Topnotch Waiver Oath and Checklist April 2015 PDF

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read carefully before signing

Enrolment is not considered complete unless this form is carefully read and signed.


_______________________________________________________, hereby acknowledge my free and voluntary enrollment at the Board Preparation
and Review Program (the Program) administered by TOPNOTCH MEDICAL BOARD PREP, INC. (TOPNOTCH), and further
manifest that:

I fully understand that the nature and scope of the Program as a supplemental review program for medical students. The
Program retains advisors who instruct their students on certain areas of medicine based on their clinical expertise and an analysis
of current trends in the Board Examinations conducted by the Philippine Regulatory Commission (the Board Exams).

Hence, I am fully aware that TOPNOTCH will not conduct a complete review of all clinical and
theoretical medical material. Instead, TOPNOTCH only provides an assisted means to direct attention to material
deemed important by its advisors.

I also acknowledge and am fully aware that passing examinations, including but not limited to the
Board Exams, is primarily conditioned upon the students diligence in studying.

I fully understand that TOPNOTCH does not guarantee my obtaining a passing score in any examination, including but not
limited to the Board Exams. Hence, I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue TOPNOTCH, their respective
administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, advisors, and employees, other participants, any sponsors,
advertisers, and owner and lessors of the premises in which the Program takes place (each considered one of the RELEASES
herein), from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by
the negligence of the RELEASES, including but not limited to a claim for liability against the RELEASES as a result of my failure to
pass the Board Exams, should said event occur.

I acknowledge that the scheduled lectures and lecturers may change without prior notice.

I agree and covenant not to participate in any form of cheating, misrepresentation, or dishonesty in preparing for and
taking medical examinations, including but not limited to the Board Exams, including the dissemination and sharing of any form of
material connected illicitly with medical examinations, including but not limited to the Board Exams, with any person. I hereby
release and discharge TOPNOTCH from all responsibility and liability, including but not limited to cross-claims and third-party
claims, on account of a violation on my part of the duty specified in this provision.

I agree and covenant not to misbehave or pursue unruly behavior while attending the Program or while in the proximity
of the Programs premises. I agree to follow the rules and regulations set forth by Topnotch. I acknowledge the right and
prerogative of TOPNOTCH, their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, advisors, and employees to eject me from the
Programs premises should I misbehave or if I do not follow the Topnotch Rules and Regulations.

I agree to attend the lectures of the Program and take the examinations (including quizzes, module exams, mock board
exams, among others) that the Topnotch team has prepared for me. I understand that all these are meant for my use, for my
learning, and for increasing my ability to prepare for the Boards.

I agree to participate in the efforts of the Topnotch Support Team to create a nurturing environment for my learning. I
covenant to be open to them and participate in the one on one sessions they have prepared in my behalf.

I have read this Waiver and Agreement, fully understand its terms, and have signed it freely and without inducement or
assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and agree that if any portion of this Waiver and Agreement is held to be
invalid the remainder, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.

I understand that Topnotch has reserved the right to discontinue my review should I be found by the board to be in
violation with any of the terms and conditions stated above.


Signature above Full Name


Date: ___________________

Oath of Integrity & Excellence

I,_______________________________________, from (Medical school, year of graduation) _____________________________________________
___________________________________________ do solemnly swear to uphold the highest standards of integrity both in my
preparation for the Physician Licensure Exams and in my taking of the Boards. I vow to never participate in any form
of cheating and to never compromise my integrity. I will study hard, put in the work required, and ensure that I attain
the title of Doctor in an honest and truthful way.

I will follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Board of Medicine and maintain good conduct before, during
and after the medical board exams.

I know TOPNOTCH is here to assist me but I take full responsibility for my learning. I know I face a formidable
challenge ahead of me, but I am confident that it is surmountable with hard work, skill, and study. I therefore
endeavor to do my best to study so I can achieve my goal.

I dedicate myself in the next few months to systematic, disciplined and motivated study. I dedicate myself to pursuit
of excellence.

I offer my future license to my God, my family, my loved ones, and to my countrymen.

I declare before you and before my God my oath of integrity and excellence.

So help me God.


Signature Above Printed Full Name

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