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Youhanabad is an area in Lahore, Pakistan. It is the largest majority Christian area in the city. A
2006 report put the number of inhabitants at 200,000, [1] while it was reported byDAWN in 2015 that
the area was home to at least 100,000 Christians.

Two churches were attacked on 15 March 2015, a Sunday, by suicide bombers. At least 15 people,
including two policemen, were killed and 78 injured, 30 of them critically. The militant Islamist
group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar said they were behind the attacks. A mob also killed two who they suspected

were involved. The mob burn them alive.

Why, the Christiane community burned the two men alive? There is the big question mark !
Today the man has forgot that how should they tolerate others in their surroundings for the sake of
huamity. In this era it has become difficult day by day for people to tolerate others in any matter.
People even cannot tolerate the one to whom they dont like , and they dont even want a look to
that person.They start to detest that person if they are present in their surroundings without any
reason. Because of this intolerance peace and prosperity of a society has destroyed.
The above mention incidence of Youhanabad also reflects the immorality of a Christian society that
is intolerance .The Christians community cannot tolerate the Muslims as a result they show their
weird behavior towards them. All religions are for the peace but today there is nothing for peace.
Because all the religion teach us about the humanity. And where there is no tolerance how there can
be humanity!

Student shot dead by ex-minister s son in

LAHORE (Dunya News) Former minister of state Siddique Kanju s son, Mustafa Kanju
allegedly opened indiscriminate fire on a crowd in Cavalry Ground killing a 13-year-old
student Zain and injuring a pedestrian. According to the details, Mustafa was allegedly drunk
driving when he hit a car upon which the people around criticised him. He went back home
and brought his guards and opened fire on the people. Resultantly, the only brother of three
sisters, 13-year-old Zain was killed. The police reached the spot after learning about the
news and arrested Mustafa s guards. The police is carrying out raids to arrest Mustafa who

absconded the crime scene. The student s body has been sent for autopsy while the police
have registered a case and started investigations into the matter.
The above mentioned incidence also reflects intolerance in society. As there is no
enmity between Zain and Mustafa kanju, but a matter of intolerance. Mustafa kanju could
not how patience towards a 13 years old guy when accidentally he hit Mustafas car.
This shows that today man because of his status see the others with humbleness and even
underestimates others.

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