Cloze Test With & Without Clues

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word- parts of speech,


word- word-
parts of speech , parts of speech

word- parts of speech,
parts of speech ,

- parts of speech

It was a..(1) saint who .(2) the foundation of a Muslim colony in Bagerhat district. (Ans: renowned;
(1)- blank- Article a Article- (

a/ an) common noun/ adjective

adjective adjective noun

common noun

adjective renowned (Participle= Adjective

Verb) - adjective Famous/ Eminent-

Complex Sentence who.the subordinate clause subordinate clause
subject relative pronoun who clause- assertive subject (who)

Verb laid - Verb Set/

Establish Sentence- past tense- Verb past form

Assertive :- Subject




the foundation.

He the torch bearer of Islam. (Answer: known)
be Verb-is

be verb

adjective/ (Common Noun)

- Known- past participle (Adjective)

- Be Verb (am, is, are-present; was, were-past; will be, shall be-future)
Active Voice- Continuous Tense-


present participle (-ing verb- Adjective-

Passive Voice- Indefinite Tense-

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past participle ( Adjective-

) - Be verb-


The city waswith mosques, tanks, roads, etc. for the of people ( Answer: adorned; betterment )
Passive Voice


past participle (Adjective)

Preposition with, adorned with Apropriate Preposition

, Apropriate Preposition - Word Preposition ,
Preposition Word-
decorated with

decorate adorn- (-

with, for, in,


Preposition ) blank- definite article the Abstract Noun betterment

Common Noun S.S.C H.S.C.- Fill in the blank Or vocabulary test-
the Abstract Noun ing- Verb Word (
article- ) of- Word-
of (Preposition) - Noun Word- Noun-

Ali proceeded towards Bagerhat to preach Islam. (Answer: in order) In order to -
Prepositional phrase.

Ali proceeded towards Bagerhat to preach Islam. Sentence- to preach- Infinitive

Of the..activities done by the saint one was the.. mosque called Shat Gambuj Masjid. ( Answer :
philanthropic; multidomed)
blank- definite article the blank- Word- Noun blank- Word-
blank- definite article the blank- Word- Noun blank- Word-
Adjectivemultidomed Adjective- Noun-

Because this beautiful mosque.. 77 squat domes and 11 arched doors. (Answer: consists of- verb:present indefinite)

Present indefinite tense Subject + verb + object/ extension.

(Present indefinite- )

It was

both as a prayer hall and a court of Khan. (Answer: used)

( It-Subject), (be- was), (adjective- used )

Passive Voice

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past participle (Adjective)

(Past indefinite- court )

- Verb be-verb principal verb
have-verb principal verb
I have a pen. I am a doctor.

It was Khan Jahan Ali.founded the city of Bagerhat in the mid-fifteenth century during the . of
Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud. (Answer: who; reign/ time)
Khan Jahan Ali- Antecedent,
blank- Word/ Phrase- Noun (Subject-Antecedent) blank- Word- Verb



object/ extension.

blank- Word- Subject (who) Sentence- complex Sentence Subordinate clause Subject Relative Pronoun- who, Antecedent Antecedent-
who , -

which/ that

blank- definite article the blank- Word- of- Preposition blank-

Word- Common noun - reign/ time

The Shat Gambuj Mosque was the most spectacular of his..( Answer: activities/ contribution )
his Possessive Adjective his- Noun Noun Word Possessive
Pronoun Possessive Adjective Noun Noun Word Possessive

Noun Noun Word Possessive Adjective form

My; your; his; her; their; our.

Possessive Pronoun form
Mine; yours; ours; hers; his; theirs; its.
Distributive, Demonstrative Interrogative Pronoun- Adjective-
Adjective- Noun Noun Word
This mosque is beautiful. (This- Demonstrative Adjective)
Which pen do you want? (Which- Interrogative Adjective)
Each boy will get a prize. (Each- Distributive Adjective)
Which is the best pen? (Which- Interrogative Pronoun)
This is the mosque. (This- Demonstrative Pronoun)

This mosque is situated on the eastern bank of the tank the water of which is . (Answer: sweet/ fine)
Present indefinite tense Active Voice



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( Subject- the water; be- is; Adjective- sweet/ fine)
(Present indefinite tense - tank- sweet/ fine )

Over the roof of the mosque there are 77 domes .. 7 Chauchla domes in the middle row. (Answer:
with/ bearing/ consisting/ including)
Noun (Numerical adjective ) Noun/ Pronoun Preposition

The vast prayer hall is well. and well lighted. (Answer: ventilated) well Adverb Adverb-
adjective- adjective-



be verb


) Adjective.

Subject- The vast prayer hall; be verb- is; Adverb- well; Adjective- ventilated Adverb-

Adverb- adjective- adjective-


Adverb- Intransitive Verb- Sentence- Verb-

Auxiliary Principle Verb-



Sentence Clause-

The vast prayer hall is . 11 arched doorways. (Answer: provided with)
Preposition, Adverb, Adjective, Noun/ Pronoun -



verb (be verb + Principal verb)

Adjective + Noun/ Pronoun.


Ali used the mosque as prayer the court of justice. (Answer: premises; as well)
mosque premises Double Noun Ali used the
mosque- Principle Clause

Linker ( Both) prayer the court of justice. -



as well/ and also/ and as , as well

Habit is sometimes called second..(Answer: god) ( Word- Numerical Adjective)
If one goes on drinking tea for some , he can not do without it. (Answer: days)
( Word Adjective)
It is .. to give up a habit easily. (Answer: difficult)
(subject + be verb

adjective; Predicative Adjective)

Habit is formed by doing thing again and again. (Answer: same)

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( Word- Noun)
( Parts of speech Noun/ Pronoun/ Noun- , , , ,

Adjective Adjective Noun- Attributive -

Attributive Adjective Verb Predicative Noun/ Pronoun-


Predicative Adjective

The intelligent boy could answer the question.-Attributive Adjective;

The boy is very intelligent.-Predicative Adjective)
Adjective- Noun/ Pronoun/ Noun- Noun/ Pronoun/
Noun- Adjective Word- Noun/ Pronoun/ Noun-
Other uses of Adjective:Subject

be verb



be verb

participle (participle=adjective


linking verb


adjective (linking verb= be, become, seem, look )

Lutfur becomes.when he finds something good or interesting among the garbage. (Answer: happy)
Students can play an.. role by removing the illiteracy from the country. (Answer: important)
Students should never put off their .. for tomorrow. (Answer: work)
( Word- Possessive Adjective)
Road accidents are daily occurrences in .. city life. (Answer: modern)
( Word- Noun)
Every . thousands of people lose their lives. (Answer: year)
( Word- Distributive Adjective)
We can go a long way becoming .. of value of time. (Answer: conscious)
( Word- Linking verb)
Time is very. . (Answer: precious)
( Word- Adverb; Subject

be verb



Road accidents become a . menace . (Answer: great) ( Word- Noun)

Statistics show that English is . as a first language by 350 million people.(Answer: spoken)

be verb


Many European achieved independence during the last century.(Answer:colonies;

Word- Proper Adj.)

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Subject third person singular number Present indefinite tense verb-

(a) The boy (go)to school regularly.
Ans. The boy goes to school regularly.
(b) The boy does not (go)to school daily.
Ans. The boy does not go to school daily.
(c) The boy generally (go)to college at 8 a.m.
Ans. The boy generally goes to college at 8 a.m.
Present indefinite tense- Subject third person singular number can, must, should
verb- s/es
(a) The man can (do)the work.
Ans. The man can do the work.
(b) She must (come)to her office in time.
Ans. She must come to her office in time.
(c) The student should (learn)his lessons regularly.
Ans. The student should learn his lessons regularly.
Sentence universal truth ( ), Habitual fact ( ) sentence
Present Indefinite Tense :
(a) The earth (move)round the sun.
Ans. The earth moves round the sun.
(b) The sun (rise)the east.
Ans. The sun rises in the east.
(c) The sun (set)the west.
Ans. The sun sets in the west.
Sentence- generally, usually, ordinarily, normally, always,
Sometimes, Often, daily, everyday, regularly, Present Ind. Tense :
(a) Sabiha (learn)her lessons regularly.
Ans. Sabiha learns her lessons regularly.
(b) He always (disturb)the students.
Ans. He always disturbs the students.
(c) A good student (learn)his lessons regularly.

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Ans. A good student learns his lessons regularly.
Sentence Active Voice can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, used to,
ought to Modal Auxiliary Verb- present form :
(a) The boy can (work out)the sum.
Ans. The boy can work out the sum.
(b) He could not (eat)all the mangoes.
Ans. He could not eat all the mangoes.
(c) You must (do)your duty properly.
Ans. You must do your duty properly.
Sentence Passive Voice can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, used to,
ought to Modal Auxiliary Verb- be+ Verb- past participle form :
The work can (do) . immediately.
Ans. The work can be done immediately.
All the mangoes could (eat)
Ans. All the mangoes could be eaten.
Your duty must (perform) very soon.
Ans. Your duty must be performed very soon.
Let, had rather, had better, would better, do not, does not, need not, did not, did never
Verb- present form :
(a) I let the other boys (use) my skates.
Ans. I let the other boys use my skates.
(b) I had better (go) __ home by this time.
Ans. I had better go home by this time.
I need not (do) __the work.
Ans. I need not do the work.
Sentence- have/has Sentence present perfect Tense :
She has (write)_a letter to her mother.
Ans. She has written a letter to her mother.
I have (have)__my meal.
Ans. I have had my meal.
She had (have)__her letter.
Ans. She had had her letter.
Sentence- just, just now, already, recently, lately, ever, yet present perfect Tense
(a) Rabeya (take)her dinner just now.
Ans. Rabeya has taken her dinner just now.
(b) I (see)him recently.

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Ans. I have seen him recently.
(c) He already (reach)home.
Ans. He has already reached home.
Sentence- yesterday, ago, long ago, last week, last year, last month, that day, day before yesterday
Past Indefinite Tense :
(a) The boy (go)home yesterday.
Ans. The boy went home yesterday.
(b) She did not (go)to college yesterday.
Ans. She did not go to college yesterday.
(c) Did he (come)home yesterday?
Ans. Did he come home yesterday?
To- Verb- present form :
(a) She went to New Market to (buy)a dress.
Ans. She went to New Market to buy a dress.
(b) We have come here to (see)his ailing mother.
Ans. We have come here to see his ailing mother.
(c) The man said to the porter to (carry)the load.
Ans. The man said to the porter to carry the load.
Since for sentene present perfect Continuous Tense :
(a) It (rain)for two hours.
Ans. It has been raining for two hours.
(b) It (rain)since the morning.
Ans. It has been raining since the morning.
(c) We (live)in Dhaka since 1986.
Ans. We have been living in Dhaka since 1986.
If cause Present Indefinite tense Clause Future Indefinite Tense ; [If +Present
Indefinite+Future Indefinite]
(a) If you walk slowly, you (miss)the train.
Ans. If you walk slowly, you will miss the train.
(b) If he works hard, he (shine)in life.
Ans. If he works hard, he will shine in life.
(c) If you run in the rain, you (catch)cold.
Ans. If you run in the rain, you will catch cold.
with a view to/look forward to Verb ing
(a) I went there with a view to (read)there.
Ans. I went there with a view to reading there.
(b) I am looking forward to (get)your reply.

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Ans. I am looking forward to getting your reply.
(c) I looked forward to (stand)first in the class.
Ans. I looked forward to standing first in the class.
By- Verb ing :
(a) He expressed his grief by (say)that the thief had stolen his watch.
Ans. He expressed his grief by saying that the thief had stolen his watch.
(b) Answer the questions by (write)one point of information.
Ans. Answer the questions by writing one point of information.
(c) By (dig)a deeper hole, Jerry planted a tree.
Ans. By digging a deeper hole, Jerry planted a tree.
in/of/for/with/without/before/after Peposition- Verb ing :
(a) I dont believe in (overload)my stomach.
Ans. I dont believe in overloading my stomach.
(b) I had never thought of (go)there.
Ans. I had never thought of going there.
(c) I could not live without (help)the poor.
Ans. I could not live without helping the poor.
Mind, would you mind, worth, past, can not help, could not help Verb ing
(a) Would you mind (give)me a pen ?
Ans. Would you mind giving me a pen ?
(b) I can not help (do)the work.
Ans. I can not help doing the work.
(c) He could not help (help)the poor.
Ans. He could not help helping the poor.
Sentence would that subject could Verb Present form
(a) Would that I (go)to the moon.
Ans. Would that I could go to the moon.
(b) Would that I (be)a poet like Nazrul.
Ans. Would that I could be a poet like Nazrul.
(c) Would that I (enter)into the class-room.
Ans. Would that I could enter into the class-room.
Sentence to be/having/got Verb Past participle
(a) The thief ran away having (see)the policeman.
Ans. The thief ran away having seen the policeman.
(b) The Principal desired the notice to be (hang).

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Ans. The Principal desired the notice to be hung.
(c) The work is to be (do)immediately.
Ans. The work is to be done immediately.
(be) person, number tense am/is/are/Was/were/been
(a) Allah (be)everywhere.
Ans. Allah is everywhere.
(b) It (be)twenty years ago.
Ans. It was twenty years ago.
(c) One of my friends (be)a good student.
Ans. One of my friends is/was a good student.
present Continuous Tense ( Now, at present, at
this moment )
(a) Now the students (sing)the national anthem.
Ans. Now the students are singing the national anthem.
(b) The boys (watch)the television now.
Ans. The boys are watching the television now.
(c) They (enjoy)a song now.
Ans. They are enjoying a song now.
If cause Present Indefinite tense Clause Future Indefinite Tense ; [If +Present
Indefinite+Future Indefinite]
(a) If you walk slowly, you (miss)the train.
Ans. If you walk slowly, you will miss the train.
(b) If he works hard, he (shine)in life.
Ans. If he works hard, he will shine in life.
(c) If you run in the rain, you (catch)cold.
Ans. If you run in the rain, you will catch cold.
lf/Had clause Past Indefinite Tense clause- Subject- would/could/might
Verb - Present Form :
(a) If he requested me, I (go) there.
Ans. If he requested me, I would go there.
(b) If I were a rich man, I (help)the poor.
Ans. If I were a rich man, I would help the poor.
(c) If I were the President, I (remove)the terrorism.
Ans. If I were the President, I would remove the terrorism.
Sentence- lf/Had clause Past perfect Tense Subject- would
have/could have/might have verb- past participle

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(a) If he had invited, I (go).
Ans. If he had invited, I would have gone.
(b) If I had been a rich man, I (help)the poor.
Ans. If I had been a rich man, I would have helped the poor.
(c) I would have helped him, if he (want).
Ans. I would have helped him, if he had wanted.
Sentence- wish, fancy, it is time, it is high time Verb Past Tense (be)
were :
(a) I wish I (win)the first prize in the lottery.
Ans. I wish I won the first prize in the lottery.
(b) I fancy I (fly)among the stars.
Ans. I fancy I flew among the stars.
(c) It is time you (change)your bad habit.
Ans. It is time you changed your bad habit.
Sentence- as if, as though (be) were :
(a) He speaks as if he (be)the owner of the farm.
Ans. He speaks as if he were the owner of the farm.
(b) The man speaks as though he (be)a leader.
Ans. The man speaks as though he were a leader.
(c) The man speaks as if he (be)a landlord.
Ans. The man speaks as if he were a landlord.
Sentence- each, every, everyone, anyone, any, many a, everybody, every thing, anybody, nobody, no
one, nothing, anything, something, someone, one of, either, neither verb- Singular
Number :
(a) Every mother (love)her child.
Ans. Every mother loves her child.
(b) One of the students (be)very brilliant.
Ans. One of the students is/was very brilliant.
(c) Each of the boys (be)present yesterday.
Ans. Each of the boys was present yesterday.
While- Verb ing While- Subject While Past Continuous Tense
(a) While (walk)in the garden, a snake bit him.
Ans. While walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
(b) While he (walk)in the garden, a snake bit him.
Ans. While he was walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
(c) While it (rain), I was going to college.

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Ans. While it was raining, I was going to college.
. Subject Plural verb Singular Number
(a) Previously fifty miles (be)a long way.
Ans. Previously fifty miles was a long way.
(b) Twenty miles (be)not a great distance now a days.
Ans. Twenty miles is not a great distance now a days.
(c) Sixty cents (be)was enough for him.
Ans. Sixty cents is/was was enough for him.
Main Clause- Verb Past Tense- next day, next week, next month, next year
Subject- would/should Verb Present Form
(a) He said that he (go).. home the next day.
Ans. He said that he would go home the next day.
(b) He told that he (come) the next year.
Ans. He told that he would come here the next year.
(c) He said that he (buy) a new TV the next day.
Ans. He said that he would buy a new TV the next day.
After before clause past perfect tense clause past indefinite tense

(a) The doctor (come)__before the patient came.

Ans. The doctor had come before the patient came.
(b) The doctor came after the patient (die)__.
Ans. The doctor came after the patient had died.
(c) The train left they had reached the station.
Ans. The train left after they had reached the station.
Sentence Passive voice Tense Person Auxiliary Verb Verb- Past participle
gap- Subject by
(a) English (speak)_all over the world.
Ans. English is spoken all over the world.
(b) English (speak)_ the English.
Ans. English is spoken by the English.
(c) He has (expel)__from the examination hall.
Ans. He has been expelled from the examination hall.
Principal Clause- Verb Past Tense Subordinate Clause- Verb- Past
Tense- Present Present
(a) The man was so ill that he (will) .. not be able to attend the meeting.
Ans. The man was so ill that he would not be able to attend the meeting.

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(b) I knew that he (will not come) . to me for his personal purpose.
Ans. I knew that he would not come to me for his personal purpose.

Interrogative sentence who, what, why, which, when, where, whose, how question word
, subject- tense person auxiliary verb
Why he (look) so happy?
Ans.: Why does he look so happy?
When father (come)?
Ans.: When will father come?

sentence It verb singular

: It (to be) difficult to do.
Ans.: It is difficult to do.
It (to be) you who have done this.
Ans.: It is you who have done this
Had better, had rather, would better. would rather, must, need, dare, secondary auxiliary modal verb verb- present form verb to to
home.a. You had better (to go)
Ans.: You had better go home.
the class room.b. I will not let you (to enter)
Ans.: I will not let you enter the class room.
our parents.c. We must (to obey)
Ans.: We must obey our parents.
there.d. I need not (to go)
Ans.: I need not go there.
you speak with me?e. How (to dare)
Ans.: How dare you speak with me?
sentence- subject- verb verb- ing
: (To swim) is a good exercise.
Ans.: Swimming is a good exercise.
(To speak) is an art.
Ans.: Speaking is an art.
Simple sentence- verb verb- ing verb to
simple sentence- main verb ing verb- ing

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: He saw the boy (play) in the field.
Ans.: He saw the boy playing in the field.
I heard him (speak).
Ans.: I heard him speaking.
He helps me (make) the house.
Ans.: He helps me making the house.
Note : verb verb- to
: I went to the library (read) newspaper.
Ans.: I went to the library to read newspaper.
He repaired the boat (sell) it.
Ans.: He repaired the boat to sell it.
verb- gerund : admit, enjoy, report, appreciate, finish, recent,
avoid, mind, resist, miss, resume, consider, postpone, risk, delay, practice, suggest, escape, imagine, save,
recall, prevent, propose, stop, deny, quit
We enjoy (watch) TV.
Ans.: We enjoy watching TV.
I have finished (writing).
Ans.: I have finished writing.

prepositionon, in of, for, from, by, after at, beyond, upon, against, with, without, before
verb- ing
Rina is busy in (do) her homework.
Ans.: Rina is busy in doing her homework.
Keep on (try) hard.
Ans.: Keep on trying hard.

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Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.




come take

give bring

Computer has (a)----about revolutionary change in the world.But it (b)----overnight.It (c)-----a

long time to invent computer.Many votaries of science (d)----hard for years and finally (e)---out successful.

Answer: (a) brought (b) was not invented /had not been invented (c) returned (d) have heard

Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:



keep turn



Now a days Bangladesh (a)unemployment problem. This problem already has (b).an alarming
dimension. The government is (c) cope with this problem. But this problem can be (d).if
our vast population is (e).into human resources.(

Answer: (a) faces (b) turned (c) trying (d) solved (e) kept

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.


come run





Polas reads in class six.He goes to school regurly.One day he was (a)------home with his
friend,Kamal after school.Looking at a beautiful bird they they stopped(b)-----.The bird was blue
and yellow colour.They (c)-----to each it.Polas said to Kamal, Ill now (d)------up the tree and
will try to catch the kingfisher. Kamal (e)----to call their other friends to enjoy the event.(

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Answer: (a) coming (b) walking (c) tried (d)climb (e)ran


Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:

keep form


walk be




Walking is a good exercise. It (b)------our body and (b)------our mind. It (c)----beneficial for
health. One can take fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature if one (d)-----in the early
morning. So walking should be (e)-------as a habit by people of all ages. (

Answer: (a) develops (b) refreshes (c) is (d) walks (e) formed

Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.






remember be

Bangladesh is a full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country does not (a)---on the
proper utilization of the resources.We should not (b)---a lazy life.We should all (c)----up our
country.For this reason we have to (d)---hard.No nation can prosper without industry. It should
be (e)-----that Industry is the key to success.(


(a) depend (b) be (c) build (d) work (e) remembered

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.








The Egypitains believed that after people died they (a)----to another world.They (b)------that
people would still need many of the things they had on earth.Their king had many wonderful
treasures.They buried those treasures with them.The kings (c)-----in the open ground or in
graveyards.They buried them in great buildings or tombs (d)----pyramids.These pyramids (e)---out in the deserts.(

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Answer: (a) went (b) believed (c) were not buried (d) called (e) were built

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.








A teacher is an architect of a nation, He plays an important role in(a)---up an educated nation.

He(b)--- the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor while speaking. He
has to(c)--- his act according to the need of his listeners. He is able to(d)--- the attention of his
students. He(e)--- motionless before his class.He also makes his lessons interesting.(

Answer: (a) building (b) dispels (c) suit (d) hold (e) does not sit.

Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.


Come receive


became Play


Today women (a) --- an important role in all sphears of life. They(b)--- no longer confined
within the four walls of their parents or husbands house. They have(c)---our of the kitchens
and are(d)--- hand in hand with men in all the development programs of government. By(e)--higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators
etc.( -

,, , ,

Answer: (a) play (b)are (c)come (d)working (e) receving.


Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the

become use




benefit keep

Science has created wonders in field of communcation. Mobile phone (a)--- one of the great
wonders of modern science. It has (b)--- a new dimension to our way of life and to the
communication system. Obviously, mobile telecommunication has (c)--- the world closer to us.
Nowadays it has (d)--- a part and parcel of our life. Using mobile phone we are (e)--- in many
ways. (

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Answer: (a) is (b) added (c) brought (d) become (e) being benefited.

10. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the

come rise pay




Honesty is a great virtue. An honest man is liked and trusted by all. The ignorant men adopt
unfair means with a view to(a)--- their objectives. In every walk of life, honesty(b)--- most. An
honest man may be poor, but he(c)--- to become rich by(d)--- dishonest means. His rise in life
may be slow, but he(e)--- very high in the long run.(

Answer:(a) achieving (b) is paid (c) does not try (d) adopting (e) rises
11. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
necessary build





want conclude

Self-control(a)--- all other virtues. Man generly(b)--- on impulses and strong desires. Vicious
desire(c)--- the purity of heart and mined resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is
self-control that can help a man(d)---up a pure character which is very essential to(e)--- above
the level of humanity.(

Answer: (a) breeds (d) acts (c) damages (d) build (e) rise.

12. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.

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come inundate


damage help



As per the news (a)--- in the daily newspaper thirty six districts out of sixty four of Bangladesh
have been(b)--- by flood this year. If the people out of the flood affected areas do not(c)--forward with a view to(d)--- the flood affected people they will have to suffer a lot of not(e)--the necessary commodities in time.(


Answer: (a) published (b) affected (c) come (d) helping (e) getting
13. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.





play be

Students life is the best time for (a)--- is the best time for(a)--- oneself for further. It (b)--- the
seed time of life. So during this period of life students must not (c)--- time. They should bear in
mind that time (d)--- for none. If a student wastes his time, he will have to (e)--- in future.(


Answer: (a) preparing (b) is (c) waste (d) doesnot wait (e) repent.

14. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:




come get


Time is very valuable. This valuable time does not (a). .for anybody. No power can stop it. It
knows no pause in its course. It is not wise to (b)..time. The man who makes the best use of
time is sure to (e)------.All the famous persons of the world have (d)-------the best use of time.
We should (e)----them. ( ,

Answer (a) wait (b) neglect (c) succeed (d) made (e) follow
15. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.

know sacrifice


have like


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Loves for one country is (a)-----as patriotism. Everyman (b)-----great love for his country. Many
of our freedom fighters (c)-----their lives in 1971 for the sake of our country due to this noble
virtue. At present still there are some people who (d)-----relentlessly for the sake of our
country because they love our country We should (e)-----their footprint.(

Answer (a) known (b) has (c) sacrificed (d) work (e) follow

16. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.







A book fair (a)----- in Sylhet some months ago (b)------ much enthusiasm among the book
lovers. It (c)------ by the D.C. of Sylhet. A lot of books (d)----- in the fair . The arrangement of
the fair was so nice that the visitors while visiting it (e)------ feel bored at all.(



Answer: (a) held (b) created (c) was inaugurated (d) were displayed (e) did not
17. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.







Man has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He is not (a)----with what he has known and
seen. He wants to know and see more and more. The curiosity to know more (b)---him to
undertake and carry out hand and dangerous tasks which eventually (c)---in epoch making
discoveries and inventions. In the fields of science and technology, man in the meantime has
(d)----what was once inconceivable. Man has already landed on the moon and (e)---for a
journeys to the Mars.(

Answer (a) Satisfied (b) inspires (c) results (d) achieved (e) preapared
18. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.

understand continue





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Truth always (a)----- in the world. Falsehood may be triumph for the time being. Those who are
engaged in (b)---- the truth are respected by the people. Those who feel interested in telling
lies cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly. But they cannot (c)..all the time.
Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth. He tried to make people (d)--- what was
good for them. He was (e) the powerful people. In spite of it, he never stopped teaching
good things. (

Answer: (a) reigns (b) preaching (c) continue (d) understand (e) troubled
19. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.



submerge uproot



A severe cyclone (a)------- the coastal area of Bangladesh a few days ago . It (b)------ with tidal
surge ise lands (c)------ by the tidal surge . Trees were (d)------ and crops (e)-------- . (

- )

Answer:(a) hit (b) was (c) submerged (d) uprooted (e)were damaged
20. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
undertake solve






Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance which (a)----all development efforts of the
government and the community. No development effort can be (b)---unless illiteracy is
removed. No Individual community or organization not even the government is capable of (c)---this huge problem is single handed. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people to
(d)----illiteracy from society. We can not (e)---this responsibility.(

Answer: (a) frustrates (b) succeeded (c) solving (d) eradicate (e) avoid
21. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:

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say hurry




There was a dishonest man in a village who did all sorts of mischief to the villagers. But when
he did any evil work he (a).that God had it done by him. One night the man (b).some
mangoes from the gardener of his neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him stealing
mangoes and (c)---to the garden. Having reached the garden the took a stick and continued
(d).the dishonest man. Then the man said to him. What have I done to (e), (


Answer: (a) said (b) stole (c) hurried (d) beating (e) see
22. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
shall to be to have let


put get

We (a).now the citizens of independent country. The development of the country(b)now be

the motto of our rural life. Bangladesh (c) agricultural country. We do not (d).sufficient
land for cultivation. We should(e).great emphasis on using the most modern method of
cultivation to utilize our land as well as human resources.

Answer:(a) are (b) should (c) is (d) have (e) put

23. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.


be appear

understand hear find

One night Rabias master woke up from sleep and (a)------ a sweet sound of prayer. Being
curious he (b)------ before the cottage of Rabia following the sound . To his great surprise he
(c)------ that she was deeply (d)----- in prayer and there was a heavenly light around her.He (e)---- that she was not an ordinary woman but an angle.(

, )
Answer: (a) heard (b) appeared (c) found (d) absorbed (e) understood

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24. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.




compose accept

One day the great poet was (a)------by Sultan Mahmood to write Shahanama in honour of the
Sultan. The Sultan(b)to pay Ferdousi a piece of gold for each verse. Ferdousin finished his
writing and it was found (c)--- sixty thousand verses and the Sultan now did not (d) to
pay sixty thousand gold coins.He wanted to to pay silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet
did not (e)---silver coins and returned to his village.

Answer: (a) asked (b) promised (c) containing (d) agree (e) accept
25. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:





tell speak

Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues which (a).a man healthy great. A man is not
(b).by others if he does not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth. A man who is not
trusted by anybody can (c).any position. A man can achieve his ends once or twice by
(d)lies, but no permanent gain comes out of success. It must come to light sooner or late.
Then the real character of the liar gets (e).and nobody trusts him any more.

Answer:(a) makes (b) trusted (c) gain (d) telling (e) exposed
26. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:
know tremble

keep drown

come begin


One day a scholar was crossing a river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b) to blow. The
scholar was (b) .with fear. The boatman said to him. Do you (c) to swim? The
answer from the scholar was in the negative. Then the boatman said, Very soon you are going
to (d)..You have a lot of knowledge but it does not (e)------to use at this moment.

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Answer: (a) began (b) trembling (c) know (d) drown (e) come
27. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:




have live


Happiness is relative term. A person with a crown living in a palace may not be happy whereas
a day labourer may (b)------happiness living in a shabby hut. Again happiness (b)------from
person to person. A beggar can be happy if he (c)-----a coin but a business man who can (d)------a huge sum of money a day may not be happy. Happiness (e)----only the blessing of Allah.

Answer: (a) have (b) varies (c) finds (d) earn (e) is
28. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.







( ) () ( ) () () ( ) ( )
One night at around one, I was (a)----- home from Dhaka medical college hospital. I had (b)-----there to see an injured friend. As I did (c)------ any transport, I was walking towards my house
which was not far away .there (d)------ even a single person on the street. Suddently I was (e)----- to hear sounds of someones footsteps.

Answer:(a) returning (b) gone (c) not get (d) was not (e) alarmed
29. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
become change






Dr. Muhammed Yunus and the grameen Bank have (a)as the winners of the prestigious Nobel
Peace Prize for their pioneering work in lending to the poor. The Grameen Bank project has

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(b)a model for so many developed and developing countries of the world. Dr. Yunus has (c)
that only a very small amount of interest free loan can be offered to the poorest women
folk(d)vicious cycle of poverty. Money will not change them. The loan amount will only be a
weapon to (e)against poverty.

Answer: (a) emerged (b) become (c) discovered (d) break (e) fight
30. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.








Mobile phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It has (a)a new dimension to our way
of life and to the communication system. It is a telephone system that (b)..without any wire.
Mobile telecommunication (c). became a part of modern life. Now a days(d).a mobile phone
is not a luxury in this country like Bangladesh. People (e) phone to do rapid

Answer: (a) added (b) works (c) has (d) keeping (e) use
31. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.







I (a)---the grimmest shock of my life the other day.A few boys of about 10 to 12 were playing
with a tennis ball in a corner of the park opposite to our house.Suddenly,one of them jumped
over the ralling and (b)----into the middle of the street after the ball that (c)---come out
there.Just at that time, a truck (d)---along the place.The boy came right infront of it so
suddenly and so unexpectedly that the driver had no time to stop his vehicle became it (e)--too late.A loud cry of alarm went forth from the people around. (


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Answer :(a) had (b) ran (c) had (d) was passing (e) was
32. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.



know climb



Robin and Rafiq are intimate friends.Ond day they (a)------ through a forest.Suddenly they (b)--a bear coming towards them. Do you (c)----how to climb a tree?Rafiq said to Rabin. No,
Robin answered. I(d)-----up a tree.You better ran away, saying this,Rafiq climbed up the
nearby tree. I (e)----down on the ground because a hear does not touch deadbody. Robin
thought to himself.
? ,


Answer:(a) were passing (b) saw (c) know (d) shall climb (e) shall lie
33. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.

tell make





What is the first and foremost need for our prosperity,education,money or wealth? Some people
say that money is the means whereby everything can be (c)----.But I shall(c)---you that
education is the best of all.Proper education (d)---the way to earn money and wealth .(e)---a
good student to have all the three.
( ,,

Answer (a) is (b) gained (c) tell (d) makes (e) be

34. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.




Come Be


) () () () () (

Last evening, I was walking along the Sadar Road.My little sister (b)---with me.Suddenly,a young
man came(b)----and snatched her gold chain out from her neck. I (c)----to run after the
snatcher.But after a while, I thought,it was not wise to (d)----my sister alone as it was (e)----dark.(

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Answer:(a) is (b) behind (c) tell (d) makes (e) be

35. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.







Education is (a)-----as the yardstick of development.Devolopment and education (b)----hand in

hand.(c)-----degrees is not prime objective of education. Education has to be (d)----.It is high
time we(e)-----measures to spread education.

Answer(a)regarded (b) go (c) obtaining (d) redefined (e) took
36. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
go continue cultivate acquire form should need
Punctuality is to be (a)----- and formed into a habit.This quality is to be (b)--- through all our
work from our boyhood.Boyhood is the seed time.The habit (c)--- at this time will (d)----- all
through our life. Everything at the right time(e)---- be our motto.

Answer: (a) cultivated (b) acquired (c) formed (d) continue (e) should
37. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Become transmit Reach Divide Bring preach Afford
E-mail has (a)..about a revolution in modern communication. Message can (b)from one
country to another within seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade and commerce
has (c).greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. It has however,not
(d)..everyone, especially in developing countries like ours ,as most people cannot (e) have
a personal computer.

Answer (a) brought (b)transmitted (c)become (d)reached (e) afford

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38. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Remove go Be take give Develop compare
Education (a)------a man a clear conscious view of his own opinion and judgment, a truth in (b)---them. Therefore, it is often (c)-----to light which (d)------the darkness of ignorance and helps
us distinguish between right and wrong. The primary purpose of education (e)-------the
liberation of man from the restrictions and habits and attitudes which limit his humanity.


Answer:(a) gives (b) developing (c) compared (d) removes (e) is

39. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
getu use steal like make be Invent
Many wonders have been (a)-----with the help of science. Mobile phone is the most up-to date
invention. At present it is (b)more popular with the people. It (c)communication easier. But
it is a matter of sorrow that terrorists are(d)----it to spread out terrorism.So proper steps
should (e)taken to stop it.(

Answer:(a) invented (b) getting (c) makes (d) using (e) be
40. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
create hamper cause prevent Be
Smoking (a)---a dangerous habit. More than eighty percent people of our country (b)---addicted
to smoking. Smoking (c)---many fatal diseases. It (d)---the free circulation of blood through the
veins. It (e)----our lungs.

Answer:(a) is (b) are (c) causes (d) prevents (d) hampers

41. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the
earn Take cause thrive execute run Eat

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Everybody knows that food adulteration is a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and it
(a)..fatal diseases. People (b).this kind of food fall victim to liver diseases cancer, kidney
failure and so on. Some businessmen who are avaricious and (c)after money only do this
heinous work, they (d).on the miseries of others. They deserve severe punishment. The
present government (e)certain steps against adulteration
, ,

Answer: (a) causes (b) eating/taking (c) run (d) thrive (e) has taken
42. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
be raise keep remember keep sacrifice help
Twenty February (a)----- a memorable day of our life.Every year, we (b)---- this day with
respect.It is a government holiday.The national flag is (c)-- half mast this day.Various meetings
and seminars are held.Every Shaid Minar (d)--- covered with flowers.Those who have (e)---down their lives for language ,are immortal.

, )
Answer:(a) is (b)remember (c)kept (d) is (e)sacrificed

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1. Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.













Inability to read and write is (a)------.It hinders all development (b)----of the government. The
literacy late of Bangladesh is still low. We have to (c)----this rate for entire development of the
country. A countries development can not be (d)----of keeping the large number of people (e)-----.Government alone cannot meet this challenge without the (f)----of the literate community. It
is the social responsibility of the literate people to (g)-----the government for the eradication of
illiteracy .We must realise that we cannot (h)-----as a nation without (i)-----illiteracy from the
society. So we should be (j).of this great problem.(

Answer:(a) illiteracy (b) efforts (c) increase (d) thought (e) illiterate (f) help (g) assist (h) exist
(i) removing (j) aware

2. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following












Proper education (a) .a learner with opportunities of (b).all his talents. Its aim is to (c).him
physically and (d)so that he can be (e).to himself and to the society. An educated man is
(f)..but he also (g)others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be well mannered, kind
and (h)So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill only for his maternal development
cannot be (i).a truly (j).man. (

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Answer:(a) provides (b) improve (c) develop (d) mentally (e) useful (f) self-reliant (g) assists (h)
helpful (i) called (j) educated
3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.












Patriotism is (a)virtue. It is an(b)----instinct in human nature. It (c)---a man to shed every

drop of blood to (d)---the liberty and dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be
merely a (e)----a slogan in the public meetings to (f)----the people. It should be (g)---in the core
of heart and (h)---in our deeps. We should keep ourselves above from the (i)---patriotism.
Everybody should bear in mind that a (i)must be defeated. Nobody will remember or honour a
mock patriot.(

Answer: (a) noble (b) inherent (c) inspires (d) defend (e) so-called (f) aloft (g) cherished (h)
materialized (i) fake (j) pretender.
4. Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.












Education (a)----our ignorance and gives us (b)---of knowledge. In respect of imparting

education there should be no (c)----between man and woman. Education is one of the (d)--human rights. If we (e)----women of the right of education, almost half of our population will
(f)in (g)--,No(h)---can be brought about without (i)----of women. So government is doing
everything to (j)---women folk. (

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Answer:(a) removes (b) light (c) discrimination (d) basic (e) deprive (f) remain (g) darkness (h)
development (i) participation (j) educate

5. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.












Without efforts there can be no (a)-----in life. Life (b)-----its interest if there is no struggle.
Games become dull, if there is no (c)-----in them and if the (d)-----can be easily foreseen. No
matter we (e)----the game or lose it the keener the contest, the greater (f)-----.A victory is not a
(g)-----triumph unless (h)----the sides are equally (i)-----.Whether we like it or not, life is one
(j)-----competitive examination. (

Ans:(a) progress (b) losses (c) competition (d) result (e) win (f) enjoyment (g) real (h) both (i)
matched (j) continuous

6. Fill in each gap with suitable word given in the box.

agriculutral depend livelihood indusries agriculture





Bangladesh is an (a)-----country. Most of the people of this country directly or indirectly (b)------on agriculture for their (c)-----.Many important (d)-----depend on (e)-----products. Agriculture
(f)-----food stuff for human and animal (g)-----.Any (h)-----in agricultural products (i)-----economic depression in the country. Failure of crops (j)-----sufferings to the entire people.

Ans (a) agricultural (b) depend (c) livelihood (d) industries (e) agriculture (f) supplies (g)
consumption (h) dealing (i) brings (j) causes

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7.Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.

prepare Natural

sphere Hand use

purpose resources fertile



rocky locality

Nature has given her (a)---to us more (b)----than many other countries of the world. Think
about our (c)----.It is soft and(d)----.Our farmers who have simple (e)-----made tools can easily
dig, plough and (f)----the soil with them. Whereas lands of most other countries which are hard
and (g)----cannot be easily dug, ploughed and prepared. We have a great.(h)----advantages too.
We can (i)----most of our lands for the (j)----of agriculture and industry.(

- ,

(a) resources (b) gernerously (c) land (d) fertile (e)hand (f) prepare (g) rocky (h) natural (i) use
(j) purpose

8. Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.













Road accidents are (a)----occurrences in modern city. Every year thousands of people lose their
(b)----and many more are injured. Before the (c)-----of automobile, people moved from one
place to another slowly but (d)-----.The real causes of road accidents (e)----with the people not
with the trAnsports.In some cities ,the roads are (f)---.These can hardly cope with the (g)--number of traffic .Besides, the traffic is not (h)-----properly. The drivers often(i)----traffic rules.
As road accidents seem a great (j)-----,immediate steps should be taken to stop the danger.

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Answer(a) daily (b) lives (c) invention (d) safely (e) lie (f) narrow (g) increasing (h) controlled
(i) violate (j) menace
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.


agricultural on



consumption beautiful



supplies decline

Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)---.It is an(b)----country. Most of the people of
this country directly or indirectly (c)-----on agriculture for their (d)-- .Many important
industries depend on agricultural (e)----.Agriculture (f)----foodstuff for human and animal (g)----.Any (h)-----in agricultural products (i)----economic depression in the country. Failure of crops
(j)----sufferings to the entire people. (

Answer: (a) beautiful (b) agricultural (c) depend (d) livelihood (e) products (f) supplies (g)
consumptions (h) decline (i) causes (j) brings
10. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


prosper bring darkness run

Deprive discrimination educate basic



Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a)without education. Education (b) our
ignorance and gives us(c)----of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no
(d)----between men and women. Education is one of the (e)---human rights. If we (f).women of
the right of education, almost half of the population will (g)in (h)-.No development can be
brought about in our society without the (i)of women. The government of Bangladesh is doing
everything to (j)women folk. (

Ans (a) prosper (b) removes (c) light (d) discrimination (e) basic (f) deprive (g) remain (h)
darkness (i) participation (j) educate

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11.Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.
Depend unnaturally depression Industries provide live






Ours is an agricultural country. Hence most of our country directly or indirectly (a)---on
agriculture for their livelihood. Many important (b)----of our country also depend on
agricultural products. Agriculture (c)---a vital role in our national economy. It (d)----food stuff
for both human and animal consumption. So people have to suffer a lot if there is any (e)----in
agricultural products. The sufferings of the farmers and working class of people (f)----no
bounds. The failure of crops causes a great economic (g)----in the country and prices of daily
necessaries may go (h)---up. The floods and the subsequent (i)----of agricultural products are
burning examples of it. We are lucky that your government has successfully (j)---the

Answer: (a) depends (b) industries (c) plays (d) supplies (e) decline (f) know (g) depression (h)
unnaturally (i) damages (j) overcome
12.Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.
Educate Waste





remove education necessary illiterate compulsory

We must not (a)-----our energy and money any more. We (b)to take steps to (c)----our people.
Emphasis should be given on primary (d)----.There should be at (e)-----one primary school in
each and every village. We are happy that our government has (f)-----primary education (g)---.A law has been (h)----in the assemble. To (i)----illiteracy from the country, some more steps
may be taken. The (j)---adults need to be educated.(

Answer:(a) waste (b) need (c) literate (d) education (e) least (f) made (g) compulsory (h) passed
(i) remove (j) illiterate

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13.Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box .
through Work

Long blue

Ready inferior

sacrifice High aware Above Same

Mans (a)-------depends on his work. Man is rational being. He is to (b)-----for others. He should
not be proud of his (c)- ----blood. He should be (d)- ----to help anyone of any class. The man
whom he is helping may be (e)-----to him by birth. But after all he is a man. He has the (f)---blood and flesh as the (g)----kind of man. So, he should (h)--- -his own life for others welfare.
We cannot live (i)- ---- on earth. We must die one day. We can live (j)-----our work.(

Ans:(a) dignity (b) work (c) blue (d) ready (e) inferior (f) same (g) above (h) sacrifice (i) long (j)
14.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
about Lives neglected evil

Been very

Proper real

remember Bright


Our freedom fighters are the (a)-----heroes of our country. We should (b)----them as they
sacrifice their (c)----for the cause of motherland. It is a matter of great (d)-----that most of
them are (e)-----and our young generation does not know (f)-----their valiant struggle. Yet today
many of the real freedom fighters have not (g)---found out and established. Some of them lead
(h) ------poor life. The authority in power should take (i)-----step to enlist them and (j)----honour.(

Ans (a) bright/real (b) remember (c) lives (d) regret (e) neglected (f) about (g) been (h) very (i)
right (j) proper

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15.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


successfully village









Eskimos are the most widely (a)------group in the world still leading party (b)-----way of life.
They live in a (c)-----that spAns more than 35,00 miles,(d)------Greenland, the northern fringe of
North America and a (e)-----of eastern Siberia. Eskimos are racially distinct from American
IndiAns. They are most closely (f)-----to the Mongolian people of Eastern Asia, Eskimos (g)---adapted themselves to cold, harsh (h)-----because of their highly inventive (i)-----.Eskimos spend
the winter in (j)-------in a larger settlement.(

Ans (a) spread (b) aboriginal (c) region (d) including (e) part (f) related (g) successfully (h)
climate (i) skill (j) tents
16.Fill in each gap with a suitable word form the box.
little prevent remote causes Irrigate behind






Crops need water. Farmers must (a)---their fields if there is very (b)---rain at any time. But
irrigation is not (c)----if there is no river(d)---to the crops. Canals can carry (e)-----water to the
field. Sometimes much water (f)---flood. A dam may (g)----difficulties of irrigation. A (h)---lake
can be built (i)----the dam. Dams are not (j)---invention.(

Answer(a) irrigate (b) little (c) easy (d) close (e) river (f) causes (g) prevent (h) great (i) behind
(j) recent

17.Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Dream Famous Expected Tries



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Study Institution Public

Every students expects (a)-----result in the examination and for that he (b)-----heart and soul.
There are many ways to have glorious (c)-----.Admission in the famous (d)-----is one of them. So
most of the students (e)-----for getting admission in a (f)-----institution. Most of the students
start to study (g)------after their final examination to get admission into their (h) ---institutions.
Some become (i)-----and some become failure in their mission. The students who dont (j)-----hard cannot succeed in this context.(

- -

Ans (a) glorious (b) tries (c) result (d) institution (e) dress (f) famous (g) hard (h) expected (i)
successful (j) study
18.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following












The Monipuris want to predict the future by signs and (a). On any serious (b)like marriage,
they want to predict the future by interpreting the (c)of the feet of a cock. They tie the (d)
of a cock and throw it on the ground. If the cock while (e)on the (f)places its right foot put
the left like the cross sign, it indicates that the marriage is going to be a (g). But if the legs
are in any other (h)then it is considered to be omen from the beginning. The (i)might be
repeated till the desired result is achieved. There is a Monipuri proverb. In Khang Tam Nau
Bau, meaning all wisdom (j)from the cocks foot.(

( )

Answer:(a) omens (b) issues (c) position (d)wings (e)lying (f)ground (g) success (h)position
(i)process (j)derives
19.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
established trAnsmitted simultaneously



time mode

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communication easily improve sent


E-mail meAns (a)..mail. It is an electronic (b).of communication. E-mail (c)is user to user
but telex communication is terminal to terminal. Telephone connection often takes a lot of time
to be (d)because both the caller and the called must be present (e).But E-mail is a computer
(f)system and the messages that are (g).via the computer become (h).in the mail box of
an individuals (i).computer without the need of his being (j)present. Thus, e-mail saves both

time and money.( -

- )
Ans (a) electronic (b) mode (c) communication (d) established (e) simultaneously (f)based (g)
sent (h) stored (i) personal (j) personally
20.Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box.



Undertake trust

Disruption members humanitarian Activists


abuse Since

Green peace is an independent organization that (a)-------to protect the environment. It has
about about 4.5 million (b)------in 158 countries,3000.000 of these in the United Kingdom(c)-----by a group of North American (d)-------in 1971.It has (e)------then opened offices around the
world. As well as its (f)------work, it also has a charitable (g)-----in the U.K. which (h)----scientific research and (i)-------Educational work on environment issues. Green peace campaigns
against environmental (j)- --- through non-violent action.(


- )
Ans:(a)campaigns (b) members (c) formed (d) activities (e) since (f) campaigning (g) trust (h)
funds (i) undertakes (j) abuse
21. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
husband consider Dominated happy

beat up


Protect education

healthy Save


Want more Updates

Women in our society have always been considered (a)to men. The majority of houses are
being (b)usually by (c)and women most often have no say in opinion. Their opinion is
(d)unnecessary even in such important (e).as the number of things they would like to have.
In many households they are (f).by the husbands. To (g)their rights the government has
introduced law. But (h)sometimes cant (i)them. So what is more needed for them is the
proper (j)-----.(

Ans:(a) subservient (b) dominated (c) husbands (d) considered (e) issues (f) beaten up (g) protect
(h) law (i) save (j) education
22. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.

Distress Seem

Neigbour Get

Develop Make


Mutual Familiar communicate treat

As the worlds communication system is (a)-------day by day, the worlds seem to be (b)----smaller. For the development of communication system, now we can easily (c)-----with the
people of other countries within a moment. Now, the world (d)------to be a village and the
countries seem to be families. If we develop our (e)-----understanding and co-operation, we can
(f)------our world a better place. We should never (g)------domes that have won others as
enemies but as friends. As a friend we should (h)-----immediate help to other counties in their
(i)-------and sorrows. We should take them to be our (j)------.(

Answer: (a) developing (b) getting (c) communicate (d) seems (e) mutual (f) make
(g) treat (h) ensure (i) distress (j) neigbours

23.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

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Indebt touch



nurture Future

mother nation understand Grow


Napoleon Bonaparte said, Give me an educated (a)and I will give you an educated (b)..
From this saying we can (c).the great role of the mother in building up an educated nation
because a child usually (d).up in contact with its mother and from its childhood he/she
develops his/her talents. If the mother (e), she will be able to teach her children. In another
sense, her children naturally will learn from what she says and does because a child ,up to a
certain (f)is always in (g)..of its mother .So he/she will follow everything that is said and
done by his/her mother. Besides, an educated mother (h) to bring up and (i)her
children well. So it is universally true that an educated nation is largely (j)----to its
mother.( ,


Ans(a) mother (b) nation (c) understand (d) grows (e) educated (f) age (g) touch (h) knows (i)
immature (j) indebted
24.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Prestige Huge

education indicate

Division treated material

Invention certificate

promote Fame


contribute Research

Every year the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a).to the field of science, literature,
and economics and for the (b).of peace. It is the worlds most (c).prize. If there is more than
one recipient, the prize money is (d).equally among the winners. The prize was (e).by Sir
Alfred Nobel, the father of science of destruction. He (f)dynamite. Though Nobel was born in
Sweden, he was (g).in Russia. For this important invention, he became (h).all over the world.
He earned a (i)sum of money. The prize is given from the interest of the money. The winners
of the Nobel Prize are (j)with great respect across the globe. ( , ,


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Ans(a) contribution (b) promotion (c) prestigious (d) divided (e) instituted (f) invented (g)
educated (h) famous (i) huge (j) treated

25. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


make need Side

Prove pleasure harm real


Love pay

Books are mens best (a)in life, you may have many good friends, but you not (b)them when
you(c)them. They may not always (d)to you with sympathy. One or two may (e)false and
do you much (f)--. But books are always ready to be your (g)--. Some books will (h)you laugh
some others will give you much (i)--. Again some books will bring new knowledge and ideas.
They are your (j)friends thought out your life.(


Ans (a) friends (b) find (c) need (d) come (e) prove (f) harm (g) side (h) make (i) pleasure (j)
26. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Shabby See




Appear gorgeously

Receive Indifferent invite astonished Regard rich

Einstein was very simple in his (a).of life. He was (b)to his fame. Once the queen of Belgium
(c).him to Brussels. When he (d).down from the train, he could not (e).that there were
actually many (f).dressed officials to (g).him at the station. The officials also expected
somebody who would (h).to be (i)and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this
(j)man would be Einstein.(


Ans:(a) ways (b) indifferent (c) invited (d) got (e) think (f) gorgeously (g) receive (h) appear (i)
rich (j) shabby

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27.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

Trained fairly

process About

essential Abacus

modern perform

Device Computer

Machine Sense


The Computer is a (a) ----recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b).life. It
has greatly benefited us and brought (c).revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d).that helps
people (e)mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f).is a simple
computer. Today however, the term (g).refers to special kind of electronic (h).that can
perform mathematical calculations and (i)large masses of information at a great speed. In a
few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j).mathematiciAns would need years to
complete.( (


Ans:(a) fairly (b) modern (c) about (d) device (e) perform (f) abacus (g) computer (h) machine
(i) process (j) trained
28.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Combustion investment vehicle





improved assets decided contribute

Natural gas is one of the greatest (a) ..of our country. It has (b)..many countries and foreign
(c)It is said that Bangladesh is (d)..on natural gas. This natural gas is a (e).of our nation.
Natural gas can (f).. a lot to improve the air quality of our cities if we can use it in (g). of
other fuels. After (h).natural gas does not produce any particular matter, sulphur oxide or
nitrogen oxide. So the government has (i).to convert gasoline powered (j). to C.N.G powered


Ans:(a) resources (b) attracted (c) investment (d) floating (e) glory (f) contribute (g) place (h)
combustion (i) decided (j) vehicles

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29. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
opportunity enlighten awareness Purpose choice





business obstacles

Education is the (a)------by which we develop our mind through a formal(b)----at an institution
like a school, college or university. It is a mental and intellectual training which provides (c)----of growth and helps to overcome (d)-----to progress. Again the (e)-----of education is to (f)----the mind and to develop our capacity to the limit. It is also the business of education to (g)-----an individuals to make the right (h)-----to go ahead. It ennobles our mind and refines our (i)-----.It also broadens our (j)----( ,

Ans (a) process (b) learning (c) opportunities (d) obstacles (e) purpose (f) enlighten (g) prepare
(h) choice (i)sensibility (j) outlook
30. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

attributed rational

educated planned


provides prerequiste Ability protect

Education is one of the basic (a)------ of a human being.The poor socio-economic condition of
Bangladesh can be largely (b)------ to most peoples inaccessibility to education. If all the people
were (c)------, they could live a healthy and (d)--- life. It enhances our (e)---- to raise crops,
store food, (f)----- the environment and carry out our social responsibilities. it is only education
which can help us to adopt a (g)---- attitude. It (h)------ us with an enlightened (i)---- about
things and this awareness is the (j)----- for social development.(

, ,

Answer(a) needs (b)attributed (c) educated (d) planned (e) ability (f) protects (g) rational
(h)provides (i)awarness (j) prerequisite

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31. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

occupied came

hosited sacrifice solemenity observe

achieved bloody history

The 16 th December is a red letter day in the (a)----- of Bangladesh. On this day we (b)----victory at the cost of a (c)---- war. Bangladesh (d)---- into being as an independent country. It
(e)---- a place in the world map. Every year,we (f)--- the day with (g)------. We remember the
supreme (h)----- of our (i)--- sons. The day is a public holiday. The national flag is (j)---- on the
top of the each house.(

(a) history (b) achieved (c) bloody (d) came (e) occupied (f) observe (g) solemnity (h) sacrdice
(i) heroic (j) hoisted
32. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
began Pray Many



Popularity Believe

Sentence drinking gain


As a learned teacher Socrates (a) .much popularity in the city. Especially the young men of
the city (b).to gather round him. Socrates (c) one God and always (d).to him. People
who believed in (e).Gods and Goddess did not (f).his teachings. They were jealous of his
great (g).So they began to plot against Socrates. They (h)a mock trial and (i)him to death
by (j)..a cup of Hemlock.(

Ans (a) gained (b) began (c) believed (d) prayed (e) many (f) like (g) popularity (h) brought (i)
sentenced (j) drinking

33. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


Sacred needs develop

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Agriculture people Afford



Bangladesh (a)--- --independence on the 16 December ,1971.The people of this country(b)--peace loving. It is an (c)- ----country. But the (d)- ---of this country are not aware of modern
methods of cultivation. They are not well to do. They cannot (e)-- --to maintain a happier life.
We are (f)- ---behind because of illiteracy. Proper steps should be taken by the government to
(g)-- --illiteracy from the country. Our country (h)----real patriot. It is our (i)---duty to work
arm in arm in order to (j)---the welfare of the country.(

Ans (a) became (b)are (c) agricultural (d) people (e) afford (f) lag (g) remove/eradicate (h) needs
(i) sacred (j)develop

34. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
tradition Educate Confident


Decision adult

Women environment small Express


Our aim is to (a)----girls in the fullest sense. After they leave school they should be (b)-----and
have the ability to (c)-------themselves clearly. They should also have a well-developed (d)-----of
right and wrong, a sense of (e)-----,and a belief in their own worth. The staff has a long (f)-----of encouraging pupils to discover their gifts and abilities in a secured and happy (g)------.We
regard our students as young (h)-----and involve them in (i)-----making concerning their work,
and school (j)-----.(

- ,-

Ans:(a) educate (b) confident (c) express (d) sense (e) duty (f) tradition (g) environment (h)
adults (i) decision (j) life

35. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Victim Need

adulterated eating

executed miseries



adulteration deserve After

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Everybody knows that food (a)-------is crime.(b).food is poisonous and it causes fatal diseases.
People (c).this kind of poisonous food fall a (d).to liver diseases, caner, and kidney failure
and so on. Some businessmen (e).are unscrupulous and running (f).money only do this
heinous work. They thrive on the (g).of others. They (h)severe punishment. The government
has taken certain steps against adulteration and enacted (i).to punish the food adulterators.
We appreciate such steps of the government and expect that laws will be (j).properly in the
interest of the nation. ( ,

, ,

Ans:(a) adulteration (b) adulterated (c) eating (d) victim (e) who (f) after (g) miseries (h)
deserve (i) laws (j) executed
36. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:
Schooling humanist Lived Missionary Citizenship Born
dedicated Dress

Came Known


Set up

Mother Teresa, a great (a)--------and Philanthropist was (b)-----on August 26,1920 in Albania of
Yugoslavia. Her real (c)-- ---was Agnes Teresa. She had her (d)------at a Government school in
Albania. In 1928.Agnes (e)-----to Kolkata to do some(f)-----work and later took Indian (g)-----.Then she devoted and (h)-----herself to the service of suffering and distressed humanity. She
(i)---the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 and Nirmal Hridays in 1954 in Kolkata and was (j)----as
Mother.( ,

Answer:(a) humanist (b) born (c) name (d) schooling (e) came (f) missionary (g) citizenship (h)
dedicated (i) setup (j) known
37. Fill in each gap with suitable word form the box. There are more words than necessary.
Chinese Safest democratic Multi religious Cleanest








Singapore is one of the (a)-- --and (b)----cities in the world. It is both a (c)- --and (d)----state.
Theres only one (e)-- -in Singapore. Its one of the few places, in the world where people
celebrate New Year (f)-- -times. Theyve (g) ---New Year, the (h)---as well as the Christian New
Year as the (i)---one. It is a (j) ---and welfare state.(

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, ,

Answer:(a) safest (b) cleanest (c) multi-cultural (d) multi-religious (e) city (f) three (g) chinese
(h) muslim (i) democratic (j) western

38. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
more nurse



Stay Serve

hospital punctual wounded Ago


Florence Nightingale was born (a).than a hundred years (b)..She wanted to be(c).and to
serve the stick and the (d)..But her father and mother did not (e).this and wished their
daughter to (f)at home with them. Florence was thirty years old (g).at last her father and
mother (h).her go and look after some (i).persons in a charitable (j) London.(

Answer:(a) more (b) ago (c) nurse (d) wounded (e) like (f) stay (g) when (h) let (i) sick (j)
39. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:
Surface Than


Exhibit Look

Situate Cement Create


Architecturally More

Star Mosque is a very beautiful mosque(a)------at Mahuttuly on Abul Kairat Road in Dhaka.(b)-----faultless, this Mugal style mosque (c)-----five domes with hundreds of big and small twinkling
Stars on (d)-----.The stars have been (e)-----by setting pieces of chinaware on white (f)------.Seen
from the front and from far it(g)as if shining above the (h)-----of the earth. The (i)------of it is
even more beautiful (j)------the outside.(

Answer:(a)situated (b) architecturally (c) exhibits (d) walls (e) created

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(f) cement (g) looks (h) surface (i) inside (j) than
40. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Experience contact without



what success

conversation ornament How


Studies are part and parcel of human being.(a).it none can achieve superiority in the field of
(b)..The use of studies may be (c).into 4 heads studies for delight, for(d).for ability and for
(e).The reader should know (f).kind of book, why and (g).he should read. We should read
books for our own sake. To attain worldly (h).we should combine study and (i).The wise men
put their studies to practical (j)(

, ,

Ans:(a) without (b) knowledge (c) classified (d) utility (e) virtue (f) what (g) how (h) success (i)
experience (j) utility

41. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.


education participation improvement System

Development Possible security




Sustainable (a)-- ---in national productivity is not (b)----without the (c)----of females who (d)--almost half of the (e)----population. In order to involve the women folk in the (f)-- --stream it
is essential to create formal(g)opportunities for females. An (h)-- --women is not only an
educated mother but also a (i)----worker for the (j)---of our nation.(

Ans:(a) development (b) possible (c) participation (d) constitute (e) total
(f) improvement (g) different (h) educated (i) skilled (j) security
42. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

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forest land Repair Floods

Insecurity damage Protection


Causes Deforestation Cut

The most common causes of (a)-----are cutting and burning the (b)-----Though the forest lands
are (c)-----and burnt for the sake of agriculture and (d) has a negative (e)-----on
environment. The removal of trees (f)-----the birds and other animals living on them to leave
the place. It also causes serious (g)- --to the soil, as trees give (h)---to soil as well. In the end,
the soil gets (i)- ---in the river bed and causes frequent (j)--------.(

, ,

Ans(a) deforestation (b) forestland (c) cut (d) habitat (e) effect (f) causes (g) damage (h)
protection (i) sediment (j) flood

43. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Technology Wonder Spectacular designed called
Surrounded Largest



Covering modern Each

The Sangsad Bhaban at Sher-e-Bangla Nagaar in Dhaka is a (a)of modern architecture and
(b). It is one of the (c)and most (d)parliament buildings in the world. It was (e)by the
famous American architect Louis I Kahn. This 155 feet high nine storied building is (f)by a
artificial lake (g)the Crescent Lake. The structure has 1650 door, 335windows, 365 ventilators
and corridors (h)to be a wildering length of 41-6 kilometers. The house has 354 seats for MPS.
56 for guests, 40 for journalists and 430 for spectators. It has three party rooms in (i)of which
can seat 153 people. The whole place in air-conditioned and includes all (j)amenities.(

, ,

, ,

Ans(a)wonder (b) technology (c) largest (d) spectacular (e) designed (f) surrounded (g) called (h)
totaling (i) each (j) modern
44. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
becomes eager


want gift


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invited Favourite food

elders festive

Children are fond of festivals.They become very (a)---on a day of festival.If it is their
birthday,their joys become over (b)---.They become very (c)---to have wishes from their beloved
perons.Th whole day they (d)---to spend times in joy.Usually a child on its birthday,gets up
early and tries to (e)clsoed to their parents.If (f)---a nice day,if it is presented anything very
(g)---to it.Children also want to have their friends (h)---to their hosue on a festival.They
expected to have party.Their joys give pleasure to their (i)--.We should try to keep the children
always in a (j)mind.

Answer: (a) joyful/joyous (b) flooded (c) eager (d) want (e) remain (f) delightful (g) favourite (h)
invited (i) elders (j) festive

45. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


honour carry Be bid

dishonour Curse break


Go turn

The boy George Washington was about to (a).to sea as a sailor. Everything (b).ready. His box
had been (c).down to the boat. When he came to his mother to (d).her farwell, he (e).tear
in her eyes. However he said nothing to her.(f)..round to his servant he said Fetch my box
back, I will not go to (g)my mothers heart. His mother said George, God (h).the children
who (i)their parents. I am sure God will (j).you.(

, ,

Answer(a) go (b) was (c) carried (d) bid (e) saw (f) turning (g) break (h) blesses (i) honour (j)
46.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

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Narrow civilization unique

Harm Course




protect traitor hatred

Patriotism is an (a)quality of human being. It creates in a man a (b)love for his motherland.
Patriotism is older than (c).The man who loves his own country, does his own duties and
works (d).the progress of his own country, is a patriot.(e)the ancient tribes had great love
for the land where they were born and sacrificed their lives to (f)her. A student, an artist or a
politician may be a patriot in normal (g)of his life. If he does his duties honestly and sincerely
in his own field, he can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be (h).We must not have
(i).or bitterness towards anyone. But (j).patriotism is very bad.(


Ans(a) inherent (b) unique (c) civilization (d) for (e) even (g) course (h) traitor (i) hatred (j)
47. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
open Working


educated without stand

solve Completing hesitate neglect



Unemployment problem is very (a).in Bangladesh. Thousands of people of our country are
(b).any job. At present the toughest task for an (c).person is to find out a suitable job. But
this scene has (d).to some extent because todays educated youth have become cautious of
their career. Social superstitions cannot (e)in their way. They dont (f)to do any kind of
work. For example many youth, after (g).their education of masters,(h).in Chinese restaurants
air conditioned buses etc. Recently electronic media have gone a long way to (i)unemployment
problem. They have (j).new scopes of job opportunities. (

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Ans(a) acute (b) without (c) educated (d) changed (e) stand (f) hesitate (g) completing (h) work
(i) solve (j) made
48. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
passage. Use the right form of the word if needed. There are more words than necessary. You
can use a word more than once.
Service remove separate society education Live
Students should not (a)-----themselves from (b)------. They can (c)-----the society in many ways.
Their (d)-----is of great importance to society. During vacation they should go to their native
village. They can (e)--- ---the illiterate villagers. During a flood they can (f)-----the sufferings of
the flood affected people by raising funds. As they live in (g)----, they are (h)-----beings. So they
are not (i)------from society. They can play an important role by (j)---the illiterate from the

(a) separate (b) society (c) serve (d) service (e) educate (f) remove (g) society (h)social (i)
separate (j) removing

49. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
problem Have purchasing occur





facing fulfill Possible

Price hiking of household products in now (a)------for us. Every day we are (b)-----it. Most of
our people having (c)------income are in danger. They do not think of (d)-----meat and fish as
they require. The price of vegetables also (e)-----.We are to (f)-----to buy a simple product.
Many times they (g)-----are cheated. There should (h)----a fixed price for every item. They it
should be (i)----to make the free from harassment. Government should try to (j)-----our


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Ans (a) unbearable (b) facing (c) poor/little/limited (d) buying (e) increasing (f) decide (g)
consumers (h) fixed (i) possible (j) fulfil
50. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
flower Job

farming Raising

Sectors meAns


oneself create

Opportunities rearing many


Self-employment meAns to create (a)opportunity for (b)by ones own effort. Various
government organizations are trying to (c).a congenial atmosphere for self-employment.
Different NGOs have (d)rendered their help. Livestock (e)., agricultural (f).., poultry(g).are
some of the (h).There are many (i).for self employment in Bangladesh. One can (j).engage
oneself in these jobs.(

, ,

Ans(a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i)
opportunities (j) easily
51. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

operation nature

individual base

between computer



electronic terminal difference communication

Electronic mail, popularly (a)---as e mail is the communication of textual message via (b)---meAns.Although telex (c)---is also electronic in (d)----,there are differences(e)----a telex and
email.While telex,messages destined to a number of users are sent to the same terminal from
where it is (h)-----in a printed form by an operator.On the other hand,e-mail is derived to (i)--electronic mail boxes (j)----in computers.(-

Answer: (a) known (b) electronic (c) communication (d) nature (e) between (f) terminal (g)
computer (h)distributed (i) individual (j) based

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52. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following






nations mutual necessity essential important becomes

English is an International Language.As a result the (a)----of English has increased.Different
countries have to keep (b)----communication among them.The (c)----of learning is very
great.Because it (d)----us to develop a good relationship with other (e)----.In this modern (f)---of communication it is not possible to advance (g)----it.English (h)---the language of the whole
world.(i)---all books in science and Technology have been written or trAnslted into English.One
cant think of higher studies without the (j)---of English.(


53. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
system Make device





computer Introduced network regarded

Internet is a new (a)------for speedy trAnsmission of news,(b)------,message etc. Internet is now

(c)-----as a milestone in the modern world of (d)-----.Internet is practically a (e)-----of all
networks. Internet opened a new (f)-- --in our communication system. Our T&T Board has
already (g)--- --VAST in our country. Consequently telephone line with wires (h) ----- no more
be required. Now cellular telephone is (i)--- --used. Through this wonderful (j)-- ---our
communication will be more rapid. ( , ,

Answer:(a) system (b) feeling (c) regarded (d) computer (e) network (f) era (g) introduced (h)
will (i) being (j) device
54.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
inseparable walking moment important till

Want more Updates






Language plays a very (a)----role in our life.We use language from the (b)---we wake up in the
morning(c)----we go to bed at night.We use language not only during our (d)---hours but also in
our dreams.We use language to (e)----what we feel and to say (f)---we like or dislike.We also use
language to (g)----information.In short,language is ever present in our (h)----.It is an (i)----part
of what we do,(j)----and believe.(

Answer: (a) important (b) moment (c) till (d) waking (e) express (f) what (g) obtain (h) activities
(i) inseperable (j) perceive

55. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

patriotic involve

keep hope




corrupted when consider level

Corruption has been the burning question in the world.Bangladesh is (a)---to be the most (b)--country by World Bank.Whate ever it is ,it is really a matter of sorrow.Our bureaurats,high
officials,business magnates all are (c)----in corruption.We do not know (d)----to escpae this
cause.Our poverty can be (e)-----if we do not (f)----ourselves.We will not be able to (g)---anything good for our next generation.Only (h)---zeal can inspire our society to (i)----this
meanness.We are (j)----that our country will ready turn into Golden Bengal if we are honest.

, ,

, )
Answer: (a) considered (b) corrupted (c) involved (d) how (e) removed (f) correct (g) keep (h)
patriotic (i) shun (j) hopeful
56. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
globalisation quickened change smalller time


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sectors thirsty

reach short

Information technology has (a)----the process of (b)----.In the field of information technology
internet (c)----a vital role.It has made the world (d)----and brought the world within our (e)---.It can trAnsmit information within a short (f)----.It has also brought a great (g)----in banking
and financial (h)----.It has (i)----our knowledge and made us more (j)---for the unknown.(

Answer (a)

57.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

according responsible polar

accumulating raise


atmosphere released

surface world

Scientists have recently reported that the (a)----ice caps are melting. This happens due to a (b)---in atmospheric temperature known as the Green House Effect.(c)---to the scientist ,the carbon
dioxide is primarily (d)----for temperature rise in (e)----.The carbon di oxide is (f)----when coal
and oil are burnt. This gas is (g)---in the atmosphere and (h)----temperature to rise.As a result,
the(i)----ice in the North and South poles are (j)----.( ,

Ans:(a) polar (b) rise (c) according (d) responsible (e) atmosphere (f)released (g) accumulating
(h)causing (i) surface (j) melting
58.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

between business

information need




functions connected operated scientific

E-mail plays a very important role in this modern world of (a)..This is a (b).way of sending
message date and pieces of (c).to others very easily within a few seconds by meAns of
computers (d).together in a network. In other words, e-mail which is an (e).mail can be done
(f).two persons or two offices or two organizations at home and abroad. To (g).an e-mail

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system we have the (h).of two sets of computer, one to be used by the sender and the other
by the (i)E-mail (j)instantly with the help of computer which is connected in a network.(

Ans:(a) business (b) scientific (c) information (d) connected (e) electronic (f) between (g) operate
(h) need (i) receiver (j) function

59.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Appear daring cracks strong


Daunted surveyed

beside fascinated Sliders


Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is over 29000 feet (a)sea level. An
English man named George Everest first (b).the Himalayas in 1881.It has always (c).climbers
but is difficult to climb. There might be snow (d)and (e)under the ice and snow.(f)the
climbers are to face strong winds and (g)cold. Mountaineers are (h)people. They are not
(i)by dangers. Mountains always (j)exciting and challenging to them. (

Answer:(a) above (b) surveyed (c) fascinated (d) sides (e) cracks (f) besides (g) biting (h) daring
(i) daunted (j) appear
60.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
Crying need Eradicate corruption of





originate justice behave

Corruption begets (a)..It may (b).from various politics, weak administration and many other
matters. Bangladesh is (c).as one of the most corrupted countries in the world. The malaise is
too deep and wide to be (d).Due to (e)., we find injustice prevailing all over the country. The

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ultimate sufferings for corruption go to the common people who are born to be deprived
(f).their legal rights. The law machine is (g).weak to punish such criminals. The eradication
of corruption is a (h).for our greater interest. To make country free from this (i),people in
power should be accountable. None should be (j).above the law.(

Ans:(a) corruption (b) originate (c) treated (d) eradicated (e) corruption (f) of (g) too (h) crying
need (i) curse (j) treated
61.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

Quick important think

available Save




essential status affected

Communication system is very (a).for a country. In the developed countries, it is so (b)..that

they can (c).with one another easily. But in our country, the (d).people dont get this scope.
Now many of us especially in the (e).use mobile phone. Even the young generation is also
(f).to have this. It is not so (g).for them. It is now a matter of (h).also. But we are to (i)of
its positively at first. The babies become (j).by the use of mobile phone.(

Ans (a) essential (b) quick (c) contact (d) common (e) cities (f) seen (g) important (h) status (i)
think (j) affected
62.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
passage. Use the right form of the word if needed

installment loAns

ascertain eligible


observation conforming

observed Bank worker formed


When a group is (a)----, it is kept under close (b)-----for a month or two by a (c)---and other
staff to see if the members are (d)---to the discipline of the Grameen Bank. If satisfactory,(e)---members will receive their (f)-----and be (g)-----for a month or two to (h)----if they pay their

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(i)-----regularly. Only then will the next two members be (j)----for loAns.(

Answer (a) formed (b) observation (c) bank worker (d) conforming (e) eligible (f) loAns (g)
observed (h) ascertain (i) installment (j) eligible

63.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following
passage. Use the right form of the word if needed
Change Depend Blessed

become Universe stage

Predominant Can



We live in an age of (a)- -- ---in every (b)-------of our life. We (c)..on science which has (d)------us with many gifts. By dint of science, man has (e).the master of the whole (f)In every
sphere of life science has (g) a new era of hope and prosperity. Today we cannot think of
(h)--- ---rather than science. But still the modern science (i)-----not change the basic attitude
towards the problems of our life. Superstitions, false notions and baseless beliefs still (j)-- ---over us.(

Ans(a) science (b) stage (c) depend (d) blessed (e) become (f) universe (g) ushered (h) anything
(i) can (j) predominate
64. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

Determination developing

Increasingly Conference

recognized important

Co-ordinated accepted


participated Strengthened

International Womens Day has become (a)-----all over the world for women in(b)----and (c)--coutries alike.The growing International womens (d)----,which has been (e)----by four global
United Nations Women (f)-----,has asked for (g)-----efforts to demand womens rights and (h)--in the political and economic progress (i)----.The International Womens Day is a time to reflect
on progress made to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and (i)----by ordinary
women who have played an extra ordinary role in the history of Womens rights.(

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Answer: (a) important (b) developed (c) developing (d) movement (e) strengthened (f)
conferenece (g) co-ordinated (h) participation (i) increasingly (j) determination

65. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

traditions education globally

rightful unity




announced unanimously language

The UNESCO has (a)------February 21 as the International Mother Language Day to be observed
(b)-----in recognition of the sacrifice of the (c)------for establishing the (d)------place in Bangla.
The proclamation came into the (e)-----of resolution unanimously adopted at the plenary of the
UNESCO at its headquarters in Paris in November 1999.The UNESCO in its resolution said (f)--recognition was given bearing in mind that to (g)---mother tongues widely will not only add
(h)---in language and encourage multilingual (i)----but also to develop (j)----fuller education
variety based on understanding,tolerance and dialogue.(

Answer(a) announced (b) globally (c) martyrs (d) rightful (e) form (f) globally (g) spread (h)
variety (i) education (j) tradition.
66. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following

Sorrows fate




predetermined Ordered attitude amply undergo hold

There are many people in our country who have a conservative (a)---.Quite early in life they
learn to (b)----that everything in this world was (c)----.They think all that happens to them was
(d)---by God.From this belief the poor generally accept their (e)---.They also accept all their (f)--and sufferings in this world will be (i)---rewarded in the next world.They also have the same
sort of (j)---towards illness and diseases.(

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Answer(a) outlook (b) believe (c) predeterminded (d) ordained (e) poverty (f) sorrows (g) hold
(h) undergo (i) amply (j) attitude

67. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


properly product

population important without

contrubution nation

population country


The (a)----of women for the development is very (b)----because they are about 50 % of the total
(c)---of the country.No(d)----can expect development (e)---the contribution of her 50% (f)-.Women can contribute in the (g)----of teaching,computer operating,banking
sector,marketing(h)---,receptionists etc.If they are (i)---trained they can contribute in all (j)---of
our social and national life. (

, , ,

Answer:(a) contribution (b) important (c) population (d) nation (e) without (f) population (g)
method (h) product (i) properly (j) sphere
68. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


climate unnecessarily


prediction warmer

change evidence destroy catastrophically gradual severely


The world is getting (a)---because of pollution.Every year millions of people all over the world
die (b)---as a result of pollution.In recent years there have been (c)----reports tha the worlds
(d)is undergoing a significant (e)---.All these reports provide strong (f)---that world
temperatures are (g)---day by day.Climatologist (h)----that midway through the next century
temperatures may have (i)----as much as 4 C.This could raise sea-levels and thereby (j)---coastal
areas and farmlands.(

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, .

Answer: (a)warmer (b) unnecessarily (c) alarming (d) climate (e) change (f) evidence (g)
increasing (h) predict (i) risen (j) flood
69. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following


know develop precaution

belief possible loss


time recur

compulsory be


Bangladesh (a)----in the active earthquake zone.It is (b)---to all Bangladeshis.Experts are alarmed
by the (c)-----of quakes during recent years.But they give no (d)---Answer to the question of
(e)---about the buildings of Dhaka city.As there is every (f)----of earthquakes in
Bangladesh,experts call for taking adequate (g)---measures to (h)---losses.RAJUK (i)----that an
earthquake resistant building code should be (j)----.(

Answer: (a) is (b) known (c) recurrence (d) direct (e) safety (f) possibility (g) precautionary (h)
reduce (i) believes (j) developed
70.Fill in each gap with the words given in the box. There are more words than necessary.


career born



workshops dedication joined management admission Recognition

Ms. Fatema started her (a)as a teacher in Jalilpur primary school. She taught there years and
then (b)Neel para primary school. She was(c)in Jamalpur district in 1976. After she passed
her S.S.C in the 1st division she got (d)to teaching and thought of becoming a teacher. She
Joined the primary Training (e)in Jamalpur in 1994 after she had passed H.S.C from the P.T.I.
she was sent to various (f)and received training. In 1996 she (g) a short training on English
Language Teaching in Dhaka. In 1997, she joined a workshop in Rajshahi on school (h)--. She
has been awarded the honors in (i)of her integrity and (j)(


Answer: (a) career (b) joined (c) born (d) admission (e) institute (f) workshops (g) attended (h)
management (i) recognition (j) dedication

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Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box


Breathe need

Produce Protect

Plant Prevent Preserve Grow

Provide Take




Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being (b) away by rain water
and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and
gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves,
fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,
paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As
you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)-them and plant more trees around us.
a. prevent
b. washed
c. Planted
d. Bring
e. Provide
f. Breathe
g. produce
h. need
Fill in the gaps with suitable word from the box.
Prestige Huge

Education Indicate

Division Treated Material

Invention Instituted

Promote Fame


Contribute research

Every year the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a) to the fields of science, literature,
economics and for the (b) of peace. It is the worlds most (c) -----prize. If there are more than one
recipient, the prize money is (d) --- equally among the winners. The prize was (e) --- by Sir Alfred
Nobel, the father of the science of destruction. He (f) --- dynamite. Though Nobel was born in
Sweden, he was (g)--- in Russia. For this important invention, he become (h)--- all over the world. He
earned a (i)--- sum of money. The prize is given from the interest of the money. The winners of the
Nobel Prize are (j)--- with great respect across the globe.
a. Contribution
b. promotion
c. Prestigious

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d. Divided
e. Instituted
f. Invented
g. Educated
h. Famous
Fill in the gaps with suitable word from the box.

Manpower Explore

Recreation Necessary

Provide Concern Independence Employment

Different Across


unemplyment Solution

Bangladesh is a (a)--- populated country, but a large number of her people are (b)---. It is not
possible for her to ensure (c)to the teeming millions. Self-employment is a possible (d)to
this problem. It means that people themselves should (e)avenues for self-employment.
Facilities for training in (f)trades and vocations are available (g)--- the country. The youths,
in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades and turn into a useful (h)---. The Govt.
also (i)--- easy loans and counseling with a view to helping them start an (j)earning activity.
a. dense
b. unemplyed
c. employment
d. solution
e. explore
f. different
g. across
h. manpower
Fill in the gaps with suitable word from the box.
Shortage Evil

Rapid Starve Illiterate Acutely

Crops Good




Population rate

Of the fast increasing population most of them are poor and (a) -. They do nct realize the ~b) consequences of having so many children. They do not know that they are making 'the existing f&ad
prob;eun more serious and more (c) - There is always a (d) - of food. Again the mouths to be fed are
multiplying too (e) -- for food production to keep pace with. The threats of famine and mass (f) now loom larger than ever befe-e because the population is increasing in geometrical progress. While
the food production is increasing in anid~Tnetical progress. 'Me agriculture of our country is still (g) - .
They cannot apply scientific (h) of cultivation in tiicir lzrds. So, the production of food (i) - is very
low. Thus the increasing population adds to (j)---problem
a. illiterate
b. evil
c. rapidly
d. shortage

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e. slow
f. starvation
g. primitive
h. method
i. crops
j. acute
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box



essential abacus

process perform about specialy

computer device

modern machine


The computer is a (a) - recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) - life. It has
greatly benefited us and brought (c) - revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) - that helps people (e) mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f) - is a simple computer. Today,
however, the term (g)- refers to special kind of electronic (h) - that can perform mathematical
calculations and (i) - large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can
perform calculation that (j)-mathematicians would need years to complete.
a. fairly
b. modern
c. about
d. device
e. perform
f. abacus
g. computer
h. machine
i. process
j. trained
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box necessary).
There aremore words in the box than you need:- 1x10=10
friendly beautiful slow





probably impression simply residence difference

It seems hard to believe that Ive been in Savar for a whole month now! I promised to write
and tell you how I was (a)--. So here goes. When I first got here I just couldnt get used to the (b)--- of
life. Now, though, I am learning to take things (c)---I am beginning to feel at home. You cant imagine
how (d)--- the university campus is. Its very large, very green and (e)---the best campus in the country.
Its (f)--- wonderful. My first (g)--- of the students and teachers here is that they are really (h)and
helpful. And the (i)--- is wonderful. As you know, I am staying in a hall of (j)--- but life here is so
different particularly if you are used to home comforts.
a. getting on
b. difference
c. easy
d. beautiful
e. probably

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f. simply
g. impression
h. friendly
i. library
j. residence
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
resources potential create





returns achievement success from

Investment in education (a)---- girls increases the economic and social (b)--- of development investment
in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c)--- wealth through its impact on economic
development. Educated women have a higher income (d) than those who have (e) ----no schooling.
Educated mothers are more (f) - to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to realise
that (g)---- in girl's education generally results (h)---- an integrated approach to community
development. Thus (i) -to educate girls results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) a. for
b. achievement
c. creating
d. potential
e. have
f. likely
g. success
h. from
i. failure
j. resouces
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Employ Impact



Reduce Importance

International Growth Emphasize Poor


Micro-credit institutions have agreat (a)in Bangladesh. Grameen Bank is one

of them which has (b)recognition. It (c)money to the poor especially the
(d)women. It (e)the need to develop skills and (f)consciousness among
them. It creates (g)--- opprtunity for rural women. This institution has a
positive (h)on the economic variables and family (i)--. It also helps to (j)
their poverty.
a. importance
b. international
c. lend
d. poor
e. emphasizes
f. raises
g. employment
h. impact

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i. growth
j. reduce
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box





perfection dress

Trade Against Thinking Indeed Perfect Live


Once upon a time, there (a)in the city of Bangladesh a young bachelor who
was by(b)--- porter. One day he sat in the market place leaning idly (c)his
basket. A young woman (d)in rare silks and cloaked in a gold embroidered
mantle, stopped before him and gently raised her (e)--- . Beneath it there
showed dark eyes with long lashes and lineaments (f)---beauty. Lift up your
basket, porter, said in a (g)voice, and follow me . At once the porter took up
his basket, (h)to himself. This is (i)--- a lucky day. He followed her until she
stopped at the door of a house and (j)---.
a. Lived
b. Trade
c. Against
d. dressed
e. Veil
f. Pefect
g. Sweet
h. Thinking
i. Indeed
j. knocked
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Discuss Go

Happy Gossip Cook

Bother Visit


Neighbour Experience

Household Chores


Mrs. Zaman is a house wife. She loves (a)--. She loves in an partment block.
There are seven more families in the building. She has an (b)cook. So she
does not have to do any (c)--. Almost everyday around eleven oclock she (d)to
visit one of her (e)--- on the apartments mostly to gossip. Most of the
housewives she (f)do not have much domestic help and they (g)this time to
cook, clean or do other household (h)--. But Mrs. Zaman does not seem to be
(i)---. She does not mind (j)the personal matters of one family with other.
a. bothering
b. experienced
c. cooking
d. goes
e. neighbours
f. visit
g. use
h. chores

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i. happy
j. discuss
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Rubbish Incinarators environment refabricated

Manage Utilize




We can not altogether get rid of our (a) - but a proper management of it can certainly reduce its
quantity. If we think of burning, burying, recycling and thus (b) - our waste, we can do a large (c) to
save our (d) - .Our garbage consists (e)- - various kinds of things. Some are burnable, (f) - are (g) -. In
some countries waste is destroyed by (h) -. The non burnable waste is melted and (i)---.. Some rubbish is
not (j)---at all.
a. waste
b. manage
c. fabrication
d. environment
e. of
f. some
g. non-burnable
h. incinaratore
i. fabricated
j. utilized
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Indebt Touch



Nature Future

Mother Nation Under stand



Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Give me an educated (a) - and I will give you an educated (b) -." From this
saying we can (c)-the great role of mother in building up an educated nation. Because a child usually (d)
- up in contact with its mother and from its childhood he/she develops his/her talent. If the mother is
(e) --, she will be able to teach her children. In another sense, her children naturally will learn from
what she says and does. Because a child, up to a certain (f) - is always in (g) - of its mother. So he/she
will follow everything that is said and done by his/her mother. Besides, an educated mother (h) - how
to bring up and (i) - her children well. So it is universally true that an educated nation is largely (j)-to
its mother.
a. mother
b. nation
c. understand
d. grow
e. educated
f. age
g. touch
h. know
i. educate
j. indebted

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Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Exceptional Economic Popular



Passenger Useful

Outstanding Up Ullustrated have

The development of railway in the 19th century has (a) - a profound (b)-on social and (c) - development
in many parts of the world. This process is (d) -- in an (e) - fashion by the Darjeeling Himalayan
Railway. It is the first and still the most (f) - model of a (g) - train that goes (h) - a mountain. It is (i) known as toy train perhaps because of its (j)-wagons and its slow speed.
a. had
b. influence
c. economic
d. illustrated
e. exceptional
f. outstanding
g. passenger
h. up
i. popularly
j. colourful
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Introduce Noticing Make

Introduction Remain


Control friend

Interpreted Usual


Reputation keep

The British have a (a) -- for (b) - their emotions private. Some obvious things are (c) - in
British behaviour. For example, on public transport one passenger does not (d) - talk to
another passenger. On meeting people do not (e) -and often simply shake hands on a first
(f) - . In theatres, concert hails and cinemas audiences (g) - quiet during performances. None
of these behaviour traits should be (h) - as unfriendliness. If a visitor (i) - the first move to start
a conversation, he will find a British people are rather (j)---.
a. reputation
b. keeping
c. noticeable
d. usually
e. embrace
f. introduction
g. remain
h. interpreted
i. makes
j. friendly
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Furious Die

Knowing Wit



Excution Unpleasant

Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause


Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his
future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on

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his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the
astrologer told him something (c)----- - . At this the king got (d)---- and
condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the
peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the
astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With
ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week
before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a
dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)----away, let him not come here again."
a. knowing
b. happened
c. unplesasant
d. furious
e. excute
f. spoil
g. excution
h. wit
i. declare
j. wretch
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
resources potential create





returns achievement success from

Investment in education (a)---- girls increases the economic and social (b)--- of
development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c)--wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated women have a
higher income (d) than those who have (e) ----no schooling. Educated mothers
are more (f) - to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to
realise that (g)---- in girl's education generally results (h)---- an integrated
approach to community development. Thus (i) -to educate girls results in a
tremendous waste of potential human (j) a. for
b. achievement
c. creating
d. potential
e. have
f. likely
g. success
h. from
i. failure
j. resouces
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Quickly Over

Commit Explain



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Enriched Aloud

Times Know

Possession Thoughts of

Young people often consider (a)poetry by heart a tiresome drudgery. But the
learning of poetry has great advantage (b)merely reading it. Poems that have
been learnt become a permanent personal, (c)--. The mind is (d)with a store
of beautiful or lofty (e)and ideas which may be a source of pleasure, comfort
and inspiration at (f)when the books are not at hand. Poems selected for
learning, however, should be worthy (g)the time to be spent on them and
should be those which make a strong appeal to the learner. The best way to
(h)a poem to memory is not to learn it line by line, but to read the whole
poem (i)over again until it is througlhly (j)--.
a. learning
b. over
c. possession
d. enriched
e. thoughts
f. times
g. reading
h. commit
i. aloud
j. learnt
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Present Even

Television Common

Interest Educative


Numerous distance

Television has become the most(a)and most wide spread (b)---of

entertainment of the (c)world. A wide range of programmes of varied (d)is
telecast on (e)channels. Almost every middle class and (f)working class
families have a (g)set today. Television Programmes are not only entertaining
they can be highly (h)too. For example, television is used for (i)learning.
Courses run by Open University are shown on (j)by them.
a. common
b. source
c. present
d. interest
e. numerous
f. even
g. Television
h. Educative
i. Distance
j. BTV
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Sense Dots



Man Using

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Although Ability Letters Way nails

(a) - blind people cannot (b) -, their (c) - of touch becomes far more developed than that
of most sighted people. This (d) - was put to use by a brilliant (c)called Louis Braille. In
the early nineteenth century, he invented a (f) - of writing which bears his name. The
Braille system reproduces the (g) - of the alphabet by a series of (h) - in certain
positions, which are raised on the paper. The blind person runs the (i) - of his fingers
across the pages of the Braille book and can work out the printed letters and numbers. In
this way, he reads the books (j)-his sense of touch.
a. Although
b. read
c. Sense
d. Ability
e. Man
f. way
g. letters
h. dots
i. tips
j. using
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box



Increase Source

Call Come Which Use


Protein grow

The Ocean has always been a good (a) - of food for man. But only one per cent of
mankind's food (b) - from the sea and most of it is fish. Besides fish, we eat prawns,
shrimps, lobsters and whales, (c) - are commonly (d) - fish but are scientifically
classified otherwise. There are about 20 thousand (e) - of fish in the sea. We (f) - only a
few kinds. We should try to eat some (g),- kinds too. In order to (h) - the sea's yield of
fish, we can start fish farming in the sea. In China, sea weeds are now (i) - for use both,
as food and as fertilizer. We too can take similar measures and make the best (j)-of our
water resources.
a. source
b. comes
c. which
d. called
e. kinds
f. eat
g. other
h. increase
i. grown
j. use
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Think Distress Seem




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Neighbour Familiar Communicate treat

As the world's communication system is (a) - day by day, the world seems to be (b) - smaller.
For the development of communication system, now we can easily (c) - with the people of
other countries within a moment. Now, the world (d) - to be a village and the countries seem to
be families. If we develop our (e) - understanding and cooperation, we can (t)-our world a
better place. We should never (g) - others as enemies but as friends. As a friend we should
(h)-immediate help to other countries in their (i)-and sorrows. We should take them to be
our (j)-.
a. developing
b. getting
c. communicate
d. seems
e. mutual
f. make
g. treat
h. ensure
i. distress
j. neighbour
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Prediction Global


Extinction Undergo

Unnecessary Pollute Avoid



Temparatures Suitable cruelly

The disposal of various kinds of (a)is seriously polluting the environment. The worlds climate is
(b)---a significant change. (c)---warming is the cause of the increase of heat in the atmosphere. The
climatologists (d)--- that it will be difficult to find a (e)---place to live in. Every year millions of
people all over the world die (f)--- as a result of (g)--- . These unfortunate and (h)deaths are (i)--about by four specific factors. We should take determined (j)---to control these problems.
a. wastes
b. undergoing
c. global
d. predict
e. suitable
f. unnecessarily
g. pollution
h. unavoidable
i. brought
j. action
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Survive Surroundings Look


Escape Is

Different Move


Colour fly

Animals must be able to (a) -----themselves from enemies in order to (b)

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----Different animals have (c) -------ways. Some animals have 'protective
colouring, that is their (d) -----------changes to match their (e) --. The
common tree toad changes (f) --------- gray to green when it (g) ---- from
the trunk of a tree to a green (h) ----. Similarly the dead-leaf butterfly (i)--being seen by its enemies because it (j) ---like a dry leaf.
a. escape
b. survive
c. different
d. colouring
e. sorroundings
f. from
g. moves
h. leaf
i. is
j. looks
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Traditional Only On


Strategy Development Run

Widespread In



In ancient times, education was (a)for the general people but a (b)for
chosen few who took on (c)roles in the (d)of the state and in religion.
(e)Greece, education became more (f)in about the 5th century BC.
TheGreeks, however, sent (g)their male children to school. When Rome
was (h)by the Greeks, the Romans under Greek influence (i)a strong
(j)of literacy.
a. not
b. privilege
c. strategic
d. running
e. in
f. widespread
g. only
h. conquered
i. developed
j. tradition
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Flower Job

Farming Raising

Sectors Means


create Oneself

Opportunities Rearing Many


Self-employment means to create (a)---opportunity for (b)by ones own

effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c)a congenial
atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGOs have (d)rendered their
help. Livestock (e)--, agricultural (f)--. Poultry (g)are some of the (h)--.

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There are many (i)for sel-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j)
engage oneself inthese jobs.
a. job
b. oneself
c. create
d. also
e. rearing
f. farming
g. raising
h. sectors
i. opportunities
j. easily
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box


Traffic ConsciousOccur Be

Many Through Easily



Move Go


It (a)difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of (b)

here. Drivers change lanes. As a foregner you may find lane changing
(d)signal quite distressing. Even drivers (e)denying rules.Many people
are not at all(f)about traffic signals. They go around not (g)what may
happen to them if accident (h)--. Rickshaw and baby taxis (i)in and out
in a zigzag course and try to push (j)whenever they find some space.
a. is
b. driving
c. frequesntly
d. without
e. drive
f. conscious
g. knowing
h. occurs
i. move
j. through
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
constraints usually


education need

available affect troubled

standard facilities

requisite progress


Bangladesh has a (a)--population. Our educational institutions are also few. We have
far too many students to (b) -, compared to the number of institutions (c).Bangladesh (d) - more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the (e) number of students. But owing to financial and resource (f) - ,the government cannot
fund the (g) - number of educational institutions. At present every educational institution
is overcrowded and class size is (h) -large. As (i)-in these institutions are poor, the
students do not get a education.

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a. huge
b. educate
c. available
d. needs
e. increasing
f. constraints
g. requisite
h. unusually
i. facilities
j. standard
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Shabby See




Gorgeously Enjoy

Receive Indifferent Invite Astonished Regard


Einstein was very simple in his (a) - -of life. He was (b) -- to his fame. Once the
queen of Belgium (c) -- him to Brussels. When he (d) -- down from the train, he
could not (e)- -that there were actually many (f)--dressed officials to (g) -- him
at the station. The officials also expected somebody who would (h) -- to be (i) -and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this (j)--man would be
a. ways
b. indifferent
c. invited
d. got
e. see
f. gorgeously
g. receive
h. appear
i. rich
j. shabby
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Drink Eat

Available Nutrition

Heart Balanced


Happen Lack

Knowledge Preserve Mind


While (a)food we should bear in (b)that we dont eat just to (c)hunger or to

fill the belly. We eat to (d)our health. For good health a man (e)good food.
Sometimes it so (f)that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the
food they need for good health because they have no (g)of science and health
and (h)--. They do not know how to select a (i)diet from the many foods that are
(j)to them.
a. eating
b. mind
c. satisfy

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d. preserve
e. needs
f. happens
g. knowledge
h. nutrition
i. balanced
j. available
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

trained fairly

process about

essential abacus


computer device

perform machine



The computer is a (a) - recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) - life. It has
greatly benefited us and brought (c) - revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) - that helps people
(e) - mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f) - is a simple computer.
Today, however, the term (g)- refers to special kind of electronic (h) - that can perform mathematical
calculations and (i) - large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can
perform calculation that (j)-mathematicians would need years to complete.
a. fairly
b. modern
c. about
d. device
e. perform
f. abacus
g. computer
h. machine
i. process
j. trained
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Growth Wife



Ability rented Daytoday

Intend Astonish Expensive Share


Hello, my name is Charles Kararo and I am a banker. My salary is (a)--- but the (b)expenses in
Nairobi are (c)high. Both housing and food are (d)---- in the capital. I have an apartment but it is
really too small for my family. Of course it doesnt have a garden. So my (f)Maria, who loves
gardening, can't go out to work either because there's no one else in the house to look after
the children. So the whole family depends on my (h)- alone. I have great hopes for my
children and would like to send them to a good school. But good schools are very (i)--- I am not
sure how much I will be able to help them. Moreover. I am often in a fix about whether I
should (j)-- my income with my brothers in the village.
a. okey
b. day to day
c. pretty
d. costly

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e. rented
f. wife
g. grow
h. income
i. expensive
j. share
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Furious Die

Knowing Wit



Excution Unpleasant

Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause


Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his
future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on
his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the
astrologer told him something (c)----- - . At this the king got (d)---- and
condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the
peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the
astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With
ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week
before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a
dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)----away, let him not come here again."
a. knowing
b. happened
c. unplesasant
d. furious
e. excute
f. spoil
g. excution
h. wit
i. declare
j. wretch
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

trained fairly

process about

essential abacus

modern perform

computer device

machine sense

specialy process

The computer is a (a) - recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) - life. It has
greatly benefited us and brought (c) - revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) - that helps people
(e) - mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f) - is a simple computer.
Today, however, the term (g)- refers to special kind of electronic (h) - that can perform mathematical
calculations and (i) - large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can
perform calculation that (j)-mathematicians would need years to complete.
a. fairly
b. modern
c. about

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d. device
e. perform
f. abacus
g. computer
h. machine
i. process
j. trained
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Warming Cut


Anticipation Habitats

Exticntion Recklessly Severe



Imperative Catastrophe alarming

The destruction of forests and other (a) causing the (b)of varous plants and animals. In the
last 25 years alone the world has lost one third of its natural wealth. Forests are being (c)down.
Moreover, they are being burnt (d)resulting in an (e)--- in carbon dioxide and ultimately the
water level is (f)as a consequence of global (g)--. It is (h)that the new century will face an
overwhelming environments (i)--. It is therefore (j)check the reckless pollution of the
a. habitats
b. exinction
c. cut
d. recklessly
e. increase
f. rising
g. warming
h. anticipated
i. catastrophe
j. imperative
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box



Essential Atribute

Enables Yardstick Adipt Shelter


Define Needs

Enhance Protect Aware


Education is one of the basic (a) -of ubuman 6,6ttg and is (b) - for every kind of
development. It (c) -us to make right choices in life. It (d) - our ability to raise crops, store
food, (e) -- the environment and (f) - out our social responsibilities. It (g) - us with an
enlightened (h) -- about things. But education has to be (i) It is not merely 0) - degrees from
schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting, more humane.
a. needs
b. essential
c. enables
d. enhances
e. protects
f. carries
g. provides

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h. awareness
i. defined
j. getting
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box


know develop precaution

belief possible loss


time recur

compulsory be


reduce belief

Bangladesh (a) -- in the active earthquake zone. It is (b) - to all Bangladeshis. Experts are alarmed
by the (c) - of quakes during recent years. But they give no (d) - answer to the question of (e) about the buildings of Dhaka city. As there is every (t)=-of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts
call for taking adequate (g) - measures to (h) - losses. RAJUK (i) - that an earthquake resistant
building code should be (j)-.
a. is
b. known
c. recurrence
d. direct
e. safety
f. possibility
g. precautionary
h. reduce
i. believe
j. developed
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
establlishe transmitted simultancously


storee base time

communication easily



prove sent


E -mail means (a) --mail. It is an electronic (b) - of communication. E-mail (c) - is

user to user but telex communication is terminal to terminal. Telephone connection often
takes a lot of time to be (d) -- because both the caller and the called must be present (e)`Bwt e-mail is a computer (f) -- system and thernessages that are (g)- via the computer
become (h) -- in the mail box of an individuals (i) - computer without the need of his being
(j)--- present. Thus, e-mail saves both time and money.
a. electronic
b. mode
c. communication
d. transmitted
e. simultaneusly
f. based
g. sent
h. stored
i. personal
j. actually
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Want more Updates

With Improve Not


Mean Maintain Upon Stop

Than Keep




Overeating (a) - taking too much food (b) - one needs. We eat (c) to overload our stomach
but to (d) - a sound itmith- A sound health (e) - on eating habit, to some extent.
Overeating tells (f) - our health. By (g) - awareness of the people the habit of overeating
can be (h) -. With a view to (i) - our body fit,
we should taking too much food.
a. means
b. than
c. easily
d. avoid
e. depends
f. upon
g. maintaining
h. stopped
i. keep
j. avoid
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box



Essential Atribute

Enables Yardstick Adipt Shelter


Define Needs

Enhance Protect Aware


Education is one of the basic (a) ---(b)--- for every kindof development. It (c)right
choices in life. It (d)---our ability to raise crops, store food, (e)the environment and
(f)out our social responsibilities. It (g)us with an enlightened (h)about things.
But education has to be (i)--. It is not merely (j)degrees from schools, colleges and
universities. It is something more lasting, more humane
k. needs
l. essential
m. enables
n. enhances
o. protects
p. carries
q. provides
r. awareness
s. defined
t. getting
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Breathe need

Produce Protect

Plant Prevent Preserve Grow

Provide Take




Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being (b) away by rain water
and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and
gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves,

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fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,
paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As
you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)-them and plant more trees around us.
a. prevent
b. washed
c. Planted
d. Bring
e. Provide
f. Breathe
g. produce
h. need
i. breathe
j. preserve
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Furious Die

Knowing Wit



Excution Unpleasant

Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause


Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his
future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on
his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the
astrologer told him something (c)----- - . At this the king got (d)---- and
condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the
peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the
astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With
ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week
before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a
dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)----away, let him not come here again."
a. knowing
b. happened
c. unplesasant
d. furious
e. excute
f. spoil
g. excution
h. wit
i. declare
j. wretch
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Eager Joyous Become Remain Festive Favourite






Children are very fond o 'festivals. They become very (a) - on a day of festival. If it is their

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birthday, their joys be over (b) -. They become very (c) - to have wishes form their beloved persons.
The whole day they (d) - to times in joy. Usually a child on its birthday, gets up early and tries to (e) close to their parents. It (f) - a nice da is presented anything very (g) - to it. Children also want to
have their friends (h) - to their house on a festival . expect to have a party. Their joys give pleasure
to their (i) -.- We should try to keep the children always in a (j)---mind.
a. joyous
b. flooded
c. eager
d. want
e. remain
f. becomes
g. favourities
h. invited
i. elders
j. festive
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Drink Eat

Available Nutrition

Heart Balanced


Happen Lack

Knowledge Preserve Mind


While (a)food we should bear in (b)that we dont eat just to (c)hunger or to

fill the belly. We eat to (d)our health. For good health a man (e)good food.
Sometimes it so (f)that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the
food they need for good health because they have no (g)of science and health
and (h)--. They do not know how to select a (i)diet from the many foods that are
(j)to them.
a. eating
b. mind
c. satisfy
d. preserve
e. needs
f. happens
g. knowledge
h. nutrition
i. balanced
j. available
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box





unnecessarily prediction

change evidence destroy catastrophically gradual severely


The world is getting (a) - because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die
(b) - as a result Qf pollution. In the recent years there have been (c) - reports that the world's (d) - is
undergoing a significant (e) -. All these reports provide strong (f) - that world temperatures are (g) day by day. Climatologists (h) - that mid way through the next century temperatures may have (i) -

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as much as 4C. This could raise sea levels and thereby (j) -coastal areas and farm lands.
a. Warmer
b. Unnecessarily
c. Alarming
d. Climate
e. Change
f. Evidence
g. Increasing
h. Predict
i. Risen
j. Flood
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box



Available Neat

Take Submit Looking Be

Caterers Appeal

Collection Look


A library serves as the source of knowledge (a)for the students and the teachers. It is a large
(b)of book. Among these, there are books on courses that are taught in different classes. There
(c)books on extracurricular subjects also. In the library, newspapers and priodicals are also
(d)--. The library (e)to the tastes of different people. Books are arranged in shelves (f) -. There
are library assistants who are also helpful for the readers. One head librarian (g) - after the library.
So the readers do not have any problem in (h) - out the right book. There is also a reading room
where silence (i) -. One can also take books from the library for reading at home by (j) - library cards
to the librarian
a. Both
b. Collection
c. Are
d. Available
e. Caterers
f. Neatly
g. Looks
h. Findings
i. Prevails
j. submitting
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
joyful eager remain
amity elder



food invite

favourite festive delightful shy

Children are very fond of festivals. They become very (a)---on a day of festival. If it is their birthday,
joys become over (b)---- They become very (c)----to have wishes from their beloved persons. Whole day
they (d)----to spend times in joys. Usually a child on her birthday gets up early and tries to (e)---close

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her presents. It becomes a (fl-----day, if she is presented anything very (g)------ to her. Children also
want to have their friends (h)----to their house on a festival. They expect to have a party. Their joys
give pleasure to their (i)----We should try to keep the children always in a (j)-----mind
a. joyous
b. flooded
c. eager
d. want
e. remain
f. becomes
g. favourities
h. invited
i. elders
j. festive
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box


Find Lose

Prefer Enjoy Be





Dead Preference Take Bound get

We find changes in amusement and entertainment that (a)taken place over time. Common
forms of entertainment like snake charming, puppet shows, jarigan (b)popular in the past past
are gradually (c)their appeal. They are (d)out. We dont (e)the existence of many of
these. Now people like to (f)T.V. they (g)concert, disco, pop etc. All the changes that have
(h)place today are not (i)good. Sometimes people are (j)to receive some bad aspects of
Western culture.
a. have
b. were
c. losing
d. dying
e. find
f. enjoy
g. prefer
h. taken
i. considered
j. bound
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Educate Recreation Religion


Original Question Broadcast Sent

Concern Look

Consider Though


Tcievlsion, a source of much knowledge, pleasure, and information and a widely

used media of mass communication, is now being (a) - at from a different point of
view. Is the TV really doing good, especially to the youngsters of our w+
generation? It is an important (b) - both to ask and to answer indeed. Looked from
an (c) - point of view, the TV is to be (d) - one of the most effective means of
educating both the students and the public as a whole. Again, it has almost become

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the most effective and popular means of people's (e) -. Films, dramas, songs,
dances, comedy scrim-all these are very attractive packages of programmes. As a
means of communications TV is, (f) - not the most atqpcr*artt. yet the most effective
and useful means of communication. Up to this point, we must say that the TV is
doing good to our youngsters by educating them and by giving them recreational (g) -.
But as far as the satellite TV is (h)--- we cannot say this for certainly. The
commercial package programmes (i) - by satellite TVs are detrimental to our young
generation, pernicious to our societies, threatening to our values and traditions and
a. looked
b. question
c. educative
d. considered
e. recreation
f. though
g. facilities
h. corrected
i. religion
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

educated genius

sympathetic wise


development useful assist

improve provides self-reliant



Proper education (a) - a learner with opportunities to (b) - all his latent talents. Its aim is to
(c) - him physically and (d) - so that he can be (e) - to himself and to the society. An educated
man is (f) -- but he also (g) - -others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be wellmannered,
kind and (h)- -. So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill only for his
material development cannot be (i) - a truly (j)---man.
a. provides
b. improve
c. develop
d. mentally
e. useful
f. self-reliant
g. helps
h. sympathetic
i. called
j. educated
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Husband Consider Dominated Happy



Protect Education

Healthy Save


Women un our society have always been considered (a)to men. The majority of houses
are being (b)usually by (c)--and women most often have no say in opinion. Their

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opinion is (d)--unnecessary even in such important (e) -- as the number of children they
would like to have. In many households they arc (f) -by the husbands. To (g) -- their rights
the Govt has introduced law. But (h) --sometimes can't (i)---them. So, what is more needed
for them is the proper (j)-- - .
a. subservient
b. dominated
c. husband
d. considered
e. issues
f. beat up
g. prtect
h. law
i. save
j. education
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Breathe need

Produce Protect

Plant Prevent Preserve Grow

Provide Take




Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being (b) away by rain water
and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and
gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves,
fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,
paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As
you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)-them and plant more trees around us.
a. prevent
b. washed
c. Planted
d. Bring
e. Provide
f. Breathe
g. produce
h. need
i. breathe
j. preserve
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
With Improve Not


Mean Maintain Upon Stop

Than Keep




Overeating (a) - taking too much food (b) - one needs. We eat (c) to overload our stomach but to (d) - a
sound itmith- A sound health (e) - on eating habit, to some extent. Overeating tells (f) - our health. By
(g) - awareness of the people the habit of overeating
can be (h) -. With a view to (i) - our body fit,

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we should taking too much food.
k. Means
l. than
m. easily
n. avoid
o. depends
p. upon
q. maintaining
r. stopped
s. keep
t. avoid
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Furious Die

Knowing Wit



Excution Unpleasant

Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause


Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his future from the astrologers. A famous
astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the
future and the astrologer told him something (c)----- - . At this the king got (d)---- and condemned him
to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the peace of the world". But another thought
had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the
king. With ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week before your
majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)---away, let him not come here again."
a. knowing
b. happened
c. unplesasant
d. furious
e. excute
f. spoil
g. excution
h. wit
i. declare
j. wretch
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Attitude Amply Predetermined Ordered



Ordained Sorrows

Undergo Hold



There are many people in our country who have a conservative (a0--. Quite
early inlife they learn to (b)that everything in this world was (c)--. They think
all that happens to them was (d)by God. From this belief the poor generaly
accept their (e)--. They also accept all their (f)and sufferings without trying
much to overcome them. They also(g)a firm belief that those who (h)

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sufferings in this world will be (i)rewarded in the world. have the same sort of
(j)tpwards illness and diseases.
a. out look
b. believe
c. predetermined
d. ordained
e. perverty
f. sorrows
g. hold
h. undergo
i. amply
j. attitude
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Breathe need

Produce Protect

Plant Prevent Preserve Grow

Provide Take




Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being (b) away by rain water
and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and
gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves,
fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,
paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As
you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)-them and plant more trees around us.
a. prevent
b. washed
c. Planted
d. Bring
e. Provide
f. Breathe
g. produce
h. need
i. breathe
j. preserve
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box


Communication Spanteneously Able

Acquisitive Mother Naturally



Competence language

Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being (b) away by rain water
and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and
gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves,
fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,

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paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As
you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)-them and plant more trees around us.
a. ability
b. developing
c. acquisition
d. mother
e. natural
f. usually
g. aware
h. using
i. communication
j. spontaneously
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Reading Wanted

Effective Start




Important Laughed Experiment several

Two friends, Raghib and Adeeb, (a)to learn how to ride a bicycle. Adeeb (b)a book called
How to Ride a bicycle and started (c)it. On the other hand, Raghib took out his bicycle on the
street and (d)--- trying to ride it. He fell off several times and Adeeb (e)at him. However, by the
time Adeeb finished the first chapter of his book, Raghib was riding his bicycle (f)well. Adeeb
knew (g)the bicycle worked but did not know how to use it from first hand (h)--. Learning a
language is like riding a bicycle. The most (i)thing about any language is communication. You
learn to communicate (j)by using a language, by doing things with it and by experiencing it.
a. Wanted
b. Bought
c. Reading
d. Started
e. Laughed
f. Fairly
g. How
h. Experience
i. Important
j. effectively
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Conduct Become Spare



Travel Major

Spend Physically Make


For the Germens, leaisure has become a major (a)--. Formerly, Germans used to (b)ten hours a
day and six days a week and had very little time for (c)--. But in modern times working hours in
Germany have (d)shorter stretching over five days only. People have therefore more time to (e)
now than in the past. They are so interested in (f)their free time effectively that there is even a
German Leisure Association that (g)research on leisure activities. The Germans love to (h)and

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almost half of all adults in Germany have (i)a trip outside the country just for pleasure and
relaxation. There are also many sports centres where young people go for (j)excersise.
a. pursuit
b. work
c. leisure
d. become
e. spare
f. spending
g. conducts
h. travel
i. made
j. physical
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Originated Grow

Bcomes Careful Appearance Miniature

Containers Normal




Bonsai is the art of (a)trees and other plants in small (b)in such a way that it (c)the
miniature of a real tree. A Bonsai tree may be 10 years old but have a (d)of one foot
only. The art of Bonsai (e)perhaps more than 1000 years ago in China. Early Japanese
aristocrats also showed a (f)for Bonsai and (g)greatly to its development. Bonsai is
different from (h)pot planting as it is considered an art form. A Bonsai tree is (i)
shaped to remain small but still has the (j)of a large tree.
a. growing
b. containers
c. becomes
d. height
e. originated
f. fondness
g. contributed
h. normal
i. carefully
j. appearance
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box






Spread Allow Container Cover Beauty tie

Bonsai plant does not need (a)pots but small containers and not much of soil. A Bonsai
(b)has holes in the bottom which are (c0with small nets so that the soil does not (d)--out with the water the plant is then (e)out of its original pot and one-third of its root is
(f0our. It is then ties to the (g)of the pot with the (h)to wires. Soil is then (i)over
it to cover the container but about an inch of the root is (j)to stay above the soil to
enhance beauty.
a. large

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b. container
c. covered
d. flow
e. taken
f. cut
g. bottom
h. help
i. spread
j. allowed
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Crowd Empty

Moved Make


Plan Seat

Quarrel Push Get


Farid got on the bus to go to college. The bus was (a)as usual. The bus conductor pushed
him aside and (b)---rude remarks for standing in the way. Farid (c)quie, there was a seat
beside him in which he (d)to sit down as soon as it got (e)but the moment it was
vacant another passanger (f)him rudely and grabbed the (g)--. Farid was extremely
annoyed but smply (h)way from the seat. Whats the point of (i)now?- he thought.
The seat is lost and theres no point in (j)about it now.
a. crowded
b. made
c. kept
d. planned
e. empty
f. pushed
g. seat
h. moved
i. arguing
j. quarreling
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Laugh Urgue Sit
Dance Bring




Scene Give Notice Sing

Sohel was going on a picnic with his friends. Many of his friends started (a)and singing
in the bus he kept (b)in his seat smiling and enjoining the (c)--. He just wouldnt move
even when they (d)him to join them, I cant sing so well. You will (e)if I sing he
said. we cant sing either, but its fun. Why dont you just (f)it a try? Besides, nobody
will (g)if you sing in a group. They (h)to convince him. But Sohel just couldnt (i)
himself to sing. He was too worried about what people would (j)--.
a. dancing
b. sitting
c. scene

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d. urged
e. laugh
f. give
g. notice
h. tried
i. bring
j. think
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Debating Think Scream Organize Interest

Happy Join




Fahimas college wanted to introduce a (a)club. So, they gave her the responsibility of
(b)the club and finding out people who were (c)in debating. Fahima (d)agreed. She
went around to every class when the teacher was not there and (e)We are having a
debating club. Who wants to (f)--? Give me your names now or (g)over it then let me
know in two days. You will (h)me in the common room. One of her friends said, Why
dont you just (i)it down as a notice and put it up on the notice board? You wont have to
scream like this then. Oh I dont mind (j)--.
a. debating
b. organizing
c. interested
d. happily
e. shouted
f. join
g. think
h. find
i. write
j. screaming
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box

Feeling Possess Go

Normally Beats


Consider Pierce


In Panambanam in Indonesia, worshipers (a)themselves to be (b)by god in this state,

they are able to (c)needle through their cheeks and tongues without (d)any pain. In the
island of Bali, Indonedia, dancers meditate and make themselves (e)into trance-like
state. They can then (f) their bodies with daggers without (g)out any blood. Fakirs who
practise Yoga learn to (h)their beathing to such an extent that their heart (i)at only
two beats a minuet whereas a (j)--- human heart beats 70-80 times per minuete.
a. consider
b. possessed
c. drive
d. feeling
e. go

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f. pierce
g. drawing
h. control
i. beats
j. normal
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Environmental Interrelated Refer




Hang biosphere

Elements Link Make us

The environment (a)to the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants (b0--.
So human beings, animals, air, water and soil are the main (c)of the environment. The
natural forces such as storms, cyclones and earthquakes are also (d)-- of this environment.
Climate is thus a condition of the (e)--. All things that make up the environment are (f)
The way in which people, animals and plants are (g)to each other and to their
surroundings is known as (h)--. The ecosystem is a complex web that (i)animals, plants
and every form in the biosphere. All these things (j0together.
a. refers
b. live
c. elements
d. part
e. environment
f. interrelated
g. related
h. ecology
i. links
j. hang
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Products Stand


Wash Responsible Environment mix

Dump Throw

Water, another vital elements of the (a)is also polluted in different ways. Man (b)
water by throwing waste into it. Farmers (c)chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their
fields. When rain and floods (d)away some of these chemicals, they get (e)with water
in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also (f)their poisonous chemicals and
waste (g0into rivers and canals and thus pollute the water. Water vehicles also pollute
rivers by (h)oil, food waste and human waste into them. Insanitary latrines and unsafe
drains (i)on river and canals banks are also (j)for further pollution. Thus, water is
contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth.
a. environment
b. pollutes
c. use
d. wash
e. mixed

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f. throw
g. products
h. dumping
i. standing
j. responsible
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Wildlife Develop

Wild Change Spoil

Maintain Lost




We know that all species are important for (a)ecological balance. If one is (b)the
whole natural environemnt (c)-. In order to protect the environment from being (d)--. We
should therefore (e)our wildlife. The good news is that many countries are now (f)
action to protect their endangered (g)--. George Haycock, author of several books on
wildlife, writes: Mankind must (h)a concern for (i)- creatures and a determination that
these wild species will not perish. We should save the earths wild creatures to (j)
ourselves. To be kind to animals is to be kind tomankind.
a. maintaining
b. changed
c. changes
d. spoilt
e. save
f. taking
g. wildlife
h. develop
i. wild
j. save
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Recurrence Straight Adequate Lies





Resident Give alarmed

How (a)wil the buildings in the city of Dhaka be in the (b)of an earthquake? Experts
give no (c)to this question, but call for taking (d)precautions to minimize loses. That
Bangladesh (e)in the active earthquake zones is not (f)to Bangladeshis. Alarmed by
the (g0of quakes during recent years, experts have (h)for the development of an
earthquake (i)building code that all building should (j)--- as mandatory.
a. safe
b. event
c. straight
d. adequate
e. lies
f. unknown
g. recurence
h. called

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i. resistant
j. follow
Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box
Keep Next

House Close Closed

Come Kept



Concentrate Compel

Riaz is fed up with his (a)--- door neighbours. His bed is very (b)to theirs. Every time,
he (c)down to study in the evening, there (d)the Blaring sound of the television from
the (e)next door. It seems that the TV is (f)on the whole evening. It becomes very
difficult for him to (g)on his studies. In winter, he can bear it by (h)his window closed
but in summer it (i) too hot and stuffy if the window is kept (j) . So, he is compeeled to
a. next
b. closed
c. sit
d. comes
e. closed
f. kept
g. concentrate
h. sitting
i. gets
j. closed.

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Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only one for each gap:1. Books are mens best (a) in life, you may have many good friends, but you do not (b) them
when you (c) - them. They may not always (d) to you with sympathy. One or two may (e)
false and do you much (f) . But books are always ready to be your (g) . Some books will (h)
you laugh some others will give you much (i) . Again some books will bring new knowledge and
ideas. They are your (j) friends thought out your life.
Ans: (a) friends/companions (b) find (c) need/want (d) come (e) prove/be (f) harm (g) make (h) make (i)
pleasure (j) real
2. A flower is the best (a) of nature. It is a (b) of purity and beauty. It gives us (c) . There is
nobody but (d) a flower. Its sweet smell (e) is one to all. Nowadays, flowers are (f) in our
country. Many people earn their (g) by flower cultivation. Today (h) people (i) their houses
with flowers to enhance beauty. At present flower exhibitions are (j) in our country.
Ans: (a) gift (b) symbol (c) pleasure (d) likes/loves (e) flower (f) cultivated/grown (g) livelihood (h) many
(i) decorate (j) held
3. A student, who (a) the best seeds in his life, is an ideal student. He is (b) to his parents. He
never (c) with his brothers and sisters. He is (d) to his neighbors. He learns his lessons (e)
and never keeps himself aloof from the institute. He is obedient to his teachers and (f) note what
his teachers say. An ideal student (g) good use of his time. He (h) his leisure time in reading
good books and newspapers. He (i) good company with good boys. An ideal student helps classmates
in (j) their difficult lesson.
Ans: (a) sows (b) devoted (c) misbehaves (d) obedient (e) regularly (f) makes (g) tries to (h)
passes/enjoys/spends (i) likes/loves/wants (j) solving/understanding
4. Afforestation meAns preservation of trees. It is an (a) - to deforestation. Trees and plants are part
and (b) of the environment. Ecology fully (c) on trees and plants. The country will (d) into
desert unless there are trees. The trees help to (e) the soil from erosion. Floods can (f) affect
those areas covered with trees. Storms cannot (g) its forcefully on the places (h) there are
trees. However, the trees are so (i) that it is impossible to think of life (j) it.
Ans: (a) opposite (b) parcel (c) depends (d) turn (e) protect (f) hardly/rarely (g) impose/force (h) where
(i) important (j) without

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5. Bangladesh is a country (a) an area of 147570 square kilometers. It is (b) with more than 140
million people. About 1000 people live in per (c) kilometer. So it is a (d) populated country
now. The present growth rate is very (e) which should be (f) immediately. If this rate (g)
on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h) a great problem. So everyone should come (i) to (j)
public awareness.
Ans: (a) having/with/covering (b) populated (c) square (d) densely (e) high (f) controlled (g) goes (h)
face (i) forward (j) raise
6. Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. Nature has (a) her with unique beauty. Really, no (b)
country in the world is so (c) with natural beauties as Bangladesh is. She is noted for her (d)
beauty, golden crops of paddy and (e) leaves of trees. The six seasons of the year (f) by turns
marking Bangladesh a land of beauty, variety and plenty. Her rivers present her a (g) beauty
particularly in the rainy season. The boats (h) on the rivers under multi (i) sails also present a
(j) sight.
Ans:(a) blessed (b) other (c) rich (d) natural (e) green (f) coming (g) natural (h) playing (i) colored (j)
7. Bangladesh is a small country but has a (a) population. Most people here live below the (b)
line and cannot therefore (c) to educate their children. Many poor children (d) drop out of
school after just a few years or simply do not go to (e) at all. Despite of this situation, we have far
too many (f) to educate compared to the number of (g) available. Bangladesh needs schools,
colleges and (h) to provide for the increasing number of (i) . But owing to financial and resource
constraints, the government cannot fund the (i) number of educational institutions.
Ans: (a) huge (b) poverty (c) afford (d) often (e) school (f) children (g) institutions (h) universities (i)
students (j) vital
8. Bangladesh is in South-Asia on the (a) of the Bay of Bengal. It is (b) by India (c) three
sides. She has been independent (d) 1971. The religions in Bangladesh are Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism and (e) . She has a (f) climate. Families are usually (g) by males. (h)
monogamy is practiced and people like to live an (i) family. I am (j) of my country.
Ans: (a) shore (b) surrounded (c) on (d) in (e) Christianity (f) moderate (g) run/maintained (h) here (i)
extended (j) proud
9. Books introduce us (a) the best society. They bring us into the (b) of the greatest minds that
(c) ever lived. We hear what (d) said and did we see (e) as if they were (f) alive. We
are participator (g) their thoughts, we sympathize (h) them, (i) with them and we feel as if
we were a measure actors. The great and good men (j) not die even in this world.
Ans: (a) to/with (b) writing (c) have (d) they (e) then (f) still (g) in (h) with (i) speak (j) will

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10. Computer was not (a) overnight. It took long time and hard labour to (b) computer. Many
votaries () of science (c) hard and (d) computer. Computer cannot (e) itself. It works on
the basis of command (f) by the operator. It is (g) - in our daily life for various purposes. It has
(h) our work load and (i) our life easy. Today the doctors use computer (j) - a disease.
Ans: (a) invented (b) invent (c) work (d) invented (e) work (f) given (g) used (h) lessened (i) make (j)
11. Computer was not invented (a) . It took long time and hard (b) to invent computer. Many
votaries of science (c) hard for years together and finally came out (d) . In fact, computer
cannot work (e) -. It works on the basis of the (f) - given by the operator. It is used in our daily
life for (g) purposes. It has (h) our work, (i) our life comfortable. Nowadays doctors are
also using computer to (j) a disease.
Ans: (a) overnight (b) invent (c) work (d) labour (e)successful (g)itself (h) command (g)various (h)
lessened (i) make (j) diagnosis
12. Drug addiction has become a (a) national problem in our country. An (b) attraction for
some harmful things may be (c) as addiction and the materials which cause (d) in men are
called drugs. Drug addiction is spreading lie (e) in Bangladesh. The number of addicts is being (f)
rapidly. Drug carries the addict to an unreal (g) of dreams. This is called (h) . Religious and
social values must be taught (i) early childhood. A countrywide campaign (j) drug addiction
should be undertaken immediately.
Ans: (a) great/major (b) indomitable/immense (c) defined/called (d) stimulation/addiction (e) epidemic
(f) increased (g) world (h) illusion/hallucination (i) from (j) against
13. Einstein (a) lonely and (b) in his childhood. He (c) to play by himself in the (d) and
woods. School was an unpleasant (e) for him. He was (f) by how war (g) were taught at
school. At the age of fifteen, he went to Milan with his family. In Italy he (h) free for the first time.
He (i) through countryside, visited museums and (j) galleries, attended concerts and read books.
Ans:(a) was (b) unhappy (c) liked (d) parks (e) place (f) disgusted (g) strategies (h) fell (i) traveled (j) art
14. English is a widely (a) language. In our country we (b) it as a (c) language. It is not our
(d) tongue. Naturally, it is very (e) to learn. So, we have a very poor (f) on this language. As
a result we do not get (g) interest in this (h) . For all these (i) English is difficult for us to (j)
Ans: (a) used (b) learn (c) foreign (d) mother (e) difficult (e) command (g) much (h) language (i) reason
(j) learn

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15. English is an (a) language (b) almost all over the world. People (c) English can express
their ideas everywhere in the world. Tourism is an industry (d) cannot work (e) if there is not
any (f) language for mutual expression of ideas and views without (g) much. English and without
proficiency in this language you cannot (h) all over the world. But you will be in (i) barriers. In
order to overcome these difficulties you have to be (j)to listening and speaking.
Ans: (a) international (b) used (c) knowing (d) that (e) properly (f) common (g) being (h) travel (i)
language (j) accustomed
16. Examination is very important in students life. If justifies a students (a) no student can be (b)
to next class without examination, so every student (c) hard to pass the examination. There are
many ways to do (d) in the examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e)
is not all things to approach the exam. One may gather much (f) about his subject but if he cannot
(g) his performance in the examination in such kind of knowledge is (h) . He (i) be very
practical in the examination which is also an (j) thing.
Ans: (a) quality (b) promoted (c) tries (d) well (e) knowledge (f) knowledge (g) show (h) valueless (i)
must (j) important
17. Friendship is not only a (a) but also an innate relationship between two men. A real friend
understands you (b) and takes the share of your job and sorrow. But an acquaintance does not do
the (c) . At the same time of you your sorrow he (d) be by your side. He (e) not know your
parents and he won try to know their identity. On the (f) you real friend must be curious about
every information about them. He must mix and talk to them (g) .When an acquaintance comes to
your home, he will bring gifts and will act (h) as guest. But your real friend helps you in your (i)
. So, we have to be (j) of friendship.
Ans: (a) name (b) well (c) same (d) may (e) may (f) contrary (g) happily/cordially (h) likes (i) kitchen (j)
18. Foreign aid is (a) for our economy. (b) foreign aid we cant progress. We cant(c) our
developmental programs (d) financial (e) from other developed countries. Sometimes we (f)
sufficient assistance. But sometimes we (g) nothing. But that is not the (h) problem . The main
problem is that the donor countries impose conditions that must be fulfilled. If we (i) to receive
their help. And Alas! if we follow their suggestion then we cant (j) very much.
Answer:(a) essential (b) without (c) continue (d) without (e) help (f) need (g) get (h)only (i) want (j)
19. Garment sector is playing a (a) role by earning a lot of (b) exchange. At the (c) time, it
has opened scope of (d) for the unskilled workers especially for women. Though it has paved the
way for economic (e) for the women the working (f) is not suitable to them. As they (g) to

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work for a (h) shift, they are bound to (i) most of the time at their working place. For
unhygienic atmosphere, they are (j) from various kinds of disease.
Ans: (a) vital (b) foreign (c) same (d) employment (e) solvency (f) place (g) have (h) long (i) stay (j)
20. Honesty is a (a) virtue. Helps a man to (b) in life. An honest man is (c) and honors all.
No body (d) a dishonest man. A man may be eminent (e) meAns of dishonesty but that is short
lived. A dishonest man (f) in the long run. So we should (g) to be honest (h) truthful if we
(i)to be respected (j) honored.
Ans:(a) great (b) succeed (c) loved (d) believes (e) by (f) suffers (g) try (h) and (i) want (j) and
21. In our country women are the (a) sufferers. When a girl is (b) to the parents, it is not (c)
as a good news. It is the (d) of the parents that a daughter will only (e) to their sufferings.
So they do not like to send her to school for education. Thus being (f) of the light of education she
(g) at home for doing (h) work. Finally her parents remain greatly (i) to marry her off
before she attains (j) .
Answer:(a) worst (b) born (c) regarded (d) idea (e) add (f) deprived (g) stays (h) household (i) anxious (j)
22. It is a fact that complete (a) does not exist in worldly life. A man (b) have all things that he
desires in(c) . It is better not to seek (d) happiness. Rather one should be satisfied with (e)
one gets. Contentment is the key (f) to happiness. One should not always (g) about what he had
and what he does not (h)because by doing so a man (i) frustrated and depressed. There are some
people who think that it is (j) that brings happiness and happiness could be bought.
Answer:(a) happiness (b) may (c) life (d) absolute (e) what (f) element (g) think (h) have (i) becomes (j)
23. Liberty does not (a) upon a people. People must (b) themselves to it. It (c) a fruit that
(d) be earned before it (e) be enjoyed. That freedom meAns freedom only from foreign rule (f)
an ancient idea. It (g) not merely government that should be free, but people themselves (h)
be free. And no freedom (i) any real value for the common man or woman unless it also (j)
freedom from want, disease and ignorance.
Answer:(a) descend (b) raise (c) is (d) can (e) is (f) out worth (g) is (h) should (i) has (j) meAns

24. Man is a rational being (a) wisdom, intellect and sense of self-respect. He had immense (b)
in himself. It keeps him aloof from all sorts of evil (c) .To become an ideal man he should (d)
the feelings of others and (e) his utmost for the greater welfare of (f) . It is not at all (g)

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that a man should remain busy only with his own (h) and materialistic obsession. With a view to (i)
the society, he should come forward with sincerity and (j) .
Answer:(a) creature/having/with (b) potential/power (c) deeds (d) have/develop (e) try (f) mankind (g)
desired (h)business (i) serving (j) devotion
25. Mobile phone is and important (a) of communication and correspondence. It helps to (b)
with people of distant places in the (c) possible time. The use of mobile phone is more (d) than
that of land phone. The person who (e) the message is to pay the bill. The (f) can respond any
call without any cost. Mobile phone has (g) the communication system. People of all (h) of the
society become benefited through the use of mobile phone. But sometimes criminals keep their (i)
by using mobile phone. In spite of that, mobile phone is a (j) modern civilization.
Ans: (a) meAns (b) communication (c) shortest (d) effective (e) sends (f) receiver (g) changed (h)
walks/spheres (i) communication (j) wonder
26. Man is architect of his own fortune. If he makes a (a) division of his time and does his duty (b)
, he is sure to prosper in life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too (c) .To
kill time is as culpable as to commit (d) , for our life is nothing but the sun total of hours (e)
and years .Youth is the golden (f) of life. If we lose the morning hours of (g) we shall have to
repent (h) . If we sow good (i) during the sowing time, we shall reap (j) when we grow up.
Ans: (a) proper (b) accordingly (c) late (d) suicide (e) days (f) season (g) life (h) afterwards (i) seeds (j)
27. Most students learn (a) by rote taking them from a common (b) . I think this is again a
wrong(c) of preparing for an (d) for one thing its not good (e) things without
understanding or thinking about them. You become a parrot. Another reason is that examiners get
bored when they find almost the same Answers in all the (f) . You cant blame them if (g) dont
give you good (h) . If you were an (i) you would do the (j) .
Ans: (a) Answers (b) sources (c) way (d) exam (e) memorizing (f) Answers (g) if (h) marks (j) same.
28. Mother Teresa is a great (a) - and Philanthropist, was (b) on August 2,1920 in Albania of
Yugoslavia. Her real (c) was Agnes Teresa. She had her (d) at a government school in Albania. In
1928 Agnes (e) to Kolkata to do some (f) work and later took Indian (g) . Then she devoted
and (h) herself to the service of sufferings and distressed humanity. She (i) the Missionaries of
Charity in 1950 and Nirmal Hridaya in 1954 in Kolkata and was (j) as mother.
Ans: (a) humanist (b) born (c) name (d) schooling (e) came (f) missionary (g) citizenship (h) dedicated (i)
set up (j) known

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29. Patriotism is a (a) virtue. It is an inherent instinct in human nature. A Muslim (b) it as a part
of his faith. It (c) a man to shed every drop of his blood to (d) the liberty and honour of his
country. A person who (e) not love his country is a brute. A true patriot (f) day and night for
progress of his country (g) patriotism however is bad. A man like Hitler (h) such narrow
patriotism did a lot of harm to mankind. So patriotism is not enough. We (i) have not hatred or
malice towards anyone. A true patriot (j) the freedom of others as of his own. Ans: (a) noble (b)
takes (c)creates (d) keep (e)does (f) works (g)False (h)took (i)must (j) values
30. Poverty (a) - a great problem in our country. But we hardly (b) that this miserable (c) is
our own creation. Many do not try to (d) their conditions by meAns of hard and profitable business.
They only (e) their miserable lot and (f) -their fate. We must (g) this lethargy and aversion to
physical labour. Man is the architect of his own fortune. If we (h) this wise saying and (i) in the
way of life with firm steps, our poverty and misery will (j) and peace and happiness will be our
constant companion.
Ans: (a) great (b) think /realize (c) condition (d) change/better (e) bemoan (f)curse (g) shake off (h)
remember (i) advance (j) disappear
31. Our beloved motherland Bangladesh is an (a) and severing state. She came (b) existence on
December 16, 1971. We (c) freedom at the cost of three million (d) . The lives which are laid
down for the sake of the countrys liberty (e) really dignified lives. The martyred freedom (f)
snatched away the red sun of independence at (g) of an ocean of blood. As they established undying
achievement they reign in the hearts of their (h) . The countrymen will cherish the memory of hose
glorious sons of the soil for (i) . In this sense, the millions of martyred freedom fighters are (j) .
Ans: (a) independent (b) into (c) achieved (d) live (e) are (f) fighters (g) cost (h) country (i) good/ever (j)
32. Our freedom fighters are the (a) heroes of our country. We should (b) them as they
sacrificed their(c) for the cause of our mother land. It is a matter of great (d) that most of
them are (e) and our young generation does not know (f) the valiant struggle. Yet today many
of the real freedom fighters have not been (g) and established. Some of them lead (h) poor life.
The authority in power should take (i) step to enlist them and give them (j) honour.
Ans: (a) national (b) respect (c) lives (d) regret (e) forgotten (f) even (g) succeeded (h) necessary
33. Student life a life of (a) for future struggle. To make him (b) for the struggle, education is
necessary. So the first and foremost duty of a student (c) to prosecute his studies well. He who (d)
his lessons regularly (e) well in the examination. On the (f) the student who wastes his time

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cuts a (g) figure. It should be (h) in mind that none can get back the (i) time. If the
students neglect their studies they will suffer in the (j) run.
Answer: (a) preparation (b) fit/eligible/worthy (c) is (d) prepares/learns (e) does (f) contrary (g) sorry
(h) kept (i) lost/missing (j) long
34.Smoking is a dangerous (a) habit. More than eighty percent people of our country (b)
addicted to smoking. Smoking (c) many fatal diseases. It prevents the free (d) of blood through
the (e) . It (f) our lungs. (g) addicted to smoking lose their appetite. Smoking pollutes the
(h) . It costs a lot of (i) . So this habit should be (j) up.
Ans: (a) bad (b) are (c) causes (d) circulation (e) veins (f) affects (g) people (h) environment (i) money (j)
35. Students (a) the future hope and strength of the country. Much depends upon how they (b)
their time and energy now. They (c) in the first place, to acquire knowledge, experience and
wisdom. Secondly, they have to look around and (d) the conditions of the people, their habits and
customs and (e) in what direction reforms (i) necessary. The students are often compared to the
buds and before buds are fully (g) . They should not (h) into politics. They should not (i) the
player into the hands of the so called politiciAns who (j) then for their own purposes.
Ans: (a) are (b) spend (c) have (d) knowledge (e) see (f) is (g) bloomed (h) enter (i) remain (j) use
36. Teaching is a suitable profession for women (a) it helps them to (b) up their career and
look after their family. Very few people (c) the amount of work that a teacher (d) to do in fact,
a teacher does a lot work like (e) classes. Examining the Answer (f) for the students. A good
teacher has to study a lot in order to know the latest development regarding teaching opportunities for
(g) development exist equally for everyone in teaching. Yet due to social (h) family
circumstances, it often (i) difficult for women to (j) them.
Ans: (a) career (b) build (c) know/think /realize (d) has (e) taking (f) scripts (g) professional (h) and (i)
remain/become (j) take
37. The 16 the December is a (a) day of the history of Bangladesh. On this day we achieved (b) .
Bangladesh came into being at the cost of a bloody (c) . It occupied a place as an (d) country in
the world map. Every year we (e) the day with great solemnity. The day (f) us the supreme
sacrifice of our heroic sons. The day (g) with gunshot. The whole (h) wears of festive look. The
national (i) is hoisted on the top of each (j) .
Ans: (a) victory/memorable (b) independence (c) struggle/war (d) independent (e) observe/celebrate (f)
reminds (g) starts/begins (h) country (i) flag

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38. The 21st February (a) a memorable day in our life. On this day in 1952 the martyrs (b) - down
their lives for the mother tongue. We (c) this day with great honour. The day is a government
holiday. On this day our national flag (d) flying half-mast. Meetings and assemblies of different
kinds are (e) and every Shaheed Minar is (f) with flowers. Those who (g) down their lives for
the mother (h) - are immortal. Now the day has been (i) - international Mother Language (j)
Ans: (a) is (b) laid (c) observe/celebrate (d) keeps (e) arranged/held (f) covered (g) laid (h) tongue (i)
recognized (j) day
39. The Bangladeshis are (a) all over the world for their traditional hospitality. The Bangladeshis
may be poor in (b) but are (c) in heart. The home of a Banglee is open to a (d) . So
entertaining a guest has become a (e) of Bengali culture. Whenever anyone (f) our house, we
try best to please him or her. Certainly guests are (g) with most care. A guest may (h) at out
residence for a longer period. During their stay,(i)short or long the (j)takes care of his guest.
Ans: (a) famous/known (b) condition (c) generous/rich (d) foreigner (e) tradition (f) visits (g) entertained
(h) stay (i) either (j) most
40. The economy of a country largely (a) on its population. But if it (b) rapidly. The standard of
living in the country declines. Because the increasing population eats (c) - the additional growth of
(d) economy. Nevertheless the population of country (e) her man power and is (f) resource
that (g) - a vital role in her economic sphere. Without adequate human resource the other resources
of the country will (h) under-utilized and to hat extent her economic development will remain
unsatisfactory. A large population (i) rise to large demand in manufactured goods. At the same time
it can meet that demand by engaging itself in increasing productive (j) .
Ans: (a) depends (b) grows (c) up (d) the (e) is (f) an (g) plays (h) be (i) causes (j) capacity
41. The Eskimos are the most widely (a) group in the world still leading partly(b) way of life.
They live in a (c) that spAns more than 35,00 miles,(d) Greenland, the northern fringe of North
America and a (e) of eastern Siberia. Eskimos are racially distinct from American IndiAns. They are
most closely (f) to the Mongolian people of eastern Asia. The Eskimos (g) adapted themselves to
cold, harsh (h) because of their highly inventive skill. They would make (i) from almost
anything and everything. The most spend the winter in tents in a larger settlement and then (j)
during summer.
Ans: (a) spread (b) aboriginal (c) region (d) including (e) part (f) related (g) successfully (h) climate (i)
inventive (j) things
42. The plane touched down at Katmandu Tribhuvan airport. Masum was no more (a) . He was (b)
- to see what was outside. The door of the plan (c) . Everybody stood in a (d) and slowly

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started to walk towards the airport. The cabin crew (e) - every passenger for traveling with
Bangladesh Biman. Neela , Becky and Masum took their hand (f) - and walked forward. They looked
around with (g) and climbed down the steps. The (h) looked like a picture and the high (i)
range in the background was something Masum had only read about in (j)-.
Ans: (a) nervous (b) eager (c) opened (d) queue (e) greeted (f) luggage (g) interest (h) airport (i)
mountain (j) books
43. There are three important duties on earth. They (a) duty to God, duty to parents and duty to
mankind. All these (b) duties are important because they(c) us to go a long way. Duty to God
helps us to be favoured by God. If we are favoured by God, we can (d) in life. Duty to parents is (e)
important because if our parents are (f) with us, God will help us to make our life smooth. Duty
to mankind is not negligible. We (g) be the apple of Gods eyes by (h) this last duty. All the
great men of the world tried to (i) all these duties. So we should (j) them to be great.
Ans: (a) are (b) three (c) help (d) succeeded (e) also (f) pleased (g) can (h) performing (i) perform (j)
44. Though Bangladesh is not a (a) country. Too many people live (b) , because most of its
lands(c) fertile and plain. The monsoon causes (d) rainfall. The country is crisis-crossed by
many (e) . The country looks very beautiful (f)there are green trees and green crops (g) .
Sometimes they are (h) . Then life becomes very difficult and (i) need boats for (j) .
Ans: (a) big (b) here (c) are (d) heavy (e) river (f) because (g) everywhere (h) under (i) people (j)
45. Through everybody (a) freedom (b) choice, thinking expressing opinion (c) working, he
has a peaceful society. Every man (h) the social responsibility and (i) - every person of (j) society obeys it. It has also helped him to (j) beautiful things. Ans: (a) loves (b) of (c) and (d) by (e)
regulations (f) equal (g) people (h) has (i) if (j) our
46. Time and tide (a) for none. Time goes on and (b) . None can get it (c) . A man can regain
his (d) money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost for (e) . So, we
(f) utilize our time. We must do our work (g) - if we put off our work for (h) . We may not
get time to do it at all. There are some people (i) waste of time for nothing. They can (j)
succeeded in life.
Ans: (a) waits (b) on (c) back (d) lost (e) ever (f) should (g) properly (h) tomorrow (i) who (j) not
47. Truth reigns in the world always. False wood may be (b) for the time being, it loses sooner or
(c) -. Those who are engaged in preaching the truth are (d) by the people. Those who feel
interested to tell lies can never shine in life. They may prosper seemingly, they cannot be (e) it for
all the time. Socrates throughout his life, was (f) in preaching the truth. He tried to make people (g)

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and know what was (h) for them. He was troubled by the people .In spite of it, he never
stopped (i) good things. We should (j) him.
Ans: (a) prevailed (b) later (c) respected (d) maintain (e) honored (f) encourage (g) good (h) troubled (i)
doing (j) follow
48. Without effort there can be no (a) in life. Life (b) its interest if there is no struggle. Games
become dull, of there is no (c) in them and if the result can be easily (d) . No matter we win
the game of lose it the keener the contest, the greater the (e) . A victory is not a (f) triumph
unless both sides are equally (g) -. Whether we like it or not, life is one kind of (h) competitive
exam. It is not a bed of (i) -. Here only the fittest can (j) -.
Ans: (a) progress (b) losses (c) competition (d) seen (e) enjoyment (f) real (g) matched for (h) continuous
(i) roses (j) survive
49. Everybody knows that food (a) is a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and it (b) fatal
diseases. People (c) this kind of food fall a (d) to liver diseases, cancer, kidney failure and so (e)
-. Some businessmen who are unscrupulous and running (f) money only do this (g) work. They
thrive on the (h) - of others .The citizens have to die a (i) death. Men, women, boys, girls,
children and all are (j) killed without any reason.
Ans: (a) adulteration (b) causes (c) eating (d) victim (e) on (f) after (g) terrible (h) miseries (i) unnatural
(j) actually
50. Most libraries are (a) a systematic way that (b) it possible to (c) any book quite (d) .
All of the books in a library are organized into (e) or classes and then arranged (f) within their
class. There are two systems (g) organizing books in a library. One is called the (h) Decimal
System and the other is known as the library of the (i) System. Most of the libraries (j) the
Dewy Decimal System.
(a) arranged (b) makes (c) locate (d) easily (e) categories (f) alphabetically (g) for (h) dewy (i) congress
(j) follow

51. Most of our country (a) from poverty. They can hardly keep body and (b) together. So,
poverty is a great (c) in our country. However, this problem is a (d) of our own. Again there
are many (e) who do not work (f) to change their condition. They are very averse to (g) .
But they blame their lot. They do not know that industry is the (h) to success. People say that one
idle brain is the (i) - workshop. So, we should work hard (j) - prosper in life.
Ans: (a) suffer (b) soul (c) problem (d) creation (e) people (f) hard (g) work (h) key (i) devils (j) to

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52. A student (a) the habit of thinking about something by himself as no one has ever become great
by (b) others blindly. When his teacher says something, he should (c) to understand it, he
should (d) about it in his own way. If he does not (e) with the teacher on any point, he should
boldly (f) so to the teacher. A good teacher will never be (g) at it. He will rather be glad to (h)
such an intelligent student in his class. A student should think about the lesson and then (j) to
memory if necessary.
Answer: (a) have (b) copying (c) try (d) think (e) agree (f) say (g) annoyed (h) have (i) understanding (j)
53. Road accidents are daily (a) in modern city life. Every year thousands of people die and many
more are (b) in road accidents. So steps to check road accidents need top (c) . The increasing
volumes of traffic should be (d) . New roads should be (e) in cities and towns. Reckless driving
should be dealt with (f) punishment. Defective vehicles must not be (g) to ply on the roads.
Driving license should be given (h) of specific (i) of driving (j) .
Ans: (a) phenomenon/occurrences (b) injured/wounded (c) priority (d) controlled (e)
made/constructed/built (f) exemplary/severe (g) allowed/permitted (h) view (i) fitness (j) skill
54. Environment plays a (a) role in our life. To make our surrounding suitable there is no (b) of
planting trees. Tree plantation provides fruits, woods, medicine and (c) . For the (d) of trees,
cultivable land becomes barren. The source of rain is (e) . As trees help to (f) the balance of our
environment. We should (g) all to plant more trees. If one cuts (h) , he should plant two. Trees
are also the (i) of income. So we must be (j) to plan more and more tree.
Ans: (a) vital (b) alternate (c) foods (d) lack (e) decreasing (f) maintain (g) inspire (h) one (i) source (j)
55. Nature has given her (a) to us more generously (b) many other countries of the world.
Think about out (c) . It is soft and (d) . Out farmers who have (e) simple handmade tools can
(f) dig, plough and prepare the soil with them. Whereas (g) which is (h) and rocky cannot
be so easily dug, ploughed and (i) we have a great natural advantages too. We can (j) most of
our lands.
Answer: (a) given (b) than (c) land (d) fertile (e) only (f) easily (g) soil (h) hard (i) prepared (j) cultivate
56. War is a (a) to human civilization. In older days war was (b) to be warriors. But today all
people being civiliAns have to suffer the (c) of war. Nobody can (d) from the bombers of the (e)
. Rich cities, fields (f) with green corns and beautiful places are (g) to ruins. Even the (h)
children have to die as a (i) . Men women, boys, girl, children all are killed without any (j) .
Answer: (a) curse (b) confined (c) curse (d) escape (e) enemy (f) fill (g) lead (h) innocent (i) war (j)

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57. Civility meAns polite (a) or modesty. It also (b) courteous manner. It is a great virtue (c)
a man. To be well behaved or good manner we (d) spend money or wealth. We have to (e)
willingness to attain civility. We have to (f) some code of conduct and (g) norms of etiquette of
the society. It (h) varies from society to society. However one has to (i) good manners in ones
character from an early age. No expenditure (j) consciousness is required.
Answer: (a) behavior (b) meAns (c) in (d) need not (e) have (f) follow (g) learn (h) sometimes (i) form (j)
58. The (a) of a nation is not an easy matter. It (b) upon the selfless and noble (c) of some
worthy sons of the (d) . They worthy sons of the (d) . They work without rest and often (e)
praise. While most of the (f) are busy with their (g) name and comfort, these (h) persons
live and die to (i) the life of their fellow (j) richer and happier.
Ans: (a) progress (b) depends (c) deeds (d) country (e) ignores (f) persons (g) own (h) dedicated (i) make
(j) easier
59. Illiteracy is an (a) to progress. A nation cannot (b) if most of its people are illiterate. The (c)
do not know about their own life. So we should (d) our mentality. We should (e) away
illiteracy and poverty from the (f) in this regards the government should take proper steps to (g)
the problem. The government as well as the (h) people should (i) to spreads the light of
education. If we work together. Illiteracy will not (j) stay.
Ans: (a) obstacle (b) prosper (c) illiterate (d) change (e) drive (f) from (g) proper (h) literate (i) come (j)
60. Student life is the golden season of life. This is the time when we should prepare ourselves for
future. The very habits formed in the student life influenced the later phases of life. Student should
have a (a) life. Right (b) the student life they (c) be careful in (d) discipline. It is true
that (e) success of life depends (f) discipline and perseverance. He (g) does not have (h)
discipline in life cannot succeed (i) where in life. So, everybody should be (j) about it.
Answer: (a) planned (b) from (c) should (d) maintaining (e) real (f) on (g) who (h) followed (i) any (j) car
61. Hospitality has long (a) a part of our culture in Bangladesh. (b) many other things (c)
changing now. People are still quite polite and friendly (d) foreigners. They like (e) to
foreigners even if they (f) not been introduced. It is quiet common for Bangladeshis to (g)
personal questions about family, jobs and income which visitors from (h) might find awkward.
However, it should be (i) that no harm is (j) by such questions.
Ans: (a) been (b) though (c) are (d) with (e) talking (f) had (g) ask (h) overseas (i) known (j) done

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62. Bangladesh (a) in the active Earthquake (b) . It is a (c) natural disaster. It has occurred in
the country (d) times during recent years. If a (e) earthquake occurs in Dhaka city (f) will
happen unthinkable. So, experts are paying more (g) to the issue of earthquakes in (h) times.
People should be (i) and careful about earthquake in the capital city to (j) the loss of it occurs.
Ans: (a) is/lies (b) zone (c) serious/dangerous (d) many/several (e) serious (f) what (g) attention (h)
recent (i) alert (j) reduce
63. As mothers, women play an important (a) in building the character of their children. There is a
proverb in (b) that the hand that rocks the (c) rules the world. The role of women in making a
home (d) is great (e) as mothers (f) , as wives they expert great influence in the family. If a
wife is properly (g) she can manages the family (h) A good housewife is an (i) She (j)
the burden of her husband.
Ans: (a) role (b) fact (c) cradle (d) happy (e) wives (f) family (g) educated (h) well (i) ideal (j) shares

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

The prize giving ceremony of our school was (a) ___on 2 December 2012. it was held in the school
auditorium. We decorated (b) ____school building very nicely. The function began at 10 a.m. it began
with the (c) ___ from the holy Quran and the bible. Then the head teacher called the names of the
recipients. The head teacher also read (d)___the annual report. Then the prize were distributed (e) ---the winners.
Answer: (a) held (b) the (c) recitation (d) out (e) among.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is (a) ____birth right of a man. But no nation can achieve it without struggle. We
achieved independence in 1971 through a (b) _____war. People of all walks of life joined the war. They
fought (c) _____against the enemies. They did not run (d) _____showing their back. Many freedom
fighters become martyrs in the war. Today we remember them with (e) ____respect.
Answer: (a) the (b) bloody (c) fiercely (d) away (e) profound.
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
21st February is declared as an (a) _______mother language day. This day is also (b) ____ Shaheed day.
On this day people go to shaheed minar to show (c)______ to the martyrs. They carry flower wreaths to
offer them (d) _____national flag is kept half flying. The popular song Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano
Ekushe February is (e) _____in chorus.
Answer: (a) international (b) called (c) respect (d) the (e) sung
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Man is curious by nature. He wants to know (a) _____thing about the world. Newspaper is (b) _____best
media to satisfy this curiosity. It is useful to all sections of (c)_____. In modern life it has really become
a (d) ____of our life. people can express their opinions through it. For many reasons a newspaper is
called the (e) ___of knowledge.
Answer: (a) various (b) the (c) people (d) part and parcel (e) storehouse
5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Haji Mohsin was famous for his (a) ____. He helped the poor people (b) ____food and clothes. One night
a thief (c) ___into his bedroom. Haji Mohsin woke up and caught hold of the thief. The thief said, sir, I
am very poor and I have no (d) ___ in my house. Mohsin felt pity with the poor man. He took him to
another room and (e)---box.
Answer: (a) kindness (b) giving (c) entered (d) food (e) opened
6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is a small country. But this country of ours is rich in (a) ___ resources. Our progress (b)
____ on the proper use of these resources. It will not do if we while away our time in (c) _____. The
responsibility of building the country (d) _____ rests with us. For this we have to work hard. We should
bear in mind that industry is (e) _____ key to success.
Answer: (a) natural (b) depends (c) idleness (d) properly (e) the
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Industry is at the (a) _____ of all success. It is not possible to do any noble deed without (b) _____ our
Bangladesh is a poor country, but we take pride in calling her (c)____ Bengal. It requires hard labors to
build golden Bengal in the true sense of (d) _____term. The people of the developed countries are very
industrious. Many of us, on the other hand, are lazy and (e) _____to work.
Answer: (a) root (b) industry (c) golden (d) the (e) reluctant.
8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the rebel poet. He was (a) _____on 24th may, 1899, at churulia in the district
of burdens. He came of a poor (b) _____. Hos parents were Kazi Fakir Ahmed and jobeda khatun. Nazrul
is one of the (c) _____ Bengali poets. His poem bidrohi made him (d) _____overnight when he was
only 21 year old. Nazruls gazzles (islam songs) are very popular in the (e) _____community.
Answer: (a) born (b) family (c) greatest (d) famous (e) Muslim
9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
UNICEF is an (a) ____ organization. It mainly works for the children. UNICEF was (b)____ in December
1946. its (c)_____ is in new York, USA. Currently it works in 190 countries and territories of the world.
Extremely (d) ____ children of the world are its main target. UNICEF is the worlds largest organization
taking care of childrens (e)____ and protection.
Answer: (a) international (b) established (c) headquarters (d) poor (e) right
10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The invention of paper was an important event in history. There stared a (a) ____ change in the area of
writing. Before the invention of paper people wrote on the surface of stone, metal (b) _____leaves etc.

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but as soon as paper was invented writing become easier. Books began to be (c) _____ more easily.
Today a huge quantity of paper is being (d)______ and (e)_____ in the publishing world.
Answer: (a) revolutionary (b) wood (c) published (d) produced (e) used
11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good food meAns the (a) ____kind of food. It contains such natural (b) ____ that our body needs to stay
healthy. But it is also important that one should not eat too much (c) _____the food is good. (d) ____too
much is bad for health. We have to eat only a (e) _____amount of food that our body needs.
Answer: (a) right (b) substances (c) though (d) eating (e) certain
12. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cleanliness is the (a) ______to good health. If we are not clean, disease will attack us. In order to keep
clean we have to take (b) _____everyday. We have to (c) _____on clean clothes. We have to (d) _____our
hands before meals and after (e) ____the toilet.
Answer: (a) precondition (b) bath (c) put (d) wash (e) using
13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Students should be conscious about keeping their classroom clean. They (a) ______not always depend on
others for this. They do the cleaning by themselves. They can (b) _____some rules. Some of them can
be: Do not spit in the class; do not drop (c) ______in the class; use the (d) _____for trash; keep the
desks and chairs in (e)_______.
Answer: (a) should (b) maintain (c) wastes/litters (d) dustbin/bin (e) order
14. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
What is truthfulness? It (a) ____ a great virtue. It (b) _____ a indispensable part of human character.
The great men of the world were truthful. The great prophet Hazard Mohammad (s-m) (c) ____a model
of truthfulness. Once a man who was (d) _____to steal came to him for (e) ____so that he could give up
Answer: (a) is (b) is (c) was (d) used (e) advice
15. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Physical exercise is (a) ______for all. It keeps us (b) ___strong and healthy. Our life is full of activities
and (c) _____. We can face them if we have physical and mental (d) ______. It is physical exercise which
(e) ____us to gain this fitness.
Answer: (a) essential (b) physically (c) struggles (d) fitness (e) helps.
16. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is well-known that education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can make (a) ___without
education. Education (b) ____our ignorance and gives us (c) ___of knowledge. While imparting education
there should be no (d) _____between men and women. Education is one of the (e) ____human rights
Answer: (a) progress (b) removes (c) light (d) discrimination (e) basic/fundamental
17. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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English is an international (a) ____. It is spoken all over the (b) ____. So the importance of English
cannot be (c) ___anyhow. All the books of higher education are written in (d) ___. Today organizations
recruit employees who can speak and write English (e) --------.
Answer: a) language b) world c) denied d) English e) well
18. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Patriotism is a (a) ____virtue. It is a (b) _____quality in human nature. It (c) _____a man to shed every
drop of blood to (d) ______the liberty and dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be merely a
(e) _____slogan in the public meeting to fake the people. It should be cherished in the core of heart and
materialized in our deeds.
Answer: a) noble b) great c) inspires d) defends e) political
19. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Our environment is comprised of various (a) _____. Oxygen is one of the most. (b)_____ elements of our
environment. We cannot do a single movement (c) _____oxygen. It is wholly, solely and instantly related
to our life. it strengthens our immune system and helps us to breath properly. We feel (d)
_____condition in absence of oxygen. But it is a matter of sorrow that the (e) _____of oxygen is getting
shorter for environment pollution.
Answer: (a) astonishing (b) important (c) without (d) fixed (e) lack
20. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Health is (a) _____for all. Without sound health none can live properly in the world. Malnutrition is
reverse to (b) ______health. Malnutrition refers to (c) _____of nations. Those who suffer from
malnutrition can not do any work properly. Malnutrition can be prevented by taking (d) _____diet. A
balanced diet is essential for all. Those, who dont take a balanced diet suffer (e) _____malnutrition.
Answer: (a) essential (b) sound (c) deficiency (d) balanced (e) from
21. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cleanliness is (a) ____ to godliness. Without (b) _____ clean, none can lead a (c) ______life. it is
(d)_____to spend time with young children practicing and teaching them good hygiene. They should be
taught how to (e)____ hygiene.
Answer: (a) next (b) being (c) happy (d) good (e) maintain
22. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is food (a) ______is very important for our body. We cant live without (b) ____. Ms. Rehana says that
we must always have good food. Good food meAns the right kind of food (c) _____for health. Good food
contains all natural substances that our body (d) _____. We must eat (e) ____amount of food, not more
than that.
Answer: (a) which (b) food (c) for (d) needed (e) certain
23. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) _____ populate countries in south Asia. Her (b) ______area is smaller
in comparison to (c) _____countries but she has really a large (d) ______. She lost three million people
in (e) _____war of liberation in 1971.

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Answer: (a) over/densely (b) total (c) many (d) population (e) the
24. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cricket is an international game. So, everything is measured here (a) _____. It is played between two
teams, each (b) _____of eleven players. A soft, dry and grassed ground is necessary for the game. Other
requisites of the game are two wooden bats, a ball and two sets of (c) ____. The wickets are pitched at a
distance of 22 (d) _____. This play is widely enjoyed in the present (e) ____.
Answer: (a) internationally (b) consisting (c) stumps (d) yards (e) world
25. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
You have heard the (a) __of Begum Rokeya. She was born in the (b) __ pairabondh. She had attraction
for education (c) __childhood. She was a (d) ___in the education of Muslim women. We remember her
with (e).
Answer: (a) name (b) village (c) from (d) pioneer (e) respect
26. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Newspaper is the storehouse of (a) -------.It reflects the customs and (b) ------of other countries. In fact,
(c) ------- is the gist of current (d) ------. Truly speaking, it has become (e) -------to our modern life.
Ans (a) knowledge ;(b)culture; (c) It; (d) affairs(e)happy.
27. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a) ------without education. Education (b) -------our
ignorance and gives us the (c) -------of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no
(d) ------- between man and woman. Education is one of the (d) ------- human rights.
Ans;(a) Prosper;(b)Removes;(c) Light ; (d) disparity;(e)basic.
28. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Many of us give indulgence in (a) ------- ill of others. Sometimes we (b) -------generosity and do not
appreciate others even if they (c) -------- in making something beautiful. It is necessary to be (d) ------of this habit. We must learn the art of (d) -------- people as they work with us.
Ans (a) finding. (b) see (c) endeavour (d) out (e) appreciating.
29. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Human beings are born as baby on this beautiful world after a certain (a) --------they become older in
the society. In the way of lives they play vital (b) -------- that gives much (c) --------- for the next
generation. They are a (b) -------- of our society. So, they should not be (e) --------.
Ans (a) period (b) roles (c) advice (d) resource (e) neglected
30. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Plants cannot live (a) ------- water light. The problem of water is more (b) --------- in the deserts. Some
desert plants send there roots (c) --------- into the ground, to tap the water (d) ------- below but cactus
usually have (e) -------- roots.
31. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Ants are very industrious. They (a) -------together in search of food all day (b) ------.Though they are
small insects, they are well (c) --------- in there way of life. They save food to face (d) -------- in future.
They are patient and watchful. We have a lot to (e)----- from their lives.
Answer: (a) friendly (b) different (c) close (d) exchange (e) sense.
32. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Sea-water is (a) -------. Water has no (b) ------- of its(c) -------. As vast expAnse of sea water is visible at
a time, it looks blue. This blue water looks very (d) --------. But this water is not (e) --------.
Answer: (a) saline (b) colour (c) own (d) beautiful (e) blue
33. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
People want to get rid of (a) ---------.But the task is not easy (b) ---------all. For this, the first thing (c)--------to identify the causes of terrorism, (d)-------using not force but intelligence, device (e)-------sympathy, it is possible to solve this problem.
Ans (a) terrorism (b) at (c) is (d) by (e) and.
34. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Air is an important element (a) -------our life. But air can (b) --------- polluted in many ways. The (c) -------- cause of air pollution is (d) -----------. By inhaling polluted air, we (e) --------sick. We should take
steps to prevent air pollution so that we can be healthier and happier.
Answer: (a) proper (b) scientific (c) mankind (d) having (e) demon.
35. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
English is an (a) - language. it is our (b) ______ language. We (c)________ english for
international communication. Without (d) _________ english well we cannot shine nationally. Proper (e)
_______ should be taken for learning English in our country.

Answer: (a) international (b) second (c) speak (d) learning (e) step.

36. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

A well (a) _______ of communication plays an important role in the (b) ____ development of a country.
Again this good communication system (c) _________ on the development of railway. In the early 19th
century railway communication (d) ________ much. It played a vital role in (e) ______ goods and

Answer: (a) state (b) rapid (c) depends (d) improved (e) carrying.

37. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

A library is a small country. (a) ____ our country is full of (b) ________ resources. The development of
our (c) ________ depends on the proper utilization (d) _____ these resources. It is our (e) ______ to
build our country. So, we should work unitedly for the development of our country.

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Answer: (a) is (b) derived (c) meAns (d) arranged (e) readers.

38. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

The annual sport of our school was (a) ___ on last Monday. Our local MP was (b) ____ guest. All the
students and teachers were (c) ___ at the sports ground. We (d) ____ our school on the (e) ____. We all
enjoy the day.

Answer: (a) but (b) natural (c) country (d) of (e)duty

39. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

The 21st February become the (a) ___ of our national (b) ___ since then. The Shaheed Day is (c) ___
with great respect and (d) _____. Innumerable barefoot processions are brought out early in the
morning in different (e) ____ of the country.

Answer: (a) held (b) chief (c) present (d)decorated (e) occasion

40. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

The sun rises in (a) ___ east and sets in the west. Birds began to sing at the (b) ____ rise and go back
to their (c) ___ at the sunset. In winter people (d) ___ in the sun. Many things are dried in the sun. The
sun having risen, people go to (e) ____ Work.

Answer: (a) source (b)spirit (c) observed (d) solemnity (e) regions

41. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

A patriot is a (a) ____ who loves his (b) ___. The patriotic people love (c) _____motherland very (d)
____and this love is higher than the love of their (e) ____.

Answer: (a) person (b) country (c) their (d) dearly (e) life.

42. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

Cricket is a (a) ____ game. This game is played (b) ____ to teams. A team (c) ___of eleven players.
Bangladesh has much (d) ___ in cricket. It also has earned the (e) ___ status.
Answer: (a) popular (b) between (c) consists (d) improved (e) international

43. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Time is highly valuable. Time waits for (a) ___ every one of us should (b) ___proper use of time. The
success of the man who makes proper use of time is (c) ____. Those who (d) ___ time can not succeed
in life. all great man of the world have made proper use of time. We should (e) ___ them.

Answer: (a) none (b) make (c)certain (d) misuse (e) follow

44. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

Human life is very (a) _______. So this every moment (b) _________ life should be utilized
(c)__________ . it will not be (d) ________ to waste a moment. (e) ______ time is what life is and it
waits for none.
Answer: (a) short (b) of (c) fully (d) wise (e) therefore
45. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) ------- populated countries in south Asia .Her (b) ------area is smaller
in comparison to (c)------- countries but she has really a large (d)---------- . She lost three million people
in the war of (e) ------ in 1971.
Answer: (a) densely (b) land (c) other (d) population (e) liberation
46. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) ------ .They are a great (b) ------ of food any vitamins, shelter and oxygen. They
make the (c) ------- fertile. Trees keep the (d) ----- strong .Trees save us from (e) ------- and many other
natural calamities.
Answer: (a) friend (b) source (c) soil (d) land (e) erosion
47. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Once upon a time there lived a famous magician (a) ------ Frankel .He lived in a small (b) ------ in
Germany and worked there in a laboratory in his (c) ----. In it he made his magic (d) ------ .He was a
good (e) ----- because he only used his spells to make bad people good.
Answer: (a) called (b) town (c) house (d) spells (e) magician
48. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time is very (a) ------ .Time does not wait for any body. Nobody (d) ----- stop it. It moves (c) ------ and
forward. It is not wise to neglect time .Those who make the best use of time are sure to succeed .All the
great (d) ------ of the world have made the best use of (e) ------ . We should follow them.
Answer: (a) valuable (b) can (c) forward (d) men (e) time
49. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is our (a) ------. It is a very (b) ----- country .The people of this country are (c) ----- loving
.We want to (d) ---- in peace with all other (e) ----- .
Answer: (a) motherland (b) small (c) peace (d) live (e) communities
50. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A hobby is once favorite (a) ----------- but not ones main business .A man follows it because it gives him
(b) ---------------.There are many fashionable hobbies .They are stamp collecting , coin collecting,

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gardening (c) --------------- birds and so on. Of them my favorite hobby is (d) ---------. It have a garden in
front of my (e) ----------------- room .
Answer: (a) pastime (b) pleasure (c) watching (d) gardening (e) reading
51. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Football is the most popular (a) -------in the world .Like cricket (b) ----- isnt costly .It is full (c) -----thrill for both the players (d) ------ the spectators .It improves our (e) ------------ and mind .
Answer: (a) game (b) football (c) of (d) and (e) physique
52. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Eid- ul-Fitre is the (a) --- religious festival for the Muslims. It comes (b) ------ the end of the holy month
Ramadan. It is a day of great (c) -----. (d)------ prayer in Edgah is the main activity of the day .It teaches
is how to (e) ----- a decent life.
Answer: (a) biggest (b) after (c) joy (d) saying (e) lead
53. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Illiteracy is a curse .It is the root cause of (a) ------- which hampers all development efforts of the
government and the community .No development effort can be successful (b) ---- illiteracy is remove. No
individual, community or organization not even the government is (c) ---- of solving this huge problem
single-handed. It is the solving (d) ------------- of all the literate people of remove illiteracy from society
.We should be conscious (e) ------------- this responsibility.
Answer: (a) ignorance (b) until (c) capable (d) responsibility (e) about
54. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) ----- .They (b) ----- us with food .Vitamin .shelter and oxygen. They enhance the
(c) ----- of the land. Trees keep the soil strong, and save the land from flood and many other natural
calamities .So, we should plant trees as (e)---- as possible.
Answer: (a) friend (b) provide (c) fertility (d) erosion (e) many
55. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is the (a) -------- of a man .But no nation can (b) ------- it without struggle. Our war of
independence (c) -------- in 1971.People of all walks of (d)_____ joined the war with a smiling face to
e)____ the country.
Answer: (a) right (b) achieve (c) occurred (d) bravely (e) free
56. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good manner is an integral part (a) __education. The necessity of good manners (b)_____ be ignored.
Rather, priority should be (c) __ to them to win love and (d) __ of others. Good manner is a (e) ____.
Answer: (a) of (b) should not (c) given (d) affection (e) quality
57. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Patriotism is (a) ____ love ones own country. It is a (b) ____ sentiment and is wholly unselfish and
noble. A patriot can (c) ____ his life for the sake of his own country. His idealism gives him (d) __ and
strength. A true patriot loves to dedicate his life for the (e)_____ of his country.
Answer: (a) to (b) passionate (c) sacrifice (d) vigour (e) sake

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58. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Walking is a good (a) __. It develops our body and refresh our (b) ___. One can take fresh air and enjoy
the (c) ______ of nature if one walks in the (d)___ morning. So walking should be formed as a (e) ____
by people of all ages.
Answer: (a) exercise (b) mind (c) beauty (d) early (e) habit
59. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) ____ populated countries in south Asia. Her b) _____area is smaller in
comparison to (c) ___ countries but she has really a large d)_____. She lost three million people in (e)
__ war of liberation in 1971.
Answer: (a) densely (b) total (c) other (d) population (e) the
60. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Water and light are (a) -----------for the growth of plants. There is severe (b) ------of water in the
deserts. The vegetation of an area is (c) --------on its climate. Man needs (d) ------becomes of has
necessity of food. In order to grow more and more crops we should know the modern method of (e) -------.
Answer: (a) essential (b) lack (c) dependent (d) vegetation (e) cultivation
61. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Examination is very important in student life. It justifies a students (a) ------.No student can be (b) -------to next class without examination. So, every student (c) -----hard to pass the examination. There are
many ways to do (d) ------in the examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e) ------is not all things to approach the examination.
Answer: (a) quality (b) promoted (c) tries (d) good (e) knowledge
62. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Hazrat Omar (R), the second caliph of (a) -------was (b) ------in 583. His fathers (c) ---------was Khattab
Hantama.He was a great (d)------.In his early (e)-------he was dead against Islam.
Ans; (a) Islam (b) born (c) name (d) man (e) life
63. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
An early riser can enjoy the fresh air and oxygen of the morning (a) -------- refresh both his body and
mind. Moreover, he can (b)--------his work early and as such he (c)-------- enough time to perform his
work (d)---------.On the other hand, too much sleep (e)------- a man dull and lazy.
Ans; (a) which (b) start (c) has (d) properly (e) makes
64. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is the most densely (a)------country in the (b)-------.Every year more than two million people
are being added to our (c)-------.The problem is now out of (d)--------.But this can be checked if the
government and the people are firmly determined to control birth and grow (e)-------- at the same time.
Answer: (a) populated (b) world (c) country (d) control (e) crops
65. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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We know that our land is limited. So, most (a) -----------our farmers try hard all the year round to (b) ------more food for themselves but not their cattle. Their animals can eat (c)-------- nature grows. During
the monsoon (d) --------grows a lot of green plants and they eat too (e) -------.
Answer: (a) of (b) grow (c) that (d) nature (e) much
66. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Tea is a popular (a) ----------.Almost everybody likes to (b) --------tea .When we are (c) --------we (d) ------tea. By (e) -------tea, we can remove our tired.
Answer: (a) drink (b) drink (c) tired (d) drink (e) drinking
67. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time and tide (a)--------for none. None can call it (b)-------. A mane can get back his(c)--------money and
health but cannot get back his lost .time ( d)------- lost is lost forever .So, we should make the (e)------use of our time .
Answer: (a) wait (b) back (c) lost (d) once (e) proper
68. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
21st February is an (a)-----day in the history of bangladesh .in 1948 the rules of then Pakistan declared
Urdu to (b)-----------the only state language .Bangladesh (c)------vehemently against this (d)------the
movement spread all over Bangladesh .The Govt.(e)--------section 144 and banned all gathering and
Answer: (a) important (b) be (c) protested (d) declaration (e) imposed
69. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good food plays a vital role for our (a) -------.But unhealthy (b) -----is detrimental. So we have to choose
the (c) --------food. At the same time we have to eat the (d) ---------amount of food. Eating too (e) -------is not good for health.
Answer: (a) health (b) food (c) good (d) right (e) much
70. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mount Everest has (a) --------fascinated climbers. It is in (b) --------Himalayan mountain. It is the(c) --------- mountain in the world. It was (d) _____ after an English man, George Everest. He was the first (e)
______ survey the Himalayas in 1881.
Answer: (a) always (b) the (c) highest (d) named (e) to
71. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. But her agriculture (a) ___ on the mercy of nature which is water.
Rain is the (b) ___ of this water. The monsoon (c) ___ heavy rainfall. But if it does not rain in time, the
farmer cAns not (d) ____ the land. Again in the rainy season, it rains heavily. Heavy rainfall causes
flood. During flood people (e) ______ much.
Answer:(a) depends (b) source (c) causes (d) plough (e) suffer
72. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Good manners cost us nothing. Our education (a) ____ incomplete if we dont learn good manners. We
should show respect to the (b) ____. It is necessary for a (c) ______ society. We should have (d) ___
sense of fitness in our conduct. So, none should avoid the (e) ___ practice of good manners.
Answer: (a) remains (b) elders (c) disciplined (d) good (e) regular
73. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Books are mens best friends. You may (a) ___ many a good friends but you may (b) ___ find them
where you are in need. (c) ___ may not always come to you with (d) _____. One or two may prove false
and (e) ____ you much harm.
Answer: (a) save (b) not (c) they (d) sympathy (e) do
74. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Education enlightens (a) ___. It is compared to light which removes the darkness of (b) _____. It also
helps us distinguish (c) _____ right and wrong. But Bangladesh is to go a long way to educate all of its
(d) ________. All the educated people should come (e) ___ to removing the darkness of illiteracy from
the country.
Answer: (a) mind (b) ignorance (c) between (d) people (e) forward
75. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time and tide wait for none. None can call (a) _____ back. A man can get back his lost money (b) ___
health but can not get back his lost time. Time (c) ____ lost is lost forever. So, we should make the (d)
____ use of our time. We must do our work (e) ___ time .
Answer: (a) it (b) and (c) once (d) proper (e) in
76. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A mother exercises an indelible (a) ____ in the formation of childrens characters and in shaping their
(b) ____ destiny. Lives of many great men to the world show that their greatness was (c) ____ to their
mothers information. The things that they (d) _____ at home take a (e) _____ root in them.
Answer: (a) role (b) own (c) due (d) do (e) lasting
77. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A winter morning is usually misty, cool, dull, calm and (a) ____. Things are (b) ______ seen from distant
places. The sky gets (c) _____ for which (d) _____ things look hazy and (e) _____.
Answer: (a) quiet (b) not (c)misty (d) all (e) vague
78. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A patriot is a (a) ___ who loves his (b) ___. The patriotic people love (c) ___ motherland very (d) ___
and this love is higher than the love for their (e) ___.
Answer : (a) person (b)county (c)their (d)much (e)lives
79. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Paper is a very useful (a) ___. We can not do (b) ___ it. In the past paper was not in our (c) ___. At first
the people of China (d) ___ paper. The people of that (e) ___ used palm leaves instead of paper.
Answer : (a) thing (b)without (c)country (d)invented (e)time
80. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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The river is of great (a) ___ to us. We bathe in the (b) ___ of the river and drink water (c) ___ it. We
use the water of the river in various ways for agricultural (d) ___ by digging (e) ___.
Answer : (a) use (b) water (c) from (d) purpose (e) cenels
81. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The camel is not an (a) ___ of our country. It is the animal of the (b) ___. Though a camel looks (c) ___
indeed, there is no animal so (d) ___ as it is. There is a hump on the (e) ___ of the camel.
Answer : (a)animal (b)desert (c)ugly (d) useful (e)back
82. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
He loved his own (a) ___ very much. He was (b) ___ in his village home and had his (c) ___ education
there in his (d) ___. The trees, the flowers, the leaves of trees and every (e) ___ of his village were
beautiful in his eyes.
Answer : (a) village (b) born (c) primary (d) boyhood (e) thing
83. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Man can not live (a) ___. So he wants (b) ___. He can not do without the (c) ___ of others even for a
(d) ___. For this reason, man has been living (e) ___ from time immemorial.
Answer : (a) alone (b) company (c) help (d) day (e) together
84. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A winter morning is misty and (a) ___. There is dense (b) ___ everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so
dense that the sun (c) ___ can not get through it. Even things at a little (d) ___ can hardly be (e) ___.
Answer : (a) cold (b) fog (c) rays (d) distance (e) seen
85. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Early rising is the habit of getting up from (a) ___ in the morning. It is a very good (b) ___. It is
essential and good for (c) ___. This habit is of special (d) ___ to a man in various (e) ___.
Answer : (a) bed (b) habit (c) health (d) use (e) ways
86. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A fountain pen is an instrument which is used for writing (a) ___. Nowadays a fountain pen is an (b)
___ article of the educated man of all (c) ___. Students and educated men can not do a single (d) ___
without a fountain pen. It has earned (e) ___ popularity.
Answer : (a) purpose (b) essential (c) ages (d) moment (e) much
87. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is not easy to (a) ___ a mole because it is a strange (b) ___. Usually he (c) ___ under ground and
comes out at (d) ___. But people can not see him because it is very (e) ___ at night.
Answer : (a) see (b) creature (c) lives (d) night (e) dark
88. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mrs. Salma lives in a (a) ___ built house. It consists of six (b) ___. There are three (c) ___ rooms, one
reading room for her son and daughter, a drawing room and a (d) ___ room. The houses faces the (e)
Answer : (a) brick (b) rooms (c) bed (d) guest (e) south

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89. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The man who (a) ___ rickshaw for money is a rickshaw puller. A rickshaw puller is quite (b) ___ in
cities and towns. He (c) ___ in a slum. His (d) ___ is very shabby. His income in very (e) ___.
Answer : (a) pulls (b) familiar (c) lives (d) dress (e) poor
90. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A fisherman is a person who earns his (a) ___ by catching and selling (b) ___. Generally a fisherman (c)
___ by the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas for his professional advantages. A fisherman lives
with his family. He works (d) ___ all day and all night. He is always (e) ___ in making his fishing nets,
repairing them taking care of his fishing boat, dying and painting them.
Answer : (a) livelihood (b) fishes (c) lives (d) hard (e) busy
91. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mina is a (a) ___. She is a (b) ___ student. She reads in the Dhaka (c) ___. Everyday she goes to (d) ___
University. She is an (e) ___ girl.
Answer: (a) student (b) honours (c) university (d) the (e) active
92. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Dhaka (a) ___ on the Buriganga. It is an old (b) ___. The city is (c) ___. People of different (d) ___ live
in the city. Their occupation is not the (e) ___.
Answer : (a) stands (b) city (c) over populated (d) kinds (e) same
93. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
There was a (a) ___ in a country. He had a (b) ___ property. He was very (c) ___ and pious. He had no
(d) ___. He never (e) ___ of his own comfort.
Answer : (a) king (b) vast (c) kind (d) pride (e) thought
94. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Hazrat Omar (R) was the second Caliph of (a) ___. He was (b) ___ in 583. His fathers (c) ___ was
Khattab Hantama. He was a great poet and (d) ___. In his early (e) ___ he was dead against Islam.
Answer : (a) islam (b) born (c) name (d) orator (e) age
95. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) ___. They are a great (b) ___ of food and vitamins, shelter and oxygen. They make
the (c) ___ fertile. Trees keep the (d) ___ strong. Trees save us from (e) ___ and many other natural
Answer : (a) friends (b) source (c) land (d) soil (e) flood
96. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
My house is in the (a) ___ of Nurganj. There are many (b) ___ in our village. The village is very (c) ___
and quite. A pond is (d) ___ to my house. At the (e) ___ of my house we have the kitchen.
Answer : (a) village (b) trees (c) calm (d) close (e) side
97. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Sea-water is (a) ___. Water has no (b) ___ of its (c) ___. As vast expAnse of sea water is visible at a
time. It looks blue. This blue water looks very (d) ___. But this water is not (e) ___.

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Answer : (a) blue (b) colour (c) own (d) beautiful (e) drinkable
98. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We (a) ___ in Bangladesh. We (b) ___ Bangla. The area of our country (c) ___ very small but her
population is more. Most of the people of the country (d) ___ Muslims. There (e) ___ also Hindus.
Buddhists and ChristiAns.
Answer :(a) live (b) speak (c) is (d) are (e) are
99. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
When David was seventeen years (a) ___, he (b) ___ school. His aunt told him to take (c) ___ what he
would (d) ___ in future. But he could not take (e) ___ decision.
Answer : (a) old (b) left (c) decision (d) do (e) any
100. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is our (a) ___. It is a very (b) ____ country. The people of this country are
(c) ___ loving. We want to (d) ___ in peace with all other (e) ___.
Answer : (a) mother land (b) ancient (c) peace (d) live (e) nations
101. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Orpheus (a) ___ in Greece. As a (b) ___ he was very (c) ___. Both man and animal would hear his song
with an undivided (d) ___. His wife Eurydice looked very (e) ___.
Answer : (a) lived (b) musician (c) famous (d) attention (e) beautiful
102. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Most of (a) ___ farmers of our (b) ___ are very poor. They do not (c) ___ how to read and (d) ___. they
have no (e) ___ of their own.
Answer : (a) the (b) country (c) know (d) write (e) lands
103. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is the (a) ___ of a man. But no nation can (b) ___ it without struggle. Our war of
Independence (c) ___ in 1971. People of all walks of (d) ___ joined the war with a smiling face to (e) ___
the country.
Answer: (a) right (b) achieve (c) took place (d) life (e) free
104. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Awais Karni (a) ___ in Yemen. As a (b) ___ he is known to (c) ___. His mother was (d) ___ and lame. He
tried his (e) ___ to help his mother.
Answer : (a) lived (b) saint (c) all (d) blind (e) best
105. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Einstein was very simple in his (a) ___of life. He was (b) ___ to his fame. Once the queen of Belgium (c)
___ him to Brussels. When he (d) ___ down from the train, he could not (e) ___ that there were actually
many gorgeous dressed officials to receive him at the station.
Answer : (a) ways (b) indifferent (c) invited (d) got (e) think
106. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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My friend Hossain services in Khulna. He invited me to pay a (a) ___ to Khulna. I accepted the (b) ___
gladly. On the 5th September I got (c) ___ Dhaka-Khulna (d) ___ at Gabtali bus stand. I procured a (e)
___ the day before.
Answer : (a) visit (b) invitation (c) upon (d) coach (e) ticket
107. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Alfred Nobel was a scientist. He was a (a) ___. He (b) ___ his education in Russia. Dynamite was (c) ___
by him. For the (d) ___ of Dynamite he earned a huge sum of money. (e) ___ his death he left behind a
fabulous sum of money.
Answer : (a) Swedish (b) had (c) invented (d) discovery (e) before
108. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
In the past man would (a) ___ brick to build a heavy building. Even today there are many heavy brick
build (b) ___. But now a days modern builders not only use brick but also many other (c) ___. Today
many multi-storied buildings are being (d) ___ in the big cities. Stone is also used in building a heavy
building. Today building (e) ___ are available.
Answer : (a) use (b) buildings (c) things (d) built (e) materials
109. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mahabub was poor but he is brilliant and at the same (a) ___ studios. So poverty could not stand (b) ___
his way of success. He would always (c) ___ attentively. He never neglected his study. By studying much
he succeeded in life in spite of (d) ___. Like Mahabub it is the duty of all students to study with great
sincerity and thus they can be (e) ___.
Answer : (a) time (b) on (c) study (d) poverty (e) successful
110. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The sun rises in (a) ___ East and sets in the west in the West. Birds begin to sing with the (b) ___ rising
and go back to their (c)___ at the sun set. In winter people (d) ___ in the sun. Many things are dried in
the sun. the sun having risen, people go to (e) ___ work .
Answer : (a) the (b) sun (c) nests (d) bask (e) their
111. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Tea is a (a) ___ drink. Almost everybody likes to (b) ___ tea. When we are tired, we drink tea. By
drinking, we remove our (c) ___. Bangladesh produces a lot of (d) ___. Many other countries of the
world also (e) ___ tea. Some other countries are trying to produce tea.
Answer: (a) popular (b) drink (c) tiredness (d) tea (e) produce
112. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is very difficult to speak the (a) ___ always. He who speaks the truth is (b) ___ by all. Our holy
prophet (Sm) never told a (c) ___. He always speak the truth. He spoke the truth even at the time of
great (d) ___. He won the respect of the non believers by speaking the truth. So we should cultivate the
(e) ___ of speaking the truth.
Answer: (a) truth (b) loved (c) lie (d) danger (e) habit
113. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Football is my (a) ___ game. Though I am not a very good (b) ___. I take keen interest in football game.
It is so interesting to me that I never miss any (c) ___ to witness a football match. Last year I saw the
most interesting football (d) ___ of my life. It was played between our school (e) ___ and Tarun sporting
Answer: (a) favourite (b) player (c) chance (d) match (e) team
114. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is an (a) ___ country. But her agriculture depends (b) ___ the mercy of nature that is water.
Rain is the (c) ___ of this water. The monsoon causes heavy rainfall. But if it does not rain in time, the
farmers can not plough their lands and (d) ___ them. Again in the rainy season it rains heavily. Heavy
rainfall causes flood. During (e) ___ people suffer much.
Answer: (a) agriculture (b) on (c) source (d) water (e) flood
115. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The day was Wednesday. We some friends were going to our village home. After walking for five
minutes, we reached the (a) ___. The train arrived (b) ___ a few minutes. All of us got into a second
class (c) ___. When the train reached our small station, it was (d) ___ to be dusk. We did find any
rickshaw at the station. So, we went (e) ___ by walking.
Answer: (a) station (b) within (c) compartment (d) about (e) home
116. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We (a) ___ in Bangladesh. We speak (b) ___. The area of our country is very small but her (c) ___ is
more. Most of the people of the country are Muslims. There are also Hindus, Buddhists and ChristiAns.
90 (d) ___ of the people live in the village. Most of the villagers are farmers. They depend on (e) ___.
They work very hard.
Answer: (a) live (b) bangle (c) population (d) percent (e) agriculture
117. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Most of the farmers of our country are very poor. They do not know how to (a) ___ and write. They
have no (b) ___ of their (c) ___. They cultivate others (d) ___. Though they work hard they can not live
well. They produce (e) ___ for all but they are very neglected.
Answer: (a) read (b) lands (c)own (d) land (e) food
118. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
There are many rivers in Bangladesh. In the rainy (a) ___ all the rivers are (b) ___ to the brim. Then
they look very beautiful. Sometimes they overflow their (c) ___. For this reason many (d) ___ go under
water. At that time people can not move (e) ___.
Answer: (a) season (b) full (c) banks (d) places (e) easily
119. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Long (a) ____, there lived a king. His (b) ___ was Solomon. Many people came to him everyday and
asked him many (c) ___. The king (d) ___ all the questions. So people called him Wise Solomon. In
other country there lived a queen. The name of the queen was Sheba. She wanted to test the (e) ___ of

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Answer: (a) ago (b) name (c) questions (d) Answer (e) wisdom
120. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Newspaper is the storehouse of (a) _____. It reflects the customs and (b) _____ of other countries. In
fact, (c) _____ is the gist of current (d) ____. Truly speaking, it has become (e) ____ to our modern life.
Answer: (a) knowledge (b) tradition (c) newspaper (d) affair (e) important
121. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The name of our country is Bangladesh. The people of our country are (a) _____ loving. We (b) ___ in
peaceful co-existence. We want to live (c) ___ all and wish all well. Love for all and (d) ___ for none is
our philosophy of life. We (e) ___ the people of the whole world as our relatives.
Answer: (a) peace (b) live (c) with (d) hate (e) love
122. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Sports are not only the matter of entertainment but also an important aspect of the development of (a)
___ relationship when those are held internationally. The venue of such sports is a meeting place of
people from (b) ___ countries. They develop mutual understanding and can come (c) ___ to each other.
They can (d) ___ their views and opinions and listen to others. Thus they create a (e) ___ brotherhood
among them.3
Answer: (a) human (b) different (c) close (d) exchange (e) bond
123. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Truthfulness is a noble virtue. It is (a) ___ to be the noblest of all virtues. It denotes the mans (b) ___
of speaking the truth. This virtue (c) ___ a man nothing but it earns him a lot. For example, it crowns a
man with (d) ___ and dignity. Besides, everybody believes him and shows him (e) ___ respect.
Answer: (a) considered (b) habit/quality (c) gives (d) honour/ respect (e) highest
124. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation cAns (a) ___ without education. Education (b) ___ our
ignorance and gives us the (c) ___ of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no
(d) ___ between man and woman. Education is one of the (e) ___ human rights.
Answer: (a) prosper/ develop (b) removes (c) light (d) disparity/ discrimination (e) basic
125. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Our freedom fighters are the (a) ___ heroes of our country. We should (b) ___ them as they sacrificed
their (c) ___ for the cause of mother land. Its a matter of great (d) ____ that most of them are (e) ___
and our young generation does not know about their valiant struggle.
Answer: (a) real (b) respect/ honour/ value (c) lives (d) regret/ sorrow (e) poor
126. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The poor man was at a complete loss. The nobleman was more (a) ___ a person of title. He was a
gentleman. He stopped in (b) ___ of the farmer and got off the horse. I see youve had a mishap;
friend, said the nobleman. Fortunately, I have come along just now (d) ___ it is difficult to find help
in a place like this. Then he held one end of the sack and asked the farmer to hold the other (e) ___.
Answer: (a) than (b) front (c) but (d) end (e) bond

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127. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Books are mens best friends. You may (a) ___ many a good friends but you may (b) ___ find them when
you are in need. (c) ___ may not always come to you with (d) ___. One or two may prove false and (e)
___ you much harm.
Answer: (a) have (b) not (c) they (d) co-operation (e) do
128. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Few days ago when I had (a) ___ in Dhaka, I visited a number of interesting places. Yesterday I (b) ___
by my cousin went to DU with a view to (c) ___ Aparajeo Bangla and I can not help (d) ___ something
about it. In English it (e) ____ unconquerable Bangladesh.
Answer: (a) gone/ been (b) accompanied (c) visiting (d) knowing (e) is called
129. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Examination is very important in student life. It justifies a students (a) ___. No student can be (b) ___
to next class without examination. So, every student (c) ___ hard to pass the examination. There are
many ways to do (d) ___ in the examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e) ___
is not all things approach the examination.
Answer: (a) ability / quality/ merit (b) promoted (c) works (d) good/ well (e) knowledge
130. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We live in an age of science. We can use the (a) ___ of science in all (b) ___. Science is a constant (c)
___ of our daily. (d) ___ have made the impossible (e) ___ possible by meAns of science.
Answer: (a) blessing / use (b) fields (c) friend (d) scientists (e) things
131. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The tribal people follow their own (a) ___. The platform they build their houses on is called (b) ___.
Woman (c) ___ their own clothes. They (d) ___ pastimes in fishing and hunting. (e) ___ is a popular
sport for them.
Answer: (a) lifestyle/ culture (b) machang (c) weave (d) usually (e) wresting
132. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Corruption is one of the main (a) ___ of the developing countries. It draws (b) ___ wheel of the
economy. For this, (c) ___ blame one another. In order to (d) ___ out of the jaws of the (e) of
corruption, self-criticism, self-restraint, self-purification and above all, patriotism is necessary.
Answer:(a) populated (b) world (c) population (d) control (e) awareness/ consciousness
133. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Many people do not get enough nutrition from what they eat. Many children become blind because they
do not get (a) ___ nutrition. Diarrhea is a common (b) ___. This is because many (c) ___ do not drink
clean water or they (d) ___ dirty food. So, they often suffer (e) ___ diarrhea. The condition in our
villages is very deplorable.
Answer: (a) enough (b) disease (c) people (d) eat (e) from
134. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

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Man is mortal. To every man death (a) ___ come sooner or late. But it matters little if a man (b) ___ a
few years more or less than another. Our life is not (c) ___ by months or years. It is (d) ___ measured
by our deeds and actions. The people who live only for their own interest die (e) ___.
Answer: (a) must (b) lives (c) counted (d) also (e) selfishly/ unpatriotic
135.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
English being an international language, its (a) ___ is great. Though it is painful, (b) ___ true that we lag
behind (c) ___ this regard. The reasons of it (d) ___ many. But it the teachers try (e) ___ is possible to
overcome the present situation to a large extent
Answer: (a) importance/ necessity (b) it (c) in (d) are (e) it
135. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The name of our country is Bangladesh. The people of our country are (a) ____ loving. We (b) _____ in
peaceful co-existence. We want to live (c) _____ and wish all well. Love for all and (d) ______ for none
is our philosophy of life. We (e) ___ the people
of the whole world as our relatives.
Answer: (a) peace (b) believe (c) peacefully (d) hate (e) consider
136. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independent Bangladesh is our (a) ____. It is the duty of (b) _____ of us to build up (c) ___ country. The
students role is (d) _____. They have to bear in (e) ___ that they are responsible citizens of this
country. Their duty is to keep away the country from corruption and work for the country.
Answer: (a) mother land (b) all (c) our (d) important (e) mind
137. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is a (a) ____ child of nature. (b) ______ is blessed with (c) ____ beauties.
Flower is (d) ____ of the innate (e) ____ of nature.
Answer: (a) darling (b) it (c) natural (d) one (e) beauties
138. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
God has created all the living (a) ____ on the earth. We should respect and (b) ___ other
Creatures keeping in mind that (c) ___ are created by God and they (d) ____ tries to
Interrupt the freedom, (e) ____ start to escalate.
Answer: (a) beings (b) love (c) these (d) deserve (e) them
139. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The 21st February is a (a) ____ memorable day in our national (b) ____.we remember this day with (c)
____ honour. The day is (d) _____. On this day, our national (e) ____ is kept half-must.
Answer: (a) very (b) life (c) great (d) holiday (e) flag
140. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Man is the maker of (a) _____ own fortune. If we are (b) _____ of work, we cannot prosper (c) _____
life. But some people think (d) ____ success in life depends on (e) ___ or chance.
Answer: (a) his (b) path (c) peace (d) that (e) luck

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