The European Feeling: An Ti Ges Pou Yo, Al La nMA in Pou Yo

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, the European Feeling

p o u yo
n t i ges POU YO
issue 2, February 2010

Comenius multilateral partnership


G@t it!
Love is like water
you can’t live without iy

The European Feeling


(Coordinating School)
IES BAIX CAMP, REUS, SPAIN Kisvárda, HUNGARY Project Coordinator: Juhász Gyöngyi

Project Coordinator: Press Club UMBERTO SORACE MARESCA,

Mónica Fernández Catanzaro, ITALY
Project Coordinator: Antonietta Pugliese
Assistants: Assistants: Ileana Veraldi, Maria Pane
Pilar Aguilera, Miquel Ávila, Miquel Arcas, Picture taken by 4 year ESO students.
Dolors Calabuig, Esperanza Escalona, Press Club JOSEPH LAGROSILLIERE, IES BAIX CAMP
J. M. García, Noemí Gomis, Pere Martorell Saint Marie, MARTINICA Teacher: Núria Anguren
Project Coordinators: Mylene Ngo
Press Club IES BAIX CAMP Assistants: Nathalie Cancel

Miquel Ávila, Mónica Fernández,
Students Optativa 2 ESO A Project Coordinators: 3 FOREWORD
Michal Obrocki, Lukasz Maj
Neuenhaus, GERMANY
Noemí Gomis 7 QUIZ
Mylene Ngo
Project Coordinator: Irmgard Schöffel
Assistants: Marcus Pfeifer 8 STUDENTS’ MEETING
e-journal EDITOR Press Club ADYAMAN ANATOLIAN HS, Adyaman, TURKEY 10 POETRY: Thoughts of love
Project Coordinator: ErcanYücetaş
13 Meeting at Levice, Slovakia Hardenberg, NETHERLANDS 14 PHILOSOPHY
Project Coordinator: Marja Ritterfeld
Project Coordinator: Assistants: Marianne van Beuzekom, Michell Matteman
Fabienne Pouget-Imbert 16 GETTING TO KNOW...
Assistants: Press Club ZDRUŽENÁ STREDNÁ ŠKOLA,
Dominique Saint-Hilaire, Jean-Louis Vuotto Levice, SLOVAKIA Love rituals around the world
DESIGN: Dominique Saint-Hilaire Project Coordinators: 18 MUSIC STIRS MEMORIES
Imrich Laco, Oµga Remiaová




A special thank goes to the long list of people from here and there who have shared
time and hope and have contributed with corrections, ideas, interviews, photographs,
22 TOP 5
articles, and much more!

L’amor no coneix barreres Liebe kennt keine Grenzen

De la mateixa manera que tots necessitem respirar, Solange Menschen atmen (müssen), solange wer-
també necessitem amor per viure. Mireu dins vostre i trobareu den sie auch Liebe brauchen um zu leben. Frag dich ein-
aquells que estimeu en el vostre cor. I no només hi ha la vostra mal selbst und du wirst sie finden: Die geliebten Menschen
parella, sinó també la vostra família i per molts de nosaltres, el in deinem Herzen. Dabei handelt es sich nicht nur um un-
més important: els amics. sere große Liebe, sondern auch um unsere Familie und für
viele von uns zweifellos das wichtigste: unsere Freunde.

Quan parlem de l’amor, de seguida
ens adonem que no hi ha cap tema Wenn man so über Liebe redet, merkt man
comparable que combini dues coses schnell, dass es kein vergleichbares The-
oposades tant fàcilment: d’una banda ma gibt, das auf so einfache Weise zwei
l’amor és quelcom individual, de so unterschiedliche Dinge miteinander
l’altra és quelcom realment comú. No verknüpfen kann: Auf der einen Seite ist
necessitem un traductor per l’amor, Liebe etwas absolut Persönliches, auf der
perquè L’amor parla un idioma que anderen Seite ist es aber auch etwas allen
tothom entèn. allgemein Vertrautes. Man wird Liebe nie
übersetzen müssen, denn Liebe wird in ei-
ner Sprache gesprochen, die jeder versteht.

L’amor parla un idioma Die Sprache der Liebe

que tothom entèn. kann jeder verstehen

I no és aquest un bon punt de partida? Und ist das nicht der perfekte Aus-
Anem a veure com se senten els alumnes gangspunkt? Lasst uns herausfinden, was
sobre les seves famílies, com hauría de Schüler über ihre Familien denken, wie aus
ser un casament segons la seva opinió, unserer Sicht eine Hochzeit aussehen sollte,
com se celebraven els casaments en wie sie früher gefeiert wurden und wie jun-
el passat i què pensen els joves sobre ge Leute insgesamt zum Thema Beziehungen
diferents tipus de relacions. Comparar stehen. Wenn wir unsere Gedanken verglei-
els nostres pensaments ens mostrarà que chen, werden wir erkennen, dass es Un-
hi ha molts punts de vista interessants. mengen an interessanten Sichtweisen gibt.
Només els hem d’expressar! MICHAELA SAß Wir müssen sie nur zum Ausdruck bringen!

Get it! The European Feeling · 3

Time machine

Til death do us apart

Hasta que la muerte nos separe

“and they lived happily ever after”


The first time when my grandparents met each other was on a wedding. My
grandpa was invited by his neighbour and my grandma by her cousin. They
talked and danced with each other. But at first they didn’t intend to meet
each other again.
Three weeks later
Three weeks later they accidentally met
again on a train ride. When they talked to
each other, my grandpa invited my grandma
to a theatre performance. Probably this was
some sort of farm town comedy performed
in Low German, which was all there was to
see for them at the time. When he picked her
up at her home he became acquainted with
her parents. The two fell in love and their
relationship flourished very fast.
Half a year later
Half a year later, they had already moved into
the same place. Another half a year onwards,
they got married. At this moment my grandmother
was already pregnant. She gave birth to five more
The end
They lived together happily until the end of their
lives (just as in those fairy tales) and every one of
their children had offsprings themselves so that they
had many grandchildren.

artrítis y “Amo
u a n d o m i abuela tuvo tarse
prepa es cuando
“C arse para pin ra el c
ya no p od ía in cl in
aba , pero afé pa mi madre
a s , m i a b uelo la ayud mi prueb a nte ra m
udo a par s de entreg i padre
las u ñ
a s ta q u e él tampoco p d re le a m a tanto a
cada vez, h rítis” “Mi ma mejor a esta árselo
cl in a rs e m ás por la art q u e s ie m pre le da la r
va a g segura de , lo
in 8 year, Slov
akia padre o” ustar que l
REBEKA, parte del poll ia ..” e
ar, Slovak D ANNY
ELAINE, 5 ye , 7 ye
ar, Sl
4 · Get it! The European Feeling
30 Egg r
o t s o f suga
t ie n ce
Pa s
a ppines
and h e a t en
be de!!
It can e ma
w e e ks aft
Yo te tomo como
esposa, 1955

Wedding cake from the beginning of 20th century, Slovakia

en lo bueno y en
lo malo, 1960

de hoy
en adelante, 1972

There are my grandparents in this photo: Helena and Joseph.

My grandfather used to work as a worker in the branch of
engineering. My grandmother was employed in textile factory.
They got married when my grandfather came back from the
compulsory military service in 1955. After three years my
father was born. My grandparents have been married for 59
years and now live in the small house just next to ours. hasta que la muerte
nos separe, 1980
Marek Kupča, Slovakia
Get it! The European Feeling · 5
Time Machine

Görücü A Love until the end of time

Marriage Matchmaking My grandfather name is Ömer. He was born in a rural village. And he spent his all life in
the same village as a Muslim cleric. He married with Görücü Method. At first days they
There is a tradition in Turkey called couldn’t get along with each other but after a short time their relationship improved.
Görücü in Turkish. Görücü method is a
kind of matchmaker style. When a boy And their marriage
gets 18 or 19 years old his mom and his changed to a really
sisters try to find a suitable girl for her. perfect love story.
When they find a girl for him, they visit My grandma was ill
the girl’s family. During this visit both during a long time
sides can see each other if the both my grandpa took
sides like each other. And their families care of her all the
approve their meeting. They start to time. In this kind
meet. After short meeting period they of situations it is
give their decisions about marriage. But possible to marry
unfortunately they don’t have a long again for the men
time for taking their decisions. Generally side in Turkey
they give their decisions in one or two however he didn’t.
weeks. Everybody who
In the east Turkey nowadays it is not so knew them and
popular but in all cases 20 or 30 percent the love between
of marriages in the east areas of the them thought that
country is depend on Görücü method. grandma couldn’t
live without Ömer.
In 1995 Ömer died at 90 years old. After his death, grandma couldn’t live without him
and died in a short time after Ömer.

NADINE HAJJ, 4ème2, Martinique

Mis padres se conocían desde su infancia. Mi padre vivía en Bkaatouta y mi madre en Beirut, en Líbano. Se veían a menudo y se
dieron cuenta de que tenían muchas afinidades: les gustaba, pasear bajo la luna llena, ir al cine, al restaurante. Les encantaba
bañarse en las aguas calientes y transparentes del mar Mediterráneo.
Sus familias se conocían también y solían organizar fiestas juntos. En 1981, a causa de la guerra, mi padre tuvo que irse de
Líbano y se fue a Martinica a visitar a su hermano que allá vivía.
Durante ese período, mis futuros padres no tenían más remedio que comunicarse por teléfono y por largas cartas de amor…

6 · Get it! The European Feeling



¡Haz el siguiente test, y pronto lo sabrás ¡
Traducido al español por los alumnos de 4ème2 y 3ème2, Martinica

1 Tu amigo(a) no ha hecho su 7 Tu amigo te llama o te envía

trabajo escolar. ¿Qué haces? un sms mientras estás viendo tu
A- Te niegas a dejarle(la) copiar, y programa de televisión favorito.
le explicas por qué. A- ¿Ignoras el mensaje?
B- Se lo dices al profesor. B- ¿Hablas con tu amigo(a)
C- Le(la) dejas copiar pero le dices C- Le dices que llame más tarde
que es la primera y última vez. Calcula
TU RESULTADO: 8 Si pides dinero a un(a) amigo(a)
2 Es el cumpleaños de tu
respuestas A- Se lo devuelves pronto.
amigo(a)…: B- Se lo devuelves después de
A- Le compras un regalo. 1 A: 1 B: 0 C: 3 cierto tiempo
B- Sólo le dices “¡Feliz 2 A: 3 B: 1 C: 0 C- Se te olvida devolvérselo.
C- Siempre lo olvidas. 3
A: 3
A: 0
B: 0
B: 3
C: 0
C: 0
9 ¿Cuántos amigos tienes?
A- Cientos
3 Tu amigo(a) te ha confesado 5 A: 0 B: 0 C: 3 B- Un buen grupo de amigos.
un secreto: C- Algunos amigos muy especiales.
A- Lo guardas para ti. 6 A: 3 B: 1 C: 0
B- Se lo dices a tus padres.
C- Se lo dices a todos tus amigos.
7 A: 0 B: 3 C: 1 10 ¿Cuánto tiempo sueles
8 A: 3 B: 1 C: 0 quedarte con tu amigo(a)?
A- Hasta encontrar otro mejor.
4 Yo quiero a mi mejor amigo(a) 9 A: 0 B: 0 C: 3 B- Tanto tiempo como estemos en
porque… 10 A: 0 B: 0 C: 3 la misma clase.
A-Él(ella) es rico(a) C- TMientras nos llevemos bien
B- Tenemos los mismos gustos
11 A: 0 B: 3 C: 1
C- Estamos en la misma clase. 12 A: 3 B: 1 C: 0 11 Tu amigo(a) tiene un
problema, y se queja mucho.
5 Cuando sales con alguien, A- Evitas hablar con él(ella). Es
tienes tendencia a: demasiado deprimente.
A- Descuidar un poco a tus ¿Tienes amigos? B-Escuchas, e intentas animar
amigos. 1 – 12 = C- Le(la) escuchas, pero cuando
B- Olvidar a tus amigos. INTENTARAS ! se pone a llorar, te vas corriendo.
C- Seguir viendo a tus amigos
mejor en amistad, SI LO
regularmente. Podrías ser mucho Tu amigo(a) está muy
enfermo(a) y debe quedarse en
6 Después
13 – 20 =
de las vacaciones ayudarlos aún más! casa por lo menos una semana.
de verano, tu amigo(a) ha amigos, pero podrías A- Le visitas tan a menudo como
engordado: Eres bueno(a) con tus lo puedes, y le traes su trabajo
A- Sea cual sea su peso, sigues 21 – 28 = escolar.
quieréndole(la) B- Le envías una tarjeta “Que te
B- Le dices que haga deporte ¡Eres muy buen(a) amigo(a)! mejores”
C- Puede seguir siendo mi amigo(a) 29 – 36 = C- Le(la) llamas por teléfono de
pero no en público. vez en cuando
Get it! The European Feeling · 7

the European Feeling Hardenberg/ Neuenhaus May 2009

Three of the best days of my life
From the 25th of May until 27th May we were visited by some
people from other countries. There were students from Poland
and Italy. We had a lot of fun with each other. There was a
person from our local newspaper, who interviewed us. The day
after it there was a very big article in our newspaper about
our project. At our school we planted a tree. There were a lot of
pictures made. It was a very nice thing to do, because we got a
feeling of unity, just what we were supposed to feel. Luigi and
I had the most fun, because we kissed. It was really something
not to forget. Luigi, if you’re reading this, thank you, and I
see you in Poland! Anyway, we ate some pancakes, and then
we went to a big building, called the LOC, because there was
an Europe-market. We got a tour there, and they had a lot of
weird animals there in cages, like big snakes and bird spiders.
We had a lot of fun there, until they had to leave. Some of us
couldn’t help crying. It was very touching. But I still look back
at those days as three of the best days of my life!

Vera Korblet , The Netherlands

This trip was a great opportunity to practice English

and learn much about culture of many countries from all over
the Europe, for instance Italy, Germany or Spain. We were
under a great impression of Dutch mentality and of course the
Vechtdal College.
We talked about culture, languages, entertainment and of
course about the project. It is a big pity, that the trip lasted
only for three days. There was really not enough time to get
to know all of the great project’s participants, but we hope to see
everybody on Polish Summer Camp in June ;)! We will never
forget our adventure in the Netherlands, biking in Hardenberg
and, what is the most important, about our new friends and
their great teachers from the whole Europe. Big thanks Roy!

Luiza Czupajlo, Maciej Gryglewski, Poland

8 · Get it! The European Feeling


I will never forget you!

Everything started when we arrived in Hardenberg. I remember that day as if it was yesterday and I was really excited about the idea
that I would be able to exchange my beliefs and my culture with other people from different countries,
just to see what they think about me and my country. I remember every
single moment spent with them. For example
when we ate all together the first day
we were there, or when we visited all
the town by bike, when we played
together, when we laughed together,
when we tried to teach some Italian
to other teenagers, and they tried
to teach us some Dutch. But we
also cried together, yes, during the
last days when we knew that our
experience was coming to an end.
Now it’s 1.24 a.m. but I can’t sleep,
I’m looking at all the photos we took
together, and all the memories are
coming back, making me laugh,
because I’m still thinking about
ALL OF YOU. I swear that I’ll
never forget you, because I have
never met people like you….
….Vera, Janet, Jenet, Jazmine,
Anouk, Roy and the teachers


Antonio, Italy

Get it! The European Feeling · 9


Pensamientos de amor
El poder de la creatividad poética europea…
LOVE OF MY LIFE y of love
I never told you how
I truly feel d o n ’t fi nd the ke t.
a gre at deal If you id e your hear
You mean to me c h in s
u my heart was sold mor,
The moment I saw yo o b is la c lau de l’a
er will never be cold Quan no t
r or.
The two of us togeth in s del teu c
s c a d
s everything else so fut
ile b u
ia Vázqu ez 1 ESO C
Being with you make
ur be au tifu l sm ile Josep Mar lonia
I cannot resist yo Reus, Cata
pe you will like it
My gift is for you, I ho l admit
ur reaction, that I wil
I am dying to see yo
Richard Bielik, Slov
E YES Love
My Island of Flowers
Comes along
I was born on an island, loving the wind
Where the air smells of sap and nectar
You can rock yourself in the rays
E XISTS At first sight,
of the tropical sun,
D ISAPPEARS dde nly a nd unexpected.
My Island, you are beautiful Su
You contain gardens of various colours
Blue, white, yellow, red, L ISTENING ONLY TO Stays
Where hummingbirds come to take sugar
For me you represent, O UR
(Rahel Deter
A small bright palm tree V OICES….
in multiple colours
Oh, my island loving flowers.
Célia Bazabas, 3è3, Martinique

On a plane..
On a plane that
never lands
LA ROSE NOIRE I’ll fly with my
Quand le soleil éternel se couche Near the sea, ov
er the sand
La lune des merveille se lève Looking for the
promised land.
La rose noire seule parmi les roses rouges He will say ,Han
d in hand
Comme un papillon des rêves. “Are we going to
And me to him N everland?”
Quand la rose noire apparaît : don’t you unde
I’ll love you until rstand?
Et que la musique de la chouette disparaît the end”
Le soleil éternel se lève. So sweet kisses
he’ll me send
La lune des merveilles se couche And our love w
ill never end!
L' amour éternel naît Roberta Raffael
Mais la rose noire disparaît . e, Italy

Poème de Valentine et Lauren, Léognan

10 · Get it! The European Feeling

Concurso literario

YOU LOVE - chase

I love your smile By Barbara Szymańska , Poland
The way you laugh
-My Dear, I gave you my soul and heart.
I love your spirit
I love your heart - That’s great Baby, now give your credit card!
But I prefer your soul. - But Honey don’t you want to spend some time with me?
-Yeah, I want to spend some of your money on E-Bay!
I love your deep eyes … Love in XXI century can be a pain in the neck.
Your sweet perfume But how was it in medieval times? Let’s check!
But who are you?
I don’t know you
- My sweetest Beloved, I shall love Thee till I die.
I can’t touch you -Oh, The King of my Heart, do you promise to be mine?
- I will stay yours by the end of the world…
I want to meet you…. - And I will engrave onto my heart your lovely word!
Eleonore B., 3e3, Martinique All these lines above, I was just messing with you.
The truth is: it’s nice to have your Boo.
The apple of your eye…
That makes it easier to survive.
And when you find your soul mate, don’t want anybody else
…Together through life, that’s when you end your

I told the mountain my love
rocks ands trees mourned.
Birds and insects felt pity for me. My love,
oh my sweet love.
I wrote this letter especially for you
To prove that my love for you is true
I told my love to sky.
Clouds became rain and cried. Meeting you was like winning
The color of rainbow fade the grand prize
oh my sweet love Especially when looking into your beautiful eyes

I told my love to the see Our life together has just begun
fishes and moss stayed silent. already we have had many moments of fun.
Sands became a whirlpool
oh my sweet love My love is so strong, it makes me fly
You are so beautiful, like the most beautiful sky
I told my love to earth
All of you is what I need
flowers fades.
Together, we will succeed
The ant abandoned their nests.
oh my sweet love.
Student of II. H Dominika Tothova,
Elvan Karakaplan 12TM B,Turkey Slovakia

Get it! The European Feeling · 11


Love, *Love poem

experienced Als het regent,
Tw hearts
o once, als het sneeuw
ch other never want to als je smelt va t
Trusting ea such kind of br lose n de hitte
d forever als je weg bent
For now an eathtaking
als de dagen ev
, als je hier be
Everlasting feeling en tegenzitten
Lea Warrin
Hülsmeier, k, als je boos bent
Magdalena Germany als je gewoon
, als je blij bent
Germany als je gelukkig
niet meer wee
t hoe
bent of verdrie
als je ziek bent tig
Love of moe
dan zal ik er vo
A feeling or je zijn
dan is mijn hart
de jouwe
which shows y dat kun je niet
ou ik zal voor altij
That you’re n d van je houden
ot Netherlands
*The poem is about love, somebody says he loves somebody else,
LOVE and he is always there for her. And he says he always keeps
Svenja Voet, G
ermany loving her. If the girl is angry, he is there for her. If the girl
is happy, or not, he is there for her. As the weather is cold,
Happiness or warm, he is always there for her. And that can’t change!
A place
To be yourself
Ay, mi amor Where you are welcome
s fuerte Friends
Mi amor por ti e
amáis, Christin Kathorst, Germany
Amar, amamos, LOVE SONG
Rojo… es para ti Please stay with me forever,
artinica Amis I can’t breathe without You.
ny, 4è2, M Es sa ad
Coralie Blé grada You are the water of life,
Y pre
. And I’m the enzyme inside.
Y res F r á g
isten il I need You and You need me.
Cono te a la ve
z; Without You my heart is freezed.
Una estrella pasa... Nadi iempre m no
ne H
ajj, 4 aravillo You warmes up my heart with flame,
Yo creo que eres tú è2 sa.
Quien me deja sola en esta vida
, Mar
tinic Luckily it wasn’t too late.
Coralie Blény, 4eme2, You are my light in darkness,
Martinica You are my aching weakness,
You are shining with the stars
When everything will be dark.
When I fell in love with you.
A mar con todo el corazón Quan tens amor, I couldn’t believe it’s true.
la vida és molt millor.
M entir por amor Pintat de rosa o negre,
But You awoke me to real
l’amor no és pecat, I must be with You forever.
O frecer por amor l’amor de fet no té edat. Feketer Norbert 11d, Hungary
R ojo... de envidia. Ferran Vallvé, Laura Teruel, Alba
Anne-Sophie y Pascal, Sobrino, 1 ESO C
4ème2, Reus, Catalonia

12 · Get it! The European Feeling

Meeting at Levice

Get it! The European Feeling · 13

El rincón del filósofo

Es importante el amor?
El amor nos da seguridad
Sentiment màgic o ciència? El amor es un sentimiento que cada persona experimenta de
manera diferente. El hecho es que este sentimiento provoca
L’amor- és qualsevol emoció o experiència relacionada amb un felicidad gracias a unas hormonas especiales. Esta es la razón
intens sentiment d’afecte - aquesta és una breu definició de por la que todos deseamos estar enamorados. Queremos
diccionari. Crec que és massa general, perque cadascú sent ser felices. Además, los humanos no podemos vivir solos.
l’amor a la seva manera. Algú podría dir: l’amor és la proximitat Sólo hay que fijarse en la evolución humana. Necesitamso
a una altra persona, com un tipus d’amistat. Els científics otras personas para vivir. Se trata, pues, de uns instinto
argumenten que l’amor és una reacció biològica bastant normal. primario. Muchas personas piensan en el sentido de la vida.
Un psicòleg austríac va descobrir una fórmula química de l’amor: En consecuencia, el amor está considerado como la principal
C6H5-NH-C2H5. També va descriure com les nostres hormones razón de la existencia. Quienes creen en dios quieren dar
reaccionen dins en el nostre organisme quan ens enamorem. Algú amor a otras personas tal y como hizo Jesús. Para ellos el
altre va crear una formula per a una relació feliç. És la següent: amor es una cuestión de fe.
Creo que todo el mundo debe descubrir por qué el amor es
importante en su vida. Tanto si estás enamorado como si
deseas ser amado, no es tan difícil saber por qué el amor es
fundamental. El amor confirma tu manera de ser y te hace
estar seguro de ti mismo.
Timo Völkerink, ALEMANIA
x + y = persones que senten amor/ t36 - temps/
Q - cocció/ S - espontaneïtat/A – ambient, estat d’ànim/
M – amor; sentiments profunds per algú

Aquestes teories no són les úniques, però ens hauríem de

preguntar si realment volem explicar què és l’amor. Potser
trobarem altres definicions. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry va escriure
un frase meravellosa:
només s’hi veu bé amb el cor, l’essencial és
invisible als ulls.
M’imagino que l’ amor és un concepte abstracte. De tota
manera, per a molta gent l’amor és l’essència de la vida. És la
raó per llevar-se cada matí I solucionar els problemes. Tothom
vol conèixer l’amor de veritat. Quan ens enamorem, ens sentim
més feliços I millor que abans. Si et dones a algú, aquest serà el
teu regal més generós.

The type of l
ased on
(g r) u n se lfish love b
AGAPE - religion;
al re la ti onship and ly,
spir it u love, friend
H IL L A - (g r) platonic
P ithful;
unselfish, fa ve,
e at in g o r romantic lo
EROS- (g r) cr n d ness
rforms fo
ion role pe
whic h d o m in at
and longing,
El amor es la única respuesta satisfactoria al
( egoism)
SM - lo ve to yourself d problema de la existencia humana.
NARCISSI erland, an
T IS M - lo ve to moth
! Erich Fromm, El Arte de Amar


14 · Get it! The European Feeling

Els límits de l’amor
Si un jove parla d’amor, parla de passió, d’atracció sexual, d’enamorament
i aquesta experiència adolescent és tan forta que sovint l’anomena “la
descoberta de l’amor”, “el primer amor”; i no estableix cap tipus de relació
amb experiències de la infantesa com l’amor entre pares i fills , fraternal, etc.

I si qui vol parlar és un filòsof ? Es pot reflexionar sobre l’amor o és una vivència
que no podem expressar amb paraules?. Permeteu-me apropar algunes idees del
filòsof Erich Fromm del seu llibre “L’art d’estimar”, que ens permetin parlar
amb propietat de l’amor i els seus límits

“L’amor immadur diu: T’estimo perquè et necessito.

L’amor madur diu: Et necessito perquè t’estimo”
Què és l’amor? L’amor és un poder actiu en la persona, pel qual superem el
nostre aïllament, el nostre jo separat i ens unim a l’altra. ( A l’amor es dóna la
paradoxa de dos éssers que es converteixen en un i, no obstant això, continuen
sent dos.) .

Com és aquesta unió? Com que culturalment unim el desig sexual a la idea
de l’amor, amb facilitat caiem en l’error de creure que s’estima quan es desitja
físicament. L’amor pot inspirar el desig de la unió sexual i, en aquest cas, el
desig de conquerir o ser conquerit, està fos amb la tendresa. Però si el desig
d’unió física no està estimulat per l’amor, mai no condueix a la unió excepte en
un sentit orgiàstic i transitori. L’atracció sexual crea, per un moment, la il•lusió
de la unió, però, sense amor, tal “aquesta unió” deixa els desconeguts tan
separats com abans.

L’amor no és una qüestió d’atzar, és un art, s’ha de

conèixer i s’ha de treballar.
Per què estimem? “L’amor immadur diu: T’estimo perquè et necessito. L’amor
madur diu: Et necessito perquè t’estimo”. Per tant l’amor no és una qüestió d’atzar,
és un art , s’ha de conèixer i s’ha de treballar.

Quins són els requisits de l’amor i quins són els seus límits? L’amor és la
preocupació activa per la persona què estimem. La cura i la preocupació impliquen
un altre aspecte de l’amor: el de la responsabilitat. Ser “responsable” significa
estar disposat a respondre a les necessitats de la persona estimada .

Però la responsabilitat podria degenerar fàcilment en dominació i possessió, si no

fos per un tercer component de l’amor, el respecte. Respectar significa preocupar-
se que l’altra persona creixi i es desenvolupi tal com és. “Vull que la persona
estimada creixi i es desenvolupi per si mateixa, tal com és , no com jo necessito que
sigui, com a un objecte per al meu ús”. És obvi que el respecte només és possible
sobre la base de la llibertat: “L’amor és fill de la llibertat, mai de la dominació”,
diu una vella cançó francesa.

“Preocupació, responsabilitat, respecte i llibertat són els límits de l’amor. Sense ells
no hi amor. Estimar significa comprometre’s sense garanties, lliurar-se totalment
amb l’esperança de produir amor en la persona estimada.
“L’amor és un acte de fe i qui tingui poca fe
també té poc amor”


Get it! The European Feeling · 15

Music stirs memories We've all had tunes stuck in our heads.
Some of them remind us of childhood
friends, places or events. Wherever
you are, when a song,“your song”
starts, everything which is all around
you,disappears and your memory lives
again, with all its colours ,its emotions,
and you realize that they are still inside
you. Then you know they will always be

Here are some memories with their songs

that we want to share with you! CARMELA -
My song is “A te” (To
You) composed and sung
by Jovanotti. This song
has helped me to come
back to life, after a terrible period in my
life when I had been affected by a serious
disease ,the anorexia.
It was dedicated to ME by a person who
Anthony Birba – loved me and didn’t want to lose me.
MARTINIQUE My life was coming to an end because of
a “monster,” which had made me believe
La PLI SI TOL by to be nothing, but thanks to a special
Chiktay person’s love I found the courage to fight
for my life.
Esta canción del grupo The beautiful phrase: " a te che hai reso
Chiktay, de Guadalupe, ITSKE _HOLLAND la mia vita bella da morire"(to you, who
me hace recordar a mi amor de infancia, My memorable song is has made my life incredibly beautiful) for
cuando estaba en la escuela primaria. Chris Brown - With You. me means that nothing is so important
Nunca olvidaré a aquella niña mestiza, de It reminds me of my ex-boyfriend.It was as a special person who cares you and
los ojos claros, a quien veía pasar por el a very good time with a lot fun!It was our gives you , day by day ,his love, because
puente de mi vida, pero que allá nunca song, and we listened it very much. “you’re his unique reason of life”.
se quedó.  
16 · Get it! The European Feeling
The craziest thing
you would do for l o v e !
Lanzarme de lo alto del puente de Grand-Rivière con un elástico

r sus
po… eta
mbre en el cuer vivir en otro plan
Me tatuaría su no la ciu da d... Por amor, iría a ra qu e el la es
por toda scubrie
Cantaría por él TV ... con mi novia si de rq ue no po dría
en re , po
Bailaría por él t class. una extraterrest
tel Academy 1s vivir sin ella.
Studen of Ho
ts N
By Gerard Mar
oa alred
n 3C, F
r una b

ivir c
a r a ir a v !

ap o r
e cas mi am
ría pone
llo. Dam

d a r me d üinos…¡ y
Mu ing
los p
Me pod
del cue

s t a sus p dir
h a pe
a r a c aídas nillo para ¡Cantar una sere
np un a nata bajo la vent
ría e as y amor, con mi “m ana de mi
Salta osas roj mano. PAIN aravillosa” voz de
0r su eus S safinada !
con 2 ue z , R Lux, ItALY By Nadine, Chloé and Cindy,
ion. Por amor, entraría, vestido de salchicha,
m y relig PAIN
ange Reus, S en una jaula de leones hambrientos
ld ch ,
I wou Montiel By Rubén Pleguezuelos, Reus, SPAIN
n a L.
By A
Get it! The European Feeling · 17
Our of e m ove s m o u n tains

ge im Bauch
haben, Germ
er fl ies in
To have butt
ac h.
one’s stom

Some proverbs are common to quite a lot of fiyeli

si n kö p ekleri bile ka
us even if we are from different countries and Aşk sen nele
re ka d ir
havlatırsın, e even
others are very specific on the contrary. They so po w er fu l that you mak
are not always a perfect reflection of reality Oh love, you rhyme.
dogs bark in
but at least they encourage us to think! ’w kon
Mwen enmen
en la bou,
cochon enm
Creole, Mart
a pig likes
I love you as
Oh, precious love ! mud.

Amor con amor se paga, Spain

Love can only be paid with love
Old lo
L’amura ne s’accatta e ne si vinda, Calabria
L’amore non si compra e non si vende, It
Alte L
iebe r
Love can’t be bought or sold. never o stet n
forget ich
a pers t, German
o y
Aşk tedavisi bir başka insan olan tek hastalıktır, loved n you have
. on ce
Turkey Stara
Love is the only one illness that its cure is another Old lo śc nie rdze
Be car v wieje
human being. eful w e never co
hen y mes r (Pol)
our usty
Valen més arengades amb amor her ol partner m
d love eets h
que pollastres amb dolor, Catalonia Donde . is/
Kipper with love is much better than chicken with Where fuego
sorrow. It’s im there was nizas que
When p o ssib fire, dan (
you lo le to igno ashes rema p).
= ve som re or i n .
+ eone, for
it will get love.
be for

d s e n s es i ps è
lings a n s h
Fee rca, Po
e l a ion
t en pa ba ’w t

r o u g h s
t o
o s e
ach to
r i n g him a g
ood R n, m
a Cre
e ’s m y he
T h a u t
rt prep a’w niq t no ne.
a m a n’s hea . w en b Marti ile bu veryo
win meal M sm st e
You can ou a n’t tru
many y
a g e n, Ger ach. v e
I ga You c
u r c h den M
u g h h is stom
geht d r o
Liebe rt is th
a m a n’s hea
y to
The wa
18 · Get it! The European Feeling

Is sex ed working?
Where do you get most of your sexual Do you think teenagers are well informed about
knowledge from? sexually transmissible diseases?

Do you think that this information has an incisive impact Your idea of sex is closer to...?
on adolescents’ use of contraceptives?

Learning about sexuality in Germany, Rahel Deters, Germany

Primary school, worksheets and cartoons... I first learned something about sexuality and especially about the physical differences between
girls and boys when I was in in primary school. There we got worksheets in which we had to name the
characteristics of the feminine and the masculine body. I think it was a really embarassing topic for us
being little childs and not being used at talking about such things before. We already saw a film about
sexuality. It was a kind of animated cartoon showing two people having sex. At that time, the teachers
didn´t get into details and the film only talked of “cuddling”.

About menstruation and preservatives... We were 12 years old in the 6th grade and with that, it
became necessary to tell the girls something about their menstruation. The logical consequence then was
that contraception had to be comprehensible for everybody to avoid early pregnancy as well as sexual
disease. I remember a lesson in which boys and girls were separated to practise with a preservative and a
penis made out of wood. We also got a little box with some sanitary towels and tampons for the girls in it.

Grammar school: sex and its dangers... Later, in grammar school, eigth grade only brought some
new information about sex as well as its dangers, e.g., an infection with AIDS. The higher the grades, the more we were step by step taught about
new methods of contraception. The focus was now put onto the heritage processes and the way a fertilized egg develops.

All in all….Because of the great and extensive sex education at school, it became unnecessary to talk about such things at home. But whenever
I want, I can come and ask my parents about anything I don´t know. I think the way I learned about sex isn´t the normal way today anymore. The
earlier development of kids caused by new and often unhealthy dietary habits as well as the completely modern lifestyle nowadays demands that
the students know the facts of life earlier.

Get it! The European Feeling · 19




1) Flowers My heart will go on 1) Titanic The Shadow Of The Wind

2) Jewelry (Céline Dion) 2) Twilight (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
3) Cuddly toy 3) Love Actually
SPAIN 4) Love letter 4) Moulin Rouge
5) Dinner out 5) P.S I Love You

1) Little things Anlamazdin 1) Iziz Adam Leyla ile Mecnum

TURKEY 2) Flowers (Ayla Dikmen) 2) Titanic (Unknown writer)
3) Lunch or dinner 3) Romeo and Juliet
4) Love poem 4) Sweet November
5) Jewelry 5) English Patient

1) Jewelry My heart will go on 1) Titanic Twilight

2) Flower (Céline Dion) 2) Twilight (Stéphanie Meyer)
FRANCE 3) Kisses 3) High School Musical
4) Love letter 4) American Pie
5) A pet 5) Dirty Dancing

1) Peluches Questo piccolo grande 1) Twilight Amore 14

2) Jewelry amore 2) Titanic (Frederico Moccia)
ITALY 3) Perfumes (Claudio Baglioni) 3) I passi dell’amore
4) Roses 4) Amore 14
5) Little Hearts 5) Ghost

1) plush toy I´ll missing you 1) Dangerous connection Twilight

2) ring (Pap Diddy) 2) Dirty Dancing (Stéphanie Meyer)
SLOVAKIA 3) rose 3) Pretty woman
4) lovers photo 4) Pearl Harbor
5) other 5) Armagedon

1) Hand made presents 1) Titanic Romeo And Juliet

2) Flowers 2) Dirty dancing (Shakespeare)
GERMANY 3) Kisses 2) Twilight
4) Rings 4) Keinohrhasen
5) Journeys

UE 1) Jewelry Mon amie (Kim) 1) Titanic Twilight

IQ 2) Teddy bears 2) Twilight (Stéphanie Meyer)
3) Perfume 3) The proposition
A 4) Chocolate 4) High school musical
5) Notting hill

1) Flowers My heart will go on Titanic Twilight

POLAND 2) Teddy bears (Céline Dion) (Stéphanie Meyer)

20 · Get it! The European Feeling

All you need is love kiss
in love
at sight

By Marilena, Martinique

The backwards alphabet code

The house of words By Daniel Castillo, Ies Baix Camp

Try the to guess the code by giving a number to each word.

But, be careful! You need to do it backwards!!!

A-25, B-24, C-23…X-3, Y-2, Z-1

19, 9, 23, 13, 22, 11, 23, 9, 21, 13, 7, 8

By Daniel Castillo, Ies Baix Camp

Get it! The European Feeling · 21

Getting to know other cultures

de todo el mundo

En las bodas chinas, los novios se ofrecen un huevo el uno al otro como símbolo de fertilitad y felicidad
LIXUAN FENG, 4 ESO C, estudiante china en IES Baix Camp, Reus, España

Boda gitana
Los recién casados bailan flamenco mientras los amigos acompañan con las palmas. La fiesta continua hasta el
amanecer. Maria Ventura, 2 ESO E, IES Baix Camp, Reus, España

22 · Get it! The European Feeling

hë other cultures
Boda Arbëres

luego el
o en el mismo cáliz y
Los esposos beben vin
cura lo tira al suelo.
n albanés
a población de orige
Los Arbëreshë son un Italia
que vive en el sur de
el sig lo 15. Sig ue n la doctrina de
Llegaron a Italia en tina.
la iglesia griega bizan


7 vidas futuras,
Boda india

En la boda india, el fuego es un elemento muy

importante. Muchos rituales se realizan frente al
fuego, ya que se le considera como sagrado. Según el
dicho, el fuego es como el testimonio de la boda.
Igualmente, el número 7 es muy importante.
Se cree que cuando se casan los novios, dan 7 vueltas
al fuego, y entonces están ligados en un matrimonio
sagrado, ¡no sólo por la vida presente, sino por 7 vidas
‘Polternight’ , la noche antes de la boda:
Familias, amigos y vecinos rompen porcelana delante Summit Pal, 4 D, estudiante de India
de la casa de la pareja. Dice la superstición que en IES Baix Camp, Reus, España
pedazos de porcelana rota traen suerte.
by Tobias Berens, Germany

Get it! The European Feeling · 23

Des del pati

© Polaris eyevine

El amor es la única respuesta satisfactoria

al problema de la existencia humana.
Erich Fromm, El arte de amar



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