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Integrated Juan Atalaya School


Marinelcy Prado Lozano
Nydia Yanid Hernández g.
Martin López

San José de Cúcuta


We are going to talk about why people learn languages. Basically people learn languages for a lot of reasons. Several of
the main reasons are in order to travel because of course you need other languages in other countries if you want to eat,
go to the supermarket, looking for a job, know people, and for education, so that you can pick up a higher education in
other countries and also to understand other cultures. In order to understand what motivates people to learn languages,
we have the pleasure of having a couple of English learners here with us to talk about our experiences In English class. In
general, one of the factors that influence the choice of strategies used among students learning a second/foreign language
is Motivation. More motivated students tend to use more strategies than less motivated students, hence, they tend to be
more successful.




According to the Webster's, to motivate means to provide with a motive, a need or desire that causes a person to act.

According to Gardner (1985), motivation is concerned with the question, "Why does an organism behave as it does?
Motivation involves 4 aspects:

1. A Goal
2. An Effort
3. A Desire to attain the goal
4. Favorable Attitude toward the activity in question.

Motivation is also defined as the impetus to create and sustain intentions and goal-seeking acts (Ames & Ames, 1989). It is important
because it determines the extent of the learner's active involvement and attitude toward learning. (Ngeow, Karen Yeok-Hwa, 1998)

Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal.
Many researchers consider motivation as one of the main elements that determine success in developing a second or foreign language;
it determines the extent of active, personal involvement in L2 learning. (Oxford & Shearin, 1994)

Sometimes a distinction is made between positive and negative motivation.

Positive motivation is a response which includes enjoyment and optimism about the tasks that you are involved in.
Negative motivation involves undertaking tasks for fear that there should be undesirable outcomes, eg. failing a subject, if tasks are not
Explanations of influences/causes of arousal and direction may be different from explanations of persistence

In general, explanations regarding the source(s) of motivation can be categorized as either extrinsic (outside the person) or intrinsic
(internal to the person). Intrinsic sources and corresponding theories can be further subcategorized as either body/physical,
mind/mental (i.e., cognitive, affective, cognitive) or transpersonal/spiritual.

If a person has an external attribution of success, self-concept is not likely to change as a result of success or failure because the person
will attribute it to external factors. Likewise, if the person has an Internal/Ability explanation, his or her self-concept will be tied to
learning to do a new activity quickly and easily (I do well because I'm naturally good at it). If failure or difficulty occurs, the person
must quickly lower expectations in order to maintain self-esteem. Maybe, if the person has a Internal/Effort explanation and high
expectations for success, the person will persevere (i.e., stay motivated) in spite of temporary setbacks because one's self-esteem is not
tied to immediate success.

Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that we will seek balance in our lives and will resist influences or expectations to change. How,
then, does change or growth occur. One source, according to Piaget, is biological development. We mature cognitively we will rework
our thinking and organizations of knowledge (e.g., schemas, paradigms, explanations) to more accurately reflect our understanding of
the world. One of those organizations involves our explanations or attributions of success or failure. After puberty, when biological
change slows down considerably, it is very difficult to change these attributions. It requires a long-term program where constant
feedback is given about how one's behavior is responsible for one's success.

Other theories of motivation like the psychoanalytic propose a variety of fundamental influences. Freud (1990) suggested that all
action or behavior is a result of internal, biological instincts that are classified into two categories: life (sexual) and death (aggression).
Many of Freud's students broke with him over this concept. For example, Erikson (1993) and Sullivan (1968) proposed that
interpersonal and social relationships are fundamental, Adler (1989) proposed power, while Jung (1953, 1997) proposed temperament
and search for soul or personal meaningfulness.

One of the most influential writers in the area of motivation is Abraham Maslow (1954).

Abraham Maslow (1954) attempted to synthesize a large body of research related to human motivation. Prior to Maslow, researchers
generally focused separately on such factors as biology, achievement, or power to explain what energizes, directs, and sustains human
behavior. Maslow posited a hierarchy of human needs based on two groupings: deficiency needs and growth needs. Within the
deficiency needs, each lower need must be met before moving to the next higher level. Once each of these needs has been satisfied, if
at some future time a deficiency is detected, the individual will act to remove the deficiency.
According to Maslow, an individual is ready to act upon the growth needs if and only if the deficiency needs are met. Maslow's initial
conceptualization included only one growth need--self-actualization. Self-actualized people are characterized by: 1) being problem-
focused; 2) incorporating an ongoing freshness of appreciation of life; 3) a concern about personal growth; and 4) the ability to have
peak experiences. 5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore; 6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty; 7) Self-actualization:
to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential; and 8) Self-transcendence: to connect to something beyond the ego or to help others
find self-fulfillment and realize their potential.

“The same person cannot be skilled in everything; each has his special excellence.”

Teacher’s room and audiovisual room.

One working day (only in English hours ).

29th October 2009.

Foreign language learning increases our culture and the knowledge of another market for our products. The
possibilities of a better education, and our abilities to understand those events that occur in another places are
bigger, too.

In order to motivate all school community, we are presenting this project, whose main objective is to encourage
Juan Atalaya Integrated High School students to study English.

So, the students of 9th, 10th and 11th grades are going to show several performances during this morning. We hope
you all will attend these activities with interest and delight.
What is the motivation?
Motivate to the students for learning of Motivation is a desire to achieve a
English Language. goal, combined with the energy to How to motivate for class and
work towards that goal. study?

We can explain the contents on

the basis using many strategies
where the students must
memorize songs and poems,
JUSTIFICATION SPECIFIC GOALS: think and speak about life's
The students will have the situations.
It’s necessary to create in the opportunity of participate in However is very important
students a motivation that takes several activities and they can that we can use several
them to improve their interests for show to the inferior levels the strategies for motivating our
the learning of the English language. opportunity to see some abilities students, We can do many
that they had development visits to places associated with
Of fact, there is nothing more
during dynamics English class the contents of the classes and
exciting than student’s enthusiasm
in Integrated Juan Atalaya others activities where they can
and passion for the learning of a School. acquire experiences very
song, a poem or dramatizing a play.
important to promote
And this is gotten by means of motivation and cognitive
showing them optimism and interest.
confidence for all the students have a
chance of learning.
Date activity Invitee Grade Participate grade

October 29 th 10-04 song: wake me on Grade 601, 602, 701, 702

when September ends
Song: Party in the Grade: 801, 802, 903, 904
Song: Girlfriend Grade: 904, 903, 1002,
Fashion show 1004
Grade: 1004, 1102, 1003,
10-05 poem: I wonder by 1005
Jeannie Kirby
Grade: 901, 902, 1005
9-03 Colombian folk show
10-05 Debate Grade: 1005, 901, 1002

10-02 song
OCTOBER 29 th Song
10-03 song and dance
11-01 -02 dance and song.
11- 01 dance
11-02 dance
11-03 dance.

11-04 play
10-01. Decoration and
Teachers’ project

---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Marinelcy Prado Lozano Nydia Yanid Hernández g.

Martin Guillermo López

This project was designed to raise the motivation in English language learning. Through different activities,
students can realize that day after day English is becoming a part of our lives.

Perhaps in the classroom, English could be noticed as another subject that students „have to study‟, without a link
with real life, now and here, in Cucuta, in Juan Atalaya Integrated High School. The performances and activities
have been showed us, are trying to tell us that in almost every moment of our daily routine English is present. If
after this “English Day” we are a little more aware of that, the main objective of this project has been achieved.

Finally, we gratefully acknowledge this collaborative effort with students and colleagues for their assistance,
support and advice.

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