2narrative Essay - My Favorite Teacher

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Narrative Essay My Favorite Teacher

In high school, my favorite teacher was a large man called Mr Scott. He taught English
Literature on the top floor of the science block in an old science lab. He was my favorite
teacher for a number of reasons at a school that was well-known for its poor standards of
He would open every lesson in a disciplined manner by quickly silencing the class and
getting on with the work. This was a rarity at my school because pupils would typically
waste the first ten minutes. Mr Scott had a no tolerance rule in place and would purposely
refuse to let any latecomers in until hed assigned some work to us.
It wasnt just the fact Mr Scott was different from the other teachers that made him my
favorite teacher. He would make lessons engaging by encouraging everyone to read
whatever text we happened to be reading. He would even do this with the shyer students,
who normally had problems reading aloud.
Through his hard work, he managed to bring them out of their shells. He understood the
problems many people faced, especially in relation to public speaking. Whilst Mr Scott
would never dream of letting us just avoid the task, he wouldnt try to humiliate anyone
either. He had a special touch that enabled us to overcome our challenges, but also
knowing where our real limits were.
He was able to get the best out of us. I remember in particular a task where I had to give a
short speech on prisons. I was terrible at public speaking and would do practically
anything to avoid it. He didnt let me escape it, even if I managed to delay it for a
number of weeks. My speech wasnt fantastic, but I still managed to get a passing grade
for it. And that was because Mr Scott made me go up and do it. He understood where my
true limits were.
What truly reinforced my belief that he was my favorite teacher was the way he could
teach students with the view to getting the highest grades without us even realising. For
example, at the end of every lesson he would play a comical video he found online. It
added some light-hearted relief that kept morale high and trouble low.
At the same time, he was never someone who overstepped his professional bounds. After
receiving my results for my January exams, he walked past me and simply commented
that it was an A+, the highest grade available. He didnt smile or show any outward
signs of joy, but I knew he was delighted deep inside.
Nothing changed after this. As we transitioned to the English language part of the course,
he continued what he was doing in the same way. It worked and his class got the highest
grades in the history of the school.
After leaving school, he only remained for another year before departing to another
school for better pay. Despite this, hes my favorite teacher and a cut above every other
teacher to have entered my life.

My favorite teacher is my history teacher, and he is by far the best teacher that I have
ever had. He has the ability to make a subject that many students find incredibly boring
come to life through his enthusiasm and passion for history, and his love of being a
teacher. Going to his lessons is something we look forward to, not dread, like we do with
most other lessons.
Its ever so funny to watch him get excited about something, which happens in every
lesson. Its easy to know that hes getting excited because he begins bouncing up and
down slightly in a way that no other sixty-something year old would ever managed
without looking completely ridiculous. He has this dark (with more and more grey streaks
these days), springy hair that lines the edge of his growing bald patch, and the hair
bounces up and down with him like thousands of tiny little springs. Then, he takes on his
whole new persona, often going into role and becoming the character or figure he is
talking about, doing the voices, the actions, and parading up and down the room
gesticulating wildly, but all the while theres a gentle bounce, bounce, bounce, as
though the springs are not just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.
A teacher that doesnt take himself too seriously always will be a big hit with teenagers,
although hes not afraid to impose his authority if he has to. Ive only ever heard him
properly shout once (although thankfully it wasnt it me), but it isnt an experience
that I would like to repeat. When he lost it, the room suddenly became more silent than
Id ever known it to be before. We all sat slightly paralyzed, not even anting to breathe
too loudly, because hearing such a jovial and jolly little man lose his temper was a huge
shock. It certainly had the right kind of impact though, because hes never needed to
shout since.
It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for my love of history. In his lessons, history
does not mean copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of notes. History is
alive; history is something tangible, that you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it
through dressing up and acting out scenes or taking trips to important places of historical
interest. And although hes getting on in years and may not be teaching for much
longer, he will have an important place in history for many of his students, because there
has never been a teacher able to bring a subject to life in quite the same way he does.

In my school there are many teachers. Each one teaches us different subjects. Although
all of them are fairly good, there is one teacher whom I love and admire the most. Her
name is Ms. Lily. She is the most pleasing personality that I have ever come across. She
is an ideal teacher. She has all those qualities which a good teacher is expected to have.
Ms. Lily is a science teacher. She loves the subject that she teaches and has an in-depth
knowledge of it too. She teaches science almost as though it were a hobby class. She does
not adopt the old methods of teaching. In fact we even forget at times that she is teaching
us from our text books.
Science comes alive in Ms. Lily's class. When she teaches, no one talks about anything
but the topic that she discusses. She has the ability to draw out attention to the subject and
also to sustain it. She conducts various experiments in the class and demonstrates them
thus making it much easier for us to understand what she teaches. She does not merely
read from the book but gives us a concrete picture of everything, so that we see them
before us.
Although her subject is science, Ms. Lily has a good knowledge of other subjects also.
She is well versed with all the current affairs of the world and she often links what we are
studying to something that may have been taught somewhere else in the world. She
encourages us to ask questions so that we may be able to understand the subject well. She
never loses patience with those students who take long to grasp the subject.
Ms. Lily gives personal attention to all the students. If, by chance, any student tries to
play the fool in her class, she is firm and does not allow that to happen. She is a great
combination of kindness and strictness. She encourages the students to ask each other and
her anything with regard to the subject so that a healthy discussion generates new ideas
and increases our curiosity about the subject.
She is very popular, but she is not conceited. She is courteous to her colleagues and the
principal of the school. I have never seen her frown or lose her temper. She remains calm
even when there is a crisis of any kind. She makes me love going to school. I always look
forward to my science period.
She is an ideal teacher and provides the students with a good role model. I love her the
most and hope to be like her one day.

All together I have twenty teachers in my school in total. We have different teacher for
every subject. All the teachers are very good. However some are strict, some gives big
punishments for indiscipline and some gives surprise tests.
The teacher I love & admire the most is Mam Molly Mehta. She is our Science teacher.
She is very beautiful. She has big height and big eyes. She has inner beauty too. She is a
perfect example of an ideal teacher. Apart from school books she also teaches us many
useful things in life. I discuss my personal problems with her like many other students.
She has answers to all the problems. Her teaching methods are totally new.
We do not need to learn the answers. They way she teaches us make us understand the
answers so that we can write them in our own words instead of learning. She has that
power which draws everybodys attention to what she is teaching. She believes in
practical way of studying. So she conducts live experiments to various subjects to make
us understand how it goes in real life.
She possesses deep knowledge about other subjects too. She is always updated with what
is happening in the world. She discusses it with all of us to upgrade our general
knowledge. She teaches us the importance of general knowledge and asks us to read
newspapers, current affairs magazines and watch news about what is happening in the
world around us. She links our study subject with something that has been taught in the
world somewhere.
If any point of time we are not clear about what she is teaching she makes us understand
again and again. We are never afraid of asking questions because we know that she would
answer us as many times we asks her.
She is very focused and patient in life. But she is very strict as far as disciplinary issues
are concerned. She keeps punishing until we learn right things. She encourages us to
focus on other subjects also apart from science.

She pays attention to grammar errors also and corrects us immediately. She is loved and
respected by all the teachers and principal of our school. She is a role model for many
students. I aim to become a teacher like her in the future. I wish her all the success in life
and may she remain with us in school as long as we need her.

Have you ever had a teacher that has inspired you? I have my middle school chemistry
Mrs. Karen Davis. Mrs. Davis was a great chemistry teacher, she cared for her students,
and she was the best teacher to go to if you had any personal problems or chemistry
problems. She also loved all of her students. Mrs. Davis always participated and helped
with any school activities. She always did fun things with hers students like playing
games, helping with clubs, and doing cool experiments.
Furthermore, Mrs. Davis was a really calm person which made her style of teaching very
easy to copye with in. In her class we always played fun games, and worksheets that
made the test she gave us really easy. I have learned a lot in chemistry from Mrs. Davis.
She always encouraged her students to do better. Plus she made sure we understood
everything before she went on in chapters or lessons. Mrs. Davis had a great style of
teaching and she was a really good teacher.
In addition Mrs. Davis always helped with school activities. Mrs. Davis helped with the
science club, science fairs, homecoming, pep rallies, Christmas parades, and any other
type of school related activities. Mrs. Davis also planned the best field trips. She planned
for us to go on a trip to Mobile, Al to the Gulf Coast Exploreium Science Center. We also
went on a field trip to Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Davis was always involved in student activities
that could help us in life.
Likewise, Mrs. Davis did a lot for the school, she helped her students, she helped with the
science club. In class she helped us by basically tutoring us all individually. She
encourage us to try and do better. Mrs. Davis wanted her students to appreciate chemistry,
even though she didn't believe everything in chemistry but she loved to teach it. Plus
Mrs.Davis also wanted her students to appreciate chemistry as much as she did, and she
wanted her students to love chemistry too.
To add this all up Mrs.Davis had a great style of teaching,which was doing fun things
with students like; playing games. Plus we did really cool experiments. Mrs. Davis
always participated and helped with school activities. She helped with pep rallies,
Christmas parades for our school, science fairs,science club,and homecoming. Mrs. Davis
did a lot for her students. Mrs.Davis inspired us to do better and to also love and
appreciate science even though she did not believe everything about it.She also
encouraged us to do better. That's why she deserves an award.
Your essay was really nice. You talked about everything she did and described it well.
You made it persuasive enough to anybody. Also you barely made mistakes. It was good
enough. - Erricka
I love your essay. Mrs. Davis sounds like a very wise women. Mrs. Davis sounds like a
very helpful and sweet women. She sounds like she take a real interest into teaching her
classes. Mrs. Davis sounds like she puts her heart and soul into teaching. Wonderful job
on the essay, really enjoyed reading it. - Sara
Your essay was really good and well explained on you think she deserves this reward.

She sounds like a really great teacher. You did a wonderful job on this, telling what all
she did. - Samantha

My Favorite Teacher
There have been many people who have influenced me and those who have
set great examples in my life. Many of those people were teachers that I
have had from Kindergarten to the present time. If I had to choose one
who has had the greatest influence, it would have to be Mrs. Gullion at
Lilburn Elementary School in Lilburn, GA. She put much effort and time
in teaching music and leading the fourth and fifth grade choir. There
are many reasons why she was my favorite teacher of all times, but there
is not enough space to share all of these, so I will share three
reasons. First, she had the characteristics of a Christian. Second, she
made learning music fun. Finally, she gave her all into teaching us.
One reason why Mrs. Gullion was my favorite teacher is because of her
characteristics of being a Christian. She was always kind, thoughtful,
and generous. She continually listened to what we had to say. At the end
of each class, if time permitted and if there were people who wanted to,
we would have a little show and tell time. Being that we were attending
a music class, the only things that we could show and tell were things
dealing with music. There were quite a few times during my four years at
LES that I would play the piano for our class. I would play songs such
as The Entertainer, by Scot Joplin, or even songs that we had sung in
class that day. She always took the time to listen to our thoughts and
was never impatient with us, and for that I am very grateful.
Another reason why Mrs. Gullion was a favorite of mine was because she
made learning music fun. It did not matter whether we were in a portable
classroom, where space was limited, or in an actual room in the
building, where we had plenty of room to move around. She always had
ideas to get us moving and enjoying music. I remember that there was a
song that we sang that was similar to This Old Man, but with longer
verses and a chorus in between each verse. She would add hand, arm, or
body movements to every verse and chorus in the song. My friends and I
would be laughing while we sang the song because the movements were so
silly! Mrs. Gullion also made learning music fun by letting us play with
different percussion instruments. We played with glockenspiels,
xylophones, tambourines, triangles, drums, bongos, and the list could go
on. I remember that, at the end of the hour, one day, she showed us a
gong and what it sounded like. We thought it was the neatest thing ever.
Although we had music once a week and even though it was a blast, the
fun and learning did not stop there.
Finally, Mrs. Gullion made music fun and enjoyable by having a fourth
and fifth grade choir that we could participate in. I was only able to
participate in the choir my fourth grade year, but it was a fun one. For
our Christmas musical, she took an episode off of Sesame Street,
called This is Your Life, and did an entire musical. Sesame
Streets This is Your Life was hosted by a TV show host and one
of the Sesame Street characters would be a contestant. The contestant
would then have to listen to various voices of significant people in

their lives. In our case, we used Santa Claus and the many events that
happen as Christmas becomes to children what it is: a time of seeing
elves, reindeer, Mrs. Claus, the North Pole, etc. In our musical we even
had a commercial break that included dancing candy bars! All in all,
Mrs. Gullion was a fun, creative teacher.
Mrs. Gullion was an excellent, fabulous teacher. She has made an impact
on my life, and by her doing so, I hope that I can pass the same
qualities on to children I will be teaching. She had characteristics of
a Christian, she made music fun to learn and enjoy, and finally she made
music fun by directing a fourth and fifth grade choir. Thank you Mrs.
Gullion, for the impact you have had on my life.

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