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44 Week ending June 5, 2004 Packet News desk: 01326 213331 or e-mail


D-DAY 60th
War heroes honoured
HUNDREDS of people witness a rare ceremony in ● By STEPHEN IVALL and French servicemen and
turned out in appalling Falmouth and to thank women came together, not only to
honour those who took part in the
weather on Monday to servicemen who, in 1944, The Freedom Ceremony marked D-Day landings but also those
fought for their freedom. the final part of a D-Day weekend involved at Dunkirk, in 1940, and
There was an emotional moment for Falmouth which had begun in the raid on the French submarine
when the Mayor of Falmouth, brilliant weather on Saturday at base of St Nazaire – a raid which
Maureen Davies, handed a framed the picturesque gardens of Trebah, had seen many of those taking part
scroll giving the Freedom of on the Helford. leaving Falmouth.
Falmouth to the US 29th Division On Sunday, it was music and On Monday, the town centre
Light Infantry. They had assem- dance and even a mock wartime echoed to the sound of vintage mil-
bled in Cornwall prior to being sent wedding which entertained the itary vehicles, many in pristine
to Omaha Beach, in Normandy, in crowds in the grounds of condition, taking part in the com-
June 1944, where more than 2,500 Pendennis Castle. memorations. Maj Gen Long man-
lost their lives. It was a transformation on aged to hitch a lift in one of the
The current commanding officer Monday when grey skies and heavy jeeps.
of the division, Major-General rain greeted all those who had At the Church Street car park, in
Daniel Long, received the scroll but turned out at the Moor to take part front of the St Nazaire memorial, a
immediately asked veterans of the in the Freedom Ceremony or to short service took place along with
1944 campaign, who had made the watch. the laying of wreaths before the
journey to Cornwall, to accept it. Lady Mary Holborow, the Lord parade continued to the Events
“It belongs to them,” he said. Lieutenant of Cornwall, said the Square. Clouds prevented a flypast
There were tears in the eyes of weather was much like it was 60 of vintage aircraft but a helicopter
the older men as they stepped for- years ago when servicemen in the from RNAS Culdrose honoured the
ward. As they did there was a rous- area were preparing to go to brave servicemen by hovering in
ing, spontaneous three cheers from France. D-Day had been delayed the bay. Offshore, Maritime and
the crowd which had assembled in because of such weather. Monday’s Coastguard Agency tugs gave a
the Events Square. event was not. water cannon salute.
The thoughts of those who were Neither would many people be ● Pictured below: D-Day veter-
visiting the town where 60 years living, as they did today, in a coun- ans accept the scroll giving their
ago they were based in the run-up try to be proud of without the brav- division the Freedom of Falmouth.
to D-Day were of those friends they ery of those who fought for free- Sixty years ago the three men in
● RIDE ON: Major-General Daniel Long, commanding officer of the US had but who never returned from dom, said Lady Mary. the centre were preparing to leave
29th Division Light Infantry hitches a lift in a vintage jeep. Picture: Mike Buckley France. On Monday, British, American Trebah for Omaha Beach



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Richard’s father was really there!
33” x 78” RICHARD Finch, of The Old Chapel, Things all happened fast – bodies thick
34” x 82” Cury, Helston, has strong connections Now I spend my days, just lazing about
36” x 84” with the American forces. His father, Eyes all a stare
Was I really there?
Various styles Howard Bruns, was a GI and was Will you all forget – so quick.
involved in the landings.
White horses roam above my head
As a tribute to all the US troops who
UPVC landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944,
My spirit flows – slow then quick
Sand in my hand, seaweed in my hair
WINDOWS and never returned home, he wrote this Eyes all a stare
tribute. Yes I’m dead
AND I arrived among the bullets it was all over so quick There, That’s the way it is.
Sixty years I’ve drifted, a gun in my grip Will you remember why?
DOORS In and out – ebb and flow For your freedom we did it
Sand in my hand, seaweed in my hair Blood mingled among the sand
AT TRADE Eyes all a stare Eyes all a stare, seaweed in my hair
Was I really there? Do you still care?
PRICES Can it be all in vain
Was it worth it?
Why do generations do these things? War – such pain What has the world learnt from all our pain?
How many soldiers must drift? Why go to war, again and again?
UNIT 1 EASTWOOD PARK ESTATE Never to see the Stars and Stripes again
Please take the gun from my grip
The sand from my hand, the seaweed from my hair
PENRYN TR10 8LA ● GI: Howard Bruns of Eyes all a stare – more pain
Close my eyes
the 32nd BN Engineers, Where’s the sense in it? Give the world – peace
TEL: 01326 377992 FAX: 0871 733 5981 aged 24, My heart went home, sunsets never to see again Only then – was it worth it.

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