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1st May 2015

Issue 3

Unlocking potential .Changing lives

Principals News
Im not sure if its just my age
but every week seems to be
passing quicker here at DC, I
cannot believe that we are
already half way through the
first Summer half-term.

This is already in use for paying

There has been some fantastic

for trips but we hope to

learning in school this week and

centralise all payments

I have been busy putting

through this online service

soon. The App also allows you
to access learner information



learners and their work on our

ethic of excellence blog - the
standard of work that some of
our Year 7 and 8 learners are

We have been busy reviewing

achievement points and

the feedback from the

attendance. You will also be

parental questionnaire this

able to notify us of when your



child is absent from school or if

communicate some of our

they have a medical

responses before the half-term

appointment. We have also

encouraged learners, starting


break. Communication has

been a key issue and as some

with Year 10 to download the

of you may have already seen

App as they are also able to

from the emails sent we have

access their timetable. This is

purchased the schoolcomms

by no means the whole

online reporting feature.

solution but it is a positive start.



routinely producing is fantastic if you havent seen it take a


In this issue
Page 1: Principals News

Have a lovely Bank Holiday

Page 2: GCSEpod / Message from Maths & Drama


Page 2: Snippets...

Kate Davies, Principal

Check out our website:

Page 2
Important Dates
May Bank Holiday - Monday 4th May
(school closed all day to staff and

Year 11 GCSE Exams start

Tuesday 5th May

Belgium Battlefields Trip

Meeting on 6th May @ 6pm
Please remember Passports and EHIC
Cards for learners

BTEC Dance Group - please check

notice boards and the Facebook
page for rehearsal news. Thanks for
the commitment so far - keep up the
good work.

School Blogs


This week the spotlight is on the

Science blog! Take a look!

Our Year 7 Nurture group raised 249.32 for Help for Heroes by
collecting at the Moto services as a thank you for the funding they
allocated to the group which enabled them to purchase books by
David Walliams, along with several DVDs - great work nurture!

GCSEpod - New software

In order to compliment final

preparations for the forthcoming Y11 GCSE exams, we have
purchased 'GCSEpod' software
t hat p rovides high qualit y,
focused revision material across
20 p op ular GC SE s u bject s.
Learners can access highly concentrated, 3-5 minute burst of
audio-visual, teacher-written
learning. They will be able to
quickly and easily watch individual pods online or download

them to watch offline on their

phone, tablet or laptop,
wherever, and whenever they
want. We are hopeful that the
final technical considerations
will be in place for Tuesday 5th
May. Stay tuned for updates on
our website!
Message from Maths
This is just a big thank you from
the maths department to
learners and parents. We are
delighted with the effort and
commitment shown by our Y11
maths learners this week - keep
up the good work.


Great home learning from Charlotte Atkinson 9RR.

Wonderful Science project from Dale Proud 7Nu.
Great work Y11 in the Drama moderation - you were amazing, great result!
Athletics: Year 7 & 8 relay teams came 1st. Luke Pollard 8PO and Ellie Sacre
8PN won the 100M sprint with Harriet Bould 8PD and Sam Gillott 7BL winning
the 200M sprint. Well done everyone !

Follow us on twitter: @darton_college

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