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The safe place for all to grow in friendship, body and mind within the foundations of the

Christian faith.

This weeks Headteachers award went to:

Charlie Sowden for

being first to post in a
VLE forum.

This weeks awards go to

Super Work Award

Magdalena Pavel-Knox for great doubles

Positive Contribution

Jacob Bradley for being a nice friend always


Phillip Schumacher being a kind and thoughtful

Kyran Farrell and Kyle Wilson super addition
and subtraction work
Lucas Rigby-Lomax solving problems on the

member of the class.


ipad using the A.L.E.X. app

Seren Brammer for growing in confidence in

Erin Hargreaves sharing her worries and

concerns with her teacher


Tristan Alonso for great group work

All Year 5 for getting on with their work


Harry Baker for helping others and being a

independently and maturely.

team player

All Year 6 for dealing with everything that

Ewan McQuair and Marcus Bertram being

has come their way.

gymnastics team players.

Well done to the gymnastics team who represented the school this week Jack Barrett, Mia Tong,
Elissa Clarke, Sam Millichap, Scarlett Nicholson, Ewan McQuair, Marcus Bertram and Holly Gifford.

Staffing Updates
Congratulations to Miss Bridson who works as a Teaching Assistant in the Wrens and Sparrows has
been successful in her interview for another post in the Local Authority. Mrs Lesley Hershaw, a very
experienced TA is currently filling the role whilst we decide upon a permanent solution.
Congratulations also to Mr Dooley who has secured a role teaching sport at St Saviours in Ellesmere
Port for the rest of the school year. As this is a part time role Mr Dooley will still be teaching at St
Oswalds on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning so we wont miss him too much! We will be
appointing another teaching assistant to cover some of Mr Dooleys work.

Athletics Club
Mrs Dooleys new job does have implications for his athletics club however. This will now take place on
Tuesdays instead of Thursdays. Children who also go to rounders will be able to choose which club to
attend and we will amend registers in school. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but
these circumstances have only just come upon us.
NB there will also be no choir club next week as Mr Wallace will be on the Y4 AEMs residential.

Reception Places for September 2015

Although we have been over-subscribed in reception for the past couple of years we still have a few
places available for this September 2015. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a place at
St Oswalds for September but for whatever reason didnt apply, please advise them that there are
spaces and that they can either apply online asap or contact the school office for further details.

Parent Questionnaire
Thank you to all those parents who returned the recent questionnaire. Next week I will be analysing
the results. These will be shared with you as well as responses to any issues raised.

Robins Class Photographs

I apologise to the Robins parents for the confusion regarding the Robins class photograph last week.
We have arranged for the photograph to be retaken with the children wearing their school uniform on
June 5th. The photo of the children all ready for PE will still be available if you happen to like it.

PTA Meeting
Following the PTA meeting last night Sallie Ehlen and Jemma Dodd were officially voted in as chair and
secretary and formal thanks were given to Jo Schumacher. The date of the summer BBQ has been
changed to Friday 19 June this has been altered on the online calendar.

Nepal Disaster Appeal

Thank you to all of the school community for
supporting our impromptu appeal for the Nepal
Earthquake disaster. Our total raised by families and
staff was 394.50. With the sale of the uniform
money this week we have a magnificent total of

Thank you once again for your generosity.

Robins Porsche Garage Trip

The Robins (especially staff and parent helpers) enjoyed a really exciting visit to the Porsche garage
at Cheshire Oaks this week. The children were really wowed by all that they saw. Many thanks to Mr
Joshua, father of Tom in the Robins for organising this for the children.

From next week school will be moving over to ParentMails latest platform. This includes various
improvements, most importantly meaning that parents should receive texts as soon as they are sent
which isnt always the case at the moment. Attached to the Newsletter is a letter re. changes and
what you need to do as well as a parent guide.

Dinner Money
Please can Dinner Money cheques be made payable to St Oswalds Primary School Fund and not
Cheshire West and Chester as previously. Dinner Money can also be paid online through scopay where
you can also view credit/debit balances for your child. If you do not have your original details to set
up an account please let Mrs Johnson or Miss Cropper know in the School Office.

Dates for your diary this term

Monday 4 May Bank Holiday so have the day off school!

Wednesday 6 May Year 4 AEMs residential to Conway

Friday 8 May Y2 minikickers at Overleigh Primary 4pm

Monday 11 May Year 6 SATs week

Thursday 14 May Bag2School

Friday 15 May Football match (home)

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