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rom April 11-19, I had

an extraordinary opportunity as part of the
National Board of the Conference of Major Superiors
of Men to attend the yearly consultation of CMSM
and the Leadership Council of Women Religious
(LCWR) with the Holy See.
The photo to the right are
the officers of both CMSM
and LCWR after our meeting with Mr. Ken Hackett, US Ambassador to the Vatican at his residence.
We had exclusive meetings representing religious men of the USA in
the dicasteries of the Congregations
of the Doctrine of the Faith, for Consecrated Life, Priests, Bishops, Catholic Education, Vatican Commission
for Safeguarding Minors, and the Secretary of State. With with a candidLCWR, we also held joint meetings
with the Congregations of migrants ,
justice and peace, the Ambassador to
the Vatican, social communications,
evangelization, and interreligious dialogue.
All of these gatherings were meticulously prepared well ahead of time

Through listening to religious leadership in regional meetings and
the annual assemblies. Talking
points and questions were formulated and sent to each of these
congregations so they had time to
prepare for our conversation.
Most of these encounters were
also well prepared by the congregations and they proved to be the
most fruitful.
Among these experiences, two
others stand out: the general audience where we had an opportunity
to briefly meet Pope Francis, and
the closing of the case of CDF with
our sisters of LCWR. May God
bless all efforts in our global reach.

13Birthday of Fr. Joe
23-Birthday of Fr. Salvador
Cruz Rojo
31Birthday of Fr. Larry Crosara

8Ordination anniversary of
Fr. Bob Maloney
23Birthday of Fr. Michael
23Ordination anniversary
of Fr. Joe Matteucig
30Ordination anniversary
of Fr. Mark Marangone

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October 14, The 2015 Mission
Congress, Witnessing Mission:
Called to be Missionary Disciples, will explore our baptismal call to be missionary disciples and how the evangelization
mission of the Church compels
us to encounter culture. The
aim of this Mission Congress is
to reflect on what it means to
be missionary disciples in todays world and how we are
called by the Gospel to preach
and serve those in need around
us, whether in far off places
around the world or on the corner where we live.
Throughout the four-day Congress we will reflect on four
main themes: The relationship
of the New Evangelization and
missiology; the connection between evangelization and the
Gospel call to service; how service is mission discipleship in
action; how being missionary

Social Media and

Workshop Planned

disciples calls us to encounter

different cultures in the spirit of
The 2015 Mission Congress is
organized by the Catholic Mission Forum (CMF). This forum
includes the Africa Faith Justice
Network, Catholic Bureau of
Black & Indian Missions, Catholic Church Extension Society,
Catholic Volunteer Network,
Catholic Relief Services, Conference of Major Superiors of
Men, Leadership Council of
Women Religious, National
Pontifical Mission Society, US
Catholic Mission Conference,
and various departments of the
Bishops conference.

Provincial Spring Retreat

together with our
Xaverian Sisters

Consecrated for
May 2429, 2015
Miramar Retreat Center
Duxbury, MA
Retreat Master:
Fr. Luigi Menegazzo

We encourage at least one representative from each of our

communities for this most important event. Our collaboration with the larger picture of
mission in the US is crucial.

Scenes from CMSM Visit to the Vatican

The Communications Board of

the Province has put into the
hands of the Council the idea of
conducting a workshop for the
board and other confreres on
social media and evangelization.
In the process of planning in the
Media Office, we are looking to
invite Meredith Gould, author of
The Social Media Gospel. At
the same time, we are also planning to open it up to Catholic
parishes and other Christian
churches in the area. We are
hoping to have it take place in
the fall.

C ro ssr oads

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Bulletin of the Provincial Council

begun by the USG in

Rome. They have offices
in Rome and Great Britain,
and see to establish things
in Washington DC. Sr. Joan
Mimaw, IHM heads things
presently. After Cosuma,
where a report on our status with South Sudan will
be shared, we will decide
whether or not to participate at this time.

The venue for our upcoming

Provincial Chapter will be
at Miramar Retreat Center
in Duxbury, Massachusetts.
The chapter will take place April
38, 2016.
The report of the region for
Cosuma is completed and
translated. The report focuses on issues around lifetime formation of the confreres. Cosuma will take
place in Tavernerio, July
26August 8, 2015. We are
grateful to Fr. Salicone for
his translation work into
The council finalized plans
for the provincial retreat
which will take place May
2429 in Massachusetts.
With Fr. Menegazzo, we are
expected to be 23.
The council discussed the
need for ongoing formation
in abuse prevention, an important part of our regional
policies. A special program
called Conversations that
Matter will be used in all
our communities. It was
developed by the Jesuits
and adapted for use for other congregations by CMSM.
We hope to implement this
three hour program in the
Fr. Chudy presented the
invitation of Solidarity with
South Sudan to help create
a nonprofit board, along
with other congregations.
Solidarity with South Sudan
is intra-community project

The council continued to

discern topics for our upcoming provincial chapter.
Aside from those already
shared, the council
thought it useful to look
more deeply at the meaning of our presence in parishes and diocesan events.
The council approved a
budget request for our participation in the dialogue
conference project at Rutgers University with Atheists and Humanists.

The council encouraged

the organization of a workshop on social media and
evangelization suggested
by the Communications
Board. The media office
will organize things for this
fall, perhaps on September

The council also discussed

the importance of the US
Catholic Mission Congress . This congress,
which only happens every
five years, is an unprecedented collaboration with
mission institutions across
the country.

Fr. Carl Chudy, SX

Office of the Provincial
12 Helene Court
Wayne, New Jersey 08046



Dialogue Commission, May 12

in Wayne.
Provincial Retreat, May 24
29, Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Provincial Council, June 8 9,
in Franklin.
COSUMA, Julyy 26August 8
in Tavernerio.
USCCB Executive Committee
of the National Advisory Council, August 20 21 in Washington. Fr. Chudy will attend.
National Advisory Council of
the USCCB, September 10
13. Fr. Chudy will attend.

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