Celebrity Endorsement With Pros and Cons: To Elif AKAGÜN ERGİN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Management Ali Furkan ERTEKİN, 200732042

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Endorsement with
Pros and Cons

To Elif AKAGN ERGN, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Ali Furkan ERTEKN, 200732042

The study takes into account using celebrities in advertesing, advantages
and disadvantages of celebrity endorsement. This issue focuses on three
different brand topic with four different face of brand. Each topic has been
selected from different markets and industries by taking into account
comparability of with Turkey and international market. Each topic is
examined consedering celebrity effectiveness in advertesing the brand, fit
between celebrity and brand. Each selected brand topic involves
comparasions between its national and local usages.

Capital Magazine says according to
resarches, using in advertesing reached to
fifty percent in world advertesing market, this
rate is seventy percent in turkey. I do not
believe this rates, if this rates were true, two
of three advertesing that we see on TV would
involve a celebrity. Neverthless celebrity
endorsment has a wide-spread usage in
advertesing industry. This is not a new trend,
celebrity endorsment is as old as advertesing history.
The trade cards which involves a picture of the
celebrity and product describtion are one of the first
sample of celebrity endorsment. Also celebrity
endorsment has been used for a long time by brand
and firms in Turkey. Brands have taken advantage of
celebrities so as to sell their products, introduce a
new product of brand, create a good brand image in
consumers mind, gain trust of consumers.

PepsiCo and Its Spokespersons

Pepsi is one of the famous firms that using
celebrity face in commercials. Pepsi used many
famous public image as face of pepsico brand
in United States of America and it is going on.
They are not only famous in America but also
famous in world. For instance, Micheal Jackson
from 1984 to 1993, Britney Spears, Beyonce,
Nicki Minaj etc. The last one of these is musical
group One Direction. Pepsi uses this advertesing strategy in its all local
markets with local celebrities, Asia, Austuralia, Europe countries, also Turkey.
Burak zivit is the last face of Pepsico Turkey.
I will compare and conrast the pros and cons of the advertesing stratgey
of Pepsi in America and Turkey. While Pepsi choosing the celebrities in USA
that will be face of its brand, it considers that chosen famous is currently
popular, is loved by majority and symbolises
relaibility for public. These criterias are valid for
Turkey, too. We can accept that Pepsi is good at
its advertesing in America. Pepsi is so
successfull with using celebrities in advertesing
that people wonder and guess who will be next
face of Pepsi. It doesnt use celebrities not only
in its commercials but also in the celebritys
concerts, social responsibility campaigns, even
the package of products. Pepsi has reached a
great success with using one direction among teenagers in world. Even if it
hasnt been published in Turkey, it has gained more interest in social media
than advertesiment of Pepsi for Turkey. Pepsi coudnt create a steady
famous image in Turkey. As well as Buark zivit, Pepsi worked with Seda
Sayan, Kenan mirzalolu, Hlya Avar. These advertesiments lasted for
short periodis and they were forgetten easily by public. I think Pepsi couldnt
reach the public image it wanted with these celebrities.

H&M with David Beckham

H&M, Swedish multinational retail-clothing company has relationship with
David Beckham for a long time. David Beckhams relationship with H&M was
that he had products own his own in H&M
with a hugely successful bodywear range
until this year.
In 2015, H&M expands David Beckham
collaboration and starts a new campaign.
David chosed his favorite menswear
from the Modern Essantial Colleciton of
H&M. Also he modelled with these pieces
for H&M. A comment for this campaign is that
doesn't make H&M clothing look good, he
makes it look great." Especially in abroad
famous people are the face of luxury
fashion brands, for instance Emma Watson
Burberry, Brad Pitt for Chanel No:5, Scarlett Johansson for Dolce&Gabbana. If
a brand use famous and prosperous person for a cheap product, it may not
be beleiveble because public may consider that the celebrity wont prefer
the cheap product. H&M is not a luxury brand, their products have a price
under avarage. H&M succeed the hard one. David Beckham could catch his
own style with H&Ms colleciton. People rely on his style. It provides relaibility
for consumers. It is a successfull celebrity endorsment by all means.

Mavi Jeans and Serenay Sarkaya

The relationship between Serenay Sarkaya and Mavi Jeans for this year is
smilar with the unity of David Beckham and H&M. For instance, as David
Beckham, Serenay choosed pieces for Mavi Jeans and they have been
presented with the name of The ones Serenay choosed. Serenay Sarkaya
is am famous person whose style is reliable and role model for public
especially for teenagers. Also Mavi Jeans appeals the youngs. This
advertesing campaign have reached its aim and its successfull.
Until now, Mavi jeans worked with many celebrities. Most of them were
good. But it couldnt gain this success with them as it gained with Serenay
Sarkaya. In the past, Adriana Lima was the face of Mavi Jeans for a while.

Although Adriana Lima is more famous than Serenay in the world, t couldnt
be as successfull as current advertesing campaign with Serenays. In the
advertesiments of local markets, using Turkish celebrities is more effective
than using foreign ones. For example once upon a time, DeFacto used Paris
Hilton as a face of its brand with great expenses. Neverthless, Defacto
couldnt have effect it wanted on consumers. This advertesiments didnt
appeal to the consumers since its not credible. Many of consumers dont
even remember this advertisement now. This can be a good example for
usage of unproper celebrity for brand.

In conclusion, I can say that usage of celebrities on advertisement has a
positive effect on consumers preferences in general but whether this effect
is great or tiny is depends on absolutly the relationship of appropriate
celebrity for the product. Using celebrities is highly costly for brands and as a
result of the unappropriate celebrity failure, these is a little return for the big
While using celebrity is more benefical for big campaigns of brands, shortterm advertesiments can be forgotten easily and quickly or the celebrity can
shadow the brand so people remember not the brand but the celebrity.
Instead of this, the same benefit can be supplied with little budgets and not
famous brand faces.
While choosing celebrity for local markets, multinational companies as the
sample of Pepsi in the study should know the country well and also should
survey about who is proper for the advertisement.

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