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How to identify your unique role,

Use intent appropriately for manifestation and liberation...

We all have a role and the role is specific. The game of life
begins with us discovering that role. The universe plays this
game with us so well, does not tell us straight away, but
leaves plenty of clues. It’s like playing a treasure hunt.
Sometimes the clues take u nearer, sometimes farther.

How does one pick clues to identify ones role?

These clues are simple, they are powerful but they need to
be deciphered correctly. The first and the biggest clue from
where it all starts is this absolutely fantastic, superb, mind
blowing emotion of love. The game starts with love. What
is that you simply love? One of the ways to understand love
is to let the mind free. Close your eyes and identify....
what is that you love? If it doesn't exist in your world, then
imagine what would you love?

Imagination is the most powerful cosmic tool for evolution

and discovery. So drop all your barriers, every layer of
conditioning that is keeping you stuck in your box. Let
your mind fly free and imagine, what is that you love?
When to your imagination you will add this very powerful
emotion of love it creates this heavy cocktail called
passion. With the intellect when one develops the courage
to follow one's passion it becomes a source of inspiration.
With inspiration there would be a purpose to life.

So the biggest clue is to get in touch with what you love,

discover that and follow it to the "Tee" and the universe
will conspire to give you the route to fulfill the inspiration.
An easy way of understanding if you are on track, if you
are playing your role in life or not is a very simple two step

Step 1: Do you love what you are doing?

Step 2: Is the universe making the process effortless for

If you are playing the role you are supposed to play the
Universe will keep approving every single take of yours as
an actor.

Broadly, from observations, if that would help you identify

your role, one incarnates for one of the following seven
different reasons:

1. Spiritual - influencing destiny of millions - e.g. Gandhi,

Mother Theresa
2. Mental - curious souls - need for find answers for why,
all scientists
3. Vocational - career - artists, painters, corporate.
Experience success
4. Financial - love money - love to feel, touch, experience.
5. Familial - through relationship - house wives who just
love supporting and find joy in taking care of others
6. Social - networking, making friends.
7. Physical - people who love their body - actors.

A simple clue would be, close your eyes, and check out the
happiest moments of your life, those moments where if
time stopped and if the universe told you pack your bags,
its time to go...

You would have absolutely no regret to leave this world.

Has there been any moment in your life where you would
be very happy departing from this planet having lived a
moment of completion? That is your clue on the unique
role the universe has for you.

So far about love, now let us talk about movement. So in

our lives we have love and we have movement. Wherever
we have movement, there is a flow.
We are moving from yesterday to today and then
tomorrow. We are always on the move. We are always on
the move, as we want happiness, because we are unhappy,
we want peace because we are ruffled, we want abundance
because we feel poor and we want love because we feel we
are unloved

So our entire journey of life is like a pendulum. We are

constantly moving .from completion to incompletion. The
huge truth about us is that we are constantly moving
between a void, which gives us an impetus to seek a route,
which would make us complete. We are moving always to
complete the void with this nowadays-fancy term
"manifestation”. What are we doing practically? We are
looking at the void and we are starting with our intent that
we do not have this...
So let us get it...
Which means when the intent is looking at the void the
cycle of manifestation starts there.
So the only thing one lands up is manifesting a bigger void.

Change this mindset now, go back to your intent and start

experiencing a feeling of being complete. That feeling of
being complete will only come when one discovers what is
that they love, because when one is operating out of love,
then one isn't looking for anything in return, if there isn't
anything expected in return, there is nothing anybody can
take away from you, nothing to be lost as you would be
operating in total and complete abundance. So whenever
you do anything you love, you are operating from a
position of abundance in it and when you operate with
abundance the feeling is complete.

When the feeling is complete, that becomes like a magic

mindset mirror, which transforms your mind, attitude, and
you start operating from a premise of being complete in one
area that creates ripple effects. Since humans are magnets,
that completion rubs off into all the other areas of life and
slowly one experiences completion in all areas of life.
Many of us keep wishing, wishing that some mythical,
magical power that would grant every wish. The universe
in its abundant wisdom has given us a powerful tool called
the mind which is what we could use for manifestation.
That is what all the new age self help books speak about,
which is creative visualization, laws of attraction, the
secret, all of them focus on manifestation through ones
mind, through love, through passion.

Where there is manifestation, there is an equal and opposite

force "liberation". It is when your game of manifestation is
complete that at an opportune moment the universe will
step in and will liberate you from whatever it is that is
keeping you stuck .Friends, focus at this moment on one
single thought...

Discover what is that you love, embrace it completely; it

will give you a feeling of completion, that will rub off into
every area of life which is not working at the moment.
When this happens, you have your Oscar!!!

From the internet…………………by…Dr. S C Jarrel {HOLISTIC HEALER}

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