposers.
Eg: Bacteria and Fungi.
The existence of a large number of different kinds of living thing which maintain environmental
balance at a given place and at a given time.
Value of Biodiversity:
1) Source of food to the entire world.
2) Many drugs and other materials available.
3) Provides shelter and building materials.
4) Provide energy sources Eg: wood.
5) Helps afforestation.
6) Effect on Carbon and Nitrogen Fixation
7) Helps in environmental values.

Prepared by V Naga Surendra Reddy

Lecturer in Chemistry


Environmental Chemistry

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