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Broiler Production

X No. Of birds
Litter (Saw dust)
Vitamin and electrolyte
Description of Activities
1. House Preparation
Describe how the house was prepared.
Preparation of brooding area
Include a picture
2. Arrival of chicks

State what time they arrived

Describe the activities at the arrival of the chickens
State what time they were fed
State the temperature in the brooder ring
Include a picture
3. Daily Routine during brooding

Describe paper and litter management

Sanitation of waterer and feed equipment
Feeding and watering (State the amount of vitamin and electrolyte)

Describe temperature control

Include a picture
4. Extension of the brood area
State the time after arrival the brooding area was extended
5. Management after brooding
Temperature control
Feeding and Watering
Litter management
Foot bath management
Include a picture
6. Preparation of slaughter house
Describe cleaning and sanitation of the slaughter house
Include a picture
7. Slaughtering
State the age of the birds
State and describe the step of slaughtering
Include pictures

Complete Budget
Broiler Production of X birds

Expected Income
1. X birds will be purchased.
2. Mortality expected (no. of birds that is expected to die)
3. No. of birds to be slaughtered
4. The dress weight of a bird will be X
5. Total weight of the birds to be slaughtered (No. of birds slaughtered X the dress
6. 1 lbs of meat will be sold for $X per lbs
7. Total expected Income = (Total weight of the birds slaughtered X cost per lbs)
Expected Expenditure
(Variable cost only all prices are estimated here research must be done)
1. Cost of the chicken
Eg. X chicken
X per chicken
total cost of chicken
2. Cost of Vitamin and electrolyte
3. Cost of Disinfectant
4. Cost of soap
5. Cost of saw dust
6. Cost of feed
7. Cost of bulbs
8. cost of labour
9. Total expected Expenditure = (Total of all items listed under expenses)
Calculate Surplus / shortfall (Total expected Income - Total expected Expenditure)
State whether it is a surplus or shortfall.

Income Statement
Broiler Production of X birds
1. X birds was purchased.
2. Mortality (no. of birds that died)
3. No. of birds that was slaughtered
4. The dress weight of a bird is X
5. Total weight of the birds slaughtered (No. of birds slaughtered X the dress weight)
6. 1 lbs of meat was sold for $X per lbs
7. Total Income = (Total weight of the birds slaughtered X cost per lbs)

(Variable cost only all prices are true prices)
10. Cost of the chicken
Eg. X chicken
X per chicken
total cost of chicken
11. Cost of Vitamin and electrolyte
12. Cost of Disinfectant
13. Cost of soap
14. Cost of saw dust
15. Cost of feed
16. cost of bulbs
17. cost of labour
18. Total expected Expenditure = (Total of all items listed under expenses)
Calculate profit / loss (Total expected Income - Total expected Expenditure)
State whether it is a profit or loss.

1. Discus the differences in
Income in the budget and Income Statement
Prices in the budget versus the price in income statement
Total expenditure in the budget versus the expenditure in the income
2. State similarities in the budget and the income statement
General Comments
What were your advantages in the production (this is where you state
what the school provided through-out the production such as lighting and
water etc. you can state also what already exists example the waterers,
feeders, land, building etc)
What were your limitations in the production
( Limitation are problems faced)
Summarize in 1-2 paragraphs the whole production and analysis

In 1-2 paragraph, Suggest things that could be done to improve the

Crop Production
(Name of one crop) Production
Tools (fork, cutlass, hoe, hand spade, hand fork, watering can, spray
bottle, knap sac sprayer)
Gloves, goggles, water boots

Description of Activities
Nursery Management

Seed Box Preparation

State date started
Material the box is made of
Ratio of Soil mix (eg. X part of sand to X part of top soil to X humus or
Distance apart of the drills
Include a picture
Sowing seeds

Distance apart the seeds were planted in the drills

The dept the seeds were planted in the drills
How the seeds were covered
Condition provided for germination
State the date seed started to germinate
Include a picture

Daily routine in the nursery

Describe watering (how watering was done) Include a picture
Insect control ( state what type of insecticide was used to control, what
type of insect was control , How much insecticide was mix with what,
how was it applied to the plant and how many times it was done during
the nursery time) Include a picture
Fertilizer application state the name and what type of fertilizer was
used , w , How much fertilizer was mix with what, how was it applied
to the plant and how many times it was done during the nursery time)
Include a picture
Thinning out
Describe the activity
When in the life of the plant it was done?
How it is done? Include a picture
Hardening off
Describe the activity
When in the life of the plant it was done?
How it is done? Include a picture
Land Preparation
(describe how the following was done)
Land Clearance Include a picture
Ploughing Include a picture
Refining Include a picture
State the time after germination (in terms of days) the plants were
Describe how they were transplanted (planting distance and dept)
Watering and shading
Include a picture

Daily field Routine

Watering Include a picture
Moulding Include a picture
Fertilizing Include a picture
Staking (if applicable) Include a picture
Insect control Include a picture
Mulching (if applicable) Include a picture

State the date (in terms of weeks or months) of harvesting
How harvesting was done.

Complete Budget
X Crop Production
Expected Income
1. X lbs of X is expected to be planted or X heads of X is expected to be planted
2. A loss of X lbs or plant is expected
3. X lbs of X is expected to be reaped/harvested or X heads of X is expected to be
4. 1lb of X will be sold for $X per lb
5. Total expected income = (X lbs of X is expected to be reaped/harvested or X
heads of X is expected to be harvested X Cost per lbs)
Expected Expenditure
(Variable cost only all prices are estimated here research must be done)
19. Cost of seeds
Eg. X pack seed
X cost per pack
total cost of seed
20. Cost of fertilizer
21. Cost of Insecticide
22. Total expected Expenditure = (Total of all items listed under expenses)
Calculate Surplus / shortfall (Total expected Income - Total expected Expenditure)
State whether it is a surplus or shortfall.

Income Statement
X Crop Production
Actual Income
6. X lbs of X was planted or X heads of X was planted
7. A loss of X lbs or plant
8. X lbs of X was reaped/harvested or X heads of X was harvested
9. 1lb of X was sold for $X per lb
10. Total Income = (X lbs of X was reaped/harvested or X heads of X was harvested
X Cost per lbs)
Expected Expenditure
(Variable cost only all prices are true prices)
23. Cost of seeds
Eg. X pack seed
X cost per pack
24. Cost of fertilizer
25. Cost of Insecticide
26. Total Expenditure = (Total of all items listed under expenses)
Calculate Profit / loss (Total Income - Total Expenditure)
State whether it is a profit or loss.

total cost of seed

1. Discus the differences in
Income in the budget and Income Statement
Prices in the budget versus the price in income statement
Total expenditure in the budget versus the expenditure in the income
2. State similarities in the budget and the income statement
Summarize in 1-2 paragraphs the whole production and analysis
General Comments
What were your advantages in the production (this is were you state what
the school provided through-out the production such as water etc. you can
state also what already exists example the land, tools and equipments,
building etc)
What were your limitations in the production
(Limitation is problems faced)
In 1-2 paragraph, Suggest things that could be done to improve the

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