Orgo Lab 1 Calculations

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Orgo Lab 1 Calculations:

Experiments 0&1
Quiz 1
1. You started with 25 g of a compound. After recrystallization you
lost 5g of the compound. Calculate the percent recovery of the
25g 5g = 20g
20g/25g x 100 = 80%
Experiment 2
Quiz 2
2. Assume an organic compound A has a partition coefficient
between water nd ethyl acetate equal to 6, and 15 g of A
dissolved in 100mL of water. If 20mL of ethyl acetate are added,
calculate how much of A remains in the water layer.
6g =

6g =


6g =

120x = 1500-100x

220x =

x = 1500/220 = 6.81g in H20

.106g Benzoic Acid used
0.096 Benzoic Acid recovered
Used 2mL MtBE
Used 3mL H2O
3. C2 =

C1 =

KD =
Experiment 3a
Quiz 3a
4. Calculate Rf values for the two spots below and show the
equation you used to obtain these values.

Rf = distance from origin / total length


Experiment 6
Quiz 6
5. Calculate the specific rotation of a substance that is dissolved in
a solvent at concentration of 0.5g/mL and that has an observed
rotation of -10 as determined with a 0.5 dm cell
Specific rotation =

3.48g amine
7mL solution
-11.538 observed optical rotation
6. C =
L = 1.0
[] =

Optical purity =

(-) enantiomer

100-58.4 = 41.6% () racemic

Total (-) amine = 58.4% + (0.5 x 41.6) = 79.2%
Total (+) amine = (0.5)(41.6) = 20.8%

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