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What is research?

It’s an entire process


Function: noun, verb transitive
Etymology: Middle French recerche, from recerchier to investigate thoroughly, from Old French, from re- + cerchier to search
Date: 1577
1. to search or investigate exhaustively
2. studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of
facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or
3. the collecting of information about a particular subject
© Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition
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How Research is Defined

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Research is a process of investigation. An examination of a subject from different points of view. It’s not just a trip to the library
to pick up a stack of materials, or picking the first five hits from a computer search. Research is a hunt for the truth. It is getting
to know a subject by reading up on it, reflecting, playing with the ideas, choosing the areas that interest you and following up on
them. Research is the way you educate yourself.

The research process is the core task in any business. We work with an urge to challenge the very knowledge one has learnt, with a mind that
belittles research, with an experience of successful experiments, and with an attitude that says -- it is possible. Our research is based on
designing new means and methods to generate new benefits, essentially in consequence to evolving new utility values and or new methods of
Business Research
Business research involves planning, implementation and integrating the plan with client's current plan. It happens to be a crucial task. Efficient
implementation is as critical a factor as the strategy design itself. Once the client approves the project, we offer our professional services to
implement the researched strategies and organise the entire project co-ordinating with the team.

Business research is potential to cause a twin impact effect. One , it provides the innovator with certain direct benefits, two , it puts the
competitors at a disadvantage. Thus provides the innovator with a major competitive advantage.

Market Research
If your business requires market research to be performed, we provide the services. Our research is your competitive edge. Market
research keeps you informed about your business, the industry you are in and the customers you are serving. It offers an in-depth study
of your business, save you time and money and give you a real sense of what your competitors are doing as well as what your customers
need. You will have a clearer idea of how to target those areas most effectively. The reports provide the foundation for developing effective
marketing strategy. We help you understand the ideas, feelings and beliefs of the people who are important to you. We support you to gain
competitive advantage over your industry with customised research and personalised service.

Academic Research
Give your students access to opportunity and advancement with knowledge from the reports on market research. We give the academic
community access to market research reports. Students now have access to a fully searchable repository of market research reports on various

To start your academic research you need to have relevant title that explains your research aim and objectives. Then it should be studied in the
environment of available literature and previous researches. Next factor is the variables or parameters those form the base of your judgement. On
the basis of these variables the questionnaire is prepared to circulate among the focused or target group. Their responses are analysed and
concluded to form the base of your hypotheses.

Following are some examples of the research titles and variable to be put as questionnaires to help you to gain the insight.


Research Title 1:
Customer oriented services and CRM in Service sector.


The project is always delivered on time

We maintain confidentiality of the database provided by the customers

We use same database for other customers of same nature

We have dedicated manager of each of our customer

We always take feedback from our customers

The customers never complain about the services

The customers are very satisfied with the services

The customers always pay on time

The Organisation always use tailor services for each of the customer

Customer relations are very important to the management


Research Title 2:
Factors affecting motivational level of the managers in FMCG industry: A comparative study of Indian Organisation and Foreign Organisation.
1. How long have you been working in this organisation?
2. Factors that motivate you to work with the organisation

Monetary factors

Non - monetary factors

3. Among non-monetary factors, rank the following factors according to your preference

Security & other benefits given by the organisation

Good working conditions

Social status

Recognition & feeling of achievement

Opportunities of advancement
4. You are satisfied with remuneration & benefits you receive, in view of your services
5. Organisation is paying competitively as compared to other similar types of organisation
6. Organisation's policies with regards to Provident Fund, pension etc. are satisfactory
7. You fear that if you don't work properly you will be fired immediately
8. The work atmosphere is:

Friendly & Co-operative , Competing, Non co-operative, Political

9. Physical working conditions - hygiene, temperature, lighting, location, work layout are good
10. Your relations with your seniors & colleagues are:

Cordial, Good, Working, Bad

11. You find your work as

Monotonous, Tiresome, Challenging, Creative, Irritating

12. You are satisfied with the work
13. You are satisfied with present promotion policy in your organisation
14. There is enough growth prospective or opportunities in the organisation
15. You are encouraged & given opportunity for personal success in career development

Research Title 3:
Brand extension as marketing strategy in Airlines Industry


You travel by air

You travel only by Abc Airlines

You first travelled by Abc Airlines because of Abc beverage brand

You always travel by Abc Airlines as you know this brand before

You use Abc Airlines as it has lower price tickets

You are satisfied with Abc Airlines' services

Abc Airlines has standard class that appeal you

You travel by Abc Airlines as someone recommended you

The beverages brand 'Abc' influence you to use this Airlines

Abc's world class brand assures you that its Airlines will also maintain the standards

Abc Airlines is comfortable

Abc Airlines' food is very good

You had satisfied experience with Abc Airlines

You shall travel again by Abc Airlines

You can ask & write these aspects as well:

Name of the employee, designation & how long you have been working in this organisation?

This survey is being conduced to know RESEARCH AIM for academic purpose only. The information provided by you will be kept confidential.
Please give response to all the questions.

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