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Easwari Engineering college.

Embedded system question banks

Two marks question:
1. What is real time Embedded system?
A real time embedded system is one that has computer hardware with software
embedded on its as one of its important component and finishes the task within
2. List the categories of embedded system
Network based embedded system
Real time system
Mobile based embedded system
3. Types of embedded system
Small scale embedded system
Medium scale embedded system
Sophisticated scale embedded system
4. What are the types of real time system?
Soft real time system
Hard real time system
5. What is ASSP?
Application specific System is a processing unit for specific tasks. Ex. Image
compression and that is integrated through the buses with the main processor in an
embedded system.
6. Define RTOS.
Real Time Operating System is software for real-time programming and
scheduling, process and memory manager device drivers, device management and
7. Write some applications of embedded systems.
Smart card, Missiles & Satellites, computer networking, Automotives,
8. What are GPP and ASIP?
GPP: A processor from a number of families of processors, microcontroller,
embedded processors and DSP having a general purpose instruction set and readily
available compliers to enable programming in a high level language is called General
Purpose Processor.
ASIP: A processor designed for specific application on a VLSI chip is called an
Application Specific Instruction Processor.
9. What are the various forms of system memory?
Internal RAM, Internal ROM/PROM/EPROM, External RAM, Internal
Caches,E2PROM or flash memory, External ROM/PROM, RAM Memory buffers.

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

10. List the types of RAM

distributed RAM, parameterized block RAM
11. Define Stack
A Stack is a data structure in which elements can be pushed in or pulled out. It
works on the principle of Last in First out.
12. Draw the flow chart for test cycle.

13. List some Design Metrics

Power dissipation, prototype, process deadline, performance, size, time to
market, size, user interface, cost.
14. What are the steps required for converting high level language into a ROM
Compiler, linker. Loader, locator, device programmer.
15. write briefly about reset circuit
The reset circuit activates for a fixed period and then deactivates. It helps the
processor to start the processing of instructions from a start address
1. What are the Structural units in a processor?
Data and stack in internal RAM, Timer and watchdog timer,
ROM/PROM/EPROM, External memories interfaces, interrupt controller, I/O port
control and Interfaces/drivers, serial UART communication port, serial synchronous
communication port
2. What are I/O device types?
Serial input, serial output, serial UART input, serial UART output, parallel port
single bit input, parallel port single bit output, parallel port input, parallel
3. What is synchronous and asynchronous communication?
Synchronous communication in which a constant phase difference is maintained
between the clocks that guide the transmitter and receiver. A maximum time interval
is pre-fixed between which a frame of byte transmits.
Asynchronous communication in which a constant phase difference is not
maintained and the clocks that guide the transmitter and receiver are separate. Time
interval between which a frame of byte transmit is not pre-fixed and is indeterminate.

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

4. What are timer and counting devices?

A time gets the inputs from the internal clock with the processor or system
Counting device is a unit for getting the count-inputs on the occurrence of
events that may be at irregular intervals.
5. Write the frame format for I2C and CAN bus
Start Bit -Start Address Bit-R/W-ACK-Data Bits-NACK-Stop bit




1bit 1bit 8bits

Address of control
Destination Bit
4 bit

1 bit

data ACK/
(0-64 bits) 2 bits

1 bit
End of
7 0s

6. What is serial and parallel communication?

In parallel communication, read and write operation take place on multiple bits
at instance.
In serial communication, read and write operation take place with one bit at an
instance and each bit of the message is separated by constant time intervals.
7. Give some advantage for PCI and PCI-X bus.
It provides a superior throughput than EISA
It is platform-independent
Its clock rate is nearest to the sub-multiple of system clock
It can be initialized at booting time
8. What is Timer overflow or Time-out?
A state in which the number of count- inputs exceeded the last acquirable value
and on reaching that state, an interrupt can be generated. This state is called time-out
or time overflow.
9. What is isosynchronous communication?
Isosynchronous communication is one in which a constant phase difference is not
maintained between the frames but maintained between the frame clocks that guide
the transmitter and receiver are not separate.
10. What are the ways of operations of the serial interface device?
Synchronous communication
Asynchronous communication
Isosynchronous communication
11. Define software timer
A software timer is software that execute and increases or decreases a count
variable as an interrupt on a timer output or on a real time clock interrupt.
12. List some features of the CAN bus

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

It has a serial, which is bi-directional. It receives or sent a bit at an instance by
operating at the maximum rate of 1 Mbps. It employs a twisted pair connection to
each node, which runs to a maximum of 40M
13. Define Protocol.
A way of transmitting messages on a network by using software for adding the
additional bits like starting bits, header addresses of source and destination.
14. Define half- duplex
Serial port has one common I/O lines. For example, a telephone line message
flows one way at an instance.
15. Define Full duplex
Serial port has two distinct I/O lines. For example, a modem connection to the
computer can port. There are two lines TXD and RXSD at pins or 25 pins connector.
Message flows both ways at an instance.
16. What are the features of USB protocol?
Using USB, a device can be attached configured and used, reset configured and
used, share the bandwidth with other devices detached and reattached.
17. Explain briefly about PCI and PCI/X buses?
PCI and PCI/X buses are used and these are independent from the IBM
architecture. PCI/X is an extension of PCI and supports 64/100 MHz transfer. Lately,
new versions have been introduced for the PCI bus architecture.
18. Define handshaking signals.
The signals before storing the bits at the port buffer or before accepting the bits
from the port buffer are called handshaking signals.
1. List some of the Intel I/O instructions
IN AL,imm8
IN AX,imm8
OUT imm8, AL
OUT imm8 ,AX
2. Define transfer rate
Transfer rate is simply a measure of the number of bytes per second
transferred between the CPU and an external device.
3. What is latency?

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

Latency is a measure of the delay from the instant that the device is ready until the
time the first data byte is transferred. Latency is thus equivalent toresponse time.
4. Define ISR.
An interrupt is a hardware mechanism used to inform the CPU that an
asynchronous event has occurred. When an interrupt is recognized, the CPU saves
part of its context and jumps to a special subroutine called Interrupt service routine, or
5. What is interrupt response time?
Interrupt response is defined as the time between the reception of the interrupt and
the start of the user code that handle the interrupt. The interrupt response time
accounts for all the overheads involved an interrupt.
6. What is kernel?
Kernel is a program with functions for memory allocation and reallocation, task
scheduling, inter process communication, effective management of shared memory
access by using the signals, exception handling signals, semaphores, queues,
mailboxes etc
7. What is context switching?
When a multitasking kernel decides to run a different task, it simply saves the
current tasks context in the current tasks storage area- its stack. Once this operation
is performed, the new tasks context is restored from its storage area then resumes
execution of the new tasks code. This process is called context switching.
8. What is round robin or cyclic scheduling?
A scheduling algorithm in which the tasks are scheduled in sequence from a list of
ready tasks.
9. Explain briefly about Pre-emptive scheduling.
A scheduling algorithm in which a higher priority task is forced to block by the
10. What is task?
A task is for the service of specific actions and may also correspond to the codes,
which executes for an interrupt. A task is an independent process that takes control of
the CPU when scheduling at an OS. Every task has a task control block.
11. What is task state?
A state of a task that changes on scheduler directions. A task at an instance can be
in one of the four states, idle, ready, blocked and running that are controlled by the
12. Define inter process communication.
An output from one task passed to another task through scheduler and use of
signals, exceptions, semaphores, queues, mailboxes, pipes, sockets and remote
procedure call is know as inter process communication.
13. Define semaphore

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

Semaphore is a special variable or function that is used to take note of certain
actions to prevent another or process from proceeding.
14. Define thread.
A minimum unit for a scheduler to schedule the CPU and other system resources.
A process may consist of multiple threads. A thread has an independent process
control block like a task control block and a thread also executes codes under the
control of a scheduler.
15. Expain the term message Queue
A task sending the multiple FIFO or priority message into quue for use by
another task using queue message as an input.
16. what is mail box?
A message or message pointer fro a task that is address to another task.
17. What is the use of Remote Procedure call?
A method used for connecting two remote placed methods by first using a
protocol for connecting the processes. It is used in the cases of distributed tasks.
19. what is MUTEX?
A special variable used to take note of certain actions to prevent any task or
process from proceeding further and at the same time let another task exclusively
proceed further.
20. What is counting semaphore?
A semaphore in which the value of which can be incremented and
decremented and which is not a Boolean variable.
1. Define RTOS
Operating system with real time task scheduling, interrupt- latency control,
synchronization of tasks with IPCs, predictable timing and synchronization behaviour
of the system.
2. Explain any two features of RTOS.
1. Each queue for a message may need initialization before using the
functions in the scheduler for the message queue.
2. there may be a provision for multiple queue for the multiple types or
destination of messages. Each queue may have an ID.
3. Name some RTOS services
Basic OS functions, RTOS main functions, time management, predictability.
4. Name any two mailbox related functions
Creating a mailbox for an IPC
Checking for availability of an IPC after a message at mailbox
5. Name queue functions for the inter task communication
Creating a queue for an IPC

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

Waiting for an IPC message at a queue

6. What are the various features supported by Vx works?

Pipe driver for the interprocess communication as an virtual device
Network transparent sockets
Network drivers for shared memory and Ethernet
RAM disk drivers for memory resident files.
Drivers for SCSI, keyboard, VGA display, disk and parallel port of a computer
system,HDD etc
7. What is an active task in the context of Vx works?
An active task is one that is in one of the three states ready, running or waiting
8. What are the task service functions supported by Vxworks?
Task creation
Task running
Task waiting
Task pending
9. What is a signal in the RTOS environment?
A signal is a flag like intimation to RTOS for development of certain situation
during a run that need urgent attention by executing as ISR.
10. What is meant by task delay?
Task delay is the minimum number of system ticks that a task must wait.

What are the different types of scheduling supported by Vxworks

Round robin scheduling
Pre-emptive scheduling

12. How are pending tasks handled in Vxworks

Using task priority
As a FIFO when accepting an IPC
13. Explain briefly about the system timer in MUCOS
There are functions are initiating the system time in MUCOS. Starting a
multitasking system by a first and later suspending if forever is shown as a technique
in programming for a multitasking system.
14. What is meant by task resumption?
Task can be scheduled now when the turns comes, which delayed or suspended.
15. what are Vxworks pipes?
Vxworks pipes are queues that can be opened and closed like file. Pipes are
like virtual IO devices that store the message as FIFO.

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

1. What is Pseudo-code?

Pseudo-code is a useful tool when

developing an idea before writing a

of true code or when explaining how a
particular procedure or function or even
an entire programworks.
2. Draw the main elements of PIC microcontroller?

3. What are types of programming memory used in PIC microcontroller?

Flash memory

4. What are types of switching?

Low side switchingThe switch is
between the load and ground. When
closed,both sides of the switch are at
ground potential.

High side switchingThe switch is

between the voltage being switched and

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

the load. When closed, both sides of
the switch are at the switching voltage.

I s o l a t e d s w i t c h i n g T h e r e i s n o

common connection between the circuit

being switched and thecontrolling PIC.
5. What are the elements to display sizing
1. Numbers of characters
2. Charactersize
3. Dotmatrix size

6. List the selection requirement of LED display.

1. Mounting style
2. Special character
3. Common cathode or anode.
7. What are the types of keyboard bounce?
Switch bounce
Software bounce.
Hardware bounce.
8. What are the communication protocols used in PIC?
RS232, I2C,serial peripheral interface.
9. Write a program for LED glow?
i var byte
For i=B0toB1 ;
OutputI ;
For i=B0toB1 ;
Low i
For i=B0toB1 ;
High i

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

10. Write a program using MBasics sound
procedure to output a1000Hz squarewave
for 1,000
Sound sB0,[1000000\1000]
11. What are the MBasic built-in switch debounce
procedure by Button procedure?

Button pin,down state , delay, rate,

byte variable, target state, address.

12. Write a Pseudo-code for key board scan
Scan Keyboard
For Row=B4toB7
High Row
Pause 10
Column = PortB.Nib0
IfColumn<>0then key must have
been pressed
So goto a subroutine to deal with
the press
If not,then keep scanning the row
Next Row
Go To Scan Keyboard
13. Define complier.
Complier is a program in the host computer, which does the development, and
design testing and debugging. It converts high level language into machine language.
The complier can be turbo C, turbo C++
14. Define Cross complier.


Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

The cross complier runs on a host but develops the machine code for a target
15. what is meant by in line assembly?
Inserting the assembly language co0des in between the high-level language
codes are called inline assembly. It gives the benefits of processor specific
instructions and addressing modes.
16 marks
1. Explain in detail about the Processor- Memory Organisation using Harvard
2. Explain the Five steps involved in design process of Embedded system
3. Define Embedded computer. With an example write brief on an embedded
computory application.
4. Explain briefly architecture of Real time system
5. Brief the various types of memory .
6. Explain the classification of Embedded system.
1. Explain parallel port device
2. write short notes on
ISA bus, USB bus, PCI/X bus, I2C bus, CAN bus.
3. Briefly explain the modes of serial communication.
4. Explain the various types of I/O devices with example.
5. Write the various steps involved in memory selection.
1. Explain Co-operative round robin Scheduling algorithm in detail.
2. Explain cyclic scheduling with time slicing algorithm in detail
3. Explain the inter process communication in detail.
4. Explain Pre-emptive scheduling algorithm in detail.
5. List various the instructions in INTEL.
1. Explain Micro C/OS-II in detail
2. Explain VX works RTOS in detail
3. Explain the various function used in QNX RTOS

Easwari Engineering college. Embedded system question banks

4. Briefly explain the bench marking in RTOS
5. List the function involved in QNX RTOS for timer function
6. Explain UNIX based real time operating system
1. With the block diagram explain the architecture of PIC microcontroller.
2. Write the steps involved in Mbasic complier and development board.
3. With one example, explain the application of PIC microcontroller
4. briefly explain the Digital inputs in PIC microcontroller
5. Explain the various LED interface in PIC microcontroller.


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