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Weighted Vector-Valued Holomorphic Functions on Banach Spaces

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Abstract and Applied Analysis

Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 501592, 9 pages

Research Article

Weighted Vector-Valued Holomorphic Functions on Banach Spaces

Enrique Jord

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Escuela Politcnica Superior de Alcoy, IUMPA, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, Plaza Ferrndiz y Carbonell 1,
03801 Alcoy, Spain
Received 11 February 2013; Accepted 14 May 2013
Academic Editor: Anna Mercaldo
Copyright 2013 Enrique Jord. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We study the weighted Banach spaces of vector-valued holomorphic functions de ned on an open and connected subset of a Banach space. We
use linearization results on these spaces to get conditions which ensure that a function de ned in a subset of an open and connected subset
of a Banach space , with values in another Banach space , and admitting certain weak extensions in a Banach space of holomorphic
functions can be holomorphically extended in the corresponding Banach space of vector-valued functions.

1. Introduction, Notation, and Preliminaries


be a locally convex space. e problem of deciding when a function

is holomorphic whenever
for each
goes back to Dunford [1], who proved that this happens when is a Banach space. Grothendieck [2] extended the result for being
quasicomplete. Bogdanowicz [3] gives extension results through weak extension, that is, he proved between other results that if
two domains (open and connected subsets), is a complex, sequentially complete, and locally convex Hausdor space, and
satis es that
admits holomorphic extension for each
, then admits a holomorphic extension to
. More recently GrosseErdmann, Arendt and Nikolski, Bonet, Frerick, Wengenroth, and the author have given results in this way smoothing the conditions on
also requiring extensions of
only for a proper subset
(cf. [48]). Also, Laitila and Tylli have recently discussed the dierence
between strong and weak de nitions for important spaces of vector-valued functions [9, Section 6].
Our main aim here is to analyze a weak criterion for holomorphy and to give extension results for the Banach spaces of holomorphic functions
de ned on a nonvoid open subset of a Banach space . To obtain these extension results, we use linearization results, that is, theorems which
permit to identify classes of vector valued functions de ned in and with values in with continuous linear mappings from a certain space
and with values in . Recent work of Beltrn [10], Carando and Zalduendo [11], and Mujica [12] is devoted to get linearization results. We use
for our extension results also linearization results obtained by Bierstedt in [13, 14].
Our notation for the Banach spaces, locally convex spaces, and functional analysis is standard. We refer the reader to [1517]. For a locally
convex space which is nonnormed, we denote by
its topological dual. For a Banach space
, the dual of is denoted by . We
mainly deal with Banach spaces. e absolutely convex hull of a subset of is denoted by
, and the closure of is denoted by . If the
closure is taken with respect to other topology , it will be denoted by .
are and
endowed with the weak (
and the weak* (
) topology, respectively. e open unit ball of will be denoted by . A subset
) is said to be total if
is (
) dense. By the Hahn Banach theorem,
being total in
is equivalent to
being separating, that is, if
for all
, then
is said to be norming if
is bounded, and its associated functional
de nes an equivalent norm in , that is, if the polar set
de nes an equivalent
(closed) unit ball in . It is immediate that if
is norming then it is also separating. If
is the norm of , then
is called 1-norming. A
is called norming or total when we consider
, that is,
de nes an equivalent norm in . A subspace of
is said to
determine boundedness whenever all the
-bounded subsets of are (
-) bounded. A subspace
is said to be norming if
is a norming subset of . We give below a relation between these concepts. e result is given in [6, Proposition 7, Remark 8] in the more
general context of the Frchet spaces, though in this paper the norming subspaces are called almost norming. We give a proof for the Banach
case because it is very transparent.

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Proposition 1 (see [6]). Let

be a Banach space. A subspace

is norming if and only if

determines boundedness in .

Proof. It is standard to check that

on . From this, it follows that is norming if and only if is. Assume rst that is norming.
is implies that is separating on , and then, we can consider the algebraic inclusion
. By the very de nition,
is the restriction
to . e hypothesis
norming means that is isomorphic to
, which is a subspace of
. By the Uniform
Boundedness Principle, the
bounded subsets of are norm bounded in
, and then,
bounded since the norms are supposed to be
equivalent in . Conversely, let one assume that determines boundedness in . is implies, again by the Uniform Boundedness Principle,
that the identity
is bounded. Hence, there exists
such that
for each
, which
implies that is norming.
us, the property of being norming for subspaces in

be a bounded subset of

is between weak*-dense and strongly dense.

and an index set. Let

equipped with the norm which makes it isomorphic to a quotient of


. We will use the following lemma, which we supposed to be well

Lemma 2. Let

is an onto isomorphism.

be a norming subset. en, the injection of

Proof. e hypothesis on

yields that there exist


such that

Hence, we take polars and apply the bipolar theorem to get


be the equivalent open unit ball in

, and then,

such that

We get from the Schauder lemma [16, Lemma 3.9] that

. We de ne

is clearly bounded. Moreover,

is open and then surjective. We conclude from the very de nition of

Remark 3. If we assume in Lemma 2 that

is 1-norming, then the isomorphism is an isometry.

We see below that if the bounded subset

is not norming, then the assertion is not true in general.

Remark 4 (Bonet). e assertion in Lemma 2 implies that if

is bounded, then
if and only if for each
there exist sequences
such that
. is is not in general true if we assume that
is only to be bounded. Valdivia showed
(see [17, Example 3.2.21]) that in every in nite dimensional Banach space there is an absolutely convex bounded subset
which is not
closed such that
is a Banach space with closed unit ball , where


being Banach, we conclude

, but from the proof given in [17, Example

], it follows that

is not included in

Let be a connected open subset of a Banach space . e space of all the holomorphic functions on is denoted by
. e compact open
topology on
denoted by .
is a semi-Montel space; that is, each closed and bounded subset is compact. A subset
called -bounded if it is bounded and the distance of to the complementary of is positive. For
, -bounded means simply bounded.
If is the unit ball of a Banach space, is -bounded if and only if it is contained in a ball of radius
. If is a Banach space, the space of
-valued holomorphic functions on
is denoted by
. We refer to [18] for the precise de nitions. A weight
is a
continuous function which is strictly positive. According to [19], we say that a weight on satis es the property (I) whenever it is bounded
below in each -bounded subset of . e weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions are de ned as

Recall that a function

is said to vanish at in nity on -bounded sets when for each
there exists a -bounded subset such
is always continuously embedded in
. If satis es , then
is continuously embedded in
the space of holomorphic functions of bounded type
, which is
endowed with the Frchet topology of uniform convergence on
-bounded sets.
Analogously, for a Banach space , we de ne the weighted spaces of vector-valued functions as

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During all the work, our model spaces will be

. But we will deal with general closed subspaces
and their
corresponding vector-valued analogues
(which will be de ned in the following section) in order to consider important subspaces as
they are the spaces
of homogeneous polynomials of degree
and, in case of
being bounded, the algebras
holomorphic and bounded functions which are continuous and uniformly continuous on , respectively.
be a subspace of
. A subset
null. A set
is said to be sampling for

is said to be a set of uniqueness for

if each
if there exists some constant
such that, for every

which vanishes at

is identically

In case
is an algebra the constant, can be always taken 1 and, according to Globevnik, the sampling sets are called boundaries [2022].
, it follows from the de nitions that
, is sampling if and only if
is norming, and
is a set of uniqueness if and only if
is total.
e sampling sets (as well as interpolation sets) of the weighted space
in [23] in terms of certain densities.

2. Banach Subspaces of



) were characterized by Seip

Which Are Dual Spaces

Let one consider

to be a subspace with compact closed unit ball for
closed. We de ne the Banach space of vector-valued functions in a weak sense:

. Notice that this condition implies that

is norm

Since weakly holomorphic functions are holomorphic and weakly bounded sets are bounded, it follows that for
this de nition
agrees with the strong de nition given previously. Following the same steps as in [12, eorem 2.1] (also in [24, Lemma 10]), we get that
can be identi ed with
being the predual of
that exists by the Dixmier-Ng eorem [25].
Remark 5. In [25], it is shown that
consists of all the functionals
such that restricted to
is continuous. Let
, we have that
is separating in
if and only if
is (weakly) dense if and only if
uniqueness for
. Analogously,
is norming in
if and only if is sampling for
Proposition 6. Let
be a subspace of
with compact closed unit ball. en,
. Moreover, the correspondence is an isometry.
Proof. If

, we de ne
by the very de nition.

Conversely, let

. We set

and then,

. Since

is continuous and

. Since
. We see that

if and only if there exists

, it follows that

for each

. If we
is a set of
, and then,

is 1-norming in
, we apply Lemma 2 and Remark 3, to get that
de nes a linear mapping on . If
, then, for each

is well de ned. Moreover, since

, it is easy to compute

Now, we are going to show that there are more natural spaces with compact unit ball for the compact open topology. To do this, we present a
general result of complemented subspaces in the Frchet spaces of analytic functions which could be of independent interest. We state it for
Frchet instead of Banach to include the important space
. For
with radial and balanced, it is done by Garca et al.
in [19, Proposition 3, Example 14].
eorem 7. Let
be a Frchet space of holomorphic functions on such that
endowed with its norm topology is a complemented subspace of
. If
Proof. Let one assume without loss of generality that


be denoted by the topology in

. For

of pointwise convergence on

, we denote

continuously. If, for

, then
is compact in

-homogeneous polynomial such that

. e projection

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is continuous. We checked it. Let

, and let
be a net convergent to in
. Let
such that the closed ball
and let
. For
, we de ne
, being the ball with radius in . Let
. We have that
converges to in
. We conclude from the continuity of the evaluations of the derivatives in this last space and

Hence, by the closed graph theorem, we get that the map

is continuous. Since the map is by hypothesis
surjective and restricted to
that is the identity, it also follows that
is closed in
. us, the inclusion
is an
isomorphism. Hence, the inverse of the inclusion
satis es that
is the identity in
. We apply [26, Chapter
2, Section 7, Proposition 3] to conclude that
is complemented in
We check now that
is compact for the topology of pointwise convergence on . Let
be a net in
such that it is
convergent to
pointwise in . Assume without loss of generality that
is nonempty. e net
is a bounded net in
which is Cauchy for the topology of pointwise convergence in . is topology is Hausdor and weaker than the topology of pointwise
convergence in
. Since
is a dual space [18, Proposition 1.17], the topology of pointwise convergence on
is relatively
compact restricted to the bounded sets in
and then agrees in the bounded sets with the topology of pointwise convergence on .
is bounded in
, and hence, we get that
is convergent to
pointwise in . Since
, we
. We have proved that
is closed in for the topology of pointwise convergence in , and then it is compact.
For spaces
, we have that
is a subspace which is complemented and it is isomorphic to
with its natural norm
. Moreover,
has a compact unit ball for the topology of pointwise convergence in , and hence, it is a
dual Banach space because of Dixmier-Ng theorem [25]. We denote by
the predual of
and by
the predual of
obtained in [12, eorem 2.4]. In
, the subset
is norming and then spans a (
-) dense
subspace. e same applies for
. Both
are formed by functionals which are linearly
independent by [11, Proposition 1]. We check below that there is a natural isomorphism between
Proposition 8. Let be a weight on
such that
canonically, that is, there exists

. e predual
such that
for each

is isomorphic to the predual


Proof. Let

be as de ned previously. If we de ne
, by means of
, we have that
is well de ned since
, it is (weakly) continuous, and then, it can be extended to
. If we consider now
as a
subspace of
it is (weakly) dense since open sets are sets of uniqueness in
. e linear map
is again
(weakly) continuous, and hence that we get, an extension
is a continuous linear mapping, and then, it is
the identity since both coincide in
. Moreover,
has dense range in
. Hence,
is an onto isomorphism by [26, Chapter 2,
Section 7, Proposition 3].
From the linearization of these dual Banach subspaces of
, one can get easily an extension of the Blaschke-type result for vector-valued
functions [4, eorem 2.5] generalized in [7, Corollary 4.2]. e proof that we give is strongly based on the Banach-Steinhaus principle.
Proposition 9. Let
be a subspace of
which has a -compact closed unit ball, let
be a set of uniqueness for
, and let be a
Banach space. If
is a bounded net in
such that
is convergent for each
, then
is convergent to a function
uniformly on the compact subsets of .
Proof. Let
be the sequence of operators in
1-norming subset of , that is,

By hypothesis, there exists

such that

for each

. Let

is a

such that


for each
. By Remark 5, the subset
is total in
. Since
is equicontinuous, the topology of pointwise convergence
coincides with the topology of pointwise convergence in
by [27, 39.4(1)]. us,
is pointwise convergent to
. e
convergence is uniform on the compact subsets of
by [27, 39.4(2)]. If
is compact, then
is compact in
. is follows
from the observation that
is (weakly) holomorphic and then continuous.
Proposition 9 and eorem 7 yield that the Banach-Steinhaus theorem stated as in [27, 39.4(1)] can be extended to the space of vector-valued
. Bochnak and Siciak showed [28, eorem 2] that the uniform boundedness principle also is valid for polynomials.
e following results are extensions of those obtained in [7] by Frerick et al. for spaces of bounded holomorphic and harmonic functions on
open subsets of nite-dimensional subspaces with values in locally convex spaces. Our results are valid for spaces of functions de ned on an
open and connected subset of a Banach space , but we restrict to the case of Banach-valued functions. e proofs that we give here are

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simpler. e next theorem extends [7, eorem 2.2].

eorem 10. Let be a weight on , let
be a subspace of
with -compact closed unit ball, let be a set of uniqueness for
, let
be a Banach space, and let
be a subspace which determines boundedness in . If
is a function such that
admits an
for each
, then admits a unique extension
Proof. Let

be the span of
. e hypothesis implies that
is well de ned since is separating. Let

Since this is true for each

bounded linear mapping. Since

, we conclude that
is dense in
, we can extend



dense, and then, it is dense in norm. e map

be an element in the unit ball
of , and let
. We

bounded and then norm bounded by hypothesis. us,

. We conclude by Proposition 6.

is a

e following result is a generalization of [6, eorem 1(ii)].

eorem 11. Let be a weight on , let
be a subspace of
with -compact closed unit ball, let be a set of uniqueness for
be a Banach space, and let
be a norming subspace. If
is a function such that
admits an extension
such that
is bounded in
, then admits a unique extension
Proof. If
tend to , then
is a bounded sequence such that
Proposition 9 yields that there exists
such that
tends to
for each
Proposition 1 and eorem 10.

, let
for each

converges to
for each
. e conclusion is a consequence of

We now study the problem of extending functions which admit extensions for functionals in a subspace of
which we assume only to be
dense. In this case, we require that is quite large. is is symmetric with the problem studied by Gramsch [29], Grosse-Erdmann [8],
and Bonet et al. [5]. e next theorem is an extension to our context of [7, eorem 3.2].
eorem 12. Let be a weight on
Banach space, and let be a
for each
Proof. e set
means that for each

, let
be a subspace of
with -compact unit ball, and let
-dense subspace of . If
is a function such
, then there exists a unique extension
of .

, there exists

is norming for

be a sampling set for

and such that

; hence, we apply Lemma 2 to get that

such that

is isomorphic to

e open unit ball

for the norm which makes this space isometric to
is formed by the vectors
in the previous representation can be taken in the open unit ball of . We de ne that
is bounded by hypothesis, the series is convergent. Moreover, if
, then for each

Since is separating, is well de ned. Moreover, the hypothesis of boundedness of

we conclude by Proposition 6.

implies that

. Let be a
admits an
. is

such that the sequence

. Since

is bounded. Hence,

Remark 13. If we consider

, we have that
; hence,
is relatively compact in . Moreover, it
is immediate that
admits an extension to
for each
(the space of sequences which are zero but nitely many components), is
dense (even norming since it is dense in ), and
is a set of uniqueness for
. However,
for each
. is shows that the hypothesis in eorems 10 and 12 is optimal, that is, for the conditions on the set
where the functions are de ned and in the subspace for which functionals, we have weak extensions that cannot be simultaneously relaxed,
and also the condition of boundedness in the extensions in eorem 11 can not be dropped.

3. General Banach Subspaces of

For arbitrary Banach spaces
with no assumption on the unit ball, the equivalence between the weak and the strong de nitions
does not hold in general. We discuss it below. We consider the space
, and we de ne

A Banach space is said to satisfy the Schur property if every sequence

well-known theorem of Schur asserts that satis es this property.


which is weakly convergent is also norm convergent. e

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Proposition 14. If

is a Banach space with the Schur property, then

Proof. Suppose that there exists


. en, there exist

. is last condition implies that

for all


going to in nity on

-bounded sets such that

is (weakly) convergent to zero, a contradiction.

We see below that the situation diers for function with values in the general Banach spaces.
Example 15. Assume that

is nite dimensional and

is in nite dimensional. en,

Proof. First, we proceed similarly as in [30, Lemma 21] to get a sequence

such that
converges to 0 in , and there exists
such that
for all
. Since
is in nite dimensional, there is
such that
. We apply
is metrizable and is compact to get that
is relatively sequentially compact. Hence, we can extract a subsequence of
which is Cauchy for , and we denote again by
. De ning
, we get the desired sequence.
We consider

. e convergence of


, we obtain that there exists


. Let
be arbitrary. Since
, the series
is convergent in
. Hence,
for the compact open topology implies that for each
there exists
such that

such that

Example 16. Assume that is the unit ball of a Banach space

. en,
Proof. e hypothesis on implies that for each
consider the Cesro means

Cauchy in

for each
, since

De ning

continuous with

the Taylor polynomials

tends to 0 in


. If
such that

, there exist


and a sequence



. If we

, then

is not

. Proceeding as in Example 15, we obtain that

satis es

e proof is complete since

is never empty. We checked it. If
, then
is the bidual of
not re exive [32, 33]. Hence, there exists
. For
arbitrary, we consider
such that
. De ne
. Since is nonincreasing, we have



of the development at zero converge to

([31, Proposition 1.2], [19, Proposition 4]) and

is closed. Hence, there are
and a subsequence

, we have that


of complex numbers smaller than 1 such that

and this last space is

such that


us, on the contrary that with the concrete examples of dual spaces
considered in the previous section (
), in
the de nition of the corresponding spaces of vector-valued functions in the weak sense are not consistent with the natural de nition. For
linearization for these spaces with the weak de nition, we refer to the work of Carando and Zalduendo [11].
In view of Proposition 14, one could expect that the analogous extensions of eorems 10 and 12 are possible for
to have the Schur property. is is not the case as the following example shows.
Example 17. Let
Consider that

be the unit ball of a Banach space , and let

, then the following applies.


. Fix



is required


and for each

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for each

Proof. To prove (a), we observe that



. Let


is increasing for

such that

; hence,


. For each

, since

, we have

such that for each

From (30), (31), and

, we obtain that

Remark 18. e same computation as in Example 17(b) shows that for

satis es that


the function

4. Spaces of Weighted Compact Range Vector-Valued Holomorphic Functions

In this section, we consider the natural extension to the weighted case of the vector-valued compact holomorphic functions introduced by Aron
and Schottenloher in [34] by means of the weak de nition, that is, for an open and connected subset of a Banach space , a closed subspace
, and a Banach space , we de ne that

In case
is nite dimensional, the space
is the space of holomorphic functions such that is continuous in the Alexandro
compacti cation
. Hence,
in this case. If
is in nite dimensional, the inclusion
is strict in general. Observe that if is the unit ball and vanishes at on , then
We check that this (weak) de nition agrees with the natural de nition when is the unit ball of
holomorphic and uniformly continuous functions on , that is, we want to show that

Assume that

is relatively compact, there exists a weak

satis es that
of 0 such that

Let one assume that


, and therefore,

for each

. Since

. Given

, since

is uniformly continuous on

, and


the space of the

, there exists

such that

Given two locally convex spaces and , we denote by

its -product of Schwartz, that is, the space of all linear and continuous mappings
, endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of .
is endowed with the topology
of uniform convergence on the convex compact subsets of . e -product is symmetric by means of the transpose mapping [27, 43.3(3)]. In

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case and being Banach spaces,

belongs to
if and only if is a compact operator which is weak*-weak continuous by [27,
43.3(2)]. e next theorem is the analogous of eorem 12 in the case of general Banach spaces of functions, not necessarily dual Banach spaces.
However, the techniques used here are dierent. e proof is analogous to the one given by Bierstedt and Holtmanns in [35] when the
linearization result is obtained in a much more general context, but we only require the function to be de ned in a sampling set.
eorem 19. Let
be a closed subspace of
, and let
weak*-dense subspace of . e following are equivalent.
satis es that
(ii) e linear mapping
(iii) can be extended to

be a sampling set for

is relatively compact in , and

admits an extension
admits an extension

. Let

be a Banach space, and let

for each

be a

Proof. If satis es (i), then the linear mapping

continuous, since the absolute convex hull of
relatively compact in , and the uniform convergence on de nes an equivalent topology in
. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, is dense
endowed with any topology such that
, that is, which respects the duality of
and , in particular, for
. Since
is a Banach space, we can extend it to
If (ii) is satis ed, then the transpose
subset of
([27, 43.3(2),(3)]). We de ne
. We conclude since

is weak*-weak continuous, and

maps the unit ball of
to a relatively compact
, since
for each
, and for each
, we have that
is in the unit ball of

Finally, that (iii) implies (i) is trivial.

Observe that, setting
in eorem 19, we obtain a linearization of the space
, which also can be obtained as a consequence of the
much more general linearization result given by Bierstedt in [14, Bemerkung 3.1] and [15, Corollary 3.94]. Example 15 shows that eorems 10
and 12 cannot be stated avoiding the condition of relative compactness on the range for general Banach spaces of holomorphic functions.
We nish showing that the weak de nition given in this section for

is consistent with the natural one, that is,

We use a similar argument to the one used by Bierstedt in [13, page 200] in a more general setting, including our case when
is nite
dimensional (i.e., putting compact instead of -bounded in the de nition of
). If
satis es that
for each
, then by the previous theorem, there exists
de ned by
which is weak*-weak continuous and such that
relatively compact. is implies that the restriction of to
is weak*-norm continuous. Let
. ere exists a weak* 0-neighbourhood in
such that
for every
. Let
be such that
. ere exists a
-bounded subset
such that
for each
. is yields that
, and consequently,
for every

e author wants to thank J. Bonet for several references, discussions, and ideas provided, which were very helpful and in particular allowed
him to prove eorem 7, Proposition 8, and Examples 15 and 16. Remark 4 is due to him. e participation of M. J. Beltrn in a lot of
discussions during all the work has also been very important. Her ideas are also re ected in the paper. e author is also indebted to L. Frerick
and J. Wengenroth for communicating to him Lemma 2. e remarks and corrections of the referee have been also really helpful to the nal
version. e author thanks him/her for that. is research was partially supported by MEC and FEDER Project MTM2010-15200, GV Project
ACOMP/2012/090, and Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacin y Desarrollo de la UPV PAID-06-12.

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