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A. Background
We pick-up problem of AIDS in this paper we want to know more
about all things related to the AIDS problem. As well as all we know,
AIDS is a disease that has no cure and no vacine that can prevent the
HIV virus attacks, so that this disease is one of the disease that is very
dangerous to human life both now and future. Beside AIDS can also lead
to the suffering, both in terms of physcal and mental. Perhaps you have







about how miserable a person which has suffering from AIDS. In temrs
of physical suffering is possible, do not look directly because we can see
the new symptoms after a few months. But in terms of mental people
who has knew him will feel the AIDS disease of prolonged agony. All this
indicates that the problem of AIDS is a major problem of all our lives.
With these consideration and the reasons why we as students, as part
of community members and as the nations next generation feel they need
to pay attention about it. Therefore we discuss it in this paper.
B. Theological Problem
Formulation of the problem is the formulation is prepared to
understand what and how the problem under study. In accordance with
the title of this paper, namely HIV/AIDS. So, we have several
formulations of the problem, they are:
1. What is the definition about HIV/AIDS?
2. What is dangers of HIV/AIDS?
3. What are the signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS?

4. How is the pathophysiologi of AIDS?

5. How HIV/AIDS transmitted?
6. How is about the high group risk of infected with HIV/AIDS?
7. How is the way to prevent the HIV/AIDS?
8. How is pandemic of AIDS in the world and in Indonesia?
9. What are the treatment of AIDS?
C. Research Objectives
As our goal to raise the issue of AIDS in this paper is to riview and
find out what exactly is AIDS, why does AIDS need special attention, and
what are the sympytoms. in adition we also want to know how the
tranmission of AIDS, anyone who is likely to catch AIDS, as well as
every thing that relate with AIDS.
D. Benefits Of Writing
The benefits that we want to achieve is for providing information to
readers, particularly for fellow students and young people about AIDS,
and thus we are all trying to avoid anything that might cause AIDS.
Although the information we provide through this paper only a small and
probably still has flaws, but at least the contents of this paper can serve as
clause to find out AIDS it self.
E. Method Of Writing
In making its report, the author uses a descriptive method of writing to
describe or explain what is formulated in the problem.

F. Data Collection Technique


The technique used by authors in the collection of data that is looking

for information on the internet and download it.

A. Definition
HIV( Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus) is a virus that lives only in
the human body, which can damage the human immune system.
AIDS( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of
various symptoms due to lower immunity caused by infection with the
HIV virus.
AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV, the illness alters
damages the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to
infection and diseases.
B. Dangers Of AIDS
The people which have been suffering from the AIDS virus will
become carriers and the transmitters of AIDS during his life, although do
not feel sick but look so health. AIDS is also said to be a dangerous
disease because until now there is no cure or vaccine that can prevent the
AIDS virus. Also people who are infected with the AIDS virus will feel
the mental pressure and anguish because most people arround them will
isolate or keep away from them. And the suffering because of AIDS will
increase the cost of treatment.
C. Signs and Symptoms of AIDS
There is no special sign for someone who has AIDS, but in general can
describe someone who has been affected by HIV / AIDS, such as weight
loss drastically, prolonged illness, fungal infections of the mouth and
throat, and swollen lymph nodes throughout the body.

Someone who has AIDS, have symptoms such as a decrease in the

immune system that eventually will disappear. There are the phases of the
symptoms of AIDS below:
a. Initial Phase
The initial stages of HIV infection no signs and symptoms suspicious,
this phase lasts for 2-4 weeks after a person is infected with HIV.
Perceived symptoms are the body's normal response to the entry of the
infection into the body. The symptoms include: fever, chills, redness of
the skin, night sweats, pains in muscles and joints, sore throat,
enlarged lymph nodes, canker sores, etc.
However, these symptoms are not specific for HIV infection. In some
people do not even feel the symptoms.
b. Stadium chronic or latent phase.
This phase begins after the initial phase symptoms disappear until
shortly before symptoms appear opportunistic infections. In this phase,
a person does not feel any symptoms. He feel fine. In this phase, the
amount of the virus has not been much. However, in the body, the
actual virus continues to multiply. This phase can last for a few months
to 10 years.
c. Stage AIDS. When the number of viruses have been very much and
weakens the body's defense system, the patient experienced a wide
variety of opportunistic infections and AIDS-pass phase. Symptoms
are often complain of fever, lethargy, diarrhea, mouth sores, nausea,
night sweats, and weight loss. In addition, patients also experience
symptoms of infection oporunistik like:
a) Tuberculosis, symptoms: coughing up blood, night sweats, fever,
weight loss;
b) Infection encephalitis, symptoms: headache severe enough, fever,
c) Fungal infections of the mouth, the symptoms: sore mouth, looks
whitish attached to the tongue, and so on.
D. Pathophysiology

The important function of T cells in the "turn on" all the power of
lymphocytes and macrophages, make helper T cells can be considered as
a "primary key" immune system. AIDS virus invade and destroy the T
cells that normally most of the events leading to the immune response.
This virus also attacks macrophages, which further cripple the immune
system, and sometimes also entered into brain cells, causing dementia are
found in most patients with AIDS.
In the body of people living with HIV, the virus particles join the DNA
of cells of patients, so that one person is infected with HIV, a lifetime it
would remain infected. Of all people infected with HIV, most of the
developing entered the stage of AIDS in the first 3 years, 50% progressed
to AIDS after 10 years, and after 13 years of almost all HIV-infected
people show symptoms of AIDS, and then died. Resulting symptoms are
fever, painful swallowing, swelling of the lymph nodes, rash, diarrhea, or
cough. After an acute infection, asymptomatic HIV infection begins
(without symptoms). Asymptomatic period generally lasts for 8-10 years.
At the time people with HIV infection still feel healthy, no clinical
symptoms, at the time it occurs high HIV replication, 10 particles per day.
Along with the replication of HIV, occur with high CD4 lymphocyte
destruction, fortunately the body still can compensate by producing CD4
lymphocytes around 109 every day.

E. Transmission of AIDS
The AIDS virus is not contagious like influenza virus. We do not too
alienting or keep away from people with AIDS because it will not be
transmitted by the ways below:
a. Living at home with people with AIDS (origin not having sexual

b. Touch or shake hands with an infected person.

c. In Contact with clothes and other isolated people with AIDS.
d. Eating and Drinking with the same glass or plate.
e. Bites of mosquitoes and other insects.
f. Equally swim in the pool.
The AIDS can occur and transmitted through the following ways:
a. Sexual intercourse with someone who has HIV.
b. Tranfusion of blood containing the HIV virus.
c. Through syringes, acupuncture, tatto and piercing equipment already
in use people with the AIDS virus.
d. The relationship of prenatal, namely the transfer of the virus from
pregnant mothers who suffered from AIDS to the fetus.
F. High Risk Group Of Infected With Aids
a. They who are often having sexual intercourse outside marriage, such
as female and male prostitutes and their clients. Those who have a
sexual partner, for example: homo sex ( intercourse with other man ) ,
and besexual ( sexual intercourse with other woman ) , transvestites
and pimps.
b. Recipients of blood transfusions.
c. Babies who born from mothers which has suffering from the AIDS
d. Injection of narcotic addicts.
e. Pairs of people with AIDS.
G. The Prevention of HIV/AIDS
There are two ways to prevent HIV/AIDS, there are:
a. Medical Prevention
a) Not having sexual intercourse with someone who is not partner.
b) Consider drug Truvada for reducing the risk of HIV infection and
others infectious diseases. But use of this drug should be a doctor's
consent and must go through a medical examination.
c) Avoid the use of drugs and needles in turn.
d) If you are HIV-positive, you probably will transmit to your baby,
the risk can be reduced by treatment during pregnancy.
e) Circumcision or can be known by Sunat for man, this can
reduce the risk of HIV.

f) Always use medical devices are sterilized.

g) Not tattooed part of your body.
h) Vigilant use of needles when a blood transfusion.
b. Social Approach of Prevention
Social approach, can be done by:
a) Religion approach
The more confident person against his religion the less the risk of
social problems. This approach can play a role in the prevention of
free sex and drug abuse that can lead to the problem of HIV / AIDS.
b) Legal Approach
Through legal approach are the rules on the distribution and drug
abuse (the cause of HIV / AIDS) with a clear sentence (eg prison).
This will make people afraid, because the law is "binding".
c) Journalistic Approach
The topics covered in both the print and electronic media, is quite
influential in the prevention of social problems. For example, a
presentation on drug trafficking arrests, deaths of people with
AIDS, and other related matters. Can also prevent the spread of the
virus and HIV disease mainly through drugs and casual sex.
H. Pandemic of HIV/AIDS
This is the country with the highest HIV-AIDS sufferers in the world
In 2011, there were approximately 35 million people infected by the virus
and the epidemic. The African continent has the highest amount as a
result of high levels of poverty, so that access to health care is minimal.
Many countries are minimal number of institutions to monitor the spread
of HIV. Here is a list of 10 countries with the highest HIV infection HIVAids Patients 10 Largest Countries. The country is: South Africa, Nigeria,
India, Kenya, Mozambik, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Uganda, United States of
America, and Swaziland.

There are 79 priority areas where the AIDS epidemic is being spread.
The area reaches eight provinces: Papua, West Papua, North Sumatra,
East Java, Jakarta, Riau Islands, West Java and Central Java.
Approximately 170,000 to 210,000 of the 220 million people in
Indonesia HIV / AIDS. Estimates of the overall prevalence was 0.1% in
the whole country, with the exception of Papua province, where the
epidemic is estimated to reach 2.4%, and the main mode of transmission
is through unprotected sexual intercourse.
The number of deaths from AIDS in Indonesia is estimated at 5,500.
The epidemic is mainly concentrated among drug users through needle
and intimate partner, people who engaged in prostitution and their
customers, and men who have sex with men. Since June 30, 2007, 42% of
reported AIDS cases transmitted through heterosexual contact and 53%
through the use of illicit drugs.


Medical Treatment
a) Control of Opportunistic Infections
Aiming eliminate, control, and recovery of opportunistic
infections, nasokomial, or sepsis, such as: Tuberculosis,
Toxoplasmosis, CMV, Fungal Candida.
b) Therapy AZT (Azidothymidine)
Approved by the FDA (1987) for the use of effective antiviral
drug AZT for AIDS, these drugs inhibit the replication of antiviral
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) by inhibiting the enzyme
inverting traskriptase.
c) New Antiviral Therapy
Several new antiviral increase the activity of the immune system
by inhibiting viral replication / break the chain of virus
reproduction in the process. These medications are:
- Didanosine
- Ribavirin
- Diedoxycytidine
- Recombinant Soluble CD4
d) Virus Vaccines and Reconstruction
Reconstruction efforts and vaccine immune to such agents such as
interferon, the critical care nurse specialized units can use the
expertise in the nursing process and research to support the
understanding and success of AIDS therapy.

Psychological Treatment, including:

Personal care and appreciated
Having someone to talk to about his problems
Honest answers from the environment
Medical follow-up
Reducing barriers to treatment
Education / counseling about their condition


A. Conclusion
HIV( Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus) is a virus that lives only in
the human body, which can damage the human immune system.
AIDS( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of
various symptoms due to lower immunity caused by infection with the
HIV virus.
AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV, the illness alters
damages the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to
infection and diseases.
So the conclusion is that HIV / AIDS has no cure, it means that we
must avoid the causes of AIDS, such as customs-free sex, sharing needles,
homosexsuals, bisexsuals, and people who frequently changing sexual
partners and sexual relations outside marriage. And remember, fighting
the disease is not the people.
B. Advice
a. We should always draw closer to God, and tried to shy away from
things that can cause AIDS.
b. Do not engage in sexual relations outside marriage (adultery), and do
not have multiple sexual partners.
c. For young people, stay away from drugs, especially narcotics through
a syringe, tattoo equipment, piercing earrings, and the like that could


















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