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Advanced Leadership Course

PGP-II, 5th. Semester
Course Outline Part A
24 & 25 September 2013
Instructors: MP Eshwar and Manab Bose

A. Course Description.
This inaugural part will bring intense reflective focus on the personal Leadership challenges of each
student. The purpose of these reflective inputs will be to build capabilities of inquiry, curiosity, flexibility,
and involvement.

1. The course will begin with building awareness about the significance of Emotional Intelligence.
The session will be conducted by MP Eshwar on 24 September 2013, from 0830 am to 1145am.

2. Following this opening session on 24 , you will complete on-site these tests from 12 noon to
Learning Skills Inventory (LSI),
Leadership Styles (David McClelland), and
Conflict Management (Thomas Kilmann)
3. You will also commence writing up your Personal Vision Statement cum Action Plan, and bring it
on 25 September 2013 at 830am for presentation to the full Class and discussion.

B. Learning Objectives.
1. Based on the test scores, I would have formed the small-groups based on heterogeneity of
leadership and conflict-handling styles, and shall announce this on 25 .

2. We will also discuss the implications for each individual about her/his membership in these
small-group Leadership clusters from 1015 am to 1145am, and firm up the small-groups.

3. With this out of the way, we shall get down to discuss (12 noon to 130 pm on 25 .) the
challenges in each Project that will be undertaken by each small-group. You will need to

MLSU Campus, Udaipur-313001| email:director@iimu.ac.in| Tel.No.91-0294-2477101/Fax:91-02942477122|website:www.iimu.ac.in

study and develop an understanding of local history, culture, behavior, and economy of the
parent country that impacts the MNC / Indian organization locally.

C. Pre-Requisite Reading.
You will need to come prepared for Part A with a thorough reading of the following:
1. Working with Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman
2. Management and the Learning Process, by David Kolb, Case Western University (Paper),
3. Experiential Learning Theory and The Learning Style Inventory: A Reply to Freedman and
Stumpf, by David Kolb (Paper),
4. Bargaining Styles and Negotiation: the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument in
Negotiation Training (Paper)
5. The Socio-Cognitive Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ideation, by Robert M. Gemmell, Richard J.
Boland, David Kolb (Paper)
6. The Achievement Motive, by David McClelland (Paper)
7. International HRM: A Cross-Cultural Approach, by Terence Jackson
8. Human Resource Management: An International Comparison, ed. By R. Pieper
9. Cultures Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations
across Nations, by G. Hofstede
10. Learning to Lead: A Workbook on Becoming a Leader, by Warren Bennis & Joan Goldsmith
11. Understanding Organizations, by Charles Handy
12. Organization Culture and Leadership, by Edgar Schein
The papers will be emailed to you on or before 16 September 2013.

D. Evaluation & Grading of Part A.

Your grade for this part of the course will be determined based on your presentations in Part B,
about your Personal Vision/Action Plan and your understanding of the country that you will be
required to study in your small-group. This will happen for each group on 08 & 09 October 2013
MANAB BOSE / 06 September 2013.

MLSU Campus, Udaipur-313001| email:director@iimu.ac.in| Tel.No.91-0294-2477101/Fax:91-02942477122|website:www.iimu.ac.in

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