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Reading - Whales

Whales are mammals. They breathe air like us. They
rise to the surface of the water to breathe. They live in the
oceans of the world.
There are many different kinds of whales. Some are the
killer whale, humpback whale, sperm whale and gray
whale. They are some of the largest animals. The largest
whale is the blue whale. It can grow to be a hundred feet
long and weigh as much as 15 elephants. It is the largest
animal on earth.

Whales leap out of the water. They also dive and roll.
Whales dive to get food. Some whales can dive more
than a mile down!
Some whales are found in zoos, public aquariums, and
entertainment parks. These whales live in large glass
tanks. They learn things very easily. They are trained to
play with ball, leap, and dive down deep for certain

Answer "Yes" or "No"

Whales are fish.

Whales live in oceans and amusement parks.

A whale breathes air.
The largest whale is the blue whale.
Whales are too big to leap out of the water.
Some whales can dive two miles.
Whales dive and roll.
There are many different kinds of whales.

Complete with Simple Past

Once upon a time there (1).. (be) a boy

called Jack.He (2).. (live) with his
mother.They (3).. (be) very poor.All they
had (4).. (be) a cow.One morning,Jacks

mother (5).. (tell) him to take the cow

to the market and sell her.On the way Jack (6)
(meet) a man.He (7).. (give) Jack some
magic beans for the cow.Jack (8)..
(take) the beans and (9).. (go) back
home.When Jacks mother saw the beans she (10)
.. (be) very angry.She (11)
.. (throw) the beans out of the
window.The next morning,Jack (12)..
(look) out of the window.There (13)..
(be) a giant beanstalk.He (14).. (go)
outside and (15).. (start) to climb the
beanstalk.He (16).. (climb) up to the
sky through the clouds.Jack (17).. (see)
a beautiful castle.He (18).. (go) inside.
Jack (19).. (hear) a voice
Fee,fi,fo,fum! and .. (run) into a
cupboard.An enormous giant (20)..
(come) into the room and (21).. (sit)
down.On the table there (22).. (be) a
hen and a golden harp.Lay said the giant.The hen
(23).. (lay) an egg-it was made of
gold.Sing said the giant.The harp (24)
.. (begin) to sing.Soon the giant (25)
.. (be) asleep.Jack (26)..
(jump) out of the cupboard.He (27)..
(take) the hen and the harp.Suddenly the harp (28)
.. (sing) Help,master!.The giant (29)
.. (shout), Fee,fi,fo,fum!.Jack (30)
.. (run) and (31).. (start)
to climb down the beanstalk.The giant (32)
.. (come) down after him.Jack (33)

.. (shout) Mother,help! Jacks mother

(34).. (take) an axe and (35)
.. (chop) down the beanstalk.The giant
(36).. (fall) and (37)..
(crash) to the ground.Nobody ever (38)
.. (see) him again.With the golden eggs
and the magic harp Jack and his mother (39)
.. (live) happily ever after.

Complete with Simple Present

Hello everybody! My name .........(be) Stewie and

this .......(be) my family. My mothers name .......(be)
Louis.She .......(be) a housewife and she .......(be) 35
years old.She ..........(get up) at 7oclock every morning
and ................(prepare) breakfast.She ............(clean)
our house and ............(feed) our dog.She ...........(cook)
well.She .............(like) listening to the radio and
watching soap operas on TV,but she .............(not like)
washing our dog.She usually ............(meet) her friends
at home and she ..............(make) delicious
cakes.She .......(be) the best mom and I ............(love)
her very much. My fathers name .......(be)
Peter.He .......(be) 35 years old and he .......(be)
fat.He ..............(work) at a factory.The factory ............
(make) cars.My father .............(like) watching football

matches on TV but he cant play football.He

always ............(take) a shower at 7:30 and ...........
(leave) home at 8:30.He ...........(get on) the bus
and ...........(arrive) at the factory at 9 oclock.He
really .........(like) his job but he .........(not earn)
much.He ..........(come back) home at 7 oclock in the
evening and ..........(play) with me.I love him as well. I
have got a brother and a sister.Their names .......(be)
Meg and Chris.Meg .......(be) 13 years old and she .......
(be) a college student.She .......(be) very
intelligent.She ..........(study) 5 hours a day.She can
speak three languages,English,Russian and
Spanish.Chris ......(be) 15 years old and he .......(be) a
high school student.He .......(not be) very
intelligent.He .........(fail) all his Maths exams.He Fill in
the blanks using the correct form of the verbs in
brackets Copyright 2013. englishwsheets.com. All
rights reserved.2 always ..........(meet) his friends
and ............(ride) his bicycle.He never ...............(do) his
homework.He ..........(like) eating fast food but he ........
(not like) vegetables. Our dogs name .......(be) Brian.It
can speak well and walk on two legs.It ........(get up)
late.It .........(like) watching television and eating
meatballs but it ..........(hate) bathing.It never (catch)
cats because t .......(be) afraid of them. Every morning I
........(get up) at 7 oclock.I .........(wash) my face
and ............(brush) my teeth.Then,I ...........(get
dressed) and ..........(have) my breakfast.I usually ..........
(drink) milk or fruit juice but I never .......(drink)
tea.After breakfast I ..........(check) my schoolbag
and ................(say) Good Day to my parents.I ............
(leave) home at 8 oclock and ............(wait for) the

school bus for 10 minutes.I ..........(get on) the school

bus at 8:10.I ...........(listen) to music with my friends in
the bus.I ...........(arrive) at school at 8:30.School ..........
(start) at 8:40.I ........(listen) to my teachers carefully
and .........(study) alot.I .............(have) lunch at 12:10 in
the cafeteria.After school I ...........(go back) home by
bus and I ........(get off) the bus at 4 oclock.I ...........
(change) my clothes and .........(go out) at 4:30.I .........
(go) to the playground and .........(play) football with my
friends.We ..........(have) dinner at 8 oclock.After dinner
I .......(do) my homework and .........(watch) cartoons.I
usually ..........(read) a book between 9:30 and 10
oclock.I rarely ..........(write) a letter to my aunt in
Manchester.I .........(like) drawing pictures and painting
them.I always .........(go) to bed at 10:30.I love my
family. Copyright 201

Put in order
2. uncle-car-got-blue-Peter's-a-has
3. any-are-oranges-basket-there-the-not-in
4. Julia-not-teachers-Sarah-and-are
5. got-have-we-money-any-not-us-with
6. in-there-pencilcase-are-the-any-pencils?

7. is-daughter-Mrs.Harrod's-Talia-and-Mr.
8. her-got-dolls-has-she-a lot of-room-in
9. at-party-is-big-weekend-there-a-the

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