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Name FIRST IMPRESSION Edition 2008


Submitted to



Constituent of Charotar University Science and Technology


Presented by

Maitri Shah

M.B.A Semester-1 ROLL No.45



The experience of this book review is quite amazing for me The activities like

this helps us to refresh from our daily routine theory based books of our

course .

As it is rightly said that “Books are our best friend” and so I am glad to say

that reading of this book has helped me developing more interest in reading

books like this.

I think this book has guided me how to become a good leader and I hope I

will be able to develop those qualities which I don’t possess.

I was really surprised by reading this book which guided me towards my

goal and so I think I will try my best to achieve my goal after reading this book.


I, MAITRI SHAH of Semester-1 , hereby declare that the BOOK REVIEW


own work and my indebtedness to other work publications, if any, have been

duly acknowledged.

Place: Changa (Signature)

Date: (Maitri Shah)

Executive Summary


by John c. Maxwell . This review contains discipline of the book , also about

the author.

About the book is what 21 essential qualities a leader must possess . Also

how to inbuild that qualities is been described in this review. Objectives and

scope of the book are described with it’s importance.

21 qualities such as Character , Charisma, Commitment, Discernment,

Generosity, Focus, Vision etc are been discussed with meaning indepth.

Explanation and Application of these qualities is been stated below.

About the Discipline

This book is as on leader so it is part of Organization Behaviour that a person

should imbibe in him/her

This book is written and presented in an outstanding way , as we came to

know about Dr Maxwell as the top writer ,speaker and author there is no

question about the discipline of book.

The book is been presented in very systematic way one would like

to read,as he is Leadership guru , he knows how to make people follow him

and so it is obvious that this book should be in a disciplinary pattern.

Talking about the discipline of the book I would like to say that this

book contains all real examples and that of all well known people , also the

thoughts are presented in correct way one can understand easily, plus

content of the main topics of the book have correct idea and no two meaning

thought can enter while reading this book ie I mean one can get the point in

right manner.

He has not used any word or sentence which can affect any person

also language used is perfectly all right.

About the Author

JOHN C. MAXWELL is an internationally recognized expert, speaker and

author who has sold over 13 million books. His organizations have trained

more than 2 million leaders worldwide Dr. Maxwell is the founder of EQUIP

and INJOY Stewardship services. Every year he speaks toFortune 500

companies, international government leaders and organizations as diverse as

the united States Military Academy at West Point and the National Football

League. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best

selling author, Maxwell was named the World’s Top leadership Guru by

Leaderhipgurus,net. He was also one of the only 25 authors and artists

named to’s 10th Anniversary Hall of Fame. Three of his books ,

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You,

and The 21 indispensable Qualities of a Leaderhave each sold over a million



What makes people want to follow a leader? What separates leadership

theorist from successful leads who lead effectively in real world? The answer

lies in the character of the individual person. This book is possess all the 21

essential qualities which a leader must have in him/her.


This book is written to make aware the leaders who think themselves as they

have all the qualities but in reality they don’t have all of them.As Dr Maxwell is

leadership guru his objective behind writing this book is very clear that he

want that all should know these qualities that a leader should possess in them

He has written this book with objective to help all to recognize, develop and

define the personal characteristics need to be a truly effective leader.


This will encourage many people who may be thinking of improving and uplift

many who are able to but due to one or two weakness they might not be

coming forward.


It is an important book which clearly explains how one leader should be and

what qualities should he have in him and also it tells how to overcome the

weakness which might be keeping them away from being an effective leader.

As it has described each concept with examples so it becomes easy to


Contents, Explanation and Application

This book is a useful tool for managers, leaders or wanting to be leaders and

for those who wanted to improve self. This is not an overnight solution or tip

but provides insights on how you can possibly develop characteristics and

assess if you already have the traits of a true leader. It provided tips on how

to improve specific leadership traits and also provided literatures and

examples that make the book more interesting to read.

The traits of a leader provided by Maxwell in this book are alphabetized.

And to briefly describe the book, the following are to be found within its


Character - This tells you that real leadership’s foundation lies on correct

values and principles. Accordingly, experiences of difficulties do not

necessarily make a leader but reveals the true nature of a leader.

Charisma - this trait can be learned according to Maxwell. Charisma simply

means making other people feel good about them.

Commitment – Commitment means involves several things. It is equal to

consistency, persistence, and dedication to ones goal. It starts from within

and is measured by actions. It is the way to attaining ones mission, thus

opening the door to achievements.

Communication – Communication means taking something difficult to

understand and making it simple and easy to comprehend. To become an

effective communicator, you must know how to clarify your messages,

understands the listener, be truthful in your words, and gets feedback from

them who listens.

Competence – To develop this trait, there are steps one can do. Showing up

every day means being there physically, intellectually and emotionally.

Competence does not stop from doing good but means continuous


Courage – If there is no fear then there is no courage. Because courage

means trying to overcome your fears and doing what you are afraid to do.

Courage inspires others to follow suit and continue to influence other by its


Discernment – Discernment is developed through practice and continuous

observation. Awareness of the unexpected is a result of being truly keen of

what had happened already. This means putting together the pieces of a

puzzle though the picture is not yet complete.

Focus – Concentration and focus can be learned. It may seem similar to

being a One-Track-Mind but does not fully mean that you are closed to other

possibilities. Maxwell provided options on how you can keep your focus by

learning your strength and knowing what matters most.

Generosity – How can you share what you don’t have? So learn how to be

thankful of what you have and appreciate it. Only when you learn how to

appreciate will you be able to learn how to give.

Initiative – How can you lead when you don’t know where to start? Maxwell

pointed out that to have initiative, you must know what you want. Having

initiative means taking more risks and making more mistakes, and learning

from those.

Listening – Listening does not only involve your ears, nodding your head and

paraphrasing what others said. When you listen, you learn to understand with

your head and heart. Learn how to listen.

Passion – Do you want others to follow you wherever you go? Well, learn to

have feelings with what you are doing. Take your goal into your heart. A

burning desire to finish rubs of to others.

Positive Attitude – How will you be positive when you are feeling low? Being

positive is an attitude. You can choose your attitude and starting from it, you

can change it.

Problem Solving – This is one of the thing which separates winners from

whiners ,as every problem introduces leader to himself which show how a

leader thinks .

Relationship – The ability to with people and develop relationship is

absolutely indispensable to effective leadership. One should cultivate and

manage good relationship.

Responsibility – Leaders should possess attitude of responsibility which give

a person an opportunity to lead the team which will prove that they can carry

the responsibility.

Security – Security within himself secures his leadership, insecure leaders

are dangerous to themselves which will lead to self destruction.

Self Discipline – No one achieves or sustain success without self discipline,

it positions a leader to go to the highest level and is a key to leadership that


Servanthood – Servanthood is not about position or skill ,it is about

attitude.As leaders are made to serve others so this is one of the quality which

separate a normal person from leaders.

Teachability – Teachability will help the leader to grow his organization, he

should have interest to grow that is to cultivate attitude of getting knowledge.

One cannot think that he knows every thing, if he does so than he is not a

good leader.

Vision – Vision is everything for leader as it paints the target , it sparks and

fuels the fire which draw him forward , this fire light the leader to follow others

towards him.


This book helps to start on the process of continuous personal growth in one’s

life. This encourage to keep growing as a leader. The book will also

encourage to find other leaders who will mentor you.

The only way to become a kind of leader that people want to follow is to keep

growing and learning about leadership. This book helps us to be active as

many exercises are mention which will develop or increase the qualities

which we lack.

Kate Spade, the designer of all things accessories, offers up her opinion on manners. Her
book, published in 2004 and aptly titled “Manners”, is a fun glossing over of various etiquette
question and manners-probing moments. The blue cover and white silhouette illustration
reflect Ms. Spades paired-down style… like what you see and you know what’s inside is
going to be classic advice without ever giving off a pretentious air. The book cover colors and
design are simplistic and classic, not the least bit over trendy.

Divided into three sections, “Manners” addresses everyday manners for 365 days a year,
communication manners and everything miscellaneous. Kate Spade begins her foreword with
“the world is round and manners aren’t square”. Oh, if only the entire world could hear that
quote. It’s a motto I truly admire and wish I had thought of myself.

Turn the pages to the first daily manners section and the reader will see “10 gentle reminders
for modern day etiquette”.

These are simple reminders we should all consider on a daily basis. How could a reader not
appreciate that? Our world today continually bombards us with opportunities to see other
human beings and treat them as such. “Manners” gives its reader the opportunity to be kind
everyday, reach out to those we don’t see and recover difficulties gracefully.

Her little blue book is a delight. Ms. Spade supplies petite bits and pieces of life and society
and how to deal with it both effectively and with charm. Her pages covering social spills and
gracious recoveries are considerate to the general population. We’ve all made a social faux
pas here and there. Ms. Spade acknowledges our humanness and navigates us through those
embarrassing moments.

Her pages contain little snippets and cute drawings. The drawings are like cut out paper dolls
complete with all the items the paper dolls would use in their own little world. From the
proper tip to the expected attire at specific events, “Manners” offers direction to everyday
questions. Solutions to etiquette dilemmas like the delayed thank you note and a note from a
child are punctuated with quotes from assorted writers and the esteemed Emily Post.
Suggestions on when not to use a cell phone and how to encompass proper behavior in a
variety of public spaces, both home and abroad, are gems.

Like Kate Spade’s stylish accessories, manners are classic. Etiquette does not go out of style.
You can purchase Kate Spade's book, "Manners" on

Today's G20 summit here in Pittsburgh is focussed on building our collective

response to the global recession. Our goal, as these major economies, is to
deliver sustainable, long-term growth now and into the future, not to return
simply to the fundamental instability of the boom and bust cycles of the
global economy in the pastWith all that the G20 really accomplished, two more points are vital to
appreciate. First, the G20 actions will certainly not stop the recession in its tracks, nor even
prevent unemployment from continuing to rise markedly. We remain in the grips of a very
deep recession with a dynamic beyond any immediate solution. The G20 actions will help to
stop the downturn from spiralling into a yet-deeper collapse, but will not stop the recession by
itself. Second, much of the policy framework adopted by the G20 is only a sketch of policy,
not the detailed regulations and implementation strategy. The very hard work remains of
translating the G20 achievements into practical action. For that, the leaders will have to
recognize that they need to designate key officials for round-the-clock work. Communiqués
are but a start, not a finish, of the process of true global cooperation.

comes at a time when the hopes of reviving the fledgling Doha

negotiations were on the wane. This was hardly surprising since the 153

nation strong organisation had failed time and again to deliver on the Doha

Development Agenda, the much-touted focus of the present round of

multilateral trade negotiations. What was perhaps most ironical was that the

confabulations in Geneva had come to a grinding halt as the developed and

the developing countries failed to agree on the need to provide succour to

the vulnerable farmers that dot the agricultural landscape in the developing


The negotiations broke down as the United States rejected the demand

made by India and China that developing countries should be allowed to

make effective use of special safeguard measures (SSM) in order to insulate

their farmers from the sudden decline in international prices or surges in

import volumes of agricultural commodities.

Many would argue that stalemate that the Doha negotiations have been

witnessing was because of the differences between the countries in getting

an appropriate discipline on SSM. In our view, the malaise runs deeper. It

was the inability of the developed countries to accept an outcome that serves

the interests of the majority of the WTO membership.

The issues raised by the developing countries were in fact, the cornerstone

of the mandate for agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round. The

negotiating mandate, which provided for the establishment of a fair and

market-oriented trading system through a programme of fundamental reform,

included two key issues. First, the negotiating mandate spoke of reducing

the trade distorting subsidies granted by the large subsidisers in the

developed world. Secondly, the mandate instructed the WTO Members to

negotiate such rules and disciplines as to enable developing countries to

effectively take account of their development needs, including food security

and rural development.

It must be pointed out that the latter set of objectives were in the nature of

safety nets that the vulnerable producers in the developing world needed to

protect themselves in the markets that were rife with the distortions caused

by the farm subsidies.

Notwithstanding the broad set of issues included in the negotiating mandate,

the negotiations have seen developed countries, in particular the United

States, focus almost entirely on the tariff reduction issues. The United States

has not been inclined to reduce farm subsidies and this was clear from the

developments in its domestic policy arena.

Farm Bill 2008, which provides the blueprint for United States’ agricultural

policies until 2012, has promised additional doses of subsidies. This

recalcitrance notwithstanding, the United States faces the pressure

particularly from the developing country groupings, such as: the G-20 and

the G-33, to put a cap on their product specific domestic support.

Negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA), dealing with tariffs

and non-tariff barriers, have also seen considerable erosion of the special

and differential treatment provisions. In this area, “less than full reciprocity” in

reduction commitments was the cornerstone of the negotiating process,

which was effectively abandoned as the negotiating process were on.

However, with the developed countries agreeing to reduce tariffs across the

board, developing countries would benefit in so far as the inordinately high

tariffs that the products of their export interests have faced in the developed

country markets would be a thing of the past.

Aside from addressing some of the major differences that have been seen in

agriculture and NAMA, the Delhi meeting would do well to focus on the

prospects of liberalising trade in services in areas that are of interest to

developing countries. India, for instance, has always argued that it stands to

make substantial gains if outsourcing and movement of persons is

liberalised, particularly in the developed world. A better focus on the services

negotiations would help restore the balance in the Doha negotiations, which

seems lacking at the present juncture.

A Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced



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