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Something is very wrong, says is detective.

I know says Ms. Gervis. It is wrong that someone has stolen from me!
The detective looks around Ms. Gervis apartament. That is not what I am
talking about, ma'am. What is wrong is that I do not understand how the robber
got in and out.
Ms. Gervis and the detective stand in silence. Ms. Gervis eyes are full of tears.
Her hands are shaking.
"The robber did not come through the window", says the detective. "These
windows have not been opened or shut in months".
The detective looks at the fireplace, "The robber did not squeeze down here".
The detective walks to the front door. He examines the latch."And since there
are no marks or scratches, the robber definitely did not try to break the lock"
I have no idea how he did ir, says a bothered Ms. Gervis. It is a big mystery.
And you say the robber stole nothing else? asks the detective. No money, no
jewelry, no crystal?
That is righs, detective. He took only what was important to me. Ms, Gervis
says with a sigh. There is only one thing I can do now.
And what is that? the detective asks with surpire.
I will stop baking cakes, Ms. Gervis says. They are mine to give away. They are
not for someone to steal.
You cant do that! says the detective with alarm. Who will bake those delicious
I am sorry. I do not know, says Ms. Gervis.
I must solve this case immediately! says the detective.

4. And the robber definitely did not use the front door. Which is the best ways
to rewrite this sentence?
A. And the robber may not have used the front door.
B. And the robber probably did not use the front door.
C. And the robber was not able to use the front door.
D. And the robber certainly did not use the front door.
5. What else could the detective have asked Ms. Gervis in order to solve the
I. Which types of cakes does Ms. Gervis in order to solve the mystery?
II. Does someone else have key to the apartment?
II. Does Ms. Gervis ever leave the door unlocked?

7. What does the detective seem to think will happen if he solves the mystery?
A. Mrs. Gervis will start baking cakes again
B. Mrs. Gervis will bake him extra cakes
C. Mrs. Gervis will give him her secret recipe.
D. Mrs. Gervis will give him money and jewels.
8. What is a mystery?
A. something that is wrong
B. something that happens at night
C. something a robber leaves behind.
D. something that cannot be explained.
10. If something is said with alarm, how is it said?
A. with fear and panic
B. with bells and whistles
C. with smiles and laughter
D. with sadness and tears

Algo est muy mal, dice es detective.

S que dice la Sra Gervis. Es un error que alguien ha robado de m!
El detective mira a su alrededor Sra Gervis apartamento. Eso no es lo que
estoy hablando, seora. Lo que est mal es que no entiendo cmo el ladrn
entraba y sala.
Sra Gervis y el detective de pie en silencio. Ojos Sra Gervis estn llenos de
lgrimas. Sus manos tiemblan.
"El ladrn no viene a travs de la ventana", dice el detective. "Estas ventanas
no se han abierto o cerrado en meses".
El detective se ve en la chimenea, "El ladrn no apriete aqu abajo".
El detective se camina hacia la puerta principal. Examina el pestillo. "Y puesto
que no hay marcas o araazos, el ladrn sin duda no trat de romper el
No tengo idea de cmo lo hizo ir, dice una molestado Sra Gervis. Es un gran

Y usted dice que el ladrn se rob nada ms? pregunta el detective. Sin dinero,
sin joyas, sin cristal?

Es decir righs, detective. Tom slo lo que era importante para m. Ms, Gervis
dice con un suspiro. Slo hay una cosa que puedo hacer ahora.
Y qu es eso? el detective le pregunta con surpire.
Voy a dejar de hornear pasteles, dice la Sra Gervis. Son mas para dar lejos. No
son para alguien de robar.
No puedes hacer eso! dice el detective con alarma. Quin va a cocinar los
deliciosos pasteles?
Lo siento. No s, dice la Sra Gervis.
Tengo que resolver este caso inmediatamente! dice el detective.

4. Y el ladrn sin duda no hizo uso de la puerta principal. Cul es la mejor

forma de volver a escribir esta frase?
A. Y el ladrn no pueden haber usado la puerta principal.
B. Y el ladrn probablemente no usaron la puerta principal.
C. Y el ladrn no era capaz de usar la puerta principal.
D. Y el ladrn ciertamente no utilizaron la puerta principal.

5. Qu otra cosa podra haber pedido el detective Sra Gervis con el fin de
resolver el misterio?
I. Qu tipos de pasteles hace Sra Gervis con el fin de resolver el misterio?
II. Alguien ms tiene llave del apartamento?
II. Tiene Sra Gervis nunca deje la puerta abierta?
7. Qu hace el detective parece pensar que suceder si l resuelve el
A. Sra Gervis comenzar hornear pasteles de nuevo
B. Sra Gervis se le hornear pasteles adicionales
C. Sra Gervis le dar su receta secreta.
D. Sra Gervis le dar el dinero y las joyas.]
8. Qu es un misterio?
A. algo que est mal

B. algo que sucede en la noche

C. algo un ladrn deja atrs.
D. algo que no se puede explicar.

10. Si se dice algo con alarma, cmo se dice?

A. con el miedo y el pnico
B. con campanas y silbatos
C. con sonrisas y risas
D. con tristeza y lgrimas

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